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SALES BY AUCTION "jy-ART pACKED TO THE jQOORS." AUCKLAND'S Y TTR ACTION RUCTION! RUCTION I HUGE AFTER-STOCKTAKING CLEARANCE. POSITIVELY NO RESERVES jiO-DAY A.M. AND *) P.M. SHARP AT S AM G REEiVS p opuLAR j\|" AKT ' 'J 13 QUEEN ST. (Army Stores Old Shop). Q.ENERAL JJR APERY AND QLOTHING. £3500 ~ V J, ' UK - £3500. SPECIAL. DRESS PIECES, bilks, Satins, Crepes, Crepe do Cliine, Marocains, Taffetas, Smock Cloth, Striped Romberg, etc., etc. Blankets blankets blankets, Sheetings, Rugs, Linens, Bedspreads, Tablecloths, Curtain Net, Pillowcases. Mattresses, pillows, tents. Etc., UNDERWEAR OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, OVERCOATS, Raincoats, Oily Coats, (ient.'s Suits, Trousers, Overalls, etc., HOSIERY, Suitcases, Dressing Gowns, Shirts, Pyjamas, Sox. LfANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, Toys. ReadiJ ing Lumps, etc. Hundreds of Sample Lots and Stocktaking Throw-outs. QAM p.REEN, AUCTIONEER. rpHOSE TJIGHLY pit BURNISHING. JpGHLY pIPORTANT gALE. QEORGE WALKER, L TD. JN THE DE LUXE ROOMS, rjlO-MORROW rjiHURSDAY, AT O'CLOCK. Removed from a Residence. Manukau Road, and also from a Gentleman's Elat. at Kohl. rjiHE yERY SUPERIOR J^ODERN pURNISHINGti OE 2 H omes. Including: UPRIGHT GRAND WOODWARD PIANO. MANTEL WIRELESS SET. 3-PCE. CANE SETTEE SUITE. JACOBEAN CHESTERFIELD SUITE. OAK BUFFET DINING SUITE. OAK L.L. CHINA CABINET. OAK CLOCK, STANDARD LAMP. a-PCE. CHESTERFIELD SUITE in Genoa. CHOICE OAK BEDROOM SUITEEXTRA FINE SELECTION CARPETS. Sizes: -20 x 1-1.4, 15 x lU, 13.0 x 11.3 and lO.ti, I'J X 0, J X 1», !) X 0, i> X 7.H. H O O V E R UNIVERSAL VACUUM CLEANERS. _ 22 AND lO'/jYDS AXMINSTER RUNNER. OAK ROLLER-TOP DESK. FIREPROOF SAFE. Details: Living room.— upright grand WOODWARD PIANO, full Iron frame, good tone, cost .£ Mantel Wireless Set, OAK DINING SUITE of (> Pieces, comprising Buffet Sideboard, with L.L. Cupboards. D.L. Ex. Table and -1 H.B. Dining Chairs. Brass Firescreen, B.C. Box Kerb. Oak Chiming Clock, Toby Jugs, C.G. Crystal, Oak Palmstand, Jardinieres; 3-PCE. JACOBEAN CHESTERFIELD SUITE. Oak Tea Waggon, Oak Gateleg Table, Inlaid Sheraton Occ. Armchair, Electric Standard Lamp, Elec. Shades, Singer Drophead Sewing Maehino (as new). Oak TTph. Settee and (! Dininir Chairs, LARGE AXMINSTER CARPET, 'JO x 1-1.1. cost .ear,; Axminster Rugs, Oak L.L. China Cabinet, Firescreen, Wilton Carpel. l'J x 0; Blinds, Table Damask, Occ. Tables. C. Plated Reading Lamp. Cushions. 3-PCE. CHESTERFIELD SUITE in Genoa, Hassock, Large Seagrass Lounge Chair, OAK ROLLER TOP DESK. Fireproof safe, Hoover and Universal Vacuum Cleaners, 3-Pce. Cane-backed Settee Suite in Genoa. Oak Breakfastroom, Island Curios, Moqnette Easy Chair, Mohair Slipnmls, E.P. Tcanol. 2'J and lO'/jYds Ax. Runner, Card Table. BEDROOMS. —CHOICE OAK BEDROOM SUITE of 5 Pieces, comprising Two-tone Wardrobe, Reflex Dressing Chest, Gent's Tallboy, Dreeing Seat, Double Panelled Bedstead and Wire, Kapok Mattress, Mohair Rugs, Bedspreads, Eiderdown, 'J Fold. Screen, 'J S. O.R. Panelled Bedsteads. Seagrass Chairs, Ax. Carpet, l. r > x l'J; LIGHT OAK BEDROOM SUITE of 4 Pieces, comprising Wardrobe, Reflex Chest, Pedestal and 4ft Oin Bed, Wire, Maple Dressing Table and Double Bedstead, Wire, Oak Single Bedroom Suite, Cane Lounge Chair. Ax. Carpet, 10.0 and 12 x O, and Other Bedroom Plenishments. Kitchen and outside.—Kit, Table, Kit. Chairs. Crockery, En. Saucepans, Al. Kettle. Knife Box, G. I. Tub, Wheelbarrow, Garden Seat, Garden Tools, Carpet Sweeper, Stejiladder. H. Clippers. Coir Mat, Rimu Kerb. ON VIEW FROM 10 A.M. TO-DAY QEORGE £TD„ I'HE SPECIALITY AUCTIONEERS. 249 QUEEN STREET. Leonard Coakle.v. T. A. Goulding. Auctioneers. TTN REDEEMED pLEDGES. UNREDEEMED pLEDGES.

