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HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE | IT*XCITAXOK House in Hastings for on«| Jin Auckland. — KHl'it HrRAi.D. I^XCH'ANO K Wellington r.-roonioil House I J for (similar in fAiicklnml; vacant possession. 811-I.TI llkihi.h. I "l/HiATS (•_'), s i'., concrete, Imin. Ihsiicli. One I I vacant. I'rice 1" I-'(h). —Ashby. Milford; 7IS-117. / 1 KIvAT SOUTH Ui>. Inenr). -!) Kooiris, vX suitable apartments, handy trams. Mail Innd Mutate .Agemy. .VIT K'nliape Kd. 1 SI.AM) Section, sell or rent, hour Auckland. I Hi Koliiiiiuraniii Kd. G1 KAI'TON. very nice position, close trains. I <j Mooiuk, fnrn. A pari niMit House, iiiodern coiivs., good order. Freehold, possession ; - Sole Agent, \\ . O. IjlliMKTT AND SON, r, 1 NX Insurance Hlrtg. HO USK, Prick and stone, 'J-slorey, return- . inn .tS ;i wtu'U, funi. Also oitl-cstlililislit'tl Business iii Syinoiids St., willt llilluian car, perfect coiid., exchange for n large Apartment House. Oily.- Duncr. I tit Syinoiids St., C.:i. IN V KS'i'MKNT. Oood Villa and Cottage. 1 liolh in excellent order, near Irani, '-'lid seel ion. Part furnishings al valuation Mentals f'Jlil) ti.a. I'rice t ls.'jli, Mecoiiiuieiided .1. T. K. MITCII KM., 11l High Street. Main north moad, 6 Miles city.—m . Acri'is, clean grass, no iddgs.; A' IMI pe_r acre. N iliot ii|iii: (iiiesi House, 111 rooms; i acres; pauoramic views; A"JUIM>. — I bode, New I.,viiti, I'll, h.s-ifl'j. Weekends (H-SOS. iTjKOM 1). —"> Mins.. near beach. I'apakiira.- (i Kins.. J.'STT,. Kpsom (tram slop).- li Mins. and gar., ,ti:«M>. i Alll let to good tenants). —H. K. Finlay and ( o„ Colonial Mutual lildg.; :t t-1 _ M'l', KDKN.—Substantial 'J-storey Homo, u rnis., all-elect., every mod. conv.; gar., phone; approx. J>acre, in heiitiliful garden, with lenuis court; extensive view, including , Imtli hatboiirs. jl'-KMX-M H I llkhai.h. /«—^>(| 'l'ntiii I'rice. Wooden Shoo and living ' jb rooms, also house at Pack; <><tlt frontage to tramline; tenanted; wants renovating; no otters; no options; freehold. Home, Ltd., \ ulcmi l.ane. l> KAUTI Ft.' L KKM U Kit A HO.UK near 15 Market Kd„ 7 law mis. am 2 sinporches, all-elcc. and every possible '» ■; 1 modern k'ette, with ehrom. steel sinktop; spltndid Path room, with rubber flooring. He. rut., IMi x l-'iitt. Close train. Kai'ly po:>s t »-•><»• ' JAMES HOTHJEK. ti'ju Cooke's lililg. I'h. MIIFO H D. —Ma gn i lie en t open sta views, ilose to beach and bus: Large Moduli i Mesidenc.e in 2 perfectly s.c. flats. Larger a ,~f foomi vacant possession. Kverything in per led order. Fine section; on terms. I Nothing to equal it on sale today. HC'I'CHINC.S, Devuiiporl. 7u VI I .

