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MORMNSVILLE VALUES GOOD YARDING OF SHEEP FAT COWS IN KEEN DEMAND A better yarding of sheep than usual came forward at tlio Morrinsvillo stock sale conducted by the Farmers' Cooperative Auctioneering Company, Limited. The entry comprised mostly hoggets. Competition generally was on a par, with late pales.

A sfood yarding of cow and heifer beef, but no ox beef came forward. Jn the cow and heifor section a pen of medium prime Hereford heifers 011 account of Mr. Win. McLean, of Walton, sold for I'll (is; prime Jersey heifers from Mr. If. G. Qriffcn, of Tauwharo. £0 Is. Second quality cows and fat Jersey cows met with keen competition and realised easily late quotations. Boner cows sold at schedule rates. A wood penning of yearling and two-year Jersey heifers included some pens of good quality cattle. Competition was keen, and satisfactory prices wero obtained. A pen of 20 yearling Jersey heifers on account of Mr. W. Craig, Wuitoi, averaged £5 12s, wlillo a peri of heifers from Mr. J. 11. Page, Tahunu, realised £5 14s. Other lines of yearling Jersey heifers niado £4 10s to £5 Bs. A particularly heavy yarding of dairy heifers, the entry comprising many pens of fairly good quality cattle. The yurding of cows was a medium one. Competition was keen, particularly on good quality heifers closo to profit, prices remaining very firm on last week's advanced rates. Lato rates were easily maintained in the dairy cow section. An increased yarding of pigs, with the demand for light porkers and buttermilk pigs very keen, values being in advance of recent rates. Medium and hoavy baeoners showed a slight casing tendency. Lighter and unfinished porkers inet a ready market. A full yarding of store and wearier pigs was also penned, although tlio majority wero weaners, for which competition was not particularly keen and, although vendors met the market, prices generally were lower. Quotations: —Sheen: Medium wethers, to '_'!)s Od; prime fat hoggets, 2.'3s to 255; medium hoggets, to 22s:' store hoggets, 15s (id to '2ok. Cattle: Light Jersey steers, to .CIO His; medium prime Hereford steers, to .ill (is; prime Jersey heifers, £8 '2s to £0 Is; heavy second quality cows, £8 10s to ill) Ills; fat Jersey cows, £8 "_'s to £S His; light prime cows, £7 to £7 His; medium Jersey cows, £(> Is to £7 lis; killable, £5 to £5 15s; heavy boners, £3 Jss to £1 Us; light, £'_' to £3 Ms; cull cows, His to 30s; best yearling Jersey heifers. £5 Ss to £5 lis; others, £1 Is to £1 1.8s; smaller and poorer Quality heifers. £2 Is to £2 15s; two-year empty Jersey heifers, £1 4s to £4 Os; lesser quality, £3 15s to £1 2s. Dairy cattle: Choice quality Jersey heifers, close to profit, £l3 10s to £l4 15s: others, good quality Jersey and Jerseycross heifers, close to profit, £ll 35s to £l2 15s; good quality later ealvcrs, £1) 15s to £ll ss; more backward heifers, £8 to £0 10s; smaller and poorer-conditioned heifers, .