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PORT OF AUCKLAND CLYDEBANK DUE TO-DAY With cargo from Pacific Const ports ancl Pnpooto, the, Union Company's chartered motor-ship Clydebank will arrive this afternoon and berth at Prince's Wharf, The Osaka Syoson Knisyu motor-ship Brisbane Maru, which arrived Into yesterday nfter--110011 from Lyttelton for filial loading, berthed at Prince's Wharf and will sail this afternoon for Manila 'and Yokohama. The Admiralty tanker OJna will now bo despatched for tho Persian Gulf this morning. With 414 passongers, tho L'niort Company's transtasnian liner Awatca was despatched last night for Sydney, where bho is duo 011 Thursday morning. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS Motu (3.30 a.m.), from North; Toa (10.50 11.m.), from Wliakatane; Port Waikato (U 11.111.), from Lyttelton. Brisbane Maru (0.10 p.m.), from Lyttelton; Hauiti tu.s p.m.), from Coromundpl. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES H.M.S. Endeavour (fe.lo a.m.), for Hauraki Uulfi Hauiti (10.5 a.m.), for Coromandel. Pono (0.10 p.m.), for Thames; Kawau (8.:J5 p.m.), for ilatakftim; Alotu (u.oo p.m.), for (Joast. Hertford (0.55 p.m.), for New Plymouth. Kauri (midnight), for Napier. Awatca p.m.), for Sydney. Passensors:—

Pirst. Saloon.—Mrs. E. J. Armitasre. Mr. W. b. Allan; Mrs. H. M. Anscombe, Miss M. Anscombc, Kov. \'. Assaf, Mr. O. X. Anderson Mr. P. G. Biekford. Mrs. P, G. Biiklord and infant, Mr. P. Beaumont-Smith, Mrs. Beaumont-Smith. Mr. J. Billing, Mr. 0. B. Bctteridtfc, Mr. Baker, Mrs. C. ii.' Bcnflcld, Miss M. Brooko, Mr, W. H. Bean, H. iLr Bale, Mr. D. Brotherton. Mrs. L. Blomfteld, Mrs. L. Boddam, Mr. L. B. Bowden and infant. Master N. Bowden, Miss M. Bray, Mr. P. Bennett. Mr. P. Bowater. Mr. Bousfield, Mr. It. E. Carter, Mr. J. Christie. Mr. Camo.-m. Miss L. It. Clarke, Wins V. Cller, Miss O. M. Coxon, Mr. A. M. Cameron, Mrs. Cameron, Mr, Jt. W. Cook. Miss K. B. Cocks. Mrs. IS. Conchion. Mr. G. Coreiii. Mrs. Corclll, Mr. It. G. CompI' ll, Mr. W. Coiurdon, Miss Curtis, Miss M. M. M. Carr, Mr. D. Cameron, Mr. T. Cleary. Mr. Chirney, Mr. J. H. Colcbournc, Mr. D. Duncan. Mrs. Duncan. Mr. P. T. Davles, Mrs. Davies, Miss M. P. Downing, Mr. C. Dorina:. Miss J. I. B. Dalrymplc, Mr. A. Douirall, Mr. and Mrs. C, iA. Dcyell, Mr. T. Elins: Schuurmnn, Miss \V. Edfrrrton;Mr. It. C. Elkin, Mr. Ellis and Mrs. C. C. Ellis and infant, Miss J. Poster, Mr. E. B. Eraser, Mr. L. Pretlo. Rev, and Mrs. ,T. Pl.vnn. Mr. J. Pulton. Mrs. I. E. Fowler, Mr. W. C. Falconer Mrs. Falconer, Mrs. M. Falconer, Miss Falconer, • Miss M. A. Pinch, Mr. M. A. Fastirr, Mrs. J. Pahc.v, Sir Herbert Gepp, Miss B. M. GrifTlth, Mr. J. A. Grim wood, Mrs. J. A. Grim wood. Mr. W. Grey. Mr. 6ath. Mr. G. Grey. Mrs. T. Grant, Miss E. Gordon, Mr. A. Gouk, Mr. W. J. Gildford, Mr. W. Biggins, Mrs. L. Haffffitt, Miss L. Horsfall. Mr. and Mrs, Ha.vden. Mr. D. G. Halleniione Mr. H. A. Ilorrocks. Mr. W. G. Hewitt, Miss V. Holdsworth, Mrs. I. Harvey. Mr. M. Holdsworth, Mr. A. Hoskinff, Bhana Hira, Mr. J. Hinz, Mrs. Hinz, Miss N. Hughes. Miss Hart. Mr. G. It. Hopkins, Miss Howard, Mr. Harrican, Mrs. F. A. Hanger, Mr. E. H. Ivins, Mr, Johnston. Mr. D. .Tames. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Johnstone, Mr. J. L. Jolly, Mr. G. E. Kay. Mr. H. Kellaher, Mr. R. Keay, Mrs. R. Kca,v, Dr, E. Kirk, Mr. F, V, Lysons, Mr. Lowry. Mr G. Lewis. Mr. J. Lawman, Miss D. Lowder, Mrs. and Miss Lintoft, Mrs. L. Loveda.v, Miss D. Loveda.v, Mr. A. Lee, Mr. D. M. Lethbridffe, Mr*. Letnhridffo, Dr. Lawrence. Mr. Lanigan, Mr. Marks, Mr. R. W. Macnab, Miss H. Maxwell, Mr. W. L, Moore, Mrs. Monre, Mr. W. K. Michael. Master R. K. Michael. Mr. A. Mnrkam, Miss I. T. Manning, Mr. H. Marsh. Miss P. W. Mason, Bhana Makan, Mr. H. Muller, Mr. C. C. Moore, Mrs. Moore. Mr. C. Morris, Mr. N. R. Mansfield, Miss K. W. Mee. Mr, J. J. Morris. Mr. E. G. P. McDuff, Mrs. McDuff, Miss P. M. McDuff, Miss H. Mrßeath, Mrs. S. McKay. Mrs. L. I. Mcintosh, Miss M. McAuliffe, Mr. D. H. McLean. Mrs. MeLean, Mr. T- B. Nossiter, Mrs, Nelson, Mr. T. R- Nelson. Mr, A. S. Osborne. Mr. F. and Mrs. lO'Nelll, Mr. C. O'Keefe, Miss Tj. Paul, Mr. C. S. Pone. Mr. Purdie. Mr. R. Pollock, Miss C. M. Parker, Mrs. E. J. Prengergast, Miss L. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs, Ouirk. Mr. G. A. Richardson. Mr. J. Reed. Mrs. Reed, Mr. F. Robh, Mr. T. Ritchie, Mr. G. Redmond. Mrs. C. M, Ross Mr. .T. Richter, Mr. A. S. Richards, Mrs. Richards. Mr. S. Raveorce. Mrs. E. Russell, Mr. T. W. Rend, Miss E- Rogera, Mr. J. M. L. Rowan. Mrs. M. Rooncy. Mrs. A. Sntton. Mr. R. E. Starr. Mrs. Starr. Mrs. A. E. Sedgwick, Mr. P. Scarr, Mr. S. T\. Rlpigh, Mrs. Sleitrh. Miss M. M. Slonne, Mr. W. S. Smart, Mrs. Smart. Mr. H. T. Sommervillc. Mrs. Sommrrville Mr. B. Schmitt. Mr. O. J. Soanes. Mrs. Soaiies, Mr- C. G. D, Sutherland, Mrs. B. Swanwlck. Mr. J. R. Sutcliffe, Miss T). Sloss. Mrs. A. P.. Scott. Mr. B. O. Sands, Mrs. Sands. Miss M. E. Steven. Mr. D. KcoH. Mrs. Scott. Mrs. E. A. Skllllnir. Mrs. D. E. Steadman, Mrs. M. Smith, Mr. A. Scott, Mrs. Scott. Mr. R. A. K. Smith. Mr. R. Strrftton. Mr. L. Smvth, Miss E. Smith. Mr. A. Tait. Mr. L. C. 'Pavers. Mrs. M. F. Tucker. Mrs. M. Trotter. Mr. J. Trotter. Mrs. j. Trotter. Mr. W, T, Thongs. Jfrs. Thones Mr. "\V. S. Todd. Mrs. Todd. Miss M. Tate. Miss C r . T,. UnrterhlU, Mrs. A. Tt. Vari. Mr. J. ,T. Van Znvlen. Mr. TT. L. White. Mrs. G. AValker, Mr. WardAn, Misß ,T. Writrht. jrr. R. Woods. Mis# TC. Whitcombe. Miss .T Wilson. Miss B. Whitcombe, M"r. G.. M. White. Mrs. White Mrs. R. Woods. Miss Winter. Mrs. Wachitter Kaur, two children and two infants. M' s * T). V. Watson. Miss Y. L. Watson, Winternitz. E. ,T. Yeldham.

