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PRICES AT WESTFIELD MOST SECTIONS STEADY WEAKER CALF VALUES Quotations in most sections were firm at the Westficld fat stock sales yesterday, tho exception being in the calf sale, where competition was very slack. Ox bdef was again sought and made firm late rates, but the larger entry of cow and heifer beef met only desultory competition, values easing, Ewes improved slightly, while wethers were firm. Lambs sold .steadily. Buyers were restrained in their bidding for baconers by the lower export schedule, porkers meeting a steady demand. Cows and heifers formed the major proportion of a slightly larger entry of beef, and competition was correspondingly slack, except for prime sorts. These made late rates, but medium and inferior were hard to quit and eased slightly. Ox beef, which formed a small offering, was keenly sought and made fully firm late rates. One outstanding steer made £lO 2s 6d, the best price since November, compared with £ls 2s Gd last week. Cows and heifers sold to £lO ]os, which was slightly less than before. Average Entry of Mutton Competition was steady for wethers throughout the sale of an average entry of mutton, but ewes registered a slight improvement on their former levels, with sales to 15s. Top price for wethers was fractionally lower at 23s 3d. Lambs came forward in average numbers and held to recent rates under steady bidding. Prime lambs sold to 255, against 2(is, and unfinished sorts made to 13s.

In spite of the yarding being rather loss than the average, competition throughout the calf sale was dull. Only prime quality made late rates, levels in all other sections being owcr than tost week and late-sale calves particularly hard to nuit. The best runner price was £8 15s, against £8 3s. Vealers sold to £0 10s, which was 10s lower than last week.

The lower export schedule for baconers was reflected in their prices, which averaged slightly less than before. The proportion of porkers in a smaller entry of pigs 'made late rates under steady competition. Baconers sold to £3 19s. against £3 18s, and porkers made to £3, compared with £3 Is. Average quotations were GJd to 6-Jd per lb. for baconers, and 6Jd to 7d per lb. for porkers. Comparison of Quotations

The following is a summary of the prices' realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Westfield fat stock sales:

This Week Last Week BEEF (per 1001b.)

Extra choice ox . 3S/• 3S/• Choice and prime ox . . . . 3-2/- to 37/- 33/- to 37/ Choice and prime

