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AUCKLAND ASSOCIATION SIXTH SERIES OF MATCHES TWO CENTURIES REGISTERED The sixtli series of matches in the Gt?ni6f championship of the Auckland Cricket Association was commenced on Saturday under conditions which were all against this bowlers. Soon after play commenced heavy rain caused an adjournment, and a further adjournment for some time was necessary at 3.15 pan. Some of the teams were weakened owing to the representative team being on tour. A feature of the series was the fine opening partnership between S. Ferguson and C. Walters, North Shore, who added 181 runs before a separation was effected. Ferguson was unbeaten at stumps with 132 to his credit and Walters made 104. The next best batting performances were: —L. G. Wotherspobn, University, 85 nolt out} N. C. Snedden, Ponsonby, 85; J. 0. J'essup, University, 84 not out; W. JScholium, Ponsonby, 44; R. Stallworthy, • Ponsonby, 39; L. R. Spring, Grafton, 30. Bowlers had a difficult -trnalr under the conditions, the best figures being returned as follows: —F. M. Andrewes, King's Old Boys, four for 67; T. Lyon, Y.M.C.A., three for 62; S. G. Smith, King's Old Boys, throe for 86. Results were: — Grafton, 164; Y.M.C.A., one for 8. University, 247 for eight wickets, met King's Old Boys. Ponsonby, 208 for five wickets, met Parnell. ' . ■ North Shore, 259 for two wtcketa, met Eden.



The toss of the coin favoured Grafton against Y.M.C.A. on the No ; 1 wicket at Eden Park. Horspool and Satellite, the openiii£ pair, proceeded Quietly, neither being troubled by the attack, and the pair were well set whfiu, with.the total &t 53, How* •pool was dismissed in an unusual manner. A. Scott, the T.M.C.A. wicketkeeper, failed to take cleanly a ball which kicked up sharply. The ball went a few yards away from Scott, and Horspool. went <wt of his cxease to pit the wicket with his ba<L Scott gathered the ball and.ran the batsman out. Ratcliffe wan dismissed. at ol alter a patient' innings, while Spring gave a taste ol bis Canterbury form jn making 3© before, fulling to * :s»b catch by H. Lyoa. .Byerley had a good disal of luck in compiling 27. ICockin hit hard and cleanly for his 27 at a time when runs were needed. He feu to a brilliEnt one-hand catch by Elliott m tlie outfield- Childs batted soundly for 11 not out. Gr«ift<m, which batted three abort, was dismissed far' Is 4. ... , t. Lyon was-- the most suecessful bowler far Y.M.C/A. in taking three wickets for Gl in 21 overs. He was always very steady it ad the batsmen could take few risks aaginst him. Great crsdit is due to Simpson, who had a long spell, and except for an occasional loose ball on the leg side bowled very well under the conditions. Ii» wag. unfortunate thilt bis figures were not much bitter. . , With fire mliivjtes to bat T.M.C.A. lost cue wicket for eight Tuns. Scores: — OBAFPON-—Firtt Innings _ Q. Ratfcltffi. c Scott, b Elliott .. 34 E. Horspool. ran out • • 21 F. Byerley, cM. Lyon, bT. Lyon .. 27 li. R. Sprinc. c H. Lyon, b T. Lyon 80 isr. Ellis, c Hook, bJT Lyon .. . .. 1 K. H. E. Hoc]on, c Elliott, b Simpeon fj B« W 1 c Frator. b EL Lyon 0 Extras >V.'; r- : 7 ftotal for seven wickets .. .. 164 Grafton bsttod three short. Bowling.—l3i?,rn>son took one wicket for 71 *ims. T. LyMi three for 62, Elliott one for li), H. Lyon ofi» for 5. Yji.CJ.A-■ First Innings I; W. Cooper, o Horspool. b Spring .. 1 Sit; Lyon, not out .. .. .. •• 2 Simpson, not out » Total for ons wicket 6 Messrs. C. 21. Guiney and R. E. Turton were umpires.



