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AUCKLAND ASSOCIATION SINGLE PENS AND TEAMS THIRTY-FIRST WEEK'S RESULTS The 31sfc week of the Auckland Poultry Keepers Association s 14th singlo pen and team egg-laying contest ended on Sunday. Ihe following are the results for birds and teams, the figures iu parentheses being the weekly totals, the next set the individual totals, and the last set the team aggregates:— SINGLE BIRD COMPETITION All Breeds (28 birds)— Mtb. A. Herbert—Black Orpington—(7) 177 Hampton Poultry Farm—White Leg-hosn-rfS) . . 173 Whenuajmi Poultry Farm—Black Or-pington-r.(5) 101 R, M. Smith—White Leghorn—(6) .. 15a Win. Words worth—Black Orpington—(4) 152 H. E. Morris—White Leghorn—(s) . . 148 ilrs. W. H. Carter— Orpington—(s) 117 Geo. Herring, No. I—White Leghorn— (5) 147 Les. Batkin—White Leghorn—(G) . . 113 Mrs. I. Dirnant, No. I—Black Orpington— (3) 142 E. D. Wilkinson, No. I—White Leghorn—(6) 141 Mavis Phillips—-Whito Leghorn—(s) . . 139 IH. Graham—Bluck Orpington—(4) . . 137 Geo. Herring, No. 2—While Leghorn—(s) 130 Mrs. I. Dimant, No. 2—Black Orpinston—(s) . . 127 "■Mrs. J. A. B. Hellaby, No. 2-Black ' Orpington—(—) 123 Mrs. J. A. B. Hellaby. No. I—Black Orpington—(s) 122 Mrs. De Baugh—White Leghorn—(s) 120 Mrs. Vernon—White Leghorn— (2) ~ 115 Whenuapai Poultry Farm—Whito Leghorn^—(4) 100 A. J. Rowles—White Leghorn—(s) . . 109 Geo. Herring, No. 3—White Leghorn—- <—) 108 Tom Ingham—White Leghorn— (2) . . 106 W. Bish—White Leghorn—(s) . . 103 Mrs. A. Z. Nixon—White Leghorn—(l) 103 IS. D. Wilkinson, No. 2—White Leghorn—(s) 92 A. J. Rowles—Black Orpington—(s) . . 90 A. F. T. An3ley—Black Orpington—(s) 7G TEAMS CONTEST (FOUR BIRDS) HEAVY BREEDS SECTION Black Langshans (2 teams)— Mrs. E. R. Warnock—(ls). 110, 126, 143 14 519 A. Wood—(12). 114, 72. 113. 77 . . . 370 Black Orpingtons (31 teams)— F. W. Lusby, No. 1—(22), ISO. Ml, 161 .179 (if,l A. Wood—(171. 142. 104, 171, 170 . . 047 J Havern and Son—(2o). 101. IG4. 103, 152 640 C. T. Richards—(2o). 197, 109. KM, 139 038 H. Ayling—(lo), 148. 140. 15(5, 158 .. 002 Mrs. J. A. B. Hellaby—(l4). 110. 151. 167, 170 .. .. GOl A. Gamble— (17). 115. 180. 125. 179 .. 599 ♦A. Wilson—:(10). 130, 177, 102, 188 .. 597 Mrs. I. Dimant—(2l)., 168. 154, 142, 133 597 F. W. Lusby. No. 2-1(22). 115. Ml. UP. 152 . . . . . . . . . . .. 587 Roy Pheasant—(l4), 153. 130, 152, 150 555 A. P. W. Morrow—(ls), 130. 107, 135, 151 583 Wm. Wordsworth—(2o). 139. 110. 110, 151 582 Mrs. J. Chitty—(23), 148. 157. 107, 107 579 J. O. Law—llß), 140. 138. .140. 150 . . 571 Mrs. R. G. Hunt—(ll). 