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PRICES AT WESTFIELD MARKET GENERALLY FIRMER RESTRICTED SUPPLY OF BEEF In consequence of the sudden decline in beef values last week, dealers restricted their entry of fat stock for the sale at Westfield yesterday. This had the effect of forcing prices up to the level operating before the holidays. Calves were also much dearer. Sheep quality improved, and ewes were quoted about Is firmer, wethers and lambs remaining about on a par with recent rates. Pigs maintained former values. One of the poorest yardings of beef that has been offered for a very long time included few pens of quality stock. Seldom have fewer steers been available, and individual bids showed advances of up to £2. The best transaction was £ls, as against £l4 7s 6(1 a week ago. Generally the quality of cows and heifers was very inferior, but bidding ranged to £l3 12s 6d. which lias not been surpassed since September 29 last. The scale of values was increased by 2s all round, and ranged to 40s per 1001b. Brisk Demand lor Lambs After the lack of choice mutton sheep at last week's sale, the market was better supplied with prime quality stock. Butchers operated freely, paying to 30s 6d for wethers, compared with a top bid of 3d more a week ago. The quality of ewes showed a particular improvement, and prices moved up in keeping with it. Some pens were traded to 26s a head, which was 4s higher than the best prices paid last week. The brisk demand for lambs that has characterised sales since before Christmas continued among a full bench of buyers. There was a wide selection which, however, did not include many heavy lambs. Quotations to 26s 9d failed by Is to reach those of last week's market, although smaller lambs sold well under good competition from lis 6d to 20s 6(1. Keen Calf Sale

Calves regained some of their recent, losses, and sold at considerably higher prices than those rilling a week ago. The improvement was due to much more spirited competition. One fine yearling runner brought £9, and others made £'6 7s 6d, while none sold under £-*5 10s, whereas at the last sale they were priced down to £2 10s. Vealers were in some cases 5s a head better to £•"> 2s.

Pigs again sold steadily at very firm rates. There was a slightly smaller yarding than at the previous sale, and quality continued to be particularly good in all classes. Baconers brought best values, tending in many cases to firm, and other sorts fully maintained recent values. Baconers were quoted to (id per lb., and porkers from 6d to 6 id. Comparison of Quotations The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the West field fat stock sales; — This Week Last Week BEEF (per 1001b.) Extra choice ox 40/- 3S/Choice i prime o\ . . 31/- to 3!)/- 33/- to 37/Choice & prime cow A heifer 30/- to 38/- 30/- to 30/Boner & rough 20/- to 20/- 20/- to 20/SHEEP (per head)— Prime wethers 21/- to 30/6 2-1/- to 30'o Unfin. wethers 21/0 to 23/0 20/- to 25/0 Prinw ewes . 11/- to 20/- 14/0 to 22'Unfill, ewes . 3/- to 2/- to 14/Prime lambs . 21/- to 2G't) 20/- to 27/0 Unfin. lambs . 11/0 to 20/0 0/- to 10/0 CALVES (per head)— Runners .. 70/- to ISO/- 60/- to 130/Vealers 5/• to 102/- 3/'■ to 00/PIGS (per head) — Baconers .. 02/- to 83/- 02'- to 85/Porkers .. 30/- to GO/- 33/- to 01 /- Weaners .. O/- to 10/- 5/- to 17/Slips .. 15/- to 23/- 15/- to 21,'Large stores . 23/- to 3-1/- 24/- to 35/Individual Consignments Top price for ox beef was £ls, made by a choice line yarded by Mr. A.-Orr, of Hoteo. Prime steers marketed by Mr. J. Walters, of Waiuku realised to £lB 2s 6d. Two trucks of bullocks entered by Air. H. li. John, of To Teko, were auctioned to £l2. Cows and heifers from Mr. J. A. Hill, of Ohinewai. were .traded to £l3 12s 6d. heading this section of the market. Stock forwarded from Mr. Caleb Hill's estate, Ohinewai, made to £l2 12s 6d, and a pen from Mr. S. Cntts, of Mangere, brought to £ll 12s (id. Cattle sold for Mr. H. Windsor, of Matangi, ranged to £ll 10s. and a cow from .Mr. 11. Kemp, of East Tamaki, fetched £ll ss. Other quotable transactions were completed on behalf of Mr. D. Williams, of Manurewa, to £9 7s 6d; Mr. P. Hall, of Wiri, and Mr. H. Plumlcy, of Papatoetoe, to £8 15S; Mr. W. F. Hill, of Jiast Tamaki to £8 12s 6d; Mr. H. Nicholas' estate, of Howick, to £8 10s; and McDonald Brothers, of Pukeowaro, to £8 7s 6d.

