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PKICES at westfield

FALL IN BEEF VALUES 10/- TO 15/- A HEAD LOWER Heavier yardings and consequent' Weaker bidding were responsible for a sharp fall in beef values at the, Westfield fat stock sales yesterday, prime quality offerings making lower rates. Sheep were in average : supply and maintained full late rates. Lambs and hoggets u;ere steady, with a few pens of spring lambs selling at higher levels. Quality was in demand in an average yarding of calves, with an increased proportion of small and rough beasts easing in value. Keen competition from butchers' forced prices for porkers to rise sharply, with baconers steady in price! ' -

Good quality offerings formed a high proportion among the store an£ beef .cattle, but ox beef declined Is per 1001b. from the high levels ruling in the last fortnight, with a more marked drop' of 2s to 3s in other sections. Individual prices were.:fully 10s to 15s a head lower, with a top price for steers of £lB, which was 20s lower than the best price last week- Cows and heifers realised up to £l2 17s 6d, a fall of oyer £2 10s on the last sale, with averago quotations lower all round. . Late : Rates lor Sheep

Late rates" were maintained by an average yarding of sheep, values firm' ing in some instances. Woolly primo wethers reached a top price of 34s 6d, which was 2s Gd lower than at the previous sale, and ewes were fraction-* ally lower at 26s 9d, with average quotations steady. . "• . Quality was well -sought in a. slightly larger offering of calves, one outstanding runner realising the top price of £ll ; 17s 6d, with values - v generally ranging between higher levels. Toward the end of the sale a> large proportion of small and rough vealcrs eased slightly in price, but the top bid of £8 7s was only Is less than a week ago. Competition for a smaller yarding of pigs was keen, with baconers steady at late rates aiid values for porkers rising sharply. Stores also were in keen demand and prices were higher. Th* best offering for baconers was £4, tlu» same as last week, while porkers improved by 10s, with a sale to £3 14s. Average values were quoted at 6d to 6£d .per lb. for baconers, with porkers at» '7id to Bd. Comparison of Quotations The following is a'summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the, Westfield fat stock sales:— . ' ' - This Week Last Week BEEP (per 1001b) — Extra choice ox 43/- 4-1/-Choice and prime OX ... 38/- to 42/- 38/- to 43/Choice and prime ' cow & heifer 3.">/- to 40/- 37/- to 42/Boner and rough 27/- to 34/- 20/- to 36/SHEEP (per head)— Prime wethers: Shorn . > 26/- to 27/- 23/3t024/3 Unshorn .. 32/0 to 34/6 33/- to 37/Unfin. wethers: \ Shorn .. 18/6 to 21 /• 16/- to 19/Unshorn .. 25/- to 2S/9 20/- to 35/Prime ewes:/ Shorn .. 16/G to 20/• 16/- to 17/3 Unshorn .. 18/.- to 26/9 22/- to '27/6 Unfin. ewes: \ -sT:."'. -V...V.. ~ .2; Shorn. .. - 3/- to 10/Unshorn .'. 2/- t,O 18/6 , 2/6 to 18/0 Hoggets: tnshorn , 8/- to 24/- 8/* to 28/Spring lambs . 24/- to 3<>/• 28/- to 33/9 Prime lambs .. 15/- to 27/0 17/6 to 20/* Unfin. lambs > 5/- to 14/6 5/- to 15/CALVES (per bead)—1 Rnnners ■". 110/-to 237/6/ 90/- to 23.VVealers • ' .. 60/- to 167/- 70/- to 168/-

PIGS' (per hejad)— • ~ Baconers ' .. > 76/- to 80/-: G3/- to ; 80/-, Porkers . . 38/- to 74/- 38/- .to G4/Weaners .. 10/- to 20/- 20/- to 20/Slips • • .. 23/- to 27/- 22/- to 32/Large stores • 28/- to 33/- 27/- to 40/-

