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WIN FOR AUCKLAND CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION COURTS IN BETTER ORDER The Auckland representatives won the Watson Shield yesterday in the final of the annual inter-association competition controlled by the North Island Catholic Lawn Tennis Association, which was concluded on the Hemuera courts. The courts were in much better order due to the improved weather conditions. The results of yesterday's play were as follows, the names of players of the firstmentioned province taking precedence in each case:— Auckland v, Wellington.—Men's singles; J. Long beat T. McGrath, 6 —2, G —3; J. Molloy beat F. Barnao. G—3, G —2; H. Bonninghaus beat H. McNeill, G —l, 6 —l; P. Hcnehan beat F. Hepburn, 6—5, O—1; E. Reardon beat M. . Barry. G —l, G —3; B. Ledger lost to C. O'Halloran, 5—6, s—(>.5 —(>. Ladies' singles: S.' MuUal.v beat M. O'Dea, 6—2, 6—4; R. Williams heat K. Edwards; A. llenehan beat E. McNeill, o—s,0 —5, 6 —l; k. Kelly beat D. O'Connor, 2—G. 6—l, G—l; Mrs. Brady lost to T. Weybourne, 3 —G, 3 —6; A. Rassie beat A. Fox. 5 —G, G—3, 6—3. Combined doubles; Bonninghaus and Miss Kelly beat H. McNeill and Miss O'Connor, G —l, 5 —6, 7 —5; Reardon Hnd Mrs. Brady beat Barnao and Miss - Weybourne, 3—G, G —l, G—3. Havvke's Bay v. Wanganul-Manawatu. — Men's singles; A. Giles lost to J. O'Halloran, 4—t); F. Boston beat R. Somers, o—7: J. Hallapnn lost to B. Miers, 9 —2; J. Miers beat 0. Nash, y—2; C. Monk beat P. Ferguson, 9—5; J. Lomas beat P. Hynes, 9—l. Ladies' singles: S. Ford lost to N. Hickey, s—o; M. Hill lost to U. Hickey. 7—9; M. White lost to A. Hesp. I—9;1 —9; Mrs. Miers lost to G. Biirnao. :i—9; C. Burger lost to M. Tuffin, G—9; E. O'Connor lost to E. Carmody. 2 —9. Men's doubles: Giles and Boston lost to O'Halloran and Somers. 6-—9; Haliagan and Miers lost to Miers and Nash. G—9; Monk and Lomas lost to Ferguson and Hines, 6- —9. Ladies' doubles: Mrs. Ford and Hi'l beat the Misses Hickey, o—s. Taranakl v. Waikato. —Men's singles; J. Harrington lost to J. Jordan, S—9; J. Rothery beat Rev. Father Columb, 9—l; A. Coylo lost to F. Murphy, 4—9; H. Edwards lost to Rev. Father Hays, I—9; E. Keain lost to G. Mueller. 5—9; T, Rowe lost to J. Crawford, 7—9. Ladies' singles: D. McCarthy beat M. Blake, o—7; J. Francis beat A. Jordan, 0—:!; Mrs. Rowe beat Mrs. Mueller. !>—s; Miss Henehan beat C. Ryan, o—8; M. Harrington bent B. Ryan, 9—4; B. Goodwin beat R. McGee, 9—7. Men's doubles: C'ovle and Edwards beat Murphy and Rev. Father Hays, 9 —G. Ladies' doubles: Miss C. McCarthy and Mrs. Rowe beat M. Blake and K. Jordan, 9—S.

CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES RESULTS OF OPENING DAY The New Zealand Catholic tennis championships were commenced at the Remuera courts yesterday after the final matches in the AVatson Shield contest had heen decided. Results of yesterday's championship play were as follows: Men's Singles.—First round: G. Mueller beat J. Crawford, »—7; M. Romano* beat T. Buller, »—5; A. Hay beat J. Cooney, o—s; J. Gomley beat R. Snow, 1)—1; J. Phelps beat J. Lomas, !) —3; J. Bray beat J. Nicholson, }> —0; C. Monks beat T. Thompson, t>—2; .R. Somcrs beat P. Sullivan. (>—B: A. Morris beat B. Flower, »—'2; K. Doherty beat J. Hallagan, !)—2; B. Myers beat O. Nash, —4; F. Boston beat H. Giles, 9—l; J. Malloy beat L. Daly, H—o; Ti. Ponlnghaus beat J. McDermott, »—3; M. Barry beat C. O'Halloran; E. Heardon bent 1?. Columb, O—T. O'Halloran beat S. Corbett, H—l; P. Henehan beat E. Whitley, 9—4; A. Suckroo beat B. Brown. 9 —7; T. McGrnth beat F. Rowc, 9 —l: C. Philiipps beat H Clark, 0—0; F. Bamao beat F, Hepburn, o—'2; M. Swain beat E. Osboldsfcone, o—4; B. Hughes beat A. Coylc, !i—B. Ladies' Singles.— -First round: Miss Ryan won by dofault; Miss Bell beat Miss Hill. 0—0; Miss U. H'ickey beat Miss Nixon, 9—l; Miss Amos beat Miss Emerson, 9 —B; Miss K. Edwards won by default; Miss Harrington beat Miss White, o—7; Miss Kelly won by default: Miss Williams won by default; Miss McNeill beat Mrs. Mueller. s>-^-7: Miss Burger won by default; Miss McNeill beat Miss McCarthy, 0—0; Miss Gritlin heat Miss Landers. 0—"i; Miss Francis beat Miss Forrune, o—7: Miss Goodwin beat Miss Toye, o—'2; Miss Henehan beat Miss McGee, o—3;0 —3; Miss McCarthy won by default.

WELLINGTON TITLES V ' DEFEAT OF N. G. 3TURT SURPRISE BY E. ROUSSELL [BY TELEGRAPH—PRESS ASSOCIATION] WELLINGTON, Tuesday Although the morning was not propitious, to-day was the b?st of the three Cays for the Wellington lawn tennis championship and handicap tournament. Heavy showers by which the rest of Wellington was visited in the morning passed Miramar by. and the courts were excellent condition. The outstanding result of the day was the defeat of N. G: Sturt, Wellington singles champion, by E. A. Roussell. The Australian lady players, Misses M. Hnrdcastle and T. Rice, showed up in bold relief the tremendous inferiority of the New Zealand standard of play. Chanipianship results were as follows: Mei's Singles.—Second round: N. V. F.dwards beat R. Jenkins, o—l,0 —1, o—l. Third round; N. G. Sturt beat D. Ward, o—o, 0—1; G, A. Roussell beat T. Lyons, 6—l, 6—2; N. Edwards heat S. Painter, o—2, 0-—4; D. G. France beat D. L. Rose, o—o, o—l. Semi-finals: E. A. Roussell bent N. G. Sturt, 5—7, 7—5, 11—0, o—4; N. V. Edwards beat D. G. Franco, 6—2 (trance retired). Men's Doubles. —First round: Painter and Rohl) beat Ward and Nevitt, fi—3, 6 McArthur and Burns beat S. Hooper and Chapman. 5—7, (J—o, o—l. Second round: Dyer nnd Rdwnrds beat Ashby and Pointon, O—2, o—2; Lyons and Neale beat Morrison anl licnouf, B—o, o—3. Ladies' Singles.—Third round: Miss M. Hnrdcastle beat Miss J. Bums. o—o, 0 —I; Miss E. Plummer bent Miss J. Bedford, 4—-ft, r;—-j, 7—5;-Miss T. Rice won from Misfi J. Forrrster by default; Miss J. Douthetit beat Mrs. N Edwards, o—l. o—l. Semifiii.ils: Miss M. liardcitstle beat Miss I<J. Plummer, —!, •'—2; Miss T. Rice bent Miss J. Loultictt. «i—o, —i. Lailies' Doubles.—First round: Misses Hardcastie and Rice beat Mrs. Edwards and Miss Burns O —3, 0—1; Misses Douthett and Plummer beat Mrs, Ferkins and Miss J. Forrester, o—3, 0—1; Misses M. i.verton and L. Akcl beat Misses McCaskey and Htise, <i —o—l. Semi-finals: Misses Hardcastle and Rice beat Misses Castle and Nicliolls, o—o, 0—0; Misses Douthett and Plummer beat Misses Everton and Akel, o—l. o—, . T , Combined Doubles. —Second round: Rnbb and Miss J. Douthett beat Lyons and Miss Castle, O—3, 3—o o—3; Dyer and Miss Burns beat N. A. Morrison and Miss MacLean, o—B.0 —8. o—t. o—3; Edwards and Mrs. Edwards beat Ferkins and Miss Forrester, (j!—• Renouf nnd Miss L. Akel bent Kelly and Miss ,T. Nicliolls, B—«,■ <>—3; 1) fi. France and Mrs. I-rancc heat R. Jacobsen and Miss Marshall, o—-2 o—o. Third round: U. Robb and Miss J. Douthett heat Roussell nnd Miss T. Rice. o—3, 0—l; K. Dver and Miss Burns beat McArthur and Miss J. Bedford, B—o,8 —0, 2—6, B—o.

