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riccarton card strong fields listed win and place betting grand national steeples valpeen solidly fancied J-JJV TELEGRAPH—OWN CORRESPONDENT] CHRISTC'HURCH, Monday There is every promise of fine weather for the opening of the Canterbury Jockey Club's Grand National Steeplechase meeting at Riccarton to-morrow. The track will provide firm going after a drying wind to-day. The win and place system o£ betting will bo used. Following i* :1 review of the fields:— Acceptances: — 11.32—TRIAL HURDLES Of .CS00; l% miles st. lb. St. lb. Padishah. .31 <3 Mount Val . I) 2 Inness Lad .10 7 ( haste ... 0 2 Corban • • ■ • 10 Surge .... p o Lone Raider 10 2 Toy Rank . t) 0 McHeath . . 10 l Guilder ... 0 0 Contract • - 0 < . Padishah will be given another opportunity to make good, but he will have to improve a good deal on his schooling to be n'safo proposition. Still, his pace will staid to him, even if ho does lose ground it his obstacles. Iniiess Lad, : Corban, Loiu Raider and Mount V T al. have all shajed well in schooling and Surge and Giilder are capable of getting a solid pace early. The favourites PADISIAE, INNES! LAD, COR B As*. 12.12—PAPARJA HANDICAP Of £3O: 6 fur. St. lb. > st. lb. Rebel Mate 9 7 Moneyless . 8 4 Ton Row . 9 3 Golden Chest 8 4 Pukiko ■ • • t) 0 Paper Noto 8 4 Gray Honour - S 13 Great Pal . . S 2 Queen of Song 812 Petersham • 8 1 Matoru ... 8 10 Astaire . .80 Hunting Blood S 7 Rebel Star . 8 0 Royal Gallant S 7 Metal Bird . 8 0 Class is stronglyrepresented in this open sprint race aii there should be a great tussle. Re bo Mate, Top Row, Pukeko, Matoru, nper Note, Petersham and Astaire fcve all been racing well, while Huntingßlood indicated by his race in the Bralzon Handicap and by his galloping ace then that he will be a source o trouble over six furlongs. Great Pal : on two hack races at Trentham in a januer suggesting that he would makers presence felt in open company. The ficied division may include i HUNTINCBLOOD, TOP RO"V REBEL XTE. r ' | 12.52—JUMPERS' F&T HANDICAP Of £300; J. miles ' st. lb. I st. lb. Travenna . . 11 2 Grtyard . . 10 0 -The Surgeon 10 11 litral ... 9 13 Curie • • • . 1.0 10 Bgo ... 9 11 Jolly Beggar 10 8 Ral Banquet 9 10 Lone Raider 10 5 Figuard . 9 9 King's Dfain ... 9 2 Archer .10 4 Aora's Love 9 0 Kilberis . . ' .10 4 Miastic ..90 . Silver; Sight 10 3 Ulo Jim . 9 0 As in all previous yes, the Jumpers' Flat bears a very op aspect. Practically all of the runns will be Grand National Hurdle Racicandidates and of others, Lustral waShe winner of a similar event at .Trentim'last month. Jolly Beggar won thig-ace 12 months ago with 10.8, the sals weight as he has to-morrow and he iin just as good order as then. There \il be some wide speculation and the may be - |

