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PRICES AT WESTFIELD GENERAL EASING TENDENCY BEEF QUOTATIONS UNALTERED Values tendjd to ease in every section of tho market at the Westfield fat stock sales yesterday. The only exceptions were ewes and lambs, which maintained late rates. Heavy supplies of beef accounted for lower individual prices,' although average values were quoted unchanged. Some calf prices suffered a sharp decline. Good quality pigs made firm rates, but others were" cheaper. Choicer beef was available in a muchincreased yarding, and values which appeared to be considerably lower than last week assumed true proportions in relation to weights to 40s per 1001b. Some well-finished steers were marketed to £ls 10s, which was 10s in adyance of the bidding of a week ago. Over the entire sale quality beasts only realised good returns. As has now been the case for a long time, few cows and heifers showed the quality favoured by butchers, and in, this section values were inclined to easo Prices ranged to £ll, as against £l3 at the previous sale, Fine Quality Sheep

Quality was evenly distributed throughout the well-filled sheep races. Competition was patchy, and while many linos were sold at recent levels, wethers in particular failed to maintain the scale of last week, being about Is a head chaper at 30s. Odd lots of prime maiden ewes were offered and traded under lively, bidding to 25s 3d (/ others ranging to £l. Lambs were in good supply and demand. Several extra prime heavy pens were sold, including a line of show stock, which made best prices to 26s 6d, which did not quite equal the top bid of last week. Lighter and unfinished lambs went under the hammer from 10s 6d to 19s, which were similar prices to those ruling a wek ago* " , Call Supply Exceeds Demand

The calf market was oversupplied. Tho demand was Slack from the outset, and values gradually receded as the sale progressed. Toward the close of the sale prices dropped in some cases over 7s a head. The best runner realised £6 17s. and the choicest vealer £3, as compared with £9 and £3 10s respectively last week. . ! A full entry of pigs met w'ith a steady sale, but only top-weights and good quality stock made firm values, all others showing a slight fall in price. The averages were about the same, baconers being quoted to 6d per lb. and porkers to 6id, with top prices in each case of £4 Is, compared with £4 3s last week, and £3, the same as a week ago. Comparison of Quotations The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Wefctfield fat stock sales:— „ This Week Last Week BEEP (per 1001b) Extra choice ox 40/- 40/Choice and prime » ox . . 34/- to 39/- 34/- to 30/Choice and prime cow and heifer 30/- to 37/-' 30/- to 38/Bonei and rough 20/• to 20/- 20/- to 20/SHEEP (per head)— Prime wethers 22/6 to 30/- 24/- to 30/6 Unfin. wethers 20/- to 22/- 21/6 to 23/6 Prime ewes .. 14/6 to 25/3 14/- to 20/Unfinished ewes 5/- to 15/- 3/- to 13/6 Prime lambs .. 20/- to 20/6 21/- to 26/9 Unfin,. lambs .. 10/6 to 10/- 11/6 to 20/6 CALVES (per head) — Runners .. OOfr to 137/- 70/- to 180/Vealers . . 5/-to 100/- 5/- to 102/PIGS (per head) — Baconers .. 02/- to 81/- 02/- to 83/Porkers .. 32/- to GO/- 30/- to 60/Weaners .. 8/- to 16/- 9/- to 16/Slips .. 12/- to 21/- 15A to 23/Large stores .. 22/- to 21)/- 23/- to 34/Individual Consignments Top price for ox beef was £ls 10s, obtained for a choice steer in a line of 16 from Mr. W. J. Ralph's estate, of Mahuta. Trucks of bullocks forwarded by Paterson Brothers, of Motiti Island, realised to £l4 15s, and entries from Mr. H. E. Reed, of Waerenga, sold to £l4 7s 6d. Stock from Mr. A. W. Alley, of Hikutaia, was marketed to £l4 2s 6d, and .other quotable drafts were traded for Mrs. A. F. Cocker ton, of Maungaturoto, to £l3; Mr. R. Dodds, of Paparoa, Mr. A. L. Hull, of Waiuku, to £ll 15s; Mr. E. G. Ellett, of Mangere, to £ll 12s 6d; Mr. W, McLaughlin, of Papatoetoo, to £ll 10s; and Mr. C. J. Wily, of Pukekohe, to £ll 7s 6d, Cows and heifers yarded by Mr. S. W. Black, of Wliangamarino, were auctioned to £ll, and bids to £lO 17s 6d were accepted for a line from Paterson Brothers. Cattle from Mr. W. J. Higham, of Karaka, made to £lO 2s 6d, and Mr. J. A. Hill, of Ohinewai, sold cows to £9 7s 6d. Mr. F. C. Bull, of Mangere, cleared a pen to £9 2s 6d, and lots from Mr. It. Hall, of Wiri, • and Mr. H. Windsor, of Matangi, brought to £8 17s 6d. Good transactions also included those of Mr. C. M. Becroft, of Port Albert, to £8 15s; Mr. J. Johnstone, of Manurewa, to £8; Mr. R. Johnstone, of Manurewa, to £7 17s 6d: Mr. J. Johnstone, of Karaka, to £7 15s; and Mr. W. H. Alley, of Hikutaia, to £7 10s. DETAILS OF SALES AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS LOAN AND MERCANTILE Tho New Zealand Loan and Mercantilo Agency Company, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: Beef,—We had a larger yarding of beef. Thero was steady competition, with values in some cases up to last weok's quotations, but over all inclined to ease. We quote extra choice ox to .€2 per 1001b; choice and prime ox, £1 lis to £1 10s; ordinary and plain ox. £1 8s to £1 13s; prime young cow -and heifer beof, £1 10s to £1 17s; ordinary cow beof, £1 to £1 os. Heavy prime steers,' £l4 to £ls 10s; lighter prime steers, £l2 to £l3 15s; light prime steers, £lO 10s to £ll 17s 6d; plain and small, £0 to £lO 7s Gd; oxtra heavy prime young cows'and heifers, £9 to £lO 2s Od; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £7 10s to £8 17s Od; lighter, £0 to £7 ss: light, £4 li>S to £5 17s Od; aged and plain finished cows, £3 to £4 l()s. Two trucks of prime steers from the estate of the lato Mr. W. J. Ralph realised up to £ls 10s.