cow and heifer 28/- to 33/- 28/- to 33/Boner and rough Hi/- to 27/* 10/- to '271• SHEEP (per head)— Prime wethers 13/3 to 23/3 1.1/- to 23/6 Unfin. wethers Jl/0 to M/- 12/- to 1 <;/- Prime ewes .. 5/- to 15/- 7/- to I t/Unfinished ewes I/- to 6/0 0/6 to 7/0 Prime lambs 16/0 fo 25/- 17/6 to 26/Unfinished lambs 3/- to 13/6 5/- to 11/6 CALVES (per head) — Runners .. 50/- to 175/- 50/- to 163/VCillers . . 3/- to 110/- 6/- to 120/PKiS (per head)— Baconers ..' 62/- to 70/- 62/- to 78/Porkers .. 30/- to 60/- 20/- to 61/Wcallers .. 5/- to 111/- S/6 to 23/6 Slips • . .. 17/- to 24/- 20/- to 26/Larue stores 21/- to 31/- 21/- to 36/Individual Consignments Top price for steers was £l6 2s 6d, by a choice line from Mr. J. E. Leach, of Wellsford. A consignment irom Mr. AY. H. Fife, Wirohipo, sold to £l4 ss, and a line from Mr. H. J. Vining, Mangatangi, to £l3 17s 6d. Steers marketed 011 behalf of Mr. W. McLean, Walton, made to £l3 10s, and a lot from Matthews Brothers, Paengaroa,! made to £l3. To £l2 17s 6d was bid for a line from Mr. C. W. Fitzpatrick, Brookbv, and a line from Mr. J. Ward, Waihi, sold to £l2 15s. A line from Mr. F. M. Dodo, Putaruru. was sold to £l2 12s 6d, and a consignment from South Head Farm, Wharepapa, brought bids to £l2. Cows and heifers sold 011 account of Mr. It. Nash, Huntly, made to £lO 10s. and cattle from Mr. F. C. Storey, Ohinewai, and Mr. J. Polilen, Matamata, sold to £9 15s. Up to £9 7s 6'd was bid for a line from Mr. C. Charlton, Cambridge, another from Mr. A. Walley, Hikutaia, reaching to £9 2s 6d. A consignment from the Matamata Jockey Club sold to £8 17s 6d, and a line from tho Marist Brothers farm, Tuakau, made to £8 15s. Other quotable lots were sold 011 behalf of Mr. H. Walters. Waiuku, to £7 15s; the estate of C. Hill, Ohinewai, to £7 10s; and Mr. G. McDonald, Kiwitalii, to £7 2s Gd. DETAILS OF SALES AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS DALGETY AND COMPANY Dalgely and Company, Limited, reports on tiie sale as follows: Bocf.—At our weekly Westfield fat stork market our offering of beef totalled 216 head, comprising 43 sleers and 173 cows and heifers, against 152 head last week. The small entry of ox beef attracted keen competition and sold at very firm late rates. A heavy offering of cow and heifer beef reached last week's level for prime quality, but plain and second quality sorls were easier. Extra choice ox sold to 38s per lOOlb; choice and prime ox. 35s to 375; just killable, 31s to 31s; prime .young cow and heifer beef, 30s to 335; just killable. 10s to 21s. Heavy prime steers made £'l3 10s to CM 5s for steers from Mr. W. H. Fife, Nihonihoj lighter, £l2 IDs to £l3 os; light, £ll 10s to £l2 ss: small and unfinished steers, £7 to £lO 10s: extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, t'o to £!• ss; heav.N, £7 lOs to £8 10s: lighter, £6 10s to £7 ss; light cows, £5 to £6 ss; other killable cows, £3 lOs to £1 10s. Sheep.—Sheep again came forward in well up lo average numbers, and, selling under a steady demand, late rates were reached for wethers. Ewes were in better demand and sold at improved prices. Extra heavy prime wethers, realised £1 Is !>d to £1 2s; heavy. £1 Os Od to £1 Is 6(1; medium, 17s Od to £1; light and unfinished, 13s 3d to 17s Od; heavy prime ewes, lis 3d to lis Od; lighter, 10s to lis; other ewes, 5s to its. Lambs.—A fair average entry of lambs sold under steady competition, but did not reach last week's level. Medium, His to 16s 0d; lighter, lis to 15s 6d; small and plain, lOs to 13s. Calves —Calves were penned in smaller numbers. Competition was not keen and wo have to report a dull sale, with values being decidedly easier on last week's quotations. Plain runners made £3 to £5 7s Od; heavy vealers, £1 lOs to £5 ss; medium. £3 ids lo £1 Is; light, £2 10s to £3 6s; smaller, £1 15s to £2 Ss; small, £1 to £1 IOs; unfinished and bucket-fed, Ms to 10s; bobby calves. 6s to 12s.

Pigs.—A good average yarding of pigs came forward and met wilh a steady demand, with values for bacon having an ensing tendency, while for pork remained firm on last week's quotations. Heavy haconers brought t;i i:is to C 3 His; medium, £3 7s to C-:s VJs; light. £3 l's to £!i Us; heavy porkers, £2 l is to £3; medium, £2 7s to X2 12s; light, £ l 18s to £2 ss. LOAN AND MERCANTILE The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports on tho sale as follows: Beef.—We had a large entry of beef, the cow and heifer section being well represented. Ox beef in smaller quantity sold to a ready demand, with values very firm. Cow and heifer beef in the opening stages of the sale was inclined to improve in value but late entries arriving off rail oversupplied the market, and values were decidedly lowei toward the end of the sale. Extra choice ox sold to X'l 1 »s per lOOlb; choice and prime, XI I'Js to £ 1 l(!s; ordinary and plain. xi r>s to £\ i Is; prime young cow and heifer beef it Ss to XI I2s; ordinary, £1 fo £1 7s' Extra heavy prime steers made £l3 to £l4 10s; heavy, £l2 5s to £l2 17s (3d; lighter

