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MORMNSVILLE VALUES SHEEP PRICES MAINTAINED FIRM DEMAND FOR CATTLE Tho Farmers Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, reports a smaller yarding of fat sheep, chieily fat, lambs, for which late rates wero fully maintained, at tho Morrinsville sale. A good yarding of store lambs also attracted better competition, prices showing au improvement on recent sales.

Store Sheep.—Fully tho advertised entry of breeding ewes came forward, including several lines of good quality four and five-year-old ewes from southern districts. These attracted more attention than cast coast sheep and consquently realised better values. There was again a large offering of two-tooth ewes, but values were not as keen as last week. Cull and local ewes realised late rates. l''ut cattle: A full yarding of all classes, including an entry of prime quality Hereford and Polled Angus steers and cows, while a full penning of store and boner cows, together with a heavy yarding of bulls, came forward. Competition was keen throughout utid prices very firm, a total clearance being eUectcd, values, especially in the boner section, showing an improvement. Store cattle: The auvertised entry of store cattle cumc forward and sold under steady competition at iully late rates, l'igs: A larger yarding of lats, with competition for baconers again very keen, prices remaining firm on late rates. Porkers also realised recent quotations. An extra large entry of stores and weaners was penned. Good stores sold at late rates, but smaller stores and weaners were dull of sale. Quotations: —i*at sheep: Fat wethers, 2ss to 2l)s 3d; heavy fat lambs, 2Ws Od; lighter, 20s to 235; fat ewes, 15s. 6d to 17s (iu; shorn ewe lambs, 15s to 17s; woolly ewe lambs, to "-'lis sd; shorn wether lambs, 15s 4d to Jss Od; woolly lambs, 15s od to J (is lid. Store sheep: Ex east coast — Mixed age ewes, 3-ls to 31s Od; four and five-year, 20s Od; five-year, 25s 3d to 'JBs (id; sound mouth, 21s to 235. Southern dis-tricts—Four-year ewes, to 325; four and fiveyear, 28s Od to 30s 3d; five-year, 27s 3d. North Auckland—Five-year ewes, 23s 3d to 23s Od; sound mouth. 18s 7d to 225; cull, 15s Id to 10s 3d. Two-tooth ewes: East const—Best. 35s Od to 30s; smaller, 33s to 31s; cull, 20s lid to 225. Best Southdown rams, 4 to 4'/ a guineas; others, 2 to 3 guineas; cull rams, 14s to 21s; Romney rams, 1/ to 3 guineas; cull, 17s to J/4 guineas. Fat cattle: Medium prime lolleil Angus and Hereford steers, £l2 Is to JM2 17s; prime Jersey steers, £0 Os to £lO 15s; "heavy fat cows, £8 -s Od to £0 2s <>d; medium, £7 10s to £8 Is; lighter £0 lis to £7 10s; heavy boner cows, £4 l.<s Od to £5; medium, £4 10s to £4 15s; lighter, £3 15s to £4 ss; cows and calves, £4 I<s Od to £5; heavy potter bulls. £9 2s Od to £lO 12s Od: medium, £8 5s to £8 17s Od; lighter, £0 5s to £7 12s Od Store cattle: Two and a-half year Polled Angus steers, £0 IDs to £7 10s; 18-months to twovear Polled Angus steers, £5 2s to £5 10s; 15-months Polled Angus steers, £5 10s to £5 14s; heifers, to £4 ss; Jersey and Jerseycross cows, running with bulls, £4 lis 10 £4 15s. Pigs: Heavy choppers, £3 10s to il ss; others, £2 to £2, 7s; prime topweight baconers. £3 10s to £4 3s; heavj, £3 15s to £3 18s; medium, £2 10s to £.l 14s; light, £3 4s to £3 Ss; heavy porkers and butter-milk pigs, £2 10s to £3 .1s; medium porkers, £2 2s to £2 10s; light, 3G« to £2; unfinished, 30s to 31s; large stores, 24s Od to 28s; medium, 20s to 235; slips, 14s to 18s; best weaners, Ss to 12s; others, 3s io Os. Dafgety and Company, Limited, reports a small yarding of cattle and a fair yarding of sheep were offered. Cattle were .in fair demand. Quotations. —Two and a-haif-year Polled Angus - steers, £7 IGs; Shorthorn steers, £7 7s; broken coloured, £4 £7; heavy bulls, to £!) lis; lighter, £5 10s to £7. SheepA good yarding of sheep was offered and sold readily. Prices were good and compared favourably with ruling rates, which at all centres are at preseht good. Light condition, medium size shorn ewe lambs. 