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WEEKLY WESTFIELD SALE BEEF PRICES LOWER HEAVY YARDING OF PIGS An exceptionally heavy yarding of beef was offered at the weekly Westfield sale yesterday, and as a result prices fell for all classes, especially rough cows, which were hard to dispose of. The fall was equivalent to an average, of about 15s a head. Large offerings of beef are usual at this time of the year, but the difficulty in finding buyers has been accentuated this season by the large stores of boned beef which the freezing companies have on hand. A shortage of feed in some districts had also induced farmers to send larger numbers than usual for disposal, but with an improved growth as the result of recent rains the undue pressure of beef being offered should be eased somewhat in the near future. Calves also were offered in very full numbers. The quality was good and there were many outstanding animals. The sale opened briskly, and any really good animals brought firm prices, but toward the close competition slackened, and there was a drop of up to 3s or 4s a head as com pa red with last week's rates. The sheep yarding was average, and there was little change in quotations. Exporters were watching the market, but values were again just beyond them in most cases, and such purchases as they made were principally for ewes, which tended to recede somewhat in value. Lambs were offered in larger numbers, but there was a steady demand, and last week's quotations were fully maintained. The yarding of pigs was one of the largest for Some time, but the quality was first-class, and there was only a slight casing tendency in values, exporters supplementing the local demand. Baconers made sid to ssd per lb., and porkers 5Jd to 6d per lb. Comparison ol Quotations The following is a summary of tho prices realised for fat stock for the last tAVO weeks at the Wcstfield fat stock sales: — This Week Last Week BEEF (per 1001b) Extra choice ox . . 25/- 27/Ciioice and prime ox . . . . 22/- to 24/- 24/- to 2CChoice and prime cow and heifer beef 19/- to 22 - 21/- to 25'Boner and rough 11/- to 18, - 13/- to 21 /- SHEEP (per head) I'rini" wethers .. 20/- to 20'G 21,'- to 20'Unfin. wethers .. 10/- to 19/(1 10'- to 21,'fi Prime ewes .. 12/6 to 18/- 13/- to 19, - ITnfin. ewes .. 4/- to 11 - 5/- to 11/0 Hoggets .. 15/- to 28/- 15/0 to 23/il Prime lambs . . 10'- to 23/fi 16/- to 22/0 Unfin. lamb# .. 10/- to 15/- 9/- to 15/CALVES (per head) — Runners '. . . . 30/- to 85/- 32/- to 92/Vealers . . . . 14/. to 50/- 15/- to 60/ PIGS (T>er head) Baconers . . . . 52/- to 73/- 54/- lo 75/Porkers .. .. 25/- to 50/- 33/- !to 51/Wcaners . . . , 10/- to 16/- 81- to 18/Slips .. 18/- to 28/- 20/- to 24/ Large stores . . 23/- to 35/- 23/- to 33/Individual Consignments Best price in the ox beef market was £lO 10s, the highest price, for a fine lino of well-finished steers from Mr. B. L. Orr, Ohincwai. Mr. H. E. Reed, Waercnga, made up to £lO 7s 6d for a truck of good quality steers, and prices ranging up to £0 5s were secured'by a line from Mr. P. A. Monk, Helensville. A consignment of 18 bullocks from Mr. I?. Harkncss, Papakura, hrought up to £8 17s 6d, and a truck from Mr. H. M. McKenzie, of Maungaturoto, realised up to £8 15s. A local vendor, Mr. M. A. Costar, secured up to £8 12s 6d, and prices up to 2s Gd lower were made by Mr. G. Speedy, of Ohincwai, and Messrs. Paterson Brothers, of Motiti Island. A of steers from Mr. A. Orr, ex Hotco, made up to £8 ss, and prices up to £8 were realised by consignments from Mr. F. C. Bull, Mangere, Mr. C. G. Vosper, Cambridge, and Mr. J. R. Hill, Ohincwai, Mr. R. J. Finlayson, Paparoa, made up to £7 17s 6d, Mr. G. Smithy Paparoa, u]) to £7 us, and Mr. R. Walters, of Waiuku, up to £7 2s Gd, for lines of bullocks and steers.