£ll to £l2 2s fid; light. £9 to £lO 15s; plain and small, £5 to. £8 15s; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £9 7s fid to £lO 10s; heavy, £8 to £9 ss; lighter. £0 15s to £7 15s; light.,' £5 5s to £0 12s (id; aged and plain finished cows, £3 to £5 ss. Sheop.—Sheep were penned in less than average numbers. There was an improved demand, and values were slightly better. Heavy prime wethers sold at £1 2s (id to £ I 3s Od; medium, £J Is to £1 2s .'id; light, 10s to £1 Os Od; small and unfinished, l. r >s to IBs Od; heavv prime ewes, 13s to Ms; medium, lis to 12s Od; light. Os to 10s Od; just killable. 7s to 8s 9d; inferiorly fatted, os Od to 'is Od; very poor ewes, Is to ss. Lambs.—rLambs in average numbers again sold readily, values being on a par with lest week's rates. Heavy prime brought £1 3s to £1 Is (id; medium, £1 to £L 2s 6d; light. 18s to 10s Od, smaller, 12s 'id to 17s Od: unfinished, best, 7s to 10s Od; others. 3s to Os. Pigs.—Pigs were penned in average numbers. Porkers maintained last week's values, while baconers values were slightly caMer. corresponding to a drop in the schedule Choppers sold from £1 10s to £3 2s; heavy and medium baconers, from £3 Ss to £3 l /s; light baconers and heavy porkers, from £'- 10s to £3 lis; medium porkers and light porkers, from £2 Is to £'2 Ms; small, £1 l-'S to £•_' 2s. Store pig values were on a par with last week's rates. Large stores, £1 5s to £l Os; slips, 17s to £1 Is; weaners, Os to 10s. Calves. —Calves were punned in less than average numbers, and met with a dead sale, values dropping on last weex s quotations, especially on plain calves. Kunners realised fa IOS to £7 10s; heavy vealers, £3 10s to £} 15s; medium. £3 7s to £3 l is; licnt, £_ 10s to £3'ss; smaller, £1 10s to £•- small, 15s to £1 Ss; rough calves. 10s to £1; fresh dropped. 5s to l-ls.

ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: —

Beef,—At our weekly West field fat stock market we penned fat cattle to. the of 237 head, as against 2->(> head last weeK, comprising 07 steers and 170 Competition for ox beef was- keen and last week's quotations were easily, maintained. Cows and hoifers were yarded in good numbers. Bidding , for quality was keen. but medium and inferior were hard to scU.Jvxtra choice ox sold to £l 18s ner 1_00lb.; choice and prime ox. £1 15s to £1 1 <s; secondary arid plain ox, £1 lis to £1 lis; prime joung cow and heifer beef, £'t 10s to £1 1.35, ordinary, 10s to £1 4s Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from Od. the latter price heirs: far steers from Jlr. J. E. Leach, Wellsford; heavy, £l3 10s to £l4 10s; lighter. £1 '2 Ids to £l3; lljcbt. £ll 10s to £ 1 - J; small and. unfinished. £o to £lO 10s; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £0 to £0 10s: heavy£, to £8; lighter. £0 to £0 15s; other killablc cows. II to £5.

Sheep.-—Sheep were penned to the number of 1035. Bidding was steady throughout the sale and late values were .maintained. Extra heavy prime wethers realised £1 -» to £1 3s; heavy, £1 Is to £1 Is Od; medium lo heavy, 18s Od to £1; light to medium. 17s to 18s: unfinished. 13s Od to 10s; extra heavy prime young ewes. 13s (id- to los; beav'v lis Od to I lis (id; lighter, 10s to 11s; other killablc ewes. 7s Od to Os; other ewes. 2s to Os Od.

Lambs. —Lambs were penned to the number of 1310. Com pel it ion was keen and a good sale resulted at satisfactory prices. Extra heavy prime lambs made £l3s to £1 ."is; heavy, £1 Is (id to £L •_>* Od; lighter, £1 to Cl Is; light, 17s 6d to 10s; small and plain, (is to 15s.

