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I TO-MORROW! TO-MORROW! TO-MORROW! TO-MORROW! announce the great Bargain Event that all Auckland waits for-to-morrow m § .y Xtt '-I"** •>* S>4'A yy 4A~' < "■ - " '■■ w w wmMm Street Floor Groups , M r r] . .. 3d CUT CRYSTAL 6d and 1/- Lace Edgings, lard, 3d. 5/11 lo 10/0 Jewcllorv, comprising Best English and ContinBrooches, Neeklels. Ear-rings. 4/11. °\ x[ * , ( J llt Grouped R t 11 c 111. 5/- French Fuee Powder. Going 1/6. I3o\\ Is—ni , ie. • o +£, I'suallv 25/- to 39/6. W Check ami Mnpc Scarves. 1/6. Camllcslicksj/11. 2/6 and 2/U Hells. At 1/-. . Usually 10/6, 21/-. Vases—.7/6 to 8/6 Lace Flouncings, 3/11. Usually o/ll to 55/-. 2/6 to 4/6 Coloured Brooches, 1/11. Now ali offered at Oddments Vases is: Bowls at a Quarter Chromium Trays and Candlesticks, IBfa 1 £sH Coi'fee Flasks and Lamps. AT A QUARTER PRICES Hand imb. Crepe-de-Chine (&§ Pi? putvliase of exquisitely embroidered Crepe do \ n, Chine t'n die,—going at, half price or less! Shown fj\' at right—Sky. Shell, Maize, or Wlnte. jfisrhtgown —Usually 25/- NOW 12/6 QV Slip—Usually 18/6 NOW 8,11 Scantics— Usually 10/6 NOW 4/11 \ 30/- Crepe de Chine and Satin Slips. NOW 15/-. 12/- Crepe de Chine and Satin Scanlies. S.W., H/t5 Wincoyette Twill Pyjamas. S.W., W., 4/6 Colanese Ve.-ts. Fleecy lined. Opera tops. 1/11. 8/11 Maids" Winccyctte Pyjamas. 12-16 yrs. 5/11. Woollies, Half and Less 12/6, 15/6 Shetland Wool Vests. S.W. and W. 6/3. / jy 12/6, 15/6 Shetland Wool T'loomers. S.W., W. 6/3. 6/11 to 7/6 Child's Wool Bloomers, 5-14 yrs. Half. A/11 h—^ Rack of Dressing Gowns, some Jaegars. HALF. "* 1 ■ —=— Ladies' Underwear FROM 9 a.m. TILL 9 p.m. FRIDAY Big Group of BAGS 9/11 A further shipment of smart Imitation Calf and PufYette Bags—previous lots sold out almost, as soon as they arrived, so he early for these. Dozens of styles in newest shapes including triangles and circles. 25/6 Real Leather Handbags, various styles. All 18/6. 7/6 Puffette Bags. Assorted styles .... Going 4/6. ■ AIIAUUB/iitfl imul Mm i This old picture, appearing for the 111 th time, portrays the fashions when half price day was originated, and is now the symbol denoting a shopping day of unparalleled importance. FABRICS MANY BEIOW HALF 12 7 6 Ww 4 7 11 KNITTEDS FOR HALF 75/- to £6/19/6 Suits in plain and Boucle Wools. S.W., AY. and YV.X. For HALF. 21/-. 29/6, 35/- Cardigans and Pullovers. Many styles, colours and sizes. HALF. 15/6 Sports Shirts. Wine, Blue, or Brown, in Woven Cotton. S.W. and W. HALF. Oddments in Skirts and Blouses to clear at Half 75/- to £5/5/- Sports Suits in plain colours, Heck or Hair 1 weeds. HALF. Women's Sportswear ■ — .V k C's Third Floor. 2/6 GROUP 36 " incla Pl 'i nte d Art. Silk Crepes. Floral on Light or Dark grotinds. to 4/11 36-inch Crepes and Angasrette, in Prints for Day or Evening. All, 3/11 j.Q z/11 Floral and Moire Silks, Sheer Crepes, Coque, Cloth of Gold, Taffetas. 