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UNIVERSITY CONTESTS annual championships OTAGO BOXERS OUTSTANDING BOAT RACE TO CANTERBURY Tho annual New Zealand University -tournament was commenced on Saturday in fine., weather. Tennis matches jwere played at tho Stanley Street courts and good progress was made. Tho finals will be decided to-morrow. jTho "boxing preliminaries were contested at the Town Hall in tho morn- ' / ing and the finals in the evening. A feature of this section of the progran; me was the outstanding ability of tho Otago representatives, who gained 6ix of the seven titles. The boat race was rowed on the harbour in the afternoon and it proved a walk away for Canterbury. Otaco's boat swamped after going about a mile, the crew at that stage being well / jn the rear. Auckland's boat swamped about a mile from the finish. Canterbury held a commanding lead at the time and its crew rowed along very smoothly to tho end. _ , The tournament will be continued ,to-day. Basketball matches will bo .played on. the Auckland University (courts this morning, the athletic sports / will be held at the Domain, and the swimming championships will be decided at the Tepid Baths this evening. Following are the results of Satur- - jilay's events: — LAWN TENNIS MATCHES CANTERBURY'S STRONG TEAM The lawn tennis matches at Stanley 1 Street revealed the fact that Canterbury holds a strong hand in this section. The two finalists in ihe men's singles, H. A. Barnett and R. A. ,Young, both hail from the southern centre. Barnett is well known to the Auckland public, as he contested the final of the New Zealand championship .with C. Angus here last year. Miss Sherris, Canterbury, will meet Miss R. Taylor, Auckland, in the final of the ladies' singles. The members of the Canterbury team are likely to play an / important part in tho doubles events also. The results of Saturday's eames pre as follows - — MEN'S SINGLES First Round.—H. A. Barnett (Canterbury) beat G. D. Whitcombe■ (Vicland) beat C. W. Chapman (Otago). , 6—2, 6—3; R. A. Young (Canterbury) beat W. B. Gosnell (Victoria), B—6. 6 4; C. G. Bowden (Auckland) beat £T, Macallan (Otago). 6 —2, 6—l. Semi-finals. —Barnett beat Walton. 6—3, 6—l; Young beat Bowden, 5—7. {7—s, 6—2. 7 / MEN'S ROUBLES First Round.—R. Lucas and L. Clark ROtago) beat R. L. Sowden and B. Duffield (Canterbury), 6—2. B—6; JW. B. Gosnell and J. J. MacCarthy (Victoria) beat S. R. Walton and B. Sutherland (Auckland), 6 —2, 6—2; H. A. Barnett and B. A. Barrer (Cari- ' terbury) beat, T. Macallan and O. W. Chapman (Otago), 6—l, 6 3; T. H. .Wilson and C. G. Bowden (Auckland) heat G. D. Whitcombe and P. A. Mac(Carthy (Victoria), 6—2, 6—2. Semi-final. —Gosnell and MacCarthy jbeat Lucas and Clark, 6 —3, 6 3. LADIES' SINGLES First Round.—Miss M. Sherris (Canterbury) beat Miss V. Collier (Otago), - M. Line (Victoria) beat' Miss J. Chambers (Auckland). 6—3, 6—4; Miss M. Pyne (Canterbury) beat Miss B. Fraser (Otago), 6__o 5—7, 7—5; Miss R. Taylor [(Auckland) beat Miss S. Phillips (Victoria), B—6, 6 —3, _ Semi-finals.—Miss Sherris beat Miss / Line, 6—3, 6—3; Miss Taylor beat Miss Pyne, 6 —l, 6 —4. LADIES' DOUBLES First Round—Misses M. Line and C. Longmore (Victoria) beat Misses r. Webb and F. Cooper (Canterbury). 6—l; Jtfisses Moir and P™£nell [(Ota'go), beat Misses F. MeKinnon and J. Rennie (Auckland), 6—l, 6-4; Misses T. R. Gill and S. Phillips (Victoria) beat Misses M. Morrison and M. Pyne (Canterbury), 6—4, .6 —3. Semi-final. —Misses Line an* Long- ■ jriore beat Misses G. Gardner and J. .(Chambers (Auckland), 6—2, 6 1. COMBINED DOUBLES First Round.