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WEEKLY Studv it—then make up your oirder and post to THE MANAGER, ARMY STORES, 213 QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND, C.l. WE GUARANTEE YOU A SAVING OF 5/- IN THE £ ,„ eeor.P NAVY-LINED I KHAKI BUEDE RIDING BREECHES, f OP BOYS' FOX'S SERGE NAVY-LINED SHORTS, With pockets. The material alone cost the Government 8/- 1 per yam. You could not possibly buy them any where under 10/6 pair. We have 12,000 pairs, In evefy size, from 6 16. BOYB'° r ALL-WOOL LUMBER JACKETB, made from the same ual " y , ™® te „ r i, as the Shorts; 2 pockets and large collar. All sizes, 6-16 —For ®/" a BUPER QUALITY ADMIRALTY TOWELB. Are White, with Red stripe ends. Size .s»in * 24in. The best possible iowei money could buy. llemember, these are super quality, and worth anywhere 7/6 DRIVING° U RE^NB, e ' English leather, rull BTIRRU^LEAThVrB, P f'ull length, English leather —For 6/6 pair. BRIDLE REINS, best quality; brand new hair-clipping machines, made by Burman's, with 2 extra combs, for cutting AXE all first-grade Hickory—Full size, 2/3; J size, 1/9, * size, 1/6' each. „ PETROLEUM JELLY, in lib. Jars, for ail animal or domestic purposes, for sores, sore udders or teats. No dairy-farmer should be without this wonderful healer —Large lib. tin for 1/6. , FIRST-AID OUTFITS. Contains roll or Gauze, Boraclc Lint, Picric Lint, tin Boraclc Ointment, tin Zinc ointment, i»nd card of Safety Pins. The lot packed In neat tin case —For 1/» each. CURRY COMBS, best English make—l/each. . „■. DANDY BRUBHEB, English make; "indestructiblemake, super quality—2/11 each. Will last" for years. POLE BTRAPB, heavy quality leather, rull length; for mowing maenmes, expresses, etc,; brand new—B/6 pair. Worth 16/0 pair. GREENHIDE PACK OR LUGGAGE BTRAPB —liln. x 30in., 1/3; liln. x 781n., 2/3; 1 iln. x 1151n., 3/3 each. IMPERIAL ARMY BADDLE BTRAPB—24in. x lln., 1/-; 361n. x lift., 1/6; 48in. x lln., 2/- each. Worth double. Brand new. GENT.'S FINE HEMSTITCHED WHITE HANDKERCHIEFB, large size—3 for 1/-. GENT.'S HEAVY ENGLIBH WEB BRACEB, best leather nttlngs—2/- pair. BLADE RAZORB. A super blade, full hollow ground; In black leatherette case—--4/6 each. Worth 10/6. POCKET KNIVEB, well-known I.X.L. brand. Made by Geo. Wostenholm, Sheffield. Genuine- Stag or Bone handle, 2 blades. A Knife genuinely worth 5/6. For 3/each. STUD SETS, comprising Gilt Back Stud, Front Stud and Tiepln. Worth 6d each —For 2d each. CARPENTERS' CLAW HAMMERS, made by the Union Tool Co. from drop forged steel. A perfect Hammer, full size—For 3/6 each. ARMY SERGE TROUBERB, the greatest value ever offered. All Pure Wool Khaki Serge, made specially for the Government. Sizes 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 waist —9/- pair, or 3 pairs for 26/-. They are worth 27/6 pair easily. Get 3 or 4 pairs now—there will be no more. ENGLIBH TWEED TROUBERB, cuff bottoms, Grey colour, 3 pockets. Very hard wearing—For 0/6 pair. Sizes 3-8. KHAKI DRILL TROUBERB, heavy Government quality Drill, 3 pockets. Ideal Tor cowsheds, engineers, etc. Sizes 3-8— For 6/6 pair. » KHAKI BUEDE DRILL TROUBERB, heavy Govt, quality, 3 pockets, wlndproor, and very strong. Sizes 3-8 —7/- pair. Worth 12/6 pair. KHAKI DRILL BHORTB, Govt, quality Drill, for men and youths, for hikers, tramping, etc.. etc.—2/- pair. All sizes. KHAKI DRILL 818 OVERALLS, Govt, quality Drill, with shoulder straps. Ideal for dairy-farmers, engineers, etc. All sizes —7/6 suit. KHAKI DRILL COMBINATION OVERALLB, for farmers, motorists or engineers. Heavy Govt. Drill. Sizes 3-B—For 10/sult. KHAKI BUEDE DRILL, 28ln. Wide—l/ 8 yd. KHAKI DRILL, Govt, quality, 28ln. wide—--1/6 per yard. . , KHAKI SUEDE DRILL SHIRTS, beauttrul quality, wlndproof. and everlasting wear; known world wide. Sizes 141n.