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I'ORT OF AUCKLAND SATURDAY'S ARRIVALS Ilcrckino (3.30 a.m.), from Portland. Wairangi Of.oo a.m.), from Brisbane; Duchess (8 a.m.), from Wuiheke; Hauiti is. 15 a.m.), from Waiheke; Cla.vmoro (0 a.m.), from WhangaTei; To a (LL a.m.), from Coast; J'akura (3. 10 p.m.), from East Coast; Rangitoto (5.15 p.m.). from Gulf; l'aroto (0.35 p.m.), from North; I'ono (N. 15 p.m.), from Kercpcehi; Margaret W. (10.30 p.m), from East Coast; Coronation (11.20 p.m.), from Whangarei; Motiti (11.30 p.m.), from Whangarei. Karepo 17.5 p.m.), from Westport. South Africa (10.10 p.m.), from San Pedro. SATURDAY'S DEPARTURES Ranginui (12.5 a.m.), for East Coast. Cambridge (<;.50 a.m.), for Wellington; Rangitoto (l).IO a.m.). for Coast; Motu (12.55 p.m.), for Coast; 'l'iri ('-'.15 p.m.), for Wha-ng,-i rei. I'oolta (10.30 p.m.). for Portland; Canopus (1 1 .lo p.m.), for Westport. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS W. B. Walker <(».">() a.m.), from Palembang; Clansman (8.20 p.m.), from North. Sydney Maru (10 a.m.), from Wellington. Hauraki (12.10 p.m.), from Los Angeles. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES Claymore (5.20 p.m.), for Whangarei. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY Monterey, from Sydney. 7 a.m. Niagara, from Vancouver, 4 p.m. Port Dcnison, from New York, .'J a.m. Matua, from Wellington, 0.15 a.m. Port Gisborne, from Wellington, afternoon. Waipiata, from Wellington, 7 a.m. Oniana, from Wellington, morning. Hauiti, from Waiheke, 0.15 p.m. Rangitoto, from Thames, 7.15 p.m. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY W. B. Walker, for Wellington, early. Monterey, for Los Angeles, 1 p.m. Canadian Highlander, for New York, 5 p.m. City of Glasgow, for Wellington, afternoon. Kangitiki, for Wellington, evening. Waimarino, for Wellington, afternoon. Rangitoto, from Thames, 0 a.m. Hauiti, for Waiheke, 0.15 a.m. Kawau, for Kawau, noon. I'ono, for Kerepeehi, 2 p.m. l'aroto. for North, 2 p.m. Waiotahi, for Opotiki, 4 p.m. Toa, for Whakatanc, 1 p.m.

VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND » Intercolonial and Coastal Omana, Wellington, March 8. Monterey, Sydney, March 8. Matua, Wellington, March 8. Waipiata, Wellington, March 8. Pukcko, East Coast. March 10. Port Wnikato, Wellington, March 11. Strathnaver, Brisbane, March 12. Kairanga, Sydney, March 11. Awatea, Sydney, March 15. Galiriella, Newcastle, March 18. Niagara, Sydney, March 22. Overseas South Africa, San Pedro. March 8. J'ort Gisborne, Wellington, March 8. Port Denison, New York, March 8. Niagara, Vancouver, March 8. Bosworth, Immingham, March 9. 1 ort Hobart, Liverpool, March 10. Durham, Opua, March 10, to load. Karanga, Antwerp, March 10. Sydney Star, Gisborne, March 12. Northumberland, Opua, March 13, to load. Waipawa, Napier, March 13, to load. Herborg, Sydney, March 14. Antonio, Java, March 15. Golden Coast, Los Angeles, March 15. Recorder, Singapore, March 10. Keifuku Maru. Dunedin, to load. Surrey, New Plymouth, March 17. to load. Hertford, Lyttelton, March 17, to load. Port Darwin, Wellington, March 20, to load, Ridley, Antwerp, March 20. Rangitata, Wellington, March 20, to load. Fern moor, Antwerp, March 21. Augsburg. Napier, March 22, to load. Cbifuku Maru, Kobe, March 25. City of Brisbane, New York, March 27. Wairuna, San Francisco, March 29. Australind, Halifax, April 2. Cumberland, Liverpool, Apr/1 3. Aorangi, Vancouver, April 4. Mataroa, Wellington. April 4. Golden Bear, San Francisco, April 5. Port Hobart, New Plymouth, April 5, to load. Coptic. Antwerp, April 0. Cape Horn, Los Angeles, April 8. Armadale, Dunedin, April 12, to load. Doric Star, London, April 12. Ardcnvohr, New York, April 18. Akaroa, Southampton, April 24. Golden West, Los Angeles, April 27. Brandon, Antwerp, April 28. Niagara, Vancouver. May 3. Limerick, Los Angeles, May 14.

EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Overseas Canadian Highlander, New York, March 8. Monterey, Los Angeles. March 8. Sydney Maru, Kobe, March 9. Niagara, Sydney, March 9. Matua, Rarotonga, March 9. Waipawa, London, March 18. Port Darwin, London, March 22. Augsburg, New York, March 2(5. Armadale. New York, April 15. AUSTRAtIA-NEW ZEALAND Wanganella, left Auckland March 5; due Sydney March 9. Leaves Sydney March 13; due Wellington March 17. - Awatea, left Sydney March 5; arrived Wellington March 8; leaves Wellington March Cf; due Sydney March 12. Marama, leaves Melbourne March 10, due Bluff March 14; Dunedin, Lyttelton and Wellington. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE Niagara, left Vancouver February 17; due Auckland March S; leaves Auckland March 9; due Sydney March 13. Aorangi. left Sydney February 18; arrived Auckland February 22; left Auckland February 23; duo Vancouver March 12. Monterey, left Sydney March 5; due Auckland March 8; leaves Auckland March 8; due San Francisco March 22. Mariposa, left San Francisco March 4; due Auckland March 19. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Rangitata, left London February 4; due Wellington March 12. Mataroa, left London February 18; duo Wellington March 27. Akaroa, leaves Southampton, March 19; due Auckland April 24. VESSELS IN PORT Dcvonport—H.M.S. Philomel, H.M.S. Leith, n.M.S. Wellington. Prince's Wharf —Waimarino (LT.S.S. Coy.), Monterey (H.M.), Matua (U.S.S. Coy.), Hauraki (U.S.S. Coy.). Queen's Wharf—Wairangi (L.D.N.), City of Glasgow (N.Z.S. Coy.), Port Dcnison (F.C.A. Coy.). Central Wharf- Hangitiki (N.Z.S. Coy.), Waipiata (U.S.S. Coy.). King's Wharf—Anhalt (H. and M.), Sydney Maru (F.C.A. Coy.), Canadian Highlander (F.C.A. Coy.). Western Wharf—South Africa (lex. Coy.). Chelsea —Karepo (U.S.S. Coy.).


Discharging Hauraki, from Pacific Coast, at Auckland, hence Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Australia. Port Gisborne, from London, at Auckland, hence Napier. City of Glasgow, from Halifax, at Auckland, hcnco Wellington, Lyttelton. Timaru, Dunedin and Hawke's Bay. Arawa. at Bluff, thence New Plymiuth. Keifuku Maru, from Japan, at Lyttelton, thence Dunedin. Anhalt, from New Orleans, at Auckland, hcnco Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. Cambridge, from Liverpool, at Wellington, thence Lyttelton and Dunedin. Wcslmoor, from Antwerp, at New Plymouth. Port Dcnison, from New York, at Auckland, hence Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. W.B. Walker, from Palembang (due Welling- ' ton March 10) and Lyttelton. South Africa, from San Pedro, at Auckland, hcnco Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin and Sydney. Looping Hurunui, at Wellington. Leaves Wellington for London and West Coast ports March Rangitiki, at Auckland, hence "Wellington. Leaves Wellington Martfli 11 for London, via Panama. Durham, at Opua, thonce Auckland (due March 10) r.nd Wanganui. Leaves Wanganui for London and West. Coast ports, via Cape Horn, March 15. Port Darwin, ill Nelson', thence Picton, Wellington and Auckland. Leaves Auckland for London March 23. Northumberland, at Opua. thenco Auckland rdue March 13) and Wellington. Leaves Wellington for London, via Capo Horn, March 25. Canadian Highlander, at Auckland. Leaves Auckland for New York March S. Mamari, at Wellington, thence Wanganui. Leaves Wanganui for London, via Capo Horn; March 17. Tori Fremantle, at Napier. Leaves Napier for London, via Cape Horn, March 12.

