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WESTFIELD PRICES CALF VALUES RISE FIRM TONE MAINTAINED There was a steady market in all sections at Westfield yesterday, recent prices being maintained with few variations. Calves showed an advance of 17s Gd a head on last week's prices for runners, but otherwise there was no marked change from late quotations. The yardings in all classes were average with the exception of lambs, which were again penned in small numbers. Entries of ox beef were for the most part below standard, but a line of wellfinished steers sold up to £ls los. There was a large yarding of cows and heifers, which sold readily, one offering making up to £'ll 17s 6d. Most sales were fully firm on late rates. A large proportion of the sheep offered were of inferior quality, but some well-finished wethers sold up to 38s (3d. The best price for ewes was 26s Gd, a decrease of 2s 6d on the highest offer at the last sale. All classes met with a ready demand. Though the number of calves entered did not reach last week's record figure, there was a good yarding, most of the offerings being large calves of good quality. The highest quotation for runners was £7 7s Gd. There was an increase in the yarding of pigs and both baconers and porkers sold readily at satisfactory prices. A good proportion of the entries lacked finish. The best price for baconers was 925, while porkers made to 655. Large stores sold to 3os, compared with 31s last week. Comparison ol Quotations The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Westfield fat stock sales:—

This Week Last Week BEEP (per 1001b) — Extra choice ox 39/- 30/. Choice <fc prime ox . . . . 30/- to 38/- 35/- to 38/Choice «fc prime cow 4 heifer 31/- to 36/- 31/- to 36/Boner & rough 23/- to 31/- 23/- to 31/ : SHEEP (per head)— Prime wethers 27/0 to 38/0 27/- to 38/0 Unfin. wethers 22.'- to 28/0 21/- to 27/8 Prime ewes .. 17/0 to 26/0 18/- to 28/6 Unfin. ewes .. 7/- to 17/- 11/- to 22/6 Prime lambs . 18/- to 2(i/- 18/- to 31/Unfin. lambs . 13/- to 17/- 10/- to 10/C'ALVES (per head) — Runners . . (if)/- to 147/0 50/- to 130/Vealers .. 'js/- to 110/- 3.1/- to 108/I'IGS (per head)— Baconers . . OS/• to 02/- 08/- to 91/I orkers . . ju/- to 05/- 20/- to 08/Weaners .. hi- to 15/- £,/- to 15/Sl'l'S .. .. Hi/, to 22/- 10/- to 20/-' Large stores . 23/- to 35/- lb/- to 31/Individual Consignments The top price for ox beef was £ls k>s, paid for the best of a line from ihompson and Ernst, of Whakatane. An entry from Tapuwae Estate, l'oro-o-taron, sold from £ll 12s 6d to £l3 17s- 6(1, the next best sale being eight steers from Matthews Brothers, of Paengaroa, wliicfr made from £ll to £l3 2s 6d. Offerings from ilr. W. T. Cox, of Manurewa, realised from £4 12s 6d to £l3, and a line from Mr. E. Paul, of Mangere, sold from £8 15s to 17s 6d. .Entries from Mr. P. McEhvain, of Pukeowaro. and Mr. A. Orr, of Hoteo, made to £l2 15s, while another from Mr. S. S. Holmes,, of Maungaturoto, brought from £ll to £l2 12s fid. Prices ranging from £9 2s 6d to £l2 10s were received by Muir's Estate, 1 uakau'. Mr. N. S. Mason, of Maromaku, sold three steers from £lO 15s to £l2 7s 6d, and Mr. G. Lvons. of Pokeno, a line of five from £9 to £ll 17s 6d. An entry from Mr. N. J. Wilson, of Whangarei, sold to £ll, and another from Mrs. E. J. Reid, of Motutapu, from £7 17s 6d to £lO 17s 6d. A line bv Mr. E. P. Paul, of Mangere, realised from £9 5s to £lO, and Mr. R. J. Melville, of Whakatane, received to £9 17s 6d for an entry of three stcors.

