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CLUB COMPETITIONS MATCHES ON SATURDAY RESULTS AT VARIOUS GREENS , Club bowl 'tig competitions wore continued in fine weather in Auckland on Saturday. Results were as follows: Auckland.—Aggregate foura: Do Ken?, Fletcher, Ure, Nicholson, 18, v. Goldicutt, Head, Mcßae, Graham, 17; Brucc-Smltli, Wickitis, Lomas, Vincent, 10, v. Thomson, Liver, Wliclan, Kasper, 10; Waters, Lash, Bishop, 11. Allan, 29, v. Darlow, EastcrbrokJ, G. Allan, Luke, 10; A. R. Clark, .Myers, Batcnian, Keys, '22, v. Rendell, Wilson, Burke', 'l'. Clarke, 10; W. Wilson, Hammond, J. M. Williams, McPJiail, 23, v. North, Dunne, Lyell, Hardie-Niel, 20; Malcolm, Trembath, Caradus, A. Clarke, 20, v. Vear, Cameron, Whcatloy, Pierce, 2-1; Remington, Edwards, Howard, MaoEwcri, 20, v. Ilawkins, Burton, A. R. Williams, Robertson, 11; G. Beaumont, Ncal, White, Matheson, 33, v. .Syinonds, King, Grocott, 1). Campbell, S; Sowerby, 15. Beaumont, Grey-Camp-bell, Coud, 21. v. Wildish, Hughes, Lenderyou, Till, 12; G. R. Smith, England, Binns, Montgomerie, 35, v. Boyce, Brinkman, Hislop, Robbins, IS,; Sauvnrin, Garratt, Dymock, Parker, 32, v. Crichton, C. Colebrook, Hetherinirton, Osmond, 0; Ma.cMillan, Tyler, Christian, Maher, 30, v. Nantes, Warman. Waile, Gilles, 14; Simpson, Page, Susman,, 10, v. Savory, Stand tm, Richardson, Steele, o. Grey Lynn.—Percentage fours: G. jMorgan, Skipper, Fifczcr, Dousan, 21, v. Seward, W. Clarke, .McDonald, Cronin. 10; Marshall, W. Preston, Hawley, Taylor. 20, v. Atkins. Hall, Soiners, Tumilty, 1,3; Lains, F. Clarke, Gadd, Teague, 25. v. Davis,. Bleakley, Winder, Curtis, 13; Cushion. Ongley, Mason, Innes, 28, v. Trewheela, iMilligan, Sharpies, Paseoe, ll;--Gugicb, Francis, Anderson,- Jos. Preston, ;u, v. J. Ami-strong, Russell, Snell, Scott, 1.1; Coakley, MeLachlan, Pa Hon, Caddy. 2.3. v. Hails, Strong, Lye, Griflilliri, 111; Newman, Gibbons, Shaw. J. C, Preston. _Mi, v. Morris, Smith, Wilson, Newton, 10; Ciillam, Micldeborough, A. Buckley. Prince, IT, v. Armitage, T. Arm.strong riiojuas, Mayson, J (j : Everex, . Carter, Miiiie, B. Clarke, 22. v. T. Morgan, Pople, Gcbbie, Minchani, JU. Onchunga.—Vice-presidents' fours: McLeod, Mc.Naughton, Macklow, West, 30. v. Smethurst Gray, Kenny, Whittaker. 1-1; Shahd, b. W. Brown. 1. J. Sutherland. Chapman, 21. v. J3ooth, Marshall. E. J. Gatland, Bnrridgc. 11; Drunim, Bell, Marks. Jones, 21, v. Watts, Skinner, McMntli. Colhn, is ; . Petry. Schnackenberg, Cross, Mackenzie, 20, v. McMillan. Kirk wood, Gosling A. George, 30; Geraghty. Lacy, Vella, Keeling, 21. v. Williams, lveat. Sayers, Stephens.. j3; O Council, Wilson, Kerns. Neale, 21. v. J. Brown, Wilkinson. Welham, Farnell, 17; Leech. McMaster, Bassett. McGuire, 2«, v. Adams, Morrow, Livingstone, Whitmore, 1.3; Vow'.es, Sims, Norman, Pople, 20, v. Baker. Farnsworth, E.< V. Sutherland, [;i" I-': . R. Gatland. T. C. Turnbull, \\ right Zuill. 20, v. .Ramsay, Buchanan, Bray, Stone, 10; Green, Crawford. Nicholls, I. R. George. 22, v. Cowell, McDonald, Hayes, Kerr, 18.