IJA I'ATOKTOK. — Choice '/,-Acre. hedges I Hiid Ircf.s; J.-_T»r»; J A.'re. ham >' statu, i I jt"su BHAOIII.ANDS; Klevated wonderful views, *-..» W.UHKKK. Palm Heacli U.I bus passes: Collage. '2 rooms, em li It x 12 Move 11 ml I link, sheltered section. t:uMl. KRNKKT AND UAYI.JSS. I'itpllloeloe I'll aSM Ref. I ll RF.MUF.RA. F.arly Posscs»ioii.---Vill«. <; . )arure bright rooms, spacious halt, sonu kauri excellent order throughout. Large leve corner section, well laid out in asphalt, ami concrete kerbing. Whole or part furnwhiug* optional; .1' I .MM cash. 8X2.'1'2 HIHAI.U. rniTIHANGI SECTIONS. —For Bush SecL (ions see Woodlands Estate. '2 miles beyond Hotel. Take A.B.C. l,niiigholni bufi. Sun. and Wed.. » a.m. Prices jLMSU-JL' 1-HI; i'. r . dep.; easy terms. li. armstrom;, Woodlands. Titiraugi. BUNCtALOW— Attractive New Home of rms.. la rife lounge, brick fireplace, dining room, modern all-clec. kitchen, numerous cupboards linenpress, built-in bath, wash-house, tile roof, brick base, attractive entrance, garage. interior finished in cream papers; smalt section, 'ainin. shops, tranis, £'2(t;..». SKCTION. Kemuera lid., sea views, £2O(X». \V. K. I.F.WISHAM, 1/1 U.. .17 An/.ac Avenue. Ph. l/H'SOM. — Vacant Possess.: Home, in '2 s.e. Vi Plats, mill. :<rd sect, tram; .1.2■«••«»- H'™* • meiil, Mt. I'M en: Shops and I-lals sjikmlid return; deed, estate, iMountain Rd.: F.lec Hung., exchange for larger home, good localitv. Kemuera: Superior lyStorey. beautifnl view; exchange for smaller home. Silver<lale: Klcc. Bong.. acres, poultry, lruil; L 1 SI,I It; II ►. ItVl.ll. I I PSOM ti-l'oomed Dwelling, 2 bathrooms Fj anil -2 patents. Also separate C ottage in vard or :i rooms, also I-roomed Hutment, his 'would make an excellent hostel or boarding house. Price jL';t'2iiu. RKM l ! F.K A. —li-Hiioincd Dwelling. - airts ground. Passed Sales Court at t'27Hi. (JUAKTDN. -.Section, l.'.ft * l.i.ift. Haml.v City. i-. r ». r >o. H. W. tiIiYNN, Cooke's Bldgs. ' Day -|. r >-:<7o. Night REMt'EI'A. Kxrellently situated. Close trims Residence ami Workshop. Suit- | a blc (larage man. Built in permanent materi- : nls. Attractively priced at i'H.MM). FLATS '■< <»i' v Self-cont. Mod. Brick Flats." roughcast Profitably let. Park-like section. Close trains, inside :ir ( l section. Kactl Flat lias '2 bedrooms, rorivs. Oarages. Hayman elrc. waslier incl. in total price, XMUOO. G R \FTO.V. — Freehold Apartment House. Handsome returns. Permanenls. Lovely Harbour views. All equipment and fully turnislicil. i'.'itMM). . F.I)WIN S.WKS. ;{li) Colonial Mutual Bldgs. I'll. I.'»-.">S7. Private. »-r (J KCTIUNS.—MISSION BAY: 2 for £IW; jo over '.-acre iwill not sell separately); adjacent but* at Kohi. Rd. or Selw.vri Av. ROOMS. IT iACR KS, HKNPKRSON. >"'70(1. Cloing Concern includes H dair.v i cows, '2 heifers, 300 poultry, cowshed, garage. Bus at gate; I acre orchard. Rale* i'tl/tii'-. Covt. mortgage balance cash. 1 mineI ilia if possession. 8 ROOMS, SANDRINGHAM, i' 175.1, On tram route, adjacent school, Make '2 ideal flats. Cash offer wanted. Refill ires renovating inside. MILKS .1- CASSIDY, Dilwortli Bldg.