The meeting of King's Old Boys and University «n Ho. 2 wicket at Eden Park provided 4 contrast in aoorlne. Usiraraity won the toss and batted. Rain equal!* intarr opted play, but the early batsmen failed to take advantage of the bowlers' dLmculties and the rate Of scoring -was alow. The opening pair, Graham and ItiddolJs, compiled 340y steady cricket before the lutter was catufchOby Pearson. JessUp comDienoed what was to be a sterling display with a good boundary. He was content to play steadily, and punish .anything loom Pickmere's association with Jess tip provided some bright cricket and the partnerskip added *lB runs, but with eight wickets down for 128 the position did not look good fur University. The advent of Wotherspoon put a different complexion on the game. He was obviously playing .with restraint for the firti two or three overs, but bb he became accustomed is the conditions, the spectators were treated io an excellent display of forceful cricket. Jesstip, wjio had scored 56 when Wotherspoon joined him, also became aggressive, and although the latter got most of the bowling, Jessup scored consistently. Using his feet to advantage, Wotherspoon scored mostly with powerful straight drive*. He took particularly heavy toll of S. 0. Smith, but was lucky early in his innings avoid ,being stumped! when attempting two big hits off the veteran. He -was also lucky when ifcArthur failed to hold a couple of hard returns. The partnership yielded !U9 and at stumps both batsmen were unbeaten. Wotherspoon's Bcore of 85 included live nixes and eight fours, while Jessup hod notched tlbirteen boundaries in hie 84. 8. G. Smith and Andrewes were tlie stock bowlers. Andrewes kept a good length and At one stage had taken three wicltete for BBTen .runs, but finished up with foflr for 67. S. G. Smith took three for 86 n.nd was unlucky not to have at leaßt another,; several of the early batsmen being obviously troubled by bis trundling. Scores:— UNIVERSITY.—First Innings I, D. Graham, b Andrewes .. .. 18 A. Riddolls, c Pearson, b Andrewes .. 14 •7. C. Jessup, not out . . . . .. 84 li. B. Schnauer, c W. S. Smith, b Andrewes .- .... 8 F. S. Haderi. c Martin, b McArthuf .. 4 11. A. Pickmore, c Caughey, b fil. G. Smith 19 H. D. Pixon, c W. S. Smith, b 1:1. G. Smith ' .. .. 0 I'. G. Sutherland, c Pearson, b AtkJmswm 2 A. G. Blamilifcs# c Andrewes, b 8, G. Smith 4 IL. G. Wotherupoon, not out .. ..85 Extras' L. . • .. .. .. 14 Total for eight wickets .. .. 247 Messrs. G. (',!. Robinson and F. T„ Vercoe vere umpires. FINE RECOVERY / ; PONSOMBY'S GOOD TOTAL . t After a very poor opening, Pon son by, 'hicli had first use of No. 3 wicket - in ts game against Farnell, ended the day with the creditable total of 208 for five wickets. A feature of the innings waa the good display cif N. C. Snedden. The innings was opened by Stallworthy and Guinivcn, but with only six runs on , tlie board the latter was bowled by Good»ir. who at I,his stage was making good use of the wicket. Cleave waa the next bntenian, but fail i d to open his acoount. being trapped leg before by Anthony. With two wickets down for seven runs, Ponsonby's j>ro»pects did not look bright, Stallworthy and Snedden were associated. After several lucky escapes!, in the slips, Snedden appeared to be rather uncertain -when rain curtailed play for almost an hour, 'rhis w*a :Eortnnate for Ponsonby, as the Parnell bowlars. particularly Goodsir and Anthony, ' *w«a proving troublesome to the bitsnien. , After fenotttr interruption, May wan re'*n#*ad, and ilia batsmen took no risks, tlie •jEJfW*.. being ! very tedious at this period. 8i?3» battin# i>rightemed when the half-cen-*as reiuched. When the partnership

■l-j vielded 88 runs. Stallworthy was di»Ss* vsf'ih.t u 7. le "r"" ta i Sneddcn commenced to drives! Although Sell" was fieldingr well. fWlden's shots were well-placed, and no srjr & 8?J& W to'McCoy. Clark did not InM long. bMt <he advent of Hastings the scoTiHßrateiricreased appreciably. Meanwhile Scholn m Wl hit a fine sir off an under-pitched ball from There was little .incident in the remainder of the play, both batsmen appearing well set and scoring: . ma " cirnrlpß Both were unbeaten at stumps. ho»ou,. toP.™.11«»•„„>» Anthony, with two wickets ior 58 runs. Both he and Goodsir bore the brunt of attack and bowled with remarkabl© a wicket which pave no assistance. McCoy also. bowled •toadily. •with art occasional m-swinger *mcn troubled the batsmen. Scores:— PONSONBY.—First Innings R. Stallworthy. b Clapham . • •• ™ Guinivim. b Gooaair .. •• •• ' ]?. H. Cleave, lbw, b A "|bony .. . • N. C. Sneddan, lbw. b McCoy .. » W. J. Scholium. not out . • • • -• ** F Clark, c McCoy, b Anthony •• * J.* Hastings, not out Extra® * Total for fiv* tickets • • • • 208 Bowling Analysis.— -Anthony took two wicket* for 58 raw. CWham one !stehf McCoy one for 45. Goodsir one for 57, Stehr B MMW. r Montgomery and M. G. Webster were empires

