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p win And place betting

the onewhero steeples


Good fields are engnged at the Franklin Racing Club's Winter Meeting at Pukekohe to-day and there should be some very interesting contests. Special interest is likely to bo taken in the, form displayed in the jumping events in view of the important meetings which follow closely ! at Te Rapa and Ellerslie. Tho course is in first-class order, and, unless there js rain, the going should bo good. The betting will bo under the win and place system. Following are details of the. fields, Trith a review of the prospects in oach race by " Archer":— 11.0— OTAUA HANDICAP, t. - first Division Of £130; G fur. st. lb. st. lb. -Cometarium . V 0 Gay Bell , . 7 12 "Royal Fawkes 8 10 Maioro .... 7 12 Bronzo Nordic Song . 7 12 Emerald . . 8 *1 PJeuron . . 712 Bisauit .... 7 12 Rajnnya ... 7 12 Diversity... V 12 Tahiti . . . 7 12 Elise . •• 712 lea Gonfj . . 712 Flcur d'Or . . 7 12 Wild Ore . . 7 12 Recent form indicates good chances for Royal Fawkes and Bronze Emerald, Tvho registered'minor placings'at Avondale last month. Cometarium, Bisquit and Diversity have no recent form, but Elise has been working satisfactorily at Ellerslie. Gay Bell ran third in a moderate field at Whangarci and Nordic Song displayed sufficient speed at Avondale to suggest that he has possibilities. Plduron, Tahiti and Tea Gong lave shown pace and they may add interest to.the contesb. Some who may be in demand are ROYAL FAWKES, BRONZE EMERALD, NORDIC SONG.

{I,4S—PUKEKAWA HACK HANDICAP, Of £150: 7 fur. and 22yds. st, lb- 6t. lb. : Eastern Hoir U 0 Vnalsstar ... 7 7 The Trimmer 813 Asrawiri ... 7 t Hi"h Delight 8 10 Aero Queen . 7 7 Valdene . . . 8 G Captain Bruce 7 7 r Susan .... 8 3 Pasture ... 7 7 Hessketoon ..83 Vaalso ... 7 7 Beeswing •• • 8 0 Summary ... 7 7 Dark Hose . . 7 12 Bright Wings 7 7 Primal . ■ - ~ 7 12 Strathearn ..77 Boyal Message 7 7 Galloping Aero 7 7 Eastern Heir has won at his last two Btarts and 6hould go well in spite of his weight. The'Trinnner is useful whciv fit and High Delight's running nt Whangarei suggests that he may win at any time. Yaldene and Susan are both-useful in the class and Hessketoon has been racing consistently. Beeswing is capable of a good performance. Royal Message and VaalsBtar are recent winners and the latter - is an improver who may soon score again. Pasture, who has been working well and Vaalso both have chances, and who may have to be considered are Ngawiri, Bright Wings and Priva], The best supported may be .HIGH .DELIGHT. . . mLSSTAR. PASTURE. ■% >■ .■ V- ' " ' ' ■ v

',I3.3O—PAPAKURA HACK HURDLES. -'1 mile and * fur "

. st. lb • "St. lb. 'All Irish - . . 11 7 Ellanui , 0 0 ' British Mustanc: . . 9 0 .Sovereign . *9 fi Brilliant Acre 0 0 Cappy .... 0 5 Forest Lake 9 0 j Gascyne .r. . a 5 Tupeotu ...90 Chikara -,.. . 9 1 Grcm Label 9 0 London ... 9 1 Sandy TJreklaw Jr. . 9 0 Mountain . 9 0 Kin* Music 9 0 Bells of Bow 9 0 Golden Spahi 9 0

Lack of recent racing may be against All Irish, but he has been working solidly and may be assisted by his class. British Sovereign has been placed and Cappy showed, promise as a hurdler last season. Gascyne and Chikara are capable, of creditable performances nnd Ureklaw is a very promising hurdler. King 'Musk may do better than at TVliangarei, where he showed dash, but failed Uo stay. Golden Spnlii has been schooling satisfactorily and Green Label's work at Te Rapa has been encouraging. Forest Lake is a possibility and the best of the others may be London and 'Ellanui. Some who mav command suppprt are - . CAPPY, UREKLAW, GREEN LABEL.

