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PORT OF AUCKLAND CRUISE SHIP STRATHMORE The last cruise ship from Australia this season, the P. and (). liner Strathmore, will arrive from Brisbane this morning with 1051 passengers. She will anchor for pratique and it is expected that, she will berth at Queen's Wharf about 12.30 p.m. The Strathninre will leave for Wellington and Sydney at 11 o'clock to-morrow night. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS Karepo (12.15 an.), from Portland; Tulior (0.50 .i.m.), from Par-ron; Claymore <ts.:so a.m.), from Whangßrei; I'ono (io.r',o a.m.), from Thames. Mahana (J0.55 a.m.), from Wellington; Port Waikato (11.5 a.m.), from Wellington. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES Dnnedin Star (I .'2O p m.), for Gisbornc. China (3.5 p.m.), for Wellington. Durham (5.85 p.m.), for Napier. Tuhoc (0.20 p.m.), for Paeroa; Motu ((!..",o p.m.), lor Whangarci; Karepo (0.15 p.m.). for Groymouth. Herekino M 0.15 p.m.), for Portland; Kairanga (11.,'50 p.m.), for Sydney. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY Strathmore, fron) Brisbane, 12.30 p.m. Waimarino, from Wellington, morning. Kawau, from Coromandcl, afternoon. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY Port Waikato. for Wellington, evening Claymore, for Great Barrier, 7 a.m. Itanginui, for Tanranga, 5 p.m. Jlauiti, for Waihekc, 0.80 p.m. Duchess, for Oneroa, 0.30 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND I.NTCHCOLOMU AND COASTAL Waimarino, Wellington, March 11. Waiolapu, Melbourne, March 12. Canopuß, Westport, March 13. Awahou, East Coast, March 13. Port Whangarei, East Coast, March 13. Waitaki, Sydney, March 14. Wainui, Wellington, March 14. Miro, Westport, March 14. Pukeko, East Coast, March 14. Awn tea. Sydney. Murch 15. Matua, Suva, March 21. Aorangi, Sydney, March 21. Awatea, Wellington, March 23. Overseas Strathmore, Brisbane. March 11. Melbourne Maru, Kobe, March 12 Port Melbourne, Opua, March 13, to load Elmbank, Vancouver, March 13. Swartenhondt, Singapore, March 14. Dalfram, Antwerp, March 14. Brisbane Star, Liverpool, March 11 Olivebank, New Plymouth, March 15. Hertford, Liverpool, March IT. Rotula. Singapore, March JB. Tainui, Lyttelton, March 18, to load Monterey, San Francisco, March lb. Loch Don, Wellington, March 21. Canibridce. New Plymouth, March 21 to load. Eulima. Wellington, March 2-1. City of Canberra, New York, March 25 Sandhamn. Galveston, March 20. Tamaroa. Southampton, March 27 Port Denison. Sydney, March 28. City of Wellington, Wellington, March 31 Konincy, Los An?elcs, April 1. Kozan Marti, Kobe, April 1. Otaio, Liverpool, April I. Mahana, Wellington. April 2, to load. Niagara, Vancouver. April 1. Shabonep, San Francisco, April 4. Middlesex. Wellington, April ft. to load Port Chalmers, Nelson, April 5. to load Hnuraki. Los Angeles, April 7. Port Saint John, Halifax. April 9. Maetsuycker, Saigon, April 11. Reliance, Melbourne, April 11Port Hunter, Antwerp. April 12. Empress of Britain, Wellington. April I'2 Hangitane. Wellington. April 14. Mauiari, New Plymouth, April 14, to load Mariposa. San Francisco, April 14. Kaipara, New York, April 15. Port Sydney. Gishorne, April 10, to load, Brisbane Star, Wellington, April P.). to load Brisbane Maru. Moji, April 20. Nnuniburg, New Orleans. April 20. Empire Star, Liverpool. April 21. City of Yokohama. Halifax, April 25 Franconia. Wellington. April 2i>. Doric Star, London, April 20. Port Saint John. Wellington. May 1. to load. Forrfsdale, Liverpool, May 1 Aorangi, Vancouver, May 2. Clydebank. Los Angeles, May 3. Narbada. Calcutta, May (>. City of Christchurch. New York. May 10 Rotorua, London, May 11.