18s 3d; welher ditto, 13s 5d to 15s Id; cull lambs,. 9s to 10s Id; medium quality mixed age ewes, £1 7h Gd; cast ewes, full and failing mouths, 13s Od to lis; one-shear Southdown rams. sgns to -s%gns; full mouth Southdown rams, 30s to 31s; old rams. £1 Is to 275: potter rams, 12s to 15s. Pigs: An average yarding of pies sold readily at ruling rates. Heavy baconers, to £4; choppers, 30s to'3ls; wellgrown store pigs, 24s to 31s; weaners, 5s to 7s. ■ \ „ The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited reports:—A very heavy yarding of sheep was offered, being considerably in excess of the advertised nuni- | ber. An excellent demand existed throughout, bidding being very animated with a total clearance of all classes being effected. Ewes were in strong demand, two-tooths making up to 37s 4d, this being obtained for a line ex the East Coast. Four-year-old ewes made up to 29s Od, while sound-mouthed ewes from the East Coast made 22s <>d. Store lambs are still being keenly sought after, and the entry in this section was disposed of under very strong competition from a large bench of bu.vers. Best stores made up to 17s 3d. Ewe lambs also are very nluch in demand, a pen of very nice white-faced ewe lambs realising 235. East Coast two-tooth ewes made 30s Od to 37s Id; local two tooth ewes, 33s to 35s (id; smaller. 29s Od to 30s; twotooth Southdown-cross ewes. 22s Od to 235; others up to 21s 9d; four-year-old ewes, up to 29s Gd; five-yenr-ohl ewes, 22s Od, for a line of 500 from Waipukurau; soundmouthed ewes from Waipukurau, up to 21s 1 Oil; mixed-aged ewes (mostly five and six-year-old), 20s lod: failing mouthed ewes, from East Coast, 17s Od; local cull ewes, 15s to 17s Od; fattening ewes, 7s Od to lis Od. Lambs: Best white-faced ewe lambs, up to 235; best store lambs, 10s Od to 17s 3d; medium, 12s Od to 13s Od; culls, up to lis Gd. A large entry of ranis was also offered, being mostly average quality flock rams, which met with & satisfactory inquiry, and were readily disposed of. Good one-shear Southdown rams made to Ogns; average flock one-shear Southdown, 4'A to sV 3 gns; aged rams ign to 2gns; one-shear Romney rains, 2V a to 3gns; aged, lgn. to lVagns. Cattle: An average yarding of cattle was offered, a lair percentage of which consisted of mediumquality fat Jersey cows, no prime beef being entered. The demand, as has been the case of recent sales, was good, values showing no noticeable alteration. Potter bulls met with a very brisk sale, medium-weight making up to £8 7s. Fat Jersey cows brought £5 15s to £0 ss; medium, £5 2s Od to £5 12s (Id; light, £1 128 Od to £5; forward-conditioned cows, £3 18s to £4 7s (id; heavy boner Cows, £3 7s (id to £3 15s; medium, £2 10s to £3 ss; light, 30s to £2; medium-weight potter Jersey bulls, £7 to £8 7s; light, £4 los to £5,105. Piss: A good yarding of fat pigs was offered, before a full attendance of buyers, competition beins: very keen for baconers. which made to £4 3s. The market as a whole was on a par with Frankton. There also was a fair entry of store pigs, larger .sorts selling well, but small stores and weaners were more difficult to dispose of. Prime heavy baconers made £3 19s to £1 3s; medium, £3 13s to £3 18s; light, £3 5s to £3 10s; heavy porkers, £2 14s to £3 3sr medium, £•_> 3s to £2 lis; light, ills to 395; choppers, to £3 ss; good store pigs, well grown, 29s to 335; others, 22s to 27s Od; weaners, 8s (Id to lis.