; - Second Division ; . Of £130; i? fur. ' . - m f • st. lb. st. lb.' Solitary . . 8 12 Tririri 7 12 Bronze Moth 8 7 Miss Rang) 7 I*2 .flight Royal 8 0 Master Vaals. 712 KM Ledger . 7 12 Kosemae 7 1:2 n . /F?! 1 "' 7 12 Empire Action 7 12 first Gold Imncrator . 7 12 Money ... 7 12 Phildale ... 7 12 •Te Mura ... 712 Boy Lu . . 712 balva ... 7jo Bonnybelle 712 -Speedy begirtners like Solitary and iirorizo Moth should run prominently "Jght Royal's five furlongs on -Inursday morning suggests that he has prospects. Red Ledger and White Foam 'vi re s u ' ro show improvement if ei.her is to wi/i and a better prospect May be First Gold Monpy, who has been working nicely since running creditably at Avondale. Rosemae has been working pleasingly at Te Rapa find slight improvement upon his Avonj?if funning should make Phildalc irncult to beat. The best of the others * Imperator and Boy p. Iho main fancies may he PHI/, DALE, BRONZE MOTH, FIRST GOLD MONEY.

• 2o — PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP. 4 - Of /£300; IVi miles r v' , . 6t. lb. st. ib. UKval de r.ay Kebel . 7 0 ■ . 9 0 Ivy Willonyx 7 0 AnL, . ' lflVPr 7 0 Appellant . 8 9 Porkct Venus 7 0 X?"'® 6 ••• S 1 Anion ... 7 0 I • • s 0 Biirrislcr ..70 ten/" 1 * • 7 " n " hml -..70 Dav lv- V' " 7 Hi * h Sea .. 7 0 -KWtV ?> r, , '" baM A good effort maj bo expected of ma l do Vol ex. l and Royal Appellant Ppeai-R to be close to forni. Gnliloo on on the course in March and should ? a 'n race'prominently. Airam is in nv i ' ier fonrse of racing t - r hurdles and should give a good S mt , of herself. Respectful and Valt- » v lO has ipiproved as a result of f_„ raf,|r 'E at Whangarei. should per-ar.Tdi,alll-V- ,)n - v Wind is a >s liltplv to spring a surprise. Kintr roi °/ Irul Gnv Hobol foiled fi WhnmratfL;i . u ,,, ; ,r0 tfot without prospects. J;' ie ' ybalt. Pocket Venus, High • nver "re lightweight possifn„- ,OS ., 111 a 'Very open race. The , • ...° u rites may he

chevat; DE VOL EE. aiha.m. Galilee. 2.45 ONEWHERO steeplechase, Of en.'O; about 2Vi miles Black m , Rt ,h st- lb A,1 'scretfn 0 10 0 A( ' s «m ... 0 6 Biform • • 12 • • • » 0 -Boxy • ' " 011 Count Kinkl* ' ' ' " 8 Roussillon . 9 6 Electri, -r,,- 9 8 Kins? Hod ..90 lc Flash 9 8 Mana .... 8 0

Black Marlin should be assisted by his good jumping, although he would probably be all the better for another race. Allegretto has been off the scene for some time, but has been working: well. Biform was second to Don Ernia at Paeroa in March and should have a chance., Roxy and Kinkle were placed at Ellerslie at Easter and on that form should be very dangerous. ElectricFlash does not appear quite ready, but Adsum has been working solidly. Count Roussillon has boon racing well and should make his presence felt if he runs up to his best form. The likeliest of the others may be Wasp, who showed promise early in tho season. Popular fancies may be POXY, COUNT ROUSSILLON. KINKLE. 3.3S—HARRISVILLE HAOK HANDICAP, Of £200: 9 fur. st. lb. , St. lb. Eastern Heir D 0 Master lnqnisitor . . 0 2 Appellant . 7 0 Jewelled Ringshot ... 7 8 Girdle . . . 8 12 Son of the Soil 7 7 Forest Acre . 8 II Miss Clipper . 7 7 Melvanui.. ..80 Wild Acre .. 7 7 " Hcsskotoon ..83 Kittle ... 7 7 Saccone ... 7 13 Siega ... 7 7 Raceline ... 7 13 Stendyfire ..77 Durk Hose , 7 12 Guy Opal ..77 Vitemcnt ... 711 Pbilcniup ... 7 7 Nuipapa ... 7 7

Eastern Heir has an earlier engagement, but should go well if reserved for this event. Inquisitor hns run some fine races this season nnd should make a forward showing. Jewelled Girdle has no recent form, but Forest Acre, Melvanui and liessketoon are all capnble of running well. Snccone has galloped well since finishing fourth at Avondale last month and should have good prospects. Master Appellant may be dangerous if he leaves the barrier, but ho is very nnceftnin. Vitoment should mnke a forward showing and tho likeliest of the others may be Raceline, Ringshot, Miss Clipper and Kittlo. Investors may prefer SACCONE, INQUISITOR, HESSKETOON. 4.20 PAERATA HANDICAP, Of £200: G fur. st. lb. St. lb. Palustre ... 8 1 El Moynell . . 7 0 Marie's Acre. 8 1 Tepoto ..,.70 Philcourt ..80 Silver Eagle . 7 0 Prince Aero. 712 Trilliarch ..70 Orwere ... 7 0 Oriental Bay 7 0 Lornacre ... 7 0 Calorie ... 7 0 Jack Tar ..77 Royal Vaals , 7 0 Valimcen ... 7 5 Summary ... 7 0 Little Artist. 7 5 Bracket: Marie's Acre and Philcourt.