The Poolta left Auckland into on Saturday night for Portland and Wellington. The Karepo left Westport early ou Friday morning and she reached here last night. Tho Westport l Coal Company's " steamer Canopus sailed from Auckland for Westport on Saturday night. Tho Kairanga is to clear Sydney to-day for Auckland. She also has cargo from Port Kombla and Eden. Scheduled to leave Dunedin this afternoon, tho Wingatui will go to Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington and Auckland. The Waimarino, which was to have sailed on Saturday ovening for Wellington, was dolayed, and she is now expected to leave early this afternoon. Sho will also go to Picton, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff and Timaru.

The Anchor Line steamer Titoki is due at Onehunga on Friday to load for Nelson, Waitapu and Colli ngwoocl. The Kaitoa, which is duo at Onehunga next Monday, will take cargo for the same ports, as well as for Mapua and Motucka. t THE CANADIAN HIGHLANDER The Canadian Highlander, which is loading for New York at King's Wharf, is to sail finally at five o'clock this evening. THE SYDNEY MARU The Japanese motorship Sydney Mam, which is loading for Japan at King's Wharf, js to sail at noon to-morrow. THE PORT GISBORNE The Port Line motor-ship Port Gisborne is expected at Auckland from Wellington this afternoon to continue discharge of her London cargo. She will go on to Napier. RANCITIKI TO SAIL The New Zealand Shipping Company's motor-liner Rangitiki is to sail this evening for Wellington to complete loading for London. THE CITY OF GLASGOW Tho City of Glasgow, which is discharging cargo from Halifax at Queen's Wharf, is to sail this afternoon for Wellington, Lyttclton, Timaru, Dunedin and Hawke s Bay. OMANA FROM WELLINGTON Leaving Wellington at five o'clock on Friday evening the Otnana is due at Auckland this morning. After discharge she will go to Portland, West Coast, Bluff and Australia. NIAGARA DUE TO-DAY The Royal Mail liner Niagara will arrive at Auckland from Vancouver and island ports at four o'clock this afternoon. She is to berth at Prince's Wharf and will sail for Sydney at five o'clock to-morrow afternoon. WAIPIATA DUE TO-DAY The Union Company's cargo steamer Waipiatp is due at Auckland from Wellington and nouthern ports early this morning. She will berth at Central Wharf, and she is to sail on Friday for Wellington, Picton, Lyttclton, Dunedin, Bluff and Timaru. MATUA FROM WELLINGTON The Union Company's island motor-ship Matua will arrive at Auckland from Wellington early this morning. She will berth at Prince's Wharf She is to sail at three o'clock to-morrow afternoon for Rarotonga, Nukualofa, Apia afld Suva. THE PORT DENISON The Port Line steamer Port Denison is due here from New York at three o'clock this morning. She will later berth at Queen's Wharf. She also has cargo for Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin.

TANKER W. B. WALKER The large British tanker W. B. Walker arrived at Auckland from Palcmbang after an uneventful passage early yesterday morning. She berthed at the Western Wharf to discharge bulk petrol for the Atlantic Company, and she is to sail for Wellington and Lyttelton early this morning. She will go from Lyttelton to San Francisco. TWO SHIPS AT OPUA The Federal Line steamer Northumberland was due at the Bay of Islands yesterday. She is waiting there before berthing at Opua, until the Federal Line inotor-ship Durham, which is due at Opua this afternoon, has completed her loading. The Durham is due at Auckland on Wednesday, while the Northumberland should be here about Thursday.