I NTERCOLONHL AND OVSKSEAP I'enang, Spencer Gulf, March 1 ~. Awaten, Sydney. March 10. Montere.v. Sydney. March 1 s Aorangi, Vancouver. March '-" J. -Awalea, Sydney. March 2: l. Matua. Karotonga. March •_'!>. Wanganella. Sydney, March :l{. Monterey, San Frnncisco._ April 4. Xiagara, Sydney, April •">. Mahana, London, April Awatca, Sydney. April 11. Middlesex, J,onrlon. April 12. Empress of Britain. Suva, April 15. Mamari, London, April 20. Port Sydney. London. April 21. Brisbane Star. London. April 20. Franconla. Suva, April 28. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND Wanganella, leaves Sydney March 12; due Well i net on March 1<! ; leaves Welling ton March 17; due Sydney March 21 Awa'.en leaves Sydney March 12; due Auckland March 1">; leaves Auckland March I,v due Sydney March lit. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE Niagara left Sydney February 17; arrived Auckland February 21; left Auckland February 22; due Vancouver March 11. Aorangi. left" Vancouver February Id; arrived Auckland March <i; left Auckland March 7; due Sydney March 11 Monterey, left San Francisco March t; arrives and leaves Auckland March IS; due Sydney March 21. . Marioosa. left Sydney March I; arrived and left Auckland March 7; due San Francisco March 22 BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Hangitala. left London February 4: due Wellington March 11. Tamarou, left Southampton _ February 18; due Auckland March 27. Ruahine. left London February 21; due Wellington April <i. ... „ Ranjritane. left London March 4; due Wellington April (J. Arawn leaves Southampton March IS; one Wellington April 21 UNION CARGO VESSELS Kakapo, at Wcstport. for Auckland. Kurtiafi, from Ureymouth, at Auckland. Kauri, leaves Melbourne March 14 for New Plymouth. Auckland and Wellington. Wainiarino, leaves Auckland March 12 for Wellington. Picton. Lyttclton. Dunedin, Bluff and Tlninru. Wainui. I t've.s Wellington March 11 for Auckland. Waipiata, loads Bluff about March II for Dunedin. Timaru, Lyttclton. Wellington and Auckland. Waitaki, left Sydney March it for Auckland and Wellington

VESSELS IN PORT Devonpbrt—H.M.S. Philomel. Xucula. Prince's Wharf —l-ort Sydney (FX.A.), Port Chalmers (F.C.A.L Queen's Wharf—Strathmore (X.Z.S.I. Port Waikato (X.S.S.), Mahana (L.D.X.). Central Wharf—Wainiarino (U.S.S.). King's Wharf—Penan? (A.S.P.), Dessau (H. and M.). Huin if R). Western Wharf—Kartigi (U.S.S.). Slip way Wharf—Seeteufel. Western Viaduct—Margaret W. (F.C.A.). Calliope Dock—Mahua (A.TLB.) With general Southern c:irgo, the I'nion Company's steamer Wainui should leave Wellington this afternoon for Auckland, where she is due on Monday morning. The Wstrblin Line motor-ship Port Waiknto arrived yesterday • morning from Wellingrlon and berthed at Queen's Wharf. She is expected to leave to-night for Wellington. Having cleiired Wcstport for Auckland at four'o'clock yesterday afternoon, the Westport Coal Company's steamer Cnnopus is expected about eic;ht o'clock on Sunday morning. She will discharge at Western Wharf. The Union Company's steamer Wainiarino will arrive this morning from Wellington and will berth at Central Wharf to discharge Foul hern cargo. She will move to Prince's Wharf to load and she is expected to sail for I lie South to-morrow. THE PORT SYDNEY Discharging American cargo at Prince's Wharf, the Port Line steamer Port Sydney is expected to sail to-morrow afternoon for Wellington. MAH AX A DISC HA R GIX G Arriving yesterday morning from Wellington. the Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Mnhnnri berthed nt Queen's Wharf to continue dischnrrrin x cargo from London KLMRANK AT WEF.K-EXD With lumber fron the Pacific Const, the Bank Line motor-shin F.lmbank is scheduled to arrive here on Sunday. She will berth at Western Wharf. THE MELBOURNE MARU The Osaka Syosen Kaisya motor-shin Melbourne Maru is expected from Kobe tomorrow morning. She will berth at King's Wharf to discharge general cargo.

