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WEEKLY WESTF!ELD SALE LATE VALUES MAINTAINED LARGE YARDING OF BEEF Late values were generally maintained at the weekly Wesifield fati stock sale I yesterday. There was a larger yarding of I beef, about 1000 head, compared with 800 head last we'ek. In spite of the increased numbers the demand was steady, easing cnly toward the closing stages of the sale, when requirements had been filled. | Although there was a fair proportion of i unfinished stock some first-class quality j came forward. Exporters operated to a limited, degree only, taking a small quani tity of prime and some boner stock. A large percentage of the latter just came to butchers' standard, otherwise more activity from exporters might have been possible. Over all, prices for ox beef equalled those of last week, but there was a slight shading in cow beef. | Sheep came forward in large numbers and met with a steady sale. Although the demand was fair only the local trade ; operated and prices, if anything, showed a slight reduction. Average numbers of lambs were penned. The quality was some'vvhat "patchy," but there was a brisk sale. All good sorts sold at fully late rates, but poorly finished brought lower prices. Calves, which came forward in average numbers, met with a ready disposal. Prices showed a distinct advance on last week. There was a keen demand for pigs, which wero yarded in large numbers. All classes of fats were quick to move, but store pigs were somewhat dull of sale. i Comparison of Quotations The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Westfield fat stock sales:— This Week Last Week BEEF (per 1001b.) Extra choice ox . . 19/- 19/Clioico and prime ox . . . . IG/- to 1?/- IG/- to 18/Choice and prime cow and heifer 14/- to 17/- 14/- to 17/Boner and rough . 81- to IG/- 9/- to 16/SHEEP (per head)Prime wethers .. ]l/-tols/.9 11/-to 16/Unfin. wethers .. 8/- to 10/9 9/- to 11/9 Prime ewes . . G/3 to 12/- (5/- to 12,'G Unfinished ewes . 31- to 7/- 3/- to 6/3 Prime lambs . . 8/- to 35■/- 8/G to 14/8 Unfin. lambs . . 4/- to 8/6 51- to 8/9 .CALVES (per head) — Runnei'3 . . . . 25/- to 57/- 20/- to 59/Vealers . . . . 10/- to 45/- 10/- to 42/PIGS (per head)— Choppers . . . . 20/- to 65/- 20/- to 56/Baconers .. .. 37/- to 59/- 36/- to 61/Porkers .. . . 16/- to 35/- 18/- to 46/Weaners . . . . 2/- to 11/- 3/- to 12/Slips . . . . SI- to 15/- 81- to 15/.Largo stores . . 14/- to 22/- 16/- to 22/Individual Consignments Top price for ox beef was secured by a iruck of steers from Mr. J. 11. Houghton, of Waimauku, which realised up to £8 7s 6d. A truck from -Sir. W. J. Ralph, of Mahutu, averaged £7 12s 6d, and consignments from Mr. 11. E. Reed, of Waerenga, realised from £6 17s 6d to £7 12s 6d and up to £7 7s 6d. A lino of 32 steers from Iloldsworth Brothels made up to £7 2s 6d, and "Mr. J. Rogers, Maungaturoto, sent forward a truck which realised from £b to £7. A consignment from Paterson Brothers made up to £6 ss. Two nice quality heifers from Mr. Houghton also topped the cow and heifer market, realising £6 ss. A lino from j Whakatane made up to £4 17s 6d. A coni signme'nt from Mr. H. L. Bayiy, of Oko- [ roire, made up to £4 7s 6d, and prices up to £4 were realised by a lino from Mr. A. Rowlands, of Clevedon. DETAILS OF SALES AUCTIONEERS' REPORTS DALGETY AND COMPANY Dalsety and Company, Limited, report on the sale yesterday as follows: Beef.—Wo ofTered ox beef in well up to average numbers. The Quality was firstclass, and selling under a steady demand values ruled at late rates. Cow and heifer beef was penned in full numbers, and values generally ruled, at last week's level. Extra choice ox 6ol<l to 19s per 1001b.; choice and prime ox, 16s to 18s; just killable, 13s to 15s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 15s to 17s; just killable, lis to 14s. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £7 15s to £8 7s 6d, for steers from Mr. J. H. Naughton, Waimauku; heavy prime steers, £7 to £7 12s 6d; lighter prime steers, £G 5s to £6 17s Gd; light prime steers, £4 17s 6d to £6 2s Gd; small and unfinished steers, £4 to £4 15s; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £4 15s to £6 ss, for heifers from Mr. J. H. Naughton, Waimauku; heavy prime cows and heifers, £3 15s to £4 10a; lighter prime cows and heifers, £2 12s- 6d to £3 12s 6d; other killable cows, £1 12s 6d to £2 10s. Sheep.—Sheep again came forward ifi big numbers, and found. a ready sale for all classes at values firm at late rates. Extra heavy prime wethers made from • 15s 3d to 15s 9d; heavy prime, 14s 3d to 15s; medium, 12s 9d to 14s; light and unfinished, lis 6d to 12s fid; heavy prime ewes, 9s 9d to 10s Gd; lighter, 7s Gd to 9s 6d; other ewes, 5s to 7s. Lambs, —Lambs were penned in average numbers, with the quality hardly up to standard. All well-finished lines found a ready sale at full late rates, while poorlyfinished sorts were dull of sale. Heavy prime lambs made from His 9d to 14s Gd; medium, 12s to 13s Gd; light, 8s to lis Gd. Calves.—An average yarding of calves was penned, and met with a brisk sale, values for all classes showing an improvement on last week's quotations Runners made from £1 5s to £2 10s; heavy vealers, £2 to £2 ss; medium, t£l 14s to £1 17s; light, £1 Gs to £1 12s; small, 15s to £1 2s; rough calves, 7s to 12s; email and fresh dropped, 3s to Bs. Pigs.—A heavy yarding of pigs came forward. and met with a keen demand, values being on a par with last week's quotations. Heavy baconers made from £2 14s to £2 19s; medium, £2 9s to'£2 12s; light, £1 17s to £2 3s; heavy porkers. £1 13s to £1 15s; medium, £l. 8s to £1 lis; light, £1 3s to £1 Gs; small, 17e to £1 Is. LOAN AND MERCANTILE The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report on llio sale as follows : Beof.—Beef was penned in largo numbers. Thero was a steady demand for ox beef, which sold at late values. Cow and heifer beef was yarded in excess- of requirements, and generally was easier in value, Extra choice ox sold to 19s per 1001b.; choice and prime ox, lGs to 18s; ordinary and plain ox, 13s to 15s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 15s to 17s; ordinary cow beef, lis to 14s; extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £7 to £7 15s: heavy prime steers, £G to £G 17s Gd; lighter prime* steerß, £5 to £5 17a 6d; light prime steers, £4 to £4 17s 6d; unfinished and small, £2 5s to £3 17s Gd; extra heavy prime young cows and hoifers, £4 5s to £4 17s, Gd; heavy prime young cows and heifers, 10s to £4 2s Gd; lighter, £2 ]7s Gd to £3 7s Gd:- light cows, £2 to £2 15s; other cows, £1 to £1 17s 6d. Prime steers froir) Mr, W. J. Ralph, Mahutu, realised up to JC7 15s. Prime steers from Mr. 11. E. Keed, Waerenga, realised up to £7 12s Gd. Shesp.—Sheep were yarded in averaee numbers, and. although there was a steady demand, values doclined Is a head, Iloavyprime wethers made from 13s 9d to 15a; medium prime wethers, 12s Gd to 13s Gd: light primo wethers, lis to 12s 3d; small and unfinished wethers, 8s to 10s 9d; heavy prime ewes, 8s 9d to 10s: medium prime ewes, 7s Gd to 8s Gd; light prime ewes, Gs 3d to 7s 3d; inferiorly fatted ewes, 3s to 6s. Lambs Lambs were penned in average numbers and sold at late values. Prtmp lambs made from 9s Gd to 14s; store lambs, 5s to 8s Gd. Pigs.—There was a heavy yarding of fat and store pigs. Competition was steady throughout, with values on a par with last week's quotations. Choppers sold from £1 to £1 15s; medium baconers, £2 Gs to £2 14s; light baconers and heavy porkers,_ £1 14s to £2 4s; medium porkers and light