Remuera.—Jobson fours: Moßinie, * Hall, Donnell, '_!7, v. Ilarrowell, Chovce, Evans, 1~>; Gearey, Wilmot, Ashlon. W. C. Young. v. Ash worth, Punch, H. E. Jones, Badel»y. XJ; Wade. \V. Johnston,, Bell, E. R.. iVi "' -H 1 ' v - H. Johnston. Hessell. Grif- »« ; »tson, 18; Walker. Saffery. Henson, jilacey, 2!.>, v. Tonks, Loosmoro, Tud'nope, liathbone, ].»; Walworth, Colcgrove, White, Sanderson, 21, v. Hickson. A. C. Ilill, H. Johnson, Barnes. Yates, Cox. Millard, Andrews, 21, v. O'Leary, Guinness. Buckrell, Burcher, no-, C. Clarkson. Knaith. Goosman, \vannan, 21, v. Burnett. Stubbs. E. Leaning, Newton. G. Hill, Malfroy, Wright. Mar-fan,-ine, 21. v. Mellwraith, Lesieur. J. 11. Adams, Wooller. IS; C. Leaning. Coath, Spencer, Fouhister, :U, v. Khcppard, Bolton, Brook. Mai-Mil lan TO; Gore-Adams. Simmonds, Sqiuerfield, Sheath, 11). v. Pcnty, Butts, Harle, MacCalltini, I I; Vincent, Siiiincx, Achescm, Henderson, ;|S. v. Hatch. Gibr?"f, 5v ,vei! - Shortt. 1.1; Piggott. liainzer. Bull, Keys, an. v. Fullerton, Schoficld, Noad. E. D. Tieid. 1. Bray badges: Eaves. Thronsen. Buckrell, Donnell. 20. v. Tuilhope. Malfroy, Bull, Mitcey. 15. Junior badges: O'Leary. C. Clarkson, Vincent. Harlc. .22, v. Coath, Saffcr.v, Fullcrton, Pcnty, 12.

Elterslic.—Percentage lours: Skeen, Carver. Fletcher. T. White. G's. v. .Wheeler, McLaughlan. Walters, Somerficld. 12; Cole, Williams. Mitchell. Lanssford. 23, v. Fnrey, Froonie, Sykes, .Toll, Hi; Weston, Lett, Cheek, Johnson. 20, v. Kcefe,' Arthur. Tay,' Maud. 12; C'andy. Bevin. Proctor, Dickson. 20. v. Fame]]. Blandford. Bartlett, Gollan, 13; Marshall, Ryan. Carby. OnilTin, 22. v. Senior. Wells, ,Connii!s. McfKenzie. 12: Wootton, Ilaseie, Woodfock, Baimett. 22. v. Jones, Nicholson, \Vritrht, Rugg. 13: Day. Law, Hay. 20, v. Nudds, Marsden, Hardwickc, 18.

Papatoctoe.—Percentage fours: Whitham. Ernest, Kimciman, Franklin, 'JO, v. Edmcmd, V.'aite, Brygrnve, G. McCullough, Hi; McFarland, Jepson, Jackson, Stephenson, "_»<), v. Grandfield. 'J'Jionias. Skinner, Spiers, 'J; Sanderson, Whyte, Wat I<i, Rawnsley, 22, v. Findlny, Pctrie, Cutforth, .Pook, 17; Barlow, Woinbwcll, Bull, 15, v.. Ross, S. Stevens, Cairns. 12; Shepherd, Trimble, Younjr. King, 'JO, v. Wakehaiii, Spcncb, Brown, Slichbury, 14: Sawyer, Hoggs, Cutforth, Wall, 17, v. Firth, Ingham, Gurncy, Ward, 17.

