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SECOND series of matches MANUKAU beats university FAST, spectacular contest Idcai conditions prevailed for Rugby football on Saturday afternoon and the largo crowd which assembled at Eden Park was treated to an exhibition fully in. keeping with such conditions. This JiigH'lass. display was given by the University ami Manukau teams, both playing bright, open Hug by from beginning to end. The closeness of the scoring all through kept the spectators j n a state of continual excitement, and {he final quarter of an hour was packed full of thrilling incidents. Manukau (iventlially prevailed by one point, tho final score being 14—J3. Following upon its success on opening day,. College Rifles gave further evidence of the team's improvement by accounting for the strong Grafton side in the curtain-raiser. It was a great effort in the closing stages which gave the winning fifteen victory. Technical Old Boys surprised by defeating Marist by such a comfortable margin at the Show Grounds, and Grammar Old Boys made a promising beginning by defeating Otahuhu by a margin of eight points after tho latter held -the lead at half-time. Pdnsonby had a bye. Following were the results of the matches: —

Jlaiiukau, 14; University, 13. College Rifles, 14; Grafton, 9. Technical, 12; Marist, 0. Grammar, 13; Otakubu, 5. GAME FULL OP THRILLS MANUKAU'S SLIGHT MAI'GI.N The match between University and Manniau—the chief attraction at Eden Parkpleased the spectators immensely, and (ho letter's victory was well received. On the general run of the play it was anyone's game, and fortune favoured Manukau nt the critical stage. This was a try obtained after University had secured the ball from a Ecrum inside Manukau's twenty-five and when a passing rush was developing. Berridge dashed through between Mulviliill and Caughey to intercept the pass from the second five-eighths. He knocked the ball on, but the referee did not observe the breach, arid Berridge regathered it and sped up to'Buish, where he passed to his centre, Boulton, who had too much start, to be overtaken by the University wingeru. ' The outstanding features of the game were the splendid kicking of the two fullbacks. Bush -and'• Heazlewood, the dogged play of the' Manukau forwards, and the dashing running of Caughey, the University centre. The University forwards had a gruelling time, but-they stuck to their task well, and in the la3t quarter' of an hour were playing equally as well as their opponents and were securing more of the ball from the scrums. The game opened promisingly i'or Mannkau, ;a'g its forwards were superior at this stage, and Brimble beat Green, the University first five-eighths, several times, only to find, his passes go astray. McVeigh later .bfske 'quickly from the scrum to check the diminutive and nippy Manukau back. It •was 20 minutes before Bush opened the .•coring with a penalty goal from just on half-way. _ < Eleven minutes later Kedgley centred well and Heazlewood failed tc gather the rolling ball. A quick bout of passing saw Caughey in possession, and he dashed over at the corner. Bush converted with a magnificent effort from the sideline. Shortly before half-time, Heazlewood kicked a penalty goal from jtist beyond the twenty-five and the .teams changed round with University leading by 8 points to 3. The second spell had been in progress only three minutes when Heazlewood increased Manukau's total with a. second penalty goal. This put new life into the team and a forward rush would have ended in. a try but for the ball going into the dead area. However, persistency was rewarded when the halfback. Hatfield, secured the from a scrum and dashed round on the blind side of a scrum to cross at the corner.

With Manukau leading by one point the barracking for the respective teams became louderithan ever. The Manukau backs were called upon to do some deadly tackling in keep their opponents out. On one occasion Kedgley was pulled down a yard from . the line after getting past Heazlewood.

University was getting the ball regularly from the scrums and there were plenty of thrills as attack after attack was launched. Then suddenly came the sensation when Berridge broke through and a try was scored by Manukau in the manner already described. There was nOw but five minutes to play, and alittle over a minute from time Caughey was responsible for a brilliant effort. He accepted a pass from the fiveeighths and shook off a would-be tackier. Gathering speed quickly, he outpaced the opposing backs and hurled himself over at the corner. Bush converted with another great kick, and the whistle sounded shortly afterwards with the score:—Manukau, 14; University, 13. '

