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MAUNGAKIEKIE LADIES nSCHMAUER MEMORIAL TROPHY DRAW FOR THE FINAL ROUND Following is the draw for the final medal round for the Mary Sehnauer Memorial Cup and first round of the eclectic match, to be played in conjunction by members of the Maungakiekie Ladies' Golf Club to-morrow, commencing at 10 o'clock in the order of the draw: Miss R. Alalioj v. Mrs. W. J. Fletcher, Mrs. Buttle v. Mis. E. Bold, Mrs. J. Jerrat v. Mrs. J. Mason, Mrs. H. V. Johnston v. Mrs. C. E. Grevatt, Mrs. J. Paterson v. Mrs. R. Hipkins, Mrs. V. Kerr v. Miss A. Grove, Mrs. J. B. Gilmore v. Miss B. Smith. Miss D. Lamb v Miss J. Johnson, Miss E. Sehnauer v. Miss M. Haslett, Mrs. A. C. McArthur v. Mis J. A. Kilner, Miss C. Stubbs v. Mrs. R. Monteuth, Mrs. C. K. Giierson v. Mrs. R. Aley, Miss T. Lamb v. Miss B. Stedman, Miss E. Blackburn v. Mrs. 11. P. Caughey, Mrs. I. R. Roberts v. Airs. O. E. Chamberlain. 11 a.m.—Mrs. E. Brown v. Mrs. F. Baker, Mrs. W. R. Fee v. Mrs. D. R. Garrard, Mrs. F. Malcolm v. Mrs. A. Horton. Miss G. Hooper v. Miss K. Edgclow, ilis. H. V. Cqe v. Mrs. C. W. Sehnauer, Miss A. Palmer v. Mis. J. Lloyd, Miss M. Harvay v. Mrs. G. pocock Mrs. L. Pe«Jer Mrs. W. K. M ichael, Mrs. R. Mf rtin v. Mrs. W. A. Boucher, Mrs. F. A. Saxton v. Miss R. Hill. iS ooii.—Mus £. Ponsiord v. Mrs. B. G. Bona, Mrs. R. Verry v. Mrs. E. O'Neill, Miss R. Williams v. Mrs. W. Walker, Mrs. A. C. Steele v. Miss N. Clarke. Mrs. H. V. Choyce v. Mrs. R. Meredith, Miss P. Reid v. Miss D. Stewart. Mrs. S. W. Morley v. Miss R. Loudon, Mrs. A. Cumming V. Mrs. H. Clay, Mis. A. E. Macartney v. Mrs. E. D. Jones. Mrs. C. J. Owen v. Mrs. W. R. Holmes. Miss D. Ryan v. Miss N. Hooton, Mrs. F. H. Butcher v. Miss X. Gregory, Miss R. Nixon v. Mrs. iL. Ruinger, Mrs. H. Moore-Jones v. Mrs. C. E. Stewart, Mrs. G. Bennett v. Misa D. Heather. 1 p.m.—Mrs. C. A. Jarman v. Mrs. J. Grayden. Mrs. -A. F. Walker v. Mrs. I. Patersion, Mrs. D. R. Revell v. Miss E. M. [Ernest, Mrs. G. Latimer v. Mrs. A. E. Etorey. Miss B, Coe v. Mrs. W. Main, Miss A. Ycmge v. Miss F. Garland, Miss L. iPateriion v. Mrs. W. Calderwood. .Ninth Tee. —Mrs. W. J. Truscott v. Mrs. !A. D. Stewart. Mrs. H. Williams v. Miss K. C.aurton, Mrs. J. Caughey v. Mrs. A. Osley, Mrs. J. Stewart v. Mrs. J. M. Elliff«', Mrs. J. Dawson v. Mrs. C. F. iHofser. Following 'is the draw for the C grade tnatch to be played on Thursday, commencing at 9.30 a.m. is the order of the draw:— Mrs. J. Nicoll v. Miss E. Powell. Mrs. iR W. Shepherd v. Miss B. Henderson, Mrs. H. G. Walton v. Mrs. C., Mrs. C. Swallow v. Miss J. Thomson. Miss [U. Collins v. Miss A. Morlry, Miss J. Williams v. Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Miss G. Ross v. Miss E. Treston, Misis D. Browne v. Miss M. Treston. Miss O. Rudman v. another. Following is the result of a Stabjeford bogey handicap match played by Saturday members: —Miss M. Mahony. 20, 27—47; Miss B. Ewen. IS, 24—12; Miss L. Clouston, 14. 17—31.