Calves.—We had a heavy yardinsr of calves, including many good lines" of station-bred vcalers. The demand was not keen, and values fur all classes were easier. Plain, unfinished and late sale calves were particularly hard to dispose of. Extra heavy prime runners sold at £7 to£K 15s; plain and unfinished runners. £4 to £5 Ids; heavy prime yealers. £5 to £■:> 10s; medium, ,Ct to £1 15s; light. £3 3s to £3 15s; smaller, £2 10s to £2 IDs; small. IKs to £2 2s; rough ■ and bucket-fed calves. Iks to £1 Ss; bobby calves, 3s to l(is. A total of 270 calves was soid.

Pigs.—Our offering of pigs was smaller than usual. There was keen competition for all classes of fats and values remained fully firm. Competition for the few stores and weaners was slack, small weaners be;ng particularly hard to quit. Choppers made £2 10s to £3 1.0s; heavy prime baconers, £3 13s to £3 1 its; medium. £3 i)s to £3. 1.1s; light, if! -js to £3 lis; heavy porkers, £2 11s to £2 18s; medium, £2 <is to £2 !»s; light, £1 10s to £2 3s; unfinished and small, £1 10s to £1 10s; stores, £1 -Is to £1 lis; slips. 18s to £1 Is; best weaners, 10s to 12s; others. 5s to 7s; baconers sold from 0;/<d to. o%d per lb.; and porkers. OV'ad to 7d per lb. A total of 511 pigs was sold.

ADDINGTON MARKET BEEF CATTLE RATES RISE FAT SHEEP VALUES EASE [BY TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION 3 CHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday \ rise in values for fat cattle and a slight easing in those for fat sheep' were features of the. weekly stock market at Addington to-day. In the store, sheep section buyers showed a distinct preference for open wool led sliepp and fair prices were received for them. Halfbreds were not wanted, except at low prices. Good four-year halfbreds were worth 12s Od to 15s, and best five-year Ss to 10s (id, or a shade higher in some cases. Four-vear Romncys from the Chatham Islands made to 225, but they were outstandingly good sheep. A selection of . twotooths contained nothing out of the ordinary and average prices for fair halfbreds were 15s to 10s. The store lamb entry numbered about 10.000, against 13,000 last week., and best lambs made about the same prices as last week, but others were easier. 'I he yarding of fat lambs was about 1800. compared with 2500 lust week, and a drop of %d in the schedule brought values for export lambs down to North Island levels, exporters paying 7 1 / id per lb for lambs 361b and under. Butchers' ewes showed little change, the bulk of the buying being done on a basis of 7'/-d per lb. Quality was again very patchy. Prime pens met with keen competition. The entry of fat sheep totalled about 5000, against 0000 last week. At- the outset ewes were about Od a head -cheaper, and. although they picked up a little later, they remained easier until the end of the sale. Wethers were also a shade cheaper than last, week, one ot the large exporters not operating, and this had its effect on the run of the sale. Extra prime heavy wethers made to 21s 7d; prime heavy," 20s (id to 21s Od; prime mediumi ISs to 20s; light, 15s; extra prime heavy owes, to 15s- lOd; prime heavy. 13s to Us Od; prime medium, lis 3d to 12s Od; light, to 7s Od. The entry of fat cattle numbered 400, compared with ISO last week, and contained fewer old and poor cows than has heen the case recently. Even so. Quality was not outstanding, and anything showing really prime condition met a good sale. Prices all over wore up to 10s a heal betfer than last week for all classes, and the sale was steady throughout on that basis. Extra prime heavy steers ma do to £ls 17s Od; prime heavy, £l3 10s to £l4 10<; prime medium, £ll 10s to £l3 If>s; light, to £S 10s; extra prime heifers, to €l2 2s 'id; prime, £0 10s to £lO 10s; medium, £7 to £0; light, to £0 15s; extra prime cows, to £lO 2s Od; prime, £7 to £0; medium. £5 5s to £0 15s; light, to £5. The entry in the pork classes in the fat pig section was of medium size and over tho last (wo races values showed an advance of from 3s to 5s a head. Choppers were in heavier supply, but nevertheless again met an excellent sale. Baconers wore entered in medium numbers and fully mainiained ruling rates. Porkers made 12s Od to 55s Od; average price per lb, OV 2 d to 7Vid; baconers. £2 10s (>d to £4 'l4s Od; average price per lb., Od to OVJd.