-18In. neck band—6/9 each.' Worth 10/6. KHAKI FLANNEL SHIRTB, unsurpassed Tor Winter wear. Not Undershirts. All sizes —7/3 each. Worth 12/6 each. • BOYS' GREY TWEED BHORTS, lined with pockets; Ideal school wear. Sizes 4-16 — 3/8 pair. BOYS' AND YOUTHB* MILITARY ALLWOOL TUNIC SHIRTS, for school or farm. Ideal for Winter. Fit boys and youths, 8-18 years—All 3/6 each. Buy NOW at this Low Price. BOYS' COMPLETE SUITS, comprising Navy Lined Shorts and Military All-Wool Tunic, complete with strong belt. An ideal School Suit—For 7/6 complete. TWEED SUITS—The greatest bargain ever offered. In the latest shades. Light and Dark Greys or Browns. English Tweed and beautifully cut and finished —31/6 each. Sizes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. Money refunded if not fully satisfied. NAVY SERGE SUITS, English, guaranteed fast dye Navy Serge, the quality you are used to paying sgns. for. All cut on latest style and perfect fitting. MoneyBack Guarantee, and only 59/-. MILITARY FELT HATS, every size In stock —2/- each. OILSKIN COATB, guaranteed absolutely waterproof; large shoulder capes, storm collar, fastenings: for rldlnir or walking—Easily worth 55/-. For 29/6 each. All sizes. WATERPROOF LEGGINGS, same duality as Oilskin Coats, and guaranteed waterproof. Pull-on, thigh length—For 8/palr: >' SOU'-WESTERS, guaranteed waterproor arid lined. All sizes—3/11 each. HAVERSACKB, made Trom heavy Drill, with adjustable web: shoulder straps. Size 131n. x I2in. Brand new—2/- each. SHOULDER PACKS, made from heavy Waterproor Canvas, with adjustable shoulder straps. 14in. x 131n. With large outside pocket—6/6 each. For tramping, cycling, etc. GABARDINE TROUSERS, everlasting wear, curr bottoms. 3 pockets. For everyday or best wear these cannot be excelled. Easily worth 25/- pair—For 18/- pair. All sizes. BEDFORD CORD RIDING BREECHEB, as worn by officers. English material and will wear Tor years. AH sizes. 301n.4"lin. waist—For 18/6 pair. GABARDINE RIDING BREECHEB, for ladles or gents. Wonderrul quality, best English material. For riding or mountaineering—Worth 32/6 pair. For 16/8 pair. Pleaso state waist measurement. KHAKI BUEDE RIDING BREECHES. f or ladies or gents. Wonderrul quality. For riding or hiking, etc.—For 14/6 pair State size, please. MILITARY ALL-WOOL PUTTEES, ruti length—Worth 12/6 pair. For 3/6 pair KHAKI BUEDE LUMBER JACKETB, wind-' proof and waterproof, with 2 pockets large collar and Woollen band round bottom. Ideal for . workers, golfers, trampers. In S.M., M. and 0.3.—F0r 11/6 each. 80X, English, Woollen, heavily ribbedWorth 1/6 pair. 3 pairs for 2/8. 80X, heavy, Mosglel, All Wool. A sijper Sock —Worth 2/9 pair. 3 pairs for 4/6. GOLF HOSE, for men. All Pure Wool made In England. In Fawns, Browns with rancy tops—Sold everywhere at 11/6 pair. Yours for 4/6 pair. UNDERWEAR, heavy Winter weightSinglets, 4/6; Underpants. 4/9. UNDERWEAR, warm, fleecy lined—Singlets 2/6; Underpants, 2/9. BLANKETB, All Wool, Grey. Size 58in. x 7gj n .—For 19/- pair. Worth 35/-. MILITARY ALL-WOOL JACKETS, Tor men and youths. All Pure Wool. Sizes j, 4 s—to5 —to Clear at 6/9 each. GREY TWIST WORK BHIRTS, Tor men. All sizes—3/8 each. GUMBOOTB, best rubber, heavily cleated soles, reinforced uppers; knee length. \ Boot you usually pay 22/6 ror. Now 12/6 pair. AH sizes. YARD OR BTABLE BROOMB, best Indian Bass and Cane. Full size, and only 2/8 HAIR BROOMB, Red backs, 12in.—2/6. HEAVY GAUGE DOG CHAINB, each with patent swivel—44ft., 9d; 6ft., 1/-; 7|ft., 1 /6y 9ft., 2/- each. Suitable for tying calves DAIRY OR CAN BCRUBB, best quality, double-winged—-1/8 each. BEBT ENGLIBH BIBAL LEG ROPE, superior to Manila—l'Bft., 1/6; 36ft., 3/-; 50rt., 3/9; 100 ft., 7/6. ITALIAN WATERLAID HEMP PLOUGH LINE, the genuine thing. Full length, 54Tt.—For 5/-. SHOE REPAIRERS' OUTFITB, ShefTleld made, consisting of Hammer, Knife, Polishing Iron and Rasp, complete In cardboard box—For 3/9 the set. DAIRY THERMOMETERB, complete In wooden case—2/6 each. BULL RINGS, wrought copper, 31n.