' OTOROHANGA YARDING Abraham and Williams, Limited, reports a fair yarding of sheep, a good yarding of store pigs and a small entry of cattle at, Otorohanga. Ewes met with a ready sale, while lambs were -not so keenly- competed for as at recent sales, and prices iwero inclined to be easier. Boner cows were in demand. The market for store pigs cased. Fair ewe lambs made to ISs t)d; small healthy sorts, 15s (Id; good Romney wether lambs, 10s to lfls 2d; medium wether lambs, 13s; fair Southdown lambs, to 15s Od; small lambs, Os (id to lis Od; fair six-year ewes, 15s to 15s 8d; rough failing mouth ewes, 3d to 13s Od; aged Romney rams, 20s to 30s; boner cows, £3 to £3 Os; light) fat cows, £4 8s; good store pigs, 31s to 40s; smaller sorts, 20s to "255; weaners, lis to ISs. TUAKAU SHEEP FAIR [from our own* correspondent} TUAKAU, Saturday Fully the advertised yarding of 4000 head was received at the sheep fair held at Tuakau by tlio New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited. Thn demand was keen throughout, and the total yarding changed hands at satisfactory prices. The better lines of four-tooth, six-tooth and eight-tooth ewes sold at 11 lis to £l lis; better-class sound-moulli ewes. £1 3s to £1 (is (id; small two-tooth ewes, £1 «>s i»d to £1 los; medium quality older ewes, 18s to £1 2s Sid; aged. Us to His; well-grown ewe lambs. ISs to £1 Is; smaller, 14s (id to 17s (id; forward-condition mixed-sex lambs, 17s 3d to ISs lid; medium, 15s to 10s <>d; small, 11s lid. to Ms (id; one-shear Southdown rams, -Igns to (> ;gns; older bouthdown rams, ]g*n fo «igns: medium Quality Homney rams, 2gns 1o 4/igns; potter rams, 10s to l is. MATAMATA HORSE FAIR Dalgety and Company. Limited, reports a small offering at its autumn horse fair at Mntamatn. High value horses were not wanted, but a fair demand existed tor usefu farm sorts. Aged mare and foal, £18; good medium farm sorts, i'3o to i";<•">; aged sound horses, £l7 to £2l; others, £8 to £l2; useful ponies, £7 to £0 10s. PIOPIO QUOTATIONS [by telegraph—OWN correspondent] TE KUITI, Saturday' Dalgety and Company, Limited, reports having held the usual sale at Piopio, when a medium yarding of sheep and. a small yarding of cattle were offered to local buyers. The demand for lambs was not keen and prices on the whole were not up to those ruling outside. The cattle, mainly boner cows, sold well at late rates. Good fat lambs made

22s 3d; good shorn white-faced. wether lambSr 15s 2d; woollies, 15s - to- 36s ■ Od; medium woolly wether lambs, 12s 3d>to 188 3d; small shorn wether lambs, good condition, 3()s to 12s .3d; medium woolly ew'e lambs, 235, Gd; small shorn ewe lambs, 18s 3d; cull wether lambs, Os lOdj cull mixed sex lambs, Os to 9s Gd; mixed two-tooth wether, 17s to ISs od; one-shear Southdown rams, to 4gns; one-shear Homney a rams, 3gns to 4gns; aged, %gn to l/jgnS! heavy fat Jersey cows, £G 17s Od; medium, £4 3s to £5; good forward conditioned cows, £3 12s to £3 17s; good store condition cows. £3 to £3 7s 6d; boners, £2 lOs to £3 15s ' Abraham and "Williams, Limited, reports a fair yarding of sheep and a ?mall penning of cattle. There was a fair attendance of buyers and bidding in most rases was slack. Prices were on a par with late rales. Ewes of any quality were sought after. Good ewe lambs made 20s to 20s Sd; fair wether lambs, 15s to 16s; medium sorts, lis Qd-to MS; Southdown lambs, fairly good, to V<3s 7d• small two-tooth wethers, 17s to ISs; twotooth owes,'fair quality. 32S Od; four Bnd six-tooth ewes, 31s 8d; "good sixyear ewes, '-Is Od; cull ewes, -IOS' to 1.5 a Gd; good conditioned Jersej' cows, to £4 108, lighter, £3 15s to £4; boners, 21s .to 319 3d; plain quality 18-month steers, £o 4s.