As the ground has bocomo a little easier, Pa lustre may improve upon her recent running and show an early return to form. Marie's Acre and Philcourt nro good gallopers and should command respect if produced fit. Prince Acre has not raced lately, but is very smart when at his best. Orwere and Lornacre have recent winning form and they may run well. Jack Tar and Valimeen aro likely to make their presence felt and the latter appears to have done well since running second to Knthbellii at Avondnle. Tepoto has been working nicely and Silver Easde is on the improve. There are several other possibilities and these include Royal Vaals, Little Artist and Calorie.. Some who may be well supported aro * ORWERE, VALIMEEN, PALUSTRE.

RIDING ENGAGEMENTS JOCKEYS FOR PUKEKOHE Riding engagements announced for the -Franklin Racing Club's {Winter Meeting at Pukekohe to-day include the following:— L. Dulieu —Gay Bell, White Foam.

Nuipapa. '. R Sargent.—Orwere, Pasture, Luse. Wild Acre, Boy Lu. \ 1? W. McTavish.—Tahiti, Phildale,

Melvnnui, Summary. G Gilchrist.— Tybalt, Tepoto, First Gold Money, Captain Bruce. M Ritchie—King Musk, The Trimmer, Electric Flash. J F. Fergus—King Rod, Jewolled

Girdle. M Kerr. —Beeswing. D Craddck. —British Sovereign, Black

Marlin. H. Turvey.—Chikara, Count Roussillon. S J. Cainmic-k. —Bronze Emerald. Imperator, Summary '(Pnernta Handicap).; C G Goulsbro. —Cometarium, Bronze Moth. Saccone, Hcssektoon. Galilee. Palustre. V Gollop.—Philemup, Wild Ore. H Long.—Rosemae. Lornacre, Kittle. Eleur cl'Or, Invcr. W M. Thomson.—High Sea, Vaalso.

Strathire. M. Amundsen. —Kllanui. A. Gilmer.—Wasp, Sandy Mountain

Forest Aero F. Hain.—lnquisitor. R D. Seobie.—Trilliarch. G. Smith. —Ngawiri. Oriental Bay. W. Thomson. —High Sea. P. Fearn. —Pleuron, King Theo, Silver

Eagle. . R. K. Smith—Golden Spahi. B Mnrkwick. —El Mevnoll. C Bruce. —Right Royal. F E Raker. —Cappy. A. McDonald.— Allegretto. TE RAPA CANDIDATES SOME WITH EARLY PROSPECTS [BY TKT.EOBAPH —OWN CORRESPONDENT ) HAMILTON, Friday The Te Rapa course is now carrying a healthy sole of grass and the easier going has resulted in increased activity. Rosemae has been doing everything required of her in recent weeks. She was produced at the Ngaruawnhia nontotalisator meeting. Susan has been working well, while Ngawiri has indicated in recent track essays that she is on . the upgrade. Cappy is to fulfil his engagement m the Papakura Hurdles to-morrow. He has been schooling attractively. Green Label has been jumping in dashing style and she may take a hand in the decision of the hurdles. In the past she has failed ,to stay but she is now more solid. tf produced. Allegretto will have the services of A. McDonald. As he has been schooling with all his old dash, he will need only to remain sound to win in the jumping season. ' Orwere drew attention to his sprint prospects bv his showing the other morning at*Te Rapa in company with his stable-companion, Wilciore, when he cut out half a mile in 51s. Lornacre is bearing a healthy appearance. RACING FIXTURES May (i—Franklin Racing Club May o—Esmont Racing Club. Mav B—Amberljyß—Amberljy Racing Club. M a 8— Marlborough Racing Club V lav ml—Otaki Maori Racing Club. \fnv 13—Ashburton County Racing Club. May 13 —Southland Racing Club. Mav 13. 15— Poverty Bay Turf Club. Mav 18 20 —South Canterbury Jockey Club Mav 11)' 20—Manawatu Racing Club. Mrv "0 22 —Waikato Racing Club. Miv 27- —Foxton Racing Club. Tune 3 5, 10—Duncdin Jockey Club. < A 5 7—Auckland Racing Club lune 8* 5— Napier Park Racing Club 3 s—Wanganui Jockey Hub Tilnn m—Hawke's Bay Jockey Club fi H

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23339, 6 May 1939, Page 11

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RACING PROSPECTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23339, 6 May 1939, Page 11

RACING PROSPECTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23339, 6 May 1939, Page 11