OTAHUHU LADIES' CLUB Following are the results of L.G.T7. medal matches played by members of the Otahuhu Indies' Golf Club: — Seniors. —Mrs. H. Muir, 83, 15 —73; Mrs. B. Cooper, S3. 16—73; Mrs. M. Whale. 87, 12—75. Juniors. —Miss R. Gurr 99, 33 —66; Miss T. Claudet, 99, 32—67; Mrs. N. G. Matthew. 103, 33 —70; Miss K. Waters, 95, 25—70; Miss F. Sutherland, 92. 22—70; Mrs. HogBiter, 93. 22—71. Following are the results of bogey matches:—A grade: Mrs. H. Muir. 3 down: Mrs. Cooper, Miss F. Sutherland. Mrs. lAmodeo. Mrs.,Rossiter. Mrs. Tanner. 5 down. B grade: Miss K. Bryant, Mrs. N. G. Matthew, Mies R. &urr. 2 down; Miss Hyne* and Miss T. Claudet, 3 down. Miss Bryanj won on a recount. The best cards in the C grade medal match were: —Mrs. O A. Todd, 101, 36 65; Miss M. Wathew, 104. 36—68; Miss B. Pinhey, 105. 36—69; Miss M. Rowley. 107 86 —71; Miss M. Crawford. 108, 36—72. Following is the d;:aw for a sealed holes competition to be played by members tomorrow:—Mrs. Crow v. Mrs. Muir. Mrs. Whals v. Mrs Armstrong. Mrs. Joll v Mrs. McN'eely, Miss S. Hilt v. Mrs. Wyman. llrs. Rossiter v. Mris. Wallace, Mrs. Tanner v. Mi's.,, A. E. Henderson, Miss A. Wiiyte v. Miss Arnaboldi, Miss H. Wallis v. Miss Quinlan. Mien Burton v. Mis 3 RaeBide. Dr. G. Rowley v. Mrs. E. J.' Henderson. Miss M. Muir v. Mrs. Bailey. Miss D. Butler v. Mrs. Leslie Mrs. Low v. Miss H. Burnett. Mis. Davley v. Miss M. Coutts. Miss Crawford v. Mis 3 Warren. Mrs. Canham v. Miss Hyauiason, Mrs. Forbes ,v. Mrs. Jervois.

REMUERA LADIES' CLUB Following is the draw for a medal mntcbfi to be played by members of the Remuera Ladies' Golf Club on Thursday, commencing at 10.15 a.m :—Mrs D McCrone v. Mrs. R. O Shea. Mrs. Binsted v. Mius J. Sheath. Mrs. D. Price v. Mrs. A. G. Cooke. Mrs. C. K. Smith %•. Mrs V. "Windsor, Mrs. M. E. "Wilson v. Mrs. G. I. Plimmer. Mi?;' H. Garr'y v. Mrs. Stewart. Mrs J H. Rose v. Mrs. H. K. Vic'<ery. Mrs. J. Gilbert •v. M*s. R. Woods. Mrs. A. Wilson v. Mrs. P. Morton. Mrs. G. Thompson v. Mrs. E Malfroy. Mrs. Wallis v Mrs. W. Legcrett.. Mis? M. Cousins v. Mrs. E. Denton. Mrs. A. J. Martin r. Mrs Macdiarmid. Mrs. R. X/. MacMr r ran v. J!!ra. G. C. Davennnrt. Mrs. W. Wricht v. Mt« L. Badeley. Miss D. Wilson v. Mrs. W Rocke. Mrs X. lAire3 r v. Mrs. K. McCork-'rdale. Following is the week end draw, pln.y to feorarience at 11 a.m.:—Mi=s J. St. George ■v. Miss G. Henderson. Miss .7. Conklev V. Miss V. Henderson. Mips E. Wovsn v. Miss M. Milsom. Miss K. Stokes' v. Miss M. Eimfth, Miss D. Grave v. Mrs. P. Sills. Miss B. Gardner v. Miss L. Morris._ Mrs. lE. Alexandef- v Miss M. Jackson. Miiis A. Shorit v. another.

