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UNIVERSITY CONTESTS ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIPS \ CANTERBURY'S FINE VICTORY FINALS OF TENNIS TO-DAY The annual New Zealand University sports tournament was continued yesterday in fine weather. Basketball patches were/played at the Auckland University courts in the morning, the twinning team being Victoria, which defeated Auckland in the final after extra time had been played. This was the first occasion upon which Auckland had lost the title since it was first competed for peven years ago. Supporters of the fonr teams were present in full force and their hakas rent tho air at the conclusion of almost jevery event. Several student scrambles pnd mauls in the centre of tho field pnnised the spectators immensely. The results of yesterday's events were ps follows: BASKETBALL CONTESTS VICTORIA WINS SHIELD In tho basketball tourney Auckland [University College was beaten for the first time since the contests commenced eeven years ago. Victoria's victory counted four points for the tournament shield, Auckland scorifg two, Otago one and Canterbury 0. Results ere as follows: —Auckland, 15, defeated Canterbury 9; Victoria, 14, defeated iOtago, 9; ■ Auckland, 25, defeated Otago, 16; Victoria, 18, defeated Canterbury, 11; Otago, IS, defeated Canterbury, 14; Victoria, 15, defeated Auckland, 13. ATHLETIC RECORDS CANTERBURY MEN OUTSTANDING Four records were broken at tho athletic championship meeting at tho Pomain. Points for the tournament Shield were scored as follows:—Canterbury, 11; Victoria and Otago, 2; Auckland, 1. The results were:— j Shot Putt (University record, 37ft. SJin.). —J. F. Henderson (Canterbury). <B6ft. 3sin., 1; H. M. S. Dawson (Canterbury), 35ft. SJin., 2, S. Bowline [(Auckland), 31ft. 4£in., 3. ' 220 Yards (University record, 22 4-os.). —F. H. Stephenson (Victoria), <1; P. M. Jowett 2; R. M. Maskell . (Ot ago), 3. Stephenson early established a lead and won comfortably by five yards, Maskell being another yard behind. Time, 22 3-ss—a record. One Mile (University record, 4m 26 i4-os).--L. W. Rothwell (Otago), 1; D. ft. Oldfield (Canterbury), 2; R. C. Haszard (Auckland). 3. The competitors kept together until the final lap [When Oldfield and Rothwell drew away, and the race resolved itself into a great struggle between the two. Rothwell passed Oldfield along the back and, although the last-named challenged several times, Rothwell held on to win by • /three yards, with Haszard twenty yards .back. Time. 4m 40s. / 440 \ards Hurdles (University record, 5Ss). —A. T. Anderson (Canterbury), 1; H. D. Ball (Auckland), 2; J. Healy (Auckland), 3. Anderson, the New Zealand and University recordholder, established a five yards lead at the half distance, which he maintained Jo the end. Time, 57 1-os —a record. Long Jump (University record, 22ft. S Jin.). —G. M. Titfen (Canterbury), 21ft. 7}in., 1; J. Prendergast (Auckland), 20ft. o*in., 2; J. Kerr (Victoria), 19ft. lOJin., 3. 880 Yards (Uni versify record, lm 59 1-ss).