TE AWAMUTU VALUES At tho Te Awamutu sale held by the Zealand Loan and Mercantile A & ell «' Company, Limited, there was a large entry or fat cattle, included in winch was a fair amount of fat ox. However, most of the entry was made up of good quality cow heel, which met with a ready sale,, with a s eady market. Store cattle were also disposed or under good competition, thero being also a large entry in this section, prices lor store cows being on a par with recent quotations. Included in the store entry was a number or pens of Jersey heifers, bidding for which was most spirited, the entire entry being disposed of. A small entry of dairy cows, of o.nly average quality was also offered. In-milk dairy heifers made up to £6 12s Od. Principal galea of fat cattle were on account of Sir. J. R. Kay, of Korakonui, fat bullocks making up to £l3; on account of Mr. J. X. Wallis, of Te Kawa, a pen of Shorthorn bullocks being disposed of at £l2 7s 04; fat cows on account of Mr. W. McGee, of Parawera, i'O to £9> 16s; fat cows and heifers on account of Messrs. W. J. and H, H. Thompson, .£8 As. Shorthorn heifers from „ Messrs. - Danloll Brothers, of Te Kawa, were-sold at pricea ranging from £7 16s to £8 14s. Quotations' were.—Fat bullocks, £l2 7s Od to £J3; light unfinished, £7 15s; prime fat cows, £0 to* £0 16s; medium, £8 lOs to £8 176 Cd; fat heifers, £8 5s to £8 14s; medium, j£o 17s 6d to £7 10s; heavy fat Jersey jcowj,'. £.7'2s Od to £8; medium, £0 to £0 18s; light, £5 7s Od to £5 15s; kiliable, £4 12s Cd "to iS6 2s Gd; good store cows, £4 ss'to £4 15S: others, £3 l is to *£4 as; heavy boners, £3 2b Od to £3 17s Od; medium, £l2 .12s 6d to,£2 19s; others, 30s to £2 55,• medium-weight potter bulls, £7 10s to £8 .Is; .light, £3 18a to £0; mixed coloured two-year-old steers, £7 18s; forward-conditioned Holstein cows, £4. 17s Od; Shorthorp cows, ; £4 17s Od; store cows with calves at foot, £4 12s to ■£4 los; medium quality two-year-old in-calf heifers, £3 15s to £5; good quality wearier Jersey heifers, £3 to £3 8s; medium quality, £2 to £2 18s; weaner Shorthorn. steers, to £1 Os; medium quality dairy cows in milk. £5 10s to £0; inferior, £4 5s to £4 15s; medium quality - heifers in milk, £0 2s 04 to £3 12s Od; others, £5 to £5 10s. Sheep; A very heavy yarding was offered, every pen being occupied, the approximate number being 10,000, In the fat section the entry was an average one, with a good perfcntago being made up; of fat lambs. Fat ewes and wethers sold quite satisfactorily, the market remaining firm on recent quotations. Fat lambs met with a good inquiry, and these were sold in a number of. Cases at rates in advance of tho export schedule. The ewe entry, included Mima medium quality two-tooths, which Diet With a good inquiry, one pen being sold- at HOa 3d. Tho bulk of the entry, however, consisted of five and six-year-old ewes, together with ; a large number of small-mouth ewes, for which a large number of buyers freely bldded. Smallmouth ewes made up to 275, while failing* mouth ewes were sold at 20s. A.,number of y Southdown and Romney rams,: medium quality y Southdown, sold from 4gns fo.flgiii The keen- ■< est intercut was shown for the large entry of 4 store lambs, the. bidding being yery spirited, ... and prices fully maintaining those realised at • other sales during the w«ek?AVMt* v fa«>d • ewe ■}. lambs made to 21s Gd, while forward-condi-tioned store lambs were sold up. to 18s. sd. . Principal sheep sales were- on account of Mr. E. McVerry, of Pokuru, fat wethers, tip to 20s; fat wethers from •Hr.'Josrph Smith, of Te Kawa, realised up to 26?; fitt-lambs from the same vendor realising i>sis 3a.