Otahuiiu. —Championship pairs: Ryan, Ecclesfield, 12,-v.. McNary, Bright, it; Payne, Itivers, 'JI, v. Crinvford, Quinlan, 13, Humphrey, Sykes, IS, v. Whale, Dins, 17; Hamilton, Murdoch, 'JO, v. Lee, A. Niekl, 17. Percentage fours: Mc. Gardiner, J. Gardiner, ,T. Harper, Patton, 1-1, v. (Mnrdocli, Lee, Ecclesfield, Dens, 21; Rivers, Trevenn, C. iS'ield, I'earn ley, 15, v., Ramsay, X. Dolierty, Ferguson, Todd, 21; J'o'rton, Crawford. Nixon, Pinhey, 'JI, v. Everitt. W. Wills. Streeter, North, K>; Kirkb.v, McLaren, McPherson, Goodwin, 'J:!, v. Hamilton. Piper. Taylor, Bright, 15; 11. and G. Sy.kcs, A. Xield, Quinlan, 'JO, v. Road, Duffy, 11. Wilis, Lawes, 23; S. E Harper, • Cowper, Bailey, Cuff, 22, v. Elliott, Payne, Rule. Speedy, HI ; Humphrey, McNary, McDonnell, 20, v. Ryan, Williams, Whale, 15.

INTER-CLUB COMPETITIONS Inter-club eonipetilbns played,on Saturday resulted.- — Papatoetoi v. Howick. —Gilmour Cup competition, a;. Howick: Pearce, Bryant, Melhuish, McCullough, 7, v. Home, Page, clen, Allen, It; 11. McCullough, Humphries, F. Stevens, W. Knight, 11, v. WclJ, Waren, Heron, Matuska, L 5; Edney, Bucktnn, Morison, Walker, 12, v. Selby. Drake, Ray, Vause, 11. Ponsonby v. Mount Albert.—At Ponsonby: Colmer, Wetherill, Irvine. Lcthani, 11. v. Baker, Brodie, McCord. Connew,'2s; L. Jury, s.i, v. Farghcr, B. Walker, Humphreys, S. Walker, 20; Mcltzer, Harris, Cox, Oat-es, I*l, v. Cahill, Weller, CulforMi, Allely, 11; Gray, Driniiniotul, Lincoln, Mclvinstry,, S, v. Evilt, Young, Townloy, Bennett, 21; Cotebrook, 20, v. T. Walker, Cossey, Morris, Robinson,""l't; Ilooper, Brown, Gill, Parsons, US. v. 1 Sheppurd, Gillespie, -Garlick, Clark, 18; Mclvor, Marsack, Soniers, Dick, is), v. Williams, Loudon, Walicit. Ilarbutt, 20. At Mount Albert'. Baskevillc, 18, v. A. Taylor, Whitrield, Cullen, R. Thomas, 10; Sherley, Roberts, Piper, Rowe, .20, v. Salt. Thoin. G. Thomas, G. Taylor. 15; McDonnell, Galloway, O'Connor, Somerville, 27, v. Cowdry, Toogood Lane, Theo Walker, 12; Green,. Roper, Menzies, Carbines, 22. v. Glover, Hut ton, Hawke, Sage. 22? McClymont, 14. v. Unwell, Bluckmore. Diii'cry, Maxwell, 23. WESTERN SUBURBS TITLES Following were the results of the Western Suburbs Bowling Clubs Association's champion rinks competition:—vXew Lynu (\vitliam), 211. v. Henderson (T. Gs.relfia). 11; Glen Eden (Firth), 30. v. Hnllyburton-John-slono (S'leoberrf), 11; New Lynn (William), 22, v. Avondale (Tomlinson), JB. Final: New Lynn (T. Carr. Edgerley. Johnson, William), 22. v. Glen Eden (.A. Sunde, Marinovich, Yrangcs, Firth). 14. '• 111 the final of the champion of champions, Iliggiiibotham (Henderson), one-lifer. defeated Mathieson (Avondale), two-lifer, in successive games and annexed tlie title. COMPETITIONS IN PROVINCE [ntOM H KHALI) COHItKSI'ONDKMS] Hamilton. —Excellent conditions Prevailed in Hamilton yesterday, when the Hamilton Bowling Club conducted a ,one-day full-rink tournament. There were 31 entries, the rinks representing clubs in all parts of the South Auckland Centre's territory. The section leaders were:—Nicholas, Sutton, Griffiths-and R. N. L'ilkington (Hamilton), and Kelly. Hdllowav, Adams and W. Chapman (Hamilton East). The final was won by Pilkington's rink. E. D. Whineray and J. A. Bridges (Frank!on), the holders, defeated \V. Peterson and F. W. Me;id (Clawdelands) by :i0 points to I I in a match for llio \\jxik<ito Pairs Challenge Shield.. In the Waikato Rink Shield competition- Tyler, Wells, Gore. Millin prion (Olaudelnmls), i lio clinilcnjrcrs, . defeated Kcenan, Harvoy, Helulitch and Johnson (Frankton Railway) by 20 points to 18. Claudclnnds. —M. C. Gudex, J. R. Fow, W. Chegwidden and E. L. Goodwill, tho challengers, defeated P. Xewland, G. W. Moore, A. Hargreaves. and W. C. Savers by 25 points to m in a match for the Alallhevrs Ferns. The score was: 10-all on the 20th head and Goodwin secured six on (he last head to win. Whangarei,—E. Woledge, of the Whnngarei Club, is champion of champions of tho bowling clubs in North Auckland. T.lie annual champion of champions touriianient was held on the Whangarei .Club's green on Saturday. Rcsultn of play in round oye were:—P. Searle (Dareaville), 10. v. J. Budge (Portland), 17; 11. Westwell (Hikiirungi). 2:?, v A. H. Curlis ( Kensington),. fiE. Woledgo (Whangarei), 21, v T. Slinsnn (lvufaia), 12. Round two: Westwell, 17, v, Searle, 13; Wolcdgo, 17, v. Pudge, 16; Stinson, 21, v. Curtis, 10. Round three: Woledge, 21, v. Westwell, 20; Stinson, 11), v. Searlo, 10.

