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TE AWAMDTU VALUES GOOD MARKET FOR PIGS DAIRY COWS IN KEEN DEMAND The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company Limited, reports a medium yarding of sheep, which met steady competition from a largo bench of buyers, at tin; Te Awamutu sale. Values remained firm at Frankton rates. For a good yarding of ox beef, with a medium entry of heifer beef late rates were maintained. There was a (rood entry of store and boner cattle, with stores dull of sale, while boner prices remained firm. Weaner and store pigs were penned in full numbers, with the market for all classes particularly good i\ smalt entry of dairy cattle met' with a good demand and sold at improved values. Sheep: Fat shorn wethers. 21s (id to 225; light fat shorn wethers, 18s lo lUs; fat shorn hoggets, 17s Gd to IDs: light fat ewes, lis to 13s (id; white-face ewe hoggets, 22s (id; small store hoggets, Lis (id to Ids. Cattle: Heavy prime Polled Angus steers, £l4 5s to £J4 15s; lighter, £l2 Is to £l3 7s Od; fat Jersey-cross steers, £ll 10s; light fat Jersey-cross steers, £7 Ids; prime fat hoifers, £8 (o £0 15s; lighter, £7 10s to £7 17s (id; medium fat cows, £-1 l.~>s to £-1 17s; unfinished, £4 5s to £-1 8s; heavy boners, £4 to £i 7s; lighter, £3 Is to £3 10s; low-conditioned cows, £2 10s to £2 148; choice Jersey yearling heifers. £5; medium quality, £3 17s Od to £4; small yearling heifers, £2 17s to £3; yearling Jersey bulls, £5 5s to £7; Ayrshire three-year bulls, £ll lis; two-.y«ar bulls, £0 to £8; boner bulls, £6 10s to £7 10s. Pigs: Heavy baconers, to £3 10s; medium, £3 7s to £3 13s; light, £3 3s to £3 (is; heavy porkers and buttermilk pigs, £2 15s to £3 Is; medium, £2 8s to £2 14s; light, £2 2s to £2 ss; small and unfinished, 37s to £2 Is; good stores, £2 to £2 7s; lighter, 33s to 38s 6d; best slips, 25s to 31s Od; best weaners, 20s to 245; others, 10s to 19s 6d. Dairy cattle: Best quality Jersey cows, £8 15s to £ll 10s; Jersey heifers, in milk, £6 10s to £7; medium quality springing heifers, £7 to £9 ss.

WAIHOU RATES IMPROVE The Farmers Co-operative Auctioneerinß Company, Limited, reports a good entry of sheep and cattle at Waihou. The sale of fat sheep was only fair, with hoggets hard to quit. No prime quality fat rattle were penned, the entry of neef comprising fat Jersey and second quality cows, which met a keen sale at improved rales. Boner cows were penned in larse numbers and sold at schedule prices. A large yarding of two-year Jersey anil yearling Jersey heifers came forward, and was keenly sought after, prices in this section showing an improvement. Potter and service hulls sold at usual rates. A good yarding ot fat pigs came forward, with bidding keen from a full bench of buyers, late rates being fullv maintained. A full entry of stores and weaners elicited keen inquiry, prices being in advance of those ruling at the last sale. Sheep: Fat woolly wethers, '27s; fat woolly hoggets, '-'ls to -its (id; shorn killable hoggets, l(>s. Cattle; Fat second quality cows. £0 10s to £8 -is Od; fat Jersey cows. £7 to £7 l'2s; medium, £0 5s to £(s IBs; light, £5 oS to .CO; killable, £4 10s «o £5 2s; heavv boners, £H 15s !o £4 IGs; medium, r_> Jss to £3 12s; light, 35s to £'2 10s; cull cows, 5s to '2ss; empty two-year Jersey heifers, £3 10s to £1 Is; empty two-year htifers and slips, to £3 ss; yearling Jersey heifers, good, £4 19s lo £5 3s; yearling Jer-sey-cross heifers, £3 'is to £4 4s; smaller, £'2 Us to £'2 10s; potter bulls, £6 to £7; two-year service bulls, £0 to £10; yeaninpj service bulls, £5 to £9 '2s 6d. Pigs: Best baconers, £3 l'2s to £3 15s; medium, £3 .s to £3 J Is; light. £3 Is to £3 Os; heavy porkers and buttermilk pigs. £'2 l'2s to £.*; medium porkers, £'J 5s to £2 10s; light, *•- to £'J 4s; unfinished, 30s to 395; large stores, 3'2s to 35s Od; slips, '2os to 31s; best w»aners, *2'2s to '2os; others, 18s to '2ls.

