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HAMILTON FIXTURE RECORD ENTRIES RECEIVED RESULTS OF THE JUDGING [rilOM OUII OWN CORRESPONDENT] HAMILTON, Friday ltecord entries from all parts of the North Island were received for the Hamilton Canary and Cage Bird Club's annual show, which was opened in Hamilton to-day. In appearance and condition the exhibits were far in advance of tiiose seen at previous shows in Hamilton. Foreign birds came forward in good numbers. Budgerigars and canaries constituted tho strongest classes. Ilesults are as follows: — SPECIAL AWARDS Yorkshire Section. —T. Parker Cup for best novice: V. Currau. Special prize for best opposite sox canary: li. Dagnall. Parker Hose Bowl for best Yorkshiro in show: W. L. Littlejohn. llall trophy for best unflightcd Yorkshiro: T. Rydor. Miniature Cup: W. L. Littlejohn. Miniature cup for best hen in open champion classes: W. H. Henry. Miniaturo for best hen in unfliKhted champion classes: H. Dagnall. Special prizo for best novice unfliKhted Yorkshiro: W. V. Hart. Miniature for best novico opposite W. V. Hart. Miniature for best colour fed Yorkshire: T. Parker. Miniature for best novice colour fed Yorkshire: V. Currau. Miniature for best novice, while or allied colour \ orkshire: \V. U. l'ountncy. Special cash prizes: T. Ryder (•_'), H. Dagnall and V. Curran. Norwich Section. —Matheson Cup lor best Norwich canary in show: T. Parker. Special prize, T. Parker. Special prize for best opposite sox: C. Mahoncy. Miniature for best unfliKhted Norwich: C. Mahoncy. Miniature for best colour fed Norwich: H. Brown, 1. Miniature Cup for best novice opposite sox: H. A. Boyles. Miniature for best novice unfliKhted Norwich: H. A. Boyles. „ . , Budgerigar Section.—Budgerigar Society Nicol Shield for best budgerigar confined to members of the society: H. A. Boylcs. Mrs. Pinfold Cu[) for best budgerigar in show. H. A. Boylcs. Special prize for best novice budgerigar: 11. A. Boylcs. Speciul prize for best champion opposite sex: D. Starr. S.O.N, trophy for best pair, any colour: A. E. R. Gilbert. Mrs. Pico Cup and miniature for best green hen: 1). Starr. Other special prizes were won by A. Jenkins (3). M. Massey (3), C. Oxenham, J. E. Hopkinson, J?. A. Waite, F. H. Cooper, W. F. Field, D. Starr, A- G. Barnes, H. A. Boyles. British and Foreign Birds Section. —Hamilton Clip for best bird in British section: Mrs. R. Rue. Special prize: Mrs. R. Rae. Miniature for runner-up: Mrs. E. Jones. Special prize for best mule or hybrid: J. Priscott. Miniature for runner-up: J. Priscott. Pinfold Cup for foreign birds section: Mrs. E. Jones. Special prize: Mrs. E. Jones. Miniature: H. A. Parrant. Messrs. 11. M. and W. A. Livingstone's trophy: I'. F. Holmes. Other special prizes wero won by A. O. Rice and Mrs. E. Jones (2). NORWICH SECTION Champion Classes.—Clear of ticked yellow cock: C. Mahoncy, 1. Clear or ticked buff cock: T. Parker, 1. Howie Brown, 2; J. Priscott, 3. Clear or ticked buff hen: W. Henderson. 