DETAILS OF SALES AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS DALGETY AND COMPANY Dalgcty and Company, Limited, reports on tli« sale as follows: Beef.—Our offering of lieef totalled 12!) head of cows and heifers, against ilil.) head last week. The small offering accounted for n very keen demand, and as a consequence values improved 2s per 1001b for all classes. Extra choice ox sold to 40s per 1001b; choico and prime ox, Wis to 30s; just killable, 32s to 30s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 30s to 38s; just killable, 20s to 335. Extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, .I'll 10s to £'l3 12s (Id for heifers, sold account of Mr. J. A. Hill, of Hoe-o-tainui; 1 heavy prime cows and heifers, .L'lo to ill Os; lighter prime cows and heifers, I'S Ids to £0 10s; light cows, CO to £8; other killable cows, £'3 10s <o £'o 10s. Sheep.—An average entry of sheep drew crood competition, with values on a pnr with last week for wethers, while (he rates for ewes improved. Extra heavy prime wethers, £' t lis 3d to £1 10s (id: heavy prime, £1 8s to £1 Os; medium. £1 (is (Id to £1 7s (id; light and unfinished, CI -Is to £1 (ts; heavy prime ewes, 18s Od to £1 Is (id; lighter, 17s to 18s (id; other ewes, lis to 1 Us (-id. A fair entry of lambs sold under steady competition at rates unaltered from last week. Heavy prime lamb, £1 2s to £1 3s lid; medium. £'l to CI Is (id; lighter, 18s to 10s (id; small and plain, lGs to 17s Gd; store Jambs, 10s to Ms ltd. Calves.—Our offering of calves was more than an average one. Competition \vns good throughout anil values were fully enual to rates ruling at the sale prior to Christinas. Runners, .A3 10s to £0 12s; medium vealers, £4 to £4 (ss; light, £3 to £3 8s; small, £2 to £2 10s; unfinished'and bucket-fed, 10s to J.'l Os; bobby and rough calves, (is to 10s. pi gl . —a heavy yarding of pigs sold under steady competition, late rates being maintained. Heavy baconers. £3 10s to £3 10sj medium, £3 8s to £3 12s; lifrht. £3 2s to £3 (is; heavy porkers £2 1 (>s to £3; medium. £2 Os lo £2 I'-s; 'ffht, -jj to £2 Ts; small and unfinished, £1 13s to £1 10s; LOAN AND MERCANTILE The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: — Beef. —Our yarding of beef was a small one. Competition was keen, and values advanced on Inst week's sulc, 16s to £1 n lic<id, j Extra choice ox sold to £2 per 1001b; choico and prime, £1 14s to £1 10s; ordinary and plain, £1 8s to £1 13s; prime young cow and heifer beef, jfcl 10s to £1 17s; ordinary cow beef, £1 to £l Os. Heavy'prime steers, £ll to £10; lighter prime, £l2 to £l3 15s; light prime, £lO 10s to ill 17s Od; plain and small, £0 to £0 15s; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO to £l2 12s Od; heavy prime, £8 10s to £1) 15s; lighter, £7 tr. CS .Os; light, £5 to £0 10s: aged aud plain finished cows, £3 5s to £4 17s Gd. Sheep.—We had a large entry of sheep, fat ewes predominating. There was a ready demand, with values on a par with last sale. Heavy prime wethers, £1 7s to. £1 8s 3d; medium prime, £1 Os Od to £1 6s Od; light

