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PORT OF AUCKLAND WANGANELLA FROM SYDNEY i The Huddart - Parker motor - linei Wanganella will arrive to-day fron . Melbourne and Sydney with 218 pas sengers arid berth at Prince's Whar about 12.30 p.m. She will sail foi i Sydney on Friday. The Union Com : pany's passenger steamer Matna was 1 despatched yesterday afternoon foi Karotonga, Nukualofa, Apia and Suva taking 27 passengers. r The Matnia wil , return to Auckland on October 31. Th< South Pacific Line passenger steamei Tasman left Auckland last night foi Wellington, Sydney and the East, anc the British Phosphate Commission'! steamer Triona, which will move to-daj from King's Wharf to Western Wharf will probably sail to-night on hei return to Nauru Island. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS Will Watch (4.10 a.m.), from Whangajeij Tuhoc (1.30 a.m.), from Paeroa: Otimai (0.35 a.m.), from Whangarei; Coronation (7.10 a.m.), from Whangarei; Ranginui (noon), from Tauranga; Hauiti (1.00 p.m.), from Coromandel. Pukeko (11 p.m.), from Portland. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES Matua (3.10 p.m.), for Rarotonga. Pas sengers)—Mr. E. Ajiscoinbe. MisSv T. G, Annan, Mr. C. A. Deuxbcrry, Mr. and Mrs. F. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ford, Mrs. C. E. Hill, Mr. S. Hartnoli, Miss G. M. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Roberts, Miss D. Scarborough, Miss G. Scott, Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Stewart, Mrs. G. H. Saunders, Mr. Sheweiry, Mr. D. W. Speakman, Mr. M. M. Thomas, Miss T. Vinsen, Mr. and Mrs. 7. B. Vinsen. Mr. J. AVilson. Miss M. Wilson, Miss M. B. Wilson, Mr. F. E. M. Warner. WiJI Watch (4.45 p.m.). for Whangarei. Margaret W. (5 p.m.), for Gisborne Tasman (10.30 p.m.), for Wellington. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY Wanganella, from Sydney, 12.30 p.m. Karepo, from Westport, 10 a.m. Hauiii, from Waiheke, 7 p.m. * Pono, from Thames, morning. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY I Triona, for Nauru Island, evening Remuera, for Opua. evening. Temple Moat, for Wellington, 5 p.m. Pukeko, for Gisborne, afternoon. Port Whangarei, for Wellington, afternoon Hauiti, for Waiheke, 0.30 a.m. Kawau. for Great Barrier, midnight. Pono, for Thames, 2 p.m. Paroto. for North, noon. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Coastal Karepo. Westport, October 12. Wanganella, SJ'dney, October 12. Kajrnnpra, Sydney, October 15. Mariposa, Sydney. October 17 Waipiata, Wellington, October 17. Oman:r, Melbourne, October 19. Awatea. Sydney. October 21. Oversea* Dalfram, Vancouver, October 14. Mahia, New Plymouth. October 14. to load. Forthbank, Nauru, October 15. Port 'J'ownsville, Liverpool, October 16. Aorangi, Vancouver, October 18. Nederland, Bahrein, October 18. -Rangitiki, London October 19. Port Jackson. Waikokopu, October 20. to load. Remuera, Napier, October 22. to load. Tolten, Los Angeles,\October 24. Kaimata, Montreal, 'Oetober 2ft Ombilin, Sourabaya, October 27. Armadale, New York, October 27. Monterey, San Francisco, October 28. Orcades, Brisbane, October 28 Matarpa, New Plymouth, October 30, to load. City of Glasgow, Wellington, October 31. to load. TJ.S.S. Maury, Pacific cruise, October 31. Lacklan, Balik Papan, October 31. Tekoa, Liverpool, November 3. Gera, New Orleans, November 5. Middlesex, Wellington, November 5, to load. Rangitiki, Wellington, November 7, to load. Doric Star, Gisborne, November 0. to load. City of Lyons, New York, November 10 Arawa, Wellington, November 10. Maetsuycker, Saigon, November 12. Speybank, Los Angeles. November 13. Sydney Maru, Wellington, November 14 Niagara, Vancouver, November 14. Cumberland. Liverpool, November 17. Strathmore, Brisbane, November 18 Naniwa Mam. Kobe, November 19. Port Huon. London, November 20. Kaipara, Montreal. November 23c Waiinarama. Liverpool, November 23. Mariposa. San Francisco. November 