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PORT OF AUCKLAND I LEANDER AND JEANNE D'ARC 0 Two events °f interest in the port to-dav will jb® the return of the cruiser Leander fro/' 1 au Australian cruise and the arrival# the French cruiser Jeanne d'Arc frouJ?' Wellington. The Leander is expected tfbo'it 5.30 p.m. and will proceed to tie Devon port naval base. The Jeanne dlArc will arrive at nine o'clock this mor|i n K an d will berth at Western Wharf oh the departure of the Edward F. Johason about noon. SATURDAY'S ARRIVALS Claymore (12.10 a.m.), from Whansrarci. llunfi ,l " ( ' (,rl a.m), from Wanganui. W;iS(f»'iella (8.20 a.m.), from Sydaey. Pas.scagcrt:—

Rt: Bfev. Dr. M. Aubin. Mrs. R. Adams. Kev. A. ASSiJ'. Kcv. Father Binois, Rev. E. T. BonA Mrs. E. Brooks, Miss Lola Brooks. Bey; Dr. J. Bach, Dr. K. A. Baker, Mrs. k iT a £ r ' ISS Durbidge, Kev. Father Bartlett, Kev. Bather Berlin, Air. G. 11. BUhop, Rt. Kev. B. Brodie, Miss T. Bouwni||n, Mr. A. Brumpton, Miss O. Buscke, Rev. M F. Crowe, Rev. L. E. Chahoud. Miss A. Spnroy, Rev. Father Chaize, Mrs. F. Cowton, ev. lather Coffey, Miss A. Corrigan, Mrs. C. J. Clift, Miss E. F. Booth by, Miss M. putt, Mrs. S. Brice. Mrs. P. W. Bull. Mr. M. Ganavan, Mrs. J. Blakeley, Mr. H. P. ;C.'ooncy. Mrs. H. P. Cooney, Miss I. Donorvan, Mrs. L. Donovan, Mrs. L( G. Duffy, Miss M. Donovan, Rev. J. Duhig, Mrs. T. Donaldson, Mr. T. Donaldson, Mr. F. Diprose, Mr. R. Dumortier, Rev. Dr. J. English, Mr. P. E. Everett, Father R. R. Farrel.v. Kev. B. Fagan, Rev. Father Ferrari, Mr. J.C. Frank ham, Mrs. J. E. Fletcher, Mrs. L. Furze, Dr. P. Farrelly, Rev. Father Griffen, Mr. F. Gilmorc, Mr. R. Grihhle, Rev. E. Gleeson, Archbishop Gilroy, Miss K. Green, Mrs. F. E. Hind, Miss J. Gargan, Mr. E. Oargan. Mr. H. Heys, Mrs. H. Heys, Rev. Father N. Hoare, Miss M. Hickey. Miss M. Horan. Miss C. Horan, Rev. M. V. Hanrahan, Bishop J. Heavey, Mr. F. J. Hillier. Mrs. F. J. Hillier, Miss I. Hughes, Rev. R. Hayes. Rev. Dr. F. Ilenschke, Mr. E. Hollingdale. Miss M. Hollingdale, Miss J. Hollingdale. Miss M. G. Henschke, Mr. Hodson, Miss F, Ingham, Mrs. W. Ingham. Miss I. Irwin. Miss G. Irwin, Mrs. M. Johnston, Dr. A. B. Jameson. Mr. P. Johnston, Mrs. A. B. Jameson, Mr. P. Johnston, Mrs. A. B. Jameson, Mr. A. Jones, Mr. W. Jolly, Mrs. Johnson, Miss S. Joskc, Mr. D. Jackson, Mrs. D. J. Jeffery. Miss M. Kennedy, Rev. Father P. Kelly, Mrs. R. S. Kiny, Mr. R .S. King, Miss M. Kins. Mr. F. Kirby, Rt. Rev. Hons. Kin<r. Miss E. A. Kelly. Rev. Andrew Killian, Dr. G. Van Kersbcrgen, Mr. K. T. Kelly. Rev. I). Keane, Mr. J. J. Leahy, Miss M. E. Leahy, Miss L. Lang, Mr. G. Lee. Rev. Father Lachanco, Mrs. T. Martin. Miss H. Mayo, Mrs. E. Millane, Mr. I. McKew, Mrs. S. Z. McKew, Rev. M. G. Murphy. Rev. R. Mackcn, Rev. Father