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rKICESfAT WESTFIELD SPIRITEID COMP-ETITI ON PIG VALUES IMPROVE There was spirited competition in nil sections at the West field fat stock sales yesterday, the exception of the sheep market, in which only well-fin-ished entries met with a ready sale. Recent rates were fully maintained, advances being recorded in the values for beef, calves and pigs. Yarding* in general were barely average, with the result that in several instances butchers' requirements could not be satisfied. Scvernl err.t.ries of ox beef were of excellent qualify and aroused a keen demand, with a general improvement in quotations. The best bid for steers was £IG os, as compared with £ll at last week's sale. The yarding of cows and heifers was smaller than usual. In consequence. strong competition led to an advance on recent rates, the best sale being £ll 5s Easing in Sheep Values

A large entry of sheep came forward and the quality was of a uniformly high standard. As a result, unfinished and poorer sheep were difficult to quit, prices for these showing a general decline of 2s a head. Ewes also dropped 111 value, the best quotation being 2.55, as compared with 30s last week. Small numbers of prime lambs were offered. These were keenly sought, but, while satisfactory bids were received for all entries, the high prices offered at the last sale were not maintained. The best quotation was 2'Js Gd, a decrease of 'ls.

Although the quality of the calves offered was not up to the standard of

recent sales, there was brisk bidding for all classes, and values tended to harden, particularly those for heavy and medium vealers, which improved by :js a head. liunners advanced in price from 157s (3d to 100s. Demand for Pigs The whole yarding of pigs met with a verv strong demand, chiefly because of the sniallness of the numbers penned, which were not sufficient to satisfy the requirements of butchers. A further advance on last week s high quotations ■was recorded in nearly all sections. Choppers improved by as much as £1 a head, and substantial increases were made in the prices of medium baconers and porkers. Stores also showed a general advance, of os a head, liaconcis averaged 6id to 7id a lb., while an increased awrage of 7M to 8d a lb. was received for porkers. Comparison of Quotations The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Westhekl fat stock " ,l '' This Week Last Week RKKF 'per loolb) Extra choice ox 371 3"/" Choke A prime a;{/ _ (q 3(J/> 33/ . t0 30/ . Choice & prime , cow & heifer 30.'- to 3fi." 30/- to 30/Roner & rough Ul/- to 20/- 21/- to _i>/SHEEP <i>er head)— Prime wethers - to '2~l- to 3(>/M Unfin. wethers IV- to 21/U "JO/- to 20. H Prime ewes .. l"> •to 2.v- !>!• to 30/Unfin. ewes .. I<> to !7 - "/• Jo 1 </• Prime lambs . JO'Oto 2!»/(S 10/<i to 33/<> Unfin. lambs . •to 17/6 ■">/- to J</CALVES u>er head) — I?miners . . 70;- to 1 (>U - (3• i/- to l.»i/(> Vealers • . 3- to 117/- 3/- t<} 1—«/PICS iper head) — Barollers . . 06.'• to its/- 70/- to !)-/- Porkers 3."> -to 72- 3s/- to 71/Weaners .. 1" -to • 10/- to 'J()/Slips .. is •to :?</- •_!•>/- to 28/. Larue stores . 20/- to 3u/- - JS/- to 31,Individual Consignments The top price for steers was £'l6 5s received by Craven Brothers, of Puawai. An entry of 18 from Mr. X. G. Litchfield, of Patuinahoe, sold from £ll 5s to t'l I ss. and a line from .Mr. F. A. Liehtenstein. of I'atumahoe, made from £lO 5s to £l.'! 15s. the latter being also the best quotation received by Mr. F. F. Biglow, of I'ukehuia. Mr. \Y. Appleby, of Te Kauwhata. sold eight steers from £ll to £l3 iOs. An entry of 18 from Mr. A. Main, of Tirati, made from £ll 12s 6d to £l.'l 7s 6d, and a line from Mr. A. Wallev. of Hil viitnia, realised from £!) 7s (3<l to £l.'l ss. Steers from Thompson and Ernst, of Whakntane, brought, from £7 15s to £l2 7s (id. Prices received by Mr. F. G. Parker, of Pnkeoware, ranged from £'lo 7s 6d to £l2 2s 6d, while £l2 was the highest bid received for an entry from Mr. G. Ping, of Hinuera. Mr. T. X. Wake, of Mfingakahia, sold a line from £7 15s to £ll 10s. and another from Mr. H. Owen, of Whangamarino, made from £9 os to £ll 2s (3d.