£(} to £7 10s; heifers in milk, £lO 2s Od to £lO 15s; medium quality heifers in milk, £0 IGs to £7 Ids; Jersey and Jersey-cross cows, close to profit, £lO Gs to £11; later calvers, £0 10s to £8 10s; Jersey and Jer-sey-cross cows in milk, £8 10s to £lO os. Pigs: Heavy choppers, £3 10s to £3 10s; light, 30s to jum 10s; heavy baeoners, £3 Ills to .Ctf 15s; medium, -1:3 Ss to £3 lis; heavy porkers and buttermilk pigs. £2 10s to £3 Os; medium, £2 10s to C2 Ms; light porkers, £2 -Is to £2 8s; unfinished 38s to £" "_>s; large stores, !43s (id to 37s Od; medium. 27s Od to 325; best slips, 20s to 23s (id; smaller, 15s to 18s (id; good weaners. 14s to 20s; others, 5s to 10s.; Berkshire boars, £1; Tnmworth and Tamworth-cross sows, close to farrowing. £1 5s to £4 10s; lesser quality. £3 1.5s to £4; sows with litters, £(5 1 <s (id to £7 15s. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agencv Company, Limited, reports a very heavv yarding of beef, the offering comprising largely medium quality and unfinished cow beef. Values were mainly on a par with last week's rates. Store and boner cows were also yarded in large numbers, and were sold under a firm demand on a par with recent Quotations. Yearling heifers were penned .in average nijnibers; the quality of the offering was only lair. A good inquiry was shown, most of the offering being sold at recent rates Heavy fat Jersey cows made £8 1 <s Od to £0 12s Od; medium, £8 to £8 1oS; hemy fat Jersey cows, second quality. £ i 10s to I'S os- lighter, CO 7s (id to £0 l.> 8; killable. <•5 7s Od to C 5 i ts; heavy store cows £4 r>s to £4 12s Od; medium, £3 13s to £4 Is, heavy boners, £2 18s to 0s ;- 10s to £- ss; small, i' 3 3s to £3 lob. Dairy cattle: An average yarding of dairy was offered, including some of good ouahty, these eliciting strong competition. values were generally slightly higher than last week \ small entry of dairy cows sold under good competition, the market also showing an improvement in this section Good auahb .... l.nifcrs close to profit made ill •>» to ?l"? slightly backward, £lO to £11; medium quality, clcse to profit, £* ,li to good quality heifers in profit, £0 I <,l > j. O L'lo* averaire quality heifers, to « • • good' quality dairy cows._ close to profit. oUier' 'c7 to (id. Sheep: The only offering was wether hoggets, these nlPetu,K uith i satisfactory inquiry, making to 14s. PiJs• Pi "s were yarded in fair numbers; and sold 'under good competition at r _ e ,f cnt m / Li ? h, bamiers £3 1* to med,^ pigs 20s to*27s; smaller. 22s to 245: weaners, 10 'Da?get'v and Company, Limited, re|>orts a full vimli'ng of mostly fat and forward Jersej S&a hr isims 855* and practically a elearance as made iV"ixUS RB"i Jersey cows. £8 »<s «hi w *.. ■ . |iij 10s to C 7 17S Od; llglit, 44 I.>B to i. lis (id; heavy boner cows £3 os toi£4 -•

DEMAND FOR HORSES CAMBRIDGE SPRING FAIR TOTAL CLEARANCE EFFECTED [I'UOM OUU OWN COIUtF.SrONDKNT] CAMBRIDGE, Friday There was again a large attendance of hovers for the third da \ of the spring horse fair conducted at Cambridge by the Farmers' Co-operative •Auctioneering Company, Limited. Competition was keen lor utility diaughts, and values were up to those set in the earlier part of the sale. A feature ot the auction was the keen inquiry tor South Island horses, all vendors ing a total clearance at prices m advaTiee of expectations. The best sales were: —