Tourist Class. —-Mr S. P. Alchin. Mrs. Alchin, Waster J. D. Alchin, Mrs. G. E. Alchin, Mr. A. M. Archer. Miss H. Armstrong, Miss B. Block, Mr. R. Bradley, Mrs. J. E. M. Blackett, Mrs. C. D. M. Beyer, Mrs. E. Butt, Mrs. M. E. H. Black, Mr. P. Bolton, Mrs. Bolton. Mr. A. D. Christie. Miss A. E- Crossliind, Mr. Christopher, Miss A. F. Cuttcn, Mr. W. J. Chisholm, Miss M. M. Coleman. Mr. D. C. M. Docker, Mr. AV. ,T. Dackers. Miss 15. Mr. B. H. Eastman. Mrs. Eastman. Mr. J. Evans, Mrs. Evans, Mr. 'J, JT. Ellis. Mrs. G. Ellis, Miss N. and Miss I. Ellis, Miss S. Foster. Mrs. K. M. Ferner, Mr. N. Ford, Mrs. C. J. Grieves. Miss A. Grieves. Mr. J." Gillick, Mr. D. Calvin, Mr. Gilmore, Mr. Gamble, Mrs. E. E. Hebblewaite. Miss C. M. Hebblewaite. Mrs. Holmes. Miss Holmes, Mr. R. M. Harris. Miss B. Henderson, Mrs. G. A. Hall, Miss C. Hall. Mr. B. E. Harniran, Mr. L. C. Harvey. Mr. G. F Halt. Mr. S. V. Hall. Mrs. D. K. Hill. Mr. ,T. Henderson, Miss M. Henderson. Miss B- Injrerson, Mr. A. Ingram, Mrs. Jaesrard, Miss .T. M. R. Johnston. Mrs. J. Kellihor, Mrs. C. Loriston-Clark, Mrs. J, A. Twister, Miss E. Lack, Mr. J. H. Lloyd. Mrs. Lloyd. Miss ,T. Lloyd, Miss P. Lassau. Mrs. D. C. Little, Mrs. M. E. Leadhetter. Mrs A. MurflH, Mrs. M. Morton. Mrs. M. H. Matches Miss A. Martin, Miss P. Morrison, Miss J. E. Morrison. Mrs, R. E. Mayall, Mrs. R. A. A. T\. M. 'Mathews Miss L. I\. Mathews, Mrs. M. Mackcy. Mr. W. S. Mason. Mrs. ,T. McCole. Mr. .T. McMahon, Miss .T. AlcGretror. Mrs. A. C. McMnrtrie, Mrs. .T. McCarthy. Mrs. M. G McYirar. Miss M. McDonald. Mrs. J. McLean. Mrs S. MeCnlley. Mr A. C. McMurtTie. Miss E. AfcNaroarft, Miss X. E. Al\ Nielsen. Mr. M. A, Patten, Miss E. Parker, Mr. G. E. ProlTitt. Mr. H. A Robertson. Mr. R. Tv. Robertson Mr. W. .T. Risdon. Mr. A. Reeve, Mrs. E. G. Robertson. Miss B. Robertson, Miss A. Ti. Robertson. Mr. W. .T. Rowland, Mr. A. Ranger Miss E. S. Robinson. Mrs, J. Smith. Miss E. B. Stock-dale Mr. R. Miss K. A. Scott,. Mr. Seaman Mr. T. AV, Snckree, Afrs. Snckree. Miss M. ShfrriiT. Mr. J. Smith. Mrs. E E. Strang, Mrs. S. At.. M. Str>n<r. Miss K. AL Storov, Mr. ami Mrs. Cmith ATrs. Turner. ATrs. Ts. E. >T. Tjdnwn. ATr. H. T,. Tidman. ATr. eml ATrs Tie-nev. Mr. AT. Vinlev. Mrs. E. AVfi<rer. Mr. ■•. t. Winstanlev. Mr. -T. E Mr. E -R. AVilrov ATrs. Wilcov. E. A. Y y -m' Mr. Williams ATis« T\. W»«sonMr«r A. AV. Woodboti 1 "* Mr. "We«t. Mr. R. William*. Air. AV. AValsli. Mis* ,T. Williams.