STORTFORD LODGE ENTRY SOME DECLINE IN PRICES. [BY TELEGRAPH —I'HESS ASSOCIATION"] HASTINGS, Wednesday ' A yarding of 260 fat cattle and .120 stores was offered at the weekly Stortford Lodge sale to-day. The market showed a drop on last week's values, with prices back to the same level as a fortnight ago. Bidding was limited. Heifers made the bulk of the yarding of fat cattle. Top price was £O/5/-. The hulk of a line of dehorned Hercfords in excellent prime condition was passed in at £l2/8/-. Most fat cows were well finished and top price reached to £S/t>/-. The best line of cattle in the store pens sold readily to make £9/1-1/-. A line of empty Polled Angus and Hereford heifers in good forward order sold at £5/1/-, Prices of fat cattle ranged from £<>7lo/- to i'S/2/. for tops, with small framed light finished sorts realising £4/5/- to £(»/5/. Heifers made £B/10/- to £9/5/- for best; medium sorts, £O/10/- to £B/2/6; light and unfinished types, from £'■>; ox beef, £O/17/- to £l2/10/-. There was a yarding of approximately 13.000 store sheep, with lambs in a majority. The quality of the lambs was not of the best, many being hard grown and small. An offering of 127 shorn Romney cross wether lambs realised the tap price of the season, 17s Id. The main lines of lambs ranged from 1-ls 5d to ir.s 2d for tops; medium sorts, 10s to 13s 6d; poor and small grown, 5s 7d to Ss I.d;> two and four-tooth ewes, 18s Id to 18s nd; poor sorts. 16s 2d; ewe lambs, lis 2d to 16s; best wethers, 15s 7d to 16s od; medium, 13s to lis Id; small, down to 12s; five-year ewes, lis; aged ewes, poor mouths, 7s 2d. Fat sheep showed n decline in price, wethers showing the biggest drop. Many wethers were passed, •in. Heavy lambs realised 21 s 6d to 26s Gd; medium, 20s to 22s (Id; light. 14s lOd to 18s. "Wethers, best, ISs Od to 10s 3d; others' 16s to 17s 6d; ewes, b»st, lis Gd to 13s Gd; medium. Os to l()s lufl; light, 7s 8d to 8s 8d; maiden ewes, l is Od to lGs; Down cross twotooths, 14s to 18s. i

TE KUITI OFFERING [BY TRTjEGRAFH—OWN CORRESPONDENT] TE KUITI, Wednesday Dalfrety and Company, Limited, reports having lield the annual ram fair at Tr Kuiti, when a full catalogue of fiomney and Southdown rams equal to, if not better in quality than last year's entries, was offered to a large attendance of local, Otorohanga and East Coast buyers. The demand throughout remained firm at last year's prices and prac-

