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'lnterim dividend reduced, tlnterim dividend passed. in arrears. No return on debentures is being given in the meantime. The return on 31 per cent Government loans does not include redemption and covers only the period foT which the loans are tax free.


INCREASED PRODUCTION PAST SEASON REVIEWED [from our own correspondent] PORT ALBERT, Thursday The directors of the Port. Albert Cooperative Dairy Company, Limited, in their annual report; state that there was a substantial increase in the output of butter in the season ended May 31. The output was 413 tons lOcwt., an increase of 74 tons over the previous season, or over 21 per cent. During the 30 years the company has been in operation the output has increased steadily from 16 tons to 413 tons, the only season showing a decrease being 1927-28, when 176} tons were made. Tho final payments proposed will make an average payment to suppliers on all grades of 9.39 d per lb. butterfat at farm gates, on finest grade of 9.65 d per lb. at farm gate, or 10.09 d per lb. on finest grade with cream carting and depreciation added. There was an increase of 10 suppliers during the season, there now being 132. The average cost of making one pound of butter, including cream carting, was .99d. The trading department has again experienced a satisfactory year, and £136 has been added to-the trade reserve account. The annual meeting of the company will take place oa Friday, • July 21. .Messrs. W. Grice, H. Legge and G. Shepherd are the retiring directors. The directors regret that Messrs. Legge and Shepherd are retiring from the board. Mr, Legge has served as a director since the company's inception and was chairman for a period of seven years,' CO-OPERATIVE RENNET CO. PROFIT OF £1528 FOR YEAR (from, our own correspondent] HAMILTON. Thursday The seventeenth annual meeting of the New Zealand Co-operative Rennet Company, Limited, was held in Hamilton last evening, the chairman of directors, Mr. J. B. Murdoch, presiding over good attendance of shareholding companies' representatives. In the directors' report it was stated that for tho 12 months ended April 30 there was a net profit of £1528, but owing to the uncertain conditions of trado in general and the difficulties of veils purchase in particular, a distribution of profits was not considered advisable, Tho v<\lue of stocks was very low, being £ J 586 on April 30, compared with £4319 a year earlier. This was due to the extremely heavy demand for tho company's products, resulting from the record output of cheese this season, and to tho fact that the company was not ablo to purchase veils to maintain stocks, as a majority of farmers had sold their calves to meat export firms. During tho year 11 co-operative companies, three in the North Island and eight in tho South Island, had takofi up shares. Tho retiring directors, Messrs. J. G. Brechin, Dynes Fulton and J. B. Murdoch, were re-elected unopposed. Mr. Murdoch was reappointed chairman. GOLD AND SILVER QUOTATIONS IN LONDON (Received June 22, 8.15 p.m.) LONDON. June 21 Fine gold is quoted to-day at £6 2s 2d, same as yesterday. Silver is quoted at 19 l-16d an ounce spot and 19id forward, compared with 19 3-16 d and 19id yesterday. Tho quotation for silver at per fine ounce is 20 9-16 d, compared with 20 11-16 d yesterday. PROPERTY SALE Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, will offer,at auction, at their Haymarket land sale room, Albert Street, to-day, at 2.30 p.m., property at Manurowa containing 457 acres.