36in. 6 / 11 to 36in. Evening Wear Fabrics Glaze Satin, Paisley Satin, Velvets. g/11 i, n Floral Tinsel Satin, Floral Velvet, "Glamis'' Silk Crepes. 36in. NOW, 1/3 Yard. T/9 Yard. 2/6 Yard. 3/11 Yard. 5/11 Yard. 79'6 and 84/- SKUNK NECKLETS 83/South American Skunk Necklets, as sketched in swivel stylo—Usual 79/6 to Si-/-. Going at 63/-. 29gns. Natural Blue Fox Necklet. One only. 19gns. 19gns. Navy Blue dyed Arctic Fox Necklet. 12gns. 19gns. North American Skunk Model Cape. 12gns. 23gns. Centre-cut Antelope Fur Coat. Now 15gns. ■logns. Black Seal Coney Coals £l2/19/6. 63'EIUI0 7 - to £2l CARPETS HALF 79Gns. Model MUSQUASH COAT, HALF Group of Carpets, 7 x 4 to 9 x 12ft sizes Usually £ll/10/- to £2l/5/-. 1 1 NOW ALL AT HALF £75 Handmade Chinese Carpets, 12 x 9ft. Three only to clear .... £37/10/-. 27/6 and 45/- Yard Axminster Runner. Two discontinued designs. At HALF. Discontinued designs and odd lengths of High Grade Body Carpeting. HALF. Clearance Group of Hearth and Bedside Rugs, released at HALF their Usual Prices. HALF PRICE CROUP—LAMPS AND SHADES A Fine collection of Lamps and Shades in wonderful variety of types, shapes, sizes and colours. Example, Lamp—Usually 42/j . Now at 21 /- Shade—Usually 17/6 .......... Now 7/11 BEST SAMARANG KAPOK MATTRESSES 62/6 Kapok Mattress, filled 7lb. best Samarang Kapok to the ft., 2ft. 6in. 54/74/- Kapok Mattress, filled 7ll>. best Samarang Kapok to the ft., 3ft., 62/6. £5/5/- Kapok Mattress, 4ft. 6in., filled 71b. best Samarang Kapok to ft.. 87/6. A THIRD OR MORE OFF! ALL r* . a..:U. Down Quilts The balance of this season s stocks of Down Quilts all reIcased at a third off the usual prices ! 16 only! High quality Down guilts scarcely two alike going at half usual prices. Fxample, Guilt—l sually .>/ /6. Wl & C's H.P. DAY, 28/9. Group of Model Fur Coals clearing at half prices—79gns. Coat in Romance Musquash, 79gns. Coat in Dyed Northern Musquash, sSgns. Coat in Burma Broadtail, fox collar; and 49gns. Coat in Broadtail with real Mink collar . . . All marked down to half. 311 to 7*6 WOOLLENS A big one price group of fashionable Woollens in colours / ML and patterns that will make beautiful early spring /Q frocks. Group includes Tweeds and Blazer stripes. 36in. Yard. Q//L 54-inch Woollens for Coats, Frocks, /<4<f 0 I I TO O 0 and Sui(s- p lains and Fancies. ' All Going, Yard. 8/6 fo 10 7 6 s " i_inci:i Woollens for Frocks and S ill Coats. Plains, Tweeds, etc. NOW, ' 1 Yard. Dress Materials M k C's Second Floor. FROCKS AT li£i!U BOYS' 84 - to £5 7 6 SUITS, HALF 49 7 11 to 12 Gns. FROCKS AT IJLl4i3jB Novelty knits, A'iyellas, plain or checked, tailored style. Frocks all for half ! 