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SCHOOL ELECTIONS RESULTS OF THE VOTING MEETINGS IN COUNTRY Greater interest in tho election of Auckland school committees was shown by the largest attendances for several years. Various topics of school interest wero keenly debated and resolutions relating to the welfare of tho children were passed at most of tho meetings. The following are further reports of householders' gatherings hold on Wednesday evening:— BIRKDALE The attendance at Birkdale was somewhat smaller than usual. Mr. T. M. Shepherd presided. The following committee, one short of the required number, was elected:—Messrs. 'J'. M. Shepherd (chairman), G. W. Collins (secretary and treasurer), C. Hopkins and S. Cole. BIRKENHEAD There was a large attendance at tho meeting of Birkenhead householders. Mr. J. Macdonald presided. The report stated that the roll had increased from 236 to 286, the latter including 50 five-year-old pupils. Tho inspector's report showed that the efficiency of the school had been raised. A resolution was passed urging tho Minister of Education to raise the status of the Northcote District High School to that of a technical high school. Tho following committee was elected: —Messrs. G. Battv, A. McNeilago, N. J. Campbell, K. R. Taylor, R. H. .Toy, N. L. Paterson, E. S. Whiteside, R. H. Roebuck and I. G. Bartulovich. HELENSVILLE D.H.S. A credit balance of £23 was disclosed in the report presented by the committee of the Helensville District High School. Mr. A. J. Skelton presided over a small attendance. The report showed that the school was being run efficiently in all departments. The roll number of the primary department totalled 240, and of the secondary department 70. The following committee was appointed: —Mr. A. J. Skelton (chairman), Mrs. C. S. West (secretary), Mr. T. Cohen (treasurer), Mesdames A. L. Hunt and A. .T. Skelton, Messrs. D. A. Bradley, T. W. Dwerryhouse, V. H. McDonnell and A. G. Robinson. HENDERSON About 80 residents wero present at the meeting of the Henderson School. Mr. R. Carey was chairman for the 14th time in succession. Tribute was paid to the services of the retiring chairman, Mr. W. Haythornthwaite, who had been chairman for six %-ears and who has served for nine years on tho. committee. The following new committee was elected: —Messrs. W. Corban (chairman), A. P. Chambers (secretary and treasurer), S. Cossev, T. R. Harris, J. Polkinghorno, L. Gee and Mrs. R. Hughes. HO WICK About 100 householders attended the meeting of the Howick District High School, held in tho Howick Town The headmaster, Mr. N. Day, reported that satisfactory progress was being made with the negotiations for the proposed consolidated high school. The following new committee was elected: —Messrs. A. C. Trousdale (chairman), H. Bellamy (secretary and treasurer), A. Cherry, J. C. Litten, W. J. Rutherford. MANGERE EAST There was a fair attendance at the meeting in connection with the Mangere East School. The following were elected: —Mr. F. G. Massey (chairman), Mrs. A. K. Belcher, Messrs. E. R. Tylden, J. J. Dewhurst, B. C. Fenton, W. L. Pirie, A. R. Prangley. MAY ROAD There was an attendance of about 20 at the meeting of the May Road School. The retiring secretary, Mr. R. W. Biddock, reported that the school had progressed considerably in the last three years, but he entertained some fears for the future grading, owing to a number of the parents in the district sending their children to other schools. The following committee was elected: —Messrs. C. W. Hill (chairman), V. B. Portman (secretary), W. Pascoe (treasurer), A. B. Thomas and A. W. Dicks. N G ARTTA WAHIA The Mayor, Mr. R. Eyre, presided over a small attendance at Ngaruawahia. There were 14 nominations for nine seats on tho committee, the following being elected:—Messrs. J. R. Redpath, B. C. Kempt, H. G. Fleming, A. A. Wapp, R. M. McFarlane, 0. Brown, J. Crothcrs, A. Potter, A. R. Rayncr. PANMURE No election was necessary at Panmure the requisite number of candidates being nominated. Only ono member of the old committee, Mr. A. Dunn, was nominated for re-election. Tho following committde was elected:—Mr. L. E. Mellsop (chairman), Mrs. E. Cleveland (secretary and treasurer), Mesdames E. Churches, R. Scott, D. Patchett, and Messrs. A. Dunn and I. K. Webster. PAPATOETOE A protest against continuing the use of a garage as a classroom was adopted at tho meeting of householders at Papatoetoe. Several speakers suggested that representations bo made to tho Auckland Education Board requesting that adequate facilities be provided in view of the approach of the cold weather. The incoming committee was instructed to inquire into the provision of a dental clinic. , The following were elected: —Dr. J. <T. Valentine, Messrs. J. Mitchell, J. Meyer, F. Dawe, A. T. Mcßeth, G. Gordon, J. Sanderson, J. T. Dawson, D. Kirk. Tho retiring chairman, Mr. A. G. Grinter, who has 10 years' service, did not offer himself for re-election. Appreciation of his services was recorded and ho was presented with a wallet by ex-members of committees. THAMES [by telegraph OWN correspondent] THAMES, Thuruday There was a large attendance of householders at a meeting in the Thames Central school. Of the 15 candidates, the following were elected:—Messrs. J. H. Hodge, J. Pratt, J. H. Battson, T. Jenkins, J. Morley, J. McLeod, A. Briggs, A. Fleet and the Rev. A. G. Dawson. PUTARURU As a protest against what he termed "an appalling lack of interest on the part of the general public," the retiring chairman, Mr. R. W. Cook, withdrew his nomination for the incoming committee at tho householders' meeting at Putaruru. Regret was expressed by the other members at Mr. Cook's decision. The report stated that the year's work had been satisfactory. The com-

mittee had started the present year with a credit balance of £2B, and finished with a credit balance of more than £4O. The following committee was elected unopposed:—Messrs. E. D. White (chairman), A. Anderson (secretarytreasurer), J. Garwith, J. R. O. Lockhead, R. Lee, C. C. Neal, E. Sholson. The nominations were two short of the required number, and at an inaugural meeting hold after the householders' meeting the incoming committee) decided to appoint Mr. G._ W. Edmeadcs to fill one of the vacancies. ROYAL OAK Gratification at the work of the previous committee was expressed at a mooting of about 70 householders of the Royal Oak district last night. A resolution was passed requesting the incoming committeo to forward a remit to the Government asking for an increase in the capitation grant to school committees. The following committeo was elected: —Messrs. W. J. Bo.ver, H. E. Burton, J. A. Galbraith, E. P. Hewott, W. Jolley, C. Kean, V. G. Potter (secretary), A. W. A. Swectman (chairman), W." Wells. TITIRANGI Only one member of the Labour "ticket" at Titirangi was elected. There were 10 candidates for five seats on the committee, the old committee being returned in its entirety ast follows: — Messrs. W. A. Bishop (chairman), C. K. Peace (secretary), H. Crockett, A. McEldowney, H. Waite. ADDITIONAL RESULTS PERSONNEL OF SELECTIONS The following ndditioned results of the election of school committees have been received:— Avondale.—Messrs. A. Rawlinson (chairman), F. W. Perry (secretary and treasurer), R. Tate, G. Williams. H. Marks, L. Lorignn, L. Higgens. R. Richardson and Mrs. M. Richardson. Alfriston. —Messrs. J. Muir (chairman). G. M. Running, L. E. G. Hill, E. Coppins, E. A. Pearo Ardmore.—Messrs. W. G. Bell (chairman). H. G. Ralls. P. T. Bullen, W. H. Mackay, J. H G. Burnside. Awakerl.—Messrs. A. B. Barr (chairman), A. Cnrling (secretary), F. Sutton, N. MacDonald. W. M. C. Claris. Blockhouse Bay.—Messrs. E. Gill (chairman), J. H. Ridden (secretary), D. "Wilson, A. C. Stanbridge, W. D. Kealey, G. E. Skellon and Mrs. Ada M. Rigden. Cambridge.—Messrs. S. W. Ziman (chairman), H Webb. V. G. Boulton, C. W. Vennell, L. A. Potts. F. H. Green, W. Smellie, H. E. Amyes, R. S. Entwistle. Edgecumbe.—Messrs. J. Rutherford (chairman), J. Black. L. Coverhill. K. Marx. C Lelievre, J. Neilsen. A. C. Ranby. Forest Lake.—Messrs. F. W. Sanders (chairman), J. R. Milnes (secretary), E Moore, G. T. Watkins, J. Graham, .A. Partington, W.' Leonard. Clen Eden.—Messrs. A. B. Steedman (chairman). S. Clegg. J. Ingram, C. Wilson, D. Baxter, A. E. Butt and Mesdames K. Rowland, E. W. Valentine, E. Baxter. Clenfield.