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ft;:' ■ PUBLIC? NOTICES mR AKSI?OBT- 'LICENSING- ACT, 1931. .TKOTICE OF meetings; OF No. 1 TRANSPORT LICIASLNCx authority. ■DnKiir Sittings of the No. 1 _ Transport T'Sn-imr Authority will be held in tue fol"KSfnz nlaces (or the purpose of hearing any relating to the following applications Continuous Goods and Passenger Service j irenres Particulars obtainable from the SecBoxllX7. Auckland. All applicants for licences must be present or represented. COURTHOUSE, KAIKOHE 10 a.m. oil _ Mav 29. 11)45.—Goods Services— S?new&- Hon. Minister of Railways. 267; i .Kerikeri Central, Li; Arlidge 'AJJS Rugseli 1812; Bainbridge. B. R.. KaiP hj«" bv Baker H. F.. Kaikohe, 97 j. Bay islands Transport Co.. Ltd., Ohaeawai. 41; wicev V. 8., Awarua. 818: Bumlicli, M„ 1474 Harris. N. and P., Okaihau, ?s7B lienare and Tipene. Motatau. 1690; lien arc K.. Molatan, 13o2; Huline, A. R.. nkailiau 1399; Jamieson. A. Met., Paihia, i-Hi fobuston, R. D.. Moerewa, 525; Kaikohe Co#*ifs' Co.. Ltd.; Kaikohe. 135; t mvdd T B-, Kaikohe. 078: McGarry VV. t Kaikohe i'l'-'S; Nisbet. J. S., Kaikohe. In. »na; S. R.. Kaikohe. 1047: Penney, r S Kaikohe, 3D; Penney. J., Okaihau. 3;>: fowsell A J Okaihau. 22; Sharp and Yi®nd jiawakawa. 104; George, G. H.. WaiK; 168S; Daisley. K. R-. Kawakawa. 17o3: rhprrinirton, M? B-, Kawakawa, Steadman Bros Pokapu, 1652; Stewart, N., lvaikohe. 1667; Taylor! E. D.. Kawakawa. 200; I'ioene R.> Motatau, 1031; Webb, A. E., Kaikohe SS; Wilkinson. W. M.. Kaikohe. 837: Yendell, J. A.. Kerikeri. 1535; Zivkovich "Licences—Renewals: Nehua E.; nkaihau "4/1/170: Caution, H. J., Kaikohe, ll' Davison, L- C. G Kaikohe, 180; bolter. TI N Paihia, 268; Morris. J. ft., Opua. 308; Tiibbs', C. 0.. Kerikeri Central, 78; Pearson, W 1.. Ohaeawai. 251; Parson. W. A., Ohaeawai'26l: W.vatt, J.. kaikohe. 110: McGarry. W J fvaikohe, 346; Hitcbon, C. 8., Jvaikohe. 4O'i; Cherrinsrton. W., Kawakawa. 159; Doel B. (>-. Moerewa, 141; E. V. Kails, Lid.. Towai, 125; N. and P. Harris, Okaihau, 14(. Passenger Sepuee —Renewal: Pearson \V. I Ohaeawai. OS; King. S., haikohe, 363;; Burling. H. A., Kawakawa, 564. _ Goods Services.—Amendments: Nisbet, J. £ Kaikohe. 60—-additional vehicle auth-, orlty; Penney, J., . Okaihau—additional •vehicle authority for trailer. 35; Stewart. A., Maiauri Bay—one additional vehicle authority 1867; Mormngside limber Co.. Ltd Auckland. 920 —one additional vehicle autn°rlTsransfer.—Sorenson's Motors. Ltd., Hop. & B to McGarry. W. J.. Kaikohe, G/S._ New Applications.—Kaikohe Co-op. Dairy To Lid , 135; Hibbert, W. J. E., Moerewa. 1790; Collins, E. A.. Kerikeri, 1791: Winthroo F., Paihia. 1337; Palmer. \\.. Wliangarei. 1103; Miles. J. L.. Moerewa, llh3; s E. Fuller and Sons. Ltd., Russell, 1092. Passenger Service.—New Application: Jerkovic I. J.. Kaikohe, (192. Ta\icab Licences. —Transfers: Cantlon. H. J to Downie, J. M.. Kaikohe, 122; McGarry. W J„ to Lloydd. A. B„ Kaikohe. 346. Xew Applications.—White, D. 0.. Kaikohe, Wilson N. E.. Kaikohe. 460; Adam. T. Pupuke, via Kneo, 389. , Ancillary Users. —New Applications: Jerkovic I- J-. Kaikohe; Emanuel. A. R., Kerikeri; Jenkins, S. H.. Puketona; Mornmgside Timber Co.. Ltd.. Auckland: Cameron. C. H.. Russell. COURTHOUSE, WHANGAREI. at 8 a.m. on Thursday, May 31. 