130. 150. 140, 133 553 Mrs. W'. lying—(2o), 104, 150. 132, 155 511 Whenuapai Poultry Farm—(22), 105, 174, 107, 151 537 W. Bisi—(18). 100. 145. 97. 129 .. 531 Geo. Anderson—(l3), 108, 79, 154, 120 527 J. C. Nesfield— (21), 133. 115, 133. 110 527 W. King— (20), 109. 122 141. 139 .. 511 J. Nash—(lo), 89. 148, 138. 108 . . . . 483 A. T. Bilkey—(11), 139. 150, 75. 118 .. 482 ♦Mrs. F. K. O'Malley—(11). GO, MG, 121, 138 474 J. A. Hanham— (15). 128. 82. 129. 133 472 Les. Batkin—(2o), 130. 83, 121, 111 . . 445 •E. J. Taylor. No. I—(13)., 150, 102, 8-1, 49 -115 *E. J. Taylor. No. 2—(14), 145. 120, 101 47 4 \3 Sam. James —(22), 112 87 , 98. 11l . . 10b *Mrs. W. H. Carter —(17). 74, 143. 49, 14 * . . 407 *Miss O. Carter—(lo). 125. 130. 70, 41 372 A. F. T. Ansley, No. 1—(10). G3. 73, 108. 123 , • - db7 A. F. T. Ansley, No. 2—(10), 02, 91. 83. JlO 316 LIGHT BREEDS SECTION White Leghorns (61 teams) — J R. Ross -(20), 177. 105. 151. 173 . . GOO Mrs. De Baugh, No. 1— (23), 100. 175, 159. 134 .. ... • • -• •• G-S E. I). Wilkinson, I\u. 1—(22), Id, 111. 152, 148 010 Margaret Boot—(23), 109. 105. 101. 11G Gil Mrs. A. Herbert —(21). 103, 1 o(>, J W Manifold thistin J?ro%—(23). 1,74. 113, 125. 158 . . 000 Wm. Phillips—(2l). 159, 133. 153. 144 . ob 9 Mrs. De Baugh. No. 2—(21). 159. MG, 115, 138 , v 583 W. H. Skeates—(24). 159. 133, 137. lob 08' Tom lugham—(l7), 134. 154., 152, 112 . 682 A. T. Bilkey—(2o). 133, 153, 153. 138 . 577 Geo. Herring, No. 2—(22), 130, 147, 124, 107 574 F. Woolliams—<23), 144, 102, 102, 94 . 50'Mrs. A. Brinck—(2o). 140, 120, 147, 143 ■ . • 502 Argyle Poultry Farm, No. 2—(21), 153, 113. 1-10, 148 500 Geo. Herring, No. 3 —(23), 129, 129, 139. 102 553 McLean and Whitworlh—(2o), 91, 107, 137, 159 . . 554 C. Consens—(l9). 109, 92, 131, 157 . . 552 L. E. W. Wood—(23). 102, 173. 124. 153 552 W. King—(23), 143, 135. 125, 147 .. 500 Capt. Hackett—(lo), 158. 104. 110, 87 . 519 Aildrie Poultry Farm—(l4), 131, 109, 89, 150 . . . . • • - • . . 518 F. Porter—(22), 133, 132, 152, 120 . • 5-13 Mrs, J. Chitty—(2s). 121. 123, 130. 168 542 Springbok Poultry Farm —(18), 101. 140, 132, 100 512 R. Wilson, No. 1 —(23), 145, 148, 114, 133 540 A. Black—(l6). 151, 152. 123, 111 . . 540 Fowey Poultry Farm—(l6), Ml, 134, 129, 134 5:18 ,T A. Williams—(2l), 104. 111, 106, 97 53S Lillydale Poultry Farm—(l7), 131, 154, 102 142 532 W. Bieh— (20), 119, 155, 118, 131 . . 523 H. Love—(2l). 121, 109, 138, 150 . . 518 Mrs. E. Hodgson—(22), 127, 91. 120. 168 515 R. M. Smith—(2o). 103. 147. 128. 136 . 