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| PLANTS, TREES, ETC., FOR SALE A BELIA Hedging bushy, extra strong, 2yr. ■A Plants, 27/0 WO, 15/ 50; freight extra. —Fairview Nursery Co., Glen Eden. A BELIA, Floribunda, Escallonia, Genista, 2X •_'()/ 100; Hakea Saligna, 12/0 100; Onion Plants, 4/0 1000; Peaches, Apples, £0 100.--Skelton, Nurseryman, Henderson. A NEMONES, Xmas and Summer flowering, prize bulbs, 1/- dozen, 5/- 100. —Griffiths' Nurseries, Mt. Eden, Auekland. A NEMONES, 1/- doz.; Stocks, Blue Viola, 2\ Giant Pansies, Viscaria, Phlox I)., 1/0 100. 2/0 50 (Special, 100 Blue Violas and .100 Visearias for U/-, posted).—White. Kowhai Road, One Tree Hill, S.E.I. A STERS, Zinnias, Phlox, Stock, Poppies, ri. .Marigolds, 0 pri/.e packets, 2/0, posted. —G rilliths' Nurseries, M C_Eden, _A uekland. VST KltSI I'hlox! "Caiilornian Sunshine," i norm jus flowering. g'teed linest obtainable. 2/0 .",0.- Sanders, iiox 031, Auckland. A STEIiS! "Calilorniaii Sunshine," wilt-re-XI. sislanl. Enormous flowering, good stems, b< si colours. I'hlox 'Drummondi! Best large flowering. Both guaranteed finest strains obtainable; I/- 100,. •_'/(> 5o. —Sanders, Box I£!J_, A in k la litk A SSORTED Gladioli, 12 named prizo bulbs, ->V gorgeous shades, (j/(> dozen, posted. — (< rillHhs'_Nurseries, Alt. Eden, Auckland. BEAUTY Stuck, Mammoth, extra double, box-grown, 11 sep. colours, or mixed, 1/3 1 l'"sted.- —Collis, ti-Ls Dominion ltd. ' I>'• (• l).\ ! AS, lilackmore Lan.'-'doiis Worldj .iy lamous Bulbs, doubles, s colours, Irilled, ! crested, all it»/- dozen. William Boyle, ; Ftlzro.v. Nt <v Ply month. BLCK I'erennial Tibetan Poppy. 1/- cacti, 10,- do/..; Sweet-scented Incense Plants; i I'ansics ((iiant Exhibition), doz.; Oiant- | flowered ( alceolarias. I'rimula Sinensis, I'rittiula Obconica; all (id each, 5/- doz. — Palmer's Nurseries, (lien Eden. BURROWS' Nurseries, Pukekohe. — Barberry. 1, 2 and 3-year Acacia, Macrocarpas, Benthams. Lawsonianas, Pines. All kinds high-grade Nursery Stocks. List free. ( I.\ BBA(! I-!, Lettuce, I/O 100; Onion.-. 5/0 V. looo; posted.- Harding. SI. Metiers Bay. (i|AM BRIDGE Nurseries offer High-class VV Nursery Stock of all Descriptions Send for prices.—Kettley & Son. Plione '-'s(i. CiA LENDI'LA, Cineraria, Larkspur. Poppy, ' Stock, Silene, Viscaria, 3/- 50, 5/0 100. —Green Lane Nursery, Green Lane, 17-700. (CARNATIONS, double, 1/3 .doz., extra, choice 2/0 doz.; Polyanthus, choice, 2/ I doz., posted.—Colks, 04S, Dominion Rd. CtIIINESE Gooseberry, male, female, guar-1 anteed, 7/0 pair; Pepino (new Peruvian fruit), 5/-, 7/0, —Frank Green. Green Lane. fUTKUS Trees, £l2/10/-, £ls and vv 100; 25. 100 rate.