\A pen of fat wethers from Mr. J. Rcwe, , of Roto-o-rangi, brought 255, and Mr. J; Sutton, of Te ; Kawa, paid 23s 9d for a line of fat lambs.. Mr. H.'.R. Potter sold a pen of good'maiden ewes, the price realised being- 23$ Id; fchd Mr. C. S. Aloxander, fat lambs at 24s 3d.' ; Quotations were:—Fat wethers, 25s to 275; fat maiden ewes, 23s Id; heavy fat ewes, 16s to 17s; others, lis to los 9d"; fat. lambs, 24s to 25s 3d; ethers, 20 s to 21s 6d; . forward-condilioncd lambs, up to l-8s r sd; best store lambs,' 10s 9d to 17s 6d; good, 14a to 10s 3d; medium,-13s to 14s; poOr,:Bs t0.:125; white-faced ewe lambs, to 21s Od;T, : medium quality two-tooth ewes, 20s to 130s 3d; five and six-year-old ewes, 26s 6d v to 27s Od: small-mouth ewes. 25s to 275; failing-mouth ewes, to 20s; potter ewes, 7s to 12s; oneshear Southdown rams, 4gns to. Ggns; oneshear Romney, 4',igns; potter rams, up to 20s: Fat pigs: A larare yarding was offered • before a full bench of buyers, bacon and pork both selling readily, with prices fully, maintaining other sale rates. Heavy baconers made ■ C 3 T7s to £4 2s; medium, £3 12s to £3 17s; light. £3 Os to £3. lis; .heavy porkers, £2 14s to-£3 3s; medium, £i> 2s tO-£2 O9;. light, 35s to £2; unfinished, 28s - -;hf {Msj-heavy choppers, £3 I«is to £1; medium,j£2 15s to £3 Os. A good yarding of stores pigs was offered, a fair demand being slfown, with more interest being displayed Tor«well-grown stores. Best stores brought-2Ss to 335; medium, 20s to 28s Od; light, 21s to.; 22s Od; slips, 15s Gd to 19s: best weaners. lis to 13s Od; others, to 8s 6d.

LARGE WELLSFORD OFFERING [FRO Jt OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT] WELLSfOBD. SatufSay Owing to the large number of stock offer, ins? for sale at Welisford a special Kale was held by tlio North Auckland Co-operative, Limited, when about 1000 head were yarded. A large proportion of the yurdirig consisted of forward-conditioned Bereford and, Shorthorn dt-horned steers, and 'JO trucks were forwarded by rail to buyers south of Auck land for the chilled beef trade. A line of no frcsh-conditioned dehorned Hereford steers from Mr. J. E. Leach, Wayby, fetched £O, while similar Shorth >rn steers brought up to i'B os. Some good lints of fat Shorthorn steers were sold, the highest price being £lO 5s for a heavy beast from .Mr. 0. E. Leach, Wayby, while a lihe of It) dehorued Shorthorn steers from the sarao . vendor realised, £l4 10s. All .fat and killable cows and heifers of al' breeds were •in good demand for the Auckland market and 'boner cows and bulls were taken by exporting firms. Owing to the abundance of feed, very few store cows were offered.. Any calves fit for killing sold well and Shorthorn steer calves brought up to* £3 10s. and In-calf Jersey heifers sold to £4, A large number of two and a-half to three and a-half years old steers of the beef breeds were offered, two and a-half year dehorned Shorthorn steers selling up to £8 10s.. Values