1; J. Priscott. •-!. Lipchtly or heavilyvariegated yellow or buff cock: T. Parker, I; J. J. Walker and Sou, 2; J. Priscott, 3. Lightly or heavily-variegated yellow or buff hen: T. Parker, I; C. Mahoncy, 2; H. Brown, 3. Cinnamon hen, any variety: J. Priscoft, 1. Unflightcd Classes. —Clear or ticked yellow cock: E. Lindley, 1; J. Priscott, Clear or ticked buff cock: J. Priscott, 1; K. Lindley, Clear or ticked yellow hen: J. Priscott, J; \V. Henderson, C. Mahoncy, 3. Clear or licked buff hen: C. Mahoncy, I; J. Priscott, •J; E. Lindley, 3. Yellow or buff cock: J. Priscott, 1; E. Lindley, T. Parker, 3. Yellow or buff hen: E. Lindley. 1; J. Priscott, 2. Self or foul yellow or buff cock: J. Priscott, 1. Self or foul yellow or buff hen: J. Priscott, 1. Cinnamon hen: J. Priscott, 1. Colour Fed Classes. —Yellow or bull cock: H. Brown. 1; J. Priscott, 2. Yellow or buff hen: W. Henderson, 1. Yellow or buff cock, unflightcd: T. Parker, 1; W. Henderson. 2; J. Priscott, 3. Novice Classes, open.—Any variety, yellow cock: H. A. Boyles. j. Any variety buff hen: H. A. Boyles, 1; D. Cowan, 2. Unflightcd Classes.—TL A. Boyles, 1; H. M. and W. A. Livingstone, 2. Any variety buff cock: .W. G. Pountney, 1. Buff hen: W. G. Pountney. 1. YORKSHIRE SECTION Champion Classes.—Clear or ticked yellow cock: W. L. Littlejohn, 1; H. Dagnall, 2; V. E. Rickit, 3. Clear or ticked buff cock: W. H. Henry, 1; W. G. Connell, 2; T Parker, 3. Clear or ticked yellow hen: W. H. Henry, 1; W. S. Hall, 2; T. Parker. 3. Clear or ticked buff hen: H. Dagnall, 1; T. Parker, 2: W. G. Connell. 3. Light or heavily variegated yellow cock: W. S. Hall, 1; W. L. Littlejohn, 2; V. E. Rickit, 3. Light or heavily variegated buff cock: H. Dagnall, 1; J. Priscott, 2. Light or heavily variegated yellow hen: T. Parker, 1; W. S. Hall, 2. Light or heavily variegated buff hen: V. E. Rickit, 1. Cinnamon ticked variegated, self or foul yellow cock: W. A. Henry, .1. Cinnamon ticked, variegated, self or foul buff cock: W. S. Hall, I; T. Ryder, 2. Cinnamon licked, variegated, solf or foul yellow hen: V. E. Rickit, 1. Cinnamon ticked variegated, self or foul buff hen: V. E. Rickit, 1; T. Ryder, 2. Unflightcd Champion Classes.—Glear or ticked yellow cock: T. Ryder, 1; Mrs. L. ,R. Torrens, 2; W. L. Littlejohn, 3. Clear or ticked buff cock: W. G. Connell, 1; T. Parker, 2; 11. Dagnall, 3. Clear or Ticked Yellow Hen. —H. Dagnall, 1; V. E. Rickit, 2; T. Ryder, 3. Clear or ticked buff hen: T. Parker, 3; W. A. Henry, 2; W. S. Hall, 3. Lightly or heavily-varie-gated yellow cock: W. A. Henry, 1: Mrs. h. 1!. Torrens, 2; W. S. Ilall, 3. Lightly or heavii.v-vnricjrated buff cock: T. Parker, 1; W. l! Littlejohn, 2; H. Dagnall, 3. Lightly or heavily-variegated yellow hen: V. E. Kickit, 1 Lightly or heavily-variegated buff ben: T. Ryder, 1; V. E. Rickit. Light or foul yellow or buff hen: T. Ryder, 1 and 2. Cinnamon ticked, variegated, self or foul yellow cock: A. J. Shailcr, I; T. Parker, •_\ Cinnamon ticked, variegated, self or foul buff cock: V. E. Rickit, 1. Cinnamon ticked, variegated, self or foul yellow hen: H. Dagnall, t. Cinnamon ticked, variegated, self or foul buff lien: T. Ryder, 1. Colour-fed Classes.—Yellow or buff cock (open). V. E. Rickit, 1 and 3; T. Parker, 2. Yellow or buff cock, unflightcd: T. Parker, l ; W. A. Henry, 2. Cock or hen, white or allied colours: T. Ryder, 1; V. E. Rickit, 2 and 3.