porkers, £1 8s to £1 12s; smaller, £1 2s to £1 Gs. Store pigs: Large stores, lGs to £1 2s; slips, 10s to 15s; weaners, 4s to lis. Calves.—Calves were penned in average' numbers. There was a better demand and values improved on last week's quotations. Kunners made from £1 10s to £2 14s; heavy vealers, £1 16s to £2 4s; medium, £1 10s to £1 15s; light, £1 to £1 8s; smaller, 10s to 18s; small and freshed dropped, 3s to 8s; rough calves, 5s to 10s. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS Alfred Buekland and Sons, Limited, report on the sale as follows: Beef.—Wo penned fat eattlo to the number of 409 head. A3 against 418 head at last week's market, comprising 201 steers, and 208 cows and heifers. Ox beef sold at about last week's quotations. Cows and heifers were lower, especially the former. Extra choice ox sold to 19s per 1001b: choice-and prime ox. 17s to 18s; secondary and plain ox, 14s to lGs: primo youmr cow and heifer beef, 14s to 16s; ordinary cow beef, 8s to 13s. Extra heavy primo steers sold at £7 7s Gd; heavy primo steers. £6 10s to £7 2h Gd; liKhtej; prime steers. £5 10s to £6 7s Gd; light prime steers. £3 30s to £5 7s Gd; small and unfinished-steers. £2 to £3 7s Gd; extra heavy primo younz cpws and heifers, £4 5s to £4 17s Gd: heavv prime cows and heifers, £3 10s to £4 2s Gd; lighter primo cows and heifers. £2 10s to £3 7s Gd; other killable cows, £1 10s to £2 7s Gd. Sheep.—Sheep were penned in full numbers and sold steadily throughout at fullv last week's rates. Extra heavy nrimo wethers made from 15s to 15s 9d; heavy prime wethers, 14s to 14s 9d; medium to heavy prime wethers. 12s Gd to 13s 9d: liaht |.o medium prime wethers, lis Gd to 12s 3d: unfinished wethers, 8s to 10s 9d: extra heavy primo young and maiden ewes. 10s to 12s; heavy prime owes. 8s to 9s 9d: lighter prime ewes. 7s to 7s 9d; other killable eweß, Gs to Gs 9d: other ewes, 3s to 5s Gd. (1528 sheep wero sold.) Lambs.—The lamb pens were well filled and values realised were much the same as lato sales. Extra, heavy prime lambs made from lis to 15s: heavy prime lambs. 12s Gd to 13s 9d; lighter prime lambs, lis to 12s 3d: light prime lambs, 8s 9d to 10s 9d; small and plain lambs, 4s to 7s Gd. (851 lambs wero sold.) Calves.~Wo had an average offering of calves. Bidding was brisk and our Quotations show an improvement. Runners made £1 10s to £2 17s: heavy vealprs, £1 17s to £2 ss; medium, £1 lis to £J 15s; licrht. £1 4s to £1 9s; small. 14s to £1; roueh and bucket-fed, 8« to 15s; bobby calves. 2s to Gs. (172 calves woro sold.) Pigs.—There was an extra large yardinc of pigs. All classes of fats met a readv sale at values fully equal to those rulinir last week. Store pigs were not in demand, weaners being particularly hard to sell. Choppers mode £1 5s lo £3 ss, according to weight; extra heavy prime baconers. £3 to £3 3s; heavy baconers. £2 15s to £2 19s: j medium, £2 9s to £2 12s: light, £1 17s to ;£2 7s: heavy porkers. £1 13s to £1 15s: 'medium. £1 9s to £1 lis: light and unfinished, £1 <Js to £1 7s; small, lGs to £1 Is; stores, 14s lo 19s; slips, 8s to lis; weaners. 2s to Gs; sows due to farrow, £1 5s to £2 15s; sows with litters. £2 to £3 12s Gd. (A total (|jf 802 pigs was sold.) RATES AT ADDINGTON LARGER SHEEP ENTRIES GOOD DEMAND FOR LAMBS [by telegraph—press association] CHRISTCHUJtCH, Wednesday Entries wore larger in all the sheep sec- ' tions at tho Addington market to-day and were smaller in the cattle section. Store Sheep.—Good store lambs, of which tlmro was a moderate entry, sold at last week's values, but backward sorts were hard lo sell. Best made 7s to 8s sd; medium, 5s to Gs 9d. Good young ewes met with a steady Bale at recent values, but older sorts were almost impossible to quit. Extra good four-tooth Romney ewes made to 16b; good two-tooth Itomney cross, 12s to 13s 9d; good Bound-mouth ißomney cross, 6s 9d to 7s 9d: good two-tooth halfbred, to 14s; medium two-tooth halfbred, 10s to 12s 9d; small two-tooth halfbred, 8s 3d to 9s 3d; medium four and six-tooth halfbred, to lis 0d; inferior four and six-tooth halfbred, Gs to 8s Gd; ordinary iJix and eight-tooth halfbred, 8s 3d to 8s 9d; good sound-mouth halfbred, to 8s Gd; medium sound-mouth halfbred, Gs to 7s; failiug-mouth, 4s to oh Od: aged and inferior, 5d to 3s 9d; young halfbred wethers, 4s to 8s lOd. Fat Lambs.