prime, £1 4s to £1 rfs 3d; small and unfinished, £1 Is to jL'l 3s !)d; prime maiden ewes, £1 2s to JUI (is; heavy prime ewes, l!>s (id to £1 Is; medium prime, 37s (id to l!)s 3d; light prinie. Mis to 17s 3d; just killable, 13s to 15s <jd; iioorer ewes, 3s upward. Lambs in average numbers sold freely at late quotations. Heavy prime, £1 (is to £1 (is f)d; medium, £1 3s (id to £1 .is (id; light, £1 Is to £1 3s 3d; smaller, 16s (id to £1 Os (id; others, Ids to 18s. Pigs.—We had a heavy yarding of piss. Competition was steady throughout, with values equal to last week's quotations. Choppers sold from £'J (is to C 5; heavy and medium baconers, from £3 Kis to £-1 3s; light baconers and heavy porkers, from £3 to £3 14s; medium porkers and liprht porkers, from .€2 8s to £2 I8s; small, £2 to £2 (is; unfinished, £1 10s to £1 Kis. Store pigs sold at late rates. Largo stores, £1 3s to £1 7s; slips, 15s to £1; weaners, {)s to 15s. Calves.—Our entry of calves was smaller lhan last week. The demand was keener, and values were higher on last week's rates. Runners, £3 to £(l 7s (id; heavy vealers, i t 10s to £."» 2s; medium, £3 lfis to £1 Ks; light, £3 to £3'l2s; smaller, £2 to £2 18s; small, £1 5s to £1 18s ; rough calves, 15s to £1 10s; fresh dropped to three weeks old, 7s to £1 3s. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, reports on the sale us follows: Beef.—Our total yarding of beef numbered 201 head, as against 'J~R head last week, comprising 75 steers and 12!> cows and heifers. A smaller yarding of ox beef sold under keen competition, and values returned to those ruling at our Christinas sale. Cows and heifers also improved in value on last week's quotations. Extra choice ox sold to £2 per lOOlb; choice and prime ox, £1 17s to £1 lils; secondary and plain ox, £1 13s to £1 Kis; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 Ms to £1 17s; ordinary cow beef. £ I -1s to £1 !»s. No extra heavy prime steers were yarded. Heavy prime steers ranged in prices from £l3 10s to £l4 '_'s (id: lighter prime sieers. £l2 to '£l3; light prime steers. X' 1 1 to £ll 10s; small and unfinished steers, £7 to £lO 1(ts; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £!> 10s to £lO 10s; heavy prime cows and heifers, £ ( Ids to £8 10s; lighter prime cows and heifers, £K 5s to £7; other killable, cows, £-1 10s to £5 10s. Sheep.—Sheep were penned to the number of 7(in. Competition for wethers was keen, and late rates ruled, while ewes showed improvement on recent quotations. Extra heavy prime wethers, £1 its to £1 10s 31; heavy prime wethers, £1 7s fid to £1 Ss 9d; medium to heavy prime wethers, £1 (5s to £1 7s; light (o medium prime wethers, £1 4s (id to £1 5s (id; unfinished wethers, £1 Is (id to £1 ,'ls (id; extra heavy prime young ewes. £1 lo £1 'Js; heavy prime ewes, 18s to 10s; lighter prime ewes, Kis to 17s (id; other killable ewes, 14s (id to 15s Gd; other ewes, 8s to l'Js (id. Lambs.—Our total yarding of Vimbs numbered 170, and sold freely at fully late quotations. Extra heavy prime lambs, £1 5s (id to £ I (is (id; heavy prime lambs. £1 4s (id to £1 ss; lighter prime lambs, £1 3s to £1 Is; light prime lambs, £1 Is to £1 2s; small and plain lambs, lis (id to 18s (id. Calves.—We had an average yarding of Valves. There was improved competition and values Were considerably higher than last week's low rates. Runners made £4 to £0 for a particularly well-conditioned yearling steer; heavy vealers, £4 12s to £5 2s; medium, £3 15s to £1 2s; light, £2 17s to £3 4s; smaller, £1 18s to £2 (is; unfinished and bucket-fed, £1 Is to £1 lis; bobby calves, 5s to Kis; 251 calves were sold.

