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SUCCESSFUL DISPLAY INCREASED GATE RECEIPTS LIST OF THE PRIZE-WINNERS [from our own correspondent] MATAMATA, Saturday With fine weather and record entries, the -Matamata Agricultural and Pastoral Association's- 27th annual show to-da.v was one of the most successful in tlu; history of the district. The Rate receipts also showed a largo increase over previous years. The following arc the results in the various classes: HOUSES Thoroughbreds (registered).—Brood mare, in foal or with foal at foot: E. Johnston's X'eon, I ; J. McSweeney's Society Maid. 2. Two-year-old: J. Corbott's The Cardinal, I; J. Corbett's Kaspian, J. Clothier's Dark Lady, 3. Foal: E. Johnston's Diane. Hacks (judge, Mr, Lyalt Kay).—Brood mare, in foal or with foal at. foot, adapted to breed weight-currying hacks: E. Johnston, 1; J. McSweeney, 'J: Crabb Bros., 3. Foal, calculated to make good hack: JO. Johnston, 1. Cob, not over 11.3: S. Holmes. 1; F. J. Cole, 'J. Lady's hack: H. Wyatt. 1: Mrs. F. Baker, 2; ). McSweeney, 3. Hack, up to list.: J. McSweeney, 1; R. C. Dun lop. If. C. Morgan, 3. Hack, up lo Hist.: 11. Crowther's Bonny I'lay, 1 and champion; Mrs. F. Baker, H. Wyatt, 15. Best-man-uered hack: Mrs. F. Baker. 1; 11. Wyatt, J. McSweeney, it. Maiden hack: J. Mc- ! Sweeney, I ; A. Thirlwall, 2; G. Brown, 3. ! Walking hack: R. 10. Buckland, 1; Mrs. F, I Baker, -J; Miss C. Scott, 3. Hack most suit- | able lor niojinted infantry: Airs. T. L. Han- ! stead, I-, W. Barlow, 2; H. Fcavcr, 3. Polo | pony, local'class: It- C. Morgan, 1; E. JohnI ston, 2; J. Elliott, 3. Polo pony, under test, open: R. Eliott, :l; Is'. Johnston, 2; L. Holmes, 3. Bending coil)petition: J?. C. Mori pan, 1 and it; X. Johnston, 'J. Stockman's competition: IS. Johnston, 1; L. Holmes, 2; H. C. Morgan, :t. I Hunters.-—Maiden hunter: R. E. Buckland. 11; A. Thirlwall, Mrs. M. C. Clark, 3. , Hunter, up to list.: W. Barlow, 1; C. H. > Clarken, 2; J. Wilson. :t. Hunter, lUst. and upward: Mrs. T. Ji. Ranslead, I; .T. Wil- ! son, C. H. Clarken, ;t. Lady's hunter: J. Wilson, 1; Mrs. T. L. Ranslead, 2; R. K. ! Buckland, :t. Pony hunter: R. J. Mulcahy, 1 and :t ; G. B. Henry, 2. Champion hunter: i ,7. Wilson's D'Artagnan, 1; Miss C. Scott's i Beautiful, 11. E. Porritt's Ginger Mick, ■ It. Wire jump: J. Wilson, 1; Mrs. C. Merrill, 1 2 and 3. Consolation hunter: Miss C. Scott, i 1 and Dual hunters: Mrs. Ranslead and R. > E. Buckland, 1; Mrs. Baker and Baker, 2; i Miss Fisher and I'orritt, it. Juvenile Classes. —Child's pony, 12.2 'hands, girl or hoy rider, under 12: R. J. Mulcahy, 1; A. F. Wills. 2; Kathleen Ross, it. I'on.v, under 1 3,'J, rider under M: R. J. Mulcahy. 1; .1. Arnold, - J; L. Hill, it. Pony, i under 11.2, rider under It: IS. Johnston, 1; R. J. Mulcahy, 2; J. Arnold, it. School hack: i IS. Johnston, I; R. C. Morgan, 2; R. J. Mulcahy, it. Girl rider, under I I: Freda Potts, I; Wendy Payze, 'J; Kathleen Ross, it. Boy rider, under 11: J. Arnold, 1; Brian Willis, 2. Cirl rider, under 10, over hurdles: May ; Mulcahy, I ; E. M. Mulcahy, - J; X. Hanstead, it. Boy rider, under 10, over hurdles: 1 Ross Henry, 1. School pony, tiny tots: R. J. Mulcahy, I; A. F. Mulcahy, 2; H. Tapper, ; it. School pony, open: J. Doherty, 1; H. Tapper, 2; P. and A. Bush, it. Cleverest and ! best-mannered pony: R. J. Mulcahy. 1 and 2; G. B. Henry, It. Draught Horses (judge, Mr. M. T. Phillips).