rn the cow and hoifcr beef market, host price wa,s reached by a line from Mr. W. J. Hamilton, of Pnpakura, which sold up J:o £(3 Ids. A Maugcre vendor, Mr. 10. Ellett, secured 10s less for a well-finished cow, and a consignment from Mr. V. H. Nolan, Cambridge, made up to £5 15s. Prices ranging up to £5 10s were realised for a lino of cows and heifers from the Matarawa Land Company, Putaruru, and consignments of cows and heifers from Mr. A. Coleman, Kirikopuni, and Mr. H. Windsor, Tamahere, made up to £5. Prices up to £4. 17s 6d were secured for well-finished lines from Mr. A. W. Alley, Hikutaia, and Messrs. Paterson Brothers, Motiti Island. DETAILS OF SALES AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, roportH ou the sale as follows: Beef.—We yarded fat cattle to the iiumber of 302 head, as against 2G7 1 ead last week, comprising 123 steers and 177 cows and heifers. The quality throughout t he yarding was good with light and liiediutnweight cattle in good supply, iVimpetitirn Was less keen for all sorts and values showed a decline at from 10s to 16s per head. The 177 cows and heifers were of average Quality and they again showed another decline on Inst weed's prices. Extra choice ox sold to £1 5s per 1001b.: choice and prune ox, £1 'ls to £1 4s; secondary and plain ox, 18s to i'l ; prime young cow and heifer beef, IDs to I'l 2s; ordinary cow beef, lis to 17s. Extra heavy prime etoeis ranged in price front £lO to £lO 7s (Id; heavy prime steers, £8 10s to £9 10a: lighter prime steers, £7 to £8 2s fid; light prime steers, £6 to £(> 15b; small mid nn finished steers, £3 2s lid to i'l 15s; extra ii"avy prime young cows and heifers, £5 to .£0; heavy prime cows and heifers, ,£4 5s to £4 15s; lighter prime cows and heifers. £2 las to £ls 15s; oilier killable cows. £1 5» to £2 ss. Sheep.—Sheep were yarded in good numbers. Competition was keen throughout and everything changed hands nt prices on a par with last week's ealc. A total of 1231 sheep was sold. Extra heavy prime wethers made £1 4s lid to £1 5a '.ki; heavy primo wethers. £1 .'is to £1 4s; medium to heavy prime wethers, £1 Is (id to £1 2s 9d: light to medium primo wethers. £1 to £1 1» 3d: unfinished wethers. 17s C>d to 19s (id; 1) prime wooly hoggets made £1 8s 3d* extra heavy prime young ewes, lfis (id to 18s; heavy prime ewes. 15s to Ills; lighter prime ewes, 13s to 14s (>d; other killable ewes. 10s (id to 12s lid; other ewes. 4s to (is (id. Lambs. —Our yarding of lambs numbered 351. Competition was keen, with pi ices showing a slight improvement on recent sales. Extra heavy prime lambs made £1 1b (id to £1 3s (id; heavy prime lambs. 10s to £1 Is; lighter prime lambs. 17s fid to 18s (id; light prime lambs, H>s to 17s; smnll and plain lambs, 10s to 13s 3d, Calves.—Fat and young calves were penned in large numbers. The market was over-supplied and prices for all classes were lower, "late sale" entries suffering most, lviiriners made tl 10s lo i'l ss; heavy vealers, £2 10s to £2 '.os; medium, £2 4s to £2 B.i; light. £1 4s to £1 i's; small. 14s to £1; unfinished and bucket-fed, (Is to 10s; bobby calves. 3s to ss. A total of 205 calves was sold. Pigs. had an extra heavy offering of fat pigs, (lie yarding being the largest for some considerable time. Although bidding was hardly so brisk a good clearance was effected at slightly lower rates. Choppers made £1 10s to £3: heavy prime baconers. £:t 10s lo £.l 13s; medium £3 3s to £3 sn: light, £2 12s lo £2 His; heavy porkers, £2