Sheep.—A large entry of sheep met a roady derannd, with littlo or rto alteration in values on last week's sale. No oxtra heavy prime wethers wore penned. Heavy prime wethers, £1 8s to £1 l(h»i medium prime wothers, £1 Gs 3d to £1 7b 9d; light prime wethers, £1 5s to £1 6s; small' and nnfinished wethers, £1 2s (id to £1 4s Od; prime maiden ewes, £1 Is to £1 4s Od; heavy prime owes, 17s Od to 18s (Ids medium prime ewes, 10s Od to 17s 6d: light prime eWes, 15s Od to 10s 3d; Just killable ewes, 12s Od to 15s; interiorly latted ewes, 5s to lis. Lamb*.—Fully an average yarding sold at about late rates. Heavy prime, £1 5s to £1 (is Od; medium primo, £1 3s to £1 4s Od; light prime, £1 to £1 2s Od; unfinished, best, 158 3d to 108; others, 12s Od to 15s. Pigs.—The yarding of pigs was an average one. The market was quieter, with an easing tendency for values on last week's quotations. Choppers sold from £2 to £4 08; hoavy and medium baconers from £3 12s to £4; light baconers and heavy porkers from £3 to £3 10s; medium porkers and light porkers, from £2 5s to £2 18s: small, £1 12s to £2 3s. Store'pigs sold at late rates. Largo stores, £1 3s to £1 8s; slips, 12s to £1; weaners, 8s to 10s.

Calves. —Our entry of calves was a largo one. there being an over-supply. Values wore oasier all round, and more so on plain calves. Runners, £3 to £0 17s; heavy vealersi, £4 to £5; medium, £3 8s to £3 18s; light. «2 10s to £3 Os; smaller, £1 10s to £.! 8s; small, 18s to £1 8s; rough calves, 15s to CI; fresh dropped, to two weeks old, Os to 14s. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS Alfred Buckland find Sons, Limited, reports on tlio sale as follows: Beet.—We penned fat cattle to the number of 207 head, as against 204 head last week, comprising 82 steers and 185 cows and heifers. The quality of ox beef panned

was first-class. Although our quotations are the sumr- as last, week, values were inclined to be slightly easier. A good- yarding of cows and heifers also met good competition at slightly lower rates. Extra choice ox Bold to £'2 per 1001b; choice and prime ox, £1 17s to XI 10s; secondary and plain ox, £1 13s to ,€l 16s; prime young cow and heifer beef. .£1 14s to £1 17s; ordinary cow beef, £1 4s to £1 Os. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £l4 to £l4 ICS; 7 steers from Mr. 11. E. Heed, of Waerenga, averaged £l3 l!2s (id; heavy prime steers, £l3 6s to £l3 15b; lighter prime steers, £l2 to £l3; light prime steers, £ll to £ll. 10s; small and unfinished steers, £7 10s to £lO 10s; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £9 103 to £lO 17s (id; heavy prime cows and heifers, £7 10s to £8 7s Gd; lighter prime cows and heifers. £C to £6 15s; other killable cows, £4 10s to £0 7s Od.