BUTTER PRICE.S INCREASE SCARCITY OF VEGETABLES An increase of Id a pound in the price of butter is the only major change in the retail values of foodstuffs during the past week. First-grade butter is now selling at Is 2d and second grade at Is. Oranges, mandarins and hothouso varieties of fruit are in short supply, while there is also a scarcity of cauliflowers, carrots and parsnips. Prices are: — FRUIT Apples, cookers, 3d to 4d per lb; licious, 3d to 4d: Stunners, 3d to 4d; Wine•Baps, 4d to sd; Jonathan, 4d; Russet, 3d to 4d; pears, Winter Nelis and Winter Cole, sd; cookers. 3d to 4d; tomatoes, hothouse. 9d to Is; treo tomatoes, Gd to 8d; grapes, local, liothouee, ' Gros Colman, Is 6d to 2s per lb; extra choice, 2s Cd to 3s: oranges, Californian, 3d to 4d each; Cook Island, 2d to 3d; Fiji mandarins, 2s to 2s Gd per dozen; lemons, locals. Is 6d to 2s per dozen; bananas, 4d to 5d per lb; grapefruit, Californian, 8d each: passion fruit. Is Gd to 2s per dozen; persimmons, 2d To 3d each- Chinese gooseberries, Id to 2d each; Island grenodillas, Is to Is 6d. VEGETABLES Potatoes. 61b to 81b' for Is; onions, lid to 2d per lb; pickling, lid; pumpkins. Id to 2d; cucumbers, hothouse, 6d tQ 9d; rhubarlj, 2d to 4d a bunch; beans, French, hothouse. Is 3d to Is 9d per lb; cabbage, 4d to 8d each; cauliflower, 8d to Is 3d; lettuce. 2d to 4d; carrot, radish, beetroot, turnip, spring onions, Id; parsnips, spinach, ljd; celery, 4d to 9d; Brussels sprouts, 5d to 7d per lb. MEAT Beef.—ißump steak, lOd per lb; undercut. Is; beek steak, sd; sirloin, 6d; prime rib. 4d; prime ribs (boned and. rolled), Gd; wing ribs (three chine bones), sd; topside (4lb and over), 4d; thick flank, 4d; bolara, 4d; double top rib, 4d; chuck fib, 3d; rolled back rib, sd; corned round, 6d; corned brisket (boned), 4d; brisket and flat rib, 3d; thin flank, Id; gravy beef or shi® meat, 4d; minced beef, 4d; tripe, fid; dripping, 4d; suet, 4d; sausages, sd; sausage meat, 4d;• whole ehins or legs. Id;- half-shins or legs (thick end), 2d; half-shine or legs (knuckle end). Id- ox kidneys. 10d; ox tongues, 7d; ox tails sd; whole loin, sid; whole, runtps, Bd. Mutton.—Whole leg, 5d per lb: eut leg. Gd; leg, shank end (61b or under), 6Jd; hindquarter, 4Jd; foreciuarter, 3d; shoulder. 4d; shank end of forequarters, 3id; necks, 4dloin, fid; leg or. loin chops, 6d; neck, chops, 4d; flaps, 2d; .cutlets (trimmed), 8d; kidneys. 2d each; tongues, 2d; sheep's head (dressed), sd; sheep's fry, sd; sheep's brains, 2d. Lamb.—Forequarter, Gd per lb; hindquarter, 8d; sides, 7d; loins. 8d; legs, 9d. Veal.—Fillets. 7d per lb; loin, fid; shoulder, 4d; cutlets and'veal steak. 8d; chops, Gd: forequarters, 3d; rolled veal, fid. Pork.