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TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME WIN AND. PLACE BETTING ADAMS MEMORIAL HANDICAP » CHANCES OF STAR PRONTO Well-balanced fields are carded for the opening of the Auckland Trotting Club's Winter Meeting at Alexandra Park to-day and there should be some very interesting contests. Although in good ocder for this timo of the year, the course is likely to be slow, even if in better condition than for most previous winter meetings. The win and place system of betting will be used. Following aro details of the fields, with a review of the prospects in each race by Abaydos":— 11.45—WINTER HANDICAP Of £200; trotters; limit 3.49; 1% mile 9 Aurumar • • . Lt. Riptide . . . Lt. ■ Dick Redmond Lt. "Wiri Bingen . Lt. Elliotvale . . Lt. yds bhd Etta Girl . . Lt. Worthy Lu . . 12 Flash Bye • . Lt. Canadian ... <lB Great Surprise Lt. Frontier Boy . 48 Masterman • . Lt. Pirate's Last . !)0 Moira Bingen Lt. Lady Bunker . 108 Nelson Carbine Lt. Bracket: Great Surprise and Canadian. Dick Redmond and Moira Bingen aro recent place-getters with prospects, while Great Surprise and Wiri Bingen aro likely improvers. Worthy Lu is well placed and may go well. Canadian and Frontier Boy aro recent winners and on the improve. Pirate's Last should run on solidly and. Lady Bunker is in fine fopn. Popular fancies may bo PIRATE'S LAST, LADY BUNKER, . GREAT SURPRISE-CANADIAN Bracket. 12.25—MANGERE HANDICAP First Division Of £200; limit 3.5; IV* miles Asrnes Bingen . Lt. Scottish Bard . Lt. Bronze King . Lt. Top Hand . . . Lt. Excel Lt. Winhisway . . . Lt. Harlow .. . . Lt. „ , yds bhd •' Kentucky Frank Lt. Lady Potts . . 12. Loyal Betty . Lt. Ratepayer . . 48 Neon Oro . . . Lt. Fisher 00 Parrish Girl . Lt. Bronze King, Neon Oro and Scottish Bard ran useful races at Claudelands and may show improvement. Harlow, Top Hand, Agnes Bingen and Loyal Betty are possibilities and Winhisway is becoming more solid. Consistency has been a ieature of the form of Lady Potts, and Ratepayer, a winner at Claudelands, is speedy. Some likely to find favour are •v LADY POTTS, , NEON OHO, SCOTTISH BARD. I.S—HOBSON HANDICAP Of £200; limit 3.38; l'/a miles Dainty Lady . Lt. yds bhd Elsie Hamlyn Lt. hete hura . . 12 Kewpie's Queen Lt. Baron A'foj lso -j Kia Kaha . • • Lt. Roman Chief . 24 Parauri . • - • Lt. Bedford . . . • 30 Xagua Lt. Roma Girl . . 36 Wail Street . . Lt. Tommy Boy . . SO yds bhd Isabella Pointer 48 Dusky' Chum .■ 12 Vanora .... 72 Forest Jewel • 12 Elsie Hamblyn, Kewpie's Queen and Kia Kaha have recent winning form. Parauri and Tagua have shown promise in the South Island and Dusky Chum has prospects. There is little between Forest Jewel and Kete Knra, both of j whom have a first arid second to their 1 credit., Roman Chief is capable of a i surprise and Bedford ran well at Hamilton. Isabella Pointer and Vanora are i in winning form. Most support may 1 come for • • Forest jewel, ' KETE KURA, ISABELLA POINTER. j I.SO—ADAMS MEMORIAL HANDICAP 1 Of £350 and gold cup valued at £SO; limit 3.23; lVa miles i Crocus • ■ . Lt. yils - bhd. | Noble Prince . Lt. Willie Derby • . 24 : Proletarian . Lt. Auto Machine 3(> yds. bhd. Gold Dredge • . 30 Star Pronto . . 12 Kewpie's i Ironside .... 24 Triumph, 30 - Fernbrook Lass. 24 Lady Fame . . 30 Our McKinncy 24 Nervie's Last . 00 < Prince Pedro . 24 ; Bracket: Crocus, Ironside and Nervie's Last. | Crocus and Proletarian have won well I at the distance and Noble Prince lias improved lately. A repetition of his Fergusson Handicap effort would give Star Pronto a fine chance. Ironside is regaining form and Our McKinney may , be very dangerous. Fernbrook Lass is due to win and Kewpie's Triumph has been working solidly. Gold Dredge has ' to be respected and Lady Fame has j prospects. Willie Derby is showing im- {' irovement and Nervie's Last is bril- . iant. Investors may prefer ( STAR PRONTO, , ' F. J. SMITH'S Elect, < GOLD DREDGE. < 2.3S—STEWARDS' HANDICAP Of £225;. trotters; limit 3.42; lVa miles ' Braemar • • Lt. . bhd. Golden Maid . Lt. Wamgake • • 30 Urand Triumph Lt. stalky • . . 48 < Svlvan • Lt. Wrackless ... 