Both pa'bks of forwards deserve high praise for their play. Pepper, of Manukau, and Sherwood, University, were perhaps the two outstanding forwards. Heazlewood, Brimble and Hatfield, Manukau, and Bush and Caughey, University, all played excellent games in the back divisions. Mr. A. E. Austin was referee. COLLEGE RIFLES AGAIN VICTORY IN CLOSING STAGES Although College Rifles and Grafton both attempted to open up play in the early stages of their game, neither set of backs could combine with any effect, and not until well on in the second hal'f did the ball go in a clean movement as far as the Grafton wing. Grafton's five-eighths especially were very weak and those of College Rifles , no t much better. At half-time the acoro was:—Grafton, G; College Rifles, 3. "lay brightened considerably after the resumption with the College Rifles backs improving steadily. The exchanges continued fairly even until about 15 minutes from time,, when College Rifles began to dominate play and they had all the better the closing stages of the game. With ?bout three minutes to go Year dived over J n the cornor after a series of disjointed Inovemcnts by the backs and evened tho at 9—all—six unconverted tries, with >a great final effort College Rifles scored again right on time and Wales conTctted the try to make the score:—College Kifles, 14; Grafton, 9. Tho game was an interesting, if not particularly inspiring, exhibition. Paton s "idling was good and ho played a fair RaniP except for bis place-kicking, at which , ,™ad a real off day. Currey was the best i ii f' r: >ft"n backs, but he saw too little of the ball. His fine dash for a try ill the second half was one of the features of Hie E a m< y The other Grafton backs were slow 'a the mark and inclined to lob passing and McKearney was not too sur# with his and*. McLean showed up occasionally in 'ne.'lodsr. but seemed to be taking things * a! 'ly. Smith, who played a fine game, punting and Shadbolt, who was hurt late the game, were tho best of a good pack. For College Rifles Wales played a sound BSITip, and he was probably the best back the field. He backed up his wings consistently. Brown and Ver.r both did wel the firat-nanu'd displayed a useful fend that enabled liim to score try. r i.he forwards played well throughout to hold the B °bd Grafton pack. Batty, Bell and Stone *ere often prominent for hard work. tries for the winners were scored ny oione, Brown, Year and Lawrence. Wales converted the last try For Gniftcm the "\I ers ,verc Buying. Burton and Currey. ■*"r. J. \ Malcolm was referee..



tn l! Technical at all times appeared ir ", a ye the advantage in its match against *'"t at the Show Grounds, the latter it. 4 " 1 ,va ' s . no .' hopelessly outclassed as in fniu, 1 " 1 ? 6 with University. O. Rogers, at nut • was '" r H on form, and. although , fitted by Technical on a few occasions, u'f, lln e-kicking and general handling of the w ere faultless. Bell-Booth, who reS n ,, c , e . rt 9°°ney in the five-eighths, was unl- "'®dly an improvement, but he marred . "R'ork by allowing himself to be caught out 1 " 088 " 8 ' 011 o f the ball instead of passing

In the second half. Turner brightened up a "<' f,id hi. best to give the eon r a f l "'- 110 , 0 - but th ey lacked the combination and dash of their opponents. Iheir movements were slow and clumsy, aim had none of the vigorous action which characterised the play of Murdoch and Turl-° CJ • 1 tu '.° spectacular Technical backs. l\. Smith, fhe Marist wing, was not given much opportunity and was closely watched by ] eehrnciil, who frustrated" all Turner's attempts to get liini away on the blind side. Both packs worked hard and the weight seemed to bo fairly evenly proportioned, neither team having a monopoly of the hooking. I oward the finish Marist became somewhat lagged, although Fleming. Hadley and 'loye played solid games throughout. and Bailey showed up well at times. Crump, Kcane and Ansley were most prominent in the Technical pack, while McKenzie and McMikeu were also useful. Fast following up by Crump and McMiken, after a movement initiated by Murdoch, gave the first-named a try, which brought the halftime score up to 9—o in favour of Technical. The Technical backs all played brilliantly, but Murdoch, Turbott and Oldbury were outstanding. Both five-eighths made frequent openings and they received good service from behind (he scrum from Harris, who later retired injured and was replaced by Aro.

Tries for Technical were scored by Turbott, Crump and Oldbury (2). The final score was:—Technical, 12; Marist, 0. Mr. C. F. Stratford was referee.