79 x 6 to 10Gns. Evening Frocks Below Half Evening Frocks in Satins and Ninons, Laces and Novelty Silks—younger set styles included. Pastels or Black. S.W. lo G.S.—Usual 79/6 lo 10gn5.29/11 to 89/11. sto 10 Gns. Imported Frocks, 49/11 to 89/11 Individual stvlcs in novellv Crepes and Sheers. Black and Navy included. S.W. to O.S. 89 '6,99 7 6 Cloth and Tweed Coats, 39 / 11 Marvellous grouping of well tailored styles some with Astrakhan trimming. S.W. to F.W. fittings. t Mantle Showroom .if & C's Third Floor. t FURNISHING 3'6, 3'll and 4'6 GROUP 48-inch Casement Cloths arid Repps, 3 1 £-inch Crc- J I tonnes. N'arious colours. m j ALL YARD. FABRICS OUT 3 / 6, 3 7 11 and 4 ; 6 REPPS 4 / 6, 5 7 11 and 6 / 11 GROUP Clearance of Repps, Sat- O/*| ins, Poplins find Taffetas. ,£m I 8 1 .4S-ill c_• 11 widths. ALL YARD Crystal Safins. Repps and *j /4 4 Fancv Repps. 48-inch |/ | | widths. One Price, y ' p(RD 12 '6, 1 7'6TAPESTRY 50-inch wid (h s and |»/d|| <fl heavy .quality for rccov- I| g cring vour Suite. / Below Half, YARD. Samples of Fancy Linens Grouped at Half ! A wonderful iisxirl mont of samples and brokoii lines comprising 'Tray Clollis. Cloths, Tea Ch.lhs, Tahln Sets. Luncheon S"h Runners and Cheval Sots —Usual Prices range from 2/3 to £6 /6/- NOW GOING AT HALF, 1/1] to 63/-. IU6 SHEETS, Pr. 7/6 W British fjunlily Wovon Sheets. Hemmed. Full size. H S.R. Largo S. 15. D.R. Usuallv, pair 11/6 13/6 16/6 nmw.iv, 7 12'6 ST ' i- 9 <* i^/ ' 6 jjc early lo got first choice from Ilcmnanl Tables I ■VO each Irish rinon Tea Towels, 23 x 32in. Hemmed. NOW EACH, 1/4]; OR SIX FOR 7/11, to 4/H Samples and Oddments in gaily coloured Breakfast Cloths. 45 and 3/6. 'l/11 ! Ilon'oeksrs"'Ralli Towels. Super quality. While, prr-shrunk. 23 \ 46in. NOW ONLY 1 /-. 49 6 to 59 6 ENGLISH DINNER SETS, 6 person For 37/6 CORSETS M-MUMrjUHIIIHW HOT! 4/9 to 7/0 Brassioro Oddments. 30. 32 and 3i's. Now all for 1/6. 8 4/- Charnaux Corsot.s, a few orjilmr'nts, rrloascd at HALF PRICE. 42/- to 50/6 Corsolpftcs, indudinp Gossarrls and MisSimplirity. Going at half and loss. All 21/-. Corsets M k C's inxl Floor. IF6tol 7'6Gloves 8/11 11/6 Nappa Pull-ons. In TJrown or Black. 5J to 71. Now 8/11. 3/6 to 4/ll Duplex Fabric Gloves. VariMy of stylos. 1/11. In/6 to 15/6 Oddments in Fine Glace Kid Gauntlets. Now 7/11. Gloves .V k C's Street Floor. 9'll Felt Hats 3/11 Tailored I- 1 rlt s. Sondes and Maries at, onf prico group, 3/11. I 5/6 itondy-to-Wear Felts. Sit rolours .. .Now to Clear, 6/11. -0/6 In :>'.)/ t t 'L'rimnied Fur J-<• Its. Kne colours .. All 9/11. 60/(5 to MO/6 American, French, and JJiigli.*li .Model llaN. All 19/6. Salon M k'C'6 'l'd Floor. Daughter's Frocks and Coats liriH 16/6 to 22/6 Frocks for 8 to 14 years. Knitteds and Tweeds, grouped to clear at Half Prices. 20/6 to 89/6 Plain and Fur Trimmed Goats, 24 to 46-inch sizes. Grouped at Half Prices. 