SPLENDID PARTNERSHIP FURGUSON AND WALTERS la spit* of play being held up for two hours owing to heavy rain, riortn Shore batting first in the match against Eden at Deronport on SUuiday. the fine total of 259 for t™ wickete T™ splendid centuries by S. Ferguson. and C. Walters, the North Shore opening batsmen, •were features of the play. l t Showers in the morning and an ahu°»* steady fall of rain for the greater part 01 the afternoon failed to affect t | ie va^ l l the surface remaining hard and true, while howlers were handicapped by havin„ to contend with * *»«>y b»"- The outfield wa surprisingly fast, too, at the start, and Ferguscfflf and Walters in the first 4o minutes before rain caused si long adjournment auickly compiled 72 rune. With the bowlln* fairly steady, but not dangerous, the bftsmen opened out brightly, and with well-timed placements on both sides of the wicket, the on eide being especially favoured. both batsmen quickly ran into the t *CMKliticms on resuming after the tain •were still more difficult for the bowlers, who had trouble in keeping their feet. Ferguson and Walters did troubled by ir*aawit changes in th© bowling the latter/especially. scoring. very quickly. Walters was now using his powerful cover drive to moro effect, and r«s>eatcdly faciei gaps in the Eden off field. Walters reached his century while his partner wasin his seventies, bnt then lost b» wicket. In scoring 104 he gave his best display for some time. He never appeared likely to go'out.-his acore -included 14 six, and hi* partnership with Ferguson realised 181 runs. „ Partnered by Curtayne. Ferguwn coninroed to bat -cery confidently, and reached his century shortly afterwards. At stumps Ferguson was undefeated with 132 to his credit Emery, 6. being the other not out Tran and th* total read 359 for two wickets. Ferguson hit 16 fours and two sixes. He gave a very attractive display of crisp driving on both sides of the wicket, while his hooking and glancing were splendidly timed. Another stroke, which be exploited With benefit was a crisp shot through the gully off anything short on the off side. The Eden bowlers had. an. unenviable task. Brought on near thfe finish when the batsmen were taking xnora Yfaks* Vivian profited the most in taking two wickets -lor 33 HUM. Scores:—

NORTH SHORE.—First Innings fl. F«rgus6n. not out , . C. Walters, c Houghton, b Vivian .. 104 L. Curtiyne, c Masters, b Vivian ... ,10 R. Emery, not cut .. . v-. : ® Extras .. -• ■"»» - •

Total for two wicketo .. i. 259 Bowling.—Harrison took no wickets for 54 runs, Macßae none for *l. Postles none for 48. JTewdick none for 55. Vivian two for 88, Nolan none for 21. _ Messrs. R. Blennerhassett and L. Bay were umpires.

COUNTRY WEEK TOURNEY AUCKLAND TEAMS CHOSEN The following Auckland teame have been chosen to participate in the Country week tournament, which commences at Eden Park to-morrow, at a,45 o'clock:— _ „ To-morrow. —M. C. Cooper, A. N. Holly, T. Hambrook. T. A. Germain. F. Patqn. R. Binmore, 8.- Shepherd, li>. H. Mackintosh. E. M. Fountain, L. Skinner. Wednesday.—N. P. Smith. T. A. Gerxnann. C. Wilson, P. S. Hayden, K.Binmore, C. Shepherd, J. Sainty. C._ Worth. E. A. Gillies. E. M. Fountain, E. T. Pearion. Thursday.—A. N. Hall*. G, A. Acres. T. A. Germann, F. S. Hoyden, E. Bmmore. A. S. Bagnall, E. H. Mackintosh, L. Skinner, B. Hastings. H. S. Stephenson. G. K Friday.—G. E, McGehan. E. B. Fanning. T. Hambrook. G. A., Acres. T. A. Germann. F. B. Hay den, J. Sainty, L. Skinner, H. S. Stephenson, G. Ratcliffe. E. A. Gillies. Satuiday.—E. B. Fanning F. S. Hayden. S. G. Smith. J. Sainty. E. M. Fountain. M. G. Webster, H. S. Stephenson. G. Batcliffe. F. M. Andrews. C. Worth, E. A. Gillies. '