The best rnlue for cows and heifers was £ll 17s 6d. received by a Ngongotalia vendor, while a line from Raniarama sold to £ll Ins. An entry from Mr. F. C. Bull, of Mangere, made from £6 to £ll ss. and another from Mr. G. L vons. of Pokeno, realised from £7 2s 6d to £lO los. This was also the highest price received by Mr. X. ft. Mason, of Maromaku. Entries from Mr. .T. A. Hill, of Ohineivni, and Mr. H. Windsor, of Matangi. sold to £lO 12s fid Prices from £7 15s to £lO 12s 6d were paid for cows offerer! by Stonex Brothers, of Pnpatoetoe, while Mrs. E. J. Tlcid, of Motntanu, received frnm £6 5s to £lO 10s. Offerings from Mr W. .T. Orr. of Edgecombe, and Mr. B. .T. Melville. of Whakatane. made fo £0 17s 6d. and another from Mr. F. Bohorts. of Paknranga. sold to £9 10s. A lin6 from Thomnson and Ernst, of Whakatane. realised to £0 ss. and entries from Mr. E. W Beed. of Waerengn. and Mr. W. P. Locke, of Mount Boskill. to £9.


AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS DALGETY AND COMPANY Dalgety and Company, Limited, report on the sale as follows:—■, Beef.—Our yarding of beef totalled 22U head, comprising 55 steers and 17-1 cows and heifers, against 171) head last week. Tile quality was fully up to standard and sold under a ready demand. Late rates were again maintained for all classes. Eictra choice ox sold to :«>s per lOOib; choice and prime ox, :)(is to 38s; just tillable, 32s to 355; prime young cow and heifer beef, ;V2s to 3(>s; just j killable, 23s to 31s. Kxtra heavy prime steers : ranged in price from cl.'S Ids to £ls 15s ; for sterrs sold on account of Messrs. Thomp- j son and Ernst. Whakatane; heavy prime i steers made £l2 5s to £l3 ss; lighter prime steers, £ll Ids lo £l2 2s (id; light prime j steers, £lO 10s to £ll ss; small and unfinished steers, £S 2s (id to £lO. Extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO ' to £ 11 5s for heifers sold on acconnt Mr. F. C. Bull. Ascot Mange re; heavy prime cows j and heifers sold 1 from £fi 15s to £0 10s; ; lighter prime cows and heifers. £7 10s to i i'S Ids; light cows, £<i to i' 7 ss; other kill able cows, £4 to £5 15s. Sheep.—Sheep again came forward in ; average numbers and well-finished lines of | welhers and ewes sold freely at late rates, i while medium and plain ewes were easier j than last week. Extra heavy prime wethers > sold from £1 17s !»d to £1 18s (id; heavy ■ prime, £1 15s (id to CI 17s (id; medium, i £1 13s to £1 15s; light, £1 Ss <0 £1 12s; j light and unfinished, £t ~>s <o £1 7s Od; i heavy prime ewes. £1 4s to £1 <ss 3d; ; lighter, £1 2s to £1 3s (id; other ewes. £1 | to £1 Is Gd. Lambs,—A small entry of lambs sold steadily and realised values on a par with last week. No heavy prime lamb was y«rd«d. Medium prime lamb. £1 to £1 Is 3d; lighter. IBs to £1 OS 6d; light, 17s to ISs fid Calves.—A full yarding of calves met ; with steady competition and all classes sola j at values fully on a par with late ra *£ R ; Runners sold to £0 -Is; heavy vealers. i 4 13s to £5 Is*. medium. £3 17s to £4 Ss; light. £2 Its to £3 Its; smaller. £1 l- r >s to C2 lis; unfinished and bucket fed. £1 to £1 13s: bobby and rough calves, 3s to ISs. Pigs.—An average yarding of pics was penned. Competition was good and both baconers and porkers sold freely at values verv firm on late rates. Heavy baconers made from £4 5s to £4 10s; medium. £3 ISs to £4 2s; light £3 Os to C 3 15s; heavy porkers, £2 15s to £3 Is; medium. £2 ...s to £2 10s; light, £2 to £2 3s; small and unfinished, £1 Ss to £1 l">s. LOAN AND MERCANTILE The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agenrv Company, Limited, reports on the sale ns follows: — Beef. —Cur yarding of neef was an average one. There was a ready demand with no alteration in values. Extra choice ox sold to X I I its per 100lb; choice, and prune ox t'l I"> s to £1 ISs; ordinary and plain ox' '1 7s to €l" 14s; prime young cow and heifer beef. £1 Us to £1 10s; ordinary cow beef, £1 3s to £1 10s. No extra heavy prime steers were penned. Heavy prime steers, .IJ to £l2 17s (>d; lighter prime to £ll I"#6 d; light prime steers. £9 12s 6d