GRAMMAR'S FIRST GAME VICTORY OYER OTAHUHU An early score by Otahuhu. tho result of clever interception by Pearson, and a spectacular dash by Cladding from his own territory, upset Grammar for most of the first half of the game at Sturgcs Park. Overanxiety to retrieve the position and penetrate a defence hea.rtcned by its lead, resulted in many openings being wasted. On one occasion, a sweeping run by the Grammar backs saw Hammon cross the line clear of opposition, but he fumbled the ball in his eagerness and a defender forced. Tho Otahuhu pack Bet a lively pace, and adopted quick spoiling tactics, Jones and Peterson keeping a close eye on Corner and his inside backs

The heavier Grammar pack gradually tightened its hold on the game, and in the second spell the backs had a feast of the ball. It was the incisive running and steady defence of the Grammar backs that won the day. They were speedier and combined better than Otaliuhu'a rear line. Otahuhu's inside backs exploited short punting and rarely did the ball pass to the wings. The first half was fairly even with Grammar five points bcliin<T

The equalising score came soon after resuming, and Grammar then dominated play to take the lead. Injuries to White, fullback, and Williams, impaired Otahuhu's chances, but the team mado a great rally in tfle lost 15 minutes. Grammar defended desperately, and a penalty to Otahuhu looked like equalising the scores, but the kick missed. A long punt was smartly followed up by the Grammar forwards, and from a scrum another score came.

All the Grammar back line played well, and Stelir and Gooch at five-eighths handled cleanly. Corner did good work behind the scrum, although closely watched by the opposing forwards. In tho loose. Mcßeath and W. Knight foraged well. The Otahuhu backs displayed a tendency to delay their tackles. Pearson, restored to centre, was outstanding in defence, while Hedge, the colt five-eighflis, tackled fearlessly. The nacked worked tenaciously, although smaller and overweighted by the opposition.

Buckley. Hammon and Gooch scored trie* for Grammar, Slyfield converting two. Gladding scored Otahuhu's try. which White converted. The final score was: Grammar, 13: Otahuhu. 5. Mr. C. F. Paull was referee.

LOWER GRADE RESULTS Senior Grade B.—Eden, 10, Grammar Colts, 8; North Shore. 10, Technical Old Boys, 9; University, 9. Manukau, 5; Parnell, 6, Eastern Suburbs, 3. Second Grade.—Xorthcote, 11, Ponsonby,, 8; Eden, 22, University C, G: University B. 8, Otahuhu, 8; Grafton A, 12, Grammar Old Boys, 3; Grafton Colts, 20, Technical Old Boys, 0: Manukau won from Newton by default; College Rifles, 2G, Tamaki, 0.

Third Grade Open.—Ponsonby. 9, Otahuhu, 3; College Rifles. 17, Waitemata. 0.

Third Grade Intermediate.—Grammar Old Boys, 29, College Rifles, G; Parnell, 0, University, 0; Suburbs, 17, North Shore, 0; Ponsonby, 9, Otahuhu, G. Fourth Grade.—Grammar Old Boys, 8, Mn)iukau, 0; Suburbs, 33, T.-ikapuna, 0. Fifth Grade.—Marist, G, Ponsonby. 3; Grammar Old Boys, IG, Takapuna. 0; Technical Old Boys. 3G. Grafton, 3: Suburbs, 52, Manukau. 0. Sixth Grade.—Ponsonby, 12. Otahuhu, 3: Suburbs, G. Northcote, 3; Manukau, IG, Technical Old Boys, 0.



Tho only senior game in the Manukau Sub-union on Saturday was between Hunua and Drury, played at Hunua. The game was won by Hunua by 20 points to G. Tries were scored for Hunua by Liethart, Quigley, Hobbs, Lilburne and Picltard. who also converted one and kicked a penalty. The Hunua pack was particularly strong, their forward work being belter than that of their opponents. Ross, the Hunua captain, and ex-Ota-huhu man, played an outstanding game, and Pickard was outstanding in the backs. This is tho first defeat the Drury team has had in two years. The half-time score was 6 to 3 in favour of Drury, but the Hunua men finished very strongly. Sinton, the Drury captain, and Homewood and Sommerville played good gamer, for Drury in the pack and Cossey was the pick of the backs. Tries were scored for Drury by H<jdgins and Colson. Kenworthy was injured early, and Drury finished with only 12 men. In the junior competition Clevedon played Papakura at Clevedon in the mud. Clevedon had a much heavier pack than Papakura, and won by 12 points to 0. Pratney scored two tries for Clevedon, the other two tries being the result of a forward scramble. The half-time score was 3 to 0. At Manurewa, the Manurewa. juniors defeated Dniry by 11 to 3. The game was played on a very muddy field.