Y7KUY DESIRABLE HOME.—An exrep V tionally well-built modern Home, 1/, storevs with tiled roof ami brick foundation. Situated in SI. Heliers . district, tins fine property commands magnificent view or-tin ('luuinel and Culf nml surrounding country, lionise comprises 011 around floor large living room limine room, kitchen and bedroom, it so wash-house, ami n|<slairs I bedrooms, bathroom etc. Beautifully fitted with all modern 'es. HiHia,rd room in basement; garage attached to house. Splendid section, aboil ' acre in wardens orchard, trees, etc ImiI! particulars given to genuine buyers at our Office, but not by phone, trice, NEVILLE XKWCOMB, LTD., 4 Wyndham Street. 0 \ Tli AM I'ilN E. —t Booms, kit., bathrm.. wash-bouse, gas stove, califont; rates £<i 15/7. Let at '27'< i weekly. For the above King 51-HSO. T\KAPUXA CENTRA L. —'.-Acre Land '2 fowlhoiises, each :«i X 1(5 and 110 birds; paths; well sheltered; no dwelling. l For the above HiitK . IKVIO. OVERLOOKING CORNWALL PA RK. Epsom.—A newly renovated ,i-riml. Bunk'alow including' some furniture, Oarage. Hamlv trams school. Possession early September. Price including furniture, i'lT'.ii; i'looo deposit,' balance arranged. MT. A 1,8 KB'I , -A Home of .! bedrooms, lounge. dining room, k'clte. pursue, gas stove and Starkie hot water. Price i'l.KHl. Vacant PO NICk">UKNISUKD BUNi", ALOW, good residential locality, Pnrncll. Subject to tenancy Excellent ietiiru on investment. For Ihe above Ring t.VGlt.'!. STACEY AND WASS. I Queen St., Auckland P R o I ' E R T .1 E s F o H S A L E. - HEILN'E BAY.- -!>0 Went End lid.: Shop, with living accommodation, let at i'l/l■'»/ p.w. c I Mill, cash or terms MT. HI.)EX. 517-551 Ml. l'Men Rd.: Desirable Block of :< Shops, just below I heatrc, two with living accoi odation. lolal income of l'."i p.w. r-'tiuil. „ .. . ON'EHUNfIA.- :t.'i Princess St.: Dw'g., • rooms, situated on good corner section; let at 17/•» p.w. .1'."»()(). . PARXELL. I Stuliwell St.: -Vrmd. Bniigtllow and garage, let at :«»/• p.w. Near bus and shopping, handy to (L Iy. A'Lcill. POXSiONHV. SU-5S Poiisonby lid.: two Brick Shops, each with living quarters attached. Bents total £•:! p.w. ca * h ; . Pt INSON HY.-- IKI C larence St.: .>-ruiii. Bungalow, let at .11/7/(1 p.w. Handy to trams, school and shopping, til on. V.AC'A XT SECTION'S. BI.RKEX H I - 'AI). Waratah ltd.: Building Sections, from (.'75 lo J.'S5. Also i/i 'Ai res, AT,: 15. Handy to Highbury and boat. Lists of oilier properties, Hals and Sections for sale may be inspected at PUBLIC TBLIST OFFICE. 117 Albert St reel. B A B F I t O T B K O T H E B 8. X Z. IXSUItAXCE BUILDING. J."J7I(i —B EMU KB A WATERS) DK: MiElectric Kesidence, 7 rooms, incl. billiard rm irarage '1 acres semi-volcanic land (freehold), fruit trees. Passed by Land Sales (ourt. L'2!l."»(i — PA P ATO ETO E: Beau 11 fu 1 Old English stvie l'vStorey Ali-elec Moine of brick Willi tiled roof; 7 rooms, tiled bathrm , double, garuge. Wall-10-wnll carpels can lit bought al valuation. Approx. I acre land. L.\cellent views. Handy bus. shops and tram. Phono available. Appointment by personal application to agents. JKM7.M1 —4 FLATS, Bemuera, Perfect order Possession one fiat available, balance let Ai •<!i> weekly. , IM:t5ll FLATS (.'»), modern, all-elec., on in!iiii road Hen Is i week. POPULAR SEASIDE SUBURB.— Registered Nursing Home, with L-acre of nice grounds mid magnificent harbour views. Registered for IV patients. Takings should average at least 1.50 per week gross. Always long waiting list. For price, etc., inquire in person at our Office. A's"s0 —P\HNELL, close train: (! Roughcast Houses, with harbour view. Let for AS ir> t**. , 7f>o- e PABNELL: Eight Flats and Valuable Vacant Section, suitable for Hats. Vacant possession owner's flat," remainder let at I'D per week. Two minutes tram and shops. O.oVii) 1 -V ; i T V o I"' K1 c E B UILDINC,. Rents £ I'.'0(1 per annum. Favourable terms can be arranged. BARFOOT BROTHERS. X.'/,. lrisuraiire "BuildlM?. Office Phones: -J MX?, (,•< line*). I Salesmen, after hours: 17-253,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 24970, 12 August 1944, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 24970, 12 August 1944, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume 81, Issue 24970, 12 August 1944, Page 9