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PRICES AT WESTFIELD GENERAL TONE APATHETIC FALL IN SEVERAL SECTIONS The general tone of the market was apathetic at the Westfiekl fat stock sales yesterday, and slack bidding was responsible for declines in a number of sections. Ox beef, was quoted firm at late rates, but the sale of cows and heifers was marked by a drop in some cases equal to about 20s a head, with average quotations slightly lower. Yardings of sheep were heavy and prices again fell, as did those for a larger entry of spring lambs. Hoggets were steady. Competition was dull for calves, only prime beasts selling at equal to late rates. Values in the pig section were firm to slightly better. Values were firm for a heavier yarding of ox beef, which sold steadily under a good demand. Cows fyid heifers also were entered in larger numbers, and with competition inclined to be dull, the tendency was toward a fall in prices. The decline was equal to about 10s to 20s a head. Although steers sold readily to £ls 10s this price was 12s 6d lower than a week ago. Cows and heifers reached a top price of £ll 15s, which was on a par with values lately ruling, though nut equal to the ; £l3 recorded a week ago. . Values for Sheep Recede Values for an over-supply of sheep again receded, the fall being more marked in the case of ewes, which lost about 2s a head. Wethers were quoted about Is lower. Wethers again reached a top price 'of 245, and ewes were the same as last week, with sales to 18s. Bidding for hoggets ranged from 14s to 21s, a narrower range than last week. Spring lambs came forward in full average numbers, and realised slightly better prices at from 15s 6d to 29s 3d, the top being fractionally lower. With the exception of those for heavy runners, values! generally declined in the calf section. Tho yarding was large and bidding fell off sharply toward the end of the sale, rough sorts being hard to quit. In some cases the decline at /the end was equal to about ,20s a head. Quality vealers did best of the other sections, the fall being less marked than elsewhere. The top price of £lO 7s was made by an outstanding runner, as against £8 19s a week ago, and there are bids to £9 5s for others. Vealejs registered a further drop of 3s with sales to £7. Contrary to expectations, values for the larger entry of pigs were steady. Baconers sold steadily to record a top price of £3 15s, the same as last week, and porkers reached late quotations. Baconers were quoted at 6d to 6£d per lb., and porkers at to 7£d per lb. Comparison of Quotations Tho following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Westfield fat stock sales: — This Week Last Week BEEF (prr 1001b.) Extra choice ox 40/- 40/Choicc & prime ox . . 34/- to 89/- 31 /• to 39/Choicc & prime cow A heifer 33/- to 38/- 34/- to 38/Boner & rough 23/- to 32/- 20/- to 33/SiIEEP (per head) — Prime wethers 10/ to 24/- 18/3 to 24'Unfin. wethers 15/- to 18/- 14/6 to 18/Priinc ewes .. 11/6 to 18/- 13/0 to 18/Unfin. ewes.. 4/- to 11/- a/- to 13/Hopruetß .. 14/- to 21/- 12/- to 21/Spriw? lambs.. 15/6 to 29/3 10/0 to 29/6 CALVES (per head)— ' Runners .. 75/- to 185/- 75/- to 170/Vcalcrs .." 2/- to 140/- 3/- to 143/PTGS (per head) — Baconers .. 60/- to 75/- 60/• to 75/Porkers .. 36/- to 60/- 30/- to 60/Weaners .. 12/- to 25/- 11/- to 23/Slips . .. 23/- to 32/- 23/- to 31/Large stores . 