Miillany. Rev. P. J. Murphy, Rev. Father F. Moynehan. Archbuship Mannix, Rev. L. McLaughlin, Rev. J. McCarthy, Mrs. C. Moore, Rev. P. McCabe, Miss B. McMahon, Mrs. J. E. McMahon, Mr. J. E. McMahon. Mr. H. V. Martin. Rev. J. Martin, Miss C. Mclvor, Rev. J. Meanv, Mrs. A. McCaskill, Mr. A. McCaskill, Miss M. M. Matthew, Mr. A. Orr, Mr. J. O'Brien. Rev. V.. I. O'Connor. Rev. Father J. Nearncy, Rev. M. I. O'Brien. Rev. E. O'Brien. Rev. P. O'Shannassey. Mrs. J. O'Brien. Dr. E. J. O'Sullivan, Mrs. L. J. O'Sullivan, Rev. F. X. O'Brien, I-atheT E. O'Connell, Mon. G. M. A. Pouquet. Mme. Pouquet. Mr. A. J. Pascoe, I. L. Parlane, Mr. F. Preston, Dr. John Panico (Apostolic Delegate), Mr. A. E. Pickcn Mrs. MM. Pickcn, Miss R. R. Patch, Mr. J. Parkinson, Mr. I. Patton, Mrs. L. Patton Mrs. J. M. Parker, -.Rev. V. F. Peters. lather J. J. Riordan, Bishop J. Ross, Mrs. L. Robinson, Mr. L. Robinson, Miss Boper. Mr. C. Read. Mr. S. Sasclla. Mr. K. Schofield. Archbishop Simonds, Rev. W. J. Schaefer. Miss J Scarrabelotti, Miss Z. Scarrabelotti. Miss M. Sumner, Miss K. A. Scott, Miss S. R. Stockley, Mr. W. O. Stock ley Mrs. W-G-Scarvell. Mr. W. G. Scarvell, Mr Iv. Sehermann. Mrs. E. F. Schermann. Mr. W. J. Sommerville, Miss I. J. Saisall, Mr. W. J. Taylor, Mrs. V. C. Tate, Master H. G. late. Master J. N. Tate. Mrs B. T Thompson. Mr. IT. S. Vestey. Mr. C. R. } inccnt. Re\. Father Wall. Mrs. C. E. T. Webb. Captain C E T. Webb, Mrs. J. Woods. Rev. James Whyte, Father P. Walsh, Miss S. V« a'sh Mr. C. Wheeler, Mr. K. \eoman, Rev. fcather W. L. Byrne. „ T Mr. S. Archer, Mr L J. Austin Mr. V. J. W. Austin. Mr. C. «. Anderson. Mr. H. Amis. Mr H. Amis, Mr. J. Aikman, Mr. P. Anderson', Mr. X. S. Baekwell. Mrs. b. Aldndgc. Mr b J Blake. Mr. G. Bridgen. Mr. 1. L Bioffield, Mrs. F. H. Billington Captau. F. H. Billingtop. Mr. A. L. \\ • Barron. Mr. T. A. Barrett, Mrs. A. E. Barnes. Mrs. A. K Barnes Mr. 11. L. Clarke, Mrs. D. Collett, Mrs.'U. Clarke. Miss M. K. Co »' st t 9"Miss F. T. Coulston, Mrs. D. J. Curtin. Master Peter Curtin Mr. D. J Carter. Mr. J. Carter, Mrs. M. \.. Clarke. Miss G. Douglas Mr. T. J.• Frost' Edwards. Miss E. E. l'lndla/, Miss K. t cost. \frc \r Frost Mr. H. t robt. Mr. l\. Frost/Mr. C. Fenwick. Mrs. E. J. F° w '„ - \fr« M Florv Mr. H. R- Gunn. Mr. H. I hi?r'a siing Miss S A Hunt, Mrs. J Houston Mr. J Houston Miss M. Ibbett Mrs A. Jeffrey Mr. J. Jeffcotc, Mr. C. J- Jph n!50 % p" r p Kelsei*. Mr. E. C. Kclscj, Mr« Lindsay? Mr. A. T. Lear, Mrs A T Lear. 5: &BA D.' McCully, Mis:? G. L.^McMrf xi. Martin. Miss" V. Madeley. Miss J. WAr M a E D 1 Miss'. MUs E. Price, Miss M. C..Price. Mr. C. wli ay Mr M 0 C T. A Rober?s d 'Mrs. 3 D. Roberts. Master J. Roberts, M^ s f Rouse! D. Rath, Miss June Rath Mrs. ' Miss W. Ramsilen. Mr. C. W. fli T. Shannon, Miss M Spgclitjn M rs - a k ' Srott. Master Bruce Scott M'S.M----s;% D ,- r& u Mr. VT TSili: K. D ' A. Tnc'kntll. 