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. OFFERINGS AT WESTFIELD FIRM TONE MAINTAINED HIGHER BACONER PRICES Although the average rates were little changed, good quality entries in almost all classes showed a firming tendency at the Westfield fat stock sales yesterday. The best top price for some time was obtained for ox beef, while prime cows and heifers were again in demand. Sound sheep, well finished, realised full late quotations, and in the pig section baeoners showed an advance. Calves were auctioned at much the same prices. as last week. Quality was again not general in the offering of ox beef, and, although one line sold up to £l6 10s, there was no alteration in the average price of 39s per 1001b. Cow and heifer beef, however, was firm, and prime quality tended to be dearer under a keen demand to £ll 12s (3d, as against £ll last week. Quotations were from 22s to :355. Average Entry of Sheep In the.average entry of sheep there" was a proportion of inferior and unfinished lines which it was found difficult to quit. Buyers were chary of facial .eczema and sheep which showed any signs of the disease could not be auctioned at more than a shilling or two. However, the demand for sound entries was good, and, although the quality in general was barely up to that of lust week, late rates were maintained. Wethers realised to 33s (id, while ewes sold up to 245. A smaller entry of lambs was penned, and, while poor sorts wore dull of sale, the other lines were readily quitted. Prices to 27s Gd were obtained, a slight advance on the rates ruling l at the previous sale. Demand tor Small Prime Vealers Neither in, numbers nor in values did calves show a material change. Competition was keenest for small prime vealers, which were in fairly, short supply. Runners realised to £6 10s, while vealers were auctioned at prices ranging to £4 Bs. An improvement in the values for baeoners was the feature of the pig section. It was an average entry, but baeoners firmed under a brisk demand and sold at from 68s to 955. as against 67s to 89s last week. Porkers met a steady market. Baeoners averaged 6Jd per li). and porkers from 6d to 6jd. Comparison of Quotations The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Westfield fat stock sales: —• This Week Last Week BEEF (per 1001b.) — Extra choice ox 30/- 30/Choice and prime ox . . . . 31/- to 38/- 35/- to 38/-. Choice and prime cow and heifer 31/- to 35/- 30/- to 3<>/• Boner and rough 22/- to 31/- 23/- to 20/SIIEHP (per head) — Prime wethers 22/0 to 33/0 23/- to 31/0 Unfin. wethers 8/- to O 15/- to '22/Pritne ewes . 15/0 to '2l/- 15/- to 27/Unfln. ewes 2/0 to 10/0 2/0 to 14/Prinie lambs . 10/0 to 27/0 15/- to 27/3 Unfin. lambs . 5/- to 18/0 5/- to 14/ti CALVES (per head) — Runners * . . 40/- to 130/- 40/- to 120/Vealers .. 1/- to 88/- 3/- to 100/PIUS (per head) — Baeoners .. OS/- to 05/- 07/- to 89/Porkers .. 20/- to 00/- 24/- to 5»/Weaners .. 4/- to 8/- 3/- to 12/Slips .. ... «/• to 12/- 10/- to 18/Large stores . 1-1/- to 30/- 10/- to 28/Individual Consignments As eonipared with £l4 last week, top price for ox beef was £l6 10s, which was obtained "for au entry from Trewin Bros., of Marohemo. A line from the Tapuwae Estate, Poro-o-taroa, realised from £l2 os to £l3 12s 6d and prices to £l3 2s Gd were obtained by Sir. A. W. Allev, of Hikutaia. Bids to £l2 10s were taken for cattle from Mr. 8. H. Holme,s, of Maungaturoto, the Estate of Mrs. A. Muir, of Tuakau, and a Mangere vendor. A line from Matthews Bros., of Paengaroa, was marketed ' to £l2 os. Consignments from Mr. A. Orr, of Hoteo, and Mr. E. G. Brown, of Hinuera, brought to £lO 7s 6d, and £lO 2s 6d was the best offer for steers from Mr. E. Sandin, of. Helcnsvillc. Cows and heifers from the Matarawa Land Company, Tokoroa, realised to £ll 12s 6d, while £ll 7s 6d was the price for a line from Messrs. Thompson and Ernst, qf Whakatane. Entries from Mr. A. Clark, of Drrfrv, Smythe Bros., of Mauku, and Mr. J. Johnstone, of Manurcwa, were sold to £lO 17s 6d, and £lO 15s was obtained for cattle from Anderson Bros., of Milford, and a Mangere vendor. Mr. R. .Johnstone, of Manurewn, received to £lO os, £lO 2s, 6d was jobtnined for a Waiuku line and to £lO for pens from Mr. R. Hall, of Wiri. An entry from Mr. J. A. Hill, of Ohinewai, brought to £9 15s. Other quotable lines were auctioned for Mr. .J. Heardon, of Whakatane, and Mr. E. M. Wright, of Pukekohe, to £9 7s Gel; Mr. H. Windsor, of Matangi, Mr. J. Johnstone, of Manurewn, and a Waihi vendor to £9; Mr. W. J. Ellett, of Helcnsvillc, and Mr. P. A. Jensen, of Pokeno, to £8 los; and Mr. G. B. Fisher, of Mangere, to £8 10s.