29/- to 43/- 29/- to 44/Individual Consignments Top price in tho ox beef section was £ls 10s, made by a lino traded on behalf of Mr. H. E. Reed, of Waerenga. Another line from the sanje dealer made the next best price. £ls 2s 6d, and consignments from Mr. Jl Robertson, of Ohinewai, and Donaldson Bros., of Kaiwaka. made to £l4 10s. Steers from Mr. G. Hastie, of Papatoetoe, sold to £l4 7s 6d, and a lot from Mr. C. Proctor, of Ohinewai, made to £l4 2s 6d. The best offer for a line from Mr. A. Main, of Tamahere, was £l4, and a consignment sold on behalf of Mr. N. Litchfield, of Patuniajioe, made to £l3 17s 6d. Steers marketed on account of Mrs. 11. Clark, of Waiau Pa, brought to £l3 15s, and a lot from Andrew Bros., of Ruawai, to £l3 12s 6d. Cows and heifers sold on behalf of Thompson and Ernst, of Whakatang, made to £ll ss. and a lot from Mr. J. A. Hill, of Ohinewai, to £ll 2s 6d. Cattle from Mr. It. TJrquliart, of Karaka, reached a top price of £ll. and a consignment from Mr. 11. F. Hall, of Walton, sold to £lO 7s 6d. A line from Mr. F. Yales, of Karaka. made to £9 12s 6d. and one from Mr. W. J. Ellet, of Helensville, to £9 2s 6d. Other quotable consignments were sold on behalf of Mr. J. Somers, of Otahuhu, to £8 10s; Mr. E. K. W T right, of Patumahoc, to £8 ss; Mr. H.. Windsor, of Matangi. to £8 2s 6d; and Mr.. H. Walters, of Pukeowiri, to £7 10s. DETAILS OF SALES AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: Beef.—At our weekly Westfield fat stock market yesterday we penned fat cattle to the number of 322 head, as against 207 head last week, . comprising 111 steers and 176 cows and heifers. A heavy yarding, of ox beef came forward and sold under a keen demand at fully late quotations. Cows and heifers were also penned in full numbers. Competition was not keen and values eased by fullv 20s per head on late sales. Extra Choice ox sold to £2 per lOOlbs choico and prime, £1 17s to .€1 10s; secondary and plain. .CI 13s lo CJ 10s; prime I'onnß cow and heifer heef, £1 Us to £1 I6s; ordinary, £1 f?s to £1 Bs. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from ii'ls to £ls 10s. Tho latter price was Tar steers from Air. H. 33. Reed. Waerenga. the line averaging £ls Is sd. Heavy prime steers, £ll 5s to £ll 15s; lighter, £l3 10s to £11; light, £ll l'os to £l2 10s; small and unfinished steors, £0 to £lO lOS; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO to £ll .ss, the latter price being Tor heifers from Mr. W. C. Pilmor, Gisborno; heavy, £8 lo £B' 15s; lighter, £6 108 to £7 10s; other killablo cows, £4 I Os tc £5 18s. . Sheep.—Sheep were penned to the number of 1141. Wethers showed, ft' slight improvement on last week's sale. Hoggets were in keen demand, while ewes were easier by about 2s per head. Rxtra , heavy prime wethers sold at £1 3s (id lo £1 'ls; heavy, £1 2 s (Id to £.l 3s; medium to heavy, £1 Is to £1 Is Dd; light to medium, 10s to £1; unfinished wethers, 15s to 18s; extra heavy prime young ewes, 15s to l(is Od; heavy primo ewes, 1-ts to lis od; lighter, prime ewes, 1 2s to 13s Od; other killablo ewes, 10s to lis; other ewes, 2s Od lo 7s (id. Lambs.—Lambs were penned to tho number of 220 and sold freely at lower values than Inst week. Extra heavy prime lambs made £1 Os to £1 7s (id; heavy, £.l 3s lid to £1 ss; lighter, £1 2s to £1 3s; light, £1 to £l -Is Od; small and plain lumbs. 15s Gd to ISs Gd. Calm.—We had an extra large yarding of calves. Extra choico heavy rnnners sold readily at late rates, but the dejnand for all other classes was not keen and values wore fully 10s a head lower in tho early sale and the demand weakened as tho sale progressed, late salo calves being in many cases fully £1 lower than ast week s rates, particularly with unfinished and bucket-fed calves. Extra heavy .runners mod*/from £0 10s lo if os; plain and unfinished runners. £3 15s to £o 10s; heavy prime vealers..

