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PORT OF AUCKLAND MATUA AND CELTIC MONARCH The Union Company's passenger motor-ship Matua will arrive at Auckland from Suva at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon and berth at Queen s Wharf. She will sail on Monday evening for Wellington. The British steamer Celtic Monarch, with raw sugar from Sourabaya, arrived last evening and anchored in the stream. She will move this morning to Chelsea. The Matson linsr Monterey arrived yesterday morning from San r rancisco, via ports, and sailed in the afternoon for Sydney and Melbourne, taking about 200 passengers from Auckland. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS Kawau (12.30 a.m.), from Herekino (0 a.m.), from Portland Otimai (7.10 a.m.), from Awanui; Paroto (9.<io a.m.), from North. Monterey (7 a.m.), from San Francisco. Passongers for Auckland: — First Class.—Mr. K. A. Anderson. Mr. I. Armstead, Mr. W. T. PaWinK Bavlv Mr. and Mrs. M. J- Bcatty, Air. J. C. Begg, Mr. and Mrs. H.Borman Misses H. and P. Borg, Mrs. G. B. Bu and Mrs. A. Calder, Misses S. and M. Caiuer. Sir Julien and Lady Cab n, Mr. bell. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. C ar^P d u cr f J. E. Carr, Miss J. Charlton Miss L. Jb. C'hrlstlanar, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. " C. R. Clark, Mr. G. T. Cockshntt. Miss JEComstock, Mrs. M. Connor, Mr. and »• rs. A. G. Cross, Mr. 13. G. Dancy, _M r ' \}i' Davey. Mrs. A. Davey, Mr. N. D av eyand Mrs C E Driver, Mr. J. de -Coraova, Miss E. Dorer, Mr. L. Doubnikoff, Miss L. M. Fisher, Mrs. J. L. Glaize, Mr. and tera. - C. Goodway, Mr. F. k. Crra r ™v'p Mrs' and Miss G. Gordon, Mrs. M. Grove C. N. Haines. Miss M. E. Hanhn,, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jaecker, Miss M. Jan> c8 u "If A. Johnson, Miss K. Kahley, Miss E. -t. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Levy. vrj rrl a Levy, Kcv. J. McMahon, Mrs. P. R. Mirris, Mr. J. H. Moulton, Miss A. >lr *- R J. Onians, Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Ochsner, Mrs. W. and Miss P. Pa ley, Mr. T. Z. Peabody, Mrs. T. A. Peabody, Mr. S. P*nrose. Mrs. S. Penrose, Judge and Mrs. U Peters, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Prentice, Miss B. Sharman, Mr. G. H. Singer, jun., Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Stix. Miss E. Stow. Mr. B. L. Tatman, Miss E. Thomas, Mr. J. O. Walker, Mr. J. H. Weingarten, Mr. B. b. Worth. Cabin Class.—Mr. D. Aidney, Mr. W. All, Elder L. J. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Anderssen, Mr. S. H. Becha, Mother Bernard, Elder Cr. H. Beisinger, Miss K. Booth, Mr. T. lon, Miss M. Carew, Mr. H. Carlstrom, Mrs. I). I. and Misses L. and B. Cole, Mr. A. Columbus, Rev. S. Conboy, Mr. P. G. M. Cosgrove, Elder D. W. Curtis, Mr. S. Daniels. Mr. S. Dartnell, Miss S. Devi, Mr. A. Deoki, Miss F. Evans. Mr. B. D. Foley, Elder W. W. Goodwill, Miss A. Gopalan, Mrs. J. and Miss R. Grant, Elder D. A. Harris, Mr. B. B. Farter, Mrs. H. L. Hawthorn, Miss L. Hayes, Master B. Hayes, Elder G. Henderson, Mrs. J. A. Hill, Mr. H. C. Hunt, Elder A. Keddington, Mrs. K. Kidd, Mr. W. Kilroy, Elder T. R. Kindred, Elder J. D. Laudie. Professor R. Lawson, Mrs. R. Lawson, Misses E. and.V. Low, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. MacPherson, Mr. A. In. B. McAloon, Mrs. E. Message, Mr. G. Mishra, Mr. T. J. O'Brien. Mr. A. G. Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Pryor, Miss E. Rex. Mr. D. Roberts. Mr. S. Sabharwal, Elder W. B. Miss J. Sinclair, Master R. Taylor, Mr. T. Thorby, Mr. R. Vosailagi, Mr. T. Walton, Mr. L. Wells, Miss E. F. Wilson. Matai (3.40 p.m.), from Coast; Ranginui (4.20 p.m.), from Tauranga. Celtic Monarch (7 p.m.), from Sourabaya. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES Durham (7.25 a.m.), for Lyttclton. H.M.S. Leith (5.45 p.m.), for Russell. Port Waikato (6.15 p.m.), for Wellington. Monterey (6.40 p.m.), for Sydney. Otimai (8.15 p.m.), for HoKianga; Waimarino (11.45 p.m.), for Wellington. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY Margaret W., from Gisborne, afternoon. Kapiti, from Whangarei, morning. Tuhoe, from Paeroa, morning. Pono, from Thames, morning. Clansman from Russell, morning. Paroio, from Matakana, afternoon. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY Navigator, for Coast, projected. Kapiti, for Tanranga, 11 a.m. Tunoe, for Paeroa, 11 a.m. Ranginui. for Whangarei, 11 a.m. Tiri, for Awanui, 11 a.m. VESSELS DUE TO-MORROW Matua, from Suva v 3 p.m. Wairangi, from Aew Plymouth, evening. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Coastal Matua, Suva, February 19. Kairanga, Sydney, February 20. i Matthew Flinders. Sydney, February 20 Aorangi, Sydney, February 20. Waipiata, Wellington, February 20. Kaimiro, Greymouth, February 20. Kopara, East Coast, February 20. Kaimai, Westport, February 20. Port Whangarei, Lyttelton, February 21. Awatea, Wellington, February 22. Matua. Wellington. February 27 Waiana, Wellington, February 27. Wanganella. Sydney, March 1. Overseas Wairangi, New Plymouth, February 10, to load. Windsorwood, Wellington. February 20. Opawa, Liverpool. February 20. Pakeha, Cairns, February 21, to load. Kaimata, Halifax, February '2.1. Mataroa, Southampton. February 24. Forresbank, Wanganui, February 27. Port Hunter, Gisborne, February 27. to toad. Empire Star, Dunedin. February 27, to load. Tolten, Los Angeles, February 27. Port Darwin. Port Kembla. February 27. to ioad. Rangitiki, Lyttelton. February 28. to load Frankfurt. Adelaide. March 2. Capo of Good Hope, Bunbury. March 4. Susana, Bunbury, March 4. Titanian, Antwerp, March 5. Edward F. Johnson, San Francisco, March 6. Port Brisbane, New York, March 6. Niagara, Vancouver, March 6. Sydney Maru, Wellington, March 6. City of Glasgow, Napier, March 8, to load Rangitata, London. March 5). Ambassador, Imrninglmm, March 10. Strathallan, Brisbane, March 10. Belinda, Bahrein, March 1.0. Cornwall, Liverpool. March 12. Port Halifax. Halifax, March 13. Tairoa, Antwerp, March 16. Niagara, Vancouver, March 16. Maetsuycker, Saigon, March 16. Mariposa, San Francisco, March 17, Fordsdalo, Jjiverpool, March 19. Arthur F. Corwin, Sumatra, March 20. Dortmund, Now Orleans, March 23. Naniwa Maru, Kobe, March 23. City of Brisbane, New York, March 28 Trevanion, Los Angeles, March 27. Killoran, Seychelles, March 28. Dominion Monarch, Wellington. April 1 Aorangi, Vancouver, April 2. Trojan Star, Liverpool, April 5. City of Delhi, Halifax, April 11. Roggeveen, Saigon, April 11. Port Halifax. Wellington, April 12, to load. Rangitano, Wellington, April 14. Monterey, San Francisco, April 14. Tregarthen, New York. April 18. Akaroa, London, April 20. Hertford. Jjiverpool, April 21. Limerick, Jjos Angeles. April 23. Taranakl, Jjiverpool, April 28. Narbada, Calcutta, May 3. Port Alrnn, London, May 7. H.M.S. Achilles, Portsmouth, May 8. Port Montreal, Halifax, May 10. City of Kimberley. New York. May 10. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Ovebssab Aorangi, Vancouver, February 21. Loch Don, Sydney, February 22. Awatea, Sydney, February 22. Forresbank, Nauru, February 27. Matua, Rarotonga. February 28. Wanganella. Sydney, March 3. Monterey, San Francisco, March 6. Niagara, Sydney, March 7. City of Glasgow, New York, March 9. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND Awatea, left Sydney February 17; duo Wellington February 20; leaves Auckland February 22; due Sydney Febrnary 25. Wanganella, left Wellington February 16; duo Sydney February 20; leaves Sydney February 23; due Auckland March 1. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE Niagara, left Vancouver February 15; due Auckland March G; leaves Auckland March 7: arrives Sydney March 11. Aoranp-i, left Sydney February 16; duo Auckland February 20; leaves Auckland February 21; due Vancouver March 10. Monterey, left San Francisco January 31; arrived and left Auckland February 17; due Sydney February 20. Mariposa, loft Sydney February 3; arrlvod and left Auckland February 6t due San Francisco February 21. , BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Mataroa, left Southampton January 20; due Auckland February 24. Rangitata. left London Febraary 2i dne Auckland March 0. Arawn, left Southampton January 27; dne Wellington March 9. Dominion Monarch, left Southampton February 17; due Wellington March 25. Rangitano, leaves London March 2; due Wellington April 5 UNION CARGO VESSELS Kaimiro, left Greymouth February 17 for Auckland and • Portland. Kairanga, from Newcastle, left Sydney Eebi xaary 13 tot Auckland.