y PLAY AT CAMBRIDGE [from our own correspondent] CAMBRIDGE, Monday The third round of the Cambridge handicap wa- played on the Cambridge links during the week-end, a feature of the three games playfed being the close finishes. D. McCathie beat B. Harper, 2 up; L. R. Haworth bc«i M. Calvert, 1 up; H. N. Freeman beaA J. Banks. I up. W. J. Ward and J. Butle- have yet to play their match. In the next round Haworth will play McCathie. and Freeman the winner of Ward and Butler The four-bali best ball bogey handicap which was played by members on Saturday ■was won by Messrs. H. N. Freeman and A. W. Nicoll. wit!. ~ score of 4 up. The best, cards of the day were:—H. N. Freeman and A W Nicoll, 4 up; A, H. Nicoll and H. C. Luscombo, A. Moss and I. Fairbrother. 3 up. F Entwistle and E. Nickle. 2 up; M Garlan 1 and M. Woolley, J. Giles and D. E Creed, 1 up; M. Culvert and Rev. .T. Beaufort, A. J. Lane and G. S. Harbutt.. all square; Dr. H. C. Tod and IT. Hampshire, 1 dc.wn. The match between the Fencourt Golf Club and the visiting Ngahinapouri team resulted in both be>ng all square. Fencourt players are mentioned first in the following results:—Ladie*: Miss J. Feisst defeated Mrs. Mills, 4 and 2: Miss E. Feisst defeated Mrs. Nuttineham, 3 and 2. Men: A. Feisst lost to J. M McWhannell, <1 and fl; L. Feisst defeated R. Thomas, 4 and 2: E. Law v. S. Haycock, pi! squire: R. Feisst defeated E. Grant. 3 and 2: E. Burmi lost to W. Reid, 1 down. E. Wattam lost to S. ißeid, 3 and 2: W Tapp Inst to G. Mills. 5 and 3.

, r THAMES LADIES' CLUB far TELEGRAPH —DWN CORRESPONDENT] THAMES, Monday The following is the draw for the first round of the rose bwl to bo played by the Thames Ladies' Gol: Club on Wednesday Mrs. W. Price v. Miss V. Miller, Miss H. Miller v. Mrs. T. McCarroll, Mrs. H. Uren v. Mrs. C. Poulsrnin, Miss D. Poulgrain v. Mrs W. (plemsoii, Mrs. O'Reilly v. Mrs. B. Chapman', Mrs. A. Fisher v. Mrs. 3 Miller, Mrs. L. GriEEn v. Mrs. H. Harden, Mrs. W. Glover v. Mrs. A. Dovell. Mrs. D. J. Law v. Miss L. Steedman, Miss C. Stepdman v. Miss IT. Elisor, Miss E. Bongard v. Mre v A. Eeck, Miss R. Ennor v. an oilier. Saturday players: Miss N. Boles v. Misii A. Nankivell, Miss J. Griffin v. Miss P. Hopkin, Miss L Law v. Miss Wallace, Mm Black v. Miss P. Johnston, Miss M. Richardson v. Miss A. Griffin, Miss John--oton v mother.