ONEHUNGA ASSOCIATION Drisxling rain, affected the early stages of the fourth aeries of matches m the second round of the Onehunga Cricket Association's competition at Waikaraka Park on Saturday, but conditions improved later, when some fine batting performances were witnessed. F. H., Brown, compiled the top ecore with 81, closely followed by W. Smith (60 not out), A Roy (53). J. Preston (44 not out), and C. Wiberg (40). Brown's average of five wickets for 10 runs and L. V\ olfenden'a of mix for 14 vera the outstanding bowline performances. Following are tho **ReHef~Club v. To Papapa Works.—Relief Club: First innings, 114 (C. Wiberg 40, A. Strong 22, T. Harvey 21. Anderson 21. H. Jid wards 11). Bowling: F. H. Brown five lor 10, R. Swift two for «8, J. Wheeler one for 10. Ta Papapa Worka: First innings. IGB <F H. Brown 81, F. Searchfield 31, J. Wheeler 16, It. Swift 14). Bowling: A. Strong three for 12, H. Edwards four for 42, T. Harvey ona for 61. Anderson on© for 20. Te Papapa Works gained a four-point W Raid Rubber ▼. Trafalgar.—Reid Rubber: First inninge, 81 (J- Preeton 44 not out J. Parker 19). Bowline: L. Wolfenden atx for 14, A. Roy two for 10, V. Roy one for 34. Trafalgar: First innings. 127 for four wickets, declared (A. Roy 83. 3. Whisker 28. I». Wolfenden 19. C. Beniamm 11). Bowljng: W. Longley one for 19, J. Parker one for 38. D. Gray one for 35. J. Preston one for 19, Reid Rubber: Second innings, 49 for five wickets (J. Britton 17, J. Preston 14). Bowling: J. Whisker, three for 9, L, Wolfenden two for 4. Trafalgar gamed a fourpoint win. m ~ Woollen Mills v. Onehunga.—Woollen Mills: First innings, 38 (W. Brady 11). Bowling: T. Collins three for 19. W. Smith four for 12. Onehmiga: First inning*. 127 for three wickets, declared (W. Smith 60 not out, D. Williams 38 not out. F. Martin 18. C. Collins 17). Bowling: T. Ackland two for 20, W. Brady one for 10. Wool.en Mills: Second innings. 32 (W. Brady 17). Bowling: K. Ord two for 17. F. Martin three for 2. W. Smith two for 10. Onehunga gained a sis-point win. WAIPA COMPETITIONS [FirOM OUtt OWN CORKESrONDKNT] TE AWAMUTU. Sunday The Waipa Cricket Association's championship competitions were continued yesterday in fin* weather. United, 88 (J. Speirs 26, F. Davis 21), heat Nomads. 47 (E. York 31). For Nomads B. Spiers took four wickets for 14, H, Hall two for 20 and York two for 27. For United S. Shepherd took three wickets for 13, J. Speirs two for 6. and F. Davis two for 5. Te Awamut\<? 149 for si* wickets (Gell. 55. retired. M. Barnett 60, retired, C. Bowden 26). defeated High School, 79 TA. J. Shepherd 67, Marten 18). Bowling for School C. Teddy took two wickets for 4 runs, and for Ta Awamutu Barnett took seven for 27. and Snowden one for 7.

GRAHAM CUP MATCH [by telegraph—muss association] NEW PLYMOUTH. Sunday North Taranaki drew with South Taranaki in the Graham Cup one-day cricket match. North made 304 for nine wickets, declared (N. Giddy 87), and Bouth 204 for eeren wickets (S. Betts 102). ,