—D. F. Anderson (Canterbury), /1; A. S. Henderson (Victoria), 2; M. Hewitson (Auckland), 3. Gilmour, Canterbury, made the pace, but Anderson, the present New Zealand champion, led into the last lap, and Henderson ran into second place. Anderson won by five yards, while Hewitson, finishing fast, was three yards behind Henderson. Time, 2m 3 15-ss. 100 Yards ( Cniversity record, 10s). — F. H. Stephenson (Victoria), 1; P. M. Jowett (Canterbury), 2; R. M. Maskell (Otago), 3. R mining powerfully. Stephenson outstripped the field to win by three yards, the remaining competitors beintr bunched. Time, 10 1-os. Mile Walk (University record, Gm 46 2-ss). —D. S. Nicholson (Otago), 1; R. I. Fraser (Otago), 2; S. G. Eade (Vic- j toria), 3. The two Otago men soon established a 'lead which they increased --'to 40 yards in the last lap. Walking Tery steadily, Nicholson drew away to i ivin by 50 yards from his team-mate, j I was a similar distance from Eade. Time, 7m 3 1-os. Hammer Throw (University record, 140 ft. 3in.). —C. C. Geddis (Canterhury), 97ft. 4in., 1; I. G. Borrie 1 j(Otago), 96ft. 7in., 2; D. S. Nicholson j i(Otago), 90ft. ]in., 3. High Jump (University record, sft. ; ilin.).—P. Haekett (Auckland), oft. j £'n., 1; G. M. Tiffen (Canterbury), sft. j S'in., 2; J. Kerr (Victoria), sft. j 2>n., 3. 440 Yards (University record, 50 2-ss).—A. T. Anderson (Canterbury), j*,» E. G. Kedgley (Auckland), 2; G. T. Mitchell (Auckland), 3. Anderson .''let. into the/straight and withstood a strong challenge from Kedgley to win j by three yards, with Mitchell a yard | ft'rther back. Time, 51s. • One Mile Cvcle Handicap.—J. H. j ! »ade, scr, 1; S. Webster, 70.vds, 2; J. ; Clarke, 90vds., 3. Time, 2m 26 3-ss. I 1000 Yards Open Handicap.—F. L. j hit ten, scr, 1; B. J. Crawford, 35yds. ; B. H. Birtwhistle, lOvds, 3. Time, j 2m 26 2-ss. 120 lards Hurdles (University re- I ford, 15 4-os).—First heat: G.' Mc- \ Wegor (Canterbury), 1; H. K. Pa- I tience (Victoria), 2; A. J. Henderson j Otago), 3. Time, 16 2-ss. Second heat: l T. Louie (Auckland), 1; N. M. His- j '!n' (Victoria), 2; E. G. Young (Otago), 3. Time, 16 2-ss. Final: Mc- j [jiegor, 1; IWie, 2; Patience," 3. Mc"icgor and Bowie took each hurdle toMr" un f J-ho third from home, when "'Gregor commenced to draw away, owie tripped at the last, hut still Pished three yards ahead of the third a a. McGregor won nicelv bv five Jarcls. Time, 16s. f/V- ar( ' s Ladies. —Miss I. Morice j>Victoria), I■ Miss K. Wood (Vic*°ria.), 2; Mils M. Mules (Victoria), 3. JoO Yards Open Handicap.—V. R. «a!ker, scr, ] : w. S. Bainbridge, SJtls, 2; \\ Day, 10yds, 3. Time, •*" 4-os. p. kiee Miles (Tnivorsity record, 15m 1.1» Thomson (Canterbury), C. Morpeth (Victoria), 2; L. W. . othxvell Thomson lad "longboat and gradually drew away ST the fiolf V running in effortless pie. In the tenth lap Francis. Aucknd, who \y 7 as running third, dropped "'i and entering the final lap ThomcS?lapped his team mate, lie won by tli 1 ,v 'th 150 yds between second and Thomson's effort in coming n s the record without any 24 Was a K°°d one. Time, 15m lSftr V( "'' n . Throw (University record, Tvtlt ' —H. M. S. Dawson (Can- |^ l| ry), 152 ft., sJin., 1; C. Clegg ®f kla nd), / 140 ft. SJin., 2; C. W. feslFbutt (Otago), 3. The winner's throw lift 8 a record.