48 f Within • • . Lt, "Win Huon ... 48 yds. bhd. Great Sonoma 84 * Bingen Sun . 12 Moko Girl . i Nelson Chief . 12 Audo Patch . . 108 Pirate's' Last . 12 Mute • 308 Autumn LU '3O Wah •■ . 103 I Reception • • . 30 t Bracket: Golden Maid and Pirate's Last. < Braemar is consistent and Grand c Triumph is returning to' form. Within ' has good' prospects and Sylvan is very useful. Pirate's Last is in form' and I Nelson Chief should be suited by the 1 distance. Reception and Waingake are £ capable trotters, while Stalky and Win t Huon are recent winners. Wrackless j should be near his best and Great Sonoma looks the best of tho others. The favourites may be PIRATE'S LAST-GOLDEN MAID 'Bracket, NELSON CHIEF, , WITHIN. 3.15 —MARCONI HANDICAP Of £225; limit 3.33; 1% miles Charlie Chan . Lt. yds. bhd , Derby Lu . Lt. Vanora .... 12 ? Kins? Country .* Lt. Young Pointer. 12 l Lady Amanda . Lt. Bold Venture . 24 <] True Trust . . Lt. Handicapper 24 , ' yds. bhd Lucky Love . . 30 J1 Bronze Queen . 12 Luminate •• . 30 a Our Summer . 12 Cavan Chief . 4s _ Transwell • . 12 Sandusky ... 00 Brackets: Charlie Chan, Cavan Chief and Sandusky, King Country and Transwell, vanora and Luminate. If he begins correctly, Charlie Chan should take some beating. King } Country is on the upgrade and True Trust is reliable. Bronze Queen is a real danger 7 and Vanora has good form. Our <. Slimmer is a likely prospect and | if started, should go well, j Young Pointer is on the improve and j Bold Venture should have prospects, T Lucky Love, Luminate and Sandusky t are in/ fine form. The best supported S ! »ay be ~ a BRONZE QUEEN, y V.ANOR A-LUMINATE Bracket. 11 BOLD VENTURE. 4.O—CORNWALL HANDICAP, '■ Of £250; limit 2.51; 1/ miles I Afgolis . . . Lt. Our Peggy .. Lt Clnli Bean . Lt. Red Frontier . Lt. I Compass .... Lt. Royal Jewel . . Lt. „ Great Chum . . Lt. Sir Frank . . . Lt Guid Hairst . . Lt yds. bhd. Impostor .... Lt. Our War . . 24 Kewpie's Crest. Lt. Winaway . 24 Levity Lt. Crocus . . . 30 Munga l'angi Lt. Gay Sister .. . 30 Musketeei •• . Lt. Star Pronto . . 48 Ji Brackets: Argolis and Great Chum, Guid ,Hairit and Star Pronto. Ji

Argolis' and Great Chum make a Round bracket and Compass is regaining: form. Kewpie's Crest, Musketeer .and Red Frontier are possibilities;' but' Sir Frank may bo preferred. Our Peggy and Munga Tangi are useful and may bo "Very dangerous. ' Winaway' has fair ionn and Our - War has raced consisf tentlji Gay Sister is in good .-heart! Crocus and Star' Pronto are engaged earlier. Investors may prefer OUR PEGGY, MUNGA TANGI, Sill FRANK. \ ; FINAL TRAINING i GRAND TRIUMPH FIT J YOUNG POINTER IMPROVED I." , , , RECEPTION IN GOOD ORDER 1 BY ABAYDOS Although the dirt track was in good order, there was not much fast work at I'd'som yesterday. Most of the trainers used tlie sand, which provided nice going. . r =--.. Grand Triumph (W. J. Eynon) went a mile and a-half, going slowly earlv and quickening over the last mile and a-quarter in 3.3. Recent racing has been beneficial to Grand Triumph, who is very fit. Young Pointer (E. Crotty) was" not hurried while working two miles, the last half-niilo in 1.13 4-5 bping his fastest section. The Jewel Pointer gelding, who registered, a first, a second and a third for R. B. Berry at the. Auckland summer meeting, looks in better order than when here in April. Reception (W. J. Wheeler) gave an. even display of trotting over a mile and a-half at a 2.30 rate. Ho was accompanied for a little over a mile by Roman Chief (A. J. Forbes). Reception has never looked brighter arid with the track in good order should race well today. Roman Chief hit out in solid style and has made good progress. Moira Bingen (E. R. Smith) was not fully extended over two miles. She looks none the worse for her escapade on Thursday, when, as a result of a rein breaking, she lost her driver and galloped a short distance. Although not a genuine, stayer, Moira Bingen may show improved form on a firm track. R. A. McMillan's Horses C.' Breihian gave Prince Pedro and Aurumar strong work on the sand. R. A. McMillan arrived later with his other horses, Ratepayer and Levity, who were allotted similar work. Prince