! Novice Classes. —Clear or ticked yellow cock: IT. M. and W. A. Lhingstone, l; W. ! F. Field, 2; A. Reams, 3. Clear or licked buff cock: W. V. Harl, 1; W. G. PountI uey, 2; V. Curran, 3. Clear or ticked yellow ! hen: W. G. Pountney. 1; A. Keams, 2. 1 Clear or ticked buff lien: W. G. Pountney, i 1 and 3; R. Thorpe, 2. Lightly or heavily- : variegated buff cock: W. G. Pountney, 1. ! Self or foul, yellow or buff cock: H. M. and W. A. Livingstone, 1. Self or foul, yellow or buff hen: V. Curran, L. Any variety, cinnamon cock: V. Curran, L and 3; W. G. Pountney, 2. Any variety, cinnamon hen: W. G. Pountney, 1; V. Curran, 2. Novice Colour-fed Classes.—Yellow or buff cock or hen: W. G. Pountney, J. .Yellow or buff cock or hen: V. Curran, I, 2 and 3. While or allied classes, cock or hen: W. CI. Pountney, 1 and 2; ]). Webber, 3. Any other variety: T. J. Bennett, I. B CJDGERIGAR SECTION (Light Creen Cock.—A. E. R. Gilbert, 1; Jt. A. Waitc, 2; Mrs. A. W. White, 3. Olivo cock: R. A. Waite, T; A. E. R. Gilbert, 2; .Mrs. A. W. Wh'ite, 3. Laurel cock: Mrs. A. W. White, 1; A. E. R. Gilbert, 2; 11. Kusdcn, 3. Light yellow cock: 11. A. Waite, 1; Mrs. A. W. White, 2; H. Rusden, 3. Yellow (dark suffusion, groen) cock: F. K. Wright, 1; Mrs. A. W. White, 2; Mrs. E. .lones, .*t. Sky blue cock: F. 11. Wright, 1; D. Starr, 2; A. G. Barnes, 3. Cobalt cock: F. Millar, i and 2; F. R. Wright, 3. White (any colour suffusion) cock: Mrs. A. W. Whito, 1; F. Millar, 2; F. P. Wright, 3. ■Mauve cock: F. li. Wright, 1; D. Starr, 2. C.reywinir (any green) cock: R. .A. Waite, J; P. H. Wright. 2; Mrs. E. Jones. 3. Novice Classes.—'Olive cock: M. Massey, 1; P. F. Holmes. 2; ('. .T. Mayes, :i. Laurel cock: W. P. Bennett. 1; K. L. Gearon, :t. Light, yellow cock: C. Oxenham, I; C. .T. Mayes, 2: M. Massey, 3. Yellow (dark suffusion, green) cock: J. 10. Ilopkinson, L; A. Jenkins. 2; Mrs. Riddell. 3. Sky blue cock: C. ,1. Maves, I; Mrs. Riddell, 2; G, A. Wheeler, 3. Cobalt, cock: M. Massey, 1; O. Whitehead, 2 and 3. Mauve cock: J. Whitehead, I; J. E. Ilopkinson, 2. White (any suffusion) cock: H. A. Boyles, 1; Mrs. "Riddell, 2; J. Whitehead, 3. oreviving (any green) cock: M. Massey, 1; R. L. Gearon, 2; A. Jenkins, 3. (Ireywing (any blue) cock: A. Jenkins, 1; 11. 'Lomas, 2; Mrs. Riddell, 3. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIRDS Goldfinch, houso moulted.—F. Bowman, 1; D. Cowan, 2; W. G. Pountney, 3. Field moulted: F. Bowman, 1; J. Priscott, 2; A. Keams, 3. Chaffinch: Mrs. Riddell. I; J. Priscott, 2. Bramblefinch: Mrs. R. Rue, 1; F. 11. Cooper, 2. Red poll, field moulted: A. Kcarns, I; J. Sandilands, 2; W. Henderson, 3. House moulted: J. J. Walker and Son, 1; J. Priscott. 2; A. O. Rico, 3. Green finch: D. Cowan, I ; It. Boyles, 2: F. Bowman, 3. Yellowhamnier: Mrs. Riddell, 1. Any other British hard bill: Mrs. R. Rae, 1; F. 11. Cooper, 2 and Any other British soft bill: Mrs. E. .tones, I. Mules and Hybrids.—Mule, clear or lightly variegated: Mrs. E. A. Cox, 1; W. Henderson, 2. Heavily variegated: J. Priscott, 1; W. Henderson, 2. Dark: J. Priscott, t;. F. IT. Cooper. 2; W. Henderson, 3. Heavily variegated mule: Trevor Ruge, 1; J. Priscoll, 3. Dark mule: J. Priscott, I; Mrs. E. Jones, 2; Trevor Ruge, 3. British hybrid: J. Priscott. I; V. Curran, 2. Foreign hybrid: W. T. Price, 1; F. IT. Cooper, 2. Foreign Birds. —Zebra, finches: H. A. Farrant, I: Mrs. E. Jones. 2. Any other variety Australian finch: D. Starr, 1; F. H. Cooper, 2j Mrs. E. Jones. 3.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23085, 9 July 1938, Page 22

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BIRDS ON SHOW New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23085, 9 July 1938, Page 22

BIRDS ON SHOW New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23085, 9 July 1938, Page 22