Sheep.—Our total yarding of sheep numbered 1003. Competition for wethers was not so keen, and they showed a slight easing. Ewes were in short supply, and values were firm at late quotations. Extra heavy prime wethers, £1 7s Gd to £1 9s; heavy prime, £1- tis Od to £l. 7s Od; medium to heavy prime, £1 5s to £1 Os; light to medium prime, £1 3s to £1 4s Cd; unfinished wethers, £1 to £1 2s; extra heavy prime young maiden ewes, £1 Is to £1 5s 3d; heavy prime ewes, 18s to 10s Od; lighter prime, 10s to 17s Cd; othor killable ewes, 14s Od to 15s Gd; other ewes, os to 13s. Lambs.—These were penned to the number of 701 and sold freely at late rates. Extra heavy prime lambs, £1 5* Gd to £1 Os Od; heavy prime, £1 4s Od to £1 ss; lighter prime. £1 2s Gd to £1 3s od; light prime, £1 to £1 is Od; small and plain, 10s Cd to 17s Od.

Calves.—We had a large yarding of calves. The demand was not so strong as at last week's sale and values were lower, late sale calves suffering severely. Kunners made £3 17s to £5 19s; heavy vealers, £4 8s to £4 17s; medium, £3 lis to £3 17s; light, £2 12s to £3; smaller, £1 15s to £2 3s; unfinished and bucket-fed, 18s to £1 9s; bobby calves, 5s to 15s; 285 calves were sold. '

Pig»,—There was a full entry of pigs. Bidding was steady for all prime quality sorts, but there was an casing tendency for others. Choppers made £'2 12s to £4; heavy prime baconers, £3 10s to £4 Is; medium, £3 8s to £3 12s; light, £3 2s to £3 ss; heavy porkers, £2 15s to £2 18s; medium. £2 Ss to £2 lis; light, £2 28 to £'2 ss; small and unfinished, £1 10s to £1 15s; stores, £1 2s to £l. Os; slips, ISs to £1 is; weaners, fis to 14s. Baconers averaged 6d per lb. and porkers averaged about G'/d per lb. A total of 708 pigs was sold. DALGETY AND COMPANY -Dalgoty and Company, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: Beef.—Our offering of beef totalled 184 head of cows and heifers, against 129 head last week, lhe quality was first 'class, but the demand was hardly as keen as last week. Although our quotations remain the same, values generally were lower than last week, kxtra choice ox sold to 40s per 1001b.; choice and prime ox, £1 I7u to £1 19s: just killable, £1 13s to £1 16s; prime young ? ow . i ß . l #. , hoifer beef . £1 'o £1 17s; just killable, 25s to 335. Extra heavy prime young cows and heifers ranged in price from £0 to £11; heavy prime cows and heifers. £8 to £8 15s; lighter prime cows and heifers, £7 to £7 17s Gd; light cows, £6 to £0 17s Gd; other killable cows. £4 to £5 15s.

Sheep.—A heavy entry of sheep, comprising mostly well-finished wethers, came forward, and sold under steady competition at values a shade lower than last week.' A moderate entry of ewes sold under keen competition at advanced rates. Extra heavy prime wethers, £1 8s 9d to £1 Os 3d; heavy prime, £1 7s Gd to £1 8s Gd; medium, £1 58 Gd to £1 7s; light and unfinished, £1 4s to £1 ss; heavy prime ewes, 19s 9d to £1 Is Gd; lighter, 17s to 19s Gd; other ewes, 12s Gd to lGs Gd.

An average entry of lambs sold steadily at values fully equal to late rates. Heavy prime lambs, £1 3s to £1 5s Gd; medium, £1 Is to £1 2s Gd; lighter, 19s to 20s Gd; small and plain, 13s to 18s Gd.

