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AKARANA CLUB'S RACES ANNUAL CUP DAY HELD SUCCESS OF VALDORA The Akarana Yacht Club held its annual cup day on Saturday afternoor when harbour races were held for al: classes. The auxiliary scow Waikonini was placed at the disposal of the clul: for flagship by Messrs. Winstone, Limited, and was moored in Judge's Bay. An At Home was held ashore at the clubhouse, where afternoon tea was dispensed by the ladies' committee. In the " evening a dance was held. The weather conditions wcro ideal foi racing, a fresh north-easterly breeze prevailing throughout the afternoon. The keel yachts competed for the Commemoration Cup, which was won by Valdora. The mullet boats raced for tho White' Cup, the winner being Winifred. Tho 14-footcrs raced for the 14ft championship and the Eliot Davis. Cup. Raider carried off the championship, and Valet won the cup on time • allowance. Tho He-o-lin Cup, for classes M, V and S, was won by Avro. Details are as follows KEEL YACHTS The race for keel yachts brought out four competitors, which were sent away to a good start. Pandora crossed the lino half a length m front of Maybelle, with Valdora and Speedwell close up. Maybelle, Pandora and Speedwell threw round on starboard ancl .stood toward the northern shore Vaidora carried on port tack for some distance and then joined the other boats, opeedwell was first to throw round a<*ain on tho northern shore and, although she Passed Pandora and Valdora, she was unable to head Maybcllo until off Narrow Week, where sho assumed the lead. Rounding the Duder Spit' buoy the order was opeedwell, Maybelle, Pandora, Valdora •These positions were maintained until tho finish. . The raco started at 2.30 p.m. The finishing tunes were:—Speedwell (2Jm), 4h 13m 465; Maybelle (9m), 4h 16m 48s; Pandora (17Jm), 4h 20m 18s; Valdora (22m), 4h 24m 38s. Tho result on corrected times was:—Valdora, lj Pandora, 2; Maybelle, 3. WIN FOR "WINIFRED Eight boats started in the race for classes H, L and N. Omatere was just over the. line at gunfire, but lost little or no time in returning. In tho actual start Celox was first away, N and was closely followed by Komun, Marie, Mona, "Winifred, Ngaru 11. and Omatere. Isabel was 80s lato All the boats, .with tho exception of Ngaru and Mona, immediately broko tacks and stood across the "harbour, Mona and Ngaru working the southern side before throwing round on. tho opposite tack. Omatere and Celox drew away from tho other boats and a very interesting raco was fought between these two yaohts. The raco started at 2.38 p.m. The finishing times wereOmatere (scr), 4h 13m 10s; Celox (ljm), 4h-13m 27sj Komuri (Bm),' 4h 23m 48s; Winifred (14m), 4h 24m 16sj Marie (8m), 4h 25m 6s; Ngaru 11. (12m), 4h 25m 39sj Mona (slm), 4h 35m 52s| Isabel (19m) 4h 37m 425. The result on corrected times was:—Winifred, 1; Celox, 2; Omatere, 3. A POOR START \ Through a misunderstanding in the starting time for the race for 18ft. and 16ft. boats, a number of competitors, .were badiy left. The raco was announced to start at 2.54 p.m., but it was actually started at 2.46 p.m. Toss Up, Avro and -Mischief got away at gunfire, but the following were several minutes late:—Waitoa, Daphne, Waitea and Scimitar. Avro was soon in the lead and maintained her position throughout the race. On completion of the first round she had a lead of 54s from Mischief, which was 4m 16s ahead of Daphne. Waitoa followed lm 55s later. The raco started at 2.46 p.m. The finish,ing times were: Avro (8m), 4h 7m lis: Mischief (scr), 4h 9m 2s; Daphne (4m), 4h 15m 41s; Waitoa (8m), 4h 18m 565; Toss Up (16m), 4h 25m 255; "Waitea (6m), 4h 32m. 523. The result on corrected times was:—Avro. ll Toss Up, 2; Waitoa, 3. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP The start of the race for 14-footers was a splendid one, all the boats getting away Within a few seconds of one another. Rebel was first away, but being under the impression that she was over tho line, returned and recrossed. The order of the other boats crossing was Rangi, Valet, Shalimar, Raider, Kea, Jupiter, Sybila and Zephyr. Sybils, had a load of 10s from Valet at the completion of the first round. Raider being another 16s further astern. Rebel followed 49s after Raider. Then came Shalimar only 2s astern of Rebel. In the second round Raider passed Sybila and Valet. The race started at 2.54 p.m. The finishing times were:—Raider (scr), 4h 4m 545: Sybila (Jm), 4h 5m 4s: Valet (3m). 4h 6m 14s; Rebel (lm), 4h 7m Gs; Shalimar (lm), 4h 7m 555; Jupiter (6m), 4h 10m 563; Kea (4m). 4h 14m 425; Rangi (sm), 4h 16m 7s; Swiftsure (12m), 4h 21m 47b. The result on corrected times was: —Valet. 1; Sybila, 2; Jupiter, 3. The club championship cup wa3 won by Raider. A race was also held for naval service whalers and resulted as follows:—R.N.V.R. No. 2, 4h 305,. 1; whaler 35K2, 4h 3m 16s, .2: R.N.V.R. No. 1, 4k 3m 349, 3: whaler 28K1, 4h 14m 14s, 4. The officials in charge of the racing were:—Starter and judge, Mr. H. Hill; timekeeper, Mr. G-. E. Laycock; recorder, Mr. W. Ure.