7 s to £2 10s; medium. £2 Is to £2 4s: light, £1 14b to £1 18s; small and unfinished, £1 5s to £1 13s. Mo large stores were penned. Small stores made £1 as to £1 Os; slips. IBs to £1: good weaners, 12s to 15s; weedy and smell, (is to 9s: sows, due to furrow. £2 to £3. Baconers realised an average of sid to old per lb., and porkers, 5Jd to fid. A total of 879 pitrs was cold DALGETY AND COMPANY Dalgety and Company, Limited, reports on the sale as fobows:— Baef.—We yarded 199 head of beef, comprising 48 steers and 151 cows and heifers,against 102 head last week. The quality was first-class, but the demand not so keen, resulting in an easing of fully 2s per hundred. We yarded no extra heavy bullocks. Extra choice ox sold 1o 23s per 1001b; choice and prime ox, 22s to 245; just killable, 19rt tc 21s; prime young cow and heifer beef. 2(m to 235; just killable, 13s to 19s. Heavy i:rime steers ranged in price from £8 10- lo £8 17s (id; lighter prime steers, £7 s;i to £8 7s Gd; light prime steers, £G 5s to £7 2s (id; small and unfinished steers, £4 7s (id to £0 2s fid; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £5 2s (id to £5 12s (id; heavy prime cows and heifers, £4 to £5; lighter prime cows and heifers. £3 to £3 17s (id; other killable cows, £1 5s to £2 17s fid Sheep. Kheoi) came forward in well up to average numbers for which the demand was steady and we have no alteration in values to report. Extra heavy prime wethers realised 25s (id to 2(is !)d; heavy prime, 24s 9d to 25s 3d I medium. 2.!* to 24s fid; light and unfinished. !21s (id to 22s 9d; heavv prime ewes. 15s to His 3d; lighter ewes. 13s (id to Its 9d: other ewes, 10s (id to 13s. Lambs.—Fully an average yarding of lambs sold under good competition up to last week's rates. Ifeavy prime lamb brought 20s to 225; medium, 18s (id to 19s 9d ; light, His 3d to 18s 3d. Calves.— A very heavy yarding of calves came forward, the supply being more than sufficient for the demand. Consequently values were easier all round. Heavy venlers made £2 lis to £2 15s; medium, £2 2s to £2 7s; light, £1 5s to £1 10s; small. 18s to £1 2s; rough. 8s to 15s; bobby calves, 2s lo Cs. Pigs Pigs were yarded in large numbers. The demand was not very keen and all classes sold at values a little easier on last week's quotations. Choppers sold to £2 17s; heavy baconers, £3 9s to £3 12s; medium, £3 Is to £3 ss; light, £2 12s to £2 16s; heavy porkers, £2 (is to £2 10s; medium, £2 Is to. £2 4s; light, £1 12s to £1 17s; small and unfinished, £1 5s to £1 9s. LOAN AND MERCANTILE The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports on the sale as follows: Beef.—We had an extra large entry of beef, which exceeded the demand, and values eased Is to 2a per 1001b on late quotations. Extra choice ox sold to £1 5s per 1001 b; ciioice and prime ox. £1 Is to £1 4s; ordinary and plain ox. 18s to £1: prime young cow and heifer href, £1 to £1 4s; ordinary cow beef. 15s to 19s; rough cow beef, 10s to 14s. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £9 to £10; heavy prime steers, £8 to £8 17s fid; lighter prime steers, £7 to £7 17s (id; light prime steers, £6 2s fid to £(i 17s (>d; unfinished and small, £4 10s to £G; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £5 15s to £G 10s; heavy prime young cows and heifers, £4 15s to £5 12s fid; lighter. £3 12s fid to £4 12s fid; light cows, £2 10s to £3 10s; other cows, £1 5s to £2 7s fid.

Sheep.—Our yarding of sheep was a fully average ono. There was a steady demand, with values on a par with lant week's sale. Heavy prime wethers made £3 5s to £1 Gs: medium prime wethers, £1 3s to £1 4s 9d; .light prime wethers, £1 Is to £1 2s 9d: small and unfinished wethers. 17s to £1: medium to heavy prime hoggets, £\ to £1 .Is; small light prime hoggets, 17s to l!)s 9d; prime maiden ewes, 17s to 18s Ccl; heavy prime ewes, 15s to 10s 9d; medium prime ewes, His 9d to 14s Del; light prime ewes, 12s Gd to 13s Gd; other ewes, Ss to 12s. Lambs.—We had a larger entry of lambs, which sold at about late rates. Prime lambs made lljg to £1 2s 9d; smaller lambs, 13s to 15s Gd.

Pigs.—There was a heavy yarding of pigs. Competition was steady throughout, with values fully on a par with last week's quotations. Choppers sold from £1 10a to £3 7b ; heavy and medium baconers, £2 18s to £3 lis, light baconers and heavy porkers, £2 Gs to £2 lGs; medium porkers and light porkers, £1 los to £2 4s; small, £1 8s to £1 12s. Their was a small yarding of store pigs. Values remained firm. Large stores, £1 10s to £1 15s; slips, I'l to £1 8s; weaners, 10s to lGs. Calvss. —There was an extra heavy yarding of calves. Values were easier, with the exception of good bucket-fed calves, which were wanted, and sold equal to Inst week's rateß. Runners made £1 10s to £4 9s; heavy vealers, £2 10s to £3 ss; medium, £2 to £2 8s; light. £1 8s to £1 10s; smaller, las to £1 Gs; small and fresh dropped, 3s to 12s; rough calves, 7s to 14s. RATES AT ADDINGTON CATTLE DULL OF SALE GOOD DEMAND FOR WETHERS [by TELEGRAPH —PRESS association] CHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday The drop in the export schedule for lambs and wethers was the chief item of interest at the Addington market to-day. Lambs sold slightly easier, hut had a steady sale. Wethers sold well up to last week, hut fat ewes were Weaker by Is to Is Gd. The beef market was lieaviiy oversupplied and prices fell 15s. There was a good demand for store wet tiers. Store Sheep.—The entry consisted mainly of wethers. There I was a steady Fale at late rates. Young wethers in carrying condition were keenly bought. Good four-tooth wethers, 18s to 18s lOd; medium, two-tooth, half-bred, 15s Gd to lGs lOd; ordinary, 14s to 15s 3d; backward. 12s to 13s 9d. L''at Lambs. —There was a yarding of 1200. Tho salo was mainly in the hands of the butchers, the new schedule being in operation. Values occasionally went up to 7Jd per lb. The quality was fair. Extra prime heavy lambs, to 2Gs 7d; prime heavy. 22s to 21s lOd; ordinary. 19s Gd to 21s Gd; light. lGs to 19s.

