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There was a very steady tone in the market for al! classes of fat stock at the weekly Westfield sale yesterday. Beef cattle were offered in abnormally small numbers, barely 400 beinc penned, against from 800 to 1000 at recent sales. The quality generally was well tip to the standard and the demand was keen throughout. As a consequence the market was very firm and in 'certain cases up to 21s per 1001 b was realised for extra choice ox beef. Cows and heifers also sold well, quotations reaching as high as 235. This was in strong contrast to the previous week, when several hundred head sold for £3 or less.

Calves were again very plentiful, there being a larger offering than usual of heavier sorts. At the beginning of the sale competition was keen and recent price levels were maintained. Toward the finish, however, there was a decided easing tendency and late sale calves fell heavily. The sheep pens were not filled to capacity, there being fewer ewes than at recent sales, but moro wethers. Generally, the quality was very fair, several outstanding lines of wethers being offered. Bidding was free throughout the sale and, under a steady demand, quotations remained more or less unchanged on those of a week ago, with a slightly firmer tendency for owes. The Pig Section Lambs were offered in good numbers, a considerable proportion being on the poor side, the result of a tendency on the part of farmers to get rid of stock where feed is falling away. The demand was again good and price levels showed little change. There was a good supply of pigs, wtill-finishod baconers being particularly plentiful. For these bidding was exceptionally brisk and one of the most rapid disposals of pigs seen at Westfield for a long time resulted. One auctioneer sold about 360 in just over 40 minutes. Some excellent prices were realised and a number "of lots sold for £3 los and over. Porkers, many pf which showed lack of finish, were also in demand, and these were very firm at late rates. Store pigs were not plentiful and th<s demand was slack, mainly the result of a shortage of milk in most of the pig-raising districts. The price per lb. for baconers worked out at from sid to ojd and for porkers, 5Jd to S^d. Comparison of Quotations The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Westfield fat stock sales;— This "Week Last Week BEEF (per lOOlb.)—rExtra choice ox 24/- 23/C'hoice and prime ox . . 20/- to 23/- CO/- to 22/Choice and prime cow and heifer 20'- to 23,'- 18/- to 22/Boner and rough 12/- to 19/- 10/- to 17/SHEEP (per head)— Prime wethers .. 21/- to 2(1/9 21/G to 27/3 Unfinished wethers .. 18/6 to 20/9 18'- to 21/3 Prime ewes . . 13/- to 1!> - 12 6to 19 - Unfinished ewes G/- to 12 6 29t0 12 3 Prime lambs .. 16/- to 22 9 1G - to 23 6 Unfinished lambs 11/- to 15/9 10/- to 15/CALVES (per head) Runners .. .. 34/- to 02/- 35/- to 75/Vealers .. .. 18/- to 71/- IG/- to 73/PIGS (per head)— Baconers .. 53/- to 77/- 52/- to 74/Porkers .. .. 33/- to 49/- 33/- to 49/Yvoanera .. .. (>/- to 11,/- 7/- to 12/Slips . . . . 12'- to 18 '- 13/- to 18/Large stores .. 20/- to 2(1/- 20/- to 30/Individual Consignments The top price in the ox beef market was realised for heavy prime steers from Mr. A. E. Sanderson, of Te Kauwhata, these selling to £9 17s 6d. For the best of good cattle from Mr. H. E. Reed, of Wuerenga, £9 10s was paid and a truck of bullocks sold on behalf of Mr. 1?. B. Laird, of Whangamariuo, sold to £9 2s (id. From Mr. A. Orr, ex Hoteo, came steers selling up to £8 15s and prices ranging to £8 os were paid for a consignment from Mr. F. Storey, of Ohinewai. The offering of Mr. K. G. Ellett, of Karaka, was disposed of for top prices of £8 2s 6d and the best of the steers of Messrs. Stephens Bros., of Waiotira, made £B. Several consignments from Colville sold well, those of Messrs. Ward Bros, realising to £7 17s 6d and of Mr. M. E. Ward and Mr. Joseph Ward making lip to £7 los. Other good cattle came from Mrs. I, M. Guy, of Kaipara Flats, these being disposed of up to £7 os.

In the cow and heifer beef- market the highest price ivas that obtained for very prime cattle from Mr. H. H. Clark, of Hamilton, which ranged up to £6 15s. A small line from Mrs. I. St. Guv. of Kaipara Flats, realised no to £6 10s and both cows and heifers disposed of on behalf of Mr. G. Lvons, of Maungatawhiri, sold at £6 '2s 6ri. For the best of the cows of Mr. F. Storey, of Ohinewai, £5 was paid, and the offering of Sir. 11. L. Orr, of Ohinewai, realised up to £4 15s. Other good consignments were those of Mr. H. Babe, of Waiotira, and Mr. H. Windsor, of Matangi, which sold to £4 10s and £4 2s 6d respectively.