—J. T Skelton. Riverbank Nurseries. New Lynn. /"HTRUS, strong, bushy, advanced trees, in variety; Sweet Oranges, Mandarins. KiiitHjuats, Grapefruit. Lemons. Popula* prices, reductions for quantity.— -Fairview Nui ser.V Co., Archibald Kd., Glen Eden. (IUKHANTS, Youngbcrry, Dewberry, Vv Loganberry, Wineberry, 5/-; Raspberry, :',/- doz.; posted.—C. Parker. Mangatawhin, I'okeno. I?SCALLONIA, Abelia, Lonicera, Viminalj lis, Macarthuri. Gums. Barberry, Pines. —Farrell, Matamata. J7* UCALYPTUS Macarthurii Viminalis, for -A posts, timber, excellent rooted; 10/- 100, frt. pd.—Williams, Nurseryman, Tc Awamutu. EUCALYPTUS, 0/- 100, 120/- 400; 100 Xli '_'-Yr. Transplants, Muricata Pines, 32/-; Macracarpas, IS/-; Lawsonianas. Cypresses, Sempervirens and Californian Redwood, 25/-; f or.. Waihi; cash with order. —K. Bjerring, Waihi. 17*P.UIT Trees, 14 assorted, £l, with order, T price list free—.7 T Skelton. Riverbank N'lir-crifs New Lvnn EI'II?ERA'S, re-selected. Hybrids, 0 colours. 0 0. posted.--Culderwood. Hamilton. /"ILADIOLI Catalogue Free leading Novel VI ties. Popular Named Varieties. Grow Show Blooms, guaranteed. Quality Cornis.— Ta'it. Specialist, 21 Mangere Rd.. Otahuhu f \ RAPKF'RUIT, Oranges, Lemons, large VJ quantities, good stuff, best varieties, from e to/- 100. —I; a nui Nurseries, New Lynn ICELAND Poppies. " New Giant Art L Shades,' The world's finest Poppy Giant blooms, long stiff stems, wonderful colours Numerous testimonials front delighted customers. Strong plants, 3/0 for 50. 0/- 100. posted.—F. Causlev, Floral Nurserirs. Thame? ICR r> AXD Poppies (Oiarit. beautiful art shades). Stock (<"'■ iant), Calendula, Lobelia, 1./. 100. posted.—Sehvvn Nurseries. Mt. Albert. T CELAND POPPIES. Good Strain, 1 Glorious Blooms. Best Mixed Pansies. Callandas. outdoor-grown. 4/- 100. 2/3 50. posted WHITE. I Woodbine Av., Green Lane. KUMARAS (Red), now booking orders for October delivery; 22/0 1000; orders filled j in rotation.—Mt Albert Terminus Nurseries, 5.W.2. I AWSONIANAS, 15/- 100; Lawsonianas JU for Replanting (trade).—Farrell, Matamata. LETTUCE (Webb's), Silver Beet, 1/0 100, posted.—Selwyn Nurseries, Mt. Albert. T 1 YIN GST ON E Daisy, uazzlinz colours, 1/3 _L.i doz.; Chiffon Shasta Daisy. 5 for 1/-; no.-ted. —Collis, 018 Doniinion Rd. \ I ,\N URE. stable, cow sheep, well rotted 31 —Berry, Mt. Wellington. Phone 25-825 Onion plants, good, 5/- 1000, 2/0 500, I lost ed. —.Martin. Wainiauku. ONION Plants, Longkeepers. 4/0 1000, 2/0 r.OO. posted.—Murphy, Waimauku. NIONS (Longkeeper). 4/ 1000; railage extra. —Narotam, Phone 405. PukeKfrhe. ONIONS, long keepers, 5/* 1000, posted.— White. Kowhai Rd.. One Tree Hill. NION, 5/0 1000, postage paid.—s9 Arthur Street. Onehunga. 'UNIONS, 5/'- 1000, postage extra. — J Raisher, West Tamaki, St. Heliers.

