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PEOVINGMI TITLE' /ANNUAL iAUCKLAND> EVENT! TWO 1 : ROUNDS ' • / .. • MRS. 'JOHNSTON' HEADS LIST' The annual, "Auckland .. provincial ladies' golf "champibriship .tournament ■was commenced at the Maungakiekie . Club's links, One Tree Hill, yesterday. The course was in splendid order and the greens played very truly. _ ' The weather was fine, but'a strong, / 1 cold; westerly wind proved disconcert- -- ing to several of the competitors. It affected their short 'play to a great exjtent aad : > they : . in ; judging distaricess accurately.'^'Many players also experienced -trouble in getting out of sion shots, ;they endeavoured to push the bali v out with adverse effect. - Two qualifying roilnds were decided and thes.first 16 will: 'compete for tlie championship, «„while the 1 second 16 \ will play off for the Middlemore Cup. The ' winners of the respective events ' last year, Vv Fleming, of. Christchurch, and Mrs. B. Cooper, of Te are not taking part in the present tourna- .} ment. :' ' Leader oi Tield Mrs.'H. V. Johnston, who has won her club championship on this course for four yaars in'succession, headed-the list of those who qualified for tho championship with rounds of 81 and- 83. Her morning round, which was the best of the day, should have been even better. She went out in 39, comparedwith Scratch of 38, exceeding bogeyiltripiVa- .6 at. the fifth. Bogey figures 'still recorded until the 15th, iWhere • her drive of ' good length sent the 'ball on to the top of the stone wall running almost parallel .with the fairway/ This .ball was lost^. ; and the hole eventually cost her; nine';