Alfred Buckland and Sons. Limited, reports on tliu sale as follows:

Beef.—We yarded fut cattle to the number of 132 head. as against '245 head last week. comprising -15 steers and 87 cows and heifers. Our email yarding of ox beef was of very t'ood Quality. Competition was extra keen and values improved on Inst week's sale. Cows and heifers were also yarded in smaller numbers and sold freely lit values on a par with Inst week. Extra choice ox sold to £1 -Is per 100 lb; choice and prime, £1 Is to £1 Us; secondary and plain, 17s to 19s; prime young cow and heifer beef, •37s to i'l: ordinary cow beef, 10s to 15s. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £8 100 to £8 17s Gd: heavy prime, i' 7 15s to £8 ss; lighter prime. i! 7 to £7 10s: litrht prime, £6 to i'G 15s: small and unfinished, £4 to £5 10s. Extra heavy prime young <cowb and heifers, £5 Es to £6 2s Gd; heavy prime, £4 to £4 ]ss; lighter, prime, £2 los to ,£3 15s- other killnble cows. £1 5s to £2 5s Sheep.—Our total yarding of sheep numbered 1024. Bidding was free for all classes, with values on' a par with those ruling at recent, sales. Extra heavy prime wethers. £1 5s to £1 6s 3d- heavy prime. £1 3s 6d to £1 '4s t>d: medium to heavy prime, £1 2s 3d to £1 3s; light to medium prinjty; £1 Is to £1 2s: unfinished. 18s Gd to £1 0s 3d. Extra heavy prime young ewes, los Gd to lGs 9d: heavy prime, 14s Gd to los 3d; lighter prime, 13s to 14s 3d: other killnble ewes, lis Gd to 12s Gd; other ewes, 9s 3d to 10s Gd. Lambs.—Lambs were penned to the number of 893. Competition wns Rood and a total clenvance was made, with values on a par with last. week. Extra heavy prime lambs, £1 Is to £1 2s 9d; heavy prime, 19s to £l. Ob Gd: liehter prime, 17s Gd to 18s Gd; light prime, IGs to 17s 3d: small and plain, lis to 14s 6d. Calves, —Fat and young calves were again in full supply. Competition was hardly so good and our quotations are elijihtly lower. Runners made £1 14s to £4 '2s; heavy vealers, £2 13s to £2 18s; medium, £2 3s to £2 10s; light. £1 9s to £1 14s: small. 15s to £1 2s: unfinished and bucket-fed. 7s to 12s • bobby calves 3s to Gs. Two hundred and sixty-four caives were sold. Pigs,—The pig pons were nlso well filled. Tho yarding included many properly finished prime baconers and these sold very freely under brisk competition at improved rates. Porkers soTd steadily at about lato quotations. Choppers ' nmde I'l 15s to £2 15s; heavy prime baconers. £3 13s to £3 17h : medium. £3 4s to £3 8s; light, £2 13s to £2 18s; heavy

porkers, £2 6s to £2 8s; medium, £2 Is to £2 3s; light. JEI 14s to £1 l~s: small nnd unfinished, £1 5a to £1 lis. Many of the porkers showed lack of finish. Stores were nt lower prices. Good-framed and conditioned. .£ 1 to £1 fis; slips. 12s to 14s: pood weaners, 9s to lis: small, 6s Bs. Baconers sold at an a vera ere of sid to 5Jd per lb, and porkers sid to 5Jd. A total of m pigs was sold

