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PLANTS, TREES, ETC., FOR SALE A BELIA .'{<)/-; Acmena, £5 it JL'O; Hakea, 'M)/-; Macrocarpa, '25/-, HO/-; Tree Tomatoes, l i loo.—Kanui Nurseries, New Lynn. ANEMONES, guaranteed large, vigorous, brilliant blooms, many double; '2/U 100, posted.-—Marden, Box 0, l'akapuna. NKMONKS, Exhibition, notation FlowcrV j iik. I/- do/.., ;i/-, 100 posted—(irill'illls^_NiirsiTies, MI. Eden, Aiickiand. \ NKM ONE Plants, 1/- do/..; Lobelia, Wallil flower, Yiscuria, Aquilegia, Callendulus, Giant Pansics. Blue Viola, Scliizanlhus, 1/0 1(10, •_»/<> 50; posted. WHJTK, Kowhai Road, One free llill. \ NTIRRJIJNUM, Calendula, Cineraria, Slock, Ncmesia, Schizantlius, Sweet William, Viscaria, 3/- 50, ."</• 100. —Green Lane Nursery, Green Lane. A HGKNTI.NK 1 'erennial Blue Pea, (id each; Chiffon Shasta Daisy, ."> for J/; posted.— 11. Cnllis, Ol.s Dominion Hd. VRO.MATIC "lea Hoses, Collection I'2 distinct named Prize Varieties, 13/, posted. -Griffiths' -<jjrseries, Mt. Eden. Auckland^ BARBERRY, Seedless, 1000 L' 7; tail paid; last weeks. T. Rosenberg, Oliaupo. BARBERHY, Lawsonianas, Pines, Eucalyptus, Hedge Plants, Fruit Trees. — IJAH.BERRY, well-grown. l-.vear, 'JI/- 1'•( 10; 1J special reduction quantity. -Franklin Farmers' Am l nnn-f rintr. Pukekolii'. |>ARBERRY, seedless, extra slrong, bushy, '' 'J-yr., av. an.; -jo/- inu, .17/10/- 1000, for. Fairview Nurseries, Glen Eden. BARBERRY and Boxtliorn, strong plants, largest growers in N.Z., 'J I/ per 1000; Macrocarpa, stronir 'J-year, 'JO/ per 100. All prices cash with order. Hail paid.— BELDMQNT NURSERIES. H.D., Wliakatane. BEAUTY Stocks! "Giant Perfection," mammoth flowering, (all, all double; 2/0 "»(>■■• Sanders, Box_ 031, Auckland. BE AUTY Stock, Mammoth, extra double, box-grown, II sep. colours or mixed, l/.'l do/.., posted. - Collis, oi.s Dominion ltd. BURROWS' Nurseries, Pukckohe. - - Bar berry, I, j and .'{-year Acacia, Macro-carp,-is, Bentlianis, Lawsonianas, Pines. All kinds hjgli grade Nursery Siocks; List free. ( UIiBACK. Lettuce, 1,0 Inn, Onions, 7.0 v.' 11 m in. ed. Hit riling, St. Ileliers Bay Hd, / 'A BBAO E, I.e 11 tue, Hecks, SiluT Beet, I it lull. Onions, I aing-kccpci, 7/0 luoo, posted. Silwyn Nurseries, Mt. A llterl. /D\ M Hi! 11 HI E Nurseries ufler liigh-elass v/ Nursery Stock of Al! Descriptions. Send lor prices. Keeley and Sou. Phone 250. (D\ RN A'l'l ON' Plants, large, doiii'le. 1/0 tin/.,, .'i ii .Mt. posted. Green Lane Nur>ery , '! reel! I ,;i lie. ? GiIXESE 'iooseitcrry, male, female, guarV..-' anleeil, 7< i p;i ir; Pepilio 'new Peruvian frnil I. 7.(1. Fritnk Oreen, Oreen Lane. / GIINESE O ooseberry. male and female v sexes, guaranteed; grafted |> 1; 1111 s. from "» - |>air. l-'air\iew Nurseries. (Ilen Kden. / GTHUS Trees. L' |-j ■ lit,-, LI", and CJO V loo; 25, ion rale. ,1. T. Skellon, River bank Nurseries, New Lynn. ( HTRUS.- Fine I rees, well advanced, N.Z and ( aliforniiin Grapefruit, Sweet Oranges, eh - . ROSES: Lippiatt s Champions, famous till over the Dominion. Descriptive Catalogue ami Price List Free. W E Lippiatt. Panama Hd . Otalinliu / MTHI'S, Mrong, Bushy, Advanced Trees. V' great vnriely; Sweet Oranges. Manila rlri-. Lemons and Orapefruil; some Iruitinu. popular prices; reduclion for i|iiant it ies.FA 11! \' IE \V NFHSEHY CO.. Arclnbald Hd [jje_n _ I LI.H SON, New Lyon.