THE PORT AUCKLAND The Pert Line steamer Port Auckland will leave Napier to-day for Waikokopu and Wellington, and will elear Wellington on March lit for London and Hamburg, proceeding via Panama Instead of Cape Horn. WAIOTAPU TO-MORROW Wireless advice from the Union Company's steamer Waiotapu stated (hat she expects to arrive from Williamstown, Melbourne, at <1.30 to-morrow morning. The Waiotapu will berth at. Prince's Wharf to discharge wheat. THE PORT MELBOURNE Having been delayed at Opua, the Port Line steamer Pori Melbourne, which Is loadins? for London to Shaw, Savill and AlDion agency, wjIJ now leave for Auckland tomorrow. She will arrive on Sunday morning und berth at Central Wharf. THE LINER RANGITATA The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Rangitafa has advised that she expects to reach Wellington from London, via Panauia, nt seven o'clock this morning. 'J he Rangituta will complete discharge at Lyttelton, Dunedin anl Bluff. THE BARQUE PENANG The Finnish barque Penang, at King's Wharf, is expected to move into the stream to-morrow afternoon, (iiven favourable weather she will leave for Spencer Gulf, South Australia, to load wheat for the United Kingdom. SHABONEE AND PEGASUS .. motor spirit from San Francisco for the Vacuum Oil Company, the Panama tanker Sbabonee is expected at Auckland about April A- A further cargo for the company will arrive by the Swedish tanker i'egasus in th; middle of May. EAST COAST SERVICE . fhe Richardson Line motor-ship Awahou <u e *P ec ted at Auckland from Napier and the Last Coast on Sunday, and the motorsnip x uKckOj from Oisbornc, Xapjcr und coaslal bays, should arrive on Xlonuay. Both will leave on their return on Tuesday. HUIA AND MIRO ) h ( PV„T': let j. on i of at King's Wharf the rvobel Explosives Company's topsail sciiooncr iluia will be withdrawn for over,lC. company s auxiliary ketch Miro leave Wcstporl yesterday for Auckland, where sne is duo about .Monday. RANGITIKTS PASSENGERS th<- A i leavy J' a ,^ enffrr ,isl is carried by Raniitiki 2 „ foiupping Company's liner for minn , Wellington yesterday are:— Manama, uer passengers First C'lass.—Miss R. M Allen Mr F W ? IC Cafev *\i rs ' ! lu i knell ' MISB - v - Bond.' Mr.' Mr T Ca ey - A - W. Campbell, fL »rsden • catig/icy, Mrs. I. ciuiow. Cults Sir r' C r Lady Cochrane of Miss ll'n T, or "n ll ' /*■ D - iJamell, »7 , D " Mrs. G. M. D'ArcvGruchv ' Mr W r o 'J e G , ru<:h >7 Mrs de \ M. Dennefi.v, Mrs. ntn h' V ' ")L as ', r J - Dennehy, Masler T Dennchy, the Lord Dormer, Ladv KatherDnnkir^" rui "mond, Mr. R. Dunkerley Mrs. ounkerley, Mrs. M. \ Dwycr. Miss E. R. El wort by Mrs. M Fergusson. Mrs. M. Francis. Mrs. W Fvfe H ,SS rinv'» \, Gllc^ r 1 ist - r - Gilmnrtin, Mr! Mr v r', Mrs. Glover, Mi's. E. Graham, \ w' c ° ]oncl T °- M. Harris. Dr. :\'j„ - Harris, Mrs. Harris, Miss E. M. bell n n I Y" ,b f '• Miss 13 ■ C. Kimev \irc i rTf L - 11 ■ HuntKir \vlu Mi.s.s M. E. Huntley, hirw alter Lawrence, Mrs. M. LitrhtfootWalker, Mr H. P. Mabe, Mr. C. C Mac\f ? Cy ir i Macintyre, Mrs. Mac'intyre, K V' <V co ' n r 1 ' E. J. Milburn, c >r-n' H", Mll i- Miss J. Mill, Mr. J L. S. Miller, Mrs. Miller, Miss Miller, Mr. H. F. Morier, Mrs. C. J. McNeil. Mrs. F. L. F. Nelson Harness. Miss N. L. Yel«on