JOLLY BEGAR, LUSTRAL, i FIREGUAR] • i ' 137—CASHMEREPLATE, Of £250; special weljts; 6 fur. st. Ib. I st. lb. Anto Sutep . 8 11 Ryei-n . . 8 11 Bonvellun . . 8 11 Syn|tic . . 8 11 Chanteur . . 8 11 Colol Rouge 8 0 Dividend . . 8 11 Gay,'arado . 8 0 Jo Jo f . 8 11 KeeiSight . 8 0 Master Dbgle 8 11 Ladyßosette 8 0 Merry ihrch 8 11 Our i'al ..80 Papernilll . . 8 11 Rebebn ..80 Pipiwhauioa. 8 11 Rex litland 8 0 Plumage. 8 11 Romai ... 80 Remembo; . . 8 11 Royal Pat . 8 O Royal Rejain 8 31 Hofsesjwho at the tift of nomination havj not won a rac&re the class engaged here. There is |e winner in the list. Wild Talk hting won a maiden e ent at the Chri&hnrch Hunt fixture s ortly after noniations were taken fo Riccarton. She|ill again be brackete< with Keen Sightnd the pair no doubi will solicit strig support. Papernill, Remembo, COnel Rouge, Synthetic Rebellion, Rexiiitland and Romarinjhave all" shown -remise and are entHxl to attention .vindications point to he favourites boig ■ KEEN SIGHT—WITiD TAIX Bracket, REBELLION, ' PAPERNILL A.' 2.22 GRIND NATIONAL tTEEPLE- , CHASE. \ Of £1.500; SVi mile fit. lb. f- Bt. lb. Clarion fell 11 1 Royal Baiuet 9 11 Erination; . 11 0 Forest Gw . 0 7 Royal Lira d 10 7 Bryce ireet 9 0 Valpeen .1 . 10 0 Bripadort. . 9 2 Santoft .1 . 10 <1 High Spd . 0 1 Irish Com! .10 2 The copst for the Gran National Steeplechje should be the Ist staged for .manjpears. All of theacceptors have beef good winners a various stages ofjtheir careers. Cbion Call showed lj his win in the Honicby Steepleclr4 e that the big liccarton country iiiot beyond him, buwith another. millto go, he may fin matters efr. Erination is sic to be strongly Ipported and now iat Valpeen is tote ridden by A. EE]lis, he will be d! of tho favourite Forest Glow also ias to bo respect 6 as he to well tilted with 9.7 andis very well. Bry Street is anotlr possibility ai he will bo all tb better for his r ' in the Homeby Steeplechase. Irij Comet failed last }ar and Royal Bar let may not stand c to the strain. Tile who may make list appeal are | lALPEEN, BARTON CALL, • R.YCE STREET. 3.7—i NFIELD STEEPLES . Of -300; about 2 miles . i st. lb. st. lb. All Irish 12 0 Redolent . . .0 10 Flashlight 10 11 Bally Brit .9 9 iJunrnure ' 1 r» 1 Sunward . . .9 1 Mghtboundi 9 10 El Caballo .9 0 ■f"' Wslflnd El Caballo will isure a fast pactjrom the outset spectacular|uiri])ing should bo witnessed. Fllilight, Diinnnire, Ightbound andlallv Brit are all fencers anclledolent is a most pimising novice, lie favourites may b JL JIMSH, il CA BALLO, HXMUR E. 3.1 WINTER CUP, 1 £'7.50; 1 niilo r> 1 . pi" 'b. Btb. yataioguo . Ii» 10 Dobhani ... 87 Slippcn) 5 Waitaka ... 83 Ponty . 1 , 5 j iail( | Uaid . 83 a 1? •••.!> .2 Great Hope . 81 Araboa . . h m Swordstick . . 81 Monipcro . H 11 Roy Bun . . 81 JUizybones H .10 Cocksure . . 83 Mungatoon < 10 Silver Slipper 8 > Wine Card >• 9 Wagner ... 8 t MUtie . . I 0 The race Jh'iits a difficult problq, for this fielcl the best assembled ir a l or ig timel'd it includes the btfc mi 'e gallopej in New Zealand. Tj form has beifvell exposed during t»

past few months and any attempt to individualise it is likely only further to complicate the position. Catalogue will bo attempting his second success on end. Alma, Great Hope and Ponty drew attention to their prospects fay their efforts in the Brabazon Handicap and the final summing up may be in favour of PONTY, GREAT HOPE, ALMA. 4.37—AVONHEAO HANDICAP, Of £300; 7 fnr. n . st ' lb ' , St. lb. Palmyra . «) 7 The Snndjvlch. Happy Jwght i) fl man ... 8 (1 Second Innings 0 5 Thermidor ■ 8 G Garonne • • . f) •_> Robant ... 8 5 Raebarn ... 9 1 Glenaerc ..85 Recollection 8 11 Half and Half 8 4 bigurd . • Blt Rockingham 8 8 Donadea • 8 10 Night Hawk S 3 Nightdress BJO Mnroha -.83 Strip ... 810 Orange Bud 8 2 Potent • ■ 8 10 Gay Hunting 8 '2 Drink Up . . 8 0 Colombo -.81 Great Bramblo 8 1) Aymon .... S 0 Girondo ... 8 5) Oleums ... 8 0 Sunbeam . 8 7 Gay Lyric . 8 0 In the largest field of the day, Strip and Half and Half are from A. E. Didltam s stable and both will be in demand. Garonne, Happy Night, Second Innings, Raeburn, Donadea, Sigurd and Palmyra represent good class and any one of those is capable of winning. Speculators may prefe!" STRIP OR HALF AND HALF, HAPPY NIGHT, GARONNE.