£5 los to £6 los; medium prime vealers, £4 10s to £o 10s; light prime vealers, £3 to.£4 6sf smaller vealers, £2 to £2 15s; small vealers, 18s to £1 15s; unfinished and bucket-fed calves, 15s to £1 7s; bobby calves, 2s to Jos. A total of 200 calves was sold.' Pigs.—We had an averatre entry of fat piss. The demand was steady and contrary to expectations values were slightly better .than those ruling last week. Choppers made £2 10s to £1 2s; heavy prime baconers, £3 13s to £3 l(Js; medium, £3 7s to £3. lis; light, £3 2s to £3 ss;. heavy porkers, £2 17s, to £3; medium, £2 lis to £2 11s; light, £2 -Is to £2 7s; small and unfinished, £1 18s to £2 2s; medium stores, £1 12s to i-'l 15s; slips, £1 -lis to £1 7s; weancrs, 13s to £1 3s; baconers averaged 6d to (j'Ad per lb and porkers (S 3 / 4 <l to 7'Atl per lb. A total of 502 pigs was sold. LOAN AND MERCANTILE New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports on the salo as follows: Beef.—At Wegtfield fat stock market our yarding of bctf was fully an average one. Ox beef sold to J. steady demand at iato quotations. Competition was not so good for cows and heifer beef and this eased in values on last week's sale. Extra choice ox sold £2 per 1001b.; choice and prime ox, £1 15s to Hi 193; ordinary and plain ox, £1 10a to £1 ids; prime young cows and heifer £1 5s to £1 12s; no extra heavy prime steers were penned; heavy prime steers sold at £l3 Gs to £l4 7s Cd; lighter prime steers, £ll 15s to £l3 2s (id; light prime steers, £9 10s to £ll 12s Od; plain and small, £6 10s to £0 ss; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO 5s to £ll 103; heavy prime young cowa and heifers, £9 to £lO 2s Cd; lighter, £7 to £8 3,55; light, £5 10s to £0 17s <jd; aged and plain finished cows, £3 10s to £5 ss. ' Sheep.—A large yarding of sheep and an over-supplied market again; saw values recede, prime owes being affected most. Prime wethers ■were about Is lower, prime ewes Os down. Heavy prime wethers realised £1 2s Od to £1 3s Od;. medium, £1 to £1 2s Od; light, 17s fid to 19s Od; small and unfinished, 15s to 17s 3d; heavy prime hoggets, 19s 9d to £1 Is; medium, ISs 3d to 19s Od; light, 17s to ISs; unfinished, 14g to lGs 6d; heavy prime ewes, 15s 6d to lfis 9d; medium, 14s to 15s 3d; light, lis 6d to 13s Od; smaller, 10s to lis 3d; just killable, 7s Gd to 9s Od; poor ewes, Od upward. Lambs.—Spring lambs penned in increased numbers did not reach last week's, extreme values. Extra heavy lambs sold from 26s ,to 29s Od; heavy, 18s to 25s Od. Pigs.—We had 'a large yarding of pigs. Competition was steady and late values wero well maintained. Choppers sold from £2 to £3 16s; heavy and medium baconers, from £3 7s to £3 14s; Ilight baconers and heavy porkers, from £2 17s to £3 ss; medium porkers and light porkers, from £2 6s to £2 15s; small. £2 to £2 4s. The demand for storo pigs is still keen. Values remained •firm on last >week's rates. Large, stores made £l' los to £2 2s; slips, £1 5s to £1 12s; weaners, 15s to £l. 4s. Calves, —There wa.s a large entry of calves. The salo was dull, with values generally oasier. A few extra well done vealers and runners being, on a par with last, week's i rates. Late, sale calves were very. ..hard to I quit, the market being over supplied. Run-1 ners brought £4 to £8 2s; hea.vy- vealers, j £5 7s Od to £7; medium, £4 to £5 ss; light, £3 to £3 15s; smaller, £2 to £2 18s; small, £1 to £1 15s; plain calves, ISs to £1 12s; fresh-dropped, 5s to lis. DALGETY AND COMPANY Dalgety and Company, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: Beef.