514 Argylo Poultry Farm, No. 1—(17), 122, 123, 135, 131 514 Whenuapai Poultry Farm —(22), 140. 115. 129, 128 512 Hampton Poultry Farm—(22). 99, 179, 149. 84 511 Les. Batkin—(24). 1(30. 93, 112. 146 . 511 R. Beatt-r-(15), IG2, 116. 97. 135 . . 510 W. Houghton—(24). 105. 130. 10.1. 171 507 R. Wilson. No. 2—(22), 113, 77. 155. 128 503 W. Spencer—(2l). 129, 121, 102, 118 . 500 Mrs. F. K. O'Mallcy—(22), 90, 157 , 07, 154 471. Miss L. E. Pye. No. 2—(18), 129, 101. 127, 110 473 Sam. .Tames— (21). 110. 140, 90. 120 . 472 J. Havern and Son—(24), 73, 102, 113, 153 471 A. Stormont—(2l). 74. 135, 122. 140 . 471 Ij. J. Vennall—(l7), 97. 130. 124. 117 . 408 "Mrs. A. Z. Nixon—(l4). 154, 87. 90. 133 404 Mrs. M. L. Douglas. No. 2—(17). 127, 131, 80. 125 403 Mrs. M. L. Douglas, No. 1—(20), 93, 132, 129, 108 462 *G. G. AylLng—(ls). lit. 88. 107. 69 . 438 T. llarri«on—(ls). 45, 137. 140, 115 . 437 Miss L. E. Pyc, No. l-(20). 118, 111, 91. 108 431 Geo. Herring, No. 1 —(21), 126, 93, 114, 90 429 Mrs. R. G. Hunt—(22). 88. 13J), 102, 102 .. 425 A Cambie—(lß), 07. 118, 90, 125 . . 400 *E. D. Wilkinson, No. 2—(10), 56. 75. 161. 101 393 Mrs. I/. Picklifd—(2l), 120, 100. 120, 28 368 ♦Mrs. E. Harrison—(l4). 15. 121, 123, 90 355 DUCK SECTION Whito Indian Runners (9 teams)— J. Havern and Son-(15), 103, 199, 192, 200 75-lj C. H. Oliver, No. 1—(18), 186, 200, 207, 128 721 C. H. Oliver, No. 2 (20). 186. 138, 203. 131 058 'II. Harrison—(l4). 111. 138, 104. 193 , 030 Tatsfield Poultry Farm—(lß), 177, 77, 183. 183 . 620 •Airdrio Poultry Farm—(lo), 154. 157, 21, 181 513 J. E. Woodroffe—(2s). 151. 109. 97. 117 501 J. A. Hanhnm— (12). 50. 160. 87. 115 . . 418 MS. R. Wornook—(2o). —. 94, 103, 83 . 280 Buff Orpingtons (1 team) — ♦Mrs. I. Dimunt—(2o). 178, 152, 198, 185 713 Khaki Campbells (2 teams)— Mrs. Leo Ayling—(24), 181. 196, 155, 179 711 Mrs. F. Coupons—(7). -. 122, 181 303 Fawn and, Whito Indian Ru,nnors (5 tennis), ■A. F. T. Ansley—(22), 185, 183. 110, 179 . . . . . . . . . . G57 E. K. Warnock-(22). 216, 175, 82. 17G 649 AU'drie Poultry Farm—-(13), 115, 113, 101, 189 . . 548 A. E. Stockley. No. 2—(15)., 161, 50, 183, 129 ' . . .... . . 523 A, E. Stiockley. No. l-r-(10). 124, 143, 99, 102 . . 46S

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New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21325, 28 October 1932, Page 17

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EGG – LAYING CONTEST New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21325, 28 October 1932, Page 17

EGG – LAYING CONTEST New Zealand Herald, Volume LXIX, Issue 21325, 28 October 1932, Page 17