Q.EORGE -yyALKER. L TD.. 1 Favoured with instructions from L. MEN; ; DELLSOHN. ESQ., of the RO\ AL LOAN ' OFFICE, '1 Wellesley St., will Sell by Public Aoction, AT THE GREAT SALEROOMS. 240 QUEEN STREET, J|ONDAY jjpXT. gEPTEMBER AT O'CLOCK. UNREDEEMED J3LEDGEB GET BOWLS. ItAH"JoXfiG SEI' TYPF, 0 WRITER. AND SILVER AVARE ( ORNE . BANJO, rriT\R VIOLIN. TRUMPEI. SAXOPHONES. FLUTES, FIELD GLASSES, GOLF CLUBS, CAMERAS. Etc.. Etc ns f °l°)3o Jan 28. 153, D. nnd 0. Ring; Feb. .-) 19(i, Set Bowls; 25th, 285). Mah Jongg; Mar. 23. 407, 2 Rings; April 15. 50a. G. Watch. M. Box; June 1. 721, P/ ir " 1E - T ' ; Jul v 17, nil, Typewriter; 31st. »M, b. Watch and G. Albert; Aug. 21, 1078, Tea and Coffee; Sept.. 4, 1128, D. Ring; 7th, 1135, 2 Rintrs; 1111, Teapot; 1145. D. Rinjr; 12th, 1158,. 4 Pieces E.P.. Jug; 1172. S. Dish; 1171, 0. Glasses; 1184, Wntrh; Ring; 21st 1190. G. Albert and Com; 1201' Bag; 1203, Watch; 1210, Pin and Tend'.; 30th, 1227, G. Watch; 1228. D. Ring; 1230, Watch; Oct. 3, 12 Hi, D. Ring. Oth, 1267. D. Ring; 1283, G. Watch; 27th. 1324. G Albert; 1320, Ring; Nov. 3, 13G2 D. Ring; 7th, 1382. Ring; 1381, Ripg; 1307, O'coat; 1401, Ring; 14th, 1411, Canteen; 1423, Watch; 20th, 1433. Necklet; 1441, G. Chain; 25th, 1455, D. Ring; 1150, Watch; 1103, D. Ring; Dec. 1, 1471, Comet; 1175, Watch nnd Albert; sth, 1400. Banjo, Medals; 11th 1513. G. Watch; 1515 G. Watch; 31st, 1580, T. Rack; 1587, China Set; 1588, G. Watch. 1037.—Jan 5, IOO.s, D. Ring; 1017, G. Watch; 102(1. Necklet; 11th, 1048, Watch and Chain; 1071, Ring, Necklet; 18th, 107-1, Watch and G. Chain; 1 (>77, Watch; 1(181, Watch; 20th. 1083. Watch: 1000, Ring; 10i)2, Glasses and Chain; 25t11, 17(18, Ring; 1717. 2 Rinss; :?oth, 1734, Watch; 17H8, D. Ring: 1730, Watch; Feb. 1, 1742, Pin; 1719, F. Glasses; 4Mi, 1700 Golf Club and Bag; 1754, Necklet; inth, 1.701, Watch; 1700, G. Watch; Kith, 1817, D. Ring; 1821, Mandolin; 1827, Ornament; 1830, 2 Rings, 1834, Watch; 183S, Watch; 10th, 1844, Coin; 185.'!, G. Walch; 1857, Wntrh; 2,3 rd, 1808, Links and Fob; 1878, Guitar and Cloth; 1882, Locket; Arar. 1, 18i)t, D. Ring, 4tll, 1907, Violin; 1908, G. Albert; sth, 101.3, Brooch, Necklet; Oth, 1018, 2 Bangles. Brooch; 1920, G. Watch; 1921, Ring; 1933, (.'lock; 10th. 1010, L.G. Watch nnd Coin; 1014, Ring; I'lis, Chain nnd Pin; 1010, 2 Rings; 1952, Watch; - Kith, 1070. Ring; 1072, Walch; 1978, Dish; 1981, Ring; 20lh, 