— Entire: E. L. Robinson's Mossdale Royalist, I ; Richmond Bros.' Greendale Jester, 2. Brood mare, with foal at foot: P. McX'aughton, 1; O. Schaare, 2; R. Williams, It. Heavy mare (dry): P. McXaughton, 1; E. L. Robinson, W. P. Holmes, It. Heavy gelding, G. Condor, I : O. Schaare, 2. Walking horse: P. McXaughton, 1; W. P. Holmes, O. Schaare. it. Golding, three years: O. Schaare, 1. Filly, three years: Richmond Bros., I; <;. Cornier, 2. Pair: G. Conder, 1; (). Schaare, - and it. Three-horse team: P. ; McXaughton, I; O. Schaare, 2; E. R. Xichol, it. Gelding, two years: R. C. Dunlop, 1; (). Schaare, 2. Filly, two years: E. R. Xichol, 1 ; IS. Carey, 2; Richmond Bros., IS. Yearline: colt or filly: R. C. Harvey, I. Fill.v, one year: E. T,. Robinson. 1; T. E. Duck, IS. R. Xichol, 15. Foal: T). J. Murphy. 1; P. McXaughton, 2; R. Williams, Brood mare and two of progeny: D, J. Murtihy, 1; E. R. Xichol, 2; 6. Schaare, It. Mare, suitable for breeding: P. McXaughton. 1 ; E. L. Robinson, 2; W. P. Holmes, It. Champion mare: P. McXaughton. Reserve champion: Richmond Bros. Miscellaneous. Heavy spring cart' mare or gelding. up to HOcwt.: P. McXaughton. 1; ,1, Dawson, 2; 0. Schaare, ;t. Spring cart mare or gelding, up to, half-ton: E. R. Xichol. 1; O. Schaare, 2 and It. Pair horses, suitable for farm work: P. McXaughton, I; G .Cornier, 2; O- Schaare. 3. Utility horse: IS. R. Xichol, 1; (3. Schaare. 2; C. G. Payze, 3. CATTLE Fat Cattle.—Steer, suitable for chilled beef trade: J. Polilen, 1; W. McLean, 2; R. C. Morgan, 3. Steer, best money value: R. C. Morgan, 1; J. A. Dobson, 2. Steer, two years: J. A. Dobson, J ; J. Polilen, W. C. Mears, 3. Heifer, three years or under: ,T. Polilen, 1 and 2; J. A. Dobson, 3. Butcher's cow: R. C. Morgan. I; W. C. Mears, 'J and 3. Pedigree Shorthorns (judge, Mr. IS. Morton). —Breeders' group: R. Dibble, J; Costall Bros., 2. Cow, four years or over, in milk: R. Dibble, I; Costall Bros., 2. Cow, tlireo years, in milk: Costali Bros., 1. Heifer, two years, in milk: R. Dibble. 1; G. Conder, 2. Buli, three years and over: R. Dibble's Kuihere Discount, 1 and champion; Costall Bros'. Grantham Park, 2 and reserve champion. Bull, two years: Costall Bros., 1. Bull, yearling: R. Dibble, 1; G. Conder, 2. Buli calf: G. Conder 1. Heifer, yearline: Costall Bros., 1; R. Dibble, 2. Two heifers, yearlings: Costall Bros., 1. Heifer calf: R. Dibble, 1; F. Conder, 2. Bull and three of female progeny: Costall Bros., 1; I!. Dibble, 2. Grade Shorthorns.—Yearling heifer: G. Conder, 1. 2 and 3. Heifer calf: G. Conder, J, 2 and 3. Two hand-fed calves: G. Conder, 1, 'J and 3. Pedigree Jerseys (judge, Mr S. Dale).— Breeders' croup: J. Bones, 1; X. Colson, 'J; W. Dunn and Sons, 3. Cow, four years or over: X. Colson. t; J. Bones, 2; J E. Barker, 3. Cow, three years: X. Colson. 1 ; J. Bones. 2: J E Barker, 3. Heifer, two years: P. H. Miers, 1; W. Dunn and Sons, 2 and 3. Yearling heifer: J. H. Williams, 1; W. Dunn and Sons, 2: P. 11. Miers, 3. Two yearling heifers: W. Dunn and Sons, 1; P. H. Miers. 2; J. H. Williams, 3. Grade Jerseys (judge. Mr. F. S. Veale).— Cow, four years or over: H. C, Vosper, 1. Cow. three years: F. C. Richmond, 1; H. C Vosper, Heifer, two years: H. C. Vosper. 1. Heifer, yearling: K. R. Miers, 1; H. C. Vosper, 2. Three yearling heifers: F. C. Richmond. I; X. E. Mikkelsen, 2. Heifer calf: D. ,T. Hobart, "I; H. C. Vosper, 2; F. C. Richmond, 3. Pedigree Ayrshires (judge, Mr. T. Thompson). —Breeder's group: A. C. Bailey, 1; A. A. Potts. 