tically the entire yarding changed hands. Although a ffcw pins at the end of'the sale did not make the full value, vendors. in the main expressed satisfaction with their sales, prices being a little above expectations. For eight Southdown rams Air,., W. A- Lee received to SVifeng; 16 from Mr. W. I. Hunt, ogns to an even draft of six Southdowns from JEr. frank Hunt; an entry of 16 from Jlr. Henry Bothery. sold from sgns to 7gnsr. Mr. Wilfred Johnstone topped the Roniney section with ll 3 /igns, six rams being; selected at this figure. Mr. Johnstone's entry of 16 sold from to One stud ram from Mr. A. R. Buchanan soid at 19gns, 15gns being paid for an entry from Mr. E. L. N" Whitelock. Other sales were: Bomneys from Brown and Sons, s%gns to S'/igns; from Mr. D. P. Whitelock, to Sy 2 gns; from Mr. B. Boddy, 6V 2 gns to -9%gns; from Mr. Wallace Johnstone. 6gns to SVigns; from Mr. C. T. C. Iveeble, sgns to .Ggns: from Jlr W. I. Hunt, 3gns to from Jlr. W. J. Smith, 4'/tens to 3%gns; from Jlr. N. W. Pearce, 7gns to OVjgns; from Mr- W. Boddy, 7gns to Ogns; from Mr. E- Openshaw, fi'/jgns to lOgns; from Mr. A. B. Buchanan, sgns to 7 1 4gns; from Jlr. E." C. JfV Whitelock, s'/sgns to 15gns; from Jlr. Frank Hunt, 3gns; from Jlr. D. McCorkindale, 3V 2 gns to 7gns; from Jlr. J. Richardson, 3gns to : from Mr. J. T. Stuchers, 2y*gns to sgns; from J{r. 0. W. Self, 7gns; Southdowns from Jlr. 0. W. Self, sgns to figns;. from Mr. B. Symes." Ogns to fiV-gns; from Jrr. W. H. Tapp, s}igns to S'/jgc?; frnm Jlr. R. Boddy, s%gns to 7gns: from Mr, Rhodes, 4X.Sns. •

NORTH AUCKLAND VALUES [from ouk ow.v corrkspondkntJ . WHAXGAREI, Wednesday Dalgety and Company, Limited, reports that at the Ohaeawai sheep fair there was a large entry for these yards. Competition was quite fair, and everything was sold. Twotooth wethers made from lis 6d to 13s; two-tooth ewes, 18s to 21s; mixed-age ewes, lis to 15s Od; best five-year ewes. 14s to 10s Od; older sheep, 7s to -5.0s fid; small shorn wether lambs. 5s 6d; small ewe lambs, Os 8d; aged rams, lgn .to 2 : 4gns. At the Kaikohe sheep fair held- ;t>y the same company a very large entry came forward, arid everything was sold under the hammer. Fat wethers realised from 16s 6d to 17s; two-tooth wethers. J3s 4d to 14s 7d; smaller, 10s Od to lis Od: two-tooth ewes, 22s Od to 2<ls id; four-tooth ewes. 23s 3d; six-tooth ewes, 10s 4d; mixed-age ewes, 14s 9d to 10s; top price for four-year ewes was secured b.v a line from Jlrs. Orr. of Waimatenui, which made 20s 2d; best four and fiveyear ewes," 16s to 17s 2d; medium sorts, 14s Od to 15s fid; older ewes, culled for condition and other faults. 6s 6d to 9s'fid; best shorn wether lambs, white-faced. Os fid to Us fid; others. 6s 3d to £s 7d; best ewe lambs. 12s; others, Ss to lis 6d; aged rams sold at late rates, best from lgn to 2 l / a gns; others, from Os to 15s. At Dalget.v and Company, Limited's Waipn cattle sale there was a large yarding, comprising chiefly boners, and alljotal clearance was effected. Backward springing Jersev heifers made form £2 15s to £3: more finished. £3 to £3 ISs; heifers, in milk,, due to calve in July, £1 to £4 ss; fat heifers. £1 lo £5; fat <*ows. £4 to £5 ss; yearling Shorthorn heifers. £2 Os to £&os: cows, with calves at foot. £4 to £4 ss; boner cows, heavy. £3 10s to £4; lighter, £1 10s to £2 12s; boner bulls, £2 5s to £S 12s 6d according to weight.