OHINEWAI REALISATIONS The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports an average yarding of cow beef at Ohinewai. The entrv met with fair competition, values being lower than Frankton quotations. An average varding of store and boner cows did not meet with very brisk competition, and values were loner. An offering of pedigreo Shorthorn bulls on account Messrs. A. L. Souter and Sons. Waerenga, attracted good inquiry, selling up to 17' gns. A large entry of Jersey bulls, for the most part of i>oor quality, met with only a fair sale. Fat heifers, £7 10s to £8 2s Od; fat Jersey cows and heifers, £ < to C < l'_s Od; medium, £0 5s io £0 17s Od; lighter, £•_> 10s to £5 17s <>d; killable cows, £4 <s Od to 1:5; heavy store cows, £3 10s to £4 Is; others, £'2 17s to £3 ss; heavy boners, £2 15s to £3 7s <>d; others, from 15s; purebred three-vcar-old Shorthorn bulls, up to J,gns, pedigree two year-old Shorthorn bulls, up to 17V 2 gns; two-.vear-old grade Jersey bulls, £lO lOs to £l'2 •">»; yearling grade Jersey bulls, Farmers" Co-operative Auctioneering Companv, Limited, reports a very good yarding of cattle. Competition for beef was on a par with rates ruling at central yards, while store and boner cows sold at schedule rates. The varding of store cattle did not meet with a very keen inquiry, and in most cases failed to reach vendors' reserves. Light fat steers, £lO 10s; medium fat Polled Arnzus heifers, £7 I.os to £8 10s; light, 14 10s to £5 15s; medium, £5 to £5 l«s;■ m ®? l ™l l s boner cows, £3 to £3 los;_ light, £2 to £~ 15s; store cows, '2ss to 355; service bulls, £0 to £10; two-year Polled Angus steers, £0 j.-,s; yearling Jersey heifers. £3 10s io sid Company, Limited, reports that a full yarding of cattle sold steadily under fair competition, and quite a good clearance was made. Fat cattle were sligh . down on late sales. Medium-weight fat Polled Angus steers. £ll 10b to Xll Uj; cow . £(5 4% to £~ l-s Od; fat Jerso> cows, £»> to £0 4s- fleshy, £4 5s to £411»; boner cows £3 10s to £3 15s; cull, 30s to C- Os, cows'and calves. £4 to£4 14s ; yearUng Jersev heifers, small, I*3 lis to £4 -8 Shorthorn, £ % 2 5s to £3 2s Od; two-year Jersev bulls £8 10s to £lO '2s Od; yearling, £■} ins to £5; aged Polled Angus hulls, £8 to £8 ss; pen Of three-year Angus steers £8 V2s; pen of three-year Hereford stems' £8 10s; pen of two and a-half yea Hereford steers, £8 ss; pen of two and »^ ha J vear Polled Angus steers, £* 10s, pen 01 two and a-half year Polled Angus steers, £7 ss.