—Miss L. C. Longmore fend J. J. McCarthy (Victoria), beat Miss Pragnell and L. Clark (Otago), g 6—o; Miss Sherris and B. A. .Barrer (Canterbury) beat Miss G. Gardner and K. Carnahan (Auckland), 6—2, 6—2; Miss R. Taylor and T. H. Wilson (Auckland) beat Miss Morrison and R. A. Younc (Canterbury), r 6—3, 6—2". BOXING TITLES SIX VICTORIES FOR OTAGO Some very good talent was shown at the boxing championships held in the '' Town Hall. The preliminaries were decided in the morning and the finals in ■ the evening, when there was a large attendance. Each contestant was enthusiastically greeted by supporters of his college. In addition to the tournament bouts there were special exhibitioils by Auckland amateurs and professionals. A medal presented by Mr. G. jW. Hutchison, Mayor of Auckland, to the most scientific boxer in the tournament was awarded to C. C. Steele, of Auckland. The shield for this sect ; on was won in convincing manner by Otago's representatives, who gained six of the seven titles. The ability of the members of the team reflected great credit upon their trainer, Mr. F. Harris. Otago scored 7i points "and Auckland I£. Tho >results were: Bantam-weight.—R. L. Cotton, jOtago, Bst. 91b., beat E. Malcolm, •Auckland, Bst. 71b.. on points. Cotton bear, J. C. K. Fabian, Victoria, on points. Cottoii did most of the attacking m the first three rounds. Fabian had the better of some lively interchanges in the final round, but he was too far behind on points. Feather-weight.—C. C. Steele, Auckland, J'st. 21b , beat L. F. Moller, Otago, 9st. 21b., on points. Steele beat I;. S. Black, Victoria, 9st. 111b., on points. Steele displayed a more varied attack and knocked his opponent down . in tho final round. Black rose and continued to the belj. Light-weight.—C. C. Wills, Canter- , bury, 9st. 71b.. beat H. R. C. Wild, / Victoria, 9st. lllb., on points. J. McCarten, Otago, beat Wills. McCarten scored to the head with both hands in the opening round. The boxers were inclined to clinch in the next round, but halfway through the Otago representative found an opening and knocked Jiis opponent out. Welter-weight.—W. T. Dunne, Otago, lOst. 91b., beat D. Glover, Canteibury, lOst. lllb., on points. J. Kent, , Victoria, ldst. lllb., beat C. J. Follick, Auckland, lOst. 41b., on points. Dunne beat Kent in the final. The JOtago man attacked with both hands fcnd had his opponent well on tha de-

fensivo. I'ent did better in the last two rounds, but Dunne's hitting was much cleaner. Middle-weight.—J. Dovi, Otago, lOst. 111b., beat W. J. Brittenden, Canterbury, lOst. 51b., on points, after the best contest of the tourney. G. K. Claris, Victoria, beat J. A. E. Mulgan, Auckland, on points. Dovi beat Claris in the final. Hg connected with solid rights to tho head and lefts to the body, and the referee awarded him tho bout on a technical knock-out about halfway through tho first round. Light-heavy-weight. —F. Keano, Otago, list., beat W. L. Barker, Auckland, list, 121b., on points, after an extra round had been ordered. Keane beat H. Williams, Victoria, list. 101b. Williams had an advantage in reach, but his opponent mixed it freely and had tho better of some close exchanges. Heavy-weight.—J. 11. Benson, Otago, list. 12ib., beat E. A. Webb, Canterbury, 12st. 3!b., on points. J. D. Collister, Auckland, 12st. 51b., beat E. Blacker, Victoria, lost., on points. Benson boat Collister after an uninteresting bout, characterised by much clinching and pushing. Benson .connected with some straight lefts when he forced the pace in the final round. Exhibition Bouts. —F. Veart beat C. Worth in a midget-weight bout after a good all-round display. P. Kelly beat H. McLachlan, being tho more aggressive of the two. L. McDonald and L. Pa.ynter, two professionals, gave a three rounds exhibition, which was much enjoyed. The following officials of tho Northern Boxing Association assisted in the control of the meeting:—Referee, Mr. 11. Meale; judges, Messrs. G. Bush, E. A. Craig; announcer, Mr. W. Dervan; timekeepers, Messrs. C. Cowan, J. Douglas. EIGHT-OAR RACE CANTERBURY'S EASY WIN The swamping of tho Otago and Auckland boats in tho eight-oar race left Canterbury, which had raced well from the start, an unopposed winnei. Having little competition over the last half of tho three-milo course and, rowing under unfavourable conditions, Canterbury finished in 20m o3 a time which was considerably slower than would have been the case under normal conditions. , __ , . The course was from the Kohimarama Wharf to the eastern tide deflector and was due to start at 3.00 p.m. <3 p m a large crowd had assembled on the wharf and the Waterfront Road was lined with cars. In addition two launches crowded with spectators