to £lO 17s 6d; plain and small, £7 l«s-bd to £9 10s; extra heavy prime younff cows and heifers, £lO to £lO 15s; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £S to £'o 15s; lighter, £7 to £7 17s Od; light, £5 10s to £6 1.8 6d; aged and plain finished cows, £3 10s. to £5 ss.

Sheep.—Wo had an average yarding of sheep, which sold under steady competition at values about on a par with last week. Extra heavy prime wethers, £1 ISs to £1 ISs fid i heavy prime wethers, £1 los to £1 17s; medium prime wethers, £1 13s to £1 14s tid; light prime wethers, £1 10s to 01 12s 9d; small and unfinished wether*. £1 as. to £1 Ss Od; heavy prime ewes, £1 6a to £l (is (3d; medium prime ewes, £1 4? to £1 r>s (id, light prime ewes, ISs to £1 3s fid; just killable ewes, 14s to 17s; inferior ewes, 7s to 13s.

Lambs in average numbers also «oM at j late quotations. Heavy prime, £1 3s 6d to ! £1 os (id; medium prime, £1 Os 6d to UCI 3s ; light prime, 18s to £l"; unfinished. ; best, 13s to 17s; others, 7s to IQs. | Pigs.—We had au average yarding of I pigs, which sold at late quotations. Choppers sold from £1 los to £3 15s; heavy and j medium baconers, from £1 to £4 lis; light l baconers and heavy porkers, from £3 5s to j £3 l»s; medium porkers and light porkers, ; from £2 to £3 is; smaller. CI lis to £1 I i:ts. Store pigs in small numbers sold readily at improved values. Large stores, Cl 3s to i £1 lis; slips, His to £1 2s; weaners, Ss to los.

Calves.—Our entry of calves was an nverage one, much less than Inst week's largo number, and sold to a ready demand at values firm on last week's rates. P-uiners £3 to £« 14s. heavy vealers, £» 5s to £5 10sMedium, £.'{ 10s to £t -Is; light, £•"> 5s to £3 8S; smaller, i Ss to C2 4s; small and fresh dropped, os to £1 ss; rough calves, 10s to £1 15s.

ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, reports on the safe as follows:

h.f?/'Tc« e u Pe ? ned fat ra,tl * t0 num. her of 389 head as against 303 head last week comprising 100 steers and 21=9 cows and heifers. The quality of ox beef penned was not up to the usual standard. Bidding was with values remaining firm -at late quotations. A large yarding of cows and heifers sold at fully late rates. Extra choice ox sold to £1 19s per 1001b; choice and prime ox, £1 16s to £1 l?s; secondary and plain ox, £1 I'Js to £ 1 l.*>s; prime voun£ cow and heifer beef, £1 14s to £l* 16s; ordinary cow beef, £i 3s to £1 Bs. Extra, heavy prime steers ranged in price from £l4 hca y- v P r ' me steers sold from £l2 os to £l3; lighter prime steers. £ll to £ll 15s; light prime steers, £lO 5s to £J(j 17s fid; small and unfinished steers, £6 to £0 JOs; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO to £ll ]7s (id. A line of IS cows and heifers from the Finance Co-opera-tive Society, Xew Zealand, Limited, "Strathmore," Iteporoa, made up to £ll 17s ttd and averaged £'lo 5s lOd. Heavy prime row-s and heifers made from £7 los to £8 15s; lighter prime cows and heifers, £6 to £7; other killable. cows, £3 10s to £5 os.

