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GOOD FIELDS LISTED WIN AND PLACE BETTING review of the prospects CHANCES OF BEXLEY GIRL The Thames Trotting Club's meet' tog will bo held at Pnrawni to-dav, when the good fields engaged should provide some very interesting contests. The win' and place system of betting will he used and there should bj sufficient runners for three place dividends in each race. Following are details of the fields, with a review of the prospects in each . race by " Abaydos:"— 11.45—HIKUTA1A HANDICAP, Of £130: limit 3.5 1% miles ■ A*nes Dintrcn . Lt. Reyola ... Lt. Blue Crest . Lt. Sports Queen Lt. Bonny Pointer Lt. Terraplane Lt. Captain Scott . Lt. Tommy Concliff Maid -. Lt. McElwyn . Lt. Harlow .... Lt. Transwell . . . I>t. Isabella Pointer Lt. Trauan .... Lt. Jewel Crest . Lt. Vanora .... Lt. John's Last . Lt. "Wall Street . . Lt. Lady Potts . . Lt yds bhd Ratepayer . Lt. Forest Jewel 12 Bracket: Sports Queen and Terraplane. The recent good displays of Captain ficott, Lady Potts. Vanora, Transwell, Ratepayer and Forest Jewel should give them useful prospects. Isabella Pointer. .Fohn's Last, Jewel Crest and Trauan are likely improvers. The main fancies, may be CAPTAIN SCOTT, VANORA, LADY POTTS. 12.30—PARAWAI HANDICAP, ©f £130: trotters; limit 3.19; l l / 2 miles Barney Bingen Lt. Riptide • . Lt. Elliotvale • .- • Lt. yds bhd Flash Bye . . Lt. Worthy Lu . 12 Leeleeta . • • • Lt. Real Red 3« Masterman 7 . • Lt. Querida . 48 Moira Biniren . Lt. Within .... 4S Native Worry . Lt. Corona Bell . f>o Kelson Carbine Lt. Grand Triumph 72 Nelson's Last . Lt. Win Hnon . . 72 Otawa Lass . Lt. Dllfashion . . . 108 Bracket: Barney Binpren and Win Hiion. Native Worry has some form and Worthy Lu only needs to go solidly t be dangerous. Corona Bell is very solid, while Within, Real Red, Querida. Grand Triumph and Win Huon are capable of good displays. Moira Bingen, Leeleeta tfnti Elliotvale may show improvement. Most support may be for ' 'CORONA BELL. WORTHY LU, NATIVE WORRY. I.IO—TURUA BRACELET, Of £l5O and trophy valued at £l6i limit 4.50: 2 miles Mandalay . . . Lt. yds bhd Transwell • • . Lt. Bronze Queen 48 yds bhd Kaitawa ... 48 Our Summer . 12 Petite Jewel . 48 Roman Chief . 30 Our War ... 60 "Wraekless . 38 Uenuku .... 72 Bedford ■ . 48 Derby Lu . . . 84 Mandalay is in good form and Roman Chief and Wraekless stay well. Bedford is regaining form and Bronze Queen is - racing consistently. The distance should »uit Petite Jewel and Our War is a possibility. Uenuku is a brilliant three-year-old and- should go well. Favourites day be / UENUKU, BRONZE QUEEN. . 'PETITE JEWEL. I.6O—THAMES TROTTING CUP. ©t £225 and trophy valued at £25; limit 4.47; 2 miles Lad.v Amanda . Lt. yds bhd Mute <T.), . . . I.t. Bexle.y Girl 48 True Trust ■ . It. Chili Bean . 48 yis bid Gay Sister . . 48 Bismuth 12 Policy ... 48 Cherrill , . 12 Royal 4S Baron Grand 24 Great Chum 72 Brackets: True Trust and Royal Jewel, Bexley Girl and Chili Bean. Mute is a solid trotter with useful prospects and Cherrill is returning to form. Baron Grand has shown ability at two miles and Bexley Girl has a first and second at the distance. Chili Bean, Policy and lioval Jewel have fine form at a mile and a-half. Gay Sister and Great Chum both stay well. In a good pool the order may be BEXLEY GIRL-CHILI BEAN Bracket, f BARON GRAND. POLICY. 2.3O—PURIRI HANDICAP. Of £130; limit, 3.43; 1% miles Blae Crest . . Lt. Ratepayer . Lt. Bonny Pointer . Lt. Reyola .... Lt. Concliff Maid ■ Lt Sports Queen . Lt. Harlow . . . Lt. Terraplane Lt. Isabella Pointer Lt. Tommy Jewel Crest . . Lt. McElwyn Lt. John's Last Lt. Vanora .. . Lt. Lady Potts . . Lt. Wall Street Lt. Equipoise , . Lt. Winhisway Lt. Marcus .'. . Lt. yds bhd Neon Oro . . Lt. Forest Jewel . . 