Calves.—A very heavy yarding of calves was penned.' Competition was not so keen, aud values eased on last week's quotations. Late sale calves were particularly dull of sale. Runners, £3 to £G JOs; heavy vealers, £4 4s to £4 15s; medium, £3 10s to £3 18s; light, £2 14s to £3 8s; small, £1 14s to £2 ss; unfinished and bucket-fed, 14s to £1 3s; bobby and rough calves, 5s to 14s. Pigs.—A full yarding of pigs came forward. Prime quality pigs sold at late rates, with an easing tendency for any unfinished sorts. Choppers, to £3 lis; heavy baconers, £3 1,6s to £3 19s; medium, £3 8s to £3 12s j light, £3 2s to £3 Gs; heavy porkers, £2 15s to £3; medium, £2 9s to £2 12s; light, £2 2s to £2 7s; small and unfinished, £1 12s to £1 17s. ADDINGTON MARKET GENERAL EASING IN PRICES [BY TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION] CHRISTCHTJRCH, "Wednesday Exceptionally heavy entries Were the rule at to-day's Addington market, and as a result there was a general easing. The fat sheep section was most affected. Store sheep: About 10,000 were penned, 80 per cent being wether lambs. The best of these sold well at from 18s to 19s 9d; medium, 16s to 17s Gd; small and poor conditioned 13s to 14s tid; adult wethers, 23s to 26s for a small lot. Ewe lambs sold poorly, 21s Gd being the best price for a qnality pen. Only a few pens of ewes were forward. Fat lambs: There was a small entry of 1300 head, which sold at the lowered export rate of 7%d per lb for best. Fat sheep: There was an over supply! the entry comprising 7500 head. Wethers were down 2s (id a head, big ewes by 3s Gd and export ewes by as much as Is Gd. Company buyers bought heavily. Best wethers sold from 31s 6d to 34s 6d; a few •tops, to 37s; t good, 27s Gd to 30s; light, down to 245; best ewes, 21s to 23s and a few to 21s <id; medium to good, 18s 6d to 20s 6d; light, down to 15s. Fat cattle: Some 555 were penned. They were of indifferent quality and values wero down by 20s to 25s a head, the penning constituting an over supply. Best beef made 34s to 3Gs per 1001b., and in .cases to 37s Gd. Good steers sold at £l4 10s to £l6 7s Gd; prime medium, £l2 10s to £l4; light, down to £6; best cows and heifers, to £ll 7s Gd; medium heifers, £8 to £9 10s; light, down to £7; secondary cows, down to £5 15s. Fat pigs: Prices eased lor both porkers and baconers. Porkers made from 32s Gd to 51s 6d, averago, price per lb, 6d to OVad; baconers. 54s Gd to £3 lis 6d, average price, 5d to Store pigs: A heavy entry met a good sale. "Weaners made 14s to 20s; slips, 21s to 235; stores, 27s to 36s Gd.

S WELLINGTON GAS COMPARISON OF RESULTS The balance-sheet of the Wellington Gas Company, Limited, now to hand, shows that the net profit for the year ended December 31, 1937, was £27,661, after writing £10,826 off plant, building and machinery. This compares with £29,361 in tho previous year, which was struck after writing off £16,858.

The company's results for the past three years compare as follows:

1035 1936 1937 £ £ £ Bt. forward .. 14,709 34,899 17,727 Net profit- , . . *39,103 29,301 27,001

53,932 44,260 45,388 Debenture fund .. 10,000 Insurance fund .. 2,500 Dividends— , ■

Pref., 5 pc. .. 4,228 4,228 4,228 Ord., 8 p.C. . . 22,305 22,305 22,30,1

Cd. forward .. 14,899 17,7127 18,855 "Before providing debenture and insurance fund appropriations. Total assets are £660,861, an increase of £26,538. Paid capital is unchanged at £363,370. The genial reserve remains at £105,000. The debit balance at tho bank in the previous year, amounting to £9225, has been converted into a credit of £3942. Amounts owinjJ* to the company, n including debtors under hire-purchase agreements, are higher, but stocks show a decline. DEARER EGG PRICES * ADVANCE FROM TO-DAY The Auckland Egg Marketing Committee announces that egg prices are as follows, as from to-day. A grade hen eggs have advanced 2d. All grades of duck eggs are up Id per doz.: —JHch: first gradp, Is 81d a dozen; B grade, Is 5Jd; C grade, Is OJd. Duck: First grade, Is 5Jd; B grade, Is 4jd; C grade, Is 04d. Country storekeepers' minimum buying prices for first grade eggs are.— Hen, Is 3Jd a dozen; duck, Is Id.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22941, 20 January 1938, Page 7

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FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22941, 20 January 1938, Page 7

FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22941, 20 January 1938, Page 7