Mrsf o'ne ' direr, bogej holes, ;gmnj ; her - l2 ~fbr J - the' - homeward jotirnej against .the . spratch- scor© of .36. Aftei tarang &' to goouti in the afternoon she reqoVered well' to card 39 • for tbf ' second', half. On this occasion she, hac revenge; at' ' the 15th;-by playing tht hole in! 4; one under bogey.". '' • Both Mrs. R/S. Deightbn and Sirs. E. L. Barker played, steadilyeach taking two ptro&es 'niore. in the afternoon than. inthe.nioroing.'Mrs.Deighton'E putting'.: in afternoon: let her down at th» ,nirith and ,18th, :; at each 'of -which e: vshft'took ."three ■ putts: . Mrs. Barkerigiist :missfed v bbgey -figures on a number; occasions during both her roundsiv•; ' 'lnconsistent Players / Another player jon her home course, •• Mrs. Grevatt, improved by three strokes in the r afteniOofn/sOri thQ pother-hand MK/Wha3e><}fCTitirangi; dropped ; three strokes.v -Att«rs. ; . an. excellent morning 'round McDonald,; of Te Awamutu, '/failed 1 :, to maintain her form, - the ■ : yfcsg&J}:-:) Stfewaife, vltthe . Whaflgarei champion,, spoiled; her first round with two sixeff on oui%ard ' half and two more on /; the: home journey, .finishing with. a ba4lyrplayed 18th of 8 against ; the bogey" 4. She was much steadier in the afternoon;' when she played"some brilliant iron Shots. Mrs.-'W* .S. .Ralph/, holder of the Middleinorb title, marred her first round/with ; a seven at J the'last hole. In both' rouilds eheiputted indifferently at times. Mrs. R. ti. Wilson, of Titirangi, ' the last' player to qualify, made the freatest improvement in the afternoon y' six strokes, Mrs. J. ,M. Alison, also or Titirangi,' doing better by. five, v Tw6 rounds ! will be'"played in ;both the; championship and Mjddllmore/Gup competitions today;; coriiniencingftat. 9 a.m. The following players/qualified, . CHAMPIONSHIP' EVENT Mrs. H. V.' Johnston, Maunga- • * kiekie ...... .. 81, 83—164 Mrs. R. S. Deighton, Titltangi 83, 85—ICS -.Mrs. E. L. Barker,>Rotorua.. 84, Mrs.'C. E, GreVatt,'Mdunga-x \ ; ,< . kleltle M- • .• - . ,'.,87,'81—171 ■ Mrs. R. 8. Whale, Titirangi 84, 87—171 Mrs. H. McDonald, To Awamutu . . . 82, 80—171 '> . Miss J. Stewart, Mrs. J.'Jerrat, Maungakiekie 87, 80—173 Mrs. G. F. Ferguson, Auckland 86. 87—173 Mrs. 'W./ S. Ralph, Auckland 85, 8&—174 Mrs. J. M. Alison. Titirangi f)0, Mrs. M. Shroff, Titirangi fiO, Sfl—l7o Miss M. Stevens, North Shore 00, 87—177 Mrs. E.: J. Nolan, Maungakiekie 00. 87—177 'Mrs. G. S. Laird-,« Maungakiekie .88, Stf-177. Mrs. R. L. Wilson;;- Tltirarijerl 02;- B^l.7** Middlemore Auckland, 89, 69—178; Miss O. Stevens, North Shore, 92, 87—179; Mrs. R. G. Rainger, Auckland, • 88. 91—179; Miss A. Hacket, Titirangi.. 87, '92—179* Mrs, P., Andrews, Titirangi. 90, 90—180; Mrs. ,M. J. Jjynch-, Whangarei.' 90. / 90—180: Mrs. N. A. Naismith, Titirangi, 93, 88—i8l;-Mrs. , P. R. Glanville, Te Awamutu, 93, Mrs. S. C. Hodges/. Maungakiekie. 00. 02 —182; Mis V.. .Campbell, Timaru; . 90. 88—184j Mrs. A&iM. Grant, Auckland. 94, 60—184; Mrs. <&.'» R. Battle, Maungakiekie,; 82, 92 —184; Mrs. •V: Kerr, Maungakiekie. ©l, 08—184. ; Miss I. "kcPetridge, North Shore,-91, 93—184'j-Miss' J. Johnston,-Mau-ngakiekie, 06, Mrs. I. B. Stewart. Wtlrangl.9l. 94^185.;" OEHER v ■*»"; Morning Jonnsfco, 81, o^-72}'Miss A. Hacket. 87,-. Mrs. 25i?Mrs. W. S.\ Spejice;?;B7, .17—70; Mrs. B. G; r Halnger,-/88. '= 18—^70j Mw--S: 'C.. Hodges;- 00, 18-^72Mrs* E. J.-Nolan, 90, 18—72. Mrs. .on?tlie-count'l)ack. AiternoonvMedtil;—l-?tbs;vlsi Mrs.-'R. 'L. Wilson, 86, st4r~f!2 j'^Mrs..- G. 'E. Grevatt, 84,?l4~»78» X Mrs. -H. V. Johnston, 83, 0—74.:«16-»; 25j Mrs. S. E. Haycock, 91, Mrs.' E.' J. Nolan, 87,'J7—'76i Miss . J. Johnston, 80, ■ 17—72» Mrs. X). E. Chamberlain.'o6, 24—72. > _ Thet gr.osa. medal, was won by Mrs. H. V. Johnston, 81, and > the? hogey handicap ■ by; mm. S. Whale. ■ , '

Folfowinsr la' the ■ draw tor 'to-day's play! i§S»te^ViirSS&';' *. «-..