—At our weekly Westlield fat stock market our offorins: of beef totalled 105 head, comprising 15 steers and 150 cows and heifers, against 115 head last week. Competition for ox beet was steady, with values on a par with last week. For a good yarding of cow and heifer beef, competition was not so keen, and values generally ruled lower than last week. Extra choice ox sold to 40s per lOOlb; choice and prime ox, 3.7s to 395; just killable, 33s to 30s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 35s to 38s; just killable, 25$ to 31s. Heavy prime steers realised £l4 10s to £ls 2s Od, for steers from Mr. H. E. Reed; lighter, £l3 10s to £l4 ss; light. £ll 10s to £l2 10s; small and unfinished. £lO to £ll ss; extra v heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO to £ll ss, for heifers from Messrs. Thompson and Krnst, "Whakatanc; heavy,' £» 15s to £9 15s; lighter, £7 to £8 ss; light, £6 to £0 i7s Od; other killable cows, £4 to £5 10s. Sheep.—We again yarded an average entry of mutton, for which competition was steady, and values for prime wethers ruled firm. For piain withers and all classes of ewes, values remained on a par with lasi week. Extra heavy prime wethers sold at £1 3s to £1 4s; heavy. £1 2s to £1 2s Od; medium, £1 Os 9d to £1 Is Od; light and unfinished, 10s to 20s; heavy prime ewes, lis to ISs; lighter. 12s to 13s Od; other ewes, 8s to lis. Lambs.—An average entry of lambs sold freely at values below those ruling last week. Heavy prime lamb realised 24s to 25s 3d: medium, 22s to 23s Gd; lighter, 20s to 21s Od; light, 10s Od to 10s. Calvos.—Calves were penned in large numbers. The demand throughout was slack and values were considerably easier on last week s quotations, with the exception of good auality runners, which realised up to late rate*. The demand for small and rough -. calves was very poor, and values for these classes were also much easier. Runners made £5 ius to £lO 7s for an extra choice runner on account J. A. Hill. Obinewai; heavy vealers. £5 5s to £0 10s; medium, £4 16s to £o-S; light, £3 10s to £4 os; smaller, £2 10s to £3 2s; small, £1 12s to £2 Ms; unfinished and bucket-fcd, lGs to £1 ss; bobby calves. 6s to lis. Pigs,—pj ffs came forward in good averace numbers. The demand was keen, and we have to report a good sale, with values ver.v firm on last week's quotations. Heavy baconers sold at £3 12s to £3 15s; medium. £3 7s to £3 lis; light. £3 to £3 ss; Ileavy porkers £2 10s to £3; medium, £2 bs to £2 14s; light, £2 to £2 Os. Store pigs were in demand and sold readily at late rates. Stores, £1 Os to £1 17s; weaners. 14s to £1 2si slips, £1.'33 to £l' Gs. ADDINGTON MARKET OVER-SUPPLY OF FAT STOCK [BY TELEGRAPEt —PRKSS ASSOCIATION}j CHRISTCHUKCH, Wednesday Fat sheep and cattle were again in excess of requirements n|j the weekly slock market at Addington to-diiy, resulting in a further decrease in price. Vealers and baconers were also easier. Store sheep: Although there-was a smaller entry the sale .was dull. Wethers particularly wore practically unsaleable. Hoggets failed to attract anything; better than a weak demand. Wethers brought to 20s bd for a line of welt grown four, sis and eighttooths in tho wdol. Other young wethers made from 33s 2(1; wether hoggets,, to 15s; medium sorts, 10s to 13s 3d; e\v«s and lambs, to lUs 3d;wniiTtiium sorts, in wool, 13s to 