Pigs.—There was again a full entry of fat pigs. Bidding was steady and values were equal to lust sale's quotations. Choppers made £"_' I."is to £4 12s; heavy prime baroners, £3 10s to £'4; medium, £3 Os to £3 IMs; light, £3 3s to £3 (Is; heavy porkers, £2 10s to £3; medium, L'l 10s to £2 12s; light, 4'2 3s to £'2 7s; small and unfinished, £1 14s to £' 1 18s; stores, £ l f>s to £ I l is; slips, £1 to £'l 3s; weaners, 10s to Ids. Baconers averaged <Jd per lb, and porkers sold (id to G'/ad per lb; a total of 757 pigs was sold. ADDINGTON MARKET KEEN SALE FOR STORE LAMBS [BY TET.EGIIAPH PRESS ASSOCIATION"] CHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday Entries were again below normal at the weekly sale at Addincrton. Store lambs were the exception; ahout (iOOO came forward and for best rape sorts there was a keen sale at from 18s to 'ids Od, others making: 15s to 17s (id. Fat lambs sold rather slowly, except for butchers' sorts, which made up to B%d. Fat sheep: About 3000 were penned and there was a keen sale for all better sorts, with an advance of about 2s a head. Best weaners made forii 33s to 3(is; tops, to 38s (Id; 'good, 30s to 32s (id; medium and light, down to 255; best ewes, 28s to 325; tops, to 33s Gd; good, 23s to 275; light and medium, from 17s to 225. Fat cattle: There was a small entry of 425 head, and an improved sale by up to ir>s. Heavy steers made from £'ls to £'lß 17s (id; good medium-weights, £'l3 10s to £l4 15s; medium and light, £lO to £l2 10s; best heifers. £lO to £ll 10s; tops, to £l3 10s; best cows, to £l2 15S; good, £9 to £11; ordinary, £7 5s to £8 15s; best beef, from 38s to 41s per 1001b; special, to 42s Gd; good to ordinary, 37s Gd down to 335. Storei cattle: Grown steers sold well at up to £8 18s Gd; 15-month steers, to £0 ss; 15month heifers, to £5 Is; potting bulls, from I £5 to £ll, these being in keen demand. Fat pigs: An easing took place in the porker section. Values: 30s Gd to 51s (id; average per lb., Gd to G7 2 d. Baconers, 54s Gd to £3 10s (id; average per lb., s '/id to G'/id. Store pigs: There was a heavy yarding, but a keen sale for all classes. Weaners, 14s to 21s; slips, 22s to 2Hs; stores, 27s to 34s Gd. VALUES AT PIRONGIA The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports an average yarding of cattle, mostly of light fat Jersey cows and forward conditioned cows, together with a number of potter bulls, at Pirongia. The sale was very firm and without exception vendors met the market. Medium fat Jersey contf, £5 to £5 13s; fat, £4 5s to £4 17s Gd; forward conditioned. £3 10s to £4 10s; heavy boners, £3 'to £3 10s; others, £2 to £3; Jersey calves, to £3; potter Jersey bulls, £0 10s to £7 13s; lighter. £1 10s to £5 17s. HEAVY ENTRY AT HASTINGS [by TELEGRAPH —rRESS association] HASTINGS, Wednesday A heavy yarding of approximately 10,000 lambs provided the principal selling at Stortford Lodge to-day when the market showed a sharp drop of 2s to 3s a head on last week's prices. Forward Down-cross entries made the best prices, selling to 20s. Others in good store order made from lGs Gd to 18s. A big percentage of white-faced woolly wether lantbs were medium grown only and in light condition owing to the fine! weather. Lambs throughout were healthy and bright and all except carry-overs would turn out well by April. Good entries brought IGs to .1 (is 1 Od; medium, 13s !>d to 15s (id; smallgrown and late, 12s to 13s. Wethers sold well, and two-tooths in very forward order brought 245, while large-framed six-tooth in lighter order brought the same figure. The first appearance of two-tooth ewes was made when a draft lacking quality, being very mixed, brought 30s !