Nolan, Mrs. J. M. Alison .v. Mrs. McD6n. aid,*; Miss J. Stewart Mrs. Mrs, Si Laird S. Deighton. , . Middlemore Cupr—Mrs. J. i Mrs. I. /B, . Stewart, Mrs. ,&.'C. Hodges v. 'Mrs. GlanvHle. Mrs/P- Andrea v Mrs. G. •-K. Battle, Mrs.'V. Kerr v. Miss A. Hacket. ■Mrs. R. G. Rainger v. Miss 1.-McPetidge, Mrs.' A.' M.' Grant'V. Mrs. M. f. Lynch. Mrs. G. A. Naismith t v. Miss-V. 'Campbell. Miss J. Johnston v< .Miss 0. Stevens. . , Bogey Handicap, commencing at 10.10 a.m. at' ~ fonr-minute intervals.—Miss ,G. •Campbell v. Miss B. Payne, Miss D. Steele v. Mrs. Miss O'NeiU v.. Miss N. McCormick, Mrs. J. C. Finlay v Mrs. B. Kingston, Miss C.~ G. White v. Mrs. lun 'dell, Mrs. J. Paterson v. Mrs. Craven. J H. Browne y'. Miss D. Mrsing v. Mrs. Endean. Mrs. Chapman v. Miss B. Roberton, Mrs. M. H. Russell J. Mrs. Kingsland, Mrs. ,-A. McArthur .Missi N. NoSlces, Mrs. A. G. Sheen v. Mrs. G"en, •Mi™ O M Darrach v., Mrs. a. layior, Mrs. McCrone v. Mrs. D. H. Walker. Mrs. A Milne v. Miss M. Haslett, Miss Ridings v Mrs. W. S. Spence. Miss C. Rainger v. Miss J. Edwards. Mrs Pickthaii v. Mrs. Stnrt, Mrs. A. F. Walker Misi S. Mahoney, Miss S. Johnston v. Mrs. h. u. Pegler, Miss Cutfield* v, Mrs. 0. E. Chamberlain, Mrs. Beattie v. another. Mrs. F. A. Saxton v. Mrs. H. P. Richmond, Mrs. R. fi. Martin v. Mrs. B. Gold water. Ninth Tee.—9.3o a.m.: Miss I. Wight v. Mrs., J. Hiir, Miss Giliett v.-Mrs. Cockayne, ■ Mrs Hogan v. v Mrs";yTrombath, M; Mison v Mrs. S. Haycock. Mrs. Gj Pocock v . Mrs W. H. Horton. Mrs. C. F. Rosser #Mrs? W.vJ. Fletcher. Miss S. Lawrence "v. :Mrs. Wlshewsky. • .TITIRANGI LADIES', CLUB Following were the; results of a'-Canadfan bogey foursomes match played yesterday by members of the Titiranzi Ladies Golf Mrs. Brinsden and Miss Bailey, 4 downs ■ Miss '.Thompson and Mus-Easton. 4 down. Mrs. Pezaro and Mlss Fouhy. 5 down; Mrs. Tong and Mrs. Palmer; 6 Mrs. l*asefield and Miss Paani 6 down. Mrs. Brinsden and Mies Bailey won ; on the recount. The G grade match was won by Miss J. KellyWELLSFORD LADIES* CLUB - The final of the championship of the Wellsford Ladies' Golf Club was'.won by Miss Milly JST6bilo, who beat Miss Mary Nobilo, .3 and 2. In the C grade. Mrs. Z. Grant beat Miss McPherson, 2 and 1* WALTON LADIES' CHAMPIONSHIP[from otnt own coreespondent] v ' MORRXNSVILLE, Tuesday The final of the senior championship of the Walton Ladies' Golf Club was wonby Miss 8. Payne, with "a card of 43, 45 —88. Her' opponent was Mrs. Dickey, who re- ' turned a score of:' 46. 45—90.,