2; P. Beverley, 3. Cow. four years or over: A. C. Bailey, 1 ; P. Beverley, 2; A. A. Potts, 3. Cow, three years: A. C. Bailey, 1. Heifer, two years: A. C. Bailey. I. Bull, three years or over: A. C. Bailey, 1; H. Ross, 2; W. Oates, 3. Bull, two years: A. A. Potts. 1; P. Beverley, Bull, yearling: H. Vincent. 1; A. A. Potts, 2; P. Beverley 3. Bull calf: A. A. Potts, 1; P. Beverley, 2 and 3. Heifer, yearling: IT. Ross, 1; W. Gates 2; A. A. Potts. 3. Heifer calf: A. C. Bailey, 1; A. McCormick, 2; H. Ross, 3. Two yearling heifers: W. Oates, 1; P. Beverley, 2 Bull and two heifers, yearlings or under: A. A. Potts, 1. Two heifer calves: A. A. Potts, 1: P. Beverley, W Oates, 3. Grade Ayrshires (judge, Mr. W. M. Thompson).—Cow. four years or over: A. Potts, 1. Cow. three years: A. Potts, 1. Heifer, two years: A. Potts, 1. Heifer calf: A. McCormick, 1; A. Potts, 2. Cottage cow: G. Cobb. 1. Calf Club Classes.— Calf: G. Webster. 1; E. Williams, 2; D. J. ITobart. 3. Yearlong previously entered in calf club: .Toy "Williams. 1 ; D. Duxfield. 2; Edna Williams 3. Jersey calf: D. J. Hobart, 1: Edna Williams. 2; Joy Williams. 3. Judging competition: Edna Williams, I; .Toy 'Williams, 2; D. ,T. Hobart, 3. R FT REP (Judge—Mr. G. W.. Seton) Stud Southdowns.—Ram, two-shear or nver: C. G. Payze, I; E. L. Robinson, 2. Ram, one-shear: E. L. Robinson, 1. Ewe two-shear or over: E. L. Robinson, I and it; C. G. Payze, 2. Ewe, one-shear: Mrs. C. G. Payze, I ; E. T,. Robinson, 2. Ram lamb: E. Ji. Robinson. lSwt! lamb: E. Jj. Robinson. Romneys.—Ram, two-shear or over: A. J. Spain, I. Ram, one-shear: A. J. Spain, 1. F.we, two-shear or over: A. J. Spain. 1 and 2. Ewe, one-shear.- A. J. Spain, I and 2. Rain lamb: A. J. Spain, I and 2. Ewe lamb: A. J. Spain, t and 2. English Leicesters. Ram, two-shear or over: Mrs. G. Livingstone. 1; F. J. Cole, Ram, one-shear: I'', J. Cole, 1; Mrs. Livingstone, 2. Ewe, two-shear or over: Mrs: Livingstone. I ; F. J Cole. 2. Ewe, oneshear: Mrs. Livingstone, I ; F. J. Cole. 2. Ram lamb: Mrs. Livingstone, I ami 2. Ewe lamb: Mrs. Livingstone, 1 and 2; F. J. Cole. !t. Fat Sheep.—Three wethers: W. C. Vincent. I and 3; C. G, Payze. 2. Three ewes: F. J. Cole, I ; C G\ Payze. 2; G. England, 3. Three ewes, suitable for breeding purposes: A. J. Spain, 1 and 2: F. ,T. Co'e 3. Three lambs: G. England. 1 and 2; E L. Robinson. 3. Pet lamb: Mfss L. A. Ifolleit. 1; G. England. Three lambs for freezing: 10. L. Robinson, 1: G. England, 2 and 3. Ram. anv breed, adapted lo getting freezers: G. England, 1; E. L Robinson, 2. PIGS (Judge Mr. D S. Ross) Berkshire*. - Boar, under one year: Xew Zealand Dairy Company, 1; W. V. Cook. 'J and 3. Boar, one year and over: Xew Zealand Dairy Company, I; W. J. Watson, 2. Sow, under one year: Xew Zealand Dairy Company, I; E. J. Jones, 2. Sow, one year and over: F. ,T. Downie, 1; Xew Zealand Dairy Company, 2. Tain wort lis.—Boar, under one year: Xew Zealand Dairy Company, 1; E. .T. Jones. •> and 3. Boar one year and over: Xew Zealand Dairy Company. 1 ; W. E. Parker, 'J; TC. .T. .Tonrs, Sow, under one year: E. J. Jones. .1; New Zealand Dairy Company, 2. Sow, one year and over: New Zealand Dairy Compauy, 1; E. J. Jones, 2.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22980, 7 March 1938, Page 5

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MATAMATA STOCK New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22980, 7 March 1938, Page 5

MATAMATA STOCK New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22980, 7 March 1938, Page 5