>d. Little interest was shown for well-mouthed six-year-old breeding ewes, and it was evident that the present time is too early for theso offerings. In a small yarding of fat sheep the market was unchanged. Primo heavy ewes brought from 22s to 21s, and lambs averaged 8d per lb. A heavy yarding of fat cattle was greatly in excess of summer requirements, and female pens were down 10s to 20s a head, while quality unfinished cows were most difficult to trade. Prime ox beef made 30s per 1001b; prime heifer, 20s Gd per 1001b; best cow beef, 22s "per 1001b. Other sorts made from His to JSs per 1001b, FRANKTON QUOTATIONS The New 'Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports a short yarding of fat cattle at Frankton values showing but little alteration on last week's sale. There was a good yarding of store cattle and potter bulls, both; sections of which met with a very firm market, with keen competition and few passings. Heavy fat cows, £'7 5s C) £'B; medium, £0 to £0 17s (id; heavy Jerseys, £5 to £G ss; medium, £ 1 15s to £5 ss; fat, £4 to £5; forward conditioned, £'•'{ 1.5s to £4 ss; boner cows, £2 to £'3; heavy potter bulls, £8 to £8 17s (id; medium. £0 to £7 10s; light, £4 10s to £5 17s (id. Sheep: Fat sheep were yarded in fair numbers, these meeting with only a fair demand. Fat lambs sold at practically scheduled rates. Prime fat wethers, 28s 3d to 20s; light, 20s (id to 27s Od; fat wethers, 25s (id to 2(is; fat hoggets, 25s 3d to 2<is 3d; heavy fat ewes, 17s (id to 18s; others, 15s upward; fat lambs, 20s to 255. Pigs: A particularly heavy yarding of fat pigs was offered, a keen demand for which was maintained throughout the sale, with a slight advance for heavy pork and bacon. Heavy baconers. £3 1.4s to £3 18s; medium, £3 Os to £3 13s; light, £3 3s to £3 Ss; heavy porkers, £2 18s to £.3 2s; medium, £2 10s to £2 10s; light, £2 to £,2 8s; unfinished, 34s to 30s; medium-weight 'choppers, to £3 10s; best stores, 31s to 345; medium, 28s (Id to 30s; light, 25s to 27s Gd; slips, 18s 1o 235; best weaners, 12s to His; others, (is to 10s.

PIGS DEARER, AT OPOTIKI [by telegraph—OWN correspondent] OPOTIKI. Wednesday

The New Zenland Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports haviwr held its fortnightly pig sale at Opotiki, when a large entry of good quality pigs was offered to a representative beneh of buyers. Baeoners, porkers and large stores were in keen demand and prices showed ail appreciable increase on late rates. Heavy baeoners made £3 8s lo 13s; medium, £3 to £3 Os; light. £'2 1,->8 to £2 iSs; heavy porkers, £'2 Os to £2 13s; lighter, £'2 4s to £'2 7s; largo stores, £2 l is; smaller, 35s to £2 2s; slips, 2ts to 28s; weaners, 12s to 15s; choppers, 35s to .€'2 '2s Od. . Dalgetv and Company. Limited, reports that a record yarding of all classes came forward. Baeoners of better quality and heavier weights predominated. Competition was keen and there was a considerable ad-

vanco on previous rates. Porkers.were yarded in excess of the usual numbers and met with keen competition at fully last year's closing rates. Store pigs were yarded in more than average numbers and met keen competition at a considerable advance on closing rates last year. A total clearance was made under tho hammer of all classes of pigs, prices in a number of cases exceeding export schedules. Heavy baconers made ia 10s to i'.'J 12s; medium, .t.'l to XIS os; light, £2 12s to A!2 17s (id; heavy porkers, £'2 10s to £2 .1 (is; light. £'2 to £2 7 s (id; choppers, £2 10s to £:i 10s fid; butter-milk pigs, £2 to £2 10s fid; stores, £1 I">S to £2 2s Od; slips, £1 .->s to i'l JOs; weaners, to £1 Is; sows and Jitters, £3 to £M 10s; inferior sorts, 10s. TE KAUWHATA PRICES • An average entry of cattle came forward at the Te Kauwhata sale held by G. W. Yercon and Company, Limited. Competition throughout was fairly keen and prices remained firm at.late rates. Heavy fat Jersey cows sold from £<> to £<> 15s; light, £4 15s to £."