Indlvldtaal .Consignments, Top price in the ox beef section xyas £lB, winch was, obtained for a liuo from Mr. L. Lamer/ of Morrmsville, a lot from Mr. B. Reed, of Waerenga, making to £l6 17s 6d. Steers marketed on behalf of Kingseat Mental Hospital, Mr. W. J. Ellett. of Wharepapa, and Mr. B. Reed, of Waerenga, sold to £l6 15s. and a line from Mr. J. Pohlen, of Matamiata, made to £l6 ss. For an offering from the Fairview Land Companv, Pokono, to £l6 2s 6d was bid, and a consignment from Mr. H. E. Potter, of Karakh, realised to £l6. A lot from Mr. W. H. Walters* of Karaka, made to £ls 15s, and bullocks from Mr. C. Proctor, of Ohinewaij to £lo 7s 6d. t Cows and heifers sold on account of Mr. H. E. Potter, of Karaka, sold to £l2 17s 6d. and* bids ranged to £l2 12s 6d for a line from Thompson and Ernst, of Whakatane: The best offer for cattle marketed on behalf of air. J. Wakelin. of Whangarei,.was £ll 17s 6d, and a consignment from Mr. , H. Windsor, of Matangi, sold up to ; £ll 12s 6(1. Cows and-heifers on ac- . count of Mr. E. Caddigan, of Orini, | reaching the same top price. A line from Mr. G. M. Wright, of'Mauku, • made to £ll ■ 10s, and. cattle Mr. C. M. Pecli, of Mount Koskill,,. brought up to £ll. Other (jyptable lotswore marketed on account of Mr. R. H. Bailev. of Tirau, to £lO. 15s;-,Mr. L. Hunt, of/Pakuranza, to £lO 12s 6th Mr. J. S. Allen, of Tirau., aridlMr. R* F. Hall, of Morrinsville, to £lO 7s 6d. j

DETAILS OF SALES', . . AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS LOAN AND* MERCANTILE The New Zealand Loan and .Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports on tho sale as follows:- — Boot.—At the "Vlfestfield fat stock market our yarding o{ bctff was more than an average one.' Although there was "a steady demand values were easier, cow and heifer beef being chiefly affected. Extra choice ox sold to 13s per 1001b. Choice and prime ox, £1 18s to £2 2s; ordinary and plain ox. jc 1 His to All 15s; prime young cow and heifer beef, f1 ■ 15s to £2; ordinary cow beef, £1 8s to £1 lis; heavy prime steers, £ls to £ US'ss;. lighter primp steers, £l3 to £l4 15s; light prime steers, £ll to £l2 17s 3d; plain and small. £9 to £lO 17s 3d: extra heavy prime ydung cows and heifers, £ll to £l2 17s Od; heavy prime young cows and hoifers, £9 5s to £lO 15s; lighter, £7 10s to £9; light, £5 15s to ,£7 ss; aged and plain finished cows, £3 5s to £.-» IDs. . -. Shaep,—Sheep woro penned. In smaller supply than lust week and sold to s rea-jy competition at , lato values, ttoavy prima wethers,- woolly, £1 12s 9d tc £1- I ts; shorn, £1 3s to £1 7s; medium- -prime wethers, woolly, £1 9s to.£l Vis 3d; shorn. £1 4s to £ 1 5s (id; light prime -wethers, woolly, £1 'ss to £1 8s Od; shorn, £1 Is od to £1 3s od; small, and." unfinished wethers, woolly, £ I Is to £1 4si9d; shorn. 18s to £1 Is; primo maiden ett«s.y£l 5s to £1 lis Od; heavy prime ewes, £l-.2s to £1 3s; medium prime owes. 18s to- £1 Is od; light prime ewes, 15s 3d to' 17s. fid; just killahle, lOs , (id to' 15s: .inforiorly-fatted ewes. 2? Upward; prime shorn owes, .10s 3d to £lr heavy primo hoggets, £1 Is 3d to £1 is; medium, 18s od to £1 is; light. 10s to 18s od; unfinished hoggets, Ss to 135.. ' - : -