ROTORUA TOURNAMENT PLAY CONTINUED YESTERDAY [/BY TEEEGRAPH—OWN CORRESPONDENT] ROTO RCA, Tuesday The Rotorua Lawn Tennis Club's annual open Christmas tournament was continued to-day. the weather conditions heinj excellent, Shortly after fl p.m., however, the wky clouded over, and rain commenced to full a few niinu'.cs before nix o'clock, making it necessary to abandon further play for the dav. Most of the championship events have reached the quarter-final stages and, if the weather clears, the semi-finals should he completed to-morroiy, leaving Thursday for the Good progress was also made with the handicap events. Following are the results of to-days Men's Championship Singles.—Second round: Smaller heat K. G. Bartleet, (l—l, ij—i; J. Henderson heat A. Hold, <i—<>. o—'J; N. Coleman beat R. D. Brown, ft—(i, (j—:i ; c. Brotigh beat C. Jessup, it —3, »t—l; M. Rountree beat W. Gladstone, ft—t. (t—l; C. Beadle beat J. Ueall, o—4. I—o, ft— (i; A. Henius beat A. Davidson, (t—3, (I—I; S. Clarke beat F. M. B. Fisher, '2—ft, ft—s, o—7;0 —7 ; B. Dolil beat Ingram, ft—l, <(■—"_!; H. Rawllnson beat Solomon, (I—*2, (I—">. Quarter-finals: R. T,. Dennis beat 2s. Coleman. ft—3. (1 —I; R. Hold beat Henderson, ij—■_>, <i—-j; Wylds beat Rawllnson, (I—l. <; —I!; Roach beat Cameron, ft—<i, ft—l, li—Richards beat Beadle, ft —1, <S—VJ; Flenuis beat Clarke, 0 —1; Smaller beat Penney. (I—s. n—s. Men's Championship Doubles. First round: Burton and McDougnll beat Dyer and Anderson, ft—fl, <1—1: Thompson and Hawes beat Palmer and Brongliton, o—l, ft—H; Clarke and Nertle beat Coombes nnd Beadle, ft—a. ft —3. Second round: Burton and McDougall beat Brown and Fisher. (5—4, 4—6, S—6; B. Dold and Andrews beat Wylds

and Richards, 6—3, 6—3: Hoskin and Rquntree beat Thompson and Hawcs, 6—4, 6—-5; Clarke and Neale beat Stevens and Solomon, ft—3, 3—«, o—l; Dennis and Smaller beat Mitchell and, 6—l. Ladies' Championship Singles.—Quarterfinals: Miss M. Hodges beat Mrs. Lord, (I—l, (S—-J; Miss R. Hodges beat Miss Jeffries, s—rt, o—3, fi—ti; Miss Bark beat Miss Beverley, G—2. o—3; Miss Buckley beat Mrs. Symmans, ft —<i.. <>——, Ladies' Championship Doubles. —Quarter*, finals: Mrs. Lord and Miss Bark won from Misses Buckley and Donaldson by default. Combined Championship Doubles. —r irst round: Rountree and Miss Low-beat Andrews and Miss Alison. G—•">, -I—o, 6 —lßoski n and Miss Pnwson beat Stevens and Miss Bousfleld, G—l. - —i). G—3; Roach and Miss Buckley. beat Solomon and Miss Jeffries, ({—•_>, o—1; Broughton and Miss Parata beat Palmer and Miss Roberts, <(-7-.}. G —2. Second round: Penney and Miss Knight beat Burridge !tnd Miss R. Hodges. o—3.0 —3. 6—l; B. Dold and Miss Edniondson beat Paterson and Miss R. Holland, G—•_>. 6—2; Smaller and Miss J. Nagle beat A. Dold and Miss Wade, (i—•_>, (j—2; Roach and Miss Buckley beat Coonibe and Miss Bark, o—l, o—3jo—3j W.vlds and Mrs. Lord beat Brown and MisS Beverley, o—O.0 —O. (I—2.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23231, 28 December 1938, Page 14

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WATSON SHIELD New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23231, 28 December 1938, Page 14

WATSON SHIELD New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23231, 28 December 1938, Page 14