Mr ,T H MoMarray (Gore), three-year-old hav mare, to Mr. \V. C. Wallace (Cambridge), 35gns; five-year-old bay marc. to Mr. \V P Holmes (Matnmata), 3(>gns; seven-year-old black mare, to Mr. J. McGregor lOpotiki), Higns; six-year-old black mare, to Mr. T L Scott (MorrinsviUc), 38<rns; six-year-old brown mare, 35gns; four-year-old black mare, Isgns; seven-yeiir-oltl bay mare, to Mr. T L. Scott, I7gns. Mr. P. McNaughton (Mor rinsvillc). four-year-old brown filly, to Mr. C. N Worker (Hamilton), I7gns. Mr. W McDonald (Christchurcb), seven-year-old roan gelding, 130; eigbt-year-old bay gelding. to Mr. ,T. K. Tebbutt (I'uketaha), C 35; seven-year-aid brown gelding, to same. (.30, seven-vear-old bay gelding, to Mr. \V. J. Towers (Te Arolia), L'3l 10s; eight-year-old bay mare, lo Mr. E. P. Milieu (Ptikekohe), L'lo 10s; five-year-old bay gelding, to Mr. 11. Stokes (llorahora), lb) 10s- five-year-old blown mare, t-IS; five-year-old bay mare, to Mr. \V. Craig. 1'53; six-year-old roan mare, to Mr. I'. Skousuaard (Cambridge), t'so 10s; eight-year-old brown mare, to Mr. \Y. S. Har>ey I'l'e Arolia), l'3S. Mr. ,1. Bowen ((Hen Mnssey), six-year-old brown mare, to Mr M. ,1. Morrison (Tllkutaia), C 35 10s. Mr. H. K. Heiiilell (Kiwitahi), four-year.old hay mare, to Mr. M. Morrison. I'll io.s; five-.vear-old hay gelding, to Mr. F. Vosper (Cambridge), J-jAS Ids. Mr. T. McMillan (Kiwitahi). old bay gelding, CIO. Mr. W. McDomkl (Christchurcb), nine-year-old bay mare, to Mr J. \V. Anderson (Pairere). L'3o; fiveyear old bay gelding, to Mr. C. Masker (Putaruru), ,C3B; eight-year-old "bay mare, to Mr. W. Peters (Putaruru), £3O. Mr. A. H. Storey (Te Awamntu), six-year-old bay mare, to Mr. P. Skousgaard (Cambridge), C 32. Mr. E. F. Peacock (Hamilton), foil r-j ear old black gelding, to Mr. W. Bonner (Morrinsvillc). 035 Ids: five year-old bay gelding, to Mr. L. "Wat-kins (Tirau), l' 31; five-year-old black gelding, to Mr. P. Skousgaard, t'32; brown Melding, A' 32 io.s; five-year-old bay mare, til; four-year-old brown inaro, t(. Mr. K. R. Matuschka ;Rukuliia), £ 12; four-yenr-old bay goldinsv, to Mr. T. Gordon (Walhl), .£3O 10s; four-year-old bay gelding, to Mr. W. Darrall (Tatuaiiui). 1*37. Mr. A. McVicar (Cambridge), three year-old bay mare. .CIO 10s; Mr. E. Nickle (Cambridge), two three-year-old bay mares. L'3l and U33; three-.vear-old bay gelding, t'2o. Mr. ,T. H. McMurrav. six-.vcnr-old Imy marc, to Mr. K. Ounn (Rangiriri). C 35; eight-year-old bay mare, to Mr K. S. luck CWaliaroa), L'l2 10s. Mr. L. A. Polls (Cambridge). si*:-year-old hay gelding, to and Siicklinu' (Cambridge). (.37: five-year-old bay gelding. L 12. Mr. H. Vickcrs (Ngnhinapouri). ajrod brown frcldinjr, to Mr. I>. B Muii* (Waiuku), eH-l: five-year oi l brown gelding, i'tls. Mr. A. R. Saunders 'Auckland), seven-year-old bay gelding, to Mr. b.

