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SWIMMING EVENTS AUCKLAND GIRLS' GRAMMAR M. BROWN SENIOR CHAMPION The nnnunl swimming sports of the Auckland Girls' Grammar School were held at the Shelly Bench Baths yesterday. The senior championship was won hy M. Brown, while D. Stead took the intermediate title. The successful junior was .1). Phillips. Following were the results: Novice Races.—A.: L. .Arbnthnot, lj O. Anderson, 2; B. Blomfield, .'i. B.: M. Sexton, 1; S. Palmer, 2j J. McKenzie, 3. C'.: E. Williamson, :i-j C. McKinstry, 2; .T. Steel, 3. D.: L. I'irret, 1; E. Stainbridge, 2j I\. Olds. :t. E.: B. Dryland, 1; S. Corney, 2; B. Saunders, 3. l'\: S. Bryant, 1; M. llalstcad, J. Freeman, 3. G.: E. Moore, 1 ; G. Robinson, A. Littlo and S. Neville, dead-heut, y. Upper School Championship, TfiYds.—M. Brown, 1; J. Wright, 2; M. Davenport, y. Time, o I 1-os. Middlo School Championship, TuTds.—D. Stead, 1; J. Tlarre, 2; J. Xicholls, 3. Time, (J2 1-uS. Lower School Championship, 50Yds. —D. Phillips, 1; H. Gold, 2; B. Wish, 3. Time, 3D 1-oS. Xcat .lump.—A.: A. Carr, 1; J. Waiters, 2; .1. Johnston, 3. B.: M. Jo'unson, lj B. Rielly, 2; P. James, a. C.: J. Snowling, 1; D. Shove, 2; J. MiTndoo, 3. D.i J. Hollingshead, 1; S. Collier, 2; M. Halslead, 3. E.; Y. Smith, 1; W. Waite, 2; C. McDougail, 3. Back Races.—A.: M. Brown, 1; J. Wright, 2; J. Richardson, 3. B.: J. Leather, 1-, J. Harre, 2; B. Dryland, 3. School Championship, 75Yds.—M. Brown, 1; D. Stead, 2. Time, oO 3-r>s. Open Races. —A.: M. Brown, 1; M. Coates, 2; L. Arbuthnot, 3. B.: J. Wright, 1: M. Davenport, 2; X. Kerr, 3. C.: B. Woods, 1; L. Brown, 2j B. Wish, 3. D.: D Maiden, 1; 1. Xicholls, 2; S. Bryant, 3. Xcat Header. —A.: M. Davenport. 1; L. Brown. 2; M. Johnson, 3. B: P. James, .1; L. Pirrct, 2; B. Woods, 3. C.: U. Evans, 1; C. Green, 2; I. Xicholls, 3. Umbrella Races. —A.: M. Brown, 1; J. Richardson, 2; R. Phillips, 3. B.: J. WriKht, 1; X. Kerr, 2. C : J. Leather, 1; B. Hicks, 2; W. Waite, 3. Running Dive. —J. Wright, 1; M. Davenport, 2; D. Phillips, 3. Balloon Races. —A.: C. Eshelby, 1. B.: S. Neville, 1; B. Saunders, 2; E. Way good, 3. | Kgg and Spoon Races.—A.: M. Brown, 1; J. Richardson, 2; M. Adams, 3. B.: X*. Kerr, 1; N. Knight, 2; A. Mayer, 3. C.: J. Leather, 1-, B. Hicks. 2; B. Woods. 3. D.: M. Halstead, 1; S. Collier, L Brown, 3. Breastslroke Races.—A.: M. Brown, 1; J. Wright, 2; M. Adams, 3. B.: B. Wish, lj D. Stead. 2; M. Hunt, 3. C.: I. Xicholls, 1; E. Price, 2; J. Ferguson, 3. Consolation Race. —S. Smeed, 1; R. Shaw, 2; L. Hopwoocl, 3. Relav Races. —Upper School: Y. 82, 1. Middle School: 1V.82, 1. Lower School: 111.C0m.8, 1. „ , Championship Relay Race (Walrond Cup). —V.B2. ST. CUTHBERT'S COLLEGE ANNUAL COMPETITIONS The St. Cuthberfs College held its annual swimming carnival in the college baths yesterday. A largo attendance of parents and friends witnessed some interesting racing. The championships resulted as follows: Senior: E. Howie, 24 points, 1; H. Lyness, 16, 2: J. Howie. 