• Lambi.—Spring lambs In larger supply soM ut late rates, selling from £l.4s ( to £1 15s. ---.■

Pigs.—Wo hud an avorage yarding of pigs. The competition was steady and values wero firiftor on last week's quotations. Choppers , sold from £ I 10s to £4 and medium baconers, from light baconers and heavy porkers, from £« 13s to £3 8s; medium porkers and light porkers, from £2 2s to £2 14sj snlali. £1 12s to £'2 is. Store pigs wore in keen demand and Values were firmer, stores £1 to £2 6s; slips, £1 10s to £1 ivs, weaners, 15s to £1 Os; a sow and litter of nine made £l2 2s Od. Calves. —Our entry of calves .was a heavy one, with competition still good for quality veaiors, which sold well up to . late; rates. More small calves camo forward and values were a little easier;,for this, claw > and rough calves. Kunners, £6 to £ll lis Od for an outstanding steer from Mr. W. Illston.

-Karaka; heavy t vcalera. - £7: ><to, £$ 7s; medium, £5 to £6 l5Si llffht, £-1 to.£4' 18s; smaller, £3 to''.£3 IGs; small,-£2 £'2 18s; 'rough calves, 15s to £1 10s; freshdropped to three-week-old, 7s to £2 2s.

DALGETY AND COMPANY, Daigrety and .Company, -Limited, reports onthe saleias; Beef.-—At oar weekly "Westfield fat stock market our yarding of beef totalled 170 head, comprising 45 steers and 125 cows ana npllers. against. 101 head last week. The-quality of the offering in both the ox artdr cow section was first-class, but the demand . was not so keen as last week, and values for ox eased IS a 1001b., and for cows and heifers. .28 a 1001b. Extra.choice ox sold to 43s a lOOlbrf. choice and prime ox, 40s to 425;; just killrible, 36a to 30s; prime. young cow and heifor beef, 35s to 40s; just- killable, 28s to 345; extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £l« 10s to £lB for steers from. Mr. L. Larner, Morrinsville; heavy prime steers, £ls to £l6 ss; lighter prime steers, £l3 10s to £l4 10s; light prime steers, £l2 to £l3 ss; small and - unfinished steers, £lO to £ll 10s: extra heavy, prime young cows and heifers, £ll 10s, to £l2. 17s, Gd; heavy prime cows and heifers, £lO to _£ll' os; lighter primo cows and heifers. £9 to £9 17s Gd; light cows, £7 10s to £B-15s; other killab'c coWfs, £5 to £7.

Sheep,—We had an average entry of sheep for which there was an improved demand. Values for all classes improved on those ruling at last week's market. Heavy prime wethers/ shorn. 26s to '2Bs; medium, shorn, 24s to 25s Od; light and unfinished, shorn, 22s (is to 23s od; heavy prime ewes. 24s Od to 2<is Od; lighter 22s to 245; shorn, 17s Gd to 10s 3d; other ewos, shorn, 14s Gd to 10s. ' 1 v ' ■