TEAMS' YACHT RACE VICTORY FOR CLASS M A teams' race between four boats repr senting class M and four belonging to clas V was held on Saturday afternoon, and r suited in a win for class M by 20 points 1 16. The race started and finished off Koh marama Wharf, and was controlled by tl Tamaki Yacht Club. The course was froi starting-line round Sandspit beacon, them round red light buoy in Rangitoto Channe thence round the schc/mer Piri in Hobsc Bay, back to finishing-line. The start was a poor one. Manene, Parol and Memutu crossed too soon and wei ordered to return. Of the others, Mawhit and Maroro got away in that order, ivit Marianne, Martha S. and Matarere fairl close up. It was a broad lead to Sandspi beacon, and Mawhiti held her position Rounding the beacon the order was Mawhit Maroro, Memutu, Marianne, Paroro an Martha S. The next leg gave the boats beat to the channel mark, and on the wa out the boats really formed themselves int four divisions. Mawhiti. and Maroro and Me mutn raced in the first division, Matarer and Martha S. in the second, Marianne am Manene in the third, and Paroro in th< fourth. Making the turn at the red buo: the order of the leading boats was: Ma whiti, Maroro, Martha S., Matarere. On th run to the Piri Marianne and Matarere ha< a luffing match, Marianne getting the bee of it. This enabled Manene to improve he position. Mawhiti continued her lead on th beat to the finishing line, and was firs home. Memutu threw out a strong chal lengo to Maroro, but the latter Was enable to maintain her position after the boat had worked board for board. Manene di< better on the beat home, passing Martha £ and Marianne. . Ther race started at 3.10 p.m The finishin) times were: Mawhiti, 4h 47m 455; Maroro 4h 49m 425; Memutu, 4h 50m 455; Manene 4h 52m 30s; Martha S„ 4h 52m 325; Mari anne, 4h 54m 455; Paroro, 4h 55m 45s Matarere, 4h 56m 235. The score, which was based on the placinf the boats at the finish, was as follows Class M, 8,7. 4 and 1, total 20 points V claes, 6,-5, 3 and 2, total 16 points. MANUKAU CRUISING CLUB CHA MPIONSHIP RACES Four races were held by the Manukau Cruising Club, on (he occasion of its championship day on Saturday. The wind was variable, and at times foil away to a calm. Aoma, which has held the Walter Demson Champion Cup for some years, was again successful, while Sea Gnomo retained the McGahan 10ft and under Champion | Cup. Surpnso again won the ladies' motor- | boat event, and Maranui was an easy winner of the handicap race. The McGahan Cup entrants wore despatched in the following order:—Sea Gnomo, Sea King, and Alonta. The breeze was light northerly, but steady at the start, and ,tho two 14-foolers drew away from Aloma. On ,tho second round tho wind veered easterly and dropped. Sea Gnome opened up a big break on her rivals, and crossed tho finishing line a winner by 6i minutes from Sea King, Tho race started at 2.30 p.m. Th<> finishing times were:—Sea Gnome, 4h 31r>i 355; Sea King, 4h 38m ss; 4Joma, 4h 57m 50s. Tho open championship brought out four boats, which were sent away on a triangular course. This gave them a short lead on starboard to the first mark and a broad lead on port out. to the bottom mark, off Waikowhai, with a beat back. Romance was first to cross the line, closely followed by Mystery 11., Aoma, with Ranui astern. At tho first mark the order was unchanged, and Romance was first to set her spinnaker, but Aoma took the lead near the bottom buoy, and after rounding, with Mystery_ 11., stood inshore, out of the tide. Taking advantage of the breeze off the land, these two boats made the top mark in one ooard, while Romance and Ranui, out in