VESSELS. DUE TO-DAY Clvd'ebank, ,from Los Antrelrs, '1 p.m. Port Sydney, from C.ishorne, 5 p.m. Osthnv, from Wflllinsrton, noon. Clavmore, from Whanorarei. mornlnsr. Jtnntrinui, from TauraiiKa, morning. Tuhoe, from Pneroa, morning. Kawau, from ■ Mataknna, afternoon. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY Brisbane Marti, for Yokohama, afternoon. Olna, for Abadiin, 0.15 n.m. Kownnbank, for Wanirnnui, evening. Margaret W.. for. Easi Coast, afternoon. Coronation, for Whamrarei, 5 p.m. Tuhoe, fot Pacroa, A p.m. Kanßinnl, for Tauranpra, <t p.m. Claymoro, for Wlinnffarel. 5 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND Intkucouinui. and Coastal Pukeko, East Coast, May 11. Kakapo, Sydney, May it. Waipiala, Wellington, May 13. Aoranpri. Sydney.'May 10. Waimarino, Wellinßton, May 10. Matua, Suva, May 18. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND INTERCOLONIAL ANP OVEKSKAS Olna, Abadan, May 10. Brisbane Maru. Japan, May 10. Port Sydney. London. May 13. Monterey, Sidney, May 13. Kairanuru. Newcastle, May 13. Cedurbank. Sydney, May 10. Aorftmd, Vancouver. May 17. Mahia, London, May 17. Matua, Barotoiifira, May It). Muimoa, London. 'May 120. XinKnra, Sydney. May .**l. Kmrilre Star, London, May 31, Doric Star, London, June 1. Matakana, Londou, Juno 4.

' AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND . Wanganella, left Sydney May 7; due Wellington May 11; leaves Wellington May 112; due Sydney May 16. r Awatca. left Auckland May 0; due Sydney May* J2; leaves Sydney May 13; duo Wellington May 10. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE Niagara, leaves Vancouver May 11 j due Auckland May.aQ: leaves Auckland May 31: Uua Sydney June 1. , , , Aorangi, leave# • Syanoy May 12; due Auckland May 10; leaves Auckland May 1"; due Vancouver June 3. Monterey, left San Francisco April 20; arrives and leaves Auckland May 13; due Sydney May 10. , j Mariposa, left Sydney April 29; arrived, and / left Auckland May 2; due San Francisco May 17. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Rotorua, left London March 31; due Auckland May 12. Mataroa, left Southampton April 15; due Wellington May 18. Rcmuera, left London April 28; due Auckland June «1. Akaroa, leaves Southampton May 13; due Auckland June 10. UNION CARGO VESSELS Kairanga, leaves Auckland May 13 for Newcastle. Kakapo, left Sydney May 0 for Auckland and Napier. Kartigi, loads Westport about May 12 for Auckland, Kioreroa and Napier. Omana, loads Edithburg and Adelaide second half May. for New Plymouth, Auckland and Wellington, and Melbourne for NewPlymouth and Auckland. Waimarino. leaves Bluff May 10 for Dunrdin, Timaro. Lyttelton, Wellington and Auckland. . . „ Waipiata, leaves Lyttelton May 10 for .Wellington and Auckland. VESSELS IN PORT Calliope Dock—H.M.S. Achilles. Devonport—H.M.S. Philomel, H.M.S. Lewder, Olna (N.D.). Prince's Wharf—Kairanga (U.S.S.). Brisbane Maru (F.C.A.). Queen's Wharf—Coptic (L.D.N.). Central Wharf Port Hunter (F.C.A.), Eknaren (N.Z.S.). King's Wharf—Port Waikato (N.S.S.). Jiowanbank (8.P.C.), Margaret W. (F.C.A.). Western Wharf—Osthay (5.0.). In Stream —Nucula (N.D.). Chelsea —Cedarbank (SL.). The Shell Company's coastal tanker Paiia is expected here at tho end of this month. With Australian cargo the Union Company's steamer Kakapo is expected here from Sydney at three o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Arriving yesterday afternoon from Lyttelton, the Watchlin Line motor-ship Port Waikato berthed at King's Wharf. She will leave for Wellington and southern ports on Thursday. THE CEDARBAXk Now discharging sugar from Jam nt Chelsea the Bank Line motor-ship Cedarbnnk is expected to sail on Monday for Sydney. , THE ROWAN BANK The Bank Line steamer Rowanbank, discharging phosphate from Nauru Island at King's Wharf, is expected to sail to-night for Wanganui. COPTIC'S DEPARTURE The Shaw, Savill and Albion motor-shlp Coptic, loading for London at Queens Wharf, will now leave for Napier on Saturday afternoon to complete, EKNABEN'S DISCHARGE The Swedish motor-ship Eknaren, at Cert 1 fral Wharf, is scheduled to sail to-morrow afternoon for Wellington to continue discharging basip slag from Immingham. BUAHINE AND KANGIT AN E The New*" Zealand Shipping Company's liner Buahine left Wellington lint night for London, and the same company's liner Rangitane will also leave for London at daybreak to-morrow. THE TANKER OSTHAVV To discharge tO the Shell Company, the Norwegian tanker Osthay will arrivo from Wellington about noon to-day and berth at Western Wharf. She is expected to be in port until Friday afternoon, MONTEREY SOUTHBOUND, The Matson liner Monterey, en route from San Francisco, will clear Suva to-day for Auckland, where she is due at Beven o'clock on Friday morning. The Monterey will sail for Sydney at 10 o'clock the', same night. • - , . 