TANKER SOUTH AFRICA The Norwegian tanker South Africa will arrive at Auckland from San Francisco at daybreak to-day. She will berth at the Western Wharf to discharge fuel for the Texas Company. She will later go to Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. MONTEREY - THIS MORNING With about 100 passengers for Auckland the Matson liner Monterey will arrive from Sydney at seven o'clock this morning. She will berth at Prince's Wharf. About 136 passengers wll join the ship here and she will sail for Suva. Pago Pago, Honolulu and Los Angeles at one o'clock this afternoon. HAURAKI IN PORT The Union Company's motor-ship Hauraki arrived at Auckland from Pacific Coast ports and Papeete yesterday afternoon. She berthed at Prince's Wharf and will sail for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Australia tomorrow. She carried the following passengers: —Mr. and Mrs. J.. S. Coster, Miss D. Kigali, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Knapp, Mr. T. Dillon, Mr. M. Leverd, Mr. J. Paul, Mr. G. Pistorius, Mr. A. E. Estrop, Miss B. Stroud. WAIRANGI FROM MELBOURNE The Shaw, Savill and Albion motor-ship Wairangi arrived at Auckland from Brisbane early on Saturday morning and berthed at Queen's Wharf. The ship was originally bound for Auckland, but she was later diverted to' Waikokopu, and arrived off tßat port in thek, rough weather on Thursday. She remained there until" Friday, but, as the weather was still bad, she camo on to Auckland. She is to sail on Wednesday afternoon for Waikokopu and Wellington. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE The following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-day:— Auckland. Kalingo, Maui Pomare, Niagara, W. B. Walker, U.S.S. Preston, U.S.S. Smith, Sydney Maru, Cambridge, Hertford, Port Denison, South Africa, Port Hobart, Northumberland, Durham, Port Gisborne. Wellington.—H.M.S. Achilles, H.M.S. Dunedin, Nucula, Aorangi, Awatea, Karetu, Bencruachan, Cambridge, Mariposa, Mataroa, Napier Star, Port Darwin, Port Fremantle, Port Nicholson, Rangitane. Remuera. Rotorua, Sydney Star, Tamaroa, Zealandic, 11amari, Waipawa. Awarua. —Kauri, Waikouaiti, Wanganella, Port Whangarei, Berengaria, Esperance Bav Kitano Maru, Orama, Port Jackson, Queen Mary, Surrey. Tainui, Tokyo Maru, Waipawa Huntingdon, Arawa, Nieuw Holland. Nieuw Zeeland, Strathaird, Keifuku Maru. Chatham Islands.—South Sea.


Yesterday's Arrivals.—Ronaki (11.45 a.m.), from Hokianga. BY TELEGRAPH "WELLINGTON.—March 6: Arrived—Wahine (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Karu (7.25 a.m.), from Gay mouth; Thorhild (11.35 a.m.), from Sumatra; Port Waikato <4.10 p.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed—Rotorua (12.20 p.m.), for Lonuon; Keifuku Maru (3.63 p.m.), for Dunedin; Port Gisborno (5.85 p.m.) for Auckland; Port Whangarei (G p.m.), for Dunedin; Matua (C.lO p.m.), for Auckland; Durham (G.lO p.m.), for Opua; Kaimiro (0.20 p.m.), for Westport; Wahine (5.25 p.m.), for Lyttelton. March 7: Arrived—Storm (-1.20 a.m.), -from Wanganui; Awahou (5.5 a.m.), from Onakaka; Rangatira (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton; Kartigi (S.lO a.m.), from Greymouth; Waipahi (S.oO a.m.). from New Plymouth; Wainui (9.50 a.m.), from Lyttelton-, Gale (12 20 p.m.), from Lyttelton. Sailed— Port Fremantlo (1.55 p m.), for Napier. •LYTTELTON.—March 0: Arrived—Gale (5.5 a.m.), from Timaru; Wainui (0.15 a.m.), irom.; Rangatira (0.40 a.m.), from Wellington, Simnia (1.10 p.m.), from Singapore. Sailed—Wakakura (1.5 p.m.), for Wellington; Galo (5.10 p.m.), for Wellington; Wainui (0.15 p.m.), for Wellington; Rangatira (5.45 p.m.), for Wellington; Arawa (5.20 p.m.), for Por»- Chalmers. March 7: Arrived— Wahino (G. 55 a.m.), from Wellington; Titoki (8.35 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Mamari (11.20 a.m.), for Wellington. DUNEDIN.—March 6: Sailed—Huntingdon (11.20 a.m.), for London; Surrey (1.10 p.m.), for Oamaru. March 7: Arrived—Arawa (9 a.m.), from Lyttelton. SYDNEY.—March G: Arrived—Kairansra, from New Zealand. Sailed—Waitaki. for Napier. MELBOURNE. —March 6: Arrived— Marama, from Bluff. BALBOA.—March 4: Arrived—Cornwall (Lyttelton to London). COLON.—March 1: Sailed—Norfolk (New Zealand to London).

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22671, 8 March 1937, Page 6

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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22671, 8 March 1937, Page 6

SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIV, Issue 22671, 8 March 1937, Page 6