—Leg. 8d per lb: loin, 8d: forcloin, with blade, Gd: pork Chops, 9d; corned hand. Cd; corned belly. 8d: pork sausages, 7d. These are cash priceß at the shops, booking nnd delivery being a penny a pound extra. FISH Schnapper, whole, fid per lb; trimmed, Gd; smoked, 10d; skinned fillets, 9d; terakihi, whole, 4}d: smoked,# 6d; kippered fillets, Is; trevalli, whole, 2d per lb; smokec), fid; John Dory, whole, Gd; fillets, 9d to lOd per lb; lemon fish fillets, 4d; silver strip, smoked, Gd; hapuku steaks. 9d; wings, smoked, 7d; moki steaks. sd; smoked steaks, 7d; cod, smoked, Is; gurnard, whole. 3dbarracouta, whole, 4d; smoked. Gd; kippers, Scotch, Is; crayfiph, Gd per lb: mussels; fresh. Is Gd a dozen; pickled. Is Bd'a nottle: rabbits, 7d each; hares, la 6d each: mutton birds. Is each; cod fillets, Scotch, Is Gd per lb; fiadon haddocks, Is 3d. BACON AND HAM Bacon.—Shoulder rashers; lOd per lb; best rib rashers, Is Id; by pieces, shoulder cuts, 7jd to lid. Ham.—Whole, Is per lb; in rashers, Is 3d; cooked, pressed. Is 8d; rolled, Is lOd: shoulders. Is 3d, BtJTTER AND CHEESE Butter.—Factory, first grade, la 2d per lb; second grade, Is; third grade, 10d; bulk farmers' butter, 8d to 9d. Cheese.—Ordinary, 9d; more matured, Is 3d. EGGS Duck, Is Gd a dozen; hen, Is Bd. DAIRY PRODUCE PRICES MARKET VERY QUIET Merchants have received the following cablegrams from their London houses, dated June 21: — New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited.—Butter, 795; market extremely quiet during the last week. Cheese: White, 475; coloured, 525; extremely quiet. A. H. v Turnbull and Company, Limited, from W. Weddel and #Company, Limited, —Butter, Danish, 90s to 91s; New Zealand, salted, 78s to 80s; Australian, 77s to 795. Cheese: New Zealand, white, 46s to 475; coloured, 52s to 535. Both markets are ' quiet.

■ S? O"0 Approx, Market Price a week Appro*. Market Price a year « 3 § § TJ Dividend Payable Return on investment at Approx. g'3 Buyers Sellers ago ago 3 *» M a.rk©t mnmam H5 Price BANKS— -A £ s d £ a d £ e d £ s d £ a d Australasia . .. 5 11 0 0 0 16 5 10 17 G e o o Oct.-Mar. 3 3 8 Com. of A us. ... 10s 0 16 4 0 15 11 0 13 8 Feb.-Au£*. 3 1 3 E.S. and A. 3 4 19 0 5 1 G 4 19 9 3 17 6 May-Nov. 2 19 9 Nat. of N.Z. .. 2} — 3 18 0 3 18 0 3 2 0 Jan.-July 2 11 3 New Zealand ... 1 > 2 7 10 2 8 6 2 7 6 2 19 Dec.-June 4 13 • 5 Union 5 8 10 0 8 12 0 8 8 0 6 17 0 Jan.-July 2 6 8 INSURANCE— N&tion&l . 7a 0 16 10 0 17 1 0 17 0 0 11 4 A ft <1 2 10 0 May-lsov. 5 O o New Zealand . . . 1 2 9 9 2 9 6 1 17 10 10 Feb.-Aug. 4 0 5 South British .. 1 3 7 9 3 8 2 3 8 0 2 11 0 2s 8d Apl.-Oct. 3 18 5 LOAN AND > AGENCY— Golds. Mort . . . 1 1 G 5 17 0 1 6 7} 10 2 21 Dec.-June 1 17 6 COAL— Pukemiro 1 10 9 14 0 1 2 6 13 0 71 Mar.-Sept. + Taupiri 1 0 15 3 — 0 15 9 0 17 G 5 Nov.