14, 3. Intermediate: S. Blomfield, 21, 1: T. Steroing, Tt, 2; E. Mayhill, 5, 3. Junior: P. Darrow, 10, 1; M. Armstrong, !), 2; M. Luyke, 8, 3. The house points were as follows:—Dunblane. 72%. 1; Melrose, 66, 2; Elgin, 02. 3. Following were the results: — _ Age Championships.—Under eight*. M. Fuller, 1; D. Sanderson, 2; H. Mackenzie, 3. Eight and nine: J. Macky, 1; M. Armstrong. 2: J. Wells. 3. Ten and 11: T. Sterling, .1; M. Luyke, 2; B. White, 3. Twelve and 13: J. Shaw, 1; P. Newcombe, 2: J. Elliffe, 3. Fourteen and ;I5: H. Duncan, 1; H. Lyness, 2; J. Phillips, 3. Sixteen and over: E. Howie, 1; J. Howie, 2; J. Callani, 3. Breaststroko. —Upper school: E. Howie, 1; H. Lyness. 2; M. Boyes. 3. Middle school: S. Blomfield, 1; P. Prosser. 2; D. Power, 3. Lower school: P. Darrow, I; M. Luyke, 2; B. White, 3. „ „ Backstroke.—Upper school: B. Colliding, 1: E. Howie, 2: I. Henderson, 3. Middle schools E. Mayhill. 1; S. Blomfield, 2; G. Harris, 3. Lower school: P. Darrow, 1; J. Wells, 2; J. Macky, 3. Beginners' Dive.—J. Stormont, 1; P. Brodziack, 2; J. Hardlcy. 3. _ _ Novice Race. —J. Tucker, 1; G. Ivory, 2r A. Salmon, 3. . House Relays.—Senior: Dunblane, lj Elgin, 2; Melrose, 3. Junior: Dunblane, 1; Elgin, 2; Melrose, 3. ... ~ , Lower School Championship.—M. Luyke, 1; M. Armstrong, 2; N. Clark, 3. Middle School Championship.—S. Blomfield, 1; U. Fuller, 2; P. Prosser, 3. Upper School Championship.—E. Howie, 1; B. Goulding, 2; J. Howie, 3. Lower School Relay.—lllß., li lIA., 2. Standing Dive.—Upper school: H. Lyness, 1; I. Henderson, 2i B. Brockett. 3. Middle school: S. Blomfield, 1: T. Sterling, 2; J. Trotter, 3. Lower school; J. Rhodes, 1; M. Luyke, 2. Standing Jump.—Lower school: M. Armstrong. 1; B. Tollcrton. 2; R. Tucker, 3. Running Jump.—Middlo school: U. Fuller, 1; M. Lancaster, 2; J. Steele, 3. Diving Championship.—H. Lyness, 1; J. Howie, 2: S. Blomfield, 3. Open Championship.—E. Howie, 1; J. Howie, 2; J. Phillips, 3. Egg and Spoon Race.'—Upper school: J. Mac Donald, 1; M. Gilmour, 2; G. Grubb, 3. Lower and middlo schools: J. Macky, 1; E. Mayhill, 2; J. Stormont, 3. Sidestroke. —J. Howie, 1; B. Goulding, 2; H. Lyness, 3. Running Dive.—Upper school: I. Henderson, ,1; H. Lyness. 2; J. Howie,. 3. Middle school: S. Blomfield, 1; T. Sterling, 2; J. | Trotter, 3. I Old Girls' Race.—Misses M. Cherry, 1; i J., Court. 2: N. Hodgson, 3. j Novelty Races. —Crocodile event: Melrose, 1; Dunblane, 2; Elgin, 3. Leap-frog event: Elgin, 1; Dunblane, 2; Melrose, 3. ; Plunge.—S. Bastow, 1; E. Howie, 2; P. I Riddell, 3. | Surface Dive Race.—P. MacManemin, 1; ! J. Shaw, 2; J. Howie, 3. I Past v. Present Relay.'—Present, 3. ! Life-saving Race.—S. Blomfield and J. Armstrong, 1; i>. Baston and P. Wallis, 2; J. Howio and E. Howie. 3. Relays.—Middle school: lA., 1; 18., 2; IC., 3. Upper school: 111. Mod., 1; Matric., I 2; 11. Mod., 3. Obstacle Race.—P. MacManemin, 1; E. Mayhill. 2; I. Henderson, 3. Day Girls v. Boarders Relay.