—A total of 3500 was penned. There was a good demand and values wore unaltered. Best made to 15s 7d; prime heavy, lis to 15s; medium-weight, lis Gd io 13s Gd; light, 9s Gd to lis. Eat Sheep.—There was a very heavy entry of 7000 head, including a big Chatham Islands consignment. Butcherc' ewes wore inclined to ho better in price, but wethers were slightly cheaper. Exporters operated freely. Primo heavy wethers made lis Gd to 15s 7d; prime medium-weight, 12s to 14s; ordinary. 10s 3d to lis 6d: light, 8s Gd io 10s; extra prime heavy ewes, to lis Id; prime heavy, 9s to JOs; mediumweight, prime, Gs 9d to 8s Gd; ordiuary, 4s 9d to Gs Gd; light, 3s Gd to 4s Gd. Fat Cattle.—The yarding consisted of 375 head. Prime cattle were limited. An erratic sale resulted, but best cattle showed a rise in value of 20s a head. Good beef mado 18s to 20s; medium, 15s to 17s; secondary cow, lis Gd to 13s; rough, down to 9s. Extra prime heavy steers made to £9 2s Gd: primo heavy, £7 to £8 12s Gd : medium-weight, prime, £6 to £7 10s; ordinary, £4 to £5 10s; inferior, £2 to £3 17s Gd; extra primo heifers, to £6 17s 6d; prime, £4 10b to £5 17s Gd; ordinary, £3 2s Gd to £4 7s Gd; light, £2 5s to £3; extra prime cows, to £6 7s 6d; primo, £4 to £5 15s; light and ordinary, £1 10s to £3 7s Gd. 1' at • Pigs.—Porkers were easier, but baconers were firmer. Choppers made 30s to £4 13s 6d; baconers, 34s Gd to £2 16s Gd; average price per lb., 3Jd to 4Jd; porkers, 22s Gd to 31s Gd; average price per lb., 3Jd to 4id. LONDON WOOL SALES LATE RATES MAINTAINED LONDON, March 28 At the wool sales to-day 6959 bales were offered, including 3765 from New Zealand. About 5680 were sold. There was steady home and Continental demand. Offerings wero mostly cleared at late rates. The following prices were realised: — New Zealand greasy halfbred: Mo«raka, top price 10£ d, average 9^d; greasy crossbred, Owera, B£-d and 6 3-8 d; New Zealand, scoured : Queensland, TM in circle, and 14^d. GOLD AND SILVER QUOTATIONS IN LONDON LONDON, March 28 Fine gold is quoted to-day at £6 0s 9£d an ounce, compared with £6 0s 10|d yesterday. Silver is quoted at 17id an ounce spot and 18 7-8 d forward, compared with 17 7-16 d and yesterday. SALE OF HORSES VALUES AT PUKEKOHE [from our own correspondent] PUKEKOHE, Wednesday Alfred Buekland and Sons, Limited, conducted a successful horse sale at Pukekohe yesterday. About 130 horses were otTered and few animals wero passed. Competition was keen for all good farm sorts. Medium draughts made from £2B to £24 10s: aged, £IG 10s to £24;' useful farm horses, £22 to £3O; aged, £l2 10s to £2O; light harness sorts, £8- 10s to £l9; hacks. £4 10s lo £l2 10s; ponies. £2 to £6. HAWKE'S BAY VALUES [BX TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION] HASTINGS, Wednesday Thero was a fairly heavy entry of both fat and store cattle at tho Stortford Lodge sale to-day, sonio 200 head of fat and 500 storo eattlo being entered. Storo sheep were represented by GOOO sheep and fat sheep entries increased to 4000. Tho sale of fat eattlo dragged owing to the poor quality generally of the entries. - Prices wore well maintained, those for top lines being slightly improved. Storo sheep values were unaltered, quality lines making slightly higher prices. Fat sheep sold well and although the sale extended owing to the large entries the market tone was appreciably brighter, values in all sections of fat sheep advancing. Bullocks sold at prices ranging from £4 10s to £8 lis: cows, £2 to £5 15s; heifers, £3 to £4 13s Gd; storo bullocks, to £4 15s; cows, £1 10s to £3. Store sheep: Ewes mado 3s fid to 14s fid; wethers, 9s to lis 7d; lambs, 5s to 10s. Fat sheep: Lambs made 7s to 13s; wethers, 10s to 14s; ewes, 6s to 8s; two-tooths, to lis lOd.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21454, 30 March 1933, Page 5

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FAT STOCK MARKET New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21454, 30 March 1933, Page 5

FAT STOCK MARKET New Zealand Herald, Volume LXX, Issue 21454, 30 March 1933, Page 5