Sheep.—Our total yarding of sheep numbered (JSB. The quality generally was not up to the usual standard. Competition was good with values steady at late rates. Xo extra., heavy prime wethers were penned. Heavy prime wethers sold from £1 32s to £1 15s; medium to heavy prime wethers, £1 ,10s to £ L lis «d; light to medium prime wethers. £1 7s Od to £1 unfinished wethers, £1 '2s to £1 5s (id. Xo extra heavy prime young ewes were yarded. Heavy prime ewes made from j?1 5s to £1 6s (id; lighter prime ewes, £L Is fid to £1 3s (id; other ki,liable ewes, 17s (id to £lO Gd; other ewes, Ss to 14s.' Lambs.—A small entry of lambs sold on a par with late sales. 100 being sold. Heavy prime lambs sold from i'l 4s (Jd to £1 (is; lighter prime lambs, £l' 2s to £1 3s; light prime lambs, 18s to £1 Is; small and plain lambs, 13s (id to l(is Od. Calves.—We had a full yarding of calves. All classes sold readily at values fully firm at last week's quotations. Runners made £4 Ss to £7 7s (id for two extra prime Polled Angus heifers; heavy prime vealers, £4 ISa to £5 4s; medium, £3 18s to £4 oS; light, £2 14s to £3 ss; smaller, £1 15s to £2 10s; unfinished and bucket-fed, £1 2s to £1 13s; bobby and rough calves, 3s to £1 (251 calves were sold). Pigs,—There was an increased offering of pigs. All prime baconers and porkers sold readily at satisfactory prices. A good proportion of the yarding showed lack of finish. Choppers made £2 12s to £4 Ssj heavy prime baconers, £4 (is to £4 12s; medium, £3 ISs to £4 3s; light, £3 Ss to £3 15s; heavy porkers, £2 14s to £3 3s; medium, £2 (is to £2 10s; light, £2 to £2 As;, unfinished and small, £1 Ss to £1 17s; values for stores were higher; best made to £1 15s; smaller, £1 5s to £1 Ss; slips, 14s to £1; weaners, 6s to 12s. Baconers averaged 6%d per lb and porkers, OVid to fiVad per lb A total of 645 pigs was sold.

ADDINGTON MARKET - CATTLE PRICES IMPROVE ... [BY TELEGBAPH —PBESS ASSOCIATION*] CHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday Store sheep were firmer, fat sheep weaker, fat lambs unaltered, and fat cattle slightly better at to-day's Addingtca market. The store sheep comprised a very small penning and forward wethers were better by more than Is a head, making up to 255. Old ewes met with freer disposal. Two-tooths made To 28s Od, and ewe hoggets to 17s. There was a I heavy entry of 5700 fat sheep, which included some good ewes. Heavy prime ewes were down on last week by 2s a head and wethers by Is fid, there being no cftange in export sorts. Best wethers made-.from 27s Od to 30s; tops, to 32s 4d; good medium weights, 25s to 275; light, down to 20s; best ewes. 21s to 245; tops, to 295; average, 17s fid. to 10s fid; light, down to 13s. Five hundred and seventy fat cattle were penned and the sals throughout for good cattle was a shade firmer. Lighter sorts were unaltered. Best steers made from £l3 to £l4 10s; tops, to £l7 17s fid;»good medium, £ll 10s to £l2 15s; light, aown to £9. Best cows and heifers sold from £7 10s to £'9 10s; tops, to £l2; aged cows and poor-conditioned heifers, from £5 to £6 ss. Porkers lost last week's advance and baconers were slightly firmer as a result of a short entry. Porkers made 2!>s Od to 54s fid, average price per lb. fi'/.d to 6/id; baconers; £3 Is fid to £5 6s fid, average price per lb, fiV 2 d to 7d. Large stores were from 2s to 3s a head better, and weaners 2s a head easier. Weaners made from fis to lis; slips, 11« to 14s: stores, 15s to 33s fid.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23047, 26 May 1938, Page 9

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FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23047, 26 May 1938, Page 9

FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23047, 26 May 1938, Page 9