CONTESTS IN COUNTRY SOME OPENINGS CELEBRATED HAMILTON AND WHANGAREI Rugby football competitions were continued in the various country centres on Saturday afternoon. Openings were held at Hamilton and Wliangarei. The following results were forwarded by correspondents of the Herald:— Hamilton.—The local competition opened at Rugby Park with three senior games. The weather had cleared after heavy rain in the morning, and the playing fields were in splendid order. After having at one stage a comfortable lead Marist defeated Technical by 17 points to 15. Tries were scored for Marist by W. Cassidy, Williams, Dempsey and Broderick. F. Cassid.v converted one try and added the remaining points with a long-distance pei-.alty kick. With the exception of a converted try at the end of the game. Technical's score consisted of a field-goal by Lewis and two penalty kicks by Pardington. The outstanding player on the field was Dempsey. Murist's light halfback. He mado the most of his opportunities, and his try was secured by cleverly working the blind side. Technical had a hard-working set of young forwards, among whom Clough and Robinson were prominent. Until lie retired injured Technical's fullback, Lewis was reliable and resourceful, although his kicking was not as well-placed as that of 1. Clarkin, the Marist fullback. Old Boys were too strong for Railway and secured an easywin bv 24 points to 0. Tries were scored for Old Boys by Bowling. Tietjcns, Voice, Lissette. Gilling and Playle. Lissette converted throe. There was also a one-sided game between Frankton and Horotiu, the former team winning by 29 points to ... Results in lower grades:—i irst junior: Higli School, 47, Ngaliinapouri, 0; I'rankton. G. Ruakura, 3; Old Boys 37, Technical Old Bovs 3; Te Kowhai, 11, Pnliu Ramblers! G: Marist, 11, Railway, 0. Third grade- Old Boys. 0, Franklq.ii. 0; Marist High School, 2G. High School, 6; Technical Old Boys B. 6. Whatawliatn Hovers. 3; technic-. I Old Boys A. 12, Technical School, 3. Fourth ftrade: Frankton, Marist High School, 0: Technical Old Boys, .0, UK! Boys, 0 Wnaiinarei.—The Rugby football season was opened on Rugby Park in showery weather and in the presence of a fair alL?,,ln rice The ground was in splendid order, the play l n S area being in the best cond ion since the ground was laid down "l years ago. The chief attraction was 1W senior same. Hikurangi. last year's champion, against City. When tho teams lined out prior to the commencement of the lined ° l yj Jones, expressed