FINAL GALLOPS HALF-MILE SPRINTS PAPER SLIPPER DOES BEST SCHOOLING OF JUMPERS [by TELEGRAPH —own correspondent] CHRISTCHURCH, Monday Spring-like weather prevailed at Riccarton to-day and the tracks have made a remarkable recovery. The course proper will now provide firm going to-morrow. In fact, the .inside of the course, used for flat events, will be in better order for a Grand National meeting than for many years; this in spite of most unfavourable weather during the past two weeks. The inside of the trial grass track was open to-day and it was kept very busy for about two hours. Most of the horses wero galloped, but sprints were in favour and there was little serious work over a journey. Practically all of the jumping horses engaged at the meeting were worked at strong threequarter pace. The best half-mile sprint was credited to Paper Slipper, who finished half a length in front of Great Hope in 51s. Paper Slipper is very well and he has only to reproduce what lie can accomplish on the tracks to win some money at the meeting. Other half-mile tasks were executed by "Wild Talk and Keen Sight, 525; Great Bramble, 535; Pipiwhauroa and llomarin, 54 3-ss; Kockingham and Liane, 555; Sunbeam and Kifrome, 545; Grey Honour, 535; Myriam and Matoru, 53 3-ss; Land Raid, 535; Swordstick and Night Hawk, 53 2-ss; Gluecos and Gay Bunting, 555. Palmyra was two lengths in front of Dictate at the end of half a mile run in 525. This sprint indicated that Dictate would not be at his best for the Winter Cup. Willie Win strode over a mile in 1.49 4-5, the .first, half in 545. Kilberis and Bryce Street ran seven furlongs in 1.35*2-5. Both are in excellent order. Lustral was going better than Jolly Beggar in a useful gallop over six furlongs. The Trentham gelding has improved a good deal in recent weeks and he will be in favour to-morrow. Wild Irishman went. fast over four hurdles. McHeath and Delrain jumped two hurdles well. Erebus, Sunny Comet and Aurora's Love jumped four hurdles together. The last-named ran off at the first, but he shaped well over the remainder. Chaste and Contract had similar work, the former running off at the third > fence, which he has repeatedly refused to jump, otherwise his schooling has been satisfactory. Bonny Buff negotiated five of the inside steeplechase fences in a faultless manner. Culverden set out for a. like task, but. a stirrup leather broke when ho jumped the first and his rider, W. Cooper, slipped off. Later. Culverden jumped five fences in most attractive fashion. Nocturnus was given a round on the grass at a strong pace and he appeared to hit out freely, but as soon as he was pulled up, he displayed distinct lameness and it was realised that he had once more broken down in the front leg, which has always troubled him. He was withdrawn from all engagements at the meeting.

LATEST SCI*ATCHINGS NOCTURNUS AND DICTATE [BY TELEGRAPH —OWN CORRESPONDENT] , CHRISTCHURCH, Monday The following horses engaged at the Grand-National meeting were scratched to-day:— All Engagements. Nocturnus, 2.25 p.m. Winter Cup.—Dictate, 10.10 a.m.

RIDING ENGAGEMENTS MOUNTS AT RICCARTON Riding engagements for the Grand National meeting at Riccarton to-day arc as follows: G. Humphries—Paper Slipper Great Bramble, Wild Talk, Metal Bird. C. T. Wilson.—Mungatoon, Night Hawk, Roval Refrain, Sweet Rose. W. Jenkins.—Orange Bud, Lady Rosette. B. H. Morris.—Great Hope, Gay Parade, Rebel Mate. L. J. Ellis. —Cocksure, .Rebellion, Petersham, Garonne. A. Jenkins.—Clarion Call. M. Caddy.—Papernilla, Hunting Blood, Lazybones, Donadea. G. Watson.—Wagner. Plumage. W. J. Bronghton.—Ponty, Thermidor, Gold Boy. R. Beale, Brigadore, Fireguard, Nightbonnd. J. W. Jennings.—Rex Maitland, Second Innings, Waitaka, Rebel Star. A. Messcrvy.—Dividend, Nightcalm, Astaire. A. E. Ellis. —Remembo, Alma, Happy Night, Valpeen. A. G. Parsons. —Pipiwhauroa, Raeburn, Wine Card, Paper Note. N. Trillo.—Bryce Street, Kilberis. A. Leach.—Courtyard, High Speed. A. Russell.—Potent, Chanteur. G. Tattersnll.—Catalogue. 10. Stewart. —Mittie, Royal Pat. P. Atkins. —Debham. H. Hibberd. —Swordstick, Palmyra. M. Cassells. —Roy Bun. G. Linton. —Chaste. W. Shand. —Contract. P. Burgess.—Land Raid, Lone Raider, Lustral, Rockingham, Chile. W. Dovle. —Ma torn. Gleucoij. W. J. McDowell. —Forest Glow, Pango. A. E. Lord.—Royal Banquet. F. E. Baker. —Nocturnus. J. If. Mcßao. —Erination. A. McDonald. —Royal Limond. G. Salt. —Santoft. J. F. Fergus. —Irish Comet. R. J. Mackie. —Araboa. R. Marsh. —Monipere. 0. G. Goulsbro.—Silver Slipper, Sigurd.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23111, 9 August 1938, Page 7

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RACING PROSPECTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23111, 9 August 1938, Page 7

RACING PROSPECTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23111, 9 August 1938, Page 7