An entry of .'!2 cows and heifers from .Mr. A\. Henderson, of AVaipawa, realised from £i() to £ll ss. The highest quotation for lines from Thompson and Krnst, of Whakatane. Mr. G. Cox. of Mangere. and Mr. Ci. Pohlen, of Matamata. was £']() 17 s Gd. Mr. F. X. .Smith, of Kiwitalii, sold rows from I'M) to £lO 12s 6d, and entries from the Taylor Trust, of Glen lnne.s, and Mr. Taylor, of Cambridge, made to £'lo 7s Gd. A line of 10 from Mr. .1. A. Hill, of Ohinewai, brought to £lO 2s Gd. and an entry from Mr. H. Windsor, of Matangi. realised to £lO. The best, bid roeeived by Mr. A. W. Alley, of Hikntaia, was £9 17s 6d. A lino from Mr. I<\ K. Biglow. of Pukehuia, made to £<) IQ S , and another from Mr, A. Montgomerie, of Cliristehnreh. sold to £9 7s 6d.

DETAILS OF SALES AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS DALGETY AND COMPANY Dalgety anil Company, Limited, reports on tho sale as follows: Beef. —Our offering of beef totalled ](>" head, comprising as steers and 1'2!) cows and heifers, against I head last week. Tho duality of the offering was first-class and selling under a ready demand, wo had a good sale at firm late rales. Extra, choice ox sold to :t7s per lOOlb.; choice and prime ox, 31s to 3(>s; just killahle, 30s to 335; prune . young cow and heifer beef 30s to ;i(is; just killahle, 'J Is to 'Jits. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £l3 ins to jc 13 I ."w for steers from Messrs. Liehtenstein, Arnoldson and Company. Heavy printo steers, •CI - 7s (id to i.' I:t ss; lighter prime steers, £ll 7s (id to £l'.'; light prime steers, £lO to £ll ss; 'small and unfinished steers, £7 ir»s to £fl Ios; extra heavy prime young cows and heifeie, £lO to £ll r>s; heavy prime rows and heifers, £0 to £0 17s (id; lighter prime cows and heifers, £8 to £S 17s (id; light cows, £(> ir»s to £7 tr>s; other killahle cows, i' 1 lo £(!. Sheep.—An average entry of sheep sold under food competition and vnlues ruled firm at last week's quotations. Extra heavy prime wethers made £1 13s to £1 Ms; heavy prime, £1 lis (id to £1 lis (id; medium, £1 Ss lid to 11 lis; light ami unfinished, L I r.s lo cI Ss; heavy prime ewes, 'j'Js lo 'J3s .'id; lighter, 'JOS lo 'Jls (id; other ewes, His lo IDs.

Lambs, — A small yarding of lambs drew pood com pet it ion and values ruled fully on n iiar with last week. Heavy prime lamb sold at '_"Js to '.'lis !U1; medium, 20s to 'JIs (id; lighter, ISs to IDs (Id; small and plain, His to 17s (id.

Calves.--Calves, were yarded in average, numbers, the quality not beinir up to tho standard of the Inst few weeks. Values generally remained firm on last week's quotations with the exception ol heavy and medium vealers, which showed a slight improvement on late rates. Runners brought £3 10s to ;">s; heavy vealers, X I l-_>s to ,t's; medium £3 ir>s to £1 !>s; lijjlit, £3 5s (o €3 13s; smaller, £Q 10s to £3 2s; unfinished and bucket-fed, £1 10s to £'2 Os; bobby calves 9s to liis.