MATCHES ABANDONED SUBURBAN TEAMS CHOSEN Rain on Saturday caused the Auckland City and Suburban Cricket Association to adandon its representative trial matches. Pour teams assembled at the Domain, where it was intended to select a team to play the Wei lin Eton Mercantile League, at Wellington, and a team to oppdse tho \\ clungtoil Cricket Association's Colts team at the Domain on December 28 aud 39. Th» selectors, Messrs. V. C. Butler, J. Elliott, and F. Cooper, have chosen the following t>layers to visit Wellington :—C. Forsman, N. S. Goldsworthy. 11. Hunt C. Kerr. C. Lnnd, 0. L. Metge, W . Roberfcshaw. C Vallance, C, J- Williams (captain). 1. C.' Webster, W. Wildman. H. Bain. The team to play the Wellington Colts i» »s follows: —V. C. Butler (captain), J. Bur lie v, O. Kverson, 1.. Essex, R. Lont,ville. T Mrnzirs, K Watkins, F. Crowlnjrst. H. Barnes K. Wood. M. fcook. Twelfth man, East. PUKEKOHE COMPETITIONS [FROM OUil OWN CORRESPONDENT] PUKE'KOHE, Saturday The first round, consisting of five twodays matches, in the competition conducted by the Pukekohe Cricket Association was completed to-day. Results are as follows.:— Waiau Pa. v. Colts (Pukekoho). at, Waiau p a —Colts: First innings, 193. Waiau la: First innings, 40. Second I^'un ß s ',j l7 J Schofield 24. Goldsworthy M. E. M Butters 16. C. Brooke 12 not out, C. Wnght 12 J. Wright 10). Bowling: A. Hewitt three wickets for 47 runs, C. Lawrie four for 24. R. Lawrie one for 11, E. Mills one for 16. Colts Rained a four-point win. Waiuku v. Mauku, at Waiuku. Mauku. First innings. Sit (Bones 32, Dempsey 24). Bowling: V. Aspin eeven wickets, for 2A runs, Tlowden three for 17. Second inning#. 104 (B. Haycock 23, Dean 23, Bowker 16). Bowling: C. Cooper three wickets for 20. V Aspin five for 33. D. Aspin one for 11, Harper one for 7. Waiuku: First innings, 183. Second innings, 181 for four wickets, declared (C. Cooper 19, P. den 58, H. Cooper 51, C. E. Ilowden 30). Bowling: Bowker two for 30. Dempsey one for 10. Waiuku scored a three-point win. United (Pukekohe) v. Tuakau at Pukekohe.—Tuaikau: First innings. 233 (Gray 35. retired. Cartridge 39, Passau 61, Johnson 17, Armstrong 22, Carter 14, Coad 12). Bowling: Pleydell four wickets for 60 runs. Cart wright four for 19. Falvey one for 15. United: First innings, 254 for six wickats. declared. United gained a two-point win. HAMILTON COMPETITIONS [from our own correspondent] HAMILTON, Sunday The first series of matches in the seoond round of the senior A club cricket fixtures was completed yesterday, and no further play in the competition will take place until January 12. Hamilton and Hamilton East both secured four-point wins. The details ore as follows: Hamilton (East v. Old Boys.—Old Boys: First innings, 64. Second innings. 157 (A. J. Aitken 60, R. Clough 17). Bowling: Ba.deley five for 55. Hamilton East: First innings, 188. Second innings, 38 for three. Bowling: Clarke three for 14. Hamilton East won by eeven wickets. Claudelands v. Hamilton.—Claudelands: First innings, 104. Second innings, 61 (E. Anderson 89, including, three sixes in one over). Bowling: Everest five for 15 Liasetto three for 7. Hamilton: First innings, 322 (N. Winger 92, K. L. Sandford 70, E. Avery 48, Lissette 20 not out). Hamilton won by an innings and 157 runs.

PIAKO ASSOCIATION [from oub own cobbespondent]


In a Bowler Shield match Old Boys beat Mataniata B by six wickets at Bedford Park yesterday. Both teams were short-handed owing to the holiday season and play was not up to the usual standard. The Matamata A team had little difficulty in difeating Ohauia, after a bad start, in which it lost seven wickets for 55 runs, Renton. Hollis and Silk then collared the bowling and boundaries were frequent. Scores were:— Mataniata B, 36 (Darragh 10) lost to Old Boys, 45 for four wickets (Beaver 15). For Old Boys Kenny took six wickets for 12 runs and Gear two for 9. For Matamata B Heyworth took four for 30. Matamata A, 141 (Renton 56, Hollis 40. Silk 18 not out) beat Ohauia, 53 (Wall 14), For Ohauia Malone took five for 35 and Graham two for 5. For Matamata A Griffiths took seven for 19, Renton two for 25 and ■Delaney one for 1.


LESTER SEVEN RUNS SHORT {Bt TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION*] CHRISTCHURCH. Sunday The sixth round of matches in the senior cricket competition was commenced ycßterday in perfect weather. Biccarton, 160 (Powell 41, Read four for 68. Kennedy four for 25), played Lancaster Park, three for 50. West Christchurch, 251 (Gregory 57, Allen 59, Graham eight for 81), played High School Old Boyß, one for 67. Sydenham, ' playing 'East Christchurch, scored 360 for seven wickets (Oliver 147, Bellamy 60, Hamilton 40 not out). Old Collegians, playing St. Albans, scored 380 (Dunster 56, Lester 93, Alexander 64).

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21991, 24 December 1934, Page 14

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CRICKET New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21991, 24 December 1934, Page 14

CRICKET New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21991, 24 December 1934, Page 14