Hoggets.—Hoggets were penned in about usual numbers and sold under steady comgotition at values improved on last' week, [cavy prime hoggets, 24s to 265; medium, 22s to 23s 6d; light. 10s to 21s Gd; small and plain,, 14s to 18s. • ... Calves.—Calves were penned in average numbers. Competition was keen and we have to report values unchanged on last week s quotations. l Runners, £G 5s to £8 8s; heavy vealers, £G 10s to £7 14s; medium, £5 5s to £6 ss; . light, £3 i 10s to £4 18s; small, £2 10s to £3 19s; unfinished and bucket-fed, £1 10s to £2 3s; bobby calves, 9s to 16s. Rigs.—Pigs were : yarded - in smaller numbers', the offering of porkv.being insufficient for requirements, and »or this class improved on last .Peek's quotations, bacon remaining firm on late rates. Heavy baco.ners, £3 IGs 'to,. £-v. medium, £3ilos to -£3 14s; light, £3 3s to :£3 8s; heavy porkers. '£2 18ft to £& 4s; medium, £2; 9s to £2,168; light,, £1; 18s. to £2 Gs. Store/pigs were ,-yarded in average numbers and sold readily at late rates." Good stores, £1 12s to £1 15s; slips. £1 4s to £1 7s;- -good weaners, £1 3s (id to £1 Os,' other weaners, 10s to £1 2s. . • ''< " ' -~~T - ' ' ALFRED BUCKLAND AND '? SONS Alfred Buckland and''Sons,'. Limited, reports on the; sdle as follows :-r—; i . " Beef;i—At oiir r weekly Westfield fat stOct market our total : . yarding of cattle numbered "208 head, as against 103 head last week, comprising -'138 steers and 100 cows anfl heifers. The quality of ox penned was first-class. Bidding was not so keen as last week and values eased by Is a 1001b. Competition for cows and heifers was not so good and values eased by about 30s to 15s per head. Extra choice ox sold to 43s per 1001b; choice and prime. ox, 40s to 425; secondary arid plain ox, £1- 16s to £1 10s; piinie young cow and heifer beef, £1 18s to £2; ordinary cow beef, £1 7s to £1 12s; extra heavy prime steers ranged, in. price from £ls 10s to £l7; steers from Mr. B. Reed, Waerenga, averaged 115 Ga; heavy prime steers, £ls to £l6; lighter prime steers, £l3 10s to £l4 7s Gd: light prime steers, £l2 to £l3; small and unfinished steers, £0 to £lO 17s (id; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers. £lO 10s to £l2; heavy prime cows and .heifers, £0 to £10; lighter prim® cows and heifers, £7 10s to £B-10s; other killable cows, £5 to. £G 10s.

Sheep.—Sheep were penned to the number of 1008. Competition for both wethers and ewes was steady and values were firm.'at last week's quotations. Extra heavy, prime wethers, woolly,: £1.13s (id to £1 14s Od;, heavy prime wethers; "woolly, £1 lis 6d to £1 12s 6d; shorn, £1 5s to £1 Gs fid; medium to heavy primo.vwethers, woolly, £1 9s to £1 10s; shorn;, £1 2s Od to £1 4s (id; light to medium prime woolly, £1 6s Od to £1 8s ; ; shorn, nßs Od to £1 IS: unfinished wethers, woolly, los Gd to £l. 3s 6d; extra heavy prime young ewes, woolly, £1 4s to £1 5s Od; heavy prime ewes, woolly, £1 2s 6d to £1 3s Od; lighter prime ewes, woolly. £1 to £1 Is Od; other killable ■ ewes, woolly, 17s to 18s Od; other ewes,--woolly, 2s (id to 13s Cd. .

