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FULL FAT SHEEP YARDING FIRM DEMAND FOR BEEF [FROM OL'R own correspondent] HAMILTON, Tuesday A full yarding of all classes of fat sheep came forward at the Frankton stock sale to-day, a line of heavy prime wethers from Messrs-. T, C'? and H. W. Wilson, of Wainiai, selling up to 335. There was keen interest in the whole offering of fat sheep, and mediumweight wethers showed an improvement. Store, sheep, which were penned in small numbers, did not create a great deal of interest Competition was firm in tlic fat beef section, and values remained unchanged. A draft of eight prime bullocks from Messrs. Taylor Brothers, Taupiri, sold at from £ll 15s to £] A 17;j (id. Mr. T. M. Hall, Hamilton, realised tI.H ids for a line of prime cows and heifers. Mr. \V. Cooper-Smith, Tuhikaramea, leeeived from ill 1 (is to £ls :os, while medium-weight fat bullocks on account of Mr. B. L. Elphick sold from £l2 Is to A'l:4 '_'s. There was a medium jardiug of all classes of fat pigs, with baconers slightly easier of sale than last week. Porkers sold on a par with recent quotations. A good yarding of steres and wcaners met with a keen demand, with a slight appreciation in values. Th° auctioneers report.— Jne Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited —Sheep: Prime fat wethers. 28s .'-id to 30s yd; medium, 20s 3d to 27s (id; light. '-Ms Gd to 2os Od; two and four-tooth black-face wethers, 23s Od to 25s Gd; Iwii-tooth mixed sex wethers. 20s Od to 2-'!s ud; prime lat ewes, lus to 23s 3d; killable .cues,* 12s to 15s fid; canner ewes, 5s to 8s; fat woolly white-face hoggets 228 yd to 21s 9d; fat woolly, blark-facc hoggets, 22s 3d to 23s 3d; lighter fat hoggets. 18s Od to 21s (3d; store hoggets, 14s 3d to 17s 3d; cull hoggets, 5s Od to 8s Gd: cull ewes, 3s (id to 5s Od; prime shorn wethers, 20s- unfinished wethers. 22s Od to 23s Od. Cattle: Prime heavy fat bullocks, £l4 7s Od to £ls 15s; medium, £l2 Is to £l3 2s; medium fat cows, CO to £7; light fat heifers, £5 (is to £5 los; good runners, X's Is to CO 7s; medium vealers, £2 12s to £3 1.75; light, 32s to £2 8s; boner cows. £2 Jss to •tl 2s; canner cows, 20s to 355; two-year Hereford steers, store conditioned, £0 10s; two-year Shorthorn steers, store conditioned, £5 12s (id to £0 ss; empty two-year Polled Angus heifers, £5 Is to £0 7s; service bulls. £5 Ids; empty young cows and heifers. £2 5s to £2 Ids. Pigs: Choppers, to £-t ss; heavy baconers, to £3 10s; medium, £3 10s to £3 15s; light, £3 3s to £3 ts; buttermilk pigs and heavy porkers. £2 10s to £3; medium porkers, £2 10s to £2 I-ls; light. £2 2s to £2 8s; unfinished, 30s to £2; harge stores, 38s to £2 2s; smaller, 31s to 37s Od; slips, 20s to 325; best weaners, J7k (id to 225; others, 10s to 15s.