the Rugby came for the teason. The number of teams entered for the various grades was most gratifying, and lie hoped' the highest traditions of Rugby would be maintained. Mr. C. R Powell, president of the Whangarei Rugby Union, thanked the Mayor for his interest in the cause of Rugby football. The Mayor then kicked off the first ball of the season. Hikurangi won by 11 points (try each by Cooney, Kaisbcck, Finlayson, .T Hamilton converting Cooney's try), io 3 (try by Pickering). Considering it was the first giuno of the season it. was very interesting, Hikurangi being fortunate in having such a good margin. The Hikurangi team had the better of tho first, half and showed superior combination, the backs handling the ball with greater accuracy than their opponents. In the second half the advantage was with City, but it was not able to linisli its efforts in the same clean manner as tile victors. For Hiltulangi Cooney, Latino and Hamilton (half) were the picl;s of Ihe backs, the forwards all working we'l. for City Kerr and Picketing were the outstanding backs. The forwards were lighter than their opponents and also lacked combination, but should rapidly improve. Other senior games were: Maungakaramea, 0 (tries by B. Morressey and .1. fjitt), v. Old Boys, <5 (try and penalty both by A. B. Campbell); Horaliora, 11, v. Pipiwni, 0; Mnngakahin, n bye, •Tuniors: Whangnrei High School. Ifi. v. Whakapnra. Hi: Old Boys, 25, v. Poroti A, 0; Manaia, rt, v. Hornhora, 15. Warkwortli.—The Rod.iey Rugby Union's senior competition was continued and in a match, played under unfavourable weather conditions. Kaitoa defeated Pakiri, 12-- G. the winning team having a little tho belter of a hard same. Pakiri's heavier pack frequently pushed Kaitoa off the ball, but the latter had tho better of the set scrums, and its backs received more chances than Pakiri's rearguard. The Kaitoa forwards. with Campbell and Wall in the lead, by quick breaking-tip and bustling tactics, countered their opponents' advantage in. weight. Owing to the greasy ball, there were few succcosful movements fcy the backs on either side and scoring was the result of individual efforts and good backing up. For Kaitoa Wall kicked r. penalty goal and tries were score 1 by Carioll, Lindsay and Miller. Pakiri's score comprised a penalty goal and 11 try by C. Harding. Other games resulted: Puhoi, G, v. Matoma, 0; Wellsford, (>, v. Port Albert, 3. Juniors: Kaitoa, G, v. Matoma, 0. Waluku.—Seniors: City and Waipipi drew, no score. This game, which opened the Waiuku Rugby Union's 1934 Hodges' Shield coutest, was stubbornly contested. Ueing mainly confined to the forwards, it lacked anything of a spectacular nature. Waipipi had a shade the better of tho game, and, considering it was opposed by what is virtually a combined Gity-Aka Aka team, its showing was good. City and Aka Aka have had extreme difficulty in raising full teams. City now takes the majority of Aka Aka players and Otaua the rest. For City Brigliouse and Firth showed good fonn, while McNaughten and Hull caught the eye in a very even Waipipi team. In the opening matches of tho junior competition. City. 9, beat Waipipi, 0, and Aka Aka, G, beat Glenbrook, 3. Pukekohe-Franklin.—The first round of the combined Pukckohe and Franklin Unions was played. The junior competitions are being conducted separately by the respective unions as in former years. Seniors: Tunkau, M, 'IV Kolianga, 9, at Tualtau; While Star, 12, Patumahoe. 9, at Pukekohe; Old Boys, 17, Bombay, 8, at Bombay. Juniors: Pukekohe—Patumahoe, 12, Old Boys, 3, at Patumahoo; White Star, 14, Ramblers, 5, at Pukekohe. Franklin—Tuakau, 21, Te Kohanga, 8, at To Kolianga: Bombay, G, Onewhcro, 3, at Ouewhero. Taupiri.—.ln the Taupiri sub-union's senior competition matches were played in showery weather. Ngaruawaliia defeated Taupiri by IS points to 0. Gordonton defeated Huntly by 3 points to 0, and at Te Hoe the homo team defeated Orini. In (he junior competition Ngaruawahia defeated Taupiri by 28 points to 0. Walkare.—Second round: Seniors—Waiterimu, G, Woodleigli, 5, at Rangiriri; Waorenga, 20, Rangiriri, 13. at Waerenga. Mangatawhiri.—Seniors: Third round— Pokeno, 3, Mnramarua, 0; Mangatangi, 8, Mercer. 3. Juniors—Second round: Valley, 9, Pokeno, 5. Matamata.—Pakitere gained a convinciiig victory over Matamata in the Concrete Cup final by 21 points to 9. Pakitere had a big advantage in open play and it was only when the Matamata forwards kept the ball tight that they gained ground. The first half was fairly even and Pakitere led by 10 points to G. In the second spell Pakitere threw the ball about ill good style and put oil eleven points to Matamata's three. For Pakitere, Simpson (2) and D. Carlson (2) scored tries, B. Inman convert ing three and kicking a penalty goal. For Maitamata, Carlson kicked two penalty goals and Johns scored a try. In the othei senior game, Wardville beat Hinuera by 8 to 5 after a fast, close contest. Solomon and Litclnvark scored tries for Wardville, the lastnumed converting one. Hopkins scored for Hinuera and Little converted. Juniors: Old Boya, 19, v. Raungaiti, 0; Walton, 14, v. Waharoa, 6; Hinuern, 10, v Wardville, 0; Pakitere, 8, v. Matamata, 0. Third grade: Old Boys, G, v. Walton, G; Waharoa defaulted to High School.

Morrinsville.—The third Saturday's play in the Morrinsville Rugby Union's senio>competition resulted in Kereone defeating United by 38 points to 3. and Terriers defeating; Eastern by 9 points to 0. Kereono finishes the first round unbeaten, and so retains the Marshall Cup, which it has won for several yeais in succession. A feature of the pluy was the first appearance for Kereone this season of A. J. Aitken. the Waikato centre-threequarter, who scored three trios, and several times ran right through United from midfield. Junior tinmen resulted: United, 3, v. Terriers, 0; Old Boys, IG, v. Motwmaolio, 3: Tahuna, 5. v. Eastern. 0. Third grade: Eastern, 21, v. Old Boys, G. Te Awamutu The Waipa Rugby Union's championship competitions in all tlnoe grades were continued in dull weather. The principal attraction at headquarters was the senior contest. Hovers v. Tokanui. and the latter showed considerable improvement, although eventually defeated by 2G points to 11. Te Awamutu met Suburbs seniors at Pirongia. and suffered defeat-. Suburbs playing an improved game to win by 12 points to nil. In the junior grade Ngutunui was too good for To Mawhai. winning by 21 points to 3. while- Te Awamutu defeated Hovers by 8 points to nil. Suburbs and Te Awamutu met in the third grade at Pirongia, and drew, three points each, while at. Te Awamutu Old Boys defeated Rovers by 21 points to 3. Thames.—ln spite of the heavy rain which fell at, Thames, Rhodes Park was quite fit for football, two senior and two junior games being played. Hui Mai drew with United, 8-all, in a very exciting game. For Hui Mai, W. Savage scored and converted, and ki';ked a penalty goal. For United, R Coiner and J. Gordon scored tries. W. Maxwell converting one. Old Boys inflicted a heavy defeat upon Physical Trailing, tho score being 24 to nil. S. Goodwin scored three tries and N. Barbarlich, F. Isaac and E. Rare ono each. T. Dufty converted three tries. In the junior games Hui Mai defeated High School by 5 points to 3, nnd Physical Training defeated Old Boys by 9 points to nil.