This left, Weledgo (two lives) and Stinson and Wcjtwell, both one ~li,fe, still itl. In Die semi-final .' linsorl beat, West,well, 21—11, Woledge having a bye. Woledgo beat Stirison in the final, 2"i —11... ' Kensington.--Playing for tho White Cup, the holder, Kensington, was defeated by llie Whangare Bowling Ciub on Saturday. The result was:—Pcnk, Marwick, Moorish,, Brewis (Whan'rarei) 27. v. Dobson. Taylor,-; Nisbct, Gribtilo (Kensington), Thrco ; rinks from Kensington played teams from Iho Hikurangi Club on tho Hikurangi greens, ; Hikurangi winning -two games and drawing one. ' ■ Pukekohe. — Forty-eight, players competed in a progressive pairs tournament. J. Pollock won among tie skips and G. Carte! among the leads. V SOUTH AUCKLAND TOURNEY MATAMATA RINK'S- SUCCESS [from oik OWN" ,correspondent] HAMILTON, Sunday •} The final Mages of the! South Auckland ; Bowling Centi i's full-rink champion of champions competition were reached on the Claudelands Bowling Club's green yrpterday. In the semi-final A. Young, W. M. Crabb, A Oates and P. Stewart (Matamata), 22, beat Bright, Johnsiiri, Doyle, Hcbdilch (Frankton Railway), 15. , In the final, between Matamata and Waihi, Matamata commenced with a lead, the pebro being 13—0 crt the fifth head, 16 —1 on the .seventh head, and 10 —8 on the 11th .head. Waihi then niß.dc a remarkable recovery and tho scoro wa;. 10-all oil the lOtn head, and 21 —10 in W iihi's favour on the IStli head. Matamata, ho vever, won tho last three heads, the final scori being 27—21. ' Tho Howde i Shield, the trophy which accompanied tli ! winning of the competition, was presentee to the winners on behalf of the centre by Mr. C. Speight.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 23619, 1 April 1940, Page 5

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BOWLING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 23619, 1 April 1940, Page 5

BOWLING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVII, Issue 23619, 1 April 1940, Page 5