Lambs.—Our. total yarding of-iambs, numbered 233 and sold at fully late rates. Extra heavy v prime lambs, £l, 4s Od" to £ 1 7s Od; heavy prime lambs, £1 2s to £1,,38; prime lambs. £1- to £1 18i light J prime lambs, 17s 6d to 18s od:; " small and plain* lambs. 5s upward., Thirty-three spring lambs sold from £1 4s to- £1 16s. The;-latter price was for lambs from-- Mr. F. Dreadon, Karaka, Papakufa. " y-- : Calves. —We ha«l a smaller yarding of calves. Crood quality rnnners and vealers were in ,short supply. Bidding: wasWery keen and last week's high values ,y were ..easily maintained. "Heavy runners, £7:108, to'e£o; lighter, runners, £5 108 to £6 10s; heavy prime; vealers, £6 . ss, -to -*'£7. 4s?y medium vealers,-' £5 to £5 16s;: light Vealers/, £3 : iosHosmall vealers, £1 5s to £1 10s; bobby calves, 3s to- 15s; unfinished-and,/bncket-fedi £l to £1 15s i A total of 274 , calves was sold.- ' . Pigs.—A small offering of pigs came forward," Baconers sold readily; at late qaotations, while .porkers, which were ,in-.-very short 'supply,: elicited keen competition;;;and values rose sharply. Stores were also in demand, and prices were higher. Choppers made £2.7s to £3 10s; heavy prime baconers £3 10s to £4; fone extra crood' pig made £4 2sl; medium baconers. £3 10s to £3 13s; light, £3 4s to £3 Ss; heavy porkers, £3 to £3 ss; jnedinm, £2 Os to £2 17s; light. £2 2s to £2 7s; small, and unfinished, £1 15s to €2; large stores, £1 15s-to ,£1 10s: smaller, £1 8s to £1 13s; slips. "£1 3s to. £1 7s; pond weaners, £1 to £1 4s: others. 10s to 10s. Baconers sold from Od to G l /d per Mb . and porkers realised from 7Vid to 8d per total of 370 pigs was sold. - - . " .- '.

ADDINGTON MARKET . ♦' —— PRIME WETHERS MAKE 36/[BY TELEGRATH —PRESS ASSOCIATION] ; ; , CHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday v 'There was "a larger entry, particularly of fat cattle, at'the weekly stoc£ salei at. Addineton to-day. Fat cattle showed a fall tjf 30s a nead on the exceptionally high rates of last week. The - fat sheep, entry was slightly/ smaller* Good shorn wethers rose 2s and good woolly r ewes 18 to- Is Gd. The store •sheep yarding totalled about 2000. The entry of ewes and lambs was not particularly attractive and did not sell so well, making to 13s ld> poor p?ns>making 6's to 7s 6d. with medium ewes and lambs at Os"; to v 12s 6d. Hoggets ijiet another good sale, with values fully up to last week. A pen of nicely polled hoggets made to 14s 4d." A line of-, eve hoggets realised 17s 10d; Shorn .hoggets again failed to attract competition and sold from Cs to ; -7si The fat sheep entry was: slightly smaller than last \teek, comprising about 4250. Quality generally was 'well up to the standard of recent'sales, with a keen demand for good quality sheep. Shorn- wethers advanced 2s. but woollies made: little-advance on : last week, ewes beinf up Is 6d a head for all classes. Extra prime wethers, to. 36s Id; prime heavy, 31s to 33s Gd; 'medium, ,26s Gd to 30s; light, to 21s; extra prime shorn wethers, to': 2Ss Id; medium to heavy. 21s to 2(>s; extra prime ewes, to, ,265; Ids prime heavy, 23s to 24s (3d; medium," 188 To 225; lißht, to 15s. The .quality of spring lambs was better -than usual and a keen sale resulted. Prime heavy, lambs made to 12d per lb, with a traction more for medinm- • weights. The fat cattle entry totalled 475, with more good -quality than usual. The increased entry was reflected in -lower. • scale values. Best-light beef * made to 2.jS: heavier sorts. 30s; heifer cows. 30s to 355. Best beef made about 17s (id; heavier quality, to 45s per 1001b. Best heifers were about this rate, with cows making to 425. Extra prime steers made to £25 7s Gd; prime heavy. £l6 15s to £l9 ss; medium, €ls 10s'to £l7; light, to Aj.l ,15s; extra prime heifers, to £lB 7s fid: > prime heifers, - £l2, to £l4; medium. £lO to £ll 10s; light, to £Ol0s; extra priffie cows, to £l7 2s Gd; prime, €lO 15s 'to - r>s; medium, £S to £10; light, to £7 10s., Thp norker entry was again on the small side, with a large proportion of hard and unfinished sorts. The sale from the start was about 2s better than last week. Over the last race a further 2s to ;3s was made. Choppers were in good supply but notwithstanding this the sale was fully on '\a par with .-last - -week. Baconcrs were in small I numbers, the market improving 1s to 2s all ' round. Choppers made 53s Gd to £5 10s; porkers, Ws 6d -to £3 Os Gd; average price per lb, 7V 4 d (o SVid; baconcrs, • £3-10s 6d to £5 17s Gd: average price per lb. to 7 3 /<d. •