Plitaruru. —In the first match in the Putarurii Rugby Sub-Union's season, held at Glenshca Park, Arupuni-Waotu combined won from Tokoroa by 14 points to G. Whakatane.—Seniors: Awakeri, 3, v. Edgecunibe. U; I'aion, 8. v. Poroporo, 3; City, 8, v. Ruatoki. 12. Juniors: Edgec.umbe, 0. v. Awakeri, nil; Poroporo, 12, v. Paroa. nil; City, 3, v. Ruatoki, 16; Waimana, 12, v. Taneatua, nil. Matata. —Seniors: Matata, 19. v. Mat-n----il inn, 14. Juniors: Matata. 19, v. Thornton. G.

Rotorua.—The main attraction at Arawa Park was the Old Boys v. Waikite senior match. Although Waikite had a great advantage in weight-, Old Boys held the team to a draw by solid tackling. Tho weather was showery. Seniors: Old Boys, 8. v. Waikite. 8; Kahukura, 25, v. Utuhina, 0. Juniors: Okere, 10, v. Old Boys, G; High School, 9. v. Mamaku, 8; Waikite, G, v. Utuhina, G: Ngongotnha, 8. v. Kahukura, 0. Tauranga.—The Rugby Union's competitions were continued ill fine weather. In the senior grade Rangataua defeated Matu kana by 14 to G. At half-time Rangataua had a lead of G points, and secured two tries, one converted, in the second halt, while Matakana scored two tries. Cadets Old Boys defeated Athletics by 9 points to 3 after a well-contested game. Juniors: Cadets Old Boys, 9, v. Country, 3; Athletics. 5. v. Rnngntaun. 3; To Puna defaulted to Matakana. Te Puke,—Juniors: United, 8. v. Rangi nru, nil; Papamoa, 15, v. Pongakawa. nil. Seniors: Pongakawa, 25, v. Papamoa, 6; Rangiuru. 21, v. United, 15. Dargaville.—The Northern Wuiron Rugby Union's senior matches resulted:—Waima, 9, v. Dargaville, 5; Kaihu, 8, v. Northern, 3: Southern. 5. v. Ruawai. 3. Juniors: Waima. 10. v. Southern. G; Dargaville, 15, v. Ruawai, 3.



Wellington.—Rugby gnmes were played on heavy grounds and in wintry conditions. Although only three games have been played so far Hutt is the only unbeaten team. Results are:—Wellington College Old Boys. IG, Fetone, 7; Athletic, 10. Poneke. 0; Marist, I<l, Eastbourne. 11; Hutt. 14, Wellington, 6. Second division: Oriental, G, Onslow, 0; St. Patrick's Old Boys, 21, Mel-rose-Selwyn, 0; University, 17, Bcrhampore, 0; .Tohnsonville, 3, Miramar, 0. New Plymouth.—-The Taranaki Rugby Union's championship matches were played in continuous rain. Results:—New Plymouth Old Boys, 20, v. Kavonga, 7; Okniawa, G, v, Stratford United Old Boys, 0; Tukapa, 3, v. Hawera, 0; Inglewood. 3. v. Eltliam, 3; Stratford. 43, v. Empire Old Boys, 3; Opunnkc, J7, v. Star, 10; Waimate. 6. v. Clifton, 0.

Wairarapa.—Carterton, 9, Featherston, R; Gladstone, 11, Greytown, 6; Old Boys, G, Martinboroujjh, 3; Dalefield, 6, Maaterton#-fi,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21793, 7 May 1934, Page 13

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RUGBY FOOTBALL New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21793, 7 May 1934, Page 13

RUGBY FOOTBALL New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21793, 7 May 1934, Page 13