MATAWHERO RATES HIGHER • [BY TELEGRAPH —OUS ' GISBORXE, Wednesday An estimated advance of 2s a head on eood station lines at the Matawhero ewe fair lasted until the major lots had been offered; but when smaller pens wer? offered there was a general easing in values. The yarding at the fair, which was the fourth for the" season to date totalled 14,395. Buying for outside districts, while fully in evidence, was not heavy Purchases were made for the Waikato,. Waiiu3 and Hawke's Bay districts. Values were: Aped ewes, good store condition. 5s to 7s; sixvcar. extra good, 15s 3d to. 1 Os; good, to 13s Od; others, 9s upward; five-year, besl lines, 15s to 10s 3d; four-tooths. 20s Id 1o 23s 7d; two-tooths on account of Taumutu Station, 22s (id; on account of. Mr. Q. Williams, * 255; on account of Mr. J. McNeil. 21s Sd; on account of Mr. W. Seymour. 2is Id; medium size, 15s 3d; mixed ages. four, six and eight-tooth from Arakihi- Station. IUS 7d; six and eigllt-tooths, lUs 2d; fourtooth to five-year, 15s 9d.


[BY telkcbaph—own correspondent] TAUMARUNUI, Wednesday

There was a large -attendance at the Taumarunui ram - fair, SOO rams being entered. Outside vendors, chiefly .from the Feilding, Masterton and Palmerston jSortti districts attended. Excellent Southdown and Romney flock rams were offered. Mr. J. B. Bradley, of Feilding, topped the sale in the Southdowns with two outstanding one-shear rams' at 'OH guineas. Other prices ranged from three guineas to five and three-quarter guineas. In Romneys a local breeder, Mr. E. H. Thurston, of Hikimutu, obtained a record price of 10 guineas for flock rams and 3-1 guineas for a stud Romney, solo ta Mr. J. Hannan, o£ Matiere. Other fl<X"k rams made from three guineas to seven a»}d a-half. Other stud Romney ram sales were:— Mr. A. ~R; "Buchanan,- one: at 1(5 sumeas, purchased by JMnZTC. W; Lilburn, of Tata; one at. 10 " guineas, purchased", by Mr. A. F. GMrit; of Ohura; Mr, Ei iC. ,L- Whitelock, of - Koparie; one at 16 guineas purchased by-' Mh- J;. McArady. of Matiere; one nt io guineas, purchased by the Maraekowhai Developing Company; Mr. A. «- Buchanan, one at TO guineas, purchased by Mr. P R. ftlielton, of larinsamotn; Mr. E. C. X. Whitclock, one one-shear at 1< guineas, purchased by the Maraekowbai Developing Company; one one-shear at. oo guineas, purchased by Mr. H. L. o. (orlong; one two-shear at 20 guineas, purchased bv Mr. Alex: Goodwin, of Otunm fetud Romney ewes sold from one and a-nalf .o three guineas; stud ewe Romney lambs, oil" to two "guineas. .v; ; ;

DAIRY RECOVERY BETTER CONDITIONS RULE FIRST HALF OF SEASON OUTPUT 9 PER CENT LOWER *• _ ■ Dairy production in the Dominion continues to recover from the setback received during the unfavourable period in the spring. Rains have stimulated pasture growth in most areas and for the period of the season the greater part of tho country is looking particularly well. Production figures for the six months to the end of January show that the butter-fat output for the Dominion is about '9 per cent lower than that, of the corresponding period of the previous season. This-represents a, substantial recovery on the decrease of 14 per cent for the first three months of the season. In some . districts,, notably Taranaki, production to date has practically reached last season's figures. In view of the favourable conditions which have been ruling, it is expected the productive season will bo a protracted one, in which caso there should be a further recovery in output. In January the country's butter output was only fractionally lost; than that of tlu same month of last year, while in cheese there was a substantial increase of around 7 per cent. For the first half of the season butter production is down by about 9 per cent and cheese by approximately 1J per cent in comparison with last season's corresponding figures. .z _ QUIET LONDON MARKET NO CHANGE IN SALTED . LONDON, Feb. 14 The butter market is quiet. Choicest salted New Zealand is quoted at 122s per cwt.; Australian.- 119s; unsalted, New Zealand, 12is; Australian, 121s. Prices for both. New Zealand and Australian salted butters are the game as those ruling at the end of last week. Unsalted New Zealand is about Is' 6d ■ per cwt. cheaper.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23273, 16 February 1939, Page 9

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FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23273, 16 February 1939, Page 9

FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXVI, Issue 23273, 16 February 1939, Page 9