Pedro looks bright arid has derived some benefit from his race at the last meeting. Although it is possible that he is now past his. best, he is useful with the sting out of the ground, Aurumar, who had her first race at Hamilton last week, is an aged mare by Wattle Derby from Charley's Aunt, dam 5, 0f Scandal, who was a useful performer. Ratepayer, a full-brother to Taxpayer and Refund, gained his first success last Saturday, and, although he started ttvice, has taken no harm from the racing. • Nelson Chief (E.': Gadsby); made no mistakes while covering three circuits j at a sound pace. Although, lie has not had much racing in two years, Kelson Chief showed a glimpse; of form in finishing second :at Thames. r vj] ; -Moko Girl (C. R, Wood) went' steadily over two miles, hitting out freely in tho. last round. Moko Girl's last success was, in the Members' Handicap at the 1934 winter meeting. The following season she was third in the Rowe Handicap. to Nell Volo and Parrish Belle. In the interval she has pro- i duced a foal to Surprise Journey. i Fisher (A. Paton) put dash into an ■ unhoppled task, running the last three '■ furlongs in 535. Dainty Lady took 55s in a sprint over the same distance. Tommy McElwyn (A. Compton) paced : usefully over a mile and a-half and lias ; improved with his two races last Saturday. Through an oversight he was not ' accepted for in the, Mangere Handicap, but will contest the June Handicap on the second day. Condition of Sir Frank Unhoppled, Sir Frank (E. 11. Smith) J was given strong 'work and was keen to go faster. The Cambridge - Winter Handicap winner has never , looked in better order and. has pros- ; pects in the Cornwall Handicap. The good-looking novice Peter Smith also worked unhoppled, giving a fine display. Vano'ra (,!L. J. Malioncy) "worked freelegged at a strong pace. He has made splendid progress, and, although he will ; meet stronger opposition in the Mar- ! coni Handicap than when ho won at ' Claudelffnds, lias go6d prospects'. 7 1

Malioney's other candidates, Luminate, Jewel .Crest, Golden Maid and Pirate's Last, were let off with strong work: Lucky Love (J. Peters) paced freely over three laps, sprinting the last- two furlongs with dash. It should not bo for lack ol.condition if he fails to show up m his coming engagements. Bingen Sun (W. Head) and Stargum (G. A. Williams) worked a useful mile and a-half, the former trotting solidly. Stargum is engaged in the second division of the Mangere Handicap on Wednesday. . , Nawton Parrish was an absentee, G. McNickle stating that the pacer after his work on Thursday suffered an attack of colic. Hf he does well in the meantime, Nawton Parrish may contest the C. F. Mark Memorial Handicap on Wednesday. EPSOM SCRATCHINGS NAWTON PARRISH OUT Nawton 'Parrish was scratched for the Adams Memorial Handicap at the Auckland Trotting Club's Winter Meeting at 9.50 a.m. yesterday. Other withdrawals were, Sports Queen from the first division of the Mangere Handicap and Audrey's Last from all engagements. FRENCH-BRED STALLION HELESPONT FOR 'AUSTRALIA Mr. A. Hunter, of Northwood Park Stud, Victoria, purchased the highlvbred and well-performed French horse, Helespont, who is a bay, and was foaled in 19M3. Helespont is by Pharos from Hesione by A 1 Cantara IT.; and traces back to Uoquebrune, the dam of Rock Sand. Helespont won more than half a dozen good-class races in France last year and has won over 100,000 francs in stake money. He leaves England immediately and will arrive at Northword early in July, and thus will be used at the stud this coming season. Helespont is a decided acquisition to Australian blood-stock, and as Mr; Hunter has many nice mares, lie will a good chance. TROTTING FIXTURES June 4, o—Wanganui Trotting Club Fune 4, B—Auckland Trotting Club, luao o—Ashburton Trotting Club.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23055, 4 June 1938, Page 11

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TROTTING PROSPECTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23055, 4 June 1938, Page 11

TROTTING PROSPECTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23055, 4 June 1938, Page 11