1., ' SWARTENHONDT'S VISIT The South Pacific Line steamer Swartenhondt is expected here to-morrow from Singapore and Eastern ports. She will discharge at a city wharf and will remain there until Monday, when a berth will be available at Chelsea to unload a large quantity of sugar, I . THE PORT SYDNEY > Having cleared Gisborne for Auckland yesterday afternoon, the Port Line steamer Port Sydney will arrive late this afternoon and berth at Queen's Wharf to complete loading for London. She is expected to sail finally at the end of the week. EERBORG AND NORAVIND Two Norwegian motor-tankers, the Herborg, 7892 tons, and the Noravind, 8234 tons, have been announced to bring motorspirit to Auckland for the Shell Company next month. The Herborfr is due from Balik Papan on June, -t and the Noravind is expected from Singapore on June 20, I THE PORT GISBORNE The Port Line motor-ship Port Gisborne reached Bluff yesterday from Launceston, Tasmania, to begin loading for London. She should leave tomorrow for Auckland, where she will arrive on Saturday, and she will complete at Wellington, sailing finally for London, via Las Palmas, on May. 26. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— 1 . \ Auckland.—-HAtS. Endeavour, Awatea, Kakapo, Matua, Narbada, Clydebank. Hertford, Maimoa, Olivebank, Olna, JRotorua, Swartenhondt. . 1 Wellington.—Rangatira, Tamahine, Wahine, Omana, Dessau, Fordsdale, Mariposa, Mataroa, Monterey, Pakeha, Port Caroline, Port Dunedin, Rangitata, Remnera, Buahine, Tainui, Tamaroa, Westmoreland. Awarua.—Karetn, Waiana, Waitaki, Wanganella. James Cook. Triaster, Triona, Canadian Challenger, G. S. Walden, Brisbane Star, Doric Star, Kaipara, Maetsuycker. Mahia, Mooltan, Naniwa Maru, Ormond, Port Gisborne, Port Jackson, Queen Mary. PORT OF ONEHUNCA Yesterday's Arrivals.—Ronaki (S a.m.), from Hokianga. Yesterday's Departures,—Ronaki (6 p.m.), for Raglan and Kawhia. * BY TELEGRAPH

WELLINGTON.—May 0; Arrived—'Wainui (1.30 a.m.), from Auckland; Tees <3.5 a.m.). from Chatham Islands; Port Whangarei (7.20 a.m.), from Auckland; Fordsdale j (11.30 a.m.), from Auckland; Kaiwarra (1.40 .p.m.), from Westnort. Sailed—Nordanger (12.15 p.m.). for San Pedro; Totarn (4.15 p.m.). for Greymouth; Port "Whangarei (4.35 P.m.). for Lyttelton; Watnui (0.10 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Hblmlea (7 p.m.), for New Plymouth; Rangatim (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Holmglen (0 p.m.). for Lyttelton; Ruahinc (10 p.m.), for London; Dessau (10 p.m.). for New York; Port Caroline (11 p.m.), for London. LYTTELTON.—May 0: Sailel—Matai M.15 a.m.), for Akaroa; Karu (3.45 p.m.). for Wellington; Arawa (1.35 p.m.), for Dunedin; "Wahine (9.10 p.m.), for Wellington. DUNE DlN.—May 0: Arrived—Holuulale (7.50 a.m.). from "Wellington; Wainnhi (5.30 a.m.), from Wellington; Doric Star (4.15 p.m.), from Auckland. BLUFF.—May 0; Arrived—Paua (3.15 p.m.), from Wellington. SYDNEY.—May 0: Arrived—Kaipara, from Duncdin. NEWCASTLE.—May S; Arrived—Waiotapu, from Auckland. VANCOUVER.—May 6: Arrived—Niagara, from Auckland. CURACAO.—May 0: Sailed—'Turakina (Liverpool to Auckland); Surrey (London to Napier, in ballast), LONDON.—May S: Arrivedl—Northumberland, from Wanganui. LIVERPOOL. —May 7: Sailed—Port Hardy, for Auckland. GLASGOW.. —May .7: Arrived—Durham, from Wellington, via Londonc

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23033, 10 May 1938, Page 6

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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23033, 10 May 1938, Page 6

SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23033, 10 May 1938, Page 6