the channel, were a long way behind. Aoma increased her lead on the second round and was not troubled to win from Mystery 11. by 8m 60s. The race started at 2.45 p.m. The finishing times were:—Aoma, 4h 36m 30s; Mystery 11., 4h 45m '2os; Ranui, 4h 53m 50s; Romance, 4h 57m 54b. Lone Star was first away in the general handicap race, followed by Wixie M., Miss Mac, Aomatea, Elaine, Maranui and Frantic. The boats were bunched at the bottom mark, but unlike the previous race, none was able to lay the top mark, and positions were changed in the beat up against the tide. Maranui made moat use of the tide and the light breeze, and gained a big lead on the last round, eventually winning by 10m 525. The race started at 8 p.m. The finishing times were:—Maranui (10m), 4h 12m 20s; Frantic (12m). 4h 25m 12s; Miss Mac (10m), 4h 27m 10s; Lone Star (17m), 4h 30m 30s; "Wixie M. (14m), 4h 34m; Elaine (24m), 4h 48m 3s; Aomatea (19m), 5h 2m 40s. The result on corrected times was: —Maranui, 1; Frantic, 2; Lone Star, 3. Lady members were in charge of the steering of tho motor-boats, which were sent away off their handicaps in the following order:—Elma, Wolverine, Cremorne, Surprise. Very little separated the boats on the first round, but Surprise, steered by Miss Halliday, came through on tho last lap, and repeated last year's performance, winning by 3m 3Gs. The planings were:— Surprise, 1; Wolverine, 2; Cremorne, 3. TAMAKI YACHT CLUB RACES FOR SMALL CLASSES A series of races for small classes was held by the Tamaki Yacht Club on Saturday afternoon. Owing to the fresh northeasterly breeze very few boats competed. All events started and finished off Kohimarama Wharf. Details are as follows: . In the race for classes V and S, the finishing times were as followsNamu (6m). 4h 24m 47e; Clio (lm), 4h 25m 16s; Surprise (scr)', 4h 26m 255; Drone (sor), 4h 27m 84s• Lancia (15m), 4h 33m 87e. The result on corrected times was: Clio, 1; Lancia, 2; Namu, 3. Classes T, X and Y were combined, and were sent away to a good start. The finishang times were: Sea Breeze (3m), 4h 46m 10s; Maile (3mi> 4h 4Gm 255; Ace (scr). 4h 46m 28s; Goldio (sm), 4h 49m 9s. The result on corrected times was: Sea Breeze, 1; Maile, 2; Goldie, 3. Classes W and Z were, also combined to make up a race. The finishing times were! Will-o-the-Wisp (2m). 4h 52m 17s; Waiola (sm), 4h 54m Is; Wanderer (7m), 4h 54m" 80s; lolanthe (scr), 4h 55m 47s- Tamaki (2m), 4h.67rn 4s; Waitaki (7m), 4b 57m 495. The result on corrected times was:—Wan-' derer, 1; Waiola,. 2j ■ Will-o-the-Wisp, 3. MODEL YACHTING ORAKEI BASIN CLUB The Orakei Basin Model Yacht Club held ft series of races for model yachts on the Orakei Basin on Saturday afternoon. The results were:— Open Handicap, 3ft. class.—Monarch (7im), -1; Marie (7im), 2; Gay (3»m), 3. Four-foot Class.—Advance (9m), 1; Alert (7m),- 2; Sea Spray 1 (sm), 3. General Handicap.—First heat: Crusader (2m), 1; Flying Cloud (6m), 2; Advance (s§m), 3. Second heat: Crusader (scr), If Eileen ; (lim), 2; lorangi (2m), 3. Boys' Events.—First race: Victory lj Joan, 2; Karoa, 3. Second race: Starlight, 1: Cecil M., 2; Joan, 3. Third race: Flora M., 1; Joan, 2; Karoa, 3. Fourth race: Starlight, 1; Jay; 2; Cecil M., 3. • MANTJEJUJ senior club Three races were held at Mill Bay by the Manukau Senior Model Yacht Club, two handicap events and a challenge race by the Park one-doßign claBS, for the David Challenge Cup. Six boats were despatched in the first race. The result was:—Falcon, 1} Maybe, 2; Kauri 11., 3. The second handicap event resulted:— Supplejack, 1; Kauri 11., 2; Mairie, 3. Kauri 11., Supplejack and Mairie challenged the holder of the David Challenge Cup, Maybe, but they were unsuccessful, Maybe winning by a fair margin and retaining the trophy. Junior model races resulted:—First race: Isabel (R. Douglas), 1; Pilot (C. Davis), 2; Star (L. Pascoe), 3. Second race: Teddy (S. Pascoe), 1; Pilot (C. Davis), 2.; Isabel (R. Douglaß), 3.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21717, 5 February 1934, Page 16

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YACHTING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21717, 5 February 1934, Page 16

YACHTING New Zealand Herald, Volume LXXI, Issue 21717, 5 February 1934, Page 16