Pigs.—A small yarding of pigs again canic forward, the whole offering meetiner with keen competition, which resulted in values remaining very firm on last week'? quotations, Heavy baconers, £4 6a to £4 10s; medium,

£3 ISs to £4 As; light. £3 Gs to £3 10s; heavy porkers, £3 (is to £3 l'-'s; medium. £'J lls to l p :5; light, fj ."is to t!•_'«; srood store piers, £1 It is to £| ins; slips, £1 -Is to £1 bs; weaners, Ms to £t Is. LOAN AND MERCANTILE The Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: Beef.— ()nr \ardiiiir of lieef was an average one. There was a ready demand, with values very firm at Jate quotations. Extra choice ox sold to £1 17s per loolb; choice and prime. £'l 1:1s to LI Wis; ordinary and plain. £1 7s to £1 l_'s; prime young cow and heifer beef. £i ids to el Hi,*; ordinary row beef. £1 its to £1 ss. F.xtra heavy prime steers ranged in price from tl-1 "is to CH> ."is; heavy prime, cI: I to lighter prime. £ll H>s io £ I1.1s; light prime, lit His to £ll .Is; plain and small, c.l to £!» .is; extra heavy prime your* cows and heifers. £lO to £l<J 17s (id; heavy prime. £!i lo .£!> 1.1s; lighter. £7 Ids to (Jb 17s (id; light, L'(i to £7 7s (id; aged and plain finished cows, £3 to £-1 1.1s; eight prime sleers from Messrs. Craven Urothers, Ruawai. realised up lo £ I(> .Is: -1 lirinie cows anil heifers from Mr. W. K. Henderson, V.'aipawa, sold to £lO 17s <><!; and nine cows from Mr. J. J'ohlen, Matamata. sold to £lO 17s (id. Sheep.- -We had more than an average yarding of sheep, with all prime million again firm at late quotations. Unfinished and poorer sheep were dull of sale Heavy prime wethers sold at II l is (id lo £1 His; medium prime, I I IJs to II l is :id; light prime. £1 its to ,t:l lis !id; smaller, CI Is <id to £1 Hs (id; unfinished welhers, lss to I' I Is; heavy prime ewes. £1 ::.s to CI .Is; medium prime. £ I Is to L I '_'s tid; light prime, ISs to £1 (is !»d; just killahle ewes, I'.'s to 17s; interiorly fatted ewes. Is (id to lis. Lambs in smaller numbers sold readily at late quotations. Kxtra heavy prime made £1 •Is to £1 its (id; heavy prime, £1 3s !»d to £ 1 Is Od; medium prime. £1 Is to £1 3s (id; light prime, ISs to £1 (is ml; unfinished, to 17s (id; others, lis to Ms. Pigs.- We had a small yarding of pigs. The demand was very keen, and values for porkers improved, while bacon values were very firm on last quotations. Choppers sold from £3 to £1 IKs; heavy and medium baconers. from £t Is to tt 1.35; light haconers and heavy porkers, from £3 If>s to £1 2s; medium porkers and light porkers, from £3 to £3 lis; small. £'_' Ids to £2 ISs; unfinished, £1 to £•_' ss. Store pies were in keen demand, and values showed a sharp rise on last week's. Large stores, £1 IDs to £1 17s; slips, ISs lo £1 Ss; weaners. 10s to £1 .Is.

Calves.-tip Ives were penned in larcre numbers. Competition was steady and last week's rates were very firm. F?unners. £1 to £7 10s; heavy venters. £'•"> to £."> !7s; medium, £ 1 Ss to 11 l*s; liKht, f.i )0s to r,s; smaller, C'J lus to C. r ! ss: small. £"J to £"2 Ps; rotjzh calves, |.-,s to £1 Mis; fresh dropped to six-weeks-old, 7s to £1 ISs.


Alfred Bucklant! and Sons, Limited, report? on ttie sale as follows:

Beef.—We penned fat cattle to the number of 'JUT head, as against 'JIM head last week, comprising 102 steers and 105 rows and heifers. Ox beef was keenly sought after and values were very firm at late quotations. A small yarding of cows and heifers sold under keen competition at prices in anvance of recent sales. Extra choice ox sold to 11 17s per 1001b; choice and prime ox, £ 1 Ms to Cl His; secondary and plain ox. £1 Ids to Cl 13s: prime young cow and heifet beef, Cl 13s to £1 15s; ordinary cow beef, Cl 2s to tl 7s. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £l3 l.'is to £l-1 ins; heavy prime steers, 112 10s to £l3 ss: lighter prime steers. £ll 10s to £l2; light lirime steers, £lO to £11; small and unfinished steers, £7 15s to £i> H)s. Extra heavyprime young cows Ud heifers, £!l to £lO 7s Od; heavy prime eows and heifers. £7 10s to £8 10s; lighter "rime cows and heifers, to 5s to £7; other kiilable cows, £-t to £5 10s. Sheep.—Sheep.were penned to the number of (>O3. Competition for all prime sheep was keen and values remained firm while medium and inferior were hard to quit. Extra heavy prime wethers realised £1 13s Od to £1 15s (id; heavy prime wethers, £1 lis to £1 12 s (id; medium to heavy prime wethers, £1 8s (id to £1 10s; light to medium prime wethers, £1 (is to £1 7s (id; unfinished wethers, £1 '2s fid to £1 -Is (id. Extra heavy prime younc ewes, £1 3s to £1 ss; heavy prime ewes, £1 to £1 '2s (id; lighter prime ewes, 17s fid to 19s (id; other kiilable ewes, 15s to His (!d; other ewes, 7s (id to l'2s (id. Our total offering of lambs numbered and sold at' fully late . quotations. Extra heavy prime lambs brought £1 4s to £1 (is (id; heavy prime lambs. £1 2s to £1 3s: lighter prime lambs, 10s to t £l Is; lighl prime lambs. His fid to ISs; small and plain lambs, in? to 14s.

Calves.—We v had a medium offering of calves bidding was brisk-*and values for all classes were fully up to last week's rates, and in sortie cases showed an improvement. Runners made from i-1 l"s to £S for an extra prime Shorthorn heifer sold on account of Mr. John Sommers, Otahuhu. Heavy prime vealers sold at £1 15s to £•*, is; medium. £;{ ]-,s t,) f l its; li'/lit, to £:{ Us; smaller i"J -Is to l">s; unfinished and bucket-fed. 11 to £1 l!»s; bobby calves, 3s to I ~>s; •_»S2 calves' were sold.

Pigs.--We acain hyd a small yarding of pitrs. which elicited strong competition. Values for baconers were very last week's quotations. while porkers-, which were insufficient for butchers' requirements met with spirited competition and values again advanced above lust week's high quotations. Store pigs also realised improved prices. Xo choppers were penned. Heavy prime baconers realised 11 (is to it 13s; medium, £ 1 Is to £-1 7s; light, £3 l'2s to £3 18s; heavy porkers. £3 s<s to £3 lis; medium. £'2 15s to £3 3s; light. £2 Ts to £2 13s; small and unfinished! iM l<is to (is; large framed stores, 11 12s to CI 17s; good stores, £ I <>s to X'l 10s; slips. £ 1 Is to £t ss; weaners, 15s to £1 3s; sows in pie. £3 to .£•"> 7s (id. Baconers sold from <i\d to 7'< d per lb; porkers, from 7'- 2 d to Ml per lb. A total of 352 pigs was sold. ADDINGTON MARKET HEAVY ENTRIES MADE [by TELKCRAPH rKKSS association] CHR.ISTCHURCH, "Wednesday There were exceptionally heavy entries at to-day's Addington market and prices cased as a'consequence. The Grand National market will be held next week and it is not unusual for heavy entries to come forward at the preceding sale. The day was cold and wet for the seventh "Wednesday in succession, and tliis did not improve the appearance of the stock or the attendance of buyers. Of the store sheep entry of about 700 head little more than half were sold. The only price of note was "20s -Id for forvard twotooth wethers. The fat sheep penning was the. heaviest for some years, approximating 7500 head. A <mall proportion«of prime sheep sold at about■ is a head cheaper, but light wethers were down by '2s (id a l ead and light ewes by *is, or about 4s a head helow export rates six weeks ago. There were heavy passings in the later'stages of the market. Prime wethers sold at from 30s to 3'Js lid; good, '27s to "21>s; and light, clown to '2ls. Best owes made up to '2ls; tops, to '23s lOd; medium prime, 15s to 17s; and light, Ss to His. A. total of 5H5 fat cattle was penned, a big proportion of prime steers being included. These sold at fully '2os a head cheaper. Good heifers and cows sold at prices that were little > changed. Best steers made from £l-2 JOs to £ls; tops, to .£lO 7s Gd; pood medium, £ll to £ r_>; light, down to £8 10s. best heifeis. to Oil 17s (id; cows, to £ll 7s (id; good heifers, , r 8 i;,s to ,CH); cows, £8 to £l.l 10s; light, down to ."5 10s. Good beef sold at from 32s to 33s per lOUlb. A few tops mads to medium, -Jits to 31.8 (id. Jn the fat pig entry there was a keen sale for pork, which made from 7'id to SV;d per lb, and in cases to S\d the highest price for a long time. Porkers sold from £'_ is Od to £•'! 7s (id; choppers, C' 1()S to £ii lis; baconers. £3 Ps fid to £5 Os 6d; average price per lb.. to 7>jd.

