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THE RICHMOND CLUB GENERAL HANDICAP EVENTS LIGHT SAILING CONDITIONS The Richmond Cruising Club held two general handicap races on Saturday afternoon, one for 18ft. and 16ft. classes and the other for all 14ft. boats. The wind was light and variable and, although many of the boats were becalmed at times, they all managed to complete the course. Both events started and finished otf the new boatharbour wall in St. Mary's Bay,'

The race for 18ft and I (if t classes was started firsl, and when the last flag fell Vaalcle crossed the lino just ahead of Sonoma, Marlene, Irina and Ri]itide. Then followed Shamrock, Paroro, Arline, Surprise, Annette and Meinutu, with the others handy except Jewel and Charmaiue, which were late, the former 4m and the latter Oni. Shamrock carried away her spinnaker at the start and lost time in adjusting it. Vaalcle continued her lead on the run up the harbour to the Pile beacon mark and hack to the Shoal Bay buoy. The times of the leading boats making the turn in Shoal Bay were:— Vaalcle, 3h 32m 535; Irina, 3h 34m 535: Riptide, 3h 34m oSs; Memulu, 3h 30m 3(is: Sonoma, 3h 30m 38s; Shamrock, ah 38m 50s.

On the second run up harbour Riptide and Irina raced on level terms for some distance. when Riptide took Die leHd. Later. Irina went into second position, but on the heat to Northcote Point the boats again changed places. Marking the turn at Shoal Bay for the last time the order was Vaalele. Riptide, Irina, Surprise, Meniutu. Vaalele lost her lead at this stage lo Riptide, and later to Irina, and a good race was fought out between Riptide and Irina. On the last beat from the Watchman to the finishing line Irina passed Riptide and was almost over the line when the wind dropued. the tide carrying the boats up harbour. Riptide put in a short board and was first to pick up a light southerly breeze, which carried her over the line ahead of her rival. The race started at 2.45 p.iu. The finishing times were:—Riptide (scr), oh Gin 08s; Irina (scr), oil Oni IGs; Vaalcle (lm), oh 10m oSs; Memutu (sni), 5h ISui 3ts; Sutprise (0m). Oh ISm 325; Jewel (sm), oh '-'Oni 3s: Sonoma (Oni), oh 2Lui 17s; Lanai (scr), 5h 21m -10s; Arlino (8m), oh 23m 235; Mahana (Om), oh 23m 335; Annette (7m), oil 23m 50s; Charniaine (Bni), oh 25m 3s; Scimitar (12m), oh Horn 50s. The res.ilt on corrected times was.—Riotide and Vaalele, dead-heat, 1; Irina. 3. In the race for classes T, X and Y. Shaliniar was first away, and was closely followed by Jlaniu, fShirlene. Lena, Treasure, Valvina. Challenge and Marcnc. Invader and M'Tala were late, the former lm and the latter 27ni. Shalimar held her lead on the first round, but in the second was passed by Shirline, Malvina, licbcl, Mania and several others, the times making the turn at the Shoal Bay mark on the completion of the first round were:—Shalimar. 3h 43m 555; Shirlene. 3h 4-1 in; Treasure, 3h -1 -lm 20s; Marcnc. 3h 40m 555; lfebel, 3h -17 m 30s; Malvina, 3h -17 in 50s. The wind fell light in the second and final rounda, and the boats frequently changed places. . . The race started at 2.50 p.m. The finishing times were:—Rebel (7m). 5h 22tn -tus; Shirlene (scr), oh 23m ltis; Marene (sm). 5h 23m 275; Mania (scr). oh 24m 3s; Malvina (1 Vain), sli 24m 325: Edna D. (2m), oh 24m 30s; Shalimar (2'/,m), 5h 25m 245; Treasuro (l'/im), oh -'2om Is; Avenger (lm). oh 20m 10s; Lena (sm). oh 20m 20s; Challenge (sm), 5h.20m 51s; Muiinai (sm), 5h 27m; Nania (scr), Oh 27m 8s; Zephyr (4m), oil 34m *>7s. The result on corrected times wus:— Rebel, 1; Marene, 2; Lena, 3.