Dalgety ami Company, Limited.—Sheep: Good quality hea\y prime wethers, 335; medium, 2!)s lid to 30s; prime qualijv medium weights, 28s (id; light prime wclTiers, 275; light-weight black-facc wethers, 23s 3d to -'is: heavy prime ewes, 21s to 2'.!s (id, medium quality heavy cues, 20s to 20s !td; store ewes. !Jd; prime fat hosrsrets, *23:5 to 24s lid; medium, 20s t0,225; light, Kjs (id to ISs; cult store ewes, 7s lid to f»s iVI. Beef: Heavy prime bullocks, £l4 17s (id to £ls 15s, medium, £i;i 7« to CM ss; lighter, £l3 to .113 13s; unfinished bullocks, £'l2 to £l2 15s; heavy prime cows, £10; medium. £S Ss to £!> ISs; lighter cows, £7 10s to £S; heavy Jersey cows, to £7; heavy boner cows, to £ 1 I is; medium bon'er cows, £3 los to £4; light sorts, £2 15s to £3 15s. Store cattle: Good quality mcdium£To\vn rising three-year-old Hereford steers. £8 Ms to ,CS His; vvell-grown three-year-old Polled Angus and Polled Angus cross steers. i'S 15s to £U ss; smaller, £S; Hereford. (.'8 10s to £7 17s (id; empty Polled Angus cows, medium condition, £1 15s; extra good quality yearling Polled Ansus and Polled Angus cross steers, £(> 7s Od to £(j 14s: Hereford, £5 15s to £6; smaller cattle, £4 10s to £5 ss. Pigs; Heavy baconers. .£3 14s to £3 IDs; prime medium baconers, £3 Us to £3 Ms; medium, .£3 5s to £3 ils; prime light, £3 to £3 ss; heavy buttermilk pigs, £2 18s to £3 ss; medium, £2 10s to £2 ISs; heavy porkers, £2 Ss to £2 15s; medium, £2 2s to £2 Ss; light, 3Ss to £2 2s; small, 32s to 38s; large store pigs, 35s to £2 2s; medium, 30s to 355; small, 25s to 30s; rougher sorts, 20s to 255; best, slips, 10s to, 225; medium, 12s to 1.65; best weancrs, 15s to 21s; medium, 10s to los.