13s 4d;i others, from 8s Od. The spring, lamb sale finished on a range of about fed to Most of the good lambs brought about B'/ a d. Fat sheep: The entry of about GOUO, after 6500 last week, substantially exceeded buying requirements. On' 1 an average prices were Is <td down, both ewes and withers. Extra prime heavy wethers made to 27s 10d; prime heavy, 2(>s Od to 23s Od; prime medium, 188 Gd to 20s; light, to 15s; extra prime heavy owes, to 25s Id; prime heap%, 18s to 20s; prime medium, l'is Od to 1.8 bd; light, to lis Gd. Fat cattlis; The entry of 030 again exceeded buying requirements. Except for good light-weight steers and ■: heifers, the inarket was down on the average of last week by 15s to 2<)s. Other classes were down bv 10s to 15s. A good deal of beef sold, at about' 40s to 426 per 1001b s extra primo heavy steers, to £lO 17s Od; prime £lO to £18; prime medium, £l4 15s 10 £lo} light, to £ll ss; extra prime heifers, to £l3 7s Gd; prime. £ll to £l2 10s; medium, £0 10s to £lO 15s; light, to £0 ss; extra prime cows, to £l3 7s 'lid; prime, £0 10s to £l2; medium, £7 10s to £9 ss; light to £. os. Fai pigs: The entry in the porker section was again large. Prices showed very little change compared with last week. Choppers were in medium supply and a shade better in value. Baconers were forward in similar numbers to those of a week ago. Values eased considerably and a very orratic salo resulted. Best class pigs were easier by about 5s and medium and secondary Classes bv 5s to 10s. Choppers made 3Ps Gd to £4 88 Od; porkers, 38s to 50s Od. average price pev lb «V«d to VAdi baconers, iJ Is Gd to C 4 19s Gd, average price per lb 6/ a ci to 7d. DEMAND FOR DAIRY CATTLE [from our own correspondent] WHANG AREI. Wednesday . Dairv cattle and beef sold well at the Kamo 'sale of the North Auckland Farmers Co-operative. Limited. Store calcic were hard to quit, no doubt due to the dry weather. No heavv cattle were yarded. Medium-weight fat bullocks made £lO 3s to £11; lwht. £0 10s to CIO; medi'iim fat cows, £; to £< los. light C 5 to £6 1.7s Od; fresh-conditioned cows.' £4 10s to £5 2s Od; fat Jersey cows £4 5s to £5 7s Od; heavy boner cows. £3 10s to £4 2s; medium haconp.S, £2 12s to £2 18s; light boners, 25s to £2 Ss: runners, £3 7s; cows and calves, £4 ljs to. £5 12s Od; best dairy cows, =£ < to £8 10s Od; medium, £0 5s to CO 17s od; others, £4 15s to £5 10s; best dairy heifers. £•> los to £0 ss; backward and medium heifers. £4 15s to £5 12s (id; service bulls, £6 os to £7; yearling Jersey heifers/ £3 10s to £4; honor bulls, heavy, £5 5s to £«; others, £3 15s to £4 17s 6d; yearling Shorthorn steers, £3 10s to £3 15s. CLEVEDON ENTRY An entry of about 150 cattle and a fair varding of sheep came forward at the Clevedon sale, conducted by the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency. Company, Limited. The whole yarding changed hands at prices satisfactory to tho vendors. Heavy fat cows made £7 10s to £8 Os; lighter, £5 to £7; meat.v cows, £3 10s to £5; boners, £2 to £3 ss; fat- heifers, £4 10s to £0; bulls, small, £1 10s-to £5 ,355; w.eaucr pi£s. to £ 1 3s Gd; farm gelding; £2O; farm mare, £l7.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23203, 24 November 1938, Page 9

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FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23203, 24 November 1938, Page 9

FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23203, 24 November 1938, Page 9