TAKANINI JERSEY RATES There was a large attendance of breeders and dairymen at Mr. A. E. Wat kin's aiipuai i ?♦ i' i ; . J pr seys at Takanini, cbndncted hy A\r'jfht, Stephenson and Company, Limited, lhe cuttle came forward in <rood order, and competition fpr young sires from (rood producing dams with C.O.H. records was keen. A two-year-old bull, O.K. Premier Count topped the sale, realising lOOgns to the bid of Messrs., OiJegan Brothers, Nirahinepouri, Mr. J._Xash, of Tangiteroria, Whangare.. purchased ttie top-priced heifer O K Kewpie's Putune, for 50gus. The same breeder also secured the top-priced bull among the rising one-year-olds, paying ■flgus for O.K. Heather Improver. The average was 20 2-agns, the two-year-old bulls averaging just under 30gns, the yearling bulls 'Jlgns, and the in-calf heifers uogns. Sales were.-—Two-year-olds: O.K. Caras Master, 40gns, Mr. H A Becroft, Te Hnna; O.K. Bronze Prince 3sgns, Hamua Estate, Hamua; O.K. Victors Advance jtTgns. Mr. J. T. Jamieson. Waerenga; O.K. Scotch, Ctr.gns, Leabank Dairies, Pokeno; O.K. Links Prefect, 3.sgns Mr H. 11. Porter, Pirinka; O.K. Scornful [.ad. :i'-'gns, Mr. ('. H. Waite. Ngateii: OK Heather Boy. Ulgiis, Mr. (i. T. Ross. Cle'vedon; O.K. Best Laddie, ;?(lgns, Mr H L Becroft, Port Albert; O.K. Prince Paddy •JHirns. Mr. I{. McMurdo, ilelensville; O.I<! Blush Hoy, 'J.Sgns, Mr. 11. P. Metcalfe Arariuui; O.K. Heather Star, 'JOgns. Mr' A. M. Stewart, Humia; O.K. Pearls Masterpiece, 'JSgns, Fairview Land Company Pokeno. Yearlings: O.K. Heather Improver, 4 Igns, Mr. J. Nash, Tangiteroria; O.K. Silver Lad. aligns, Mr. S.. W. Harvey, "Waiuku: O.K. Sir Pride, aogns, Mr. J. A. Short, AVaiuku; O.K. Scornful Boy, 2Jgns. Mr. li. L. McDonald, Waipipi. TAUMARUNUI VALUES [BY TKLKGRAPII—OWN CORRESPONDENT] TAUMARUNUI, Wednesday There were small entries at the Taumarnnui sale and a moderate attendance, but prices were well maintained. Fat ewes brought 'JOs; ewes, in lamb, 17s I'd to y«">s -Id; ewe hoggets. wether hoggets. 1 -"is Id; fat cows, ft ins to £<> tits; fat heifers, id '_'s (id to £0; store cows, £3 to £4 ss: dairy heifers, £4 to £7 i's lid; dairy cows, £5 3s to £S 10s. Stora pigs made its; porkers. 335; sow and litter, 3i3s lOd.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23101, 28 July 1938, Page 9

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FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23101, 28 July 1938, Page 9

FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23101, 28 July 1938, Page 9