Fat Sheep.-—The. entry totalled 5500. The quality was good, although a number of lines showed signs of tho hot spell. Wethers sold particularly well throughout, and did not appear to suffer the drop of 3-lGd in the export schedule, values being unchanged Ewes were not so keenly bought, prices being down by Is to Is (id. Extra prinin heavy wethers, to 2Gs Id; prime heavy, 23s to 24s (id; medium weight, 21s to 22s Gd; ordinary. 19s to 21s (Id; light, to 18s fid; extra prime heavy ewes, to 21s 10d: prime, 10s lo 17s Od; ordinary, 143 to 10s Od; light, to 13s. Fat Cattle. —The yarding of 490 head was far too many for the market during th>> hot weather find prices dropped 15s all round. Secondary and cow beef was very hard to sell. Best beef made 22s Od to 24s per 1001b.; good, 19s to 225; heavy. 17s to 19s; medium, Its to 10s Od; light, down to 10*. Extra prime heavy steers, to £lO 17s Od : prime heavy. £8 15s to £10: medium weight, £7 19s to £9 10s; ordinary, £4 to .£'o; light, to £'3 15s; extra prime heifers, to £0 12s Gd; prime. £4 Is to £0; medium. £2 10s lo £4; light, to £2 ss; extra prime cows, to £7; prime, £5 10s; medium, i."J to £3 ss; light, to £1 15s. Vcalers.--There was a heavy entry, but only the best met with any competition Tod price was £4 Is Store Cattle.—A small entry met with little competition from graziers and a dull sale resulted. Fat Pigs—A largo entry of pork nnd bacon again came forward, and for suitable sorts there was keen export competition. The offering contained n fair proportion of light and unfinished. Prices were well up to recent values. Choppers, 30s to £2' 10s; porkers, 31s Od to 30s Od; heavy, 38s Od to 43s Od; average price per lb.. 5Jd to s'd; baconers, 48s Gd to 52s Gd . heavy, 55s Od to 59s Gd; extra, to £3 (is Cd; average price per lb., 5d to 5Jd. Store Pigs.—There was a heavy entry and a largo attendance of buyers. Price* were down generally YARDING AT HASTINGS FLUCTUATIONS IN VALUES [BY TKI/KGBAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION] HASTINGS, "Wednesday An entry of 190 fat cattle came forward at Slortford Lodge to-day. the prices realised being on a par to slightly improved on well-finished cattle. A number of unfinished entries met with inquiry. Outside competition was not so strong. Bullocks, medium to prime, to £7 17s; others, from £4 12s; heifers, medium to prime, £5 to £5 16s; others, from £4; cows, medium to prime heavy, £5 to £0; others, from £3 2s Od. Store cattle numbered OSO head and met with good inquiry at. late rales, there bring a number of buying orders from the West Coast. Bullocks, to £5 13s; steers, to CI 10s; heifers, to £3 12a. Fat sheep were in moderate supply and comprised chiefly ewes, which were of an inferior quality. Tho market was easier on ewes, while lambs and wethers mnde late rates. Ewes, medium to prime, 14s Id to 40s; others, from 13s; wethers, to 23s 10d; lambs, to 225; hoggets, to 235. Wethers experienced a sharp decline in the store sheep section, as did lines of fattening sheep. Breeding ewes and rape lambs mnde late rates. Wethers, to 19s 4d; lambs, to 14s lOd: twotooth ewes, to 22s 7d; fattening ewes, to 12s lOd.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21982, 13 December 1934, Page 9

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FAT STOCK MARKET New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21982, 13 December 1934, Page 9

FAT STOCK MARKET New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21982, 13 December 1934, Page 9