THE ROYAL SQUADRON RACE FOR M CLASS The Royal New Zealand Yacht Sciuadron held a race for its 18ft M class on Saturday afternoon, starting and finishing off King's Wharf. A light north-easterly wind prevailed in the parly part of the afternoon, but as the day wore on. the breCsse almost fell away lo a calm. Conditions improved later, enabling,, all the boats to Finish. The winner was Manuia, owned and sailed by Mr. ,T. C. Frunkham. On the fall of the lasi flag Mawhiti crossed the line- first, closely followed by Maroro. Maranita, Mararoa. Mercedes and Manoa. Manaia, Manu and Manenc were over the line beforo gunfire and were ordered to return. Manu lost very little time, but Manaia and Mancne had to make up almost two minutes. It was a beat to the Sandspit beacon, and Manu went into the lead. Mawhiti followed, and the two boats worked board for board to the beucoti. Maranita held third place unti reachiug the Sandspit. where she was passed by Manaia. The order of the leading boats rounding the Bastion beacon was: Manu. Mawhiti. Manaia. Mancnc. . , There was little or no wind after the boats bad cleared the Bastion, and Manu ran into a caliu patch ilanaia passed Mawhiti, and further improved her position by putting in a board toward Rangitoto. Manenc also passed Mawhiti and Manu. but in making the turn at the White Liuht buoy Mawhiti reguincd second place. Mararoa followed closely in Mawhiti s wake. Manaia continued her lead on the runback to -King's Wharf, followed by Mawhiti. Mararoa and Mancne. Just before reaching the line Mararoa caught ami- passed Mawl; 111 The race started at 2.30 p.m. The finishijig times were;—Manaia (2m), lh Mararoa (om), -lb l(im -lis; Mnwlnti <2Vim). -lm -10 m 50s: Manenc (lm), lh J^ nl ,K -;V Manu (scr), -lh -ion. 58s:\lerc e <les(lni).»h Him I ts; Maroro (ont>. oh 10m 11»: Mar. - nita (lim), oh 10m ss; Manoa (IV,in), oh ' result on corrected ,il|U 's was: Manaia, 1; Mararoa, 2; Mawhiti, 3. The officials in charge of the racing were Messrs. X. J- Tattersfield. H. N. Ilcwson and C. 'i'owle. '