wer»:—Heivy fat Shorthorn- steers, £l4 to £lO 6s;,fat Shorthorn crossbred steers, £ll. ss; heavy Shorthorn bulls, to £O. 12s Od; medium, £4 to £0 10s; heavy Jersey bulls, £6 to £6 15s; medium, £5 Is to £5 7s Od; small Jersey bulls, £2 17s 6d -to £3 Gs; Hereford stag, £0; fat Hereford cows, £7 Os; heavy fat Shorthorn cows, £7 2s to £7 lfls; medium, £5 15s to £6 10s; light, £5 5s to £5 lis; killable. £3 12s to £4; fat Shorthorn heifers, £10; fat Shorthorn crossbred cows, £3 10s to £0 fis; fat Friesian cows, €7 l is; fat Jersey cows, £4 4s to £5 l«s; - killable,, £3 Is to. £3 lfls; heavy Jersey-cross three and a-half years old Jersey steers, £0 10s; forward-conditioned thrro and a-half years dehorned Hereford steers, £0; two and a-half years Hereford steers, £S ss; fat Jersey heifers, £4 Is to £1 10s: heavy boner cows, £2 15s to £3 15s; small boner cows, £2 Is to £2 Os; Jersey cows with irood Shorthorn calves, £4 IPs to £5 4s the pair; Shorthorn cows with hit? calves. C 5 Iss the pair; Jersey cows with Friesian calves. £4 the pair; empty stor* Shorthorn rows, £4 ss; dehorned thrt'c-and fl-hnlf years forward brimlle steers, £7 14s; two and a-half years Shorthorn steers, to £§;• dehorned three iind a-half years Short horn-cross, steers, £B' Is: small two and a-half rears Shorthorn ■itecrs C(i ."is; twu-yenr. £•<> 30s>; two-year Shorthorn-cross steers, £5 ss; lei-month do* horned Sliorthorn-steers, £4 12s fid; horned, ft Ms; two and a-half years Blnetc PollHereford cross steers,- £0 lis; empty 18month Hereford heifers, £4; empty 18-month brindle heifers, £2 ss:, Shorthorn 1 heifer calves. 32s to lis; empty Shorthorn, heifers, C 4 in-calf Jersey heifers, £3 Os to £4; mixed sex Shorthorn calves, 35u; Red Poll steer calves, £3; Shorthorn steeir calves', £3 15s to £3 10s; good vealer calves. 25s to £'_' Is; Jersey heifer calves, 30? to 32s 6d; dairy cows, in milk, £3 7s to £4.

RISE IN CATTLE PRICES [bv telegraph—own correspondent] DAHGAVILLE, Saturday As a result of the increased demand owing (o the abundance of feed now-existing: after tho rains, prices {or rattle showed an appreciable rise on recent rate?, at a clearing sale conducted by the North Auckland farmers' Co-operative, Limited, at thg 'Arapohue saleyards. A total of 2-10 run cattle was yarded and met keen competition. The sheep offered also sold freely, prices appreciating. Sheep: Two-tooth, 33a 3d; four and six-tooth and four-year ewes, 23s Od; sound mouth, 20s; failing: mouth,'l2h to 15s '2d; cull, 10s; ewe lambs, to 10s 2d; wether lambs, 138 8d to 15s 4d; 2prns. Cattle; Store Shorthorn bullocks, £8 15s to £•0 4s; smaller, £.7 10s to JEB 2s Od; two and a-half-year Hereford vst?crr>; £fi Ms to £7 9s; yearling Hereford steers, £."» 2s' to £5 13s; two ard a-half-yeir Shorthorn steers, £8 to £6 ISs; X."» 12s; Hereford tows with calves- at foov, £7 1s; yearling x Hereford-heifers, £4 Is; i'at heifers, £7 4sj Hereford bull calf, 18 ss. ' - . \ f; - .• \;v...<i>®Sg{| ' ~.V .. -

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22974, 28 February 1938, Page 7

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COUNTRY STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22974, 28 February 1938, Page 7

COUNTRY STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22974, 28 February 1938, Page 7