MATAMATA QUOTATIONS Dalgetv and Company, Limited, reports a small 'yarding of sheep and a good of cattle at Matamata. The competition on sheep was dull, but fat cattle commanded good competition before a full buvers. Boner cattle prices remained at late rates, while store cattle were hard to disuse of Fat woolly ewes made lbs 6d; shorn fat ewes, 13s; fat hoggets, 1-s bd- store hoggets. 10s (>d to 12s Gd; a pen of light fat Hereford heifers, on account of Mr. (x. Johnston, realised £9 lis; light fat steers £<> 10s; medium Hereford and Polleo Angus fat cows, £8 to £8 lis; good fat Jersey and Jersey-cross cows. £0 10s to £7 10s; lighter fat Jersey cows and heifers. £•> to £6 2s (sd; forward conditioned Holstein and ShorThorn cows, £G to £6 12s (id; forward conditioned young Jersey cows and heifers, £1 12s (id to £5 2s (id; heavy boners, £3 I,'ls to £4 (is; others. 30s to £3 lis, according to weight and condition; potter bulls, £5 to £0; two-year pedigree Jersey bulls, IDgns to MVigns; yearling bulls. Jersey, £<i ."is to £8 1 ."is; yearling Polled Ansrus bulls. £lO to CIO ss; small yearling Jersey and Jersey-cross heifers, £3 15s to £3 18s; empty two-year Jersey heifers, £3 fo £4. Dairy cattle: A small yarding of springing Shorthorn heifers, £7 15s to £S; springing Jersey heifers, backward. £7 to £7 15s. Pigs: An average yarding of fat pigs came forward and prices were firmer than late sales. Stores and weancrs were penned in large numbers and sold freely at advanced rates. Prime heavy baconers, £3 12s to £3 15s; heavy. £3 10s to £3 12s; prime medium baconers. £3 8s to £3 10s; medium, £3 (is to £3 Ss; prime light. £3 4s to £:s (is; light. £3 2s to £3 4s; heavy buttermilk pigs. £2 16s to £3 2s; buttermilk pigs, £2 12s to £2 lGsj prime he:>vy porkers. C2 10s to £2 lis; medium, £2 2sSo £2 Ss; light, 3Ss to £2 2s; choppers, £2 10s to £3 10s; larjre store pigs, £2 to £2 4s; medium storo pigs. 3rts to £2; small store pigs, 32s to 3(ls; best slips, 30s to 31s; medium slips. 20s to 30s; best weaners, 23s to 28s; small, 20s to 225.

TANGOWAHINE OFFERING [BY TEIiBORAPII —OWN CORRESPONDENT] DA I? O A VILLE. Saturday More than 350 pigs met with keen competition from a good attendance of buyers :tt. a sale conducted 'by Walter Wakelin at Tangowahine. Bnconers realised £3 8s to L'.'i 15s; medium bacpners, £3 to £3 7s (Id; heavv porkers. jJ2 10s to' £2 10s; buttermilk' pigs, £'2 to £2 OS (id; stores, £1 10s to £2 Os (id; slips. £1 5s to £ 1 10s; weaners, £1 to i'l Os; inferior, to 355. , NORTH AUCKLAND VALUES [from our own correspondent] WHANG AREI, Saturday Walter Wakelin reports having held a sale at Kamo, when a large entry of both cattle and pigs was submitted to a large attendance of buyers. Prices for cattle were fairly good, although tho shortage of feed lessened the demand. Pigs were keenly sought and a total clearance in this section was effected. Dairy cattle: Best dairy cows and heifers close to profit, made from £(> to .CO; medium cows, £4 to £5 15s; good quality Jersey heifers, close to profit, to £7; cows and heifers, in milk, £3 to £7 10s. Beef and storo cattle: Fat cows, £6 to £S; forward bullocks, £8 10s to £0 ss; three-year-old steers, £G 15s to £8; two-year-old steers, £5 to £6 10s; yearlinsr steerß, £3 10s to ft 10s; yearling Jersey heifers, £3 to £8 ISi; amall heifers, £1 15s to £Si 10a yearling Shorthorn heifers, £2 5s to £3; two-

year-old empty Jersey heifers, £2 lOji f.o £3 K)s; two-year-old Shorthorn heiiers, .'"2 15s to £\ 15s; boner cows, £1 10s to £3 ss; boner bulls, £5 128 (id; cows ani calves, £3 15s to £5 10s; Jersey store cowt, to £3. An entry of 50 bulls met with :» ready sale, prices being easily the best realised at Kanto this season. Two and three-year-old Jersey bulls sold from «gns to 15gns; Red Polled bulls, 11'gns to 18gns; Devon bulls, logns; Hereford bulls, 12gns; Shorthorn bulls, sgns to fi'/zgns. Pigs: Baconers, £3 5s to £3 13s; medium, £3 to £3 (is; heavy porkers, £2 los to £3; medium. £2 4s to £'_> Os; large stores, to 38s; slips, '.'3s to 31s; weaners, 10s to 2 4s; breeding sows, £3 to £5 10s; choppers, £1 15s to £lf tos.