—Boarders, 1. ATHLETIC CONTESTS . COMPETITIONS AT REMUERA A large crowd of parents and friends attended the annual sports meeting of the Reinuera School yesterday. There was keen competition for the houso points, and the headmaster, Mr. Lord, in declaring Purple .'House the winner with 200 points, drew attention to the narrow margin between the totals compiled by the four houses. Green House scored li)S points, Gold House 107, and White House 103. Results were as follows: 7">Yds., Boys, 7 to S years.—R. Kirtlan, 1; K. Mcintosh, 2; G. Cox. 3. 75Yds., Girls, 7 to 8 years.—B. Morrish, 1; F. Haggerty, 2; A. Carter, 3. 75Yds., Boys, S to 0 years.—K. Brown, 1; J. Cole. 2. 7."> Yds., Girls, 8 to 0 years.—V. Cashmore, 1; M. Hailnn, •-!j J. Charter, ;i. 75Yds., Boys, 9 to 10 years.—G. Henderson, 1; M. McLean, 2; P. Worth, 3. 75Yds., Girls, 0 to 10 years.—M. Stitchbury, I; J. Cobb, 2; J. McCorkindale, 3. IOOYds., Boys, 10-11 years.—D. Perry, 1; D. Macky, 2; M. Piatt, 3. IOOYds., Girls, 10 to ill years.—J. MrLachlnn. I; F. Cashmore, 2; L. Jamieson, 3. 100 Yds.. Boys, 11 to 12 years.—J. Wood, 1; R. Piatt, 2; B. Sellar, 3. IOOYds., Girls, It to 12 years.—E. Pezaro, 1; H. McCartney, 2; L. Watts, 3. IOOYds., Boys, 12 to 13 years.—R. Johnson, I: G. Reyburn, 'J; A. Tewsley, 3. IOOYds., Girls, 12 to 13 years.—A. Gascoiirne, 1 ; N. Hyalis, 2; P. Oollintrs, 3. 100 Yds. t Boys, 13 to 11 years.—J. Schoffeld, I; R. Pesrlar, R. Reid, 3. IOOYds., Girls, 13 to 14 years.—J.Sharp, li J. Russell, 2; M. Prifchard, 3. oOYds. Boys' Rack Race, under 12. S. Wickniun, 1; B. Sellars. 2; R. Piatt, 3. .'oYds. Girls' Skipping, under 12. E. Pe7,:iro. 1: G. Coldsbro, 2; L. Watts, 3. 20Yds. Boys' Wheelbarrow; —D. Parry, J). Klrtlan, 1: K. Taylor, P. Nevrllng, 2; D. Johnson, R. Purker, 3. OOYds. Girls' Egg anil Snoon. —B. Dickinson, 1: J. Hughes, 2; M. Rice, 3. IOOYds. Boys' House Relay.—Green House, 1; Gold House, 2; Purple House, 3, 7."> Yds. Girl*' House Relay.—Green House, 1; White House, 2; Cold House. 3. IOOYds. Bo.vs' Three-legged Race, nnder 12.—Ci. Brabant, C. Sawers, 1; D. Ernest, K. Griffiths, 2. IOOYds. Girls' Three-legged Race, under lo.—p„ Pezaro, L. Watts, lj J. MoLftchlnn, N. Baxter, 2; 11. McCartney, E. Salt., 3. 4-1 OYds., Boys, under 12 years.—D. Macky, 1; R. Piatt, 2; J. Wood, 3, 880 Yds., Boys, over 12 years.—H, Wright, 1; J. Ansell, 2; B. Morris, 3. IOOYds. Boys' Tyro Bowling, over 12 yea rs.—B. Ross, 1; K. Main, 2; A. Leamiiiiar, 3. IOOYds. C.irls' Tyre Bowling, over 12 vears. —L. Jamieson, 1; N. Ryalls, 2; S. W?aro, 3. Thread the Needle Race, girls.—J. Sharp, lj P. Larkin, 2; M. Rice, 3. _ Crocodile Race. —Green House, 1; Purplo House, 2; Gold House, 3. *

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22985, 12 March 1938, Page 21

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SCHOOL SPORTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22985, 12 March 1938, Page 21

SCHOOL SPORTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22985, 12 March 1938, Page 21