HORSES AT MORRINSVILLE ■' Tin New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agvncy Company Limited, reports as follows on the Morrinsvillo • special horse sale, The advertised lline of "nbrokcn horsM offered on account of Messrs. F. J. and W. lionry* of To Puninga. met with a satisfactory demaud A number of iWses were also .dignosed of on account of various other vendors. Three-Year-old ;unbroken fillies ma de_ from i"> ids to £'-'1; three-year-old. unbroken tfeldiiHW. £'S to £->1; two-year-old unbroken, up <o £l3; yearling. unbroken,. up to Clls seven-year bay mares {rial in chants, £•_"_> to £'JS; bay'mare, trial in chains, £3o; agred horses, any trial, .£l3 to 1.-1.


HASTINGS, Wednesday . Although prices for cattle appeared to be tow at the Stortford Lodge sale on a quality basis values were on par with rec«nt rates. There was only a moderate yarding with extra quality in a minority. In spite of this bidding was brisk, with vendors willinir to trade. There was only a limited of ox beef, and a medium yarding -of heifer and cow beef. The best price for the dav was £l4 16s for an entry of five heavy-framed Polled Angus bullocks, which nhould l kill out around 9001b.: £l3 was paid.for a splendid typo of Polled Angus heifer to top tlie market in this section. Other prices

ranged from ■ ' £8- 2s 6d,yqov\beef vslnea made, from £8:10s- to £ll 'lis /f ot\topS.~: and medium to poor, sorts ranged from £5 10s. There were only a "few pens qfrstore /-cattle entered and values were on a : p|®witli recent; rates, Good quality lines of two-yeßf heifera nold to £5 12s 6d, small grown types making from £2 2s 6d. Yearling steers made to £5 12s. A yarding of approximately .1000 head of sheep; made up or < mostly ■- hoggets,, comprised the store sheep section ofvthe sale. ; Values showed a marked " advance on recent rates, advanced by 2s (3d a hepd on recent sales. The majority of hoggets were , grown and in forward condition; The top price was 25s for an excdllent. line of Romney-cross wether, hoggets.- Other,- values ranged from 10s Sd'to 23s' Od. There were very few ewes with lambs at foot offered and values appeared to bo slichtly ' prices making to lis 4d, all 1 counted! Other values .for. store sheep were two-tooth ewes, 22s lOd to -24s ! OH; owe hoggets, to 235. Fat sheep also showed a slight increase in value, good forward prime ewes selling from 10s to 24s 3d, two-tooth Down-cross ewes makinar up to 27s and sham ewes ranginc from 15s; lOd up to 20s\ (M. Prime, hozgets made to 23s 4d, wethers realising t-tf 283 down to 238 6d. The fii'st soring lamb of tha season "was offered and sold readily to make 20s. ■ , :