- Free Galalogin's, illustrated in colour. L" 1 TcALS'I' TUS Miica rl liurii, \" Im I lial lis. for I J |mis Is. limber, excellent rooled; l«l/- Inu. frt. pd Williains. Nurseryman, Tc Awamulu "| M'( ALYP'ITS ii -, .r ««w»r : -'-Y"r. Ttan-I-J pliinls. Muniata Pines. I'J -; Miicrocarpas. Benl lia ms. Is ; Ca lilorniiin Hedwood. -; Well 'wrenched, strong. Cash Willi order. |C Jijemng. WailiL vallely. Natives, 0 small. 'J O; ' I laruer size. I ii. pusled. - Holtiuson's, Wliarel.uri, Oeraldine. South ( anlerluiry, ! Trees. 11 assorted, 11. with order; I. price list free.—,l T Skellon. Hiverbank | Nurseries New Lwin / iLADItiLI Catalomie Free, leading.. N'ovel--0 ties. I'opnlar Named Varieties. O row Show Blooms, gtiaraineed, ('orms.Tiiit, Specialisl. J I .Mangere I'd, Otiihuhii. HAKEA Salisiiiii. 'J years' old, 0- lull; LJ• 11' - Innn Cash forward. I). I. SI• • |ill<• ns, Kerikci. Bay of Islands. ICELAND Poppies, outdoor irrown, glorious 1 blooms; long stems; 'J ii ".it. posted.— White. 1 Woodbine Ave., Oreen Lane. J' ELAND Poppies, "New Giant Art I Shades.' The world's finest poppy Giant iiloonis. long stiff stems, womlerful colours Numerous testimonials from delighted customers Strong plants. 3/0 for ."id, ii'- ton, ported. -F. Causley. Floral Nurseries, Thames Ken (Ts sfi enw-colouiied on ion SEED. Long Keeper Strain as grown by Pukckohe Onion ( . row ers. 1 .'CO lb Sole Agents, H._ 11. PA TT!. I-'.. LTD.. Piikekohe. 1 I" A WSON lAN A, 'Jy r. . . 1 . - ITH I IJ I 'inu- 111 -1 .nit-. "Jyr I". - inn Cry plomeria Ked Cedar), 'Jyr. ">O,- Inu Ai iiiena I"lor;ib1111da. |sin., lui-h\ si)/- ](hi M \N o !■: 11 E NI" USE!.' I ES. I,'obert-on Hd.. Miiii'jere, S.I". 7. MANI'KE. stable, cow, sheep, well rotted Beiry, Mt. Wellington. Phone 'J."i-tvJ">. JN'KiN Plants for sale. A Breinner. O" N K'N 'T'lTuils, gooil.lcrr 1(100, .•{•« r,(io, posted. Martin, Wiiimaitku. _ ONil).\ Plants, good keepers; 0/- 1000. — While. Kowliai Hd.. One Tree Hdl. ONI ON T'la nl sT sTraw" m-a It by" o'-1 000. posted.--It Austin, Mangere. 5.E.7. ONION Plants, lonir keener; "iUO, 5' luiKi; posted. F. Butcher, Piikekohe. NITINS, O- innn, straw-coloured and Brown Spanish () lahii hii . _ N'lON Pin ills, SI raw, 7/-, long keeping, S'liinn, we pay freight or postage.— Burrows' Nurseries, Piikekohe. XToNSrT.i7i.otls, Long-keepers, Brown Straw Spanish, lnon, postage paid. - -P. Brain li. Pukckohe. NToN Plants, Straw Spanish. 7/ 1000; Cabbage, 'J' 100; Cauliflower. 'J-0; posted; reduction large quantities.—Brown and Son. Piikekohe. XIOX PLANTS (Bilkey's), long keepers, 'light straw, 1000, ■ii- -><'o; Cauliflower l-'!» 100; Cabbage. I/O 100; posted. W. A. WILLIS, Kitchener Hd.. Piikekohe. Phone 'J3I. lU'll I DS.—C.vmbiditim, (i species. 