1987, Ring; 1990, G. Watch; 21th, 2007, Silver; 2013, Knives and Forks; 30th, 2022, Ring; 2030, D. Ring, April 2, 2035, Pendant; 2041, Watch and G. Albert; (itli, 2()5:», Guitar; 2001, D. Ring; 2071, G. Watch; 12th, 207!), Ring; 2080, Watch; 2094, G. Watch; 2090, Pin: 19lh, 2110, Watch; 2111, Watch; 28th, 2147, Watch; 2148. G. Watch; May 1, 2158, Watch; 3rd, 2104, Lamp and Tongs; 2K>5, Ring; 11th, 2105, G. Watch; 2199, Bangle, Pin, Watch; 2203, D. Ring; 2208, G. Walch; 17th, 2222, Coin; 2235, Ring; 2240, Watch; 24th, 2240, D. Rinjj; 226<>, Watch; 2275, Watch; 28th, 2290, Necklet; 2294. Ring; 31st, 2308, E.P.; June 1, 2312, M. Apron; 2:120, Wutch; 21129, Necklet and; Bth, 2317, D. Ring; 2350, Watch; 2351, Gramophone: 2353, Watch; 2357, Ring; 2308, Necklets and Bangle; lit!) 2381, Trumpet; 10th, 2389, G. Watch and Albert; 2-198, Ring; 18(h. 24(10, D. Ring; 2 104, Tiki; 240",. Chain and Pendant; 24 10 Pendant; 2412, Linen; 2415, Watch; 21st, 2421, Sponus mill Forks; 2434, 2 Rings and Brooch; 241 li, 213'!, J) Ring; 2110, Watch; 2143, Walch; 2115, Ring; 20th, 2117, Silver; 2418, Pr, F. Glasses; 2155,, Ring; July 1, 2171, Ring; slh, 2179, J). Ring; 2482, G. Walch; 2181, 2 Rings; 2488, Ring' Bth, 2497, Watch and Albert; 2501, Bangle; 2507, Bangle and Ring; 'J.',O9, G. Watch S. Watchj 2515, D. Ring; 12111, 2517, Ring; 2529, Ring; 2531, Walch; Kith, 2." 11 Bag and Books; 2512, D. Pin; 2550, Necklet and Ring; 21st. 2,>57, F. Glasses; 2571, Ring Ear-rings; 29tb, 2591, I), King; 2595. Watcli nnd Ring; 2000, D. Ring; 2001, Ring; 2002 Walch; Aug. 2, 2007, Walch; 2(>08, Rin-"-2014, Camera; 3rd, 2017, I) Ring; 4|h' 2025, Walch; 2020, Box; 204.3, G. Watch' lltli, 2052, Ring; 10th. 2071, 2 Rings; •>o7o' Ring; 2078, D. Ring; 208], G. Watch; 18th' 2090, E.P. Ware; 19th, 2004, Stud, Pend.: 2695, Watch; 2703, Brooch; 23rd, °7lO 2 Watches; 2718, G. Watch; 2719, D. Ring nnd Ear-rings; 2724, D.P. and D. Ring--272", Ring; 28lh, 2711, Wntcli and Albert; 301 li, 2750. 3 Rings; 31 si, 2701, Flute--2702. D Ring; 2703. G. Watch; Dec 17! 3273, 2 Saxophones. QEOR.GE -yyALKER. J^TD., THE SPECIALITY AUCTIONEERS, Leonard Coakley, T. A. Gouldinsr, Auctioneers.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23130, 31 August 1938, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23130, 31 August 1938, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23130, 31 August 1938, Page 4