Belay Race, one mile (record, 3m. 455.). —Victoria (A. S. Henderson, R. T. Street, N. Goodson, F. H. Stephensen), 1; Canterbury, 2; Otago, 3. Henderson, Victoria's 880 yds man, gave his collego a ten yards lead from Canterbury. This was maintained in tho 440 yds, but A. T. Anderson, Canterbury, reduced tho margin by half in tho first 220 yds. In a whirlwind finish Stephenson won for Victoria by three yards from Jowett. Time, 3m 41 3-us — a iccord. Tug of War.—Otago boat Victoria, Auckland beat Canterbury. Final; Otago beat Auckland. SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS EIGHT RECORDS BROKEN Eight New Zealand University swimming records were broken at the championship carnival held in tho Tepid Baths last evening, in conjunction with the inter-university tournament. Records were lowered in the first three championship contests of the evening. Tho final score lor the swimming shield was: —Canterbury, 8; Auckland and Otago, equal, 7; Victoria, 4. Points for the tournament shield wei'b scored as follows:—Canterbury, 2-J; Otago, li; Auckland, 1. During the evening an exhibition swim was given by R. Frankhani, the New Zealand 100 yards and 220 yards champion, and N. Crump, tho New Zealand intermediate champion. Following aro results:—■ LADJES' CHAMPIONSHIPS 50 Yards Free-stylo (New Zealand University record, 33 3-os, Miss N. Webber, Otago; holder of title, Miss E. Steele, Auckland). —Miss Y. Levvy (Canterbury), 1; Miss E. Steele (Auckland), 2; Miss J. Armstrong (Auckland), 3. Won by one and a-half yards, a foot between second and third. Time, 31 3-5s —a record. 100 Yards Free-stylo (New Zealand University record, lm lGs, Miss V. Edsar, Ot.igo; holder of title. Miss J. Thomson, Auckland). —Miss E. Steelo (Auckland), 1; Miss J. Thomson (Auckland), 2; Miss Y. Levvy (Canterbury), 3. The issue rested between the two Aucklanders, Misses Steele and Thomson, and in a stirring finish Miss Steelo wrested tho title from Miss Thomson by a mere touch. Miss Levvy was three yards behind Miss 'lhomson. Time, lm 14 l-ss. 60 2-3 Yards Ladies' Breaststroko (New Zealand University record, lm 1 2-ss, Miss N. Webber, Victoria; holder of title, Miss N. AN ebber (\ ictoria). —Miss J. Thomson (Auckland), 1; Miss N. Webber (Victoria), 2; Miss R. W. Ccllins (Canterbury), 3. Misses Thomson and Webber fought out a stirring finish, the first-named gaining tho decision fcy a margin of a yard. Miss Webber beat Miss Collins by three yards. Time, lm 0 l-5s —a record. MEN'S CONTESTS. 100 Yards Free-style (New Zealand University record, 59 4-ss, J. P. i<vrrell, Auckland; holder of title, D. H. Svmes, Canterbury). —D. H. Symes (Otago), 1; D. P. Lindsay (Canterburv), 2; C. J. Mathieson (Auckland), 3. Symes led throughout and won by three yards from Lindsay, beat Mathieson by five yards. Time, 57 4-5s —a record. 220 Yards Free-style (New Zealand University record, 2in 41 2-ss, D. H. Symes, Canterbury; holder of title, D. IH. Symes, Canterbury).—D. P. Lind- | say (Canterbury), 1; N. Herrick (Canterbury), 2; D. H. Symes (Otago), 3. : Lindsay forced the pace and at 100 ! yards ied Symes and Herrick by eight I yards. Swimming powerfully, Lindsay drew further away to win by 13 yards. Herrick beat Symes by eight yards. Time, 2m 33 3-os —a record. j 440 Yards Free-style (New Zealand j University record, (3m 12 3-ss, D. H. j Symes, Canterbury; holder of title, D. H. Symes, Canterbury).—l). P. Lind- j say (Canterbury), 1; F. L. Clark (Otago), 2; N. Herrick (Canterbury), I 3. Lindsay had another walkover, winI ning by 37 yards. There was an exj citing finish for second place between { Clark and Herrick, the first-named | holding out to win by four feet. Time, 5m 37 3-6s —a record. 