D ALGETY AND COMPANY Dalgety and Company, Limited, reftorta on the sale as follows: Beef.—We yarded 51! hend of beef, comprising 20 steers and 3G cows and heifers, against 165 head lust week. The quality was well up to standard, but the abnormally short yarding accounted for a very keen demand, and we have to report a snle very firm to improved on late rates. Extra choice ox sold to 23s per 1001b; choice and prime, 20s 1o 225; just killnble. 17s to IDs; prime young cow and heifer beef, 17s to 20s; just killable, IDs to lfis. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £9 5s to £9 17s fid, for steeds from Mr." H. E. Reed, W'aerenga ; heavy prime, £8 5s to £9 2s fid; lighter prime, £7 5s to £8 2s fid; light prime, £5 10s to £7; extra heavy Jirimo young cows and heifers, £5 10s to £'l 10s, for heifers from Mrs. I. M. Guy, Kaipara' Flats; heavy prime, £-1 to £5 7s fid: lighter prime, £3 to £3 17s fid; other killable cows, £1 10s to £2 17s 6d. Sheep,—Sheep come forward in average numbers and sold under steady competition at rates fully on a par with last week's rates. Exlnj heavy prime wethers, 2()S to 2ti3 9d; heavy prime, 24s 9d to 23s 9d; medium prime, 23s fid to 24s fid; light and unfinished, 22s 3d to 235; heavy prime ewes, lfia 3d to 17s 3d: lighter prime, 14s 9d to 15s; other ewes, 12s 3d to 14a Cd.

Lambs.—A full average yarding of lambs sold freely at values fully on a par with late sales. Heavy prime lamb, 19s to 19s fid; medium prime, 17s fid to IBs 9d; light prime, 15s to 17s Calves. —A full yarding of calves was penned. Competition was steady and all classes Bold at values on a par with last week's sale. Runners, £2 to £4 12s; heavy vealers, £2 14s to £3; medium, £2 5s to £2 10s; light, £1 8s to £1 19s; small, 15s to £1 4s; rough, 8s to 15s; bobby calves, 3s to fis. ' ,

Pigs.—Pigs were again yarded in heavy numbers. Competition for bacon pigs was keen and values improved on last week's rates. Porkers sold readily at values firm at late rates. Heavy baconers, £3 12s to £3 16s; medium, £3 fis to £3 10s: light, £2 17s to £3 2s; heavy porkers, £2 fis to £2 9s; medium, £2 to £2 3s: light, £1 13s to £1 17s; small und unfinished, £1 4s to £1 Ills. LOAN AND MERCANTILE The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: Beef.—Our yarding of beef was fully an average one. There was a keener demand and values improved Is to 2s per 1001b. Extra choice ox sold to £1 4s choice and prime, £1 to £1 3s; ordinary and plain, 17 a to 19s; prime young cow nnd heifer beef, £1 to £1 3s; ordinary cowbeef, IGs to 19s. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £9 to £9 17s Gd; heavy prime, £8 to £8 17s fid; lighter prime, £7 to £7 17s Gd; light prime, £6 to £6 17s fid: unfinished and small, £4 to £5 15s. Extra heavy prime young cows and lieifers, £6 to £0 15s; heavy prime, £5 to £5 17s Gd; lighter, £4 to £4 17s 6d; light cows, £2 10s to £3 15s; other cows, £1 5s to £2 ss.

Sheep.—We penned sheep in large numbers. There was a steady demand, with vuluos on n par with last week's sale. The quality was not up to that of last sale. Heavy prime wethers. £1 5s to £1 Cs; medium prime, £1 3a 6d to £1 4s 9d; light prime, £1 2s to £1 3a 3d; small and unfinished, 18s to £1 Is Cd. Heavy prime ewes, 18s to 19s; medium prime, 16s to 17s 9d; light prime, 14s to 15s 9d; inferiorly fatted, 6s to 12s fid. Prime hoggets, 19s 6d to £1 3s fid; unfinished, 15s to 19a. Lambs.—Our lamb entry was an average one, which sold at late rates, prime lambs selling at from lfis fid to £1 2a fid; small and unfinished, 12s fid to lfis 3d. Pigs.—Pigs were penned in large numbers. Competition was keen throughout, with values for porkers slightly easier and baconers well up to lato quotations. Choppers sold from £1 10s to £3 7s Cd; heavy and medium baconers, £3 8s to £3 14s; light baconers and heavy porkers, £1 8s to £3 fis; medium porkers and light porkers, £1 8s to £1 lfis; small, £1 5s to £1 7s. Store pigs sold at values equal to last week's rates. Large stores, £1 to £1 4s; slips, 10s to 18s; weaners, Ga to 15s.

Calves.—There was a very heavy yarding of calves. Values vtare well maintained in the first sale, but dropped in the late stages. .Runners, £1 15a to £4 2s; heavy vealers, £8 to £3 11b; medium, £2 fis to £2 IBs; light, £1 lfis to £2 4a; smaller. £1 5s to £1 14s; small and fresh dropped, 3s to £1 Is; rough calves, 5s to 12s.