MATCHES IN THE NORTH [ FROM OCR OWN CORRESPONDENT] WHAXGAREI. Monday "f e , e k-end. when the Whau rv.lf'ri Pu 'he Whancarei Golf Club on the Mount Denby links. Wha--s?wVr b ? n , "latches to 4. The names . . nsar< " l players appear first in the I results • -J. Glanville lost to R E Hai™ 2 R Bnd , V- 8 F - Binkley beat. M Sberriff®' n "S l ; Thomson beat 1 iind s R r R<>b , e rtß beat E. Dunning, | rjVTSSs*

O. V. Adlam and D. McLeod. all square; S. Weston beat H. Mofiitt, 2 and 1- W. T. Surman beat H. Wilson, 5 and 3; Glanville and Thomson lost to Chalmers and Hargrave, I up: Roberts and Gray beat Sherriff and Dunning. 1 up; Conaghnn and Gillespie lost to Crawford and Martin. 2 up; Sheen and Adlam beat Georgeson and Kokicli, '2 up: Weston and Siirnum and McLeod and Moffitt, all square: Younger and Goodwin lost to Wilson and Stead, 5 and 4. The first round of the Settlers' Cup was played by members of the Whan Valley Ladies' Golf Club. The trophy is for the best njrgregate over three rounds of modal play. The following are tho best scores;— Mies K. G-. McDonald. 103, 31—72; Miss Z. Philips. 92. 1J -73. Miss M. J. O'Shea, 109. 36—73; Mist 1 Killen. 106, 33—73; Mrs. E. F'icker u. . 105 31—74; Miss R. Lawrie, 10Ji. 30—75.

LADIES' OPEN DAY PLAY AT ONE TREE HILL An open day for senior players was held by the Maungakiekie Ladies' Golf Club nt One Tree Hill yesterday. Results of the cc nifetiticns were as follows: Best Gross Score.—Mrs. A. W. Rushton, 83. Medal handicap: Mis. P. R. Glanville, 84, 9—75; Mrs. S. A. Pezaro. 92, 17—75; Mrs. H. V. Johnston, 84, 8—76; Miss C. Stubbs. 91. 15—7(1; Miss A. Grove, 93, 17— 7'i. The tie was won by Mrs. (>lanvilie on a recount of the last 12 moles. Bogey Foursomes.—Miss E. Sehnauer. and Miss A. Grove (12). 3 down; Mrs. P. R. Glanville and Mrs. F. 11. Brown© (12). 6 down.

INTER-CLUB MATCH PUPUKE AND NORTH SHORE Following are the results of an inter-club match played between the Pupuke and North Shore Ladies' Golf Clubs, at Pupuke yesterday, names of North Shore players being mentioned first in each case:— Singles.—Airs. Badeley and Mrs. Mills, all square; Mrs. Home ost to Mrs. Gooding, 4 and 3; Alls. Keane lost to Mrs. Herbert. 3 and 2; Mrs. Jncobi lost to Mrs. Kensington. 3 and 2; Miss McDonnell beat Aliss Ross. 6 and 5; Mrs, Taylor lost to Miss Cameron. 3 and 2; Mrs. Kollo lost to Mrs. lvissin. 6 and 5; Mrs. Seuaa; beat Aliss Johnston, 3 ancl 1. Fouipoines.—Airs. UaclclGy tind Mrs. Home bent Mrs. Alills and Miss Gooding, 2 tip; Alls. Jacobi and Airs. Keane lost to Airs. Herbert and Miss Cameron, 3 and 1; Miss McDonnell and Mrs. Taylor beat Mrs. Kensington arid Aliss Ross, 1 up; Mrs. Rollo and Airs. Seagar lost to Airs. Kissin and Aliss Johnston, 3 and 1. . Pupuke won by 7 matches to 4, one being all square.

ORAKEI LADIES' CLUB Follow ins: is the draw for a medal round to bei played by memberß of tho Ornkei Ladies' Golf Club on Thursday, commencing at 10 a.m.:—Mrs. Tanner v. -Mrs. Cad ncss, Miss Appleyard v. Airs. MarshnUWhite, Mra. Miller v. Miss Marshall, Mrs. Long v •'Miss Patterson, Mrs. Rossiter v. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Robson v. Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Taine v. Mrs. Impey, Mrs. Bishara v another. C grade: Mrs. Craig v. Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. Laslctt v. Mrs. Deverson. Mrs. Xealie v. Mrs. Tremaine. Mrs. Rabone v. Mrs. Murray. , . Following were the best scores returned in the Aotearoa Cup competition Mrs. Mar-shall-White, 103, 3G—72; Mrs. Wood. 104. 23 81; Mrs. Cadness, lOfi, 24—82; Mrs. Tanner. 107. 122—S!i.