A. Fisk (Waitoa), £3O 10s; Bix-year-oia black gelding, to Mr. G. Martin (Reporoa), £34 10s. Mr. V. H. Nolan (Cambridge), aged bay gelding, to Mr. R. T. Beck (Okquia), £33 10s. Mr. A. A. Law (Te Awamutu), seven-year-old bay mare, to Mr. G. Martin, ,£BO. Mr. K, M. Butler (Cambridge), aged brown gelding, to Mr. G Horwood (Taupiri), £34 10a. Mr. J. R. McMurray, black mare, to Mr. T. Duck (Morrinsville), 40gns; eight-year-old bay mare, to Mr. A. P. Backhouse (Putaruru), £34; six-year-old roan marc, to Mr. T. McMillan (Morrinsville), £44 10s; four-year-old bay gelding, to Mrs. M. Pilkington (Matangi), £35 30s; four-year-old bay rnnre, to Mr. W. L. Carr (Hamilton), £52; three-year-old roan filly, to Mr. G. Grantham (Haweru), £33; four-year-old bay mare, io Mr. T. E. Duck. £36. Mr. J. R. McMurray, five-year-old black mare, to Mr. W. H. Laird (Kiwitalii), £3B 10s; eight-year-old black marc, to Mr. F. Klaus (Morrinsville), £3B; eight-year-old bay mare, to Mr. F. K. Hardy •Tamalicrc). 131 10s. Fisher Brothers (Cainbridge), three-year old bay gelding, to Mr. S. McQuarters (Ngatca), £3l 10s. Duncan Brothers (Cambridge), four-year-old bay filly, lo Mr. W. Fitzgerald (Tirau), £10; threc-yenr-old bay gelding, lo Mr R. A. Waitn (Canibriiige), £3O; three-year-old bay gelding, to Mr. T. O'Connor (Te Rore), £33. Mr. P. C. lloban four-year-old brown gelding, to Mr. T. J. Bennett (Morrinsville), £■lo. Mr. J. K. Watson (Te Puninga), three-year-old bay gelding, £4O. Mr. \V. McDonald, 10-year-old bay mare, to Mr. J. F. Beck (Okauia), £3l 10s. Sales on the fourth day included the following:— Mr. T. E. Duck (Morrinsville), seven-year bay mare, £3O; three-year bay gelding, £4O. Mr. J. R. McMurray (Gore), three-year bay filly, to T. E. Duck, £4O; three-year bay filly, £4O; seven-year chestnut gelding, lo Mr. P. Skousgaard (Cambridge), £35; sixyear bay gelding, to Mr. T. Duck, £39; three-year bay gelding, to Speake Bros. (Cambridge), £3O 10s; three-year bay filly, to Mr. T. lioult (Runciman), £34; eight-year bay mare, to Mr. W. Davis (Papakura), £36 10s. Mr. A. T. Cooper (Puahue), bay mare, to Mr. J. McGovcrn (Bruntwood), £4O. Mr. R Hannon (Cambridge), eight-year bay gelding, £37. Mr. J. M. McLeod (Waitoa), seven-year bay mare, £4O; four-year bay gelding, £34. Mr. M. Finnegan (Te Aroha), five-year bay gelding, to Mr. R. G. Hughes (Tntuanui), £3O 10s. Mr. W. McDonald (Christchurch), aged bay gelding, to Mr. G. Tarrant (Kihikihi), £3O; eight-year bay gelding, to Mr. R. S. Duck, £34 10s; eight-year bay gelding, to Mr. W. Darrall (Tatuanui), £36 10s; seven-year bay gelding, to Mr. J. Rowc (Matangi), £32; seven-year brown gelding, £4l. Mr. if. Wine (Tirau), five-year bay gelding, to J. A. and B. Stead (Cambridge), £3!> IDs. Duncan Bros. (Cambridge), three-year bay gelding, (o Mr. R. C. Watson (Kiwitalii), t'3i). Mr. W. Davis (Papakura), eightyear bay mare, to Mr. X. E. Caldwell (Katikati), £42. Mr. W. F. Saunders (Cambridge), nine-year brown mare, to Mr. N. Dickson (Oordonton), £34 10s. Mr. P. Skousgaard (Cambridge), six-year black gelding, £4O. Mr. M. Rowlands (Feilding), three-year brown gelding, to Mr. S. Limmer (Frankton), £33.