1915. Note: Renewal applications ONLY will be dealt with on May 81. oilier applications on June 1. • Goods Services. —Renewals: Ace, J.. Whanirarei, 25/1/17: Alexander, E. A.. Pakotai, 63; Arena Bros., Nukutawhiti. 87; Babich, M. Ruakaka. 1700; Boswell. T.. Hikurangi, 74; Carter, D. K., Oakleigh. 1693: Clark, C. F., Maromaku, 254; Clenienls, V. L.. Malaiwiri, 157: Edge, G.. Maungatapere, 414; Ex-lev, W. E. S:; Waikiekie. 1864; Ferguson. J). J'-, Whangarei, 32; Flower, W. S v Whatgarei, 111; Ford, S. F„ Htktirangi, 330; Germane. L., Kokopu. 1457; Good H. 8.. Tutukaka, 346; Hamilton Bros.. Ilikurangi, 483; Hardie Bros., Ltd.. Whangarei, 128; Mcßreen. W. J., Whangarei, 1443; MxCulloch. J. L., Whangarei 152: McKay, H R. J„ Whangarei, 1719; O'Callaghan. ,F. W., Hikurangi, 229: Ott, P.; Whangarei, 94; . Peter Bros.. Whangaruru South. 53.;: Prescott G. 0.. Onerahi, 1703; E. V. Ralls, Ltd.. Towai. 27; Reti, G„ Whangaruru South, i 1737; Rowsell, F. M., Whangarei, 25; Ruatangata Lime Co., Ltd.. Whangarei, 1002: Ruff, D. W. L.. Kamo, 26: Runciman and Bovii, Whangarei. 2619; Tapper, P. P.. Whangarei, 237: Unkovich 1.. Whangarei, 1/31; D. McL. Wallace OVhangarei). Ltd., W/hangarei 977; Boswell. T„ Hikurangi. 74; Henwood, A. J.. Hukerenui, 24; Hikurangi Dairy Co. Ltd.. 132; Dave Hill and Sons, Ltd., Whangarei. 45; Hut-chings, F. J. v Whangarei, 1403; Kamo Collieries, Ltd.. Kamo, 2182; Kennedy. G. J., Waiotira, 176; H V. Kerr and Co., Ltd.. Whangarei, 2215; Kruger, C. A., Whangarei, 142; Lamb, A. R.. Parua Bay. 1872; Linnell. J. J. 8.. Maungatapere. 225; C, R. Lovatt and Son, Ltd.. Whangarei, 602; Mac Donald, R. E. J.. Kamo, 1; Magill, C., Whangarei, 156; Marshall and Belton, Ltd.. Hikurangi. 271; Miller. J. J.. Mangapai, 234; Moore. G„ Hikurangi. 1840; Moore, W. J., Waiotira, 1221; Wallace Bros., Towai, 137: Webb. D. J., Taurikura. 1673: Wedge, J., hikurangi, 500; Whangarei Bakeries, i Ltd.. Whangarei, 203; Whansrarei Co-op ; ngarei. 117; Wilkinson, E., Kamo, 1590. Taxicab Licences. —Renewals: Little, J., Hikurangi, 21/1/167: Copeland, D. C., Whansrarei, 229; Cross. W. S., Whangarei, 3(t3; Town Taxis, Ltd., Whangarei, 197; Long, G., Whangarei, 2ti7; Morgan, G. H.. Whangarei, SOS; Prescott, G. W., Ruakaka,"Cl; Williams, F. C., "Whangarei, SG; Young, C., Whangarei,'llß. Rental Car Licence. —Reviews Erceg. M. J„ Whangarei, 26/1/33. Passenger Service.—Renewals: Prescott, G. W., Kuakaka Beach-Whangarei, 645; WaipuWhangarei, 104; Waipu-Maungaturoto, 90; Webb, K., W'hangarei-Patu'a, 662; Whangarei- j Portland, 665; Wilkinson, A. J. Whangarei, 68; E. V. Ralls, Ltd., 599; Northern Motor Bus Co., Ltd., 59, 60, 58, 55. 54; Normans Motors, Ltd., fLikurangi, 116; Erceg, K., Whangarei, 77; Dalbeth, J. H., Whangarei, 869; Copeland, D. C., Whangarei. 82; Bethell, A. K., Whangarei, 509; Hon. Minister of Railways, Auckland-Whangarei, 84. Ancillary Users.—New applications: Rnatangata Lime C«., Ltd., Whangarei; Deneh, L. R., Titoki; Bargain Stores, Ltd., Whangarei; "'nhiwai, J., Titoki; Hutchinson, B.j Pataua; Mudgway, L. H., Whangarei; Inkster, W 7 . A,, Maromaku; Cheesman, C. F., Whangarei; liavidson, J. S.. Tauraroa; C. L. Innes and Co., Ltd., Whangarei; Ruddell, R., Whangarei; A. S. Heape and Son, Whangarei; Parkin Bros.. Waiotu; Smith, G., Onerahi; Farmers' Trading Co.. Ltd., Whangarei. Amendments.—C. R. Lovatt and Sou, Ltd., Whangarei, 4 additional vehicle authorities; J. E. Guy, Ltd., Whangarei.