FRANKLIN BEATS HAMILTON [from our own correspondent] PUKEKOHE. Monday A Hamilton team was defeated by the Franklin Golf Association's representatives by 14 matches to sever., three being all square, in an inter-club fixture held on the Pukekohe links during the week-end. Details are as follows, Franklin names being mentioned first:— Morning Singles.—Howden lost to Bryant. 4 and 3: Colbeck lost to Harding, 2 and 1; Johnson lost to Ferguson. 3 and 2; Roulston beat Graham, 1 up: Gordon beat Radford, 2 up; Stevenson and Pountney. all square; Blomfield lost to Sutcliffe. 4 and 3; Grierson beat Atkins, 1 up; Mills beat Riddell. 5 and 3: Wardell beat Duxfield, 1 up; Martin beat Wood. 1 up: Roberts and Burdon, all square; Ferguson beat Seccombe. 5 and 4: Alexander beat Porter, 5 and 4; Cronin and Loveridse, ' all square; Cooke beat Mayes. 2 and 1. Afternoon FourbaJl.—Howden and Colbeck lost to Bryant and Harding. 1 down. Johnson and Roulston heat Ferguson and Graham. 3 and 2: Gordon and Stevenson lost to Radford and Pountney. 5 and 3: Blomfield and Grierson lost to Sutcliffe and Atkins. 3 and 2; Mills and Wardell beat Hiddell and Duxfield. 4 and 3: Martin and Roberts beat Wood and Burdon. 2 and 1; Ferguson and Alexander beat Seccombe and Porter, i! and 1: Cronin and Cooke beat Loveridge and Mayes, 4 and 3.

HUNTLY CLUB'S MATCHES [from our own correspondent] HTTNTLY. Monday A "scramble" competition was held by members of the Huntly Golf Club on Saturday, which wan won by S. Bennett, who returned a card of 109. 29-—64. Other results were:—M. O'Brien. 92. '25—67: A. Henderson. 103. 36—67: S. V. Smith. 82. 13—09; E. V. Dnldy. 83, M—69; T. Shaw. 97, !28~G9: G. A. Shaw. 102. 30—72: R. Gunn. 100, 36-73: D. E. Hart. 97. 22-75: L. Armc-r, 85. 8—77; R. Clinch. 93. 15—78: L. A. Johnston, 90, 18—78; I. Kosoof, 116, 36—80. The second round competition match was played by members of the Huntly and Waingnrri Golf. Clubs at Waingaro during the week-end. Huntly won the match bv 6 games to 5, one game being all square. Fqlk'winc arc the details. Waingaro names beinjr mentioned first:—Rathbone lost to Armer, 4 and 3; G. H. Seavill • lost to Daldiy, 2 up; Haywnrd lost to S. V. Smith. 1 up: S. Wilson and Clinch, all square; J. Seavill beat Johnston. 3 and 1; R. C. Seavill lost to Hart. 4 and 2: Haywood heat Watson. 2 and 1: II Wilson beat Shaw, 5 and 3: Mrs. Rathbone lost to Mrs. Hart. 1 up; Miss Hnyward beat Miss Littlenroud. 2 and 1; Miss Cobbe lost to Mrs. Daldv, 5 and 4; Miss Moncton beat Miss Watson. 4 and 3.