100 Yards Breaststroke (New Zea- : land University record, lm 23 3-ss, W. M. Platts, Otago; holder of title, W. M. Platts, Otago).—W. M. Platts (Otago), 1; W. 1. Gunn (Auckland), |2; H. C. Tremewan (Victoria), 3. Platts proved too fast for his opponents and won by two yards. Gunn beat Tremewan by the same margin, lime, lm 23s —a record. 133 l-o Yards Dual Relay Race (teams of four swimmers, two ladies to swim 33 1-3 yards, two men to swim 66 2-3 yards; New Zealand University record, 2in 5 l-ss, Auckland; holder of title, Auckland). —Otago (Miss Z. Howarth, Miss C. Lang, D. H. Symes, F. Clark), 1; Canterbury (Miss Y. Levy, Miss Jackson, 1). P. Lindsay, N. Herrick), 2; Auckland (Miss E. Steele. Miss J. Thomson, C. J. Mathieson, T. V. Fitzpatrick), 3. Won by three yards, a touch between second and third. Time, lm 56 3-os—a record. Challenge Water Polo Match. —Victoria, 3 goals (Deck 2, Bradshaw 1); Auckland, 1. HANDICAP EVENTS 50 Yards Men's University Handicap. —First heat: R. Armitage, ss, 1; C. J. Vallance, 3s, 2. Time, 32 l-ss. Second heat: J. K. Somervell, 3s, 1; N. Vantier, 3s, 2. Time, 29 3-ss. Final: Somervell, 1; Armitage, 2; Vautier, 3. Won by a yard and a-half. Time, 295. 'SO Yards Ladies Open Handicap.— Miss Ball, 3s, 1; Miss E. Rainey, scr., 2. Won by two feet. Time, 325. 66 2-3 Yards Men's Open Handicap. —First heat: W. F. Smith, 2s, 1; D. Shanahan, 4s, 2; T. Rowell, Bs, 3. Time, 30s. Second heat: O. Oakley, 6s, 1; A." Pascoe, 7s. 2; F. Guzzwell, Bs, 3. Time, 41s. Third heat: V. B. Howarth (Wanganui), Bs, 1; C. Buchanan, 4s, 2; H. Vautier, 9s, 3. Time, 41 2-ss. Fourth beat: J. P. Farrell, 1; B. Hnnna, 10s, 2. Time, 365. Final: Howarth, 1; Hanna, 2; Smith, 3. Won by a yard, a touch between second and third. Time, 40s. 880 Yards Ladies' Open Handicap.— M iss M. Leydon. scr., 1; M iss J. Tingle, 50s. 2; Miss K. Bull. 255, 3. Won easily. Time, 13m 0 3-os —a New Zealand record. 100 Yards Auckland Secondary Schools' Championship.—N. Crump (Takapuna), 1: D. Shanahan (Sacred Heart), 2; R Webb (Takapuna), 3. Won by 10 yards, eight yards between second and third. Time, 58 l-ss. CONCLUSION OF TOURNEY TENNIS FINALS TO-DAY The tournament will be brought to a conclusion to-day, when the tennis finals will be played at the Stanley Street courts. Play will commence at 9 a.m., when Miss Eraser and Lucas, Otago, will meet Miss Gill and McCarthy, Victoria, in the combined doubles. The semi-finals of the men's doubles will be played at 9.30 a.m., when Burnett and Barrer, Canterbury, will be opposed to Wilson and Bowden, Auckland. The semi-finals of tho combined doubles and ladies' doubles will follow. Great interest will centre in tho afternoon games, which will he all finals. Miss R. Taylor, Auckland, will meet Miss M. Sherris, Canterbury, in the final of tho ladies' singles at 2 p.m., and a very keen and closo match should result. The final of the men's singles will follow, and in this 11. A. Barnett will play his team mate, R. A. Young. The firstnamed is well known in Auckland, where he played prominently in the Dominion championships two years ago. The tournament ball this evening will bring the function to a close.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21469, 18 April 1933, Page 11

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STUDENT TOURNEY New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21469, 18 April 1933, Page 11

STUDENT TOURNEY New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21469, 18 April 1933, Page 11