Walter Wakelin reports a heavy entry of fat and store pigs at the Tangowahine pig sale. There was a large attendance of buyers, competition being keen and an excellent sale resulted. Heavy baconers made from £3 Ss to l:i 15s; medium, J.':! 2s to £:} 7s; heavy porkers, £•_' IDs to £•_> 18s; medium, £1 iSs to £2 7s; buttermilk pigs, £•_' 3s to £2 8s lid; stoces, £1 13s to £2 3s; slips. 25s to 30s; weaners. (>s Gd tp 295. The North Auckland Farmers' Co-operative, Limited, reports a fair yarding at Waiotira, when there was good competition throughout for all classes of stock. Fat bullocks, heavy, made £l2 12s (id; light fat COWS, £5 15s to £7 2s (id; fat Jersey cows, £5 15s to CO ss; prime fat heifers, medium weights, £7 10s to £8; light fat heifers, £(1 10s to £7 fresh conditioned cows, £1 10s to £\ 13s; heavy boner cows, £3 10s to £1 ss; medium. £2 7s (id to £3 9s; light, £2 Os to £2 18s; cows and calves, £5 ss; three and four-year-old store bullocks, £9; two-year-old steers, £5 0s; yearling steers, £3 2s to £3 15s; yearling Shorthorn neiters, £3 3s; store cows, £5 to £5 l'2s; boner bulls, £1 to £6 13s. HEREFORD COWS MAKE £B/10/[BY TKLEGRArH —OWN CORRESPONDENT] TE PUKE, Saturday Ihe Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, reports a good yarding of cattle at To Puke, with prices on a par with recent quotations. A large yarding of pigs came forward, and competition in this section was keen, buyers of both Tat and buttermilk pigs operating freely. Fat Polled Angus and Hereford cows, £8 10s; light fat Jersey cows, £5 15s to £6 7s 9d; fresh-conditioned cows. £1 10s to £5 10s; heavy boners, £3 10s to £4 108; light, 28s to £2 10s; three-year Polled Angus steers, £8 los; service bulls. £5 to £8; potter bulls, £5 to £7; springing Jersey cows, £7 to £0; springing Friesian heifers, 10s. Pigs: Heavy baconers, £3 10s to £3 17s; light, £3 to £3 8s; large buttermilk, £2 10s to £2 19g; smaller. £2 lis to £2 15s; large stores, £2 to £2 ss; medium, 3(is to 395; small, 28s to 325; slips. 23s to 20s; best weaners, 17s to 20s; others, 12s to 15s.

TAUPIRI FAT PIG ENTRY The Xew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports fat pigs were yarded in increased numbers at Taupiri. These met with good competition at values slightly lower than Frankton. There wait a heavy yarding of store pigs, competition being *cry keen throughout, with late rates being maintained. Good clearances were effected in both sections of the sale. Heavy baconcrs, £3 30s to i' 3 12s; medium. £3 5s to £3 t>s; light and unfinished, £2 17s to £3 2s; heavy porkers and buttermijk pigs, £2 l'.'s to £2 10s; medium, £2 3s to £2 IJs; light, £1 10s to £2 Is; best store pigs, 34s (id to 38s; medium, 20s to 335; others. 21s to 27s Gd; best weancrs, 10s to 22s Od; others, fcis to 10s

MEAT IN LONDON 4 _________ PRICES AT SMITHFIELD GENERALLY LOWER RATES SUPPLIES OF HOME-KILLED The Smithfield market for lambs is easier, owing to heavy supplies of home-Killed. With increasing stocks and a poor demand, prices for wethers and ewes are lower, states the weekly report issued by the New Zealand Meat Producers' Board. Frozen beef is in good demand. Chilled beef is a shade easier. 'New Zealand porker pigs also are a shade easier, as larger supplies of home-killed are available. Baconer pigs are unchanged, hut the tendency is easier. Boneless bobby veal is selling slowlv at late rates.