'Miss Tnckml', M T. Sriri-'* A ss? p.m.), from Coromandel; Tuhoe p.m.). fr °EdJard T °P. Johnson ft p.m), f r°m San Francisco; Herekino (0.25 p.m.). from Portland. SATURDAY'S DEPARTURES Ranginui (1.25 a.m.). for T »V r . an^ a: n mai (I .'2."> p.m), for Awanui;. lin (2 p.m.), for Awanui; Waitaki (3.15 p.m.), for GisZcalandic (5.50 p.m.), for Wellington. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS Waiotahi (3.20 p.m.), from Opotiki; Toa (■1.5 p.m.), from Whakatanc. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES Claymore (7.50 p.m.), for Whangarei. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY H M.S. Leander, from Hobart, 5.30 p.m. Rangitiki. from Napier. 7 a.m. Jeanne, D'Arc. from Wellinp;ton, 9 a.m. Matua, from Wellington, «.30 a.m. Waipiata. from Wellington, morning. Pukeko, from Portland, eveninc. Weirbank, from Nauru, 7 a.m. Hauiti, from Waiheke, 0.30 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY Gabriella, for Port Whangarei, afternoon. Kekerangu, for Newcastle, afternoon. Hauiti, for Waiheke, 0.30 a.m. Toa, for Whakatane, 5 p.m. Waiotahi, for Opotiki, 5 p.m. J'ono, for Thames, 5 p.m. Paroto, for North, 5 p.m. Clansman, for Russell, 5 p.m. Edward F. Johnson, for Wellington, noon. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Coastal Matua, Wellington, February 2S. Waipiata, Wellington, February 28. Pukeko. Portland, February 2b. Kairanga, Sydney, March 1. Omana, Adelaide, March 3. Overseas Rangitiki, Napier, February 28, to load. Jeanne D'Arc, Wellington, February -8. Northumberland, Gishorne. March 2. to oad. Port Auckland. Brisbane. March 3, to load. U.S.S. Louisville, Australia, March .j Durham, New Plymouth, March Dunedin Star, New Plymouth. March O. to Aorangi, Vnnconver, March . Port Sydney. New York, March 7. Mahnna. Wellington March <. Melbourne Maru. Kobe, !n rch JPort Chalmers, London, March ». Port Melbourne, Opua. March 0, to load. Dessau, New Orleans, March 11. strathmore, Brisbane, March 11. China, Bahrein, March 11. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Overseas Kekerangu, Newcastle, March 23. Matua, Rarotonga, March 1. Wanganella, Sydney, . March 2. Mariposa. San Francisco. March 7. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND Wanganella, leaves Auckland March 2; due Sydney March (!; leaves Sydney March r_>; due Wellington March 10. Awatca, left Sydney February 20; due Wellington March 1; leaves Wellington March 1; due Sydney March 4. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE Niagara, left Sydney February 17; arrived Auckland February 21; left. Auckland February 22; due yancouver-March. 11.