SMALL FEILDING ENTRY [by telegraph—PßESS association] FEILDING, Friday A small yarding of all stock met with a steady demand at the Feilding sale to-day. Sheep generally were firm, although store hoggets went back slightly due to lack of quality. Cattlo values were unchanged. Fat sheep: Wethers, prime, '27s 9d to 2t)s 6d| ethers, 24 s 3d to 275; prime ewes, 22s to 2'is Id; lighter, 17s (id to 20s Od; hoggets, J7s Sd (o 235. Store sheet): Wether hoggets, J."is Id to 19s; black-face, 15s Id to 18s; ewe, '_'7s 3d to 33s (!d; ewes and lanibs, 14s; wethers, 2ls Bd. Store cattle: Yearling Hereford steers, £3 18s to £5 7s (id; Polled Angus, ,t'2 10s to £5 l is; yearling Hereford heifers, £2 10s to £3 10s; Polled Angus. £1 15s to £2 lis; forward Polled Angus cows. I*s 17s; yearling Jersey heifers; £2 Pis (id to Cl 10s; boner cows, ill 17s (id to £1 ss. Fat cattle: Polled Angus heifers, £l2 Ids to £l3 17s; light Polled Angus cows, £7 17s (id to l'lo 10s; ex dairy, C 5 12s (id to £8 ss. Dairy cattle: Springing heifers, good, £0 17s (>d to £l2 7s (id; others, £5 5s to £8 15s; heifers in milk, £9 10s; springing cows. .CO 10s to £8 15s. NORTH AUCKLAND VALUES [from our own correspondent] WHANGAREI, Friday Walter Wakelin reports having held sales at Parua Bay. Whakapara and Kamo during the week. Good yardings came forward, and excellent sales resulted. At the Kamo sale the dairy section drew a largo attendance of buyers, and the prices realised were the best, that have obtained at Kamo this year. Beef was in good demand, but the prices for pigs have eased slightly. Quotations were:—• Parua Bay.—Shorthorn bulls, £0 7s (id to £ij 18s; IS-month Polled Angus heifers. £4 ss; good quality two-year Shorthorn steers, £(i (is; yearling Polled Angus steers, £5 Us; boner cows. £1 15s to £3; potter cows. 18s to 80s j dairy cows and heifers, £1 to £(>

Whakapara.—Fat cows. 15 5s to £7 15s; store cows, £3 lis to £1 ss; vealers, to £3 Ss Ud; dairy cows. £5 to £7 10s; Jersey heifers, £-1 to £7 2s; Shorthorn dairy cows, £5 to £7; coloured store bullocks, £7 15s; yearling Shorthorn steers, to £4 8s; a line of aged ewes, l(Js Od Kamo—Fat bullocks, medium-weight, £ll 15s to £.12 7s (id; killablc steers, £0 17s Gd; fat cows and heifers. £8 to £9 10s; lighter sorts, £5 to £7; store cows, to £1 ss; cows and runners, to £(> 15s; boner cows, £1 10s to £3 10s; yearling Jersey heifers, £3 5s to £4 ss; 18-month empty Shorthorn heifers, £4 3s; crossbred heifers, £2 15s to £3 12s (id; best Jersey cows, close to profit. £8 to £lO 12s (id; medium quality, and more backward £5 to C 7; Shorthorn dairy cows. £0 to £S 10s; good quality springing Jersey heifers. £6 10s to £9; backward, £5 to £0 15s; small and inferior, £3 10s to £1 17s (id; Shorthorn dairy heifers, £5 to £7 12s (id; cows and heifers, in milk, £4 to £7 15s. Pigs: Medium baconers, to £3 10s; heavy porkers. C 3 3s; light, £2 lis; large stores, £1 17s to £'_> 5s (id; medium, 30s to 30s- slips. 23s to 365; weaners, 8s to 30s 3d for a line of particularly choice weaners; breeding sows, £'2 10s to £5 os; sows with litters> to £7 10s.