Harness. Mr. r. B. Nelson, Mrs. Nelson! \r, h Mrs. Oppenheimer, ti . « Pemberton, Mrs. Pemberton, Mr. H. A loiter, Mrs. Potter, Mr. K. G PotR r 'nL- r M i Pr T ,r,> ' Prirt '. Bir Richard ?, a " : k 's, c \, f T'lidy I?ankine Mr. A. Redfern, Mrs Redfern. Miss R. M. Keeves, Mr H A. boberts. Mrs. Roberts. Miss ,T. Rodeer' Mr. G. Rodgers. Mrs. Roderers. Mis« R f' Rodger, Mr. Dacre Posers, Mrs. Rogers', yJrj c Runners!rum. Mr. D. B. Smith. Mr. f?. B. Smith. Mr. C. Y. Taylor. Miss L, Jreatrns, Mrs. M. H. Trigcs. Miss \ ;~nmack. Miss P. V. Unmnck, Mrs. I. F, V. Wade. J P.. >Tr. P. J. Welch. Mr. W.' s! A>!ch. .Mrs. Welch. Mr. F„ T. Williams. Mrs. WiJK:<nis. Mr. S. Williamson. Mrs. WilImmson. Mr. C. M. Wilson. >tr. .T J, WilFon. G. Wilson, M r . J. M. Wilson ys Wi'son. Mr. C. S. Wollen, Jfrs. Wollen! Mr ,T. R. Veardley, Mrs. Yeardle.v. Mr. J. f . oiing. Mrs. Young. Tourist A Class.—s!r. D. Alexander, Mrs. A. B. Allen, Miss M. C. Barron, Rev. A. L. Bennett, Mr. J. G. Binning, Mrs. L). E. Bode. Mrs. I. Boyd-Bell, Miss E. E. brooks, Mrs. Budge, Mrs. />. Burnett, Mr. R. G. Bushell, Mr. F. E. (arr, Mrs. C'arr, Miss M. C. Carr, Mrs. A. E. Chnpnmn, Miss F. R. Chapman, Miss C. K. Cherry, Mr. tl. E. Cohen, Mrs. Cohen. Mr. 11. Corderv, .Mrs. Cordery. Mr. H. Cox, Miss R. H. Cox. iir. E. A. C'rossley, Mrs. Crosslcy, Mr. A. A. Crump. Miss D. F. Cunninghame, Jliss E. J. Dalzell, Mr. Dasent, Miss O. Dracup, Mrs. Dustin, Miss Dustin, Miss K. Eldndfre, Mrs. L. J. Falck, Mrs. W. Fenton, Mr. F. Flanagan, Mrs. Flanagan, Mrs. Fulton. Miss Fulton, Mrs. T. Glanville, Mr. B. C. Glover, Miss K. Grant, Mrs. E. A. Greathatch, Mis* J. E. V. Greatbateh. Mrs. A. H. Hacche, Mr. W. A. Halliday, iir. G. Harman, Mrs. A. P. Hewitt, Miss E. Hewitt, Mrs. H. Hewlands, Mr. J. B. Hibbert. Mrs. K. Hughes, Miss D. iluDter, Miss J. Hunter. Miss M. E. Joachim, Mrs. E. Johnston, Miss B. M. B. Johnston, Mrs. A. M. Jones. Miss B. Keen. Miss C. Keen, Mrs. M. King, Miss I\. Leary. Mr. A. Levcrton, Mrs. Leverton. Mrs. E. T. Lewis, Mrs. F. M. Lod<re, Miss P. M. Lodce, Mr. J. E. Lorenzelli. Mrs. Masscy. Mr. I. Massey, Miss M. E. Massey. Mrs. A. Meikle, Mr. J. W. Methven. Mr. G. Miles. Miss I. Morrison, Mr. TT., C. Murray. Mr. J. McAuley, Mrs. McAuley, Mr. W. McXab Miss K. >r,-l?ae. Miss TT. C. Nicholson, Miss S. L. Nolan, >lrs. S. Nymand, Mrs. C. Palmer. Mr. C. C. Parry, ifr. IT. Penn. Mr. S Phillips. Miss M. G. Phillips Mrs J S Pollock. Mpster I. R. Pollock. Miss F. Potiohar Mr. F. Radcliffe. Miss M. A. Ray, Mrs. M. M. Reeves Miss E. P. Reeves Mr. W. D. Reid. Mrs. Reid, Miss H. Reid, Miss P. J. Reid. Mrs. E. A. Robertson. Mrs. M. H. Salmon, Airs. I. G. B. Salmon, Mr«. G. M. Scales Mr. D. Sisserman, Mr. B. SmeddPs, Airs. Smeddles, Mr. N. -T. Smith. Mrs. J. M. Snowdon. Mr. A. M. Stephens. Mrs. Stephens Master P. A Stephens. Air. A. E. Storey, Mrs. E. M. Taylor, Miss J. M. Taylor. Miss M. M A. Thomson. Rev. F. O. Walls. Miss T\ Walton, Mr. A. W. Ward, Miss J"). S: M Ward. Miss ,T. O. Washbonrn. C. O. rolonel E. C. Watson. Mrs. Watson, ?lis« J. D. S. Watson, -vr r .7, C. M. Weteon. Mi« A. M. Wb'tteni. Mr. F. Wilson Mr. R. Woods. Mr. R. IV Yule. There are about 170 passentrers in tourist B class. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE

The following vessels are expected tn lie within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:

Auckland.—H.M.S. Endeavour, Aorangi, Kairanga. Matun. Maui Pomare. Waiotapu, Brisbane Star, Chwia. Dalfram, Dunedin Star, Durham, Jeanne d'Aro. U S.S. Louisville, ■Mariposa., Melbourne Maru, Olivehank. Piako, Ro'nla. Strathmore. Weirbank.

Wellington.—Matai. Rangatira, Tamahine, Wahine, TT.M S. Wellington. Gabriella, Kalingo, Kaikorai, Limerick. Niagara, Akaroa. Cambridge, Coniwnll Goslar, Mon(prey, Northumberland. Port Auckland, Raneitane, Rangitata. llangitiki, Remuera, Sollicim. Tamaina Awarua.'—Karetu, Mannganui. Waiana Wairuna, Triaster, Triona. G. S. Walden. Eulima. Mooltan, Xarkunda. Orama. Orion, Queen Mary, Swartenhondt, Zealandic. BY TELEGRAPH WELLIXGTOX.—March )0 : Arrived— Wainui (1.-20 a.m.). from Picton; Wahine (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Holmglen (2.15 p.m.). from Motueka: Waipahi, from Gisborne; Solheim, from Sumatra. Railed—Goslar ('_\os p.m.), for Xew York; Limerick <5.15 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Cornwall (7.-10 p.m.). for London; Wahine (7..-.0 p.m.). for Lyttelton; Wingatui (S p.m.), for Westport; Rangitiki (10 p.m.), for London. LYTTELTOX.—March ID: Arrived Rangatira <<->.40 a.m.). from Wellington; Holmjea 17.45 a.m.). from Timaru. Sailed— Waipiata (2.35 p.m.). for Dunedin; Holmlea <'•so p.m.). for Wellington; Rangatira (S.JO p.m.). for Wellington. DUXEDIX.—March 10: Sailed—Zealandic (0.30 a.m.). for London; Wairuna (1 p.m.), for Melbourne. RLUFF.—M.irch 10: Sailed ■— Naniwa Miru (5.15 a.m.). [or Ocean Island. SYDXEY.—March 0: Sailed—Karetu, for Bluff. March 10: Arrived—Awatea (it a.m.), from Wellington. MELBOURXE. —March rt: Sailed—Mannganui, for Bluff; Wuiann, for Xew Plymouth. SUVA. —March 10: Arrived —Mariposa (s a.m.), from Auckland. PAXAMA.—March 7: Sailed—City ot Canberra (Xew York to Auckland).

BALBOA.— March 7: Sailed—Tamaroa (Southampton to Auckland).

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22984, 11 March 1938, Page 4

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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22984, 11 March 1938, Page 4

SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22984, 11 March 1938, Page 4