The..New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports 4 'good entry, of bulls. 'at Otorohanga.. 'There, was a good offering of pedigree Jersey "bulls. Although these were only medium quality., they met with a good inqufry, both for yearlings and two-year-olds, prices without '.exception passing] vendors* reserves, and a total clearanco being effected. Pedigree Shorthorn bulls were yarded in small numbers only; those likewise meeting with a keen demand, with a total clearance being effected. There waß ian average yarding of grade bulls, these meeting with a bright sale for all classes and ages, a total • clearance being effected. Medium quality yearling pedigree Jersey bulls on account Mr t Alan Bell, Otorohanga, mada from' 10V 2 guineas to 'l3 guineas; on account Mr. T.. Smith, pedigrea Jersey boll,- Meadowi crest Denor Jack, to Mr. G. Boyce, of Piopio, 18Vs guineas; other sales on account of tbe same vendor, up to .12Vj guineas; Dempsey Bros.. Kiokio, pedigree two-year-old . bull, Dunblane Parisian, ?'to Mr. G. Richmond, of Otorohanga, 19 guineas; other sales mada on account, of the same vendor, from 12Vi guineas to 16 guineas; two-year-old Shorthorn 'bull, Pinedale Necklaces Quality, on, account Mr.- tA. D. Hall,: Otorohanga, toMr. E. Zohs. 13Va guineas; .grade yearling Jersey bulls made to £9 10s to £l2; grada two-year-old. Jersey bulls, to £l3; yearling Shorthorn bulls, 1 £7 Ss to £lO. -

/ BAtONpRS :- REALISE G. W. Vercoe and Company/iLiffiited. ra> ports a large entry' of all classes of cattle at Te Kauwhata. Competition thron#horit was keen and practically a total clearance was effected at full late rates. Heavy fat Jersey and Jersey-cross cows sold from £9 to £3O: medium. weights, £8 to £8 15s; light, £8 108 to £7;. medium-weight Jersey/ heifere. £6 ~to-£<S'-18s; •'•small; to'. £6 £s*:-forward conditioned Shorthojn ; cows,-.£5 10s to £6 ; ss; othersr'to £5 'ss; forward conditioned* three-year-old - bullocks; 'to "'£9) two-year-old Jersey-cross steers, to. £4 6s; yearling Foiled Angus steers, to £4 14s; yearling Jersey heifers, £4 5s to £sj-small cronsbred heifers, to £b 15s; empty, two-year-old Jersey heifers. £4 to £4 15s; "empty two-year-old crossbred. -:heiferß, to £4 2a-6d;. heavy boneni, £3 35sto £4 10s; medium weights, £3 to .£3 128 > Gd; light, up to £3; service bulls (Jersey), to £l2; Shorthorn bulls, to' £lO 10s;"Jersey and Jersey-cross- cows (early.,* talv«rs^-£9.; i; to £9 15s; more backward, to £S 10s; small Jersey heifers (late calvers)?- OP" £»• J* • heavy entry of fat. pigs met with a ready, sale "and prices improved, while .a good entry of store pigs also showed an improvement. Heavy baconers sold from £3,-. 16s medium, weights, £3 10s to.£3 U&ht, £3 5s to £3 9S; .heavy porkers,? £2 16s to £3 3s; medium weightv £2-Ss-to £2 I4sj light, £2 to £2 7s; good stores, 34s to 38s; smaller, 28s to 325; good slifcs, r 24s to_a< si smaller,v 18s • to 235;, good to ,23s 6d; medium, to, 18s; inferior, t0.13s oai !bows; in pig. l to 15s; sows, with", litterv •to £8 ssi "choppers,- to £3 155..; x


■The . New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports a good yarding of fat and store cattle, which sold, well, with prices firm at l&t© rates,, at i* Puke. A large yarding of' dairy cows and beifers came forward, but the quality lo* the most part was only faiT. Prices realised were good and a total clearance was effected. Prices for baconers and porkers were easier, in keoping with the reduction of-the schedule prices on -hooks. "Wtaners wete keenly sough* after,- but, large stores were not so.-good in comparison. Medium fat cows made £6 108 ,to':£B 2s;" light fat cows. £4-.17s «d to £6 10s; good store cows, £3 15s .to £4 109st otberß,.";£2 ; -i.2s-" 6d? *o„.£3 .j ls3 * _ bonel cows, "£l-: os-,toi-.£2 -VTbi. yearling Jersey heifers,-*24-Is to X4raOs-.: very small yearling Jersey heifers. £2 4s to £3 2s 6d; medium quality ■; Jersey heifers, close to-profit, -£8 los to £0; small and backward Jersey heifers, £6 2s 6(1 to £7 10s; good quality Jersey heifers, - close to - profit, "' "£9 to £lo'i'losj others, £0 to - £T-,los{ good Syoung : dairy cows,- £7.Ss to £0:10s; aged <ows and late calver's, £4 10sto: .£6 ,10s. Pigs: Light baconers, £2 14s to £3; medium porkers, £l 'l6s io" i'l 18S; light' porkers; £l' 101 to £1 14s; slips, -fl-Ss to £1 6s; weaners. iss.ed to £i 65.-.. • -