—Messrs. A. W. Leppard (chairman), R. Douglas, C. T. Cannill, J. Macey, und Mrs. M, Douglas (secretary). Hamilton East.—Messrs. H. M. Baker. J. M. Griffiths,' G. S. Clark, E. L. Watkins, M. W. Chegwidden, F. J. Mooro, J. A. Wainscott. N. C. Rowe, F. W. Mead. Hamilton West.—Messrs. L. C. Barton, S. L. Searell, P. D. Leahy, W. H. Hulse. R. Swset, A. S. Duff, N. J. Holden. G. A. Plummer, R. E. Conradi. Hautapu.—Messrs. J. Dunning (chairman), P. G. Mills, R. Mitchell, W. King, A. Watt. H lllcrest. —Messrs. W. Mawson (chairman), C. Crook, J. G. Grey. N. E. McAdam, L. V. Lloyd, E. M. Masters, A. H. Smith and Mrs. H. Saunders. Hobsonville. —Messrs. R. H. Ockleston (chairman). S. A. Noble, L. Medcalf, H. Speed, P. R. Osborne. Huapai.—Messrs. M. S. Harris (chairman), L. Crawford-Watson, J. McCall, G. W. Cullum, K. Mackenzie. Huntly.—Messrs. W. H. Sillick (chairman), T. Whittaker H. Mever, C. Sherwin, W. Wetherspoon, A. Titner and Mesdames M. E. Siddle, L. Fuller. Karaplro.—Messrs. R. Newcombe (chairman), P. C. Keeley, W. S. Bruce, C. G. Fletcher, P. H. Fenn. Kopu.—Messrs. E. Jamieson (chairman), R. Thorp (secretary), W. Dynes, H. Harden, M. Richards. Leamington.—Messrs. D. Walker (chairman), G. McCundish. N. Garland, T. H. Hulme, W. Johnson, W. Pearott, R. Leckie. Manurewa.—Messrs. T. E. Brown (chairman), J. G. Sheldon, R. Craig, C. A. Turner, T. Young, A. Matthews. H. K. Wright and Mesdames K. M. Peebles, A. U. McDonald. Maungatautarl, No. 2.—Messrs. C. La Trobe (chairman). P. Hyde, A. C. Gagen, J. Christie, W. Newcombe. Morrlnsvllle.—Messrs. C. A. Ferguson, R. C.. Gray, P. Petry, D. T. Davies, J. H. Gaddes, F-. West. R. B. Morton, L. W. Osborne, R. T. Allen. Ngatea.—Messrs. W. McDuff (chairman), S. 0. Phelps, J. Motion, T. A. Maclean, A. Douglas, J. W. Neate. E. A. Mahoney. Ngongotaha.—Messrs. A. Robinson (chairman), P. Cronin, J. Catley, J. J. Smyth, J. J. Burr, L. Owen, W. Robinson. Papakura.—Rev. W. C. Wood chairman), Messrs. S. L. Anderson, W. V. Hardwick, G. L. Hollinger, G. L. Kernot, A. L. Turner (secretary), J. E. Walker, W. Watson, H. C. Baulf. Purlrl.—Messrs. P. Cummings (chairman), C. Clark, R. E. Moyle, and Mesdames C. Kelly, G. Beasley. Rlverhead.—Messrs. J. A. Winchister (chairman), T. Pook, F. L. Ball, D. J. Mohair, F. Howlett. Rotorua.—Messrs. F. Goodson (chairman), L. Jiwert, N. McKeane, H. C. Smith, J. Burton, C. A. Clarke, C. R. Goodson, N. B. Hunt, W. J. Kurney, H. G. Staple. Tapu.—Mr. F. J. McMahon (chairman), Mrs. E. Pender (secretary), Mrs. M. Barkas, Messrs. C. Plummer, G. Russell. Te Aroha.—Messrs. J. E. Wild, B. Hobson, A. C. Snelling, J. P. Crawford, A. Ziegler, iR. Trebilco, B. H. Horner, G. W. Barclay, C. Kingsley-Smith. Te Hlhi.-nMessrs. W. R. Bethune (chairman), R. W. Carpenter, A. Elliott, G. C. W. Howie, J. E. Biddick. Te Mlro. —Messrs. M. Keyte (chairman), A. S. Grey, J. Bamforth, E. H. Hall, J. D. Woodroffe. Te Papapa.—Messrs. F. C. Pace (chairman), S. Gilchrist (deputy-chairman), J. Kelson (secretary), G. Ronson, J. Rogers, A. Jamieson, Lardner, and Mesdames M. Hankins, Foster. Tuakau.—Messrs. W. C. Pyatt (chairman), T. Malcolmson (secretary), J. Thomas, A. G. Welch, A. A. Harker, T. G. Morgan, Rev. B. P. Williams. Waltakere.—Messrs. F. Lea (chairman), H. Berthclsen, M. Davey, J. Soarcs, H. Murphy. Whakatane. —Kev. S. Wnymouth, Dr. J. C. Wadmore, Messrs. G. Otley, H. G. Rand, F. W, Lysaght, J. L. Wylie, J. B. Stewart, R. C. Wilson, H. E. Seale. Whitehall.—Messrs. J. W. Jeans (chairman), W. D. Hulse, C. Mackip, A. M. Forbes, G. W. Winter. Whltlora.—Messrs. C. Nisbet (chairman), D C. Street, .T. W. Nicolas. M. A. Gall, W. A. Smith. W. F. Choat, D. G. Walker, I. Webster. E. L. Wbineray. Woodhlll—Messrs. G. W. McDonald (chairman), A. D. Gurf, C. L. Rutty, C. E. Rolston, J. A. Wooding.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22402, 24 April 1936, Page 21

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NEW COMMITTEES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22402, 24 April 1936, Page 21

NEW COMMITTEES New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXIII, Issue 22402, 24 April 1936, Page 21