' CORNWELL CUP CONTEST TWO TRIALS DECIDED The first and second of a series of trial races to decide the crew to represent Auckland in the 1030 contest for the Connu'll Gup for class Z boats, were held on atl | r " dav afternoon, starting and finishing off the Western Reclamation. Both, events were sailed in light weather, 'l? 110 "' $ won the first race and le Hoa (It. Bailii) th TlOrteeh' boats faced* the starter in .the first trial, which was decided over a ( windward and leeward -course, t rom aKoodstart Hanoni took command on the heat to ttie outer Pile beacon in Bayswater, the order of the leading boats making the turn bung Hanoni Te Hrta and Betty. On the run b-ick again Bettv passed le Hoa. the second cat back to Bayswater saw Jtanoni si.II in charge, but both Betty and Te. Hoa were overhauled by Lvla and lawaki at Ibis stage. On the run home, however. Betty regained second place. The race started at 2.;i0 p.m. ' Ilie nnishing limes were:—Hanoni. lh 3m 30s; Betb, 'lh Om ins; Lyla. lh Om 235; Lawaki. -lh Om -10s; Swish, lh 8m -IOs; Aotea, -111 8m Ids; Te Hoa, -lh Km -tßs; Water Beetle, 4h Km los; Benny. 11l 8m <>os; here, ■h Om 20s; Te Uira, -1 Ii Om ols; le Utu, dli 10m 2"'the*'resiOt ™waif:—Ranoni (C!. Entrican), 1- Bettv (R. Itobb). 2; Lyla (R. Bailey). 3. The second race was held over a triangular course and when the boats were sent away thev made an excellent showing, all crossing the' line within seconds of one another, le Hoa gradually drew clear of the fleet and once round the steamer " a . ra S^,'""Skinner mioal Bav, was never headed. Bailcj, skipper of Te Hoa. carried his spinnaker as a lender almost in the wind and made splendid progress Several of the other skippers, tried to follow Bailey's example but met with no success The wind fell away on the third leg of the course and a number of the boats which lost the breeze drew alongside ono another to enable the owners and crews to re The tace at 4.30 p m The finishinc limes were:—Te Hoa, oh 21m Os; Tffwiki 5h 22m 335; Te Uira. oh 23m 10s; Panoni 5h 23m 325: Pat a, 3h 23n. 335. ' The 'result was: —Te Hoa (E. Bailey), 1; Tawaki (C. Schofield), 2; Te Uira (S. Mason), 3- The officials in charge of the racing were Messrs. J. J. Mackay. C. 1. ileKnight, F. Thomas and N. Matheson. WAKATERE BOATING CLUB The Wakaterc Boating Club held two races for its new Frostbite class of sailing dinghies on Saturday afternoon. Ihe races started and finished off Narrow Neck .beach, D( ln n the t 'nrfit event Tawai crossed the line just ahead of Taukirl, Kiwi. Jaibee and Joker. Tauklri went into the lead and was The "race started at 2.15 p.m. The finishing times were:—Taukiri, 3h 3-m 3's; Tawai, 3h 31m 3s; Jaibee, 3h 51m 7s; Kiwi, 3h 58m 10s; Joker, dh lm Bs. The result was:—Taukiri (J. Brook). 1; Tawai (J. Hunt), 2; Jaibee (A. Waters), 3. From a good start in the second race Jaibee was first away and close on her stern came Kiwi, Tawai, Taukiri and Joker. The race started at d.13 p.m. The finishing times were:--Jaibee, 111 33m 4-1 a j Taukiri. lh 40m 245; Tawai, 111 13m 50s; Kiwi,-4h 47m 3s. Joker did not finish. The result was:—Jaibee (H. Tavlor). 1; Taukiri (J. Drought), 2; Tawai (R. Shippard), 3. A race was also held yesterday morning, but owimir to a hard north-easterly wind and heavy sea only three boats started. The result was:—Kiwi (N. Wing), 1; Taukiri (J. Brooke), 2. Jaibee retired.

HERNE BAY CLUB The Heme Bav Junior Yacht Club held two races for small classes on Saturday afternoon, starting and finishing off Ponsonby wharf,