> ins; medium-weight Jersey heifers, £5 to.s to £« 7s Cd; light, to £5; empty two-year-old Jersey heifers, to £4 I.js; Ifi-months-old Jersey heifers, to £4 10s; heavy .boners, £3 to £4; lighter, to £2 15s; potter bulls, to £7; an exceptionally heavy entry of fat pigs met with a very keen demand and a total clearance was effected at advanced rates. Heavy baconers sold from £3 15s to £3 18s; medium-weights, £3 10s to £3 lis; light. £3 3s to £3 Os; heavy porkers, £2 17s to £3 2s; medium-weights, £2 10s to £2 15s; light, £2 2s to £2 Os; unfinished, 3Ss to £2 Is; heavy choppers, £3 l(»s to £1 OS; others, to £3 ss. A heavy entry of store pigs did not meet with the demand anticipated and prices were easier. Largo stores sold from 30s to 345; others, 27s to 20s; slips, 21s to 20s; best weaners, 17s to 20s; others, to IGs. FRANKTON STORE SHEEP G. W. Vercoc and Company, Limited, j reports that at the weekly store sheep sale : at Frnnkton a large yarding of lambs came | forward. Competition throughout was keen and ;i total clearance was effected at very satisfactory prices. Well-grown Romney wether lambs (shorn) sold from ISs to 16s ind; others. IGs to 17s Od; small, 14s to 15s 3d; culls, I.os to 13s; forward conditioned Southdown shorn lambs, 17s tid to 18s 3d; others, 15s to 10s Od; small, 12s to 14s; well-grown woolly Southdown lambs, to 18s •Id; others, to 15s. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports a particularly large yarding of store sheep, which met a steady demand. Prices, however, were a shade easier on last week's quotations. Vendors in most cases met the market. The principal sales were on account of Mr. David Johnstone, Whatawhata, Romney wether lambs, up to 17s; Mr. Lindsay Johnstone, Whatawhata, store lambs, up to ISs 2d; Mr. J. Matheson, Te Akau, light store lambs, lis •Id to lis 7d. Best store Romney wether lambs made 17s Od to ISs 2d; medium, 16s 3d to 17s; small, lis Od to 15s Od; others, lis Od to 13s. LAMB AND WETHER FAIR The annual lamb and wether fair of Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, was held at Tuakau. More than the advertised number of lambs was penned, while the supply of wethers was slightly below expectations. The quality generally was better than at the corresponding sale held a year ago. Bidding for wethers was keen and a total clearance was effected. Good forward conditioned four-tooth wethers made £l 7s to £1 8s for wethers from Mr. U. C. Allen, of Glenmurray; lighter conditioned four-tooths, £1 5s to £1 fis; best two-tooth wethers. £1 5s to £1 7s 3d, for a good class of sheep sold on account of Mr. C. Alma Baker's Limestone Downs station; smaller two-tooth wethers, £1 2s fid to £1 3s Od. The competition for lambs was inclined to be erratic, although with the exception of two lines all were sold. ' Best ewe lambs. £1 to £1 2s Od, for lambs from Mr. U. C. Allen; 101 good ewe lambs from Messrs. Murray and Maloney, of Glenmurray, realised £1 2s; smaller ewe lambs, 10s to 18s fid; best wether lambs, ISs to £1 Os 3d, for lambs from Mr. Keith Caldwell, of Glenmurray; good wether lambs, 15s Od to 17s fid; smaller wether lambs, 13s Od to 15s; small and weedy, 8s Od to lis Od; medium fat lambs, £1 2s Od to £1 4s Od; light fat lambs. £1 Os Od to £1 2s. TAUMARUNUI VALUES [by telegraph—owx correspondent] TAUMARUNUI, Wednesday There was a good attendance at the first stock sale held at Taumarunui this year. Sheep and cattle sold at late rates and there was a stood demand for pigs. Fat wethers made 20s to 20s Od; fat ewes, 22s Od; fat hoggets, 235; lambs, 15s to 21s fid; fat cows, £3 lis to £5 7s (id; store cows, £2 4s; cows and calves, £3 12s Od to £5 12s; 1 .Vmonth-old Polled steers, £'o; 15-month-old Jersey heifers, £3 12s; bulls, £2 los to £5 ss; weaner pigs, lis fid to 21s; forward store pigs; 33s to 34s Od; empty sows. 24s to 20s. NORTHERN QUOTATIONS [by telegraph—OWN correspondent] WHANGAREI, Wednesday The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports holding stock sales at Maungakaramea on Monday and at Waiotira on Tuesday. There were only small yardings, but competition was quite good from an average attendance, and the bulk of the stock was sold under the hammer. Quotations; —Manngakaramea; Heavy boner bulls, £5 -10s to £0 15s; lighter, £3 to £4 10s; boner cows, heaviest, £•_! 