TE AROHA MEDAL MATCH [BY TELEGRAPH—OWN CORRESPONDENT] TE AROHA, Monday Tfae following is the draw for the Te Arofca Golf Club's medal match on Tuesday and Thursday;— Miss J. Clarke v. Mrs. Lampeter. Mrs. Bliss v. Miss Cowley, Mrs. Clarke v. Mrs. Frear, Mrs, Burns v. Mrs. Curran, Miss Hamilton v. Miss J. Kenny, Mrs. Hepburn v Mrs. Kenny, Mrs. Halligan v. Mrs Hunger, Miss M. Kenny v. Mrs. McLeod, Mrs Murphy v. Miss McLaren. Mr*. Smith v Mrs. McGlnshan, Mrs, Vickers * Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Mackie v. Miss Ryan. C grade- Mrs. Hilling v. Mis t » B. Currie. Mrs Carroll v. Mrs. Ciirwnrdine. Miss E Currie v. Miss' J. Frear. Mrs Gilchrist v. Mi's Gilchrist Miss Fitzgerald v Mrs. Huwke. Miss Joyce Kreur v. Miss J. Hepburn. Miss B. Hunger v. Mrs. L. Lloyd, Mrs. Hume v. Miss M. Hepburn, Mrs Henderson v. Mrs. Petry. Miss Patterson v. Mrs. Robertson, Miss P. Revell v. Miss J. Stevens. Miss N. Revell v. Mrs. Timmins, Mrs. Towers v. Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Wood v. Mrs. Poofs, Mrs. Johnson v. Mrs. Martin, Miss Delaney v. Miss Dcverell. Miss P. Lindsay v. Mrs. Knight, Miss B Clarke v another.

MACDONALD CUP CONTEST | BY TELEGRAPH—OWN CORK ESPON TJKNT | KOTORUA, Monday I'lli? qualifying rounds for the Macdonald Cup, one r.f the main annual competitions of the Rotorua Golt Club, were completed on Saturday. Those who qualified are:— McElroy. IG6, 10—110 Wilkie, 178. 15— 148; J Lee, 175, 13—110: Monk, 11)2, 6 150; W. Kusnbs, 162, 6—150; Marshall, 170, 10—150: S. E. Carr, 157. 3—151; T. Kelly, 172, 10—152; M. Carr, 159, 3—153; E. La T. Hill. 178. 12—154; E Fenton. 171. 10— 154; G. Pott. 173. 9-155: 11. Parntn, 175. f)—ls7; C. Redhead, 18G, 15—136; T. .Byrne, 184, 14—156; P. Kusabs, 181, 12-157. On Wednesday the ladies' club will play the second qualifying' round of the kirkWindeyer Cup and sealed medal handicap, the draw beins as follows:—Mrs. Bunks v. Mrs. Herd. Mrs. Tapper v. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. X M Smith v. Miss C. Hill. Mrs. Sherrifl v, Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. Humphrey v. Miss Hewitt, Mrs. Booth v. Mis. Byrne. Mrs. B'.encowe v. Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Robinson v. Mrs. Wackrow, Mrs. Fortune v Mrs Wallis Miss Booth v. another, Mrs L Shaw v. Mrs. Ormsby, Mrs. Jones v. Miss Hawksworth, Mrs. Marshall v. Mrs. Budd, Mrs. Carr v. Mrs. Fenton, Mrs. Goudie v Mrs Worthington, Mrs. Hock'son v. Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Goodwin v. Miss Moon, Mrs. Crawford v. Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. SpeddiiiK v. Mrs. B. Smith, Mrs. Hitchcock v. Miss La Trobe Hill, Mrc. Barker v Miss Fenton. Mrs. La Trobe Hill v. Miss D Corlott, Mrs. S. Shaw v. Mrs. Parata, Mrs. Kelly v. Mrs. Bell. Miss Snodgiass v. Miss Clark, Mrs. Dingle v Mrß. Haymea Mrs. Bunyard v. Mrs.. Garriock, Mrs. Penno v. Miss Glass.

OPOTIKI FOUR-BALL [BT TELEGRAPH —OWN CORRKBPONDENT] OPOTIKI. Monday Members of the Opotiki Golf Club played a four-ball best-ball in splendid weather on Saturday. The best cards were:—C. Gordon and Thompson, 5 up; Roe and Fox, 4 up; Davies and Smith, 4 up; Bundall and Murray, 3 up; Rowland and Baigent, 1 up.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22434, 2 June 1936, Page 16

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GOLF CONTESTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22434, 2 June 1936, Page 16

GOLF CONTESTS New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22434, 2 June 1936, Page 16