Waiana leaves Dunedin February 18 for Timaru, Bluff, Lyttelton, Wellington and Waipi V ataV a ic« Wellington February 17 for Auckland. VESSELS IN PORT Devonport—H.M.S. Leandiiir. H.M.S. PhUoCentral Wharf—Pierre L.IX (F.C.A.). King's Wharf—Adelfotis (R. and S.), Matai Western Wharf—Loch Doiit (U.S.S.). Chelsea —Celtic Monarch (S.L.). OVERSEAS SHIPS INCOMING Opawa, left Liverpool January 14 for Auckland (due February 20), Wellington, Napier, Lyttclton and Dunedin. Emma Maersk, leif Sumatra January 28 ior Wellington (due February 21). Kaimata, left Halifax January 22 for Auckland (due February 22), Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Parracombe, from Nauru, for Lyttclton (duo February 22) and .Dunedin. Mataroa, left London January I 9 f°r Auckland (duo February 24) and Wellington. Komata, left Iminingham January 10 lor Auckland (due February 20) and Lyttelton. The Union Company's steamer Kiwitea was expected to Jeave Auckland early tuis morning for Greymouth. The Richardson Lino motor-ship Kopara will arrive from the East Coast on Monday and berth at King's Wharf. The Union Company's steamer Kaimiro cleared Greymouth at 30.30 a.m. yesterday for Auckland, where sho ;ls due on Monday morning, and Portland. The motor-vessel Margaret W. left Gisborne at 10 a.m. yesterday for Auckland, where she will arrive, this afternoon. After landing sheep at Orakoi she will move to King's Wharf. With general southern cargo, the Union Company's steamer Waipiata left Wellington yesterday for Auckland, where she is expected *on Monday morning. She will berth at Prince's Wharf. • The Government lighthouse steamer Matai returned from the coast yesterday afternoon and berthed at King's Wharf. She will sail at eight o'clock on Tuenday morning for Capt Brett. Cape Maria van Dicraen and Wellington. RANGITIKI DESPATCHED The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Rangitiki was expected to leave Auckland early this morning for Lyttelton to complete discharge of carjro from London. AORANGI ON MONDAY The Canadian-Australasian liner Aorangi, from Sydney, will arrive on Monday morning, berthing at Queen's Wharf about 7.30. She will sail for Vancouver, via ports, at 11 a.m. on Tuesday. WAIRANGI TO LOAD Expected to leave New Plymouth last night for Auckland, • the Shaw. Savill and Albion motor-ship Wairangi is due to-morrow evening. She will berth at Central Wharf to continuo loading for London. LOCH DON CHARTERED The British steamer Loch Don, at Western Wharf, which will leave on Wednesday for Sydney to complete discharge of lumber from British Columbia, has been chartered to load in Australia for Europe or Takubar. THE PAKEHA REPORTS A wireless message from the Shaw Savill and Albion steamer Pakeha states tnat sbe will arrive at Auckland from Cairns at newn on Tuesday. She will berth at Queen's Wharf to begin loading for London and West Coast ports of Britain. i THE LINER AWATEA The Union Company's transtasman liner Awatea left Sydney yesterday afternoon for Wellington, where she will arrive on Monday morning, and Auckland, where she is due on Wednesday morning. She will sail from Auckland at o p.m. on Wednesday direct for Sydney. AUSTRALIAN TRADE No advice had been received last' night from the Union Company's steamer Kairanora or the Sleigh Line steamer Matthew Flinders, which are expected here from Sydney on Monday. The Kairanga will berth at King's Wharf and the Matthew Flinders at Prince's Wharf. ADVICE FROM OPAWA Wireless advice from the New Zealand Shipping Company's motor-ship Opawa, en route from Glasgow . and Liverpool, states that she will reach Auckland at four o'clock on Monday afternoon. She will berth at Prince's Wharf and later complete discharge at Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. KAIMAI UNDER CHARTER Replacing the steamer Canopus, which has been laid up indefinitely at Dunedin, the Westport Coal Company's chartered steamer Kaimai was expected to leave Westport at nine o'clock last night for Auckland, where she is due on Monday night. The -Kaimai. of the Union Company's Sleet, is under time charter. WINDSORWOOD'S PROGRAMME The British steamer Windsorwood left Wellington for Auckland yesterday to complete discharge of basic slag from Ghent. Her master advises that the ship will arriveearly on Monday morning. The Windsorwood will berth at Prince's Wharf and remain in port until about March 1, when she will sail for western Australia to load wheat for the United Kingdom or India. THE TANKER BELINDA Advice has been received that the Norwegian motor-tanker Belinda, of 8200 tons gross, has left Bahrein Island, in the Persian Gulf, with petrol for Auckland, where she is due about March 10, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. The Belinda was launched at Gothenburg last September. She ran her trials last month, her engines being designed for a speed of 12% knots loaded. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE The following vessels are expected to be within rango of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland —H.M.S. Endeavour. H.M.S. Leith, H.M.S. Wellington, Aorangi, Kairanga, Korowai. Matua, Matthew Flinders, Emma Maersk, Alynbank, Durham, Kommodore Johnsen, Maimoa, Monterey, Opawa, Pakeha Parracombe, Port Saint John, Rangitiki, Wairangi. Wellington.—Rangatira, WaA wn ,!? n ' Kaikorai, Kaiwarra, Karepo, Waitaki, Wanganella, City of Glasgow, Dunedin Star, Huntingdon, Ivoa;an Maru, Mariposa, Norfolk, Orari, Rangitane, Rangitato, lamaroa, Rimutaka. Tainui, Tongariro, Windsorwood. _ Awarua.—Karetu. Maunganui, Niagara, Omana. Triaster, Trienza. Triona, Arawa, Cape Horn Comorin. Jervis Bay, Largs Bay, Mooltan, Moreton Bay, Orama, Orion, Ormonde Oronsay. Orontes, Otranto. Strathallan, Strathnaver, Mataroa. PORT OF ONEHUNCA Yesterday's Arrivals.—Holdanga (9 a.m.) from Hokianga. Yesterday's Departures.—Hauturu (1.15 p.m.), for r*ew Plymouth and Wanganui. BY TELEGRAPH WELLINGTON.—February 17: Arrived Rangatira (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Kai. warra (2.15 p.m.), from Newcastle. Sailed— Dunedin Star (8 a.m.), for Dunedin; Windsprwood (11.50 a.m.), for Auckland; Poolta (1.3 5 p.m.), for Westport; Waipiata (3.30 p.m.), for Auckland. City of Glasgow (4 55 p.m.), for Lyttelton: Rangatira (7.50 p.m) for Lyttelton; Wainui (10 p.m.), for Dunedin! LYTTELTON.—February 17: Arrived Wahine> (6.40 a.m.), from Wellington; Empire Star (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Erlangen (3.35 p.m.), for Bluff; Wahine (8.45 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDlN.—February 17: Arrived—\Vaiana (5.30 a.m.), from Lyttelton; H.M.S. Wakakura (9.30 a.m.), from Timaru. BLUFF.—February 17: Arrived—Waipahi (G. 20 a.m.), from Timaru; Benledi (6 55 a.m.). from Timaru; Ruahine (1.20 p.m ) from Napior. 4 SYDNEY.—February 17: Arrived—Awatea (#.20 a.m.), from Auckland. Sailed— Awatea (5.40 p.m.), for Wellington; Kaikorai, for Wellington. LONDON.—February 16: Arrived—Bencruachan. from Dunedin, via Dunkirk, Sailed—Dominion Monarch, for Wellington via Southampton. HAMPTON ROADS.—February 14; Arrived—City of Delhi (Sydney to St. John via Auckland). ' HALlFAX.—February 14: Arrived—Kaipara, from Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23275, 18 February 1939, Page 8

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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23275, 18 February 1939, Page 8

SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23275, 18 February 1939, Page 8