ONIONS Lontrkeepers. 5/ 1000; posted.— Prcece Kitchener Rd.. Phone _44S, Pukckohe. ONTON Plants, Special. Turbott's Long- * keepers. M- 1000, railage extra; o/1000 oO( >. posted. —K ;i i a Hansji, Kitchener Rd.. Pukekolie. ONION Plants. Longkeepers 4/- 1000; reduction 5000 or over; trade supplied.— Alexander and Co«> Pukckohe. OX] ON Plants, Straw,. 6/-; Brown, 6/6 1000, reduction quantities. Post free, rail free. —Burrows' Nurseries, Pukekolie. /ANION Plants Straw Spanish 6/- 1000; U Brown and Longkeepers 6/6; Cauliflower. 2/0 100; posted; reduction quantities. —Brown and Son. Pukekolie. Ovtdn* PLANTS, Bilkey's Longkeepers, "dark and light straw; 5/- 1000, 3/- oOO; postage and rail paid. RcluCon for quantities W. A. \V Lljljlo, Kitchener Rd., Pukckohe. Phone 231. PAXSIES! "Giant Monarch." Mammothflowered, special exhibition strain. Guarantecd finest obtainable; Box !i:i 1, Auckland. i CMEXA, 15-1 Sin .. •• 50/- 100 A Bent hams Cypress, 2-year .. 30/- 100 Macroearpa, 2-year .. .. 30 - 100 Lawsoniaua, 3-year . .. 100 Lawsoniaua, 2-year .. 20/-, 20l- 100 Lawsoninna, 2-year, forest grade, . 1*»-1 Sin .. -• 15/- 100 £G 1000 Lawsoniaua, l-.vr., wrench, 6-9 in 7/6 100 Barberrv, Common, l.vr. • 30/- 1000 Freight .Extra. BEAUMONT'S NURSERIES. Manurewa. QOMMON BARBERRY— S2/O per iono w r'vr 30/- per 1000 oooo' at .. .. 28/- per 1000 10.000 at •• 2h/- per 1000 Tinvn-TOBN .. •• -il- per 1000 PINT'S MURICATA, lyr. . 27/- per 1000 P \ SSI ON FRUIT, outside grown, unbailed — "100 co/. 1000 .(."JO; cash with order. E. W. SKELTON, Panama Road, Otahuhu. LAWSONIAXAS, 3-yr '_>o-30in 30/- per 100 Lawsoniatias, 2-yr, 15-20 in 22/-per 100 Lawsonianas, "J-yr, lii-loin. 10/-per 100 Poplars (Upright), -Ift 25/-per 100 Ilakea Saligna, 2-yr„ 30-40 in. 15/-per 100 All Trees well wrenched. Inspection invited Orders despatched promptly Pru'" List Posted. WILL COX. NITR S E R Y M A N. H U A P AI. 30/- 100 30/- 100 QEEDS of these beautiful Liliums all hardy O and easy to grow; Litiuin lAuratiiin Kubro Vittatum), Auratum Platyphytlum, Auratuiu Yirginale Album, three goldray types; Leichlinii Orange, Kraemerii Pink Trumpet, Cernuni the Corel Lily, Bakerianum white speckled claret brown, Oiganteum pearshaped leaves, magnificent white and claret blooms; Sulphureum Sulphur Yellow funnelshape blooms; Ochraceum, nodding yellow hell-shape blooms; Polyphllum, very rare lily, creamy white, unusual shape flower; Nepalense, drooping yellow flowers, sweet scented, chocolate inside; Tliomsonianuni satiny rose pink (lowers, very beautiful; \Vallichianum, handsome \yhite tubular flowers, very unusual. Those lovely Himalyan Lilies, 1/- per packet, the It packets for I'_'/-. Lotus (Xelumliium), the True Water Lily, flowers very fragrant, white, pink and mixed, seed, I/- pkt., the 3 pkts., 'J/O. All the above post paid. List of oilier Collections of Lilium Seeds on application. E. R. and 11. C. Dickinson, Indooroopilly, S.W.'J., Brisbane. DEEDS OF THESE WORLD-WIDE O COLLECTIONS of Liliums (Collection No. 2), Punctafum, Speciosum, White Suffused Pale Pink. Doited Rose Pink, Pliillipinense, Pure Waxy White, tinged green, exquisite; Auratum. Crimson Queen. Ivory and (iolden. centre band of crimson fading to pink; Amabilis. rich grenadin red, relieved; .laponii-iuu Augustifolium, pale pink, shaded red. Trumpet Lily, rare; Davuricum Wilson i M ull illorum, cup shaped, orange pink with vol low centre band; Maximowiczn C. raiuliflornni, brilliant orange red flowers, exquisite shape; Longiflorum Oiganteum. magnificent variety, strong purple black stems glorious white, beautiful form; Magnificum' Speciosum, rich ruby red, margined white, broad pet,'tiled blooms; Kelloggii, fragrant refloxod pale pink flowers, very unusual shape; Tsingtanonse. clusters bright orange red, dainty flowers, rich and rare; Thunbergi:nium. Mixed, orange, terrn-cotta, red apricot, crimson and yellow, all have dark spots. Cultural directions sent. 1/Packet, the 12 Packets. 10/(>. Lotus (Nelnmbiiiml. the True Water Lily, flowers very fragrant, white, (link and mixed, seed 1/pkt., the 3 pkts. 'J'H. Beautiful Queensland Cerberus, strong plants, magnificent variety, ,->/• dozen. 35/- per 100. All above post paid. List of other Collections of Lilium seeds on application. E. R. & H. C. DICKINSON, ludooroopilly, 5.W.2.. Brisbane.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23139, 10 September 1938, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23139, 10 September 1938, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23139, 10 September 1938, Page 3