12 Brackets: John's Last and Marcus, Sport* Queen and Terraplane. Earlier form should give a line on the chances of many, including Lady Potts, Vanora, Isabella Pointer. Ratepayer, John ; s Last. Jewel Crest and Forest Jewel. ■ Fresh ones. Neon Oro, Top Hand and W inhiswny. should add interest. The best supported may be LADY POTTS. ISABELLA POINTER. RATEPAYER. 3.IS—PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP. Of £150; trotters; limit, 5.2; 2 miles Elliotvale . Lt. yds bhd Letlnta [,t. Corona Bell 21 Masterman . . Lt. Grand Triumph 30 Nelson's 'Last Lt. Win Utioii ... 30 Otawa. Lass Lt Nelson Chief 00 Real Red Lt. Pink Lady 00 Worthy Lu . Lt. Dilfnshlon ?l . yds hhri Reception 00 Within . , 112 Great Sonoma 132 -Real R&l and Worthy Lu should go ■well and Wit lull and Corona Bell are handily placed. Grand Triumph and Pink Lady have won at the distance and Will Huon, Nelson Chief and Re- , eeption are not without prospects. Host support may be for GRAND TRIUMPH. PIXK LADY, /' WITHIN 3.SS—KEREPEEHI HANDICAP. Of £135: limit. 3.1; IV* miles Adversity, Lt. yds bhd Captain Scott . Lt. Roman Chief 24 Hlllcrest . Lt. Wraekless . . '-1 Juju McElwyn . Lt Bedford . 30 Kete Kura . Lt. Bronze Queen 30 Olax . Lt, Kaitawa . . . 30 Our Summer Lt. Petite Jewel 30 Tangaroa Lt. Uenuku Bracket: Captain Scott and Wraekless. their earlier displays should be a guide for Uenuku, Petite Jewel. Kaitawa, Broir/,c Queen. Bedford, Wruck«ss, Roman Chief and Captain Scott. Tanguroft has good prospects and Adversity iuis a fair record. Kete Kura and Hillcrest are recent winners should improve. Fancies may 'Delude HILIX'REST. , ADVERSITY, KKTK Kill?A. <MS~ KOPU HANDICAP, Of 1150; limit, 2.50; 11/I 1 / miles Bedtord Lt yds bhd Bismuth Lt. Baron Grand 12 yjerrill . Lt. Haudicapper . 12 • .Bf'by Lu . . Lt Mountain Flight 12 m 'VKing Country Lt Parrish Belle ' ; Amanda . Lt (T.) ■ • 12 "War . Lt. Sarsfield . 24 MfflWyriy Lass Lt. Sandusky . . 2-1 ; Kfljal Palm Lt Frank Best . JO PjfSPwsivt Lt Royal Jewel 36 Trust Lt. Sir Frank . «o ■ByßfUfcets: cherrill and Spessiva, True and /Royal Jewel, Royal Palm and Mountain Flight and filan-

Tho shorter distance should sail True Trust and Cherrill, while King Country may go well. Baron Grand should bo dangerous and Mountain I'light is back to form. Handicappei may Surprise and Sandusky may be in the picture. The trotter Parrish Belle h capable of a, sound effort and Koyal Jewel and Sir Frank are smart. Investors may prefer BARON GRAND, MOUNTAIN FLIGHT - SANDUSKY Bracket, TRUE TRUST-ROYAL JEWEL Bracket. CARTERTON EVENTS PROSPECTS FOR TO-DAY WAIRARAPA COUNTY CUP CHANCES OF LUCULLUS LAD i he single pool system of betting will be used at the Carterton Racing Club's meeting to-day. Telegraphing last evening tho Heuat/d's correspondent stated that tho weather prospects were good. Horses likely to be well supported in their engagements were:— Maiden Plate.—Piastre, Girl Pat, Allluetic. Carrington High-weight Handicap.— Sunee, Umpire, Lady Siegfried. Wairarapa County Cup.—Lucullus Lad, Good Sun, Cricket. Carterton Hack Handicap.—Conversion. Aloa, Quake. Gladstone Handicap.—Accomplice, Lord Quick, Rockingham. Bunny Memorial Handicap.—Roaming, Buster Brown, Myriam Electrio Hack Handicap.—Conversion, Free Gold, Diamond Cutter. Taratahi Hack Handicap.—Trebor, Quake, Accomplice. Acceptances:— 12.15—MAIDEN PLATE, Of £80; special weights; 6 fur. AUmetic Rapota Doctor Defoe Lady Baron Girl Pat Piastro Great Ques Valiant Protectress White Lady 12.55—CARRINGTON HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, Of £100; 1 mile and 80yds st. lb. at. lb. Sunee .... n l Southern Umpire ... 10 8 Blood ..95 Lady Siegfried 10 7 Laggard ..90 Spender ... 10 3 Twilight Song 9 0 Lord Quick . 10 3 Camilla Horn 9 0 Greek Anna . 9 0 I.3S—WAIRARAPA COUNTY CUP, Of £150; l'A miles st. lb. st. lb. Lucullus Lad 9 0 Good Sun . . 7 10 Hazoor .... 8 9 Cricket ... 7 9 Helen Ford . 