THE CITY MARKETS SHORTAGE OF ORANGES NEW POTATOES HIGHLY PRICED There was an unexpected shortage of oranges at the City Markets this week, and a keen demand continued yesterday. Fresh supplies are due from Australia by the Wanganella early next week and from the Islands by the Mutua the following week. Only extra choice dessert apples sold well, and pears were easier in value. Pineapples were firm in price, but supplies being very plentiful, lemons were exceptionally cheap. New Zealand grapefruit also sold at low prices, and cheap rates were obtained for a large quantity of Californian grapes, unpacked in wasty condition. Vegetables were not as plentiful, as last week. Cabbages and cauliflowers were firmer, and parsnips, which are still scarce, wore dear. Good quality lettuce and carrots sold steadily. Small quantities of new potatoes were marketed at high prices. Firmer rates were obtained for most classes of poultry Eggs were unchanged Prices were:— FRUIT Apples, Delicious, 3s to Os a case; Dmijrhert.v, "is to 7s; Granny Smith, (is to 8s; Home Beauty, 5s to 8s; Statesman, (is to (is (id; Stunner, Is to 7s; Winesap. 7s (id to His; pears, Peter Barry, 5s to (is; Winter Coles,lis to its; Winter Nelis. 5s to Ss; tree tomatoes, now black, Ss to 10s; yellow, (is to 7s (id; Xo. 'J,' Is to -Is Ud; jrrapefruit-. Now Zealand, extra choice. 5s to 5s (id; others, -is to ss; California!!, 3'Js (id; lemons, choice cured. 5s to (is; others, '.'s (id to lis; bananas, ripe, I'Js lo '_' Os; pines, Queensland, l is to 18s; grapes, California!!, white, "-'(is a chest; black, HOs to 31s; pusskxifruit, 8s to 10s a case; mushrooms, about Ms per lb FJULD PRODUCE Asparagus, Is lo 3s a bundle; beet, Ud to Is :id per dozen; celery, cooking, Is to Is (id a bundle; desserl, "is lo -Is; carrots. 8d to Is per do'.en; cauliflowers. Ms to 8s a sack; on benches, Is to Is per do».en; eabbuices. -s ud. to I'Js (Id a sack; oil benches, Is (id to Ms Od per dozen; cucumbers, hothouse, 5s to 7s; French beans, hothouse, is (id to 'Js Ud per lb; kumuras, Island, Os to 10s (id ner ewt.; Tuurantm. Ms to Is a bair; leeks. I'd to •Id a bundle; lettuce, 'Js to Us (id a case; onions, Australian, 1 'is to IMs (id a cental; potatoes, Southern, (is to (is (id per cwt.: Ohakunc, i's to Is a bag; new, 1 Mid to -Id per It); pumpkins, choice Triunible. 7s (id to l-'s (id a sack; medium, Js to 7s; parsnips. Is (id lo 'Js per dozen; radish, Ud to lis; rhubarb. ■Js (id to ss; spinach. Is to 'Js 3d; snrinir onions. 8d lo Is 3d a bundle; swedes. 3s to os a buff; turnips, 8d to is 3d per dozen Brussels sprouts. -Id to 7d per lb. POULTRY Cockerels heavy breeds, prime, Gs: not prime, 'is (id up; lißht breeds, prime. 2s (id to Ms; not prime, is (id up; fat roosters, heavy breeds, prime. 'Js (Id to Ms (Id ; •>s to 3s; fat hens, heavy breeds, Ms to ss: lilt hi 2s (id to 3s (id; pullets, heavy breeds, best '4s (id to (is; smaller. 2s up; lipht breeds, best, -Is to 7s;, smaller, 2s to> 3s; drakes, younpr, prime. 3s to 'ls; smaller, 2s to Us' old 2s to 2s (id; ducks, young. 3s to 4s; old' 2s to 2s (id; Reese, 3s to ss; turkey hen's, 5s (id lo 7s Od; gobblers, 7s to 10s. BUTTER AND EGGS Knits. Ik'M. Ist grnde. Is -P-id per dozen; B grade, Is 3' id, C grade. Duck. Ist grade, is 4V a d per dozen; B grade, Is 3Vbd; C grade, is i' /2 d. Farmers' butter, Is Id to Is 3d per lb.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23139, 10 September 1938, Page 9

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COUNTRY STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23139, 10 September 1938, Page 9

COUNTRY STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23139, 10 September 1938, Page 9