DETAILS OF SALES AUCTIONEERS' REPORTSLOAN AND MERCANTILE The Kew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: Beef. —The yarding of heef was less than an u vera ire one. Competition was keen and values were very firm at late quotations. Extra choice ox sold to i'L Ills per loolb; choice and prime ox, i'l Its to £1 18s: ordinary and plain ox, 4.1 Ts to XI 13s; prime young cow and heifer heef, All lis to X't I (is; ordinary cow heef, i' 1 lis to £1 I Os. Extra heavy prime steers, to £l<i ins; heavy prime steers, CM lo ill 15s; lighter prime steers, £ I'J lo £l3 Lis; light prime steers. 110 to I'll 1 ."is; plain and small, £7 10s to CO ins; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO to £lO 17s (id; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £S to £!> I.">s; lighter, £7 to £7 17s (ids light, £5 10s to £(i 17s (id; aired and plain finished cows. £3 15s to £5 ss. Shoep.—We had an average eittrv of sheep which met with a steady demand, with values about the same. The quality generally was not up lo last week. Heavy prime wethers, i'l lis (id to CI I3s; medium prime wethers, 41 »s foil lis; light prime wethers, CI (is ta i'l Ss Hd; small and unfinished wethers, i'l 2s to i'l 5s (id; other wethers. 17s to i'l Is; heavy prime ewes. .CI Us to i'l Is. medium prime ewes X'l Is to i'l 'Js tul, light prime ewes. ISs to i'l 0s Md; just killable ewes, 1 lis (id to 17s: other ewes. Is upward. Lambs in average numbers sold at late quotations. Extra lieavy prime, £1 (is to i'l 7s (id; heavy prime, i'l 4s to i'l 5s 0d; medium prime, £1 Is to £1 3s (id: light prime, 18s to £t Os »d; unfinished, best, l'_» 9 (id to 10s (id, others, Ss to 12s: very poor, is upward. Pigs.—We had an average yarding of pigs. Competition was keen and values were firmer, especially for baroners. Choppers sold from £1 to £1 Ss; heavy and medium baconers, from i':t 18s to £1 13s; light baconers and heavy porkers, from £3 Ss to £3 Ids; medium porkers and light porkers, from £2 (is to £3 (Is; small, £1 10s to £'2 ss. There was a poor demand for store pigs and values remained at, late quotations. Large stores, £1 to £1 10s; slips, Ss to 17s; weaners, Is to Os. Calve#.—We again had a large entry of calves. Small vealers brought better competition and heavy vealers were hard of sale. Values were 011 n par with last week's quotations. Runners, £2 to ,CS los for an outstanding heifer; heavy vealers, £3 lps to £-1 8s; medium, £3 (Is to £3 Ids; light, £<3 to £3 3s; smaller, £2 8s to £2 18s; small, £1 10s to £2 (is; rough calves, 15s to £1 fis: fresh dropped to month-old, 5s to £1 Bs. ALFRED. BUCKLAND AND SONS Alfred Buckland and Sons Limited, reports 011 the salo as follows: Beef.—We penned fat cattle to the number of 210 head, ns compared with 11)0 head last week, comprising 07 steers and 118 cows and heifers. The quality of the ox beef was not up to the usual standard, while that of the cows was good. The demand for prime ox was steady, but slacker for plain steers. Competition for prime oows was keen and