G. W. Vercoe and Company, Limited.— Sheep: Heavy prime wethers,-31s to 33s Ud; lighter prime, 2Ss to 20s Gd; good quality medium-weights. 26s to 'J7s Gd; light-weights, 24s to 25s (id; small and unfinished. 21s to 235; extra prime ewes, to 20s 3d; heavy prime ewes, 22s to 21s; medium-weights, ISs to 20s; light and unfinished, up to 17s; well-finished medium-weight hoggets, 23s to 2ls Gd; prime' light-weights, 'Jls to 22s Gd; killable. ISs to ,20s; store hoggets, lis to 17s. Cattle: Medium-weight runners, to £0 10s; heavy vealers, £2 15s to £3 ss; small, to £2 ss; rough calves, to 255; heavy prime bullocks, to £l7 ss; prime medium-weights, £1.4 15s to £ls 10s; small and unfinished, t.n £ll 12s (id; heavy prime heifers, £l2 10s to £l3 Ids; light prime. £lO to £lO 10s; prime Jersey heifers, £S 10s to £9 10s; others, £7 to £8 ss; heavy prime cows, £lO Is to £ll 2s Gd; lighter prime, £0 to £5) 15s; medium-weights, £S 5s to £8 17s Gd; lightweights, up to £8; heavy fat Jersey cows, £7 10s to £8 12s Gd; medium-weights, £6 10s to £7 Ids; light, up to £0 ss; forwardconditioned Shorthorn and Friesian cows, £5 to i's 1 !)s; -others, up to £4 ' 15s; empty two-year Jersey heifers. £3 5s to £3 ISs; fair quality yearling Jersey heifers, £3 5s to £3 16s; heavy boners, £3 15s to £4 12s (id; medium-weights, £3 5s to £3 10s; light, up to x'H. Pigs: Heavy baconers, £4 to £1 3s; medium-weights, £3 15s to £3 19s; light, £3 5s to £3 12s; heavy porkers, £'2 15s to £3; medium-weights, £2 Ss to £2 J4s; light, £2 2s to £2 7s; good stores, 38s to £2 2s (id; smaller, 32s to 375; good slips, 29s to 3ls; smaller, 24s to 28s; best weaners. ISs to 225; medium, Tos to 17s; small, up to 14s; sows in pig. to £4 ss. Wright, Stephenson and Company, Limited. —Fat cattle: Prime heavy heifers. £lO to £ll 15s; medium quality, £7 15s to £9 10s; light and unfinished, to £6; prime heavy cows, £8 15s to £lO 10s; medium quality, £7 5s to £S; light, £5 15s to £(> 17s Gd; unfinished, to £5. Slbrc cattle: Good three-year-old steers, £7 17s Od to £9; two-year-old steers, £6 to £7 ss; boner cows, £3 10s to £•>. according to condition; culls. 40s to £2 15s; Polled, Angus bulls. £8 10s; other bulls, £3 15s to £4 10s. Fat sheep: Extra heavy .wethers, up to 335-. heavy, 29s to 3ls; medium quality. 26s to 27s Gd; light, 23s to 25s 3d; unfinished, to 20s; extra good fat ewes,' to 24s Gd; good butcher's ewes, 20s to 235; light, 15s to 18s 3d; unfinished, to 12s; fat lambs, to 24s (id; medium quality, 19s to 21s; poor, to i-ls Gd.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantiiu Agency Company, Limited.—Cattle: Light fat ox, £9 to £10; heavy, fat cows and heifers, £lO to £l]; fat cows and heifers, £X 5s to £9 17s (id; medium, £6 17s to I'S; killable, £5 10s to £0 1 ."is; heavy storo cows, £1 5s to £5 ss; store cows and heifers, £."l 5s to £1; boners. £J to £2 ss; Rood vealers, up to £i t'_'s; calves, 7s «d to 17s; medium quality yearling Jersey heifers, £3 os to £J lis. Sheep: Medium fat wethers, 'J7s fid to 2Ss 3d; light, '-' os to '-'(is; heavy fat ewes, 'Jls'Od to 25s (id; niediiyn. 22s (id to 2-1 s; second quality. 15s fid to 17s (id; store wethers, 21s; fat hoggets, 21s to 21s Hd; store hoggets, up to His Bd. Pigs: Medium baconers, £3 7s. 6d to £3 Iss; heavy porkers, £2 14s to £H; medium, £2 Os to £2 J 2s; butter-milk pigs mid light porkers, £2 2s to £2' Ss; large store i>igs, .'{(is to 10s; medium, 2Ss to tfss; slips, 21s to 25sj best weaners, His Wd to 235; others, 12s to 15s; good quality Tamworth sows, close to farrowing, £,"> to £(j; good r quality Large White sows, close io farrowing, tip to £5 ss; Tamworth and Devon hoars. £1 5s to £2 17s 6(1. MATAWHERO HORSE FAIR [BY TELEGRAPH —OWN CORunspoNdent] ' OISBORNE, Tuesday Competition was throughout, the first day of the Matawhero horse fair and values generally were considerably easier on late rates. There was an offering of J 10 horses and a fait proportion of tin* entry was passed in, In the unbroken heavy class, rising threeyear fillies, offered on account of Hutchinson Brothers, ranged from £25 10s* to £.'57, while two on account of Mr. LoefTler made £25 and £3O. A few more made above £2O and several sold from £U to £lf. Mediumweight unbroken horses ranged up to £l4. Light unbroken horses made to £(> 10s, with a few realising double figures, but the majority ranged from £2 to £l. A seven-year-old broken heavy horse from Tc Rata station made .£37. A few others made i'rom £°;j to £2(J los.


Alfred .Buckland and' Sons, Limited.' reports a successful pier sale at Waiuku The demand for porkers was kern, and bnconers were well above scheduled rates. Heavy haconers made £3 12s to J'4; medium, £'3 t' s •°/;{ Us; choppers, CJ to £3 IDs; porkers, £•_' los to £3 (is; medium, £2 r>s to £••> v>ssmall, 38s to Us; large-framed stores, 35s to 40s; (food, US* to 325; slips, 24s to 2Ssothers, 20s to 235; woanors, 20s to 24s' hniali, 10s to 15s; sows in* pipf, £*4 15s to X'o. WELLSFORD PIG ENTRY [from OUH OWN' COilßF.sroxDknt] WELLSFORD, Tuesday There was a demand for voting pigs at the fortnightly pig sale held l>v Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, and the North Auckland Farmers' Co-operative, Limited, at Wcllsford. The highest price for some years for weaners vias paid, good weaners bringing 2.">s. Large store pigs were taken by buttermilk contractors at prices up to -10s. Big store pigs made 35s Gd to 40s; small stores, 30s to 335; slips, 28s to 29s (3d; weaners. 24s to 255. .

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23130, 31 August 1938, Page 9

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COUNTRY STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23130, 31 August 1938, Page 9

COUNTRY STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23130, 31 August 1938, Page 9