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POKT OF AUCKLAND YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS Kcltcrautru (8.15 a.m.), from Sydney. Margaret W. (2.30 a.m.), from Gisbornc; Waimarino (3.35 p.m.), from Picton. Tuimvha (11.25 p.m.), from Pueroa. YESTERDAY'S DEPARTURES 11.M.5. Dtincdin (11.30 a.m.). for Uauroki rI.M.S. Wakakuru (9.10 a.m.), for Hauraki Gulf; Hauiti (10.20 a.m.), for Thumeßj Omana (11.40 a.m.), for Warkworth; Kawau (12.35 p.m.), for Mangawai (5.50 p.m.), for Portland; I aroto (G. 15 p.m.), for Northern ports. VESSELS DUE TO-DAY Port Whangarei, from Tonga, morning. VV. B. Walker, from Palembang, afternoon. H.M..S. Dunedin, from Hauraki Gulf, even ing Claymore, from Whangarei, 3.30 p.m. Omana, from Wtuheke, 0.30 p.m. Hauiti, from Coromandel, 'J p.m. Kawau, from Mangawai, midnight. VESSELS SAILING TO-DAY Simonaide. for Wnnganui, 5 p.m. Omana. for Waiheke. 'J.3O a.m. Motiti, for Warkworth. 2 p.m. Hauiti, for Coromandel, 10 a.m. Pukeko, for East Const bays. 4 p.m. Coronation, for Northern ports, 4 p.m Margaret W., for East Coast bays, 4 p.m. Claymore, for Whangarei, 5 p.m'. Taniwha, for Pacroa, 8.30 p.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Coastal Port Whangarei, Tonga, June 3. Waikouaiti, Wellington. June <». Kairanga, Port Pirie, to sail. Kaimiro, Westport. June 6. Monowai. Sydney. June 8. Waipiata, Southern ports, June 8. Waipaln, Rarotonga. June 12. Omana. from Adelaide, Juno 12. Wanganella, Sydney, June 17. OVERSEAS W. B. Walker. Palembang, .Tunc 2. Canadian Constructor, Wellington, June 8, to load. Beatus, Java, June 5. Antiope, Bunoury. June 7. Aorangi, Vancouver. Junc_ 7. Melbourne Maru, Japan, via porta, June 10. Canadian British. Montreal. June 10. Wiegund. Texas. June 11. Huntingdon. Liverpool, June 12.^ Mariposa, Los Angeles, June 15. Ruahine, London, via Wellington. June 18. Waiwera, Opua. June 21. to load. City of Canton. New York, June 24. Empire Star, New Plymouth, Juno 22. Port Dunodin, London, via Wellington June 26. Golden State, Loa Angelea, June 27. Tuscan Star, Liverpool. June 28. City of Bavaria. Montreal. July 1. Hauraki, Los Angeles. July t. Tairoa. Australia. July 2. to load. Mataroa, Wellington, July 6. to load. Northumberland. London. July 6. Port Denison. New Plymouth. July 6, to load. Norfolk. New Plymouth, July 8. to load. Cambridge. New York, .Tuly 18. Surrey. Liverpool, July 23. EARLY SAILINGS FROM AUCKLAND Intercolonial and Overseas Troian Star. London, June 5. Canadian Constructor, Montreal, Juno 8. Aorangi, Sydney, June 8. Monowai, Sydney, via Wellington, June 9. Melbourne Maru. Japan. June 11. Waipahi. Suva. June 12 Mariposa, Sydney, June 15. Wanganella. Sydney. June 19. FJmpire Star. London. June 37. Waiwera. London. June 30. Port Denison. London, July 10. Mataroa. London. July 11. Vorfolk. London. July 14. AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND Wanganella. left Sidney May 30 (due Well ington June 3). sails for Sydney June 4 Monowai. leaves Sydney June 5 for Auckland (duo June 8) and Wellington. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE N'iagara, left Sydney May 21, Auckland May 2f>, due Vancouver June 12. Aorangi. left Vancouver May 20; due Auckland June 7, Sydney June 12. Monterey, left Sydney May 27. Auckland May 30, due Los Angles June 13. Mariposa, left Los Angeles May 27; due Auckland June 12. Sydney June 15. Makitra. leaves San Franciaco June % due Wellington June 22. Sydney June 27. Maiincuntii. leaves Sydney June 4; due Wellington June 8. San Francisco June 26. BRITISH PASSENGER STEAMERS Huahine, left April SO; due Wellington June 10. Mataroa, left Southampton May 13; due Wellington June 17 Akaroa. leaves Southampton June 12; due Wellington July 15 Rangitata, leaves Loudon June 25; due Auckland July 29. VESSELS IN PORT Devonport—H.M.S, Philomel. H.M.S. Well ington. Western Vinduct—Wingatui (U.S.S. Coy.). Central Wharf Trojan Star (8.5.L.). Savorgnan de Brazza (French warchip) Kind's Whurf—Simonside (B.P. Com.). Kekerangu (U.S.S. Coy.). Margaret W (F.C.A. Coy.). Oueen's Wharf Tekoa (N.Z.S. Coy.). Pukeko (W. and W.). Prince's Wharf—Waimarino (U.B.S. Coy.). In Dock—H.M.S. Leitli. OVERSEAS SHIPS Incoming Kent, left London April 2-1 for Suva, Port Chnlmen- (due Juno 10), Lyttelton and Timaru. Ruahine, left London April 29 for Wellington (due June 10) and Auckland. Huntingdon, left Liverpool May 2 for Atick land (due June 12). Wellington, Lyttel ton. Port Chalmers and New Plymouth Melbourne Maru, ieft Japan May 4 for Aus tralia Dunodin (due June 3). Welling ton. Lyttelton nnd Auckland. Athel vincount. left San Pedro May 12, due Wellington June 7. Canadian Britisher, loft Montreal April 27 for Auckland (due Juno 10). Wellington und Australia Canadian Cruiser, left Montreal May 1 for Australia. Dunedin (due June 2f>). Lyt telton and Wellington. Wiegand. left Texas May for Auckland (due June 11) and Southern ports. Mataroa. left London May 14 for Wellington (due June 17). Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. Empire Star, in ballast, left London May 7 for Bluff (due June 8). Beatus. left Java May 15 for Auckland (due June 5). Thorhild. left Sun Francisco May 13 for Wellington (due June 5). Port Dunedin. left London May 16 for Wellington (dup June 22) and Auckland. Discharging Norfolk, from Liverpool, at Wellington, thence Lyttelton and Dunedin. Renholm, from New York, at Lyttelton, thence Dunedin and Australia. Chifuku Maru. from Japan, at Wanganui. Cane Horn, from Pacific Coast port*, at Dunedin, thenbe Australia. _ Port Huon, from New York, at Wellington. thence Lyttelton and Dunedin. Golden Cloud, from Los Angeles, at Wellington thence Australia Canadian Constructor, from Halifax, at Dunedin, thence Lyttelton and Wellington, thence Auckland, to load. Simonside, from Ocean Island, at Auckland, hence Wanganui. Loadinj Port Gisborno, at Wellington. Leaves Wellington for London, Avonmouth. Liver pool and Glasgow June 3. Trojan Star, at Auckland. Sails from Auckland for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow June o. Port Adelaide at Timaru, thence Waiko kopu, Gisbornc, Napier and Wanganui. Leaves Wanganui\ for Loudon June 13. Remuera, nt Napier, thence Picton and Wellington. Leaves Wellington for London June 6. . Tekoa. at Auckland, hence Napier, Wanga nui and Wellington. Leaves Wellington for London, Avonmouth. Liverpool, Man cheater and Glasgow Juno 17 Wairangi, at Gisbornc. thence Port Chalm ers. Lyttelton and Wellington. Leaves Wellington for Southampton and Lon don June 13. Waiwera, al New Plymouth, thence Wanga nui, Wellington, Gishorne, Opua and Auckland, Leaves Auckland for London and West Coast ports of Great Britain June 30.