Aorangi, left Vancouver February 16: due Auckland March 6; leaves Auckland March 7; due Sydney March 11. Monterey, leaves San Francisco March 1; arrives and leaves Auckland March 18; due Sydney March 21. Mariposa, leaves Sydney March 4; arrives and leaves Auckland March 7j due ban Francisco March 22. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Tainui, left Southampton January 14; due Wellington, March 0. Rangitata, left London February 4; due Wellington March 12. _ , „„ Tamaroa, left Southampton February 18; duo Auckland March '24. Ruahine, left London February .24; due Wellington April 6. lArawa, leav.-s Southampton March 18; due Wellington April 21. VESSELS IN PORT Devonport—H.M.S. Philomel, H.M.S. Wellington, H.M.S. Endeavour, Nucula. Prince's Wharf—Limerick (U.S.S.), Wanganella (H.P.), Waipiata (U.S.S.). Queen's Wharf —Cornwall (N.Z.S.), Huntingdon (N.Z.S), Matua (U.S.S.). Central Wharf —Rangitiki (N.Z.S), Port Whangarei (F.C.A.). King's Wharf —Pcnang (A.S.P.). Gahriella (U.S.S.), Weirbank (8.P.C.), Karepo (U.S.S.). Western Wharf—Kekerangu (U.S.S.), Jeanne D'Arc. Slipway Wharf—Seeteufel. Chelsea—Teesbank (S.L.), Kakapo (U.S.S.). Calliope Dock—Port Tauranga. The Watchlin Lino motor-ship Port Tauranga will shift from the Western Viaduct this morning to the Calliope Dock. The Union Company's steamer Gabriella is scheduled to sail this morning for Whangarei, i'ortland and Wellington. She is at King's Wharf. To load for southern ports the Union Company's steamer Kekerangu is expected to sail for Newcastle this morning. She is at Western Wharf. The Union Company's steamer Kakapo, which has been discharging Westport cargo at King's Wharf, will return to Chelsea this morning. She will sail in the evening, but her destination has not yet been fixed. Under the Anchor Line flag the steamer Holmglen is due at Onehunga on Thursday from Nelson, New Plymouth and Port Wai.kato. She will load for Nelson and Golden Bay ports. The Union Company's steamer Waipiata is expected from AVellington this morning. She will berth at Prince's Wharf and will sail on Friday afternoon for Wellington. Picton, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff and Tiniaru. The AVatchlin Line motor-ship Port Whangarei will shift this morning from Northern Wharf to Central Wharf. The vessel is to trade to the East Coast for a few weeks for the Gisborne Sheepfarnjers' Frozen Meat and Mercantile Company, while the Margaret W. is undergoing refitting and overhaul. THE EDWARD F. JOHNSON The British motor-tanker Edward F. Johnson reached Auckland from San Francisco :| 4 p.m. on Saturday. Sha berthed at Western Wharf and is discharging motor spirit to the Vacuum Oil Company. The tanker is expected to sail for Wellington at noon to-day. RUAHINE' FOR WELLINGTON The New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Ruahine sailed from London on Thursday afternoon for Wellington, where she is due on April 6. DURHAM LATER The Federal Line motor-ship Dnrhani is now expected at Auckland from New Plymouth on Friday to continue loading for London and West Coast ports of Great Britain. AWATEA FOR WELLINGTON The Union Company's trantasman limer Awatea reached Sydney from .Auckland at 7.20 a.m. on Saturday and left at 5.4y the same day for Wellington, where she is due on Tuesday morning. MATUA THIS MORNINGThe Union Company's motor-ship Matua is due from Wellington early this morning. She will berth at Queen's Wharf and will sail at 5 p.m. to-morrow for Rarotonga, Nukualofa, Vavau, Apia and Suva. THE RANGITIKI To commence loading for London the NewZealand Shipping Company's liner Rangitiki is expected to reach Auckland from Wellington at seven o'clock this morning. She will berth at Central Wharf. THE WANGANELLA With 310 passengers the Huddart-Parker motor-liner Wanganella reached Auckland from Sydney early on Saturday morning. After medical inspection in the stream she berthed at Prince's Wharf. She will sail on her return to Sydney on Wednesday. PHOSPHATE VESSELS The Bank Line steamer Weirbank and the same line's steamer Olivebank have had their New Zealand itineraries altered. Ihe Weirbank will come direct to Auckland instead of proceeding to New Plymouth, and will complete discharge here, being due at seven o'clock this morning. She will ber ; h at King's Wharf. The Olivebank will discharge at New Plymouth, in addition to Auckland, being due at the former port on March 9. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland. —Kairanga. Matua, Maui Pomare, Triaster, Asphalion, Port Auckland, Weirbank. „ ~ , „. Wellington.—Aorangi, Kaikorai, Niagara, Waiana, Awatea, Kalingo, Athellaird, City of Delhi, Kaikoura, Mahana. Mataroa, Rangitata, Remuera, Surrey. Tamaroa, Wanvera, Goslar, Naniwa Mnru. Zealandie. Awarua. —Karetu, Maunganui, Triona, Orcades. Orion, Port Darwin, Queen Mary, Strathnaver, Stratheden.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA Saturday's Arrivals. —Ronaki (4.45 a.m.), from Raglan and Kawhia. Saturday's Departures.—Ronaki (6 p.m.), for Hokianga. BY TELEGRAPH WELLINGTON.— February 26: Arrived— Holmlea (5.30 a.m.), from Timaru; Wahine (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Breeze (11 a.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed—Alexander (2.30 a.m.), for Marlborough Sounds; Jeanne D'Arc (7.5 a.m.), for Auckland; Talisman (12.20 p.m.), for Nelson; Tamahine (1.15 p.m.), for Picton; Awahou (2.40 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Kalingo (3.2.5 p.m.), for Newcastle; Waipiata (1 p.m.), for Auckland; Maunganui (5 p.m.), for Bluff; Matua (5.10 p.m.), for Auckland; Waimarino (6.25 p.m.). for Lyttelton; Matangi (7.35 p.m.), for Nelson; Wahine (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Athellaird (9.10 a.m.), for Oeban. LYTTELTON.—February 26: Arrived— Rangatira (6.40 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed —Piako (12.5 p.m.), for Dunedin; Northumberland (3.15 p.m.). for Gisborne; Kaimiro (6.15 p.m.), for Westport; Rangatira (8.55 p.m.), for Wellington. February 27: Arrived—Tees (0.45 a.m.), from Chatham Islands; Wahine (6.55 a.m.). from Wellington; Waiwera (7.15 a.m.), from Picton; Waimarino (9.30 a.m.), from Wellington; Awahou (11.45 a.m.), from Wellington. DUNEDIN. February 26: Arrived— Holmdale (6.5 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed —Benledi (6 a.m.), for Dunkirk: Karu (4.20 p.m.), for Oamaru. February 27: Arrived— Piako (» a.m.), from Lyttelton; Waikouaiti (6.50 a.m.), from Bluff. . BLUFF. —February 26: Sailed —Waikouaiti (4.50 p.m.), for Dunedin. SYDNEY. —February 26: Arrived—Awatea (7.20 a.m.), from Auckland. Sailed —Awatea (5.15 p.m.), for Wellington. SUVA. —February 26: Arrived—Niagara (1 a.m.), Auckland to Vancouver; Tainui (6 a.m.), London to Wellington. PANAMA. —February 23: Sailed—Hertford (Glasgow to Auckland). AVONMOUTII. —February 25: Arrived— Cumberland, from Wellington. VANCOUVER. —February 23: Sailed— Komney, for Auckland. CRISTOBAL.— February 23: Arrived— Middlesex (Glasgow to New Zealand). February 24: Arrived —Brisbane Star (Glasgow to Auckland). Sailed —New Zealand Star (Napier to London). MONTEVIDEO.— February 23: Sailed— Port Campbell (Wellington to London). ST. JOHN.— February 23: Sailed —City of Glasgow (Dunedin to Halifax). NEW YORK. —February 23: Sailed—City of Canberra, for Auckland. LONDON. —February 24: Sailed—Ruahine, for Wellington.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22974, 28 February 1938, Page 6

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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22974, 28 February 1938, Page 6

SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22974, 28 February 1938, Page 6