'J l/-; Cvpripedium, o species, -1/-; 1- Species Dendrohes, :»s/-. Post free. Wholesale and Hetail Illustrated Catalogues tree for 'Jd Chandra Nursery. Post Hhenock, Sikkim 92, India. PAN SIRS. —Genuine Exhibition. Gorgeous colourings, iiloonis up to -tin., 'J/- do/..; \rgentine Perennial Pea, pink, blue, 1/- ea.; 1 ilium Aural inn, flowering bulbs. '2/0 ea. PALMER'S NURSERIES, Glen Eden. till BARB, Crimson, everbearing, 3/0, •I/O dozen, posied.—Calderwood Nnrseryman. Hamilton. OTOCKS! "GIANT PERFECTION." Mammolh-flowered Beauty Stocks, tall, double. Guaranteed finest strain obtainable, •j/o for ."id. SANDERS, Box s»:t 1. Auckland. UTOCKSi "Giant Perfect ion," Mammoth O Double, Best, 'J/O 50.—Sanders. Box 031. CJTRAWBKKKY Plants, Captain Cook, 1,0 O 100, postayre paid.—Apply J. C. laylor, SI orekeeper. Uelensville. fvwi'.ET PEAS, strong plants, spring flower--0 inc. Special collection of, -20 different named varieties. Spencers, choicest, colours only for '2 0; 3 of each, 0/0, posted.—F CAI : S LEY, Floral Nurseries, Thames. s son TED Rainbow Hybrid Gladiolus, Prize Strain, guar., -11- dozen; 50 for M/-. Griffiths' Nurseries, Mt. F.ilen. Auckland. O-YEA R Beiithams Cypress, '2O/-; Lawson- / i, ulil Macrocapra, 10/--, Eucalyptus Macarfi,ii ri it/- 10(1; Boxtliorn, Barberry, Piniis Miiricnta. '2l/- 100(1; r;iil paid. Cash wi(h order.- Nurseries, Ltd., Box 100, Auckland. f / —Extraordinary Value: 100 Choice 0/ Plants for spring flowering. Hardy n|,'ints Box-grown. Satisfaction guaranteed. Carefully packed and posted. WALLACE HO A D NII HSF.RIES. PA I'ATOETOE. -j Fruit Trees, good varieties, splendid asJ.O sort incut, for homo garden; .CI with order.-- -Hanui Nnrserics, New Lynn. TtTwAAA L and '2-year-old Pinus Tnsignis /U,UUU (Hadiata). l-V- and 30/- per 1000, cash with order.—John Parish, Clayton Hd., Rot or na. ACMEN A, D>in ROI K'O Lawsoniana.: '2vr„ Forest grade, 15m 15/ 100 Barberry. Seedless, . •• -• !<>/ "'0 Finest Quality Only. Freight Extra BEAUMONT'S NURSERIES. Great South Hoad. M a tin row a. (Fruit Salad Tree). Fine Speci--1 men Tree or Ornamental Hedge, evergreen; stands frost and salt winds; delicious, aromatic fruit in abundance. Eaten raw, stewed or for .jams or jelly; hears young; 'J O inch. Extra strong, advanced plants, 3/0 each; freight extra; reduction quantity. - Fairview Nursery Co., Archibald Hd., Glen Mammoth Box 031. OO D IT EDG 13 TREE S. ESCALLONIAS .. .. »<)/• 100 HAKEA SALIGNA .. .. 15- 100 DON ICERA NITIDA .. 30/- 100 0 LEARIA •• -•>/". 100 pirrospoßUM .. 40/-, r>o/- 100 PRIVET .. .. 25/.. 30/-. 37/0 100 TAUPATA • ■ ' 30/-, 3i/0 100 BARBERRY COMMON .. 80/- 1000 BAlUiDim w SKELTON, Panama Road Otalinliu Auckland. 5.E.7. 1 AWSONIANAS, 3-yr '2O-30in 30/-per 100 1J Lawsonianas, 'J-yr, 15-' Join 'J'J/-per 100 Lawsonianas, '2-yr, PJ-D'nn ~ 10/-perloo Benl hams Cvpress, 30-3(iin .. '25/-per 100 Beiithams Cypress, 18-'2tin .. 20/- per 100 Ilakea Saligna, r 2-yr., 30-toin. 1 ft/-perl (Hi All Trees well wrenched. Inspection Invited. Price List Posted. WILLCOX, NURSERYMAN. HUAPAI. 30/- 100 35/- 100 r.o/- ion 37/0 100 37/0 100 80/- 1000

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23103, 30 July 1938, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23103, 30 July 1938, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23103, 30 July 1938, Page 3