Tlio Clansman is clue at Onchungn from Hokianga early thin morning and is to sail for Raglan and Kawhia this afternoon The Wuipiatn is duo at Timaru from Dunwlin this morning to continue londins for Lyttelton, Wellington and Auckland The Kartigi is scheduled to leave Dun cdin on Saturday lor Oamaru,_ Timaru. Well ingtor nnd Auckland. She Will not load at Lyttelton. The Pukeko arrived from Portland late Inst night and is loading nt Queen's Wharf. She is to sail for East Coast buys, Gisborne and Napier this afternoon. , The Union Company advises that owinsr to June 23 being the King's Birthday the Tnmnhino will leave Wellington for Picton at 2.>15 p.m. and Picton for Wellington nt 11 p.m on June 22. The Waimarino arrived from Southern k'orts yesterday afternoon and berthed at Prince's Wharf She is scheduled to sail for Wellington, Picton, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Blnf! and Timaru on Friday.

WINGATUI TO RESUME After undergoing overhaul and survey th«i Wingatui will be recommiesioned this week She is to sail for Lyttellon direct on Friday to load for Auckland. CANADIAN CONQUEROR REPORTED Kn route from New Zealand to Boston and Montreal, the Canadian Conqueror is reported to have reached New York on Saturday. THE GOLDEN STATE The Golden State wa3 to leave Lor Angeles yesterday witli cargo from Pacific Coast oortH for Auckland. Wellington and Australia. She is due at Auckland about June S!7. HOKORATA AT LONDON The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ilororala is reported to have reached London from Wanganui on Sunday, biusailed from Wanganui on April C2. TANKER W. B. WALKER Due from Palcmbang this afternoon tho tanker W. B. Walker will berth at Western wharf to unload bull: petrol for the Vacuum 011 Company. She will complete discharge at Lyttelton and Wellington. THE NORTHUMBERLAND The Federal Line steamer Northumberland, in place of the Rangitiki, left London on Thursday for Auckland und Wellington. Sho is due at Auckland about July 6. TAINUI AT BALBOA Reported to have reached Balboa, on Saturday the Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Tainui is en route from Wellington to London. She was despatched from Wellington on May 9. THE CANADIAN CONSTRUCTOR Nov. - discharging and loading in the South tho Canadian Constructor is due at Auckland from Wellington about Monday to complete loading for New York, Boston and Montreal. THE WAIKOUAITI The Waikouuiti iB to leave Lyttelton for Auckland to-morrow. After discharge here she is to proceed to Sydney and Newcastle to load for Bluff, Dunedin, Timaru and Lyttelton. CITY OF VANCOUVER SOLD The steamer City of Vancouver, which was recently at Auckland and is now in Australia, is reported to have been sold to Eastern buyers for about £25,000 delivered in China or Japan. THE KEKERANGU The Kekerangu arrived from Newcastle and Sydney yesterday morning, exception ally fine weather having been experienced during the passage. The vessel is unloading at King's Whi-rf and she is expected to sail for Wellington to-morrow evening to complete discharge. THE MELBOURNE MARU The Melbourne Maru is expected at Dunedin from Japan, via Australia, to-morrow with cargo for Dunedin. Lyttelton. Wellington and Auckland. The vessel is due at Auckland about June 10 and is to sail for Japan, via Sydney and Brisbane, the following day. MONOWAI AT SYDNEY The Monowai arrived at Sydney from Auckland yesterday afternoon The vessel will sail on Friday for Auckland and Wellington. She is due at Auckland on Monday nftVmoon and she is scheduled to leave Wellington for Srdney on June 12. PORT WHANGAREI DUE TO-MORROW Under charter to the Union Company the Port Whangarei is due from Tonga at eight