84/- to £5/7/6 Youths' Three-piece Worsted Suits, 32 to 37 chest. HALF. 15/6 to 56/- Boys' and Youths' English Tweed Overcoats. All HALF. 13/6, 15/6 Boys' Raincoats, Rubber-lined. W T aterproof. Odd sizes. HALF. 5/9 to 16/6 Boys' Pullovers, Slipovers and Jerseys. Oddments to go at HALF. 2/6 to 4/11 Boys' SJjirts. Oddments in Interlock, Bemberg, Poplin. HALF. 4/- to 5/- Boys' All-Wool Hose. Sizes 1 to 6 shoes. Black only. ALL 3/6. 10/6, 11/6 Boys' and Youths' Sports Trousers. Odd sizes only. Out for HALF. MENS OVERCOATS HALF Were 69'6 to £l'7'Wonderful grouping of Men's Overcoats, well tailored double breasted and Raglan styles in Herringbones, Checks, Stripes and Tweeds. Because this Winter started late, stocks have accumulated—there may never be another year when you can get a good Coat at anywhere near these prices. Children's Wear ind Floor. 6 / 11 Pure Silk Hose Full fashioned, fine gauge, selected mediums. Wanted colours. 4/11 2 X II Rayonsilk Hose Gull finish, reinforced feci and hem. Mediums. 500 pairs. 1/11 Hosiery M k C's Street Floor. 25t0 35'- Shoes 7/6 F,vening and Walking Shoes, small sizes 7/6 25/- to 35/- Oddments in Fnglisli and American Shoes.. 15/35/_ Id 6:>/- So lby Imported Shoes. Several styles .... 19,6 60/(5 to 75/- Selhy Arch Preserver Shoes .... To Clear 35/-. Ladies' Shoes Mezzanine Floor. Use (gk MEN'S SUITS HALF wo c £5/15/- to £7/7/- Single and Double /VA aV- 5 Breasted English Worsted Suits, in Lay-By Fawns, Browns, Greys, and Blues. HALF. Dresswear at Half ALL AT HALF USUAL PRICES. yp» to 29 ; 6 Raincoats at Half 25 / - to 45 / - Silk Gowns at Half Dressing Gowns. Many are silk lined. 21/- to 35/- Felt Hats, Men's sizes 6| to 7i. Greens, Greys. Browns. HALF. 10/6 Mixture Felt Hals. Cut snap brims. Now to clear at only. . . .6/11. 25/- Solid Leather Shoes. Rubber or leather sole styles. Going for Only 15/6. Oddments in Men's Shoes. Slippers and Goloshes. HALF PRICE CLEARANCE. 0/11 to 27/6 Poplin and Silk Pyjamas. All men's sizes. Fast colours. HALF. 9/6 Men's Fuji Silk Tennis Shirts. Broken size range. To Clear at HALF PRICE 7/11 lo 9/6 Men's Interlock Cotton Underwear. To clear at Half Usual Prices. MEN'S SPORTSWEAR GOING AT HALF HJ| I I EUj EH 1 Q m fyi C I T Marvellous Groups! 18/6 to 69/6 Cardigans and Pullovers; 27/6 to 42/Svfl H II im Syfi O BLI W luß IU - Cream Gabardine Trousers; 25/- to 27/6 Grey Worsted Sports Trousers, J 4 /" I fa II W V,Mr ■ Dressing Gowns; 8/11 to 17/6 Sport. Shirts; 8/11 lo 14/6 Sleeveless.Pullovers, ALL MARKED FOR HALF PRICE CLEARAN QUEEN STREET AUCKLAND

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23101, 28 July 1938, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23101, 28 July 1938, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23101, 28 July 1938, Page 7