Goods Services. Hardife Bros., Ltd., Whangarei, 2 additional vehicle . authorities, 12S; Goddliew, H. 8., Tulukaka, 1 additional vehicle authority for trailer, 3-16; Clark, C. F., Maromaku, additional authority, 254; Arona Bros., Nukutaurliiti, 1 additional Tehicie authority, 87; Reti, G.. Whangaruru South, 2 additional vehicle authorities, 1737. Transfers.—Henwood, A. J., to Lynch, D., asd'Lynch, A. J., Hukerenui, 25/1/24; Miller, J.'* J., to Matthew, H. E., Maungakaramea, 234; Moore. W. J., to Carter, J. A. A., Waiotira, 1714; Kennedy, G. J., to Cates, W. S., Waiotira, 176; Benwood, A. J., to Moyle, Eok.trenui, 24: Ferguson, D. J., to Erceg, K., 32. New Applications.—Proctor, S., HlSnrangi, 3191; Kepa, J., Takahiwai, 1175; Nicholson, L; Tangiteroria, 1320; Mata Lime Co.. Mala, 1757; McCauli. K. M., Titoki, 1 TOOj Bench, L. R„ Titoki. Taxicab Licences.—New applications; Fischer, J., Whangarei, 24/1/452; Fitzgerald, »• G., Whangarei. Transfer.—Cherrington. W.. to Houghton, K. L., Kawakawa, 24/1/159. Passenger Service Licences.—New applies* cations: Hon. Minister of Railways, Wnanga-jes-Otiria Jn., s<>!); Webb, A. L., Maunga-tapfre-John St., Whangarei, 374; Steadman iiros.. Pokapu. Matawaia-Moerewa and Kawakawa, CIO. . Transfer.—E. V. Ralls. Ltd., to Hon. Minr e , r „°, f t Railways, 5!)9; Coster, H. E. de V., to Webb. K., Whangarei, JB9. Amendments.—Erceg, K., alteration to timetable, 77; Dalbeth. J. H., right to run Picture bus from Poroti Hotel Wednesdays snd Saturdays, 3f>». COURTHOUSE, DARGAVILLE, at 2.0 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, 1945. ~ Ancillary User.—New application: Morgan, A., Paparoa. Goods Service.—Renewal: Poyner, R., Mata•one, 25/1/326. COURTHOUSE, KAITAIA, at 9.0 a.m. on Friday, May 25, 1945. Goods Service.—Renewal: Tokerau District •Maori Land Board, 25/1/319. Application.—R. L. Houghton, Herekino. 21/1/400. - P. L. PAGE, Secretary.

z. PLUMBERS AND GASFITTERS RELATED TRADES' INDUS* trial UNION OF WORKERS (Auckland -Branch).—Members of the above organisation are notified that Nominations in writing, from jnanciaj members for the position of Presifj?l"' Vice-President and six other members of tne Committee must be in the hands of the secretary on or before Wed., May 23, 1945. THCTS. E. SKINNER, Secretary. !SPORTSMEN entering my farm. Kaibere K Ra„ will be prosecuted as trespassers and oeld liable for dairy stock losses.—H M. Tizard TRESPASSERS. with don or gun, on our properties at Wainui, will be prosecuted, Poison laid—Herman Slraka Frank Stra ka. PUPILS OR TUITION WANTED THRIVING Taught by Expert instructors J- 7 Licences obtained Cars supplied, .Motor Driving School Ph H 3-134 L> KLX CH, Latin, Greek, German, Piano: a elates and private lessons.—'Apply Count Micard, Docteur es -Lettres. M.A., 1 Symonds SI Pli. 43-T(>7. IIAIRDRESSING Academy, E. O'Hara, Melvcrn'a Bldgs., Karangahape Rd. ExWH Tuition.—Ph. 45-027 TTAIRDRESSING.—N Z. College, estab. 12 years; recommended. Latest Slyles Taught --228 Queen St., next Plaza MISS NINA SCOTT. Teacher of Elocution and Dramatic Art. —For appointment Ph. i t?o" Address, 35 Argyle St.. Heme Bay. A BOOT Driving.—For speedy and expert Tuition, consult Kiwi Motor Driving Aca ®£®y.—Ph. 20-940. Cars supplied "DOWER'S En> ;ineerjnK and Radio School, ■ Ltd—All Grades Government Certificates Marine and Land Correspondence or Class Expert Instructors Success assured.—Col- *»!'* Chambers , Swarison St. Auckland EARN 5I to 10/- per hour writing Display Cards and Tickets Full or part-time Job free Illustrated Booklet shows you how. Write (how— McKay's Art School, Box 387, Wanganui.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume 82, Issue 25203, 16 May 1945, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume 82, Issue 25203, 16 May 1945, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume 82, Issue 25203, 16 May 1945, Page 3