values showed a tendency to improve. Extra choice ox gold to Cl 19s per 1001b; choice and prime, £1 l(Js to £1 ISs; secondary und plain, XI 12s to £1 lis; prime young cow and heifer beef. £1 13s to £1 15s; I ordinary cow beef, £1 2s to £1 Vs. No extra heavy prime steers were offered. Heavy prime steers made £ll 15s to £l3 2s fid; lighter prime steers, £ll to £ll 10s; light prime steers, £lO to £lO 10s; small and unfinished steers, £0 to £1) 15s; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO to £ll 12s (id, for an extra prime Shorthorn heifer sold on account of the Mntarawa Land Company, Tokoroa; heavy prime cows and heifers. £7 10s to £ft 15s; lighter prime cows and heifers, £5 15s to £0 10s; other killable cows, £3 5s to £ 1 17s (Jd. Sheep.—We had an extra heavy yarding of sheep, including some extra good quality wethers. The demand for prime aualit.v was steady, with values very firm on last week's prices, while plain and unfinished sheep were again very dull of sale. A total of 1052 I sheep was sold. Extra heavy prime wethers. CI 12s to £1 13s (id; heavy prime wethers, £1 lis (id to £1 l is; medium to heavy prime wethers, £1 (is (id to £1 8s (id; light to medium prime wethers, x - l 2s Od to £1 5s (id; unfinished wethers. 15s (id to 105; extra heavy prime young ewes £1" 2s (id to £1 Ms (id; heavy prime ewes. Ids to £1 Is <!d; lighter prime ewes, 15s (id .to 18s; other killable ewes, Us to 15s 3d' other ewes, 2s (id to J (Is. Lambs.—We had a smaller yarding of lambs, and all prime quality entries met with a ready demand at last week's values. Plain and unfinished lambs were very hard to dispose of. No extra heavy prime lambs were penned. Heavy prime limbs, £1 Is to CI 5s (id: lighter pr : me lambs, i'l 2s to £1 3s (id: light prime lambs. His 'iu to £' Is- small and plain lambs. 5s to lis (id. A (otal of 107 lambs was sold. | Calves.—We had an average yarding of calves. There was a steady demand throughout. and values were on a par with last week's quotations. Slnnll prime vcalers were again in short supply, and competition for this class was exceptionally keen. Extra heavy prime runners, £5 7s 3d to £0 Ids; other runners. £3 10s to £5; heavy prime vealers, £3 18s to £1 Ss; medium, £3 8s to £3 15s; light, £2 10s to £3: smaller. £1 15s to £2 8s; unfinished and bucket fed calves, £1 to £1 lis; hobby and rough calves, 3s to 10s. A total of 185 caives was sold. Pigs.—We had a smaller offering of pigs. Baconers were in particularly good request and our quotations for these show an advance. Porkers sold readily nt prices fully equal to and in some cases better than recent rates. Choppers made £1" 15s to £4 ■Os, according to weight; heavy prime baconers. £1 Os to £1 15s, for three extra good pigs from Messrs. Ainbury's. Limited. Mange re Farm; medium baconer*, £3 ISs to £4 2s; light. £3 Os to £3 15s; heavy porkers, C2 15s to £3; medium. £2 5s to £2 Os; light £2 to £2 2s; unfinished and small, .CI (is to £\ l is; stores. I Is'to £1 4s; slips, Os to 12s; weaners, -Is to Bs. Baconcrs averaged o%d per lb, and porkers (id to GV-id per lb. A total of 50-1 pigs was sold. „ DALGETY AND COMPANY Daliret.v and Company, Limited, reports on the snle as follows: Beef,—Our offering of beef totalled 135 head, comprising 10 steers and 125 cows and heifers, as against 108 head last week. The demand throughout was good and we have to report, a keen sale at firm late rales. Extra choice ox sold to 3!is per loolb; choice and prime ox, 30s to 38s; just killable, 32* to 355; prime young cow and heifer beef, 32s to 355; just killable, 23s to 31s. Heavy prime steers, £l3 to £l3 12s (id, for steers from Tapuwae Estate; lighter prime steers, £ll 15s to £l2 15s; light prime steers, £lO 10s to £ll IO»; small and unfinished steers, £0 to £lO ss; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers. £lO to £ll 7s (Id, for cows sold on account ol Messrs. Thompson and Ernst. Whakatane; heavy prime cows and heifers. £8 10s to £0 15s; lighter prime cows and heifers, £7 to £8 ss; light prime cows. £({ to t'G 17s (>d; other killabie cows, £ I to C 5 15s. Sheep.