The horse fair at Matawhero. brought an entry of 122 horses, which was offered to a moderate attendance.. The j quality of th« yardinp generally was mediocre, and/the sale was rather, dull.' In the unbroken heavy class, rising, three-year-olds from the Opoq Station made-£24, £l7, £ls, £l4 10s and £l3 ss, and an attractive yearlins fillv ..offered on account of Mr. J. Whit lock realised £l4. A few other single entries . made £l7' to • . £2l. Lijrht unbroken beasts were generally ordinary sorts; -milking, £1 10s to £2 ss, In the broken classes a fine stamp of mare,12 years old, offered by Mr. N. Bolitho in the heavy class, made ,the top pricei of £35 10s. Entries jfrom the Te 'Bata Station made £24 and £33, while other single entries v made i £29, '£22, : £lO : and v^lßr f The best class ot hacks made, jpi3, { jei4 and £ls.

GOOD . KAMO ' YARDING [FROM OUR OWK CORRESPOND^] ;;? '• rWHA.NGA3EI, Wednesday ' The North Auckland Farmers' Co-operative, f Limited, reports a good yarding: at Kama which met • with; .ke«; epmpetitipn.,! Every, thing changed hands at- satisfactory .prices, Dairy'cows, - goo<l'quality, t made fTtutt;£6 to £7 10s: low conditioned, £4 toJet.r gey heifers, small- and £4 15» . to £5 ss; Shorthorn cows, £5 tq £6 ss; medium' prime cows;. £9 15s; fat Jersey cows, £4 to £6; boner cows, £2 to. £3 lOsj small yearling Shorthorn steers, £3; twovear Snorthorn steers, small,; £4 15s; year* ling Shorthorn heifers, --£3; - JersMf^belters, £2 10s to . £3, 8&: small anjL inferior, 30a to £2; , Jersey, bulls, .£6 -6s Shorthorn bulls, £7 t6-£§; yearltos' grada Jersey ' bulls, • £3 to -. £4: ;iots; store pigs, £2 7s; sows and litters. ,£4 to £5 10s." t "

BUTTER-EAT TESTING RESULTS FOR AUGUST : ' ,' . '■• CONSIDERABLE. DROP SHOW!#'. [FROM; OtJR OWN CORRTESPOIfJJESX] ■ HAMILTON; Wednesday The; number of cows under* test • by, the New Zealand- Co-operative. Herdtesting Association for August shows a considerable reduction when compared with" the figures for the j two. previous <years,; The average yield: m milk and butter-fat also shows a.reducible association tested 46,840 cows in August. 1938, the average' production being 5951b. milk and- 27.21b. jbutterfat ner cow. The test- was 4.58. In August, 1937, :52, 980 cows were tested, the yield averaging-Si4lb. rniite ■ and 31.21b. butter-fat. with a test of The association tested .58,046 cows in August, 1936, the average* tion being 6481b.'milk and 29v71b. fat, with a'test of 4.58. - : • The group* giving the highest return this August was Tahuna,i the 190 cows in. the group giving an average or 7141b. milk and 341b, fat per,cow., , Tahuna and Dairy Flat equal with the two ■'best herds^so<<ip\^ ; beloncing to a. farmer at lahuna;-.yield-Flat giving the same average.;

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23161, 6 October 1938, Page 9

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FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23161, 6 October 1938, Page 9

FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23161, 6 October 1938, Page 9