Following are ruling prices of wholesale quantities announced by the board, together with values ruling at the close of the previous week;— FROZEN MUTTON Oct. 20 Oct. 27 per lb per lb d d Xew Zealand — Crossbred wethers and/or maiden ewes: Under 4Slb .. .. 57s 47, 4 0-501 b .. .. 4% 47a 57-O-llb .. .. 4V. 4% 65-721b . . . • 4' / j 4?. Ewes: i Under 4Slb .: .. 3VS 3V4 49-s(ilb . . .. 2% 2"i .">7-04lb . . .. 2% 2% «o-721b . . . . 2/j 2Va FROZEN LAMB Canterbury: ! Under 30lb .. R 7% 37-12)b .. .. B'i V/, 43-r.Olb .. .. 7% 7V« Second quality, average about 31lb .. 6'i 6% Other South Island: Under 3(ilb .. S 7% 37-421b .. .. 7% 77, 43-oOlb •• 7/« 7Vi North Island Downsi Under 361b .. * * 37-421b * * 43-50lb .. * * Second quality, average about 301b 7 7 North Island, first quality: Under 361b .. .. 7% 7'/i 37-421b .. .. 77. 77. Second quality, average about 311b .. 6% 6% AustralianVictorian: First quality, 2£)-361b * First quality, 37-421b * * Argentine (new season's) — First quality, 361b . . 7Vi 7% First quality, 37-421b 7% 7 FROZEN BEEF New Zealand — Hinds 4 4V4 Fores . . • • 3% 3/i Australian — Hinds 4V« 4Vi Crops (weights corresponding) . . .. 3% 3% . CHILLED OX BEEF New Zealand — Hinds Fores .. . • 3/» Australian — Hinds OV4 Crops (weights corresponding) .. .. 4 4/4 South African — Hinds «'<; 67. Fores •. • ■ 4/. 4 Southern Rhodesian— Hinds 07. 6V. Fores .. 4 37« Argentine— Hinds . .. •• f »li 6V a Fores . .. .. 4% 4% Uruguayan— Hinds . .. .. (>Vi 6% Fores . .. .. 1% 4% Brazilian — Hinds * * FROZEN PORK New ZealandPorkers: • ! First quality, (51-Solb 7% 7'/« Ditto, 81-lOOlb ..7 7 Ditto. 101-1201b . . 6M 67. Baconers, *Not quoted. The weekly quotations are based on actual sales <?f wholesale quantities »>f carcases of mutton or lamb or of quarters of beef delivered to Smithfield market and/or London stores. In the case of chilled beof the rates represent the approximate average prices realised for the week at per lb. To arrive at the equivalent ex shin values, one farthing per pound should bo deducted from the prices quoted above. Quotations given represent the average for the week, and are not selected lines, but for parcels fairly representative of the bulk of shipments now 011 offer.

WETHER VALUES WEAKER DEPRESSED MARKET FOR EWES f The Bank of New Zealand has received the following advice from its London office as at the close of business last week: —Wethers: Weaker values are 1 ® ruling owing to lack of demand. Ewes: The market is depressed. Lambs: There is only a poor demand. The market is affected by heavy supplies of Homekilled meat. Quotations: —Wethers, light, 4gd- to 4Jd per lb.; heavy, 3id to 4gd. Ewes, 2id to Sid. Lambs: Twos, 7Jd to 7Jdj eights, to 7jd; fours, 7|d to 7}d; second?, 6|d to 6jd.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23182, 31 October 1938, Page 7

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COUNTRY STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23182, 31 October 1938, Page 7

COUNTRY STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23182, 31 October 1938, Page 7