- NORTH SHORE CLUB > - * "■■- - ■ "ITAINGER - CUP COMPETITION 1 ' Following la the draw for the first round . of'the Bainger Cup competition, to be played . by. members-.of the North Shore Golf Club on Saturday nest: — . B. Harper- v. J. H. Robertson, A. . H.'Sea-man/v.:-A., J.'Spraggon, H. C. Littler v. H. JP. Heale v. H. E. Goodwin. L. B. Johnston.,v.L;Holmes, A. W. Christmas v. C. %; Preston, jun., v. A. W. Short, Mi ; S.SO'Connor v. B. Goldwater, L. J; Minogrue -.v.- T. McKelvie, A. Whytf v. D. H.- Freakes, V. D. Wisnesky v. OE.' L. Thwaites, A; F. Cadness v. B. L. Macedo. W. Newsham v. H. H. Charleswortb, H. V. Everton v. H. 0. Stevens. TV. Roberts v. A. E. Bond, L. Holt v. H. P. Ibbertson. AKARANA LADIES'.- CLUB A medal round played yesterday bjr'.C .grade members of .the Akarana* Ladies Golf Club was won by Mrs. &. Pattison OPEN DAY,\ AT J MANUKAU /- : An open day „for amateurs will' be held by the Manukah r Golf Clubon'Oct-ober 16. The course, which is laid Jtfut; on 'suitable golfing country,-.-is Jn excellent orderiat present. wbtT have visited the course reo6»tly Jj&Ve ibeeri' agreeably surprised at the 'ireens, which .present splen.did putting'surfaces.- iv, , / • :/. V PLAY -AT THAMES [BT TELEGRAPH OTTK CORRESPONDENT] THAMES, Tuesday The first of two rounds of a/Stableford bogey competition for.,the. captain's trophy I, win be Splayed on" Saturday by members of the Thames Golf Club. Following is the 'draw:— ■■ "' „ iShaw v. Moran, J. Rigby v. Jack. T. Miller v. , Clendon, Whitehead v. Miller, F. 8. Poulgrain v. Fisher, Baker v. Griffin, •K. Moran v.. Davies, McCarroll v. Beck, R. Brown v. Watson, Galloway v. Danby, R. Court v. Jensen, S.' Brown v. Pease, Smith •v. Stephenson. D.-Court-v. Surman. Law vl;Mortimer. > -j

WHANGAREI LADIES* CLUB [from our own correspondent] : . . . WHANGAREI. Tuesday • Following is the draw for the . L.G.U. and the cjub„snedal .match to be played in conjunction "with the - sixth round of the eclectic and Marion-Cook G'np competi}iqns by members of the Whaugarei Ladies' Goll Club:—Mrs. Weston v. Mrs. Weaver. Mrs. Wilkinson v. Mrs! Ward'. Mrs. Younsrer v Mrs, Walton, Miss Carruth v. Mrs. Thornr. Mrs. Glariville v. Mrs. Stead, Miss Knowles v. Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Nelson v. Miss Rishworth, Miss Radcliffe v. Mrs. Reynolds , .---j - if/.. .

Mrs. Lynch v. Mfs. Sheen, Mrs> Trimmer v. another, Mrs. Morton-v. airs. Webb, Mrs, McKinnon v. Miss Miliington, Miss r. Mrs." Long,■ Mre Seed v. Mrs. \ Pans* -Mrs. Steadman v. Mrs. Waddell, Miss Symcß v. Mrs. James. Mrs. N. v-Wilson . v. Miss Hoskingr Mrs. Wood T. 'Mrs. Hosking, Mrs: Armstrong vi ' Mrs. Horrell. Mrs. -Bayiey vi Mrs. Hart; Mrs. Birnie v. Mrs. v Harrison, ! Mrs.' ;Booth' v: .Mts: 'Foster, Mrs; Champtaloup v. Miss Drummond, Mrs. Clark vi-,, Mrs. Cuinming, Mrs. McLeou v.. Mrs. Surman, Miss Collins v. -Mrs. Speer V. Miss Mason,'"Mrs; -Whitehead v. Mrs, Ifwerson, Miss Hutchinson -v.-. Miss Horn; Mrs. Brydoii v. . another., • ; '. „ ! Saturday Players.—Miss Scarfe .v. Miss Powell, Miss Walker v. Miss Phillips, Miss B. Wilson ,v. Mrs. Parkes, Mrs. H. Wilson v. Miss Moreland, Miss Brown v. Mrs. Lloyd; Miss Finlayson v. Miss Laurie, Miss Jack v. Miss Lamb, Miss E. Powell v. MissrPackwood. Miss M.- Weston v. Miss Nisbett REMUERA LADIES' > CLUB A flag match played yesterday by members of the Remucra Ladies' Golf Club: was won by Mrs. H. Price, who carried the flag' tt> the 18th fairway. \

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23160, 5 October 1938, Page 26

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LADIES' GOLF New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23160, 5 October 1938, Page 26

LADIES' GOLF New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23160, 5 October 1938, Page 26