o'clock to-morrow morning. "After unloading her cargo of fruit she will load under the auspices of the Northern Company for Wellington, Picton, Blenheim. Lyttelton, Dunedin and Timaru. sailing on Friday afterncon. EMPIRE STAR TO LOAD The Blue Star Line motor-ship Empire Star is scheduled to reach Bluff from London in ballast on Monday to load. Her other loading ports are Lyttelton. Wellington. iV.?w Plymouth and Auckland. She is Hue at Auckland on June 22 and on June 27 sho is to sail for London, via Caps Horn. KENT AT SUVA The Federal Line steamer Kent arrived at Suva from London yesterday morning, en route to Port Chalmers, Lyttelton and Timaru. After completion of discharge the vessr-1 will load at Timaru, Port Chalmers. Lyttelton. Wellington and Napier. She is scheduled to clear Napier for London, Avonmouth. Liverpool. Manchester and Glasgow. via Panama, on July 21. MATAROA CLEARED BALBOA The Shaw. Savill and Albion liner Ms.taroa cleared Balboa on Friday in continuation of her voyage from London to New Zealand. The vessel is due at Wellington on June 17 to land passengers and mail. The cargo will be unloaded at Lyttelton and Port Chalmers. For her homeward voyage shp will loud at Port Chalmers. Wellington and Auckland. She is scheduled to clear Auckland for Southampton and London, via Panama, on Jnly 11. W A TWER A AT NEW PLYMOUTH A fast voyage from London to Australia was mi<de bv the Shaw. Savill and Albjon motor-ship Wniwora. which reached New Plymouth from Brisbane on Saturd -y to load. The vessel's time from London to Fremantle, via Capetown,- was 27 days 17 hours 12 minutes, nt tin average speed of 1ft.86 knots Tim Wniwern will load at New Plymouth. Wancimui. Wellington, GSsborne. Onna and Auckland. is to leave Auckland for London. Avwimouth. Liverpool and Glasgow, via Cape Horn, on Jyne 30. WITHIN WTRELESS RANGE The following vprssJr sre expected to be within ranee of the undermentioned wireless station? to-dnv Auckland. —"nbriella, Maui Pomare. Port Whangarei. Wainahi. A"gsburg. Meatus. TT""t'ugdon, Monterey. W. B Walker. Wellington.—Maori. Tamahine, Wabino. Achillas. Arsmngi. Niagara, Beduin. Empire Stnr. Chifukn Maru. Mariposa. Mntaroa. Middlesex. Parracombp. Pet Hob»rt. Unneifane. Remuera. Rotoruu, Ruahine. Tamaroa, Thor'nld. Wnmnwn. Awarua.—Kaikorai. Kair"nga, Epve'o, Karet". Monowai. Wangnnella. Benholm, Canadian Constructor. Cape Horn. Melbourne Maru. Chatham Islands.—Southsea.

PORT OF ONEHUNCA Yesterday's Arrivals.—Hokianea {7.30 a.m.). from Hokionsa. Yesterday's Denartures.—Ronaki (8.30 p.m.), for New Plymouth.

BY TELEGRAPH WELLINGTON.—Juno 1: Arrived-Port Huon (9.50 a.m.), from Auckland: Storm (2 p.m.), from Greymoptb. Sailed— Breeie (noon), for Pieion; Wnhine (7.50 p.m.). for Lyttelton. LYTTELTON.—Juno 1: Sailed-Maori (8.15 p.m.), for Wollincton. DUNEDIN.—June 1: Arrived—Wnirnngi (9 a.m.), from Gisborno. Sailed—Canadian Conqueror (3 p.m.), for Lyttelton: Waipiata (6 p.m.), for Timaru. BLUFF.-Juno 1: Sailed—Kaimai 6 D.m.). for Dunedin. SUVA.—June 1: Arrived—Kent (7 a.m.). from London. SYDNEY.—Juno 1: Arrived— Monowai (2.30, from Auckland: James Cook, from GreymoHh. BALBOA.—May 30: Arrived—'Tainui. od routo from Wellington to London. NEW YORK.—May 30: Arrived—Cnna dian Conqueror, on route from Napier to Montreal. MANCHESTER.—May 30: Arrived—Turakina, from New Zealand. LONDON.—May 31: Arrived—Horornta. from War.ganui.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22434, 2 June 1936, Page 4

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SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22434, 2 June 1936, Page 4

SHIPPING, MAILS AND WEATHER New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22434, 2 June 1936, Page 4