—1/8 each. OILCANS, copper bottoms, $-plnt. Sola everywhere, 2/6—Ours for 1/6. TRENCHING TOOLB, ideal garden tool-. For 9d each. BNAPHOOKB, English, for rope or straps—--3 for 1 /-. RATCHET BRACEB, nlckelplated, ball-bear-ing; wonderrul quality; alligator JawsWorth 18/6. For 10/6 each. CARPENTERS' BRACES, very strong and serviceable—4/- each. . AUGER BITB, for Braces, as above; all sizes—l/ 6 each. TENON SAWS, superior quality, lOin. blade —3/6 each. , m _ CARPENTERS' HAND SAWS, best Sheffield cast steel, 261n. blade, 6 pts. to the inch For 4/6 each. LIGHTNING TOOTH HAND BAWB, 30ln. blade, best Sheffield cast steel. Ideal for wood sawing—Worth 12/6. Now 7/8 HACKSAW FRAMEB, will take any size blade—l/ 9 each. _ n . HACK SAW BLADES, best quality; Bin., mm.. 12ln. —1/8 dozen. BTEEL DRILLS, hand type, very strongly made. 4 2m. long—Great Bargain at 8/6 FOOTPRINT WRENCHES, best quality steel 7in., 1/8; 91n., 2/3; 121n., 3/6 pair. BTILLBON WRENCHES, best drop steel —Bln., 2/6; 10ln., 4/6; 141n., 6/6, DINNER 8 WAGGON CASTORS, rubkrtyred—3/6 set of 4, make —4m. wheel, 7/6; 6ln. wheel, 12/6. MILL BAW°FLAT FILES, Sheffleld'sbcsl—loin 3 for 3/-; 121n.. 3 for 4/6. SLIM TAPER SAW FILES —51n., 7d; Sin., NETTLEFOLD'S COPPER RIVETS AND WASHERS,. 41b., assorted sizes—l/ 3. BIFURCATED RIVETS, assorted sizes—l,TUBULAR RIVETS, assorted sizes—l /2 t ln « ROLLER SKATES, English make, adjustable to any size foot —For 3/6 pair. MILITARY RIDING SPURS, nlckelplated—thermos I FLASKS, l -pint _slze. Every Flask guaranteed—2/8 each. MILITARY AU Pure Wool, dyed Navy Blue. All sizes—l 4/9 eacn. BRITISH WARMERS, Navy Blue, All Woo . Blanket lined; extra large collar. All s i zeg —22/8 each. Worth 63/-. WOOD SMOOTH PLANES, 2 J In. Iron; Red Beech, oiled —For 6/- each. Worth BAGGING NEEDLES, 5m., 61n., 71n.—6 for DUBBIN, new stocks just arrived; for making all leather waterproor. Large tin—pack SADDLES, made Tor the Imperial Army; all complete with breast plate, breeching and crupper, 2 girths,, 2 baggage ropes, 2 large panniers—The com plete outfit for £6. Worth £l2. CART SADDLES, for spring cart: all best English Leather. For all classes of work—Complete with girth. complete with backhand and leatocr tugs, for 70/- each. ENGLISH UNBREAKABLE LEATHER BRIDLES, with brass buckles, nlcTteMjlt. complete with reins: brand new. .Tne best Bridle you could possibly buj— For IS/6. HEAVY HALTERS, used, but in perfect condition; for draughts, bulls —For 5/6. Worth double. FOUNTAIN PENS, seir-fllling, English make, Platignum nibs —Worth 5/6. For 1/3 each. TIC TAC CIGARETTE PAPER8 —15 books for 1/-. CIGARETTE LIGHTER, petrol, simple but extremely efficient—l/- each. RAZOR BLADES, 3-hole type, Sheffield—11d dozen. MAGNETIC COMPASBES, in Nickel case, with locking device: guaranteed accurate—4/6 each. Worth double. MILITARY PICKS, double-ended, complete with handle; brand new—2/6 each. LONG-HANDLE SHOVELS, best. Sheffield make—Usually 8/6. Our Price, 6/each. WATCHES, ISO. 1 Ingraham Viceroy, Jn nlckelplated case; luminous dial ana hands; one year's guarantee —worm 32/6. For 12/6 each. WATCH No. 2, Swiss, made, in plated case; a good, reliable W atcn—5/6. Worth double. Please sign your name to your order and mail to THE MANAGER, ARMY STORES, 213 Queen Street, Auckland, C.l. WE PAY POSTAGE.

VALUE In Woollens Worsteds and Knitted Wear Measure Value In terms of Quality and Price. The higher the Quality, the lower the Price, the GREATER the Value. If you pay a low price for poor quality, you set cheapness and nastiness. Cheapness is the dearest in the end. You can set Bruce Quality at a Fair Price: and Bruce Quality is GOOD Value. •pie portrait of Kins Robert the Bruce is the Registered Trade-mark of the Bruce Woollen Manufacturing Co. Ltd., and the public's guarantee of quality and value.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21578, 24 August 1933, Page 14

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Page 14 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21578, 24 August 1933, Page 14

Page 14 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21578, 24 August 1933, Page 14