followed the race. The race was started at 4.8 p.m., a delay having been caused by the necessity of baling out the boats after tho row from the sheds. A strong head wind was blowing and tho sea was choppy. Canterbury drew the position nearest the shore,, Otago being next and Auckland on the outside. Canterbury and Auckland made a good start, but Otago fell behind. Before reaching the Orakei Wharf, Canterbury, which had been rowing with a longer Stroke, took the lead from Auckland and began to draw away. Otago had been driving the boat too deeply and just off the wharf the crew was swamped, a launch having to put back to pick them up. Auckland also began to ship water badly and, half-a-mile beyond the wharf, its boat swamped also. Canterbury continued along smoothly, but its boat was almost on the water-line when it passed the judge's box. In the meantime, two of Otago s crew had rowed the Otago boat ashore and emptied it out, the crew later taking their place in it to row into second place about a quarter of an hour after Canterbury had finished. > The officials were:—Judges,'Professor R. M. ALgie, Messrs. L. E. Brooker, H. W. Hudson and A. M. Wilson; timekeeper, Sir. T. Marshall; umpire, Mr. C. H. Hunt; starter, Mr. E. H. Buckler. The crews were as follows: Canterbury.—D. M. Patterson, lOst. 121b. (bow); T. H. McCombs, list. 21b.; T. D. Nelson, list. 21b.; T. R. Evans, list. 91b.; R. M. Simmers, 12st.; M. Hunter, 13st.; H. R. Watts, list. 111b.; L. L. Hosking, list.; E. H. Carew, 9st. 121b. (cox). Otago.—M. R. Grace, lOst. 101b. (bow); Jacobs, lOst. 101b.; J. G. Crawford, 12st. 81b.; H. Whitehead list. 121b.; W. M. Platts, 12st. 101b.; J. N. Barron, 12st. 71b.; T. A. Macfarlane, 12st. 101b.; H. G. McAlpme, 12st. C. Home (cox). . . L 0 „ Auckland—N. C. Mason, 9st. 81b. (bow); S. Sheath, list. 81b.; D. L. Robinson, lOst. 81b.; J. P. Hooper, list. 21b.; F. G. Bowling, 12st. 31b.; O J. C. Mason, lOst. 71b.; J. C. McComish, LOst. 91b.; H. T. Lee, list. 31b.; J. K. Hunn (cox). This vetor was the first occasion since the event was inaugurated in 1928 that Wellington was not represented Wellington was the winner in 1928. and 1931 and Canterbury in 1930 and 1932. PROGRAMME FOR. TO-DAY NOTED ATHLETES PERFORMING There should be some very fine contests at the Domain to-day, when the pick of the athletes from the iour centres meet in a full programme of events. The first race will start at 11 o'clock arid the afternoon's events will commence at two o'clock. Canterbury is represented by a strong team and is expected to win the shield in this section. D. F. Anderson is the Canterbury provincial half-mile champion and joint holder with C. E. Evans of tho New Zealand Jind Australian record of lm 54 4-os. On a good track he should easily break the university record of lm 59 l-ss. A. T. Anderson is the holder of the New Zealand quartermile hurdles record of 56 2-ss. P. M. Jowett is expected to run well in the 220 yards. Otago's best man is E. G. Young, who defeated G. McGregor, the New Zealand title-holder, in the Canterbury championships. McGregor has been training hard in the meantime a*id is confident of being able to turn the tables on his opponent. F. H.. Stephenson is Victoria's champion sprinter and should run prominently in tho events in which he competes. Auckland's hopes are J. D. Lewis and H. C. Garlick in the shorter distances and E. G. Kedgley in the 440 yards. The basketball matches will be played at tho university courts, commencing at 9 a.m. The swimming championships will he dnnided at tho Tepid Baths this evening. Miss J. Thomson is Auckland's leading competitor and appears to dominate the position in tho ladies' events. D. P. Lindsay, the New Zealand distance champion, will bo coirmeting for Canterburv, while an ex-Canterbury sprinter, D. H. Svmes, is Otago's star.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21468, 17 April 1933, Page 12

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STUDENT TOURNEY New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21468, 17 April 1933, Page 12

STUDENT TOURNEY New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21468, 17 April 1933, Page 12