25 Port Auckland, New York. November 30 Akaroa, Southampton, December 1. Limerick, Los Angeles. December 11. Aorangi, Vancouver, December 12. Huntingdon,' Liverpool. December -15. Durham, Liverpool, December 21. Rangitane, Wellington, December 22. Monterey, San Francisco. December 23. Orford, Sydney, December 23. Port Saint John, Halifax, December 24. Xarkunda, Sydney, December 31. Tainui, Southampton, January 2. Narbada, Calcutta, January 2. nauraki. Los Angeles. January 2. Waipawa, Liverpool, January 3. Rimutaka. London. January 12 London Maru, Wellington, January 12. Llandaff, New Plymouth, January 15. Cape Horn. Los Angeles, January IH. Mariposa, San Francisco, Jannary 20. EARLY SAILINGS'FROM AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Ovesskas Triona, Nauru, October 12. Tamaroa, Southampton, Oetober 14. Wanganella, Sydney, October 14. Wairangi, London, October 14. Mariposa, San Francisco, October 17. Aorangi, Sydney, October IS. Awatea, Sydney, October 22. Port Jackson. London, October 27. Monterey, Sydney, October 28. Remuera. London, October 29. City of Glasgow. New York. November 1 Mataroa. Southampton, November 4. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND Wanganella, left Sydney October 8; doe Auckland October 12; leaves Anckland October 14; due Sydney October 18. Awatea. left Sydney October 10; due Wellington October 13; leaves Wellington October 11; due Sydney October 17 PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE Niagara, left Sydney September 29; arrived Anckland October 3; left Auckland October 4; due Vancouver October 21.. Aorangi, left Vancouver September 28; due Auckland October Hi; leaves Aucland October 18; due Sydney October 22. Monterey, left Sa i Francisco October 11; arrives and leaves Auckland October 28; due Sydney October 31. Mariposa, leaves Sydney October 14; arrives and leaves Auckland October 17; due San Francisco November 1.

BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Ranjritiki. left London September 15; due Auckland October 19. Arawa. left Southampton. September 80;.4ue Wellington November 3. Rangitata, leaves London October 13; due Wellington November 16 Akaroa, leaves Southampton October 28; due Auckland December 1. Rangitane, leaves London November 10: due Wellington December 14. UNION CARGO VESSELS Gabriolla, loads Grafton and Coff's Harbour next week for Auckland and "Wellington. thence Newcastle for Wellington. Ivairanga, left Sydney October S for Auck- , land. Kaiwarra, loads Melbourne about October 20 for Auckland. Karepo, leaves Auckland October 13 for Portland and Greymouth. Kiwitea. loads Westport October tl for Auckland. Portland and Port Whangarei. Omana, from Edithburg and Adelaide, leaves Melbourne October 11 for Auckland. Napier and Wanganui. x Waiana. leaves Auckland October 11 for Wellington, Picton Lyttelton, Dunediu. Bluff and Timaru. Waipiata. left Dunedin October 11 for Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington and Auckland. VESSELS IN PORT Devonport—H.M.S. Leander. H.M.S. Philomel, H.M.S. Leith, H.M.S. Wellington. Prince's Wharf—Mataroa (A.S.P ), Remuera (N.Z.S.), Waiana (U.S.S.). Queen's Wharf—Wairangi (A.S.P.). Rotorua (N.Z.S.), Temple Moat (F.C.A.). Central Wharf —Tamaroa (L.D.N.). , • King's Wharf—Naumburg (H. and M). Triona (8.P.C.), Port Whangarei (N.S.S.), Pukeko (W. and W.). Western Viaduct—Kaimiro (U.S.S.). ' Chelsea.—Karepo (U.S.S.). 4 OVERSEAS SHIPS Loading Dity of Glasgow, at Wellington, thence Lyttelton. Dnnedin, Wellington and Auckland (due October 31). Leaves November 1 for New York, Boston, St. John and i Halifax. tfahia. at New Plymouth, thence Auckland (due October 14), Napier, Wellington and Lyttelton. Leaves October 31 for Louden and Newcastle-on-Tjrne. Middlesex, at Dunedin, thence Oamaru, Lyttelton. New Plymouth, Wanganui, Wellington and Auckland (due November 5). Leaves November 12 for London and West Coast. s ort Jackson, at Wellington, thence Waikokopu and Auckland (due October 20). Leaves October 27 for London. N,

