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I M. JEAN RENAULT, HAIR BIOLOGIST, DISCOVER! NEW WAY TO STIMULATE QUICK GROWTH SENSATIONAL F R Ej§ \CiA 30-DAY TREATMENTS JUU GIVEN AWAY AS PROOF; Send Coupon for Details! | Sgfe:!>"'/ ij Wmmwt. Now at last M. Jean Renault, the internationally famous scientist; and America's Leading Hair Biologist, has discovered a new entirely different and successful way to grow new hair quickly. He spent seven years in scientific study of the hair, unravelling fact theory, truth from speculation. His researches revealed many newi hair growing secrets which astonished even himself. truth about baldness and FALUNS HAIR H \ Jwi}' As a result of his investigations, M. Renault now says, "It iirrt AGE that causes Baldness. No matter what his age—the normal ' person can easily retain his hair—can encourage hair replacement merely by following a few simple rules." ¥ "Nor is Falling Hair the cause of Baldness," M. Renault goes onto say, "It's as natural for a human's hair to fall as for an animal fck li ; shed its coat. Don't try to stop falling hair. It can't be done, and it's dead anvway. Instead, help Nature to replace the liair that falli bv stimulation and proper nourishment to the hair roots. Get lid of the acids in the tissues which eat away the liair papillae." M. Renault's Scientific Hair Treatment is an entirely new methoi It contains manv unusual elements. It is based upon the estafe lished law of Hair Replacement through stimulation and This treatment possesses amazing penetrative power. It is swiftly IHHllium in Hi I nis treatment pobbcmjco n * r ~ '> -Mm? absorbed down into the hair roots. Here it neutralises acid oondi-* tions, dissolves and expels all hidden foreign matter wliich is impeding the growth of the hair. It stimulates the papillae (hair growing organs) with the elements they need to restore their hair-growing functions, by removing the cause of dormant activity of hair-growing structure, and by supplying the necessary stimulation and nourishment to the hair to. enable'taj); - „ r ,„,, TiTTrm hair to gain sufficient strength to push through and become visible again. M. J. RENAULT., r - . ' Biologist and Dermatologist. "IREAD THIS POSITIVE PROOF! (ENDS DANDRUFF, 9TCHING. Recent Reports from Users of M.Jean Renault'« (These complaints are secondary condi- New Scientific Hair Treatment. ' ■fionß. that are relieved bv fieien- " 'iSs? WAS BALD AS A BILLIARD BALL iThese complaints are secondary conditions, that are relieved by scientific methods. Dandruff is Social Menace No. 1. It is the cause of 91 per cent, of ~'"3 "I tried vour remarkable new hair culture flakes that fill the hair. It is due to a treatment on myself. Prior to using it germ called the "Flask Barilla of Unna'" I was as 'bald as a billiard ball.' Now, hidden in the hair roots—nnd these white after two months 1 treatment, I have-new, flakes are but symptoms. hair growing all over my head They are coming through dark, which I 1 "■ '■ y> -■ "1 Due to Jack of think is wonderful considering my age ' (G&X&lfSft nourishment to the of 55 »_Mr. J. Elson, Pittsburgh, Pa. papillae, the hair _ BJSSttSS DANDRUFF GOME, fll HAIR BEAUTIFUL and THICK. i| HAm WEAK must 'tell you t)i&t Renault s Hai-r If- LACKINO VITALITY Treatment is really wonderful. Ever 5 raj since a girl I was troubled with only H „. m wrwvr straggling hair. It used always to look gjjw 1 " lank and ugly. It would never permanent llfjjP' " PAPILLA wave properly. Your treatment cleared away all the oiliness, and the hair is beautifully full and luxuriant. It looks ■XT. Renault's new treatment gets Tight so healthy and waves beautifully. All down to the hair roots, where the germs dandruff lias gone.—Mrs. E. Cooke, are located. It loosens the tight scalp, anßas ?•> quickens the circulation, and helps in- ALMOST BALDi crease the flow of natural, health-bring- HAIR HOW GROWING. •ing oils. The constricted, dned-up 4<l jj avo rccejve< j t j, e greatest benefit from starved cells are able to function Jpan Renault's Treatment. Before using l It „ T , , ~ . two months ago, I was very bald at the mormally. Loose dandruff disappears, Dack of the head and the hair was becomHAIR— WEAK HAIR ROOT PAPILLA m HAIR STOPPED FALLING. —GROWIHG WELL. "Tlie hair treatment I obtained from yofl ~ T . .i „ j.,,® two months agro, I was very bald at the two months ago has been of great bewM, mormally. Loose dandruff disappears, Dack or the head and the hair was becom- t o me. My foalr has stopped railing:, lyour scalp relaxes, and the pores are *ng- very thin on tlio temples. Now I have sca iy dandruff has entirely disappeared, '■* 1 , . a strong:, new growth; on the bald patrli an( j new hair is growing on the bald spott lablo to breathe once again. This new life the hair has grown nearly an Inch and has anc i a t the sides or the head. The quality lie tirnnn-iit vour Br air, and the" rrnnd completely covered it. On the temples the 0 f my hair has improved remarkably. R . lis brought to youi scalp, and go d halr h#g become thick and full again. I is coming through thick and abundantly. Ilooks of health and vitality to your hair believe that your treatment should be used —Mr. s. Smith, St. Louis, Mo. i, ~ , . , , i • by every one troubled with poor hair," *• }by the only natural way by supplying —Mr. A. Newman, Milwaukee. OCBBH Blffe II AU tV the roots with the proper nourishing pvapi ■ EUT CAR RAI MIECQ wfcllll R U IH UH t I . -Mr. s. Smith, St. Louis, Mo. mm lelements they need. —Mr. A. Newman, Milwaukee. CCBIH II A II fll NC V EXCELLEHTFORBALDHESS ™ uBCI "Your hair treatment is really excellent lICTAH O fIC fIIIR for baldness and poor hair. Have now a UEI EIEI AILd Ur tHin new growth or liair about }-lnch long, and it is improving almost dally."'