In the race for the Silver Fern class, which started at 3 p.m., the finishing times wore:—Rhythm (lm), lh 50m; Silver Fern (2'/ 2 m), oh lm 3s; Kandy Kid (dm), 5h 7m 3os; Tui (3m), 5h lOin 275; Electra (3m), oh 10m 10s; Tapcre (lm), 5h 10m 40s; Valerie (scr), 5h 11m 40s; Trisha (scr), 5b 14m 375. The result on corrected times was:— Rhythm (K. McLean), 1; Silver Fern (D. Taylor), 2; Kandy Kid (D. Webster), 3. The 10ft open class started at 3.30 p.m. The finishing • times were:—Baidcr (iy a m), •lh oom 455; Kohu (scr), 4h sßm 2os. The result on corrected times was:—Baider (D. McCarthy), 1. Messrs. A. G. Taylor and E. Hutchinson were in charge of the racing. EVENTS ON THE MANUKAU VARIABLE WINDS PREVAIL The light northerly breeze on Saturday caused the Manukau Yacht and Motor-Boat Club to alter the course for its yacht race and the finish was timed on No. 2 course. Twelve yuchts were sent away. The variable light airs did not allow the boats to make much headway on the first round, but after (hey turned the mark off Waikowhai the breeze freshened and steadied at north-west. With spinnakers set the boats made a fairly fast run up to the mark off the clubhouse. Tainui and Topsy, the limit boats, had maintained their load and were followed by Sunbeam, Opah, Clyde, Aloma, Foam, Wixie M„ Aileen. Mere and Perseus. . Mere/ improved her position on the beat out, but the smaller bonts were too far ahead. Clyde also showed out with fine sailing. Ebb lide and Aloma had trouble with their gear and retired. „„ _ . ~ The race started at 2 p.m. The fin slung times were: —Tainui, -111 20m 40s; lopsy, 4h 31m -IDs; Opah, -lh 37m 48s; Sunbeam, -lh 37m 58s; Mere, lh 40m 245; Clyde, 4h 40m 335; Wixie M., -lh 43m Is; Atlecn. 4h 43m lis; Foam, 4h -10 m 28s; Perseus, 4h 40m 21s. , „ ~ _ . A race for the Z class Cornwell Cup boats was held and provided good racing. i.dola was first away, followed by Zipper, iamaki, Valeta, Tuatea and Leone. There was little difference in the positions throughout, Edola maintaining her lead with Zipper and Valeta staging a good contest, but Vaieta could not outsail her rival. The race started at 2.00 p.m. The finishing times were:—Edola, 3h 51m 2ks; Zipper 3h 52m -lis; Valeta, 3h o2m 48s; Tainaki, 3h 54m 7s; Tuatea, -lh 2m bs; Leone. 11l 3m 30s. Following were the results:— General Handicap. Tainui, 32m, 1; Topsy. 27m, 2; Opah. 13m, 3. L "Class. —Tamaki. sm. 1; Valeta, 3m, 2. There were insufficient entries to bold a motor-boat race. The officials in charge of the racing were Messrs. A. Grupeu, A. Alo and I'. J. Auger. / MANUKAU CRUISING CLUB

The boats of the Manukau Cruising Club drifted about behind the line prior to the start of the harbour race and with the Mark Fov system of starting, each boat being sent off its handicap, the backmarkcrs had little chance of making up their handicaps. Alertc was first to be sent away. The breeze was very light and patchy on the beat out ■to the mark off Waikowhai, but freshened on the run back. While Valrosa required a hard wind, the lighter conditions suited Sirona, which was handled well to sail through the fleet to sccqnd position. The positions on completion of the nrst round were:—Alcrte, Sirona, Maia, Valrosa, Satanita, Ranui. Maranui Beating out the second time, Satanita improved her position, while Alertc and Sirona staged a great duel. Mystery, Ranui and "Nlaranui were a lonK way behind, but Hanut improved. On - the run up to the finishing line Sirona had the lead from Alerte. The race started, at 2.0 p.m. The finish, ing times were:—Sirona, 4h l«m Os, Alertc, -lh 17s 475; Maia, 4h 19m Os; Satanita, 4h 00,,, 'lis; Valrosa. 4h 2Hn 58s; Ranui 4h 25m 255; Maranui, -lh 34m 58s; Mystery, lh Three "motor-boats, Iguana, and Matarika. were despatched off their hand! caps in that order. Karma and Matarika had trouble and Louana gained an easy win. The limit boat started at 3.3. P-m- and the finish was timed: —Louana. .5n 30m. Results were as follows: — Yachts. —Sirona. 2m. 1; Alertc. 13m. 2, Maia. 3m 30s, 3. - Motor-Boats.^ —Louana. 9m. 1. The officials in charge of the racing were Messrs. J. Moir, W. Sweetman. G. Smith and W. Claydon.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23206, 28 November 1938, Page 17

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YACHT RACING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23206, 28 November 1938, Page 17

YACHT RACING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23206, 28 November 1938, Page 17