Tamaroa. at Auckland. Leaves October 14 for Southampton and London. Wairangi, »t Auckland. Leaves October 14 for London and West Coast. The Anchor Line steamer Titoki ifl due at Onehunga to-morrow from Greymonth with a full cargo of timber. The Watcblin Line motor-ship Port Whangarei, at King's Wharf, will sail to-day for Wellington and Southern ports. The Richardson Line motor-ship Pukeko arrived last night from the East Coast, viaPortland, and berthed at King 9 Wharf. She will sail for Gisborne this afternoon. The Union Company's steamer Karepo will arrive this morning from Greymouth and Westport and berth at She is expected >to sail to-morrow evening for Portland. THE TANKER LACKLAN With fuel oil from Balik Papan for the Shell Company, the British tanker Lacklan is expected at Auckland on October 31. ADVICE FROM KAIRANGA Wireless advice from thjß Union Company's steamer Kairanga states 'that she will not reach Auckland from Bydney before Saturday. PHOSPHATE CARGOEB The Bank Line steamer Forthbank is expected to reach Auckland from Nauru Island with phosphate on Saturday. The same company s steamer Forresbank will load phosphate at Nauru on October 25 for Lyttelton, where she is due about November 7, and Dunedin. i THE TEMPLE MOAT The Port Line's chartered steamer Temple Moat, discharging American cargp at Queen's Wharf, is expected to sail this afternoon for Wellington. THE NAUMBURG The departure for Wellington of the Ham burg-Amerika steamer Naumburg, which is discharging cargo from American ports at King's Wharf, has been postponed until tomorrow. THE CITY OF LYONS Cabled advice has been received that the A. and A. Line steamer City of Lyons cleared New York on Saturday for Auckland, where she is expected on November 10. AORANGI ON SUNDAY From Vancouver, via ports, the Canadian Australasian liner Aorangi will reach Auckland on Sunday and sail at five o'clock on Tuesday afternoon for Sydney. THE DORIC STAR The Blue Star steamer Doric Star will ! reach Wellington from London at six o'clock this morning. Sjie will later proceed to Lyttelton and Timarn to complete discharge. OMBILIN WITH SUGAR The Royal Packet Navigation Company's steamer Ombilin is expected to reach Auckland from Sourabaya on October 27 with 8000 tons of raw sugar for discharge at Chelsea. KOPARA'S MAIDEN VOYAGE On her maiden voyage from Antwerp to Wellington, via India and Australia, the Richardson Line's new motor-ship Kopara is | reported by cable to have reached Port Said ; at the week-end. MATAROA'S DISCHARGE The Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Mataroa. at Prince's Wharf, is expected to leave at daybreajc tfn Friday for Port Chjlmers to complete discharge of cargo from London. REMUERA FOR OPUA The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Remuera is completing discharge of cargo from London at Prince's Wharf, and is expected to sail to-night for Opua to begin loading for London and West Coast ports of Britain.

» THE LONDON MARU The Osaka Syosen Kaisya London Mara will leave Kobe on November 30 for Australia, continuing to Dunedin, where she is due about January 5, Lyttelton, Wellington and Auckland. She should arrive here about January 12. The London Maru. of 7191 tons ' gross, was built at Birkenhead in 1921. MAHIA'S LOADING In ballast from Gladstone, New South Wales, the Shaw, SaviU and Albion steamer Mahia reached New Plymouth yesterday morning to begin loading for London and Newcastte-on-Tyne. She will leave- to-night for Auckland, where she is due on Friday morning. f • ' LLANDAFF FROM SEYCHELLES The British steamer Llandaff will load guano at< the Seychelles Islands at the end of this month for New Plymouth and Auckland. She is due at New Plymouth about the third week in December, but will not bqgin discharging until January 2. The Llandaff, of 4825 tons gross, was built last year