—Sheep again came forward in average numbers, and. with the demand i?ood for well-finished lines, values ruled firm at late rates. Unfinished sheep, however, were not in demand and were dull of sale. Extra heavy prime wethers. £1 12s to £1 13s; heavy prime, £1 10s (id to £1 lis (id; medium, £1 8s to £1 10s; light and unfinished. CI -Is to Ct 7s (id; heavy prime ewes. 10s (id <o 21s; lighter, 17s jto 10s; other ewes, 12s to 10s Od'.

Lambs.—A small entry of lambs of mixed quality came forward. Prime.sorts sold readily at full late rales, while plain and unfinished lines were dull of sale. Heavy prime lamb, 23s to 24 s Gil; medium, 'JIs (a 22s Od; lighter,-1 its to £1 Os Od; light, 10s to 18s (id. Calves,—Our offering of calves was a small one. The sale was very' patchy, with values ruling on about a par with late rates. Heavy vealers, £3 lf>s to £1 ."is; medium, £3 -Is to JL'U 12s; light, ,C2 10s to £3; smaller, £1 to £2 Os; unfinished and bucket-fed, 17s to 3.25; bobby and rough, 4s to :10s.

Pigs.—A full yarding of fat pigs was offered. Haconers were keenly sought and values improved on Inst week s rates by' 2s to :5s per head Porkers sold steadily at values very firm on late rates. Choppers sold to £3 3s; heavy baconers. £4 os to £4 13s; medium, £3 10s to tl 2»; light, £3 Os to £3 ITs; heavy porkers, £2 13s to £2 10si medium, £2 4s to £2 os; light, £1 18s to £2 2s; small and unfinished. £1 5s to £ l 15s. ADDINGTON MARKET LARGE ENTRY OF SHEEP [BY TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION'] CHRISTCHUHCH, Wednesday There were overflow entries in most sections at to-day's weekly Addington market. \ ulues for fat sheep and cattle lost the advance recorded last week. About 0000 store sheep were penned. Chatham Island ewes and wethers being included. The best of the wethers made to 22s 2d and the best ewes to 235. Ewes were not as well-conditioned as usual. Local station wethers made to 21s. but most of the local ewes were old and failing-mouthed, selling at from 7s Od to 12s (id, . with good sorts of two-tooths from 25s to 2Ks and sound-mouthed from 17s to 10s for good conditioned. Old ewes made extremely low prices. Fat lambs: A larger entry of about 2000 head was sold under active competition at export- rates. Fat -sheep: A heavy penn'ng of fully 7000 good wethers showed little change on recent sales, hut ewes lost the sharp advance recorded at last ue( kV small market. Best wethers made from 28 s to 325; tops, to 345; good mediumweights, 25s to 275; light down to 10s. Prime ewes sold from 18s to 225; a few tops to 30s; medium. 15s to 17s (id; light down to Ids. Fat rattle: A total of 040 were penned, but, in spite of the oversupply, there was not a pronounced easing for quality sorts. Unfinished steers and backward cows and heifers were easier by about 15s a head. Best beef made from 34s (id to 375; good, to 335; medium, to 20s (id; cow beef, down to 235. The best price for steers was £lO to £l7, with tops to £lB 2s (id. Good steers made {'l3 to £ls and ordinary down to £0 Ids. Best heifers sold at from £lO to £ll 10s. with tops up to £l3. Cows sold for best sorts from C!) to £ll Ids. with tops to £l2 12s (Id. while Indifferently-conditioned made from £5 to £6. Fat pigs: Porkers were easier, selling from 'OV«d to o'/«d. Baconers about maintained values, making from Od to 6V,d. Store pigs met with one of the poorest sales for years, weaners making from is Gd to 8s "for the best. NGATEA CATTLE VALUES The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, reports having held a sale at Xgatea, when a medium entry of cattle wan penned. The values were on n par with late local values. Prices:—Fat Shorthorn and Polled Angus cross cows made from £5 10s to £7; light fat Polled Angus cross heifers, to £5 2s Od; fat Jersey cows, £4 Is to £5 Is; boner cows, £2 4s to £3 17s; potter bulls. £5 7s (id TAUMARUNUI VALUES [RY TELEGRAPH —OWN CORRESPONDENT] T AUMARI" X UI, AVcd n eida y Dalgety and Company, Limited, reports having held a supplementary cattle sale at the laumarunui saleyards, where a fair yarding of run cattle was offered to local and outside buyers. A bigger yarding was anticipated, but, chic to the heavy rains experienced during the past few days, vendors were unable to market their stock, owing to floods in mnny districts. The yardinc was not up to the standard of previous sales, few pens of either breeding cows or run steers of good quality being in evidence. Fair prices resulted, considering the quality of the offering and practically a tofal clearance was made under the hammer. A small yarding of pigs was also offered, hut, due to the lateness of the dairying season, prices were down slightly. Quotations were:—Fat cows: Polled Angus cows, £1 13s to £5 3s; Jersey cross, £3 to £-1 ss; breeding cows, Polled Angus, £3 10s to £4 28; poor and in low condition. £1 10s to £2 15s; Shorthorn cross. £3 10s to £-1 Is; poor, £1 10s to £2 10s; cows and calves, £3 to £3 12s, two and a-half-yenr-old Shorthorn cross steers. £0 lis; two and a-half-year-old Polled Augua steers, £0 15s; IS-months-old Polled Angus steers,. £5 2s; IS-months-old Shorthorn cross steers, £2 8s to £1; steer calves. £ l Ss to £2; dairy cows. £4 Os Od to £5 2s Od. KEEN BIDDING AT TE PUKE [UV TELEGRAPH—OWN CORRESPONDENT] • V TE PUKE. Wednesday The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, reports that it held a salo at Te Puke. There was a good yarding of cattle and pigs. The competition lor cattle was keen and n total clearance was effected at advanced rates. ' Pigs, although penned in good numbers, were mostly Unfinished, but all sold at good prices. Prices:— Cattle: Heavy fat cows made ftoiit £0 Oslo £'•" 10s; medium fat cows, £4 15s to £6 r>s; heavy boners, £3 15s to £4 10s; lighter boners, £2 10s to £3 10s; store cows, £3 10s to ,C 4 sa; three and four-year Holstein and Shorthorn steers, £0 15s to £7; two-year Shorthorn steers, £4 15s to £5 is; heavy potter bulls, 65 3s to .£<>; light potter bulls, £2 10s to £3. Pigst Medium fat baconers, £3 7s to £3 lis; light fat baconers, £3 to £3 (is; heavy porkers, £2 12s to £2 18s; medium porkers, £1 18s to £2 10s; light porkers, 28s to 365; stores, 21s to 2Gs; slips, 13s to 19s 6d; weaners, 8s to 12sj choppers, 38s to £2 10a.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23023, 28 April 1938, Page 9

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FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23023, 28 April 1938, Page 9

FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 23023, 28 April 1938, Page 9