-May 6 11 2 Do. (pref.)... 1 11C — 12 0 — 8 Oct.-April 7 8 10 GAS— f Auckland 1 1 3 4 13 5 13 3 10 8-1 6| July-Feb. 4 14 1 Do. (qon.) . .. 15s — 0 17 6 0 17 2 0 14 8 51 July-Feb. 4 14 3 SHIPPING— • Devonpt. Ferry 1 0 18 0 lid, 10 3 *0 18 0 6 Dec.-J une 5 2 7 Hudd art-Parker 1 1 10 0 ' -1 10 9 1 10 5 116 5 Sept.-Mar. 3 5 10 Northn. Steam . 14s Cd 0 4 0 0 6 3 0 5 0 0 7 0 — Nov.-May — •. TIMBER— . , Bartholomew ... 1 0 9 6 — 0 8 G 0 7 0 Oci.-April — Kauri 253 - 0 12 3 0 13 4 0 12 91 0 8 9! — Jv ,ne-Dec. — L. O'B 1 0 15 0 0 18 0 0 19 0 — 5 A pi.-Nov. + ' National 1 0 3 .<> — 0 3 0 0 4 0 — May — BREWERIES— . N.Z. Breweries . 1 1 13 0 1 14 3 1 13 0 14 6 7 Jan.-July 4 3 0 Tooth's 1 - — 1 18 0 1 17 G 16 2 8 May-N6v. 4 4 3 MISCEL'OUS— Aus. Glass ... . 1 — 2 9 0 2 8 3 1 14 0 n Dec.-June 3 13 5 British Tobacco. 1 1 14 3 1 15- 3 1 15 0 17 5 6 Quarterly 3 9 1 Bycroft 1 1 16 9 1 18 0 1 15 9 15 9 Is lOd Nov.-May 4 17 9 Colonial Sugar 20 56 5 0 57 0 0 58 0 0 41 5 0 121 May-Nov. 18 4 Elec. Zinc (pf.) 1 M 10 9 1 11 6 1113 .1 0 2 8 Mar.-Sept. J Farmers' Fert. . 1 0 15 3 O 16 3 0 15 9 0 13 0 5 August 6 7 0 Farm. Trading. 6s 0 2 3 0 2 9 0 2 6 0 4 0 — J une — Milne & Choyce 0 13 6 0 17 0 deb 1 0 12 0 — 3 Apl.-Oct. + Robinson's Ice . 1 0 17 0 0 17 0 0 17 0 6 June 7 1 2 Union Oil 16a 1 11 0 14 9 1 3 11 10 0 Is 6d Apl.-Nov. * 1 1119 1 12 9 1 11 104 16 2 10 ]Sov.-Jun« 6 4 0 vv lisuns temeoi MINING— Waihi 5b 12 0 12 2 1 2 3 0 14 9 40 May-Nov. 9 1 10 Waihi G. June. 2s 0 3 3 0 3 4 0 3 3 '0 3 0 4d May 10 2 7 Lyell . .. 1 v 12 3 12 6 1 2 45 0 17 2 21 June-Dec. , - + GOVT. LOANSBonds, 1940 . .. 100 100 17 6 — 100 7 G — 4 Jan.-July 4 0 1 Ditto, 1946 . .. 100 10!) 5 0 — 100 -7 G — 4 Feb.-Aug. 4 1, 4 Ditto, 1949 .. 100 100 5 0 — 100 0 0 — 4 Apl.-Oct. 4 1 2 Ditto, 1955 . . 100 103 5 0 — 100 0 0 — 4' June-Dec. 4 0 11 Stock, 1938-43 .. 100 99 10 0 — 99 15 0 — 31 Mar.-Sept. 3 10 11 Ditto. 193S-52 100 99 10 0 100 0 0 09 15 0 — 31 May-Nov. 3 10 8 Ditto, 1939-43 100 99 10 0 — 99 15 0 .— 3! Mar.-Sept. 3 10 11 Ditto. 1039-52. 100 99 10 0 — 09 15 0 — 31 May-Nov. 3 10 11 Ditto, 1940 .. 100 100 7 6 100 15 0 100 15 0 — 4 Jan.-July 4 11 Ditto, 1946 . . 100 103- 5 0 100 15 0 103 10 0 — 4 Feb.-Aug. 4 0 10 Ditto. 1949 . .. 100 103 5 0 100 15 0 100 6 3 — 4 Apl.-Oct. 4 0 8 Ditto. 1955 . .. 100 103 5 0 100 10 0 100 f> 0 — 4 June-Dec. 4 0 7 DEBENTURESAk. Gas. 1935 . . 100 100 0 0 100 0 0 ■■ > 61 May-Nov. _

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21525, 23 June 1933, Page 5

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VALUES ON STOCK EXCHANGE New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21525, 23 June 1933, Page 5

VALUES ON STOCK EXCHANGE New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21525, 23 June 1933, Page 5