712 Impersonator 7 0 2.IS—CARTERTON HANDICAP. Of £100; 6 fur. st. lb. st. lb. Alloa .... 9 5 Dancing Flame 8 l Quake ... 8 10 Trebor ... 7 13 Conversion ..88 Money Raid . 7 12 Gay Artist . 8 6 Ilion .... 7 0 2.SS—GLADSTONE HANDICAP, Of £100: l mile and 80yds gt. lb. st. lb. Lord Quick . 8 12 Rockingham . 8 0 Spender ... 8 11 Sunbeam ... 7 4 Accomplice . 8 8 Twilight Song 7 0 Galteemore . 8 7 Mowgli ... 7 0 Lustral .... 8 fi 3.3S—BUNNY MEMORIAL. HANDICAP, Of £120; 7 fur. st. lb. st. lb. AhJDga'n 8 7 Liane .... 8 0 Roaming . . 8 7 Mister Qucx 7 8 Myriam . . .. 6 2 Bun Fight . 7 0 Buster Brown 8 1 Umpire ... 7 0 4.IS—ELECTRIC HANDICAP. Of £100; 5 fur. " Diamond . Jewish Lad 7 7 Cutter ". 9 0 Girl Pat .. 7 8 Sunny Blonde 8 11 Alimetic ... 7 2 Conversion . 810 Quexona ..70 Freo Gold . 8 9 Ilion .... 7 0 Hunting Spy 7 8 Kurrawong 7 0 4.SS—TARATAHI HANDICAP. Of £100; 7 fur. st. lb. st. lb. Alloa 9 4 Revival ... 7 4 Quake ... 8 0 Southern Accomplice • 8 7 Blood ... 7 4 Trebor .... 7 12 Rowana ... 7 0 Sunbeam -.74 EPSOM HORSES A STRONG CONTINGENT DEPARTURE FOR THAMES A number of Epsom horses left for Thames yesterday afternoon, the following trainers being represented:— S. M. August, Groat Chum, Equipoise and Top Hand; L. Laver, Great Sonoma and Querida; D. O. Jones, Hillcrest, Mandalay and Agnes Bingen; J. Gee, Blue Crest and Kaitawa; L. Mitchell, Forest Jewel; L. J. Mahonev, Vanora; W. C. Willotts, Jewel Crest; D. Smith, Bedford; \V. H. Andrews, Petito Jewel and Frank Best; A. McGarr.v, Bismuth; G. H. Stubbs, Handicapper; 13.. Dyer, Pink Lady; and G. Cole, Olnx. w The contingent is fairly strong and although the opposition from other training centres is very solid, the Epsom horses should bo prominent it they run up to latest track form. Great Chum, the only representative in {.he Thames Trotting Cup, has shown his true form twice previously at Parawai, where Mandalay and Bedford have also been successlul. Handicapper was second to Xau'ton Parrish in the sprint at the spring meeting on the course, and Querida, before winning, was twice placed there. Petite Jewel, Hillcrest and Pink Lady are others who have winning form to their credit while Vanora, Forest Jewel, Jewel Crest and Kaitawa have been placed. C. G. Lee, who trained at Epsom until a few weeks ago, has a useful team, including tho fine trotter Parrish Belle, who should go very well with the pacers in the Kopu Handicap, Trauan, Tangaroa and the promising youug trotter Leeleta. SCRATCHINGS POSTED Scratching posted for the lhames Trotting Club's meeting to-day are Equipoise in the Hikutaia Handicap and Top Hand in the Puriri Handicap. Rx\CING FIXTURES March 12 —Cromwell Jockey Club. March 12—Opunake Racing Club. March 12— Carterton Racing C' ub ' March 17, lO—Ohmemuri Jockey Club March 17, in—Wellington Racing Club. March 23, 20 —Oamaru Jockoy Club. March 25, 20 —Manawatu Racing Club. March 26 —Birchwood Hunt Club. \lareh '_>« !28—Bay of Plenty Racing Club. March .'U April 2—Hawke's Bay Jockey Club. \pril 2—Stratford Racing Club. April I—Matamata Racing Club, k'ril o—Waimale Racing Club »riril 8, 9 —Whangarei Racing Club. A,,ril 9. 11 —Westport Jockey Club. April o—Dannevirke Racing Club (at WaiA.pril t>U 9—Otautau Racing Club. April 10 —Tuapeka County J° ck ®y Club. Anril 10 —Greymonth Jockey Club. \pril 10, 18— Wairarapa Racing Club. April 10, 18—Auckland Racing Club. April 10, 18 —Feilding Jockey Club. April 1«. ia 1f> —Riverton Kacing Club. April 18. 19 —CanterburyJJockey Club. April 18—Kumara Racing Club. April is—Waipukurau Jockey Club. April 18—Beaumont Eacing Club.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22985, 12 March 1938, Page 11

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TROTTING PROSPECTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22985, 12 March 1938, Page 11

TROTTING PROSPECTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22985, 12 March 1938, Page 11