—ftr, H. SENSATIONAL FREE "Your hair treatment is really excellent New Treatment for baldness and poor hair. Have now a Stimulates Growth new growth or liair about }-tnch long, and 6;/ nourishing and it Is Improving almost dally."—Ur, H. tending neic blood to the papillae. SHAFT—VISIBLE PART OP HAIR HAIR ROOT PAPILLA HEALTHY HAIR IMPRISONED BENEATH SCALP, > "Every hair is supplied with oil glands," savs M. Renault. "The purpose of these is, to lubricate the hair and keep it in jgood condition, supple, weather-resisting jand glossy. These glands are easily affected by tight-fitting headgear, nnd germ infection. Dandruff is a frequent result of impaired gland action. All iforms of dandruff tend to choke up the | follicles or hair sheaths out of which the (growing hair emerges." !M. Renault goes LIFELESS DULL HAIR. NOW GROWING RAPIDLY. TREATMENT OFFERe POST COUPOH HOW. If your comb reveals that you hav« dandruff or that your hair is coming out too fast. If your hair is too dry or too oily. If you are bald or even threatened with baldness, in any degree, for your own peace of niind try AT. Jean Renault 8 New Discovery under our Special Introductory Free Treatment offer. Find out what your hair is, how it grows, why it dies and falls out, why it loses colour and becomes thin and brittle. Learn ho* to remove the acids that , eat away tha hair roots, how to supply the white or fatty matter from which all hair growa. Learn now how simple it is to re mow dandruff itch, how to check oiliness or dryne«s, and make the hair grow softf luxuriant and lustrous. Learn how easy it is to cover bald tjpots with hair, and how to regrow the lost hair with » vigorous, strong, healthy, handsome haur from all live hair follicles. Alt this information is provided in M. Renault • ,«n to «av "Tha hair mar lxs nerfectlv wllen 1 80nt for J' our New Hair Treat- "Treatise >.o. 22," sponsored and sent , 40 aa y» lilc nair lua - v 06 P erl(!CU y mcnt, my hair was vory dull, lifeless and FREE bv Thavsen Cov PO Box 627, [healthy, but the tight vrnd of dandruff brittle. It used to split and break, and my , ' • ~ - .. balr was full of horrible dandrufT which Auckland, .New Zealand. (blocking the exit from tho follicles, keips all the ghampooing in the world failed to _____ the young hair imprisoned, and it lives cure. After using your treatment for a pfjQf TgffS COUPON—- ... , , couple or months, I am pleased to say my " = out ita life unseen bene;uh the surface jiair is altogether diiTereni;. It Is strong, *a of the scalp. POST THIS COUPON-TO-NIGHT. HAIR—NOW GROWING STRONGLY growing rapidly and has a nice, healthy sheen. All the dandruff lias disappeared. I will certainly recommend your treatment as the best thing for the hair,"——Miss A. J., [ i tuavqitm c*av hpdy B> Cambridge. Mass. , TH*YSE« COT., DEPT. I P.O. BOX 827, AUCKLAND. NEW HAIR AT AGE 78. II I enclose Id stamp. Send me a FREE J "Berore I used Renault Scientific Treat-1J S Hati" Jiaa note grown ment, I did not have any liair on the top . nmazinirKew FREE TREATMENT OFFER* I full and strong as a 0 f my head and Just a little at the sides 11 amazing utra«.« result of new treat- and bacK. It was caused as a result or a ment. Prove results great shock. I had tried everything wlthfor yourself. out avail. Specialists said they considered 1 my condition Incurable. However a lady urged me to try your treatment, and I bless ■ ADDRESS J HAIR ROOT the day I did because now I have a nice J PAPILLA 11(58(1 of hn,r tl,at r ®ally looks healthy and J N7H 5/2/38. Sw? tupll 1 nm "?R vpars nlrl."—Mrs. *P. nnrfTnn. ! •• ■ for yourself. HAIR ROOT PAPILLA bead of hair that really looks healthy and J m 7 o 5/2/38. ■■ well. lam 78 years old."—Mrs. T. Gordon, ! " ■ Fort Wayne, ind. i r EMULSION OA KEY'S Genuine Emery Cloth and Cabinet G lass PapC The name of Oakey is known throughout the world for the finest quality Emery Clotb S and Glass Paper. /fM Vsed in eveiy industry and I jW'K I household v/here efficient 1 |lTiv tubbing down ,of surfaces is required. 100 years' reputa- \s»g-«y tion for quality, durability and performiince. . Afnit— _ rrr.llinfftOf A. A. Stichbury, Ltd. Blair St.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22955, 5 February 1938, Page 14 (Supplement)

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22955, 5 February 1938, Page 14 (Supplement)

Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22955, 5 February 1938, Page 14 (Supplement)