AN ENCOURAGING DEMAND VALUES WELL MAINTAINED [BY TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION*] CHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday The. Addington market to-day generally favoured vendors of tat stock, the demand in all sections being more encouraging. Store Sheep.—There was a email entry of adult sheep. Wethers were in demand and late rules were maintained. A larger entry of store lambs met with a keen sale, values being firm. Wethers made 13s to 17s lOd; two-tooth Komney ewes, 20s 2d; six and eight-tooth halfbred ewes, 14s; forward lambs, 15s 3d to 16s; others, 7b 9d to 15s.

Fat Lambs.—The entry totalled 2300, light-conditioned sorts being prominent. Butchers' demand was restricted, but export buyers operated freely. Full schedule rotes were maintained. Prime heavy lambs, 23s to 25s Id; medium, 20s to 235; light, Iss fid to 19s fid. Fat Sheep.—'There was an entry of 4000, and demand was strong for heavier types, which advanced 1b a head on late rates. Other types were firm. Extra prime heavy wethers, to 28s Id ; heavy, 24s fid to 25s 6d: medium-weight prime, 21b Od to 245; medium, 19s to 21s; light, to IPs; extra prime heavy ewes, to 21s lOd; heavy, 18s 3d to 20s; medium-weight, 15s Od to 18s; ordinary, 13s fid to 15s fid; light, to 13s. Fat Cattle.—The entry of 430 included only a few from Southland. There was a good sale for best beef, which advanced 10s a liead. Other classes were unchanged. Best beef sold from 23a to 25s fid; good. 19s fid to 22s fid; heavy. 17s to 19s; medium. 14s to 17s; rough, down to 10s. Extra prime heavy steers, to £lO 7s Od; heavy, £8 5s to £9 10s; medium-weight, £7 10s to £S 15s; ordinary, £i to £7; light, to £3 10s; extra prime heifers, to £9 12s Gd: prime. £4 15s to £G 10s; medium, £3 to £4 10s; light, to £3; extra prime cows, to £7 12% fid; prinfe. £4 to £5 10s; medium, £2 5s to £3 15s; light, to £2. Venters.—'There was a small yarding. Only best quality were in demand, the top price being £4 4s. Store Cattle.—The entry was so nondescript. that quotations were not worth while. No steers wero penned. Dairy Cattle.—A keen demand took place for (18 head. Best cows, £7 ss; best heifers, £7 12s Gd. , ... Store Pigs.—An erratic market existed. Values were about on a par with late rates. Weaners. 9s Od to 15s; slipß, lis to 13s Gd; stores, 14s fid to 245. Fat Pigs.—A good entry met with a keen sale. All classes showed a slight advance on late rates. Choppers, £2 to £3 8s 6d; haconers, 45a to 54s fid; heavy baconers, 58s Gd to £3 Gs fid; extra heavy baconers. £3 10a Gd to £3 14s fid; average price per lb, 5Jd to Gd; porkers, 27s fid to 38s 6d« average price per lb, 5Jd to Gd.




HASTINGS. Wednesday

An entry of 140 head of fat catlle came forward at to-day's sale at Stortford Lodge, tho prices realised showing an advance of 5s to 10s a head. As a result of short supply there wero few store cattle entered, the market being quiet. Fat sheep numbered 850. Ewes sold well at improved rates, while wethers and lambs made pnritv values Export, competition wns particularly strong on sifitnble lines of freezing owes. In the Btoie sheep section rape lambs met with keen competition at values which were firm on the last sale, while wethers and store ewes sold nt slightly improved rates. Values were:—Bullocks, medium to prime, £8 to £9 15s; others, from £5 12s; cows, medium to prime, £4 Gs to £5; others, from £3 2s; heifers, medium to prime, £5 5a to i'G 12s Gd; others, from £4; fat ewes, prime, to IGs 4d: others, from 14s; twotooths, to 225; fat jambs, to 20s 4d; wethers, to 23s 7d; store wethers, to 19s 4d: rnne lambs, to 15s Gd; two-tooth ewes, to 20s: four-yenr ewes, to 17s Gd: five-year ewes, to IGs 9d; six-year ewes, to lfis 4d.

STORE SHEEP VALUES [from our own* correspondent] HAMILTON, Wednesday. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Hamilton, reports on its weekly store sheep sale at Frankton yesterday ns follows:—A good entry came forward, comprising mostly store lambs. Good quality store lambs, up to 13s 2d; medium quality, up to lis Gd; others, ud to 9s; two-tooth wethers, up to 16s.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22004, 10 January 1935, Page 5

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FAT STOCK MARKET New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22004, 10 January 1935, Page 5

FAT STOCK MARKET New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXII, Issue 22004, 10 January 1935, Page 5