at Sunderland for Radcliffe and Company. THE PORT TOWNSVILLE The Port Line motor-ship Port Townsville, expected at Auckland on Sunday from Liverpool, via Panama, has the following passengers:—Miss M. F. Hoole, Miss Young, Mrs. B. Wood. Mr. W. T. Bartlett, Mrs. W. T. Bartlett, Miss Shannon, Mr. O. R. Bendall, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. R. Majnsbridge, Mrs. Pulleyn, Mrs. E. P. Marshall, Miss Marshall. Dr. Frangley is acting as ship's surgeon. PASSENGERS BY TASMAN The South Pacific Line passenger steamer Tasman, from Saigon, via' Eastern ports, , berthed yesterday morning at Central Wharf bringing the following passengers:—For Auckland: Mr. H. N. Barker, Mr. F. T. 1 Briggß, Miss C. L Devore. fir. J. A. Eccleston. Miss E. L. Hellaby, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Keeble Misses R. and E Keeble, Mrs. D. M. Lethbridge, Mrs. M. f. Mann. Visa A. r' J 10 ?,"; Mlßs H; Treston, Dr. and Mrs. ! A - a l erson ; Mr - R K. Thomas, Mr. and 1 p re i \r u »?' r -n G - N- Campbell, Mrs. P. A. Moore, Mr. J. Bramley, Mr. and Mrs. Hnnning. Miss E. Kunstadt, Mr. W. Sor. Mr. F. Stark, Mr. and Mrs. & Melrille, I l '- Mrs T. R. McLaughlin. Miss E! L. McCulloughrMr. and Mrs.lß. H. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rex, Miss E. E. • Pill. ' grenr. For Wellington: Miss G. J. Bell. Mrs. < A. M. Collinson, Miss E. E. Chapman. Mrs. ?r« M w C w ey r<i irs J A -J 5 - Davidson. Mr. and i Mrs. W. H. Edwards, Mr. J. B. and Miss M. i Frame, Mrs. J M. and Mioses L. and M Hare, Misses E. and A. Pittaway, Miss F. I ri ?' ir* nd Mrs-C. S. Smith. Miss I V STn £ th v r £ fr - A- A. Stewart, M. G. Thyne, Mr S. R. Clarke, Mr. ] v u n rS ir R - Mr ; I- Delaney, Mrs. i E, Bell. Mr. N. Hardy. Mr. E Mikaml. I

WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE The following vessels are expected to be witqin range of the. undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland. Matai H.M.S. Endeavour, Hauraki Kairanga. Matua, Maui Pomare, Wnnganella, ..Eclipse, Dalfram, Forthbank Port Towtigville, Pontypridd. Wellington.—Ranrahra. Tamnhine. W»hine, Aorangi, Awatea, Kakapo, Kalingo, N D laK ?r». Doric Star, Rangitane. Rangritiki. Ruahine. Turbo. Awarua. - Kaiwarra. Karetu. Korowai, Waitaki, Trtndic. Triaster, G. S. Walden Arawa. Ascanius. Cathay. Clydebank. Comonn. Largs Bay, Maetsuycker, Nederland. Orcades. Orion. Ormonde. Orontes. Otranto, Strathaird, Strathallan, Stratheden. Strathmore. PORT OF ONEHUNGA Yesterday's Departures.—Hauturu (4.15 p.m.), for New Plymouth and Wanganui. BY TELEGRAPH WELLINGTON.— October 11: Arrived— Wahine (. a.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed— Kakapo (1.20 p.m.), for Edon; Wahine (7.45 p.m.). for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.—October 11: Arrived— Rangatira (0.40 a.m.), from Wellington: Kauri <0.30 a.m.), from Dunedin; Waimarino (0.35 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Kauri (0 p.m.). for New Plymouth; Waimarino (8.15 p.m.), for Dunedin; Rangatlra (5.35 p.m.), for Wellington. V 1: Arrived—Port Waikato (midnight), from Lyttelton. Sailed Clydebank ttt a.m.), for Melbourne; Waipiata (12.15 p.m.), for Oamaru; Karetu (5 p.m.) for Oamaru. /o BLUFF —October 11: Sailed—Wainui (2.10 p.m.), for Dunedin. FREMANTLE.—October 11: Arrived— Orcades (London to Auckland, via Brisbane). SUVA.—October 11: Arrived—River Lugar (6 a.m.), from Auckland. NEW YORK.—October 8: Sailed—City of Lyons, for Auckland. PORT SAlD.—October 0: Arrived—Kopara (Antwerp to Wellington). BRlSTOL.—October 9: Arrived—Port Alma, from Lyttelton, via London. LIVERPOOL.—October 9: Sailed—Cumberland. for Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23166, 12 October 1938, Page 10

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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23166, 12 October 1938, Page 10

SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23166, 12 October 1938, Page 10