3Us to £3;- lighter. £2 to jE2 lOs.' Waiotira: Springing Jersey heifers, £5 to £5 ss; medium fat cows. £6 to £6 17s 6d; good quality fat heifers, £6 10s to £7 ss; lighter fat cows, £4 15s to £5 15s; cows and calves, mixed colours, £4 15s; boner bulls, £ 1 to £5 1()S. At its Maungakaramea sale Alfred Buckland and. Sons, Limited, had a small yarding. No heavy fat' cows were yarded. Backward springers made from £3 12s Od to £4 10s; killable cows, £3 10s to £4 12s 6d; boner cows, £2 to £3 ss; weaner Shorthorn heifers, £2 14s; cows and calves, to £4 10s. At the Waiotira sale by the same company there was similarly a small yarding. Heavy prime steers mad-.! to £ll ss; heavy prime cows, £7 7s to £S 2s; lighter cows. £5 5s to £0; Shorthorn heifers, <o £4 17s. SHEEPSKINS STEADY SALE AT "DUNEDIN [by telegraph—press association] DUN f EDIN, Wednesday There was a good attendance of buyers at the fortnightly sheepskin sale. Competition was good and prices for all grades can be quoted to be about on a par with the last sale. Following is the range of prices:— \Faulty pelts, to 3Vid; first pelts, to 5%d; crossbred quarter wool, to G%d; crossbred halfwool, to 7d; crossbred three-quarter wool, to S'/ 4 d; crossbred full wool, to OV.d; fine crossbred quarter wool, to fine crossbred halfwool, to 7Vid; fine crossbred threequarter wool, to Od; fine crossbred full wool, to O'/jd; halfbredquarter wool, to halfbred halfwool, to K 1 <d; ha I fitted three-quarter wool, to !) 3 id; halfhred full wool, to lOVid; crossbred dead, to 7 3 <d; fine crossbred dead, to 8d; halfhred dead, to S?id; crossbred lambs, to s'/id; fine crossbred lambs, to 8 3 4 d; halfbred lambs, to S 3 ,id; Merino full wool, to 8/jd. DAIRY PRODUCTION THE WAIPU COMPANY SLIGHT DROP THIS SEASON [by telegraph—OWN correspondent] WHANGAREI, Wednesday A slight fnlling-ofF of production is recorded this season by the Waipu Cooperative Dairy Company, as compared with tho previous season. The December output of butter was two tons less than* that of December, 1936, while for the season so far the decrease is 15 tons, about 3 per cent. The Wnipu company was not affected by the zoning commission, and its suppliers arc about the same as last year. Two factors have entered into the decreased production, the principal one being the labour problem. Owing to the difficulty of securing and retaining cood labour, a number of suppliers have reduced their herds__±o a size that can be handled by their own families or by the family, assisted by one employee, the fear of a large herd being left on their hands to milk determining this step. In the majority of cases sheep have replaced the dairy cows.

Tlie other factor has been the pastures. The Waipu district has not enjoyed such a large fall of rain as have the majority of other districts in the north, and the paspalutn, chief pasturage in tlie district, has been slow to como away. However, this month there has been a luxuriant growth, and already this has been marked in the output of the butter factory, so that it is expected that the output for this